Hannah Joy D. Mari BSED 2-1 Thingking Geograpically

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Hannah Joy D.

BSED 2-1

1. Imagine and describe the most remote place on Earth you can think of 100 years ago.
Now, describe how globalization has changed this place and how the people there
continue to shape the place – to make it the place it is today.
 The most remote place on Earth, 100 years ago are people with simple life, mostly
the things they eat are from farm they only buy once when they need it so much, the
air is clean and landscapes are full of Trees, Plants and flowers. And people are
more in being hospitable, generous, kind and following the rule in their culture.
Now these things are completely different because air now is polluting not only the
air even the water is polluting now. If 100 years ago, people are walking, now
mostly they in their car. The farm that source of food became more in building like
malls, condominium or houses. And the place that full of plants are now completely
cement. The world totally changes that even the weather is changing.
2. Geographers who practice fieldwork keep their eyes open to the world around
them and through practice become adept at reading cultural landscapes. Take a
walk around your campus or town and try reading the cultural landscape. Choose
one thing in the landscape and ask yourself, “what is that and why is it there?”
Take the time to find out the answers!
 In our town the cultural landscape that I want to share is Amihan falls, these
falls are new in our town because people saw it 2 years ago, therefore the
falls is not accessible with cars because you climb in mountain in about 30
minutes or hike in river in almost 1 hours. The things that I choose is the falls
itself, why these falls are in this place, it is not a good good place to have it
because it is last barangay before you see the mountain of sierra Madre. But
when I search about this place, it is near in Gabaldon, where mountain is
normal in their place and other part of mountain are see in our town.
3. Give a friend or family member a blank piece of paper. Ask the person to draw a
detailed map of how he or she gets from home to the place where most of his or
her weekdays are spent (work, school). Note the age of the person and the length
of time he or she has lived in the place and traveled the route. Analyze the map
for terra incognita, landmarks, paths, and accessibility. What does the map reveal
about the person’s lifestyle and activity space?
 I’m Hannah joy D. Mari, 19 years old, I’m from Canaan East Rizal Nueva Ecija.
When I travel, I consume 1 hour or 1 hour and 30 minutes and it depends on
traffic in road.
This map reveals how people in this place connected in each other, like this map we
see the contribution of human to developed the society.
4. Once you think about different types of diffusion, you will be tempted to figure
out what kind of diffusion is taking place for all sorts of goods, ideas, or diseases.
Please remember any good, idea or disease can diffuse in more than one way.
Choose a good, idea, or disease as an example and describe how it diffused from
its hearth across the globe, referring to at least three different types of diffusion.
 The diffusion of COVID-19 is like hierarchical diffusion. This diffusion will
diffuse and then it will spread frequently to one man to 2 man like a triangle
distribution and know whole world are in pandemic.
5. Create a strong (false) statement about a people and their environment using
either environmental determinism or possibilism. Determine how the statement
you wrote is false, taking into consideration the roles of culture, politics, and
economy in human-environment relations.
 Korean’s are not clean in their body because they go in their work without
taking a bath or shower. I say this because when Korean doing some Korean
dramas, we see that they are not taking some bath before going in their
perspective area of work but like I want to say it’s their culture.

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