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Chad Wood Writeup

Education 199

Professor Meyer

November 5, 2020

Although I did not get the opportunity to join a zoom meeting with Chad Wood getting

the opportunity to listen to his podcast was really beneficial. I enjoyed getting to listen to how he

got into education and how he started the club at Butler University. During this podcast, he was

studying in Vienna and China and how he described what he did sounded amazing. He talked

about how different the education system is from the United States but due to the differences, he

was able to teach himself how to adapt and implement his own values and beliefs. A piece of

advice that he gave to new educators or teachers was if you have to have a discussion with a

parent about their student was to call parents at least 3 times and say positive things about their

kid before having to have a harder and more serious discussion and to ask for help and not try

and do everything on your own.

My strongest asset that I obtained while listening to Chad Wood’s podcast was having an

open mind as I didn’t really know what to expect so I did not have any preconceived ideas of

who he was or what he did as an educator. Having an open mind when going into something new

allows you to learn and hear aspects you might not necessarily hear or focus on when you

already have formed opinions and ideas.

A core value that Chad Wood connected with was “Candidates develop caring and

respectful relationships within a community of learning.” I think he connected with this the most

as he discussed asking for help and forming a relationship with a few of the other teachers

working alongside you and keeping them close as they could be good resources for you.

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