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Food Research International 38 (2005) 943–948

Anthocyanins from pigmented potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

S. Eichhorn, P. Winterhalter *

Institute of Food Chemistry, Technical University of Braunschweig, Schleinitzstr. 20, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany

Received 8 June 2004; accepted 17 March 2005


Pigmented potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties are a rich source of anthocyanins, in particular acylated derivatives. From
potato cultivars ‘‘Hermanns Blaue’’, ‘‘Highland Burgundy Red’’, ‘‘Shetland Black’’, and ‘‘Vitelotte’’ the major anthocyanins were
isolated and characterised. Sliced potatoes were blanched to minimise enzymatic reactions which cause degradation of anthocyanins.
By means of solid phase extraction, countercurrent chromatography and preparative HPLC, it was possible to separate coumaric
acid derivatives (i.e. 3-p-coumaroylrutinoside-5-glucosides of petunidin, pelargonidin, peonidin and malvidin) from non-acylated
anthocyanins as well as chlorogenic acids. Identity of the isolated compounds was determined by combination of HPLC-DAD
and LC-ESI-MS2 measurements.
Petunidin derivatives were detected in all varieties except Highland Burgundy Red, where pelargonidin was found to be the only
anthocyanidin. Malvidin was the predominant aglycon of the variety Vitelotte. Of the four selected cultivars, Shetland Black was the
only one containing minor amounts of peonidin derivatives.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Potato; Solanum tuberosum L.; Acylated anthocyanins; Anthocyanidin; Countercurrent chromatography; HPLC–MS

1. Introduction Nowadays, a return to diversity can be observed.

Cultivators and researchers as well are interested in
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is among wheat, rice, the forgotten cultivars, not at least because of frequent
and maize one of the most important food crops of the discussions about health benefits of polyphenolic com-
world. In 2003, the world production was more then pounds like anthocyanins. As a consequence, ‘‘old’’ po-
310,000,000 metric tons (FAOSTAT data, 2004). Pota- tato varieties are collected around the world to save
toes can provide humans with carbohydrates, high value them in gene pools.
protein, and vitamin C; potato starch can as well be used Anthocyanins are well-known plant colorants
for industrial purposes. The per capita potato consump- responsible for a spectrum of colour impressions: blue,
tion is highest in Europe where it exceeds 80 kg/year. purple, red, and orange hues of all plant organs can
The first potato tubers were brought to Europe from be generated by them. A detailed overview about the
South America in the late 16th century by Spanish structure and occurrence of anthocyanins in fruits,
explorers. Since then, breeding of high-yielding, easy- vegetables, and grains is given by Mazza and Miniati
to-peel and tasty varieties led to the loss of original, in (1993).
particular pigmented varieties. Investigation of Solanum tuberosum L. anthocyanin
* composition was already carried out by Harborne
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 531 391 7200; fax: +49 531 391
7230. (1960) and continued by Andersen, Opheim, Aksnes,
E-mail address: (P. Winterhalter). and Frøystein (1991), Rodrı́guez-Saona, Giusti, and

0963-9969/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
944 S. Eichhorn, P. Winterhalter / Food Research International 38 (2005) 943–948

