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Speaking exercise (English Tenses)

1. Can you talk about yourself and your family?

2. Is it better to study in the morning or at night? Why?

3. Do you think vacations are important to people?

If yes, give 3 different reasons why?

4. Is it better to use Facebook or Instagram? Why?

5. Which skill is more difficult when people are learning English

listening or the speaking?

6. What is the most effective way for you to study English?

7. Which are the most important things parents should teach

dren at home?

8. What is the perfect age for a person to get married?

. Why do you think so many couples are getting divorces


Which do you think it is easier to be, a man or a woman?

How important is money to you?

What is the most important invention in life?

Where did you spend your best vacation?

Talk about an important childhood experience.

Did you have a hero or idol as a child?

Did you like school as a teenager?

Is there anything you learned as a child that you find totally

eless now?

Could you compare people´s lifestyle in the 90´s with the ones
m nowadays?

Talk about a time when you had to make an important decision.

Tell us about a dangerous experience you had.

Have you ever been abroad? If so, which country would you like
go and why?

How important has television been in your life?

How has help you most in your life?

Have you ever experienced déjà vu?

Have you ever cried while watching a movie?

Have you studied any other language besides English? If not,

ich one would you like to learn?

Have you ever had the opportunity to strike up a conversation

h an English native speaker? If so, how was it?

Have you lived any bad experience in a restaurant or any public


Do you think teachers will disappear from schools in the future?

What do you think people´s lives will be like in 2050?

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