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Instructional Planning (iPlan)

(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s. 2016)

March 12, 2019

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format
DLP No.: Learning Area: Grade Level: Grade Quarter: Duration: 1 hr.
English 6
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) Infer the speaker tone, mood and purpose. EN6LC-Id-2.11.1
Key Concepts
to be Developed
Domain Adapted Cognitive Process 1. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to;
identify the tone and mood of the story The Moth and the Lamp;
Skills Analyzing differentiate the tone and the mood;
evaluate the importance of knowing the tone and the mood of the story;
Creating write a short story and identify its tone and mood;
Attitude Receiving Phenomena

Values Internalizing Values relate the importance of the story in the real life situation.

2. Content Tone and Mood

3. Learning Resources
 Power point presentation

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity (3 minutes).

The class will start with a prayer and greetings. Then, the students will be informed
about the day’s lesson objectives:
 identify the tone and mood of the story The Moth and the Lamp;
 differentiate the tone and the mood;
 evaluate the importance of knowing the tone and the mood of the story;
 write a short story and identify its tone and mood;
 relate the importance of the story in the real life situation.

4.2 Activity (10 minutes). Let’s Warm Up

 Vocabulary Enrichment
A. Unlocking of Difficult Words
Match the word from the first column to its meaning from the second
Word Meaning
1. Flickering A. Dried out by heat or
excessive exposure to
2. Beckon sunlight.
B. (Of a flame or light) burning or
shining unsteadily.
3. Scorched C. Seem to be appealing or
4. Heed D. Jump or dive quickly and
E. Shiny as a result of being
5. Dusk rubbed.
F. Suffer death, typically in a
6. Valor violent, sudden, or untimely
7. Headstrong G. Knows her own mind and who
is determined to have her own
8. Perish way.
H. Great courage in the face of
9. Polished danger, especially in battle.
I. The darker stage of twilight.
10. plunged J. To pay attention to something,
especially advice or a warning.
K. To shine brightly.

 Motivation and Motive questions

Now that you have learned the words, get ready to listen to the story.

The story that you will listen today is an anecdote. Anecdote is a short amusing
or interesting story about a real incident or person.

Now answer the following questions:

Do you believe in the saying “Mother knows best”? Why and Why not?
How can you say that a person is a brave one? Cite a certain situation.

 Listening to the story

The teacher will provide a copy of the story to the students and let them follow
as the teacher reads the story The moth and the Lamp.

The Moth and The Lamp

An Anecdote

4.3 Analysis (7 minutes). Answer the following questions. Base your answer from Let’s Warm Up.

1. What is the selection all about? Who are the characters?

2. Compare the young Moth to the youth of today.
3. On your own experience, think of an event that you think you did exactly like the
moth. Explain briefly.

4. Why is the young moth refused to listen to the mother’s warning?

5. What is the lesson of the story? What can you do to avoid hurting like the moth
in the story?

4.4 Abstraction (10 minutes). Now let’s study the Tone and the Mood of the story.


Tone and mood both deal with the emotions that center around a story or a poem or
any piece of literature. Though they seem the same and can in fact be related by what
causes them, they are in fact quite different.

The tone is the attitude of the author toward the subject, the reader, or the characters. It
is how the writer feels about what he or she is writing. The author conveys the tone by
the setting, characters, word choice, and other details along the way.

The mood is the feeling of the reader gets from reading the author’s word. It is the
feeling the reader or listener has about the text. It could be the same as tone, but not

Here are some of the examples of tone words and mood words.

Tone Words Mood Words

Amused optimistic Depressed frustrating

Angry pessimistic Mysterious gloomy
Authoritative playful Sentimental happy
Cheerful important Sorrowful joyful
Horror clear sad Suspenseful
Formal serious Fanciful
Gloomy suspicious Frightening
Humorous witty
Informal Ironic
Light matter-of-fact resigned

Here is an example of a strategy on how to infer tone and mode.

A. The moth said, “What if I got scorched a little? Then I will have a mark of

Tone Mode

I think the tone is optimistic or positive As a reader/listener I felt alarmed by

because the moth showed bravery in the action of the young moth. The
times of danger. mood is alarming.
4.5 Application (10 minutes). Writer’s feeling, Reader’s feeling

Let us have some group activities.

As a group, identify the tone and mood of the following parts of the story The Moth and
the Lamp. Then, complete the table. Be ready for a group reporting afterwards. You
may use the list of Tone words and Mood Words.

1. “Lamps are not for little creatures like you,” she said. “You will get scorched and
burnt. You will be safer hiding in the dark like the others.
2. Better be burnt seeking the light, than perish in the darkness.” Thought the
headstrong Moth.


1. 1.

2. 2.

Follow-up questions:
1. What is the importance of knowing the tone and the mood of the story?
2. Do you think it will help you better understand what the story is trying to

4.6 Assessment (10 minutes).

More Writer’s feelings, Reader’s feelings

Identify the Tone and Mode of the Following. You may use the list of Tone Words and
Mood Words. Write your answers in a ½ size of paper.

1. A young moth once set his heart on a light Lamp. The flickering seemed to
beckon him every evening.
2. When the moth told her mother about his heart’s desire, she was filled with
3. But the moth did not heed his mother’s warning. At dusk, when the lamp was lit
he would start flying towards it, circling around and feeling its warmth.
4. One night he polished his wings until they shone brightly. And with deep
resolve, he plunged right into the lamp.
5. Alas! He was swallowed by the laughing, dancing flame and was seen no more.

4.7 Assignment (2 minutes).

 Reinforcing / strengthening
the day’s lesson In a 1 whole sheet of paper, write a short story about your favorite animals. After that,
Identify the tone and the mood of the story that you made. You may use the list of Tone
Words and Mood words. Pass it next meeting.
4.8 Concluding Activity (3 minutes).
Let the students ponder on the following quote:
“Sometimes to change a situation you are in requires you to take a giant leap. But, you
won't be able to fly unless you are willing to transform.”
― Suzy Kassem

1. Remarks

2. Reflections

Prepared by:

Name: Rena A. Sabedoria School: Northeastern Cebu Colleges

Position/Designation: Division: Cebu Province
Contact Number: 09672911407 Email address:

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