Wrolstad (1998), Lewis, Walker, Lancaster, and Sutton 2. Materials and methods
(1998), Naito et al. (1998) and Fossen and Andersen
(2000). In all studies, the predominance of acylated 2.1. Raw material
anthocyanins (cf. Fig. 1) in pigmented potato varieties
is reported. These anthocyanins are attractive for food All potato varieties were cultivated under the same
colouring purposes because they show increased pH sta- conditions in 2003 by K. Ellenberg, Bioland Bauernhof,
bility. For example, red-fleshed potato anthocyanins are Barum, Northern Germany. Tubers each were harvested
discussed as alternatives to synthetic dyes (Rodrı́guez- at full maturity. Ten kilogram of each of the cultivars
Saona, Giusti, & Wrolstad, 1999). ‘‘Hermanns Blaue’’, ‘‘Highland Burgundy Red’’, ‘‘Shet-
Because anthocyanins exhibit a range of biological land Black’’, and ‘‘Vitelotte’’ were used.
activities, the contribution of these substances to
health-promoting effects is under current investigations 2.2. Extraction
in many studies. For these purposes, large amounts of
purified anthocyanins are required to carry out in vitro- Potatoes were washed with tap water and cut in slices
and in vivo experiments. with a Kronen vegetable cutter. After blanching for
In recent years, countercurrent chromatography 5 min with 10 L of water, 10 L of a mixture of water–
(CCC) has proven to be an effective and versatile tool hydrochloric acid (19:1 v/v) were added and the suspen-
for the preparative isolation of anthocyanins and other sion was cooled at 20 C for 3 h. The suspension was
bioactive compounds. CCC is an automated, easy- stored at room temperature overnight.
to-handle method of liquid–liquid chromatography. Potato pieces were separated from the extract with a
Schwarz, Hillebrand, Habben, Degenhardt, and Winter- sieve and discarded. The extract was decanted from sed-
halter (2003) give a detailed overview of the mechanism imenting starch and filtrated over glass wool.
of CCC as well as several interesting applications for
anthocyanin separations from purple corn, blackberry, 2.3. Solid phase extraction
elderberry, and red wine.
In the present study, we report the isolation of The clear filtrate was directly applied onto an Amber-
anthocyanins from the pigmented potato varieties lite XAD-7 column (45 · 5 cm). Sugars, organic acids,
‘‘Hermanns Blaue’’, ‘‘Highland Burgundy Red’’, proteins, and salts were removed by washing the column
‘‘Shetland Black’’, and ‘‘Vitelotte’’ by application of with water. Anthocyanins were retained by the resin and
chromatographic methods, in particular countercur- after all eluted with a mixture of methanol–acetic acid
rent chromatography. (19:1 v/v). The eluate was concentrated in vacuo, diluted

5 O O

R3 = OH for non-acylated compounds
R3 = coumaric acid for acylated anthocyanins = HO OH
= cleavage position during LC-ESI-MS

aglycon R1 R2
petunidin OCH3 OH
pelargonidin H H
peonidin OCH3 H
malvidin OCH3 OCH3

Fig. 1. Structure of isolated potato anthocyanins.

