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November 12, 2020

Christian Grant
Year 2 Student
Supply Chain & Operations Management Program
Durham College
Oshawa, ON

Letter of Appreciation – ASCM Student Case Competition

Dear Christian:

On behalf of the faculty in the Business Administration – Supply Chain & Operations
Management program, we would like to thank you for representing Durham College in the
recent Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) North American Case Competition.
Offered in conjunction with Deloitte Consulting LLP, this case competition gave you and your
group an opportunity to apply your supply chain knowledge to a complex set of challenges
drawn from real business problems.

This competition required you to apply many of the analytical skills you have learned in your
program while working with a team. This was a very complex case that spanned issues related
to inventory management, supplier evaluation, and factory capacity. In addition to the
complexity of the case content itself, you had the added challenge this year of collaborating
with your team in an entirely remote environment using online platforms to prepare and
deliver your case solution.

We hope that you enjoyed your experience in the case competition. You are to be
congratulated for making the very most of your College education by participating in extra-
curricular activities like one. You have demonstrated a willingness to go “over and above” the
minimum, and we know you will continue that habit as you progress through your studies and
then on into your career.


Jennifer Souch Jackie Shemko

Program Coordinator Faculty
Supply Chain & Operations Programs Supply Chain & Operations Programs
Durham College Durham College

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