Student Perception Survey

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Student Perception Survey

Student Response Student Response Student Responses

14 14 16

12 12 14

10 12
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2 2

0 0 0
Miss Ash ask me about my feelings Miss Ash really cares about me Miss Ash cares about me.

Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe

Student Response Student Response Chart Title

12 12 14
10 10 12

8 10
6 6
4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
We stay busy most of the time with Miss Ash Miss Ash helps each of us to know what we should be doing. When Miss Ash is teaching we all listen and do what she asked.

Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe

Student Response Student Response Student Response

14 10 12
12 10
10 7 8
5 6
6 4
3 4
2 1
0 0
0 My class understand each topic in class Miss Ash explains things until we understand
Miss Ash explains things in class
Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe
Yes No Maybe
Student Response Student Response Student Response
12 8 8
10 7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
4 3 3
2 2 2
1 1
Miss Ash makes sure we all do our best 0 0
Miss Ash makes us all think. Miss Ash makes learning just right, not to hard, and not to easy.
Yes No Maybe
Yes No Mayb Yes No Series 3

Student Response Student Response Student Response

10 10 14
9 9
8 8
7 7 10
6 6 8
5 5
4 4 6
3 3 4
2 2
1 2
0 0 0
Miss Ash makes class interesting Miss Ash makes me want to learn more What we learn is related to real life.

Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe Yes No Maybe

What did you learn about yourself:

The data gathered from the student perception survey proved to be mostly positive. Some
maybes and minimal no responses. Reflecting on this information the I learned that the students in the
section with the most no responses were “Miss Ash makes class interesting”. This question received no
from two students. I choose to reflect on this question since it was the biggest no response received.
Taking away from this question I could grow in the area of creating a better experience for the students
virtually. I could better research ways to implement interesting resources for students to use to further
their learning. This would best draw in students who may struggle to find motivation or interest in
school. Considering these two students may need more hands-on or game-based learning to feel more
interested. I would use an interest inventory in class to better understand how students best learn and
feel motivated.

Next, I want to reflect on the most positive information received. I received 100% yes from 14
students on the question “Miss Ash is nice to me”. This was motivating to me because there have been
moments where students need corrected or help to get back on track. Knowing I can provide this
support to students and they all still view me as a nice teacher is a great feeling. Students benefit from
someone who can be a positive support and guide to them even when they become unfocused or off
task. Taking away from this I learned that even if I have moments where I have to redirect students, they
are still able to view me as nice.

In my student perception survey, I left a box for students to add any comment they would like
anonymously as I will use that information to help me grow as a teacher. Many comments students
expressed they loved me and enjoyed me in the classroom. Some students took the comment box to
just tell me information about themselves such as their age or their favorite color. This area taught me
that students will provide you with their thoughts given the chance. I enjoyed reading the variety of
answers as one student even told me that “Mrs. Bowers is my favorite, but I am glad you are here”. I
want students to be able to express themselves and feel okay to address an issue they may feel in the
classroom or something they just want to share.

What will you do differently for the unit and for student teaching based on this data:

For