S. Eichhorn, P. Winterhalter / Food Research International 38 (2005) 943–948 945

with water and freeze dried to give the anthocyanin-en- regarded as a first hint on the presence of pelargonidin
riched XAD-7-extract. derivatives.
Thermal treatment (i.e., blanching) may cause partial
2.4. Countercurrent chromatography anthocyanin degradation. Still it was necessary in order
to inhibit polyphenol oxidase catalysed reactions. A sec-
A CCC-1000 high-speed countercurrent chromato- ond extraction of the potato pieces was omitted to keep
graph (triple coil, ID 2.6 mm, total volume 850 mL, the starch content of the liquid extract low. The subse-
800 rpm, Pharma-Tech, USA) was used. MTBE/n-buta- quent decanting step also resulted in a loss of anthocya-
nol/acetonitrile/water 2:2:1:5 v/v/v/v acidified with 0.1% nins. Thus, the yield of anthocyanin enriched extract
trifluoracetic acid was used as solvent system. The lower was only in the range of 6.5 g and 11.5 g per 10 kg.
layer was the mobile phase and elution mode was head-
to-tail. Flow rate was set at 4 mL/min. Detection was
carried out at k = 320 nm (Knauer Variable Wavelength 3.2. Countercurrent chromatography
Monitor). Three hundred milligram of the respective
freeze-dried XAD-7 extract was separated in each run. CCC liquid–liquid chromatography is a method
which works without solid stationary phase. Separation
2.5. Analytical HPLC is achieved by a two-phase solvent system. In the so-
called Droplet Countercurrent Chromatography
Separations of CCC fractions were carried out on a (DCCC), one of the phases is filled in glass tubes which
Synergi MAX-RP column (Phenomenex, 250 · are connected in series. The other layer passes dropwise
4.6 mm) with guard column. A binary gradient of a mix- through the glass tubes. Thus, distribution of the respec-
ture of water–acetonitrile–formic acid was used: A: 87/ tive sample between the two layers and finally separa-
3/10; B: 40/50/10 (v/v/v); %A: 0 min 94%, 20 min 80%, tion occurs. The use of DCCC for the isolation of
35 min 60%, 40 min 40%, 45 min 10%, 50 min 10%, potato anthocyanins was reported by Andersen et al.
55 min 94%. Flow rate was set at 0.5 mL/min. Detection (1991). Unfortunately, no detailed separation results
was either by DAD (Jasco MD-1510) or ESI-MS2 (Bru- were presented.
ker, Esquire) in the positive ion mode. Data about the pur- A CCC method with higher separation power is high-
ity of anthocyanin fractions is based on the DAD- speed countercurrent chromatography (HSCCC). In
chromatogram using k = 520 nm as detection wavelength. HSCCC the solvents are filled in a teflon tube which is
wound around a coil. These coils can be connected in
2.6. Preparative HPLC series. A planetary rotation of the coils creates an alter-
nating force field in the tube and mixing and settling
These separations were performed isocratically on a zones are generated. Thus, the sample is continuously
Luna C18(2) column (Phenomenex 250*10 mm) with distributed between the two phases and separation oc-
guard column. Flow rate was 6 mL/min. For the separa- curs. The advantages of this technique with regard to
tion of the Shetland Black fraction, the eluent composi- DCCC are replacement of the fragile glass tube con-
tion was acetonitrile, formic acid and water (16.5/5/80 struction by coils and shorter separation times.
v/v/v) and detection wavelength was set at k = 320 nm For the selection of suitable solvent mixtures, antho-
(Knauer Variable Wavelength Monitor). Vitelotte cyanins should be evenly distributed between the two
anthocyanin separations were monitored at phases. This can be observed visually by mixing an ali-
k = 520 nm and eluent composition was adjusted to quot of the sample with the two phases in a test tube.
15/5/78.5 (v/v/v). The respective anthocyanin mixture For the potato anthocyanin enriched extract, the appro-
was dissolved in the eluent and aliquots containing priate solvent system was MTBE/n-butanole/acetoni-
5 mg of the mixture were separated consecutively. The trile/water in the ratio 2/2/1/5 acidified with 0.1%
fractions were collected and freeze dried. trifluoracetic acid.
Separation conditions, in particular the amount of
sample load, were identical for all varieties to ensure
comparability of the separations.
3. Results and discussion The CCC chromatograms (cf. Fig. 2) were recorded
at a wavelength of k = 320 nm in order to also monitor
3.1. Extraction and solid phase extraction chlorogenic acids. Separation was finished after 7 h.
Four major fractions were observed in the CCC-separa-
‘‘Hermanns Blaue, ‘‘Shetland Black’’ and ‘‘Vitelotte’’ tions of all cultivars. Anthocyanins and 3-chlorogenic
are purple coloured varieties with the latter one the most acid always eluted in fractions 1–3, while fraction 4 so-
intensely coloured cultivar. The flesh of ‘‘Highland Bur- lely contained 5-chlorogenic acid. All fractions were
gundy Red’’ exhibits an intense orange hue which can be analysed by HPLC-DAD and LC–MS2.
946 S. Eichhorn, P. Winterhalter / Food Research International 38 (2005) 943–948

