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The special romance of a woman that lives with the face of another person for a week every month and a man who
cannot recognize at all.

Zariyah has a different person’s body, changing every morning to a body ‘borrowed’ for a day – man, woman, old,
child and sometimes a foreigner. She works as a writer, an aspiring professional writer. Now she’s back here in the Philippines,
she was invited to participate in Erotic Writers Convention. It’s an international event and it’s a big honor for her because they
wanted her to be part of such gathering. She published her own books, that’s why she didn’t missed the opportunity to write in
her dream Publishing Company. The Hidden Desire Publishing Company, the most well-known publishing in the country
offered her to be an exclusive writer. She was walking outside the airport when someone bumped into her. When she look up
she saw a handsome man that has a pointed nose, beautiful eyes and kissable lips.

Are you done eye raping me, Miss? – The guy said

She was stunned when the guy pushed her and give her a smirk. Zariyah is very disappointed in her action. She feel
pissed because of the attitude of that guy! She got hurt because that guy push her.

You will regret this Mr.Whoever !!!! – She shouted in her mind and hurry hop in in the Taxi that she get.

Enzo is sitting on his swivel chair while sipping his black coffee. In the middle of his chilling her secretary came in in his office.

Sir Enzo? - my secretary said

He looked at his secretary. ‘Yes?”

Rieyana Red has arrived. I will let her enter? – she asked

Yeah sure – he said

When her secretary came out, he sit properly and wait for Rieyana Red to enter. He was very thankful because there’s
something happen good in his day. Rieyana Red is a famous Half-Filipino, half American Erotic Romance writer. When she
knew that it will came back here in the Philippines, he do his best to get her in Hidden Desire Publishing Company. It will be
an asset in his Publishing Company. She didn’t see Ms. Red in personal, well he know that he can’t remember he as well
because of his situation. I’m a face blind you know. I’m so excited to meet personal the writer of Hidden Desire Series. It’s like a
coincidence that its series is actually named by his Publishing Company.

When he heard that the door open. She look at the girl entering his office. The girl is beautiful but he noticed that it was
stunned and her jaw drop when he saw me.

Zariyah’s mouth hanged open when she entered the president Office of Hidden Desire Publishing Company and saw the man
she won’t forget in her entire life. That guy!! She quickly composed herself and put on her poker face.

Good morning” she said. “Hi I’m Zariyah Allen. My penname is Rieyana Red” Her extender her hand “Nice to meet you,

She was shock when he didn’t accept her hand.

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