3.4. Anthocyanin identification and purification

3.4.1. Hermanns Blaue

Fraction 1 (30 mg), the so-called breakthrough, eluted
after 2.5 h (cf. Fig. 2) and yielded 30 mg of lyophilisate.
The retention time of the major component is 13.2 min
(cf. Table 1). The mass of the molecule ion is m/z =
787 U. On the one hand, fragmentation results in m/z =
625 U, a fragment which is in line with the loss of an
anhydroglucose-unit (m/z = 787 162 U = 625 U) at
C5-position. On the other hand, a fragment with m/z =
479 U (787 308 U) was detected. Loss of 308 U is
characteristic for the split-off of anhydrorutinose (anhy-
droglucose (162 U) and anhydrorhamnose (146 U)).
Thus, it can be deduced that this fragment results from
the loss of a rutinose-unit at C3-position. In addition,
the aglycon petunidin with m/z = 317 after cleavage of
both substituents was detectable. The major component
of this fraction (69%) was tentatively identified as petuni-
din-3-rutinoside-5-glucoside (cf. Fig. 1).
Fraction 2 was the major anthocyanin fraction and
gave 38 mg of a dark red powder. The retention time of
the major compound (molecular ion m/z = 933 U, purity
91%) was 34 min. Fragmentation resulted in a fragment
with m/z = 771 U, according to the loss of an anhydroglu-
cose unit (m/z = 933 162 U = 771 U) at C5-position.
Cleavage of an anhydrocoumaric acid–anhydroruti-
Fig. 2. CCC-separations of potato extracts. nose-unit (454 U) at C3-position resulted in the signal
with m/z = 479 U (933 454 U). The aglycon petunidin
with m/z = 317 U could be detected as well. Based on
these data, the compound was identified as petunidin-3-
3.3. General aspects of anthocyanin identification p-coumaroylrutinoside-5-glucoside (cf. Fig. 1). This
anthocyanin is also known under the trivial name petanin
Under the chromatographic conditions employed (Harborne, 1960; Andersen et al., 1991). In fraction 3 of
for analytical HPLC in this work, acylated anthocya- this separation 3-chlorogenic acid was detected.
nins elute at retention times between 30 and 40 min.
Hence, retention time gives a first hint for the pres- 3.4.2. Highland Burgundy Red
ence of acylated derivatives. Because the anthocyani- The major component of the breakthrough fraction
din moiety is permanently positively charged, (purity 94%) exhibits a retention time of 15.5 min in
anthocyanins and their fragments can reliably be de- analytical HPLC. Hence, it is a non-acylated anthocya-
tected by LC-ESI-MSn in the positive ion mode. Fur- nin. Fragmentation pattern is the same as for petunidin-
ther structure elucidation is possible through 3-rutinoside-5-glucoside, but shifted downwards by
interpretation of full mass and fragmentation pattern 46 U because the aglycon moiety consists of pelargoni-
of MSn-data as applied by Alcalde-Eon, Saavedra, din. In the second fraction 3-chlorogenic acid was iden-
de Pascual-Teresa, and Rivas-Gonzalo (2004). Briefly, tified. As expected, the fragmentation pattern of the
the molecular ion M+ is detected in the full mass major anthocyanin peak in fraction 3 is the same as
scan. The fragments after split-off of the substituent for petanin. Again, the difference in molecular masses
in C3- or C5-position (Fig. 1) as well as the anthocy- of 46 U indicated the presence of pelargonidin-3-p-cou-
anidin can be detected in the MS2-mode. maroylrutinoside-5-glucoside, also known as pelanin
Andersen et al. (1991) elucidated the structure of po- (Harborne, 1960; Naito et al., 1998; Rodrı́guez-Saona
tato anthocyanins by 2D-NMR techniques. Based on et al., 1998). Fifty-two milligram of the substance with
their work, identity and binding sites of the sugar moie- a purity of 84% could be isolated from 300 mg of the
ties and the aromatic acid were assigned. XAD-7-extract in a single run.
Table 1 gives an overview of analytical data, tentative The variety Highland Burgundy Red contains the
structure, amount and purity of anthocyanins isolated in same anthocyanins as Hermanns Blaue, with the excep-
this study. tion that in this case the aglycon is pelargonidin. There-
S. Eichhorn, P. Winterhalter / Food Research International 38 (2005) 943–948 947

Table 1
Analytical data of anthocyanin fractions
Variety Fraction Rt (min) molecule ion Fragment ions Aglycon Tentative structure Amount (mg) Purityb (%)
M+ (m/z) (MS2)
Hermanns Blaue 1 13.2 787 625 pet pet-3-rut-5-glc 30 69
2 34.0 933 771 pet pet-3-coum-rut-5-glc 38 91
Highland Burgundy Red 1 15.5 741 579 pel pel-3-rut-5-glc 35 94
3 37.0 887 725 pel pel-3-coum-rut-5-glc 52 84
Shetland Black 1 17.1 771 609 peo peo-3-rut-5-glc 46 38
2 34.0 933 771 pet pet-3-coum-rut-5-glc 31 83
3a 34.0 933 771 pet pet-3-coum-rut-5-glc 5c 94
37.8 917 755 peo peo-3-coum-rut-5-glc 0.6c 93c
Vitelotte 1 17.5 801 639 mal mal-3-rut-5-glc 57 66
2 34.0 933 771 pet pet-3-coum-rut-5-glc 5c 95c
37.3 947 785 mal mal-3-coum-rut-5-glc 11c 94c
Abbreviations. pet, petunidin; pel, pelargonidin; peo, peonidin; mal, malvidin; coum, coumaroyl; rut, rutinoside; glc, glucoside.
Major component of this fraction was 3-chlorogenic acid, but because of the occurrence of an acylated peonidin-derivative this fraction was
listed, too.
Based on HPLC-chromatogram, wavelength k = 520 nm.
After preparative HPLC.

fore, the absorption maxima of these pigments are are petunidin- and peonidin-3-p-coumaroylrutinoside-5-
shifted to the range of k = 500–504 nm which corre- glucoside, respectively. Because the acylated peonidin-
sponds with the orange hue of Highland Burgundy derivative was not detectable in all other varieties, the
Red potatoes. fraction was subjected to preparative HPLC. The chro-
matogram of this separation was recorded at
3.4.3. Shetland Black k = 320 nm to enable detection of the anthocyanins as
Fraction 1 is a mixture of non-acylated anthocyanins. well as 3-chlorogenic acid and is displayed in Fig. 3.
The major compound was tentatively identified as Approximately 1 mg of peonidin-3-p-coumaroylrutino-
peonidin-3-rutinoside-5-glucoside (38%). The major side-5-glucoside could be isolated so far. The substance
acylated anthocyanin of Shetland Black eluted after 3 h is also known as peonanin and was inter alia isolated
and was identical with the major anthocyanin of Her- from the sprouts of a Norwegian potato cultivar by Fos-
manns Blaue, i.e., petunidin-3-p-coumaroylrutinoside- sen, Øvstedal, Slimestad, and Andersen (2003).
5-glucoside (cf. Fig. 2 and Table 1).
Major component of fraction 3 is 3-chlorogenic acid, 3.4.4. Vitelotte
but HPLC-DAD revealed that two acylated anthocya- From the four selected cultivars, Vitelotte is the only
nins coelute in this fraction. Analysis in the positive one which contains malvidin derivatives (cf. Table 1).
ion mode by LC–MS2 revealed that these anthocyanins According to this, the major component (66%) in the
948 S. Eichhorn, P. Winterhalter / Food Research International 38 (2005) 943–948

derivatives were detected in all varieties except Highland

Burgundy Red, where pelargonidin was found to be the
only anthocyanidin. The predominant aglycon of the
variety Vitelotte was malvidin. Of the four selected cul-
tivars, Shetland Black was the only one providing minor
amounts of peonidin derivatives.


The potato cultivars were donated by K. Ellenberg

(Barum, Germany). The assistance of M. Messerer, M.
Wichoczek and J. Rodziewicz is gratefully acknowl-
edged. M. Schwarz is thanked for helpful discussions.
This study was supported by a Grant of Deutsche For-
schungsgemeinschaft (Wi 901/8-1).


Alcalde-Eon, C., Saavedra, G., de Pascual-Teresa, S., & Rivas-Gonzalo,

J. C. (2004). Identification of anthocyanins of pinta boca (Solanum
stenotomum) tubers. Food Chemistry, 86(3), 441–448.
Fig. 3. Preparative HPLC separations of 3-p-coumaroyl-rutinoside-5- Andersen, Ø. M., Opheim, S., Aksnes, D. W., & Frøystein, N. Å.
glucosides, anthocyanin peaks are named with the respective aglycon; (a) (1991). Structure of petanin, an acylated anthocyanin isolated from
Shetland Black fraction 3, k = 320 nm (b) Vitelotte fraction 2, Solanum tuberosum, using homo- and hetero-nuclear two-dimen-
k = 520 nm. sional nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Phytochemical
Analysis, 2, 230–236.
first peak was determined as malvidin-3-rutinoside-5- Fossen, T., & Andersen, Ø. M. (2000). Anthocyanins from tubers and
glucoside. shoots of the purple potato, Solanum tuberosum. Journal of
Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 75(3), 360–363.
CCC fraction 2 is a mixture of petunidin- and malvi-
Fossen, T., Øvstedal, D. O., Slimestad, R., & Andersen, Ø. M. (2003).
din-3-p-coumaroylrutinoside-5-glucoside, which could Anthocyanins from a Norwegian potato cultivar. Food Chemistry,
be separated by subsequent preparative HPLC (Fig. 3). 81(3), 433–437.
Because analytical HPLC of this fraction with diode array George, F., Figueiredo, P., Toki, K., Tatsuzawa, F., Saito, N., &
detection had revealed no compounds except anthocya- Brouillard, R. (2001). Influence of trans–cis isomerisation of
coumaric acid subtituents on colour variance and stabilisation in
nins, the preparative separation was monitored at
anthocyanins. Phytochemistry, 57(5), 791–795.
k = 520 nm. For base line separation, the acetonitrile con- Harborne, J. B. (1960). Plant polyphenols 1. Anthocyanin production
tent had to be reduced to 15%. In this way, 5 mg of petanin in the cultivated potato. Biochemical Journal, 74, 262–269.
and 11 mg of malvidin-3-p-coumaroylrutinoside-5-gluco- Lewis, C. E., Walker, J. R. L., Lancaster, J. E, & Sutton, K. H. (1998).
side with high purity could be isolated. The latter com- Determination of anthocyanins, flavonoids and phenolic acids in
potatoes. I: Coloured cultivars of Solanum tuberosum L. Journal of
pound is also referred to as negretein by Harborne
the Science of Food and Agriculture, 77(1), 45–57.
(1960) and was recently the objective of a study about Mazza, G., & Miniati, E. (1993). Anthocyanins in fruits, vegetables, and
new insights into the mechanism of intramolecular copig- grains. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
mentation of anthocanins (George et al., 2001). Major Naito, K., Umemura, Y., Mori, M., Sumida, T., Okada, T., Takama-
component of fraction 3 is 3-chlorogenic acid. tsu, N., et al. (1998). Acylated pelargonidin glycosides from a red
potato. Phytochemistry, 47(1), 109–112.
Rodrı́guez-Saona, L. E., Giusti, M. M., & Wrolstad, R. E. (1998).
4. Conclusions Anthocyanin pigment composition of red-fleshed potatoes. Journal
of Food Science, 63(3), 458–465.
By a combination of solid phase extraction, counter- Rodrı́guez-Saona, L. E., Giusti, M. M., & Wrolstad, R. E. (1999). Color
and pigment stability of red radish and red-fleshed potato anthocy-
current chromatography and preparative HPLC, antho- anins in juice model systems. Journal of Food Science, 64(3), 451–456.
cyanins of Solanum tuberosum L. varieties were isolated. Schwarz, M., Hillebrand, S., Habben, S., Degenhardt, A., & Winter-
To our knowledge, this is the first application of halter, P. (2003). Application of high-speed countercurrent chro-
HSCCC to the separation of potato pigments. Structure matography to the large-scale isolation of anthocyanins.
identification was achieved by HPLC-DAD and LC- Biochemical Engineering Journal, 14(3), 179–189.
ESI-MS2. The 3-p-coumaroylrutinoside-5-glucoside of
petunidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and malvidin as well Web reference
as the respective non-coumaroylated anthocyanins were
enriched or even obtained in high purity. Petunidin <> (last accessed May 2004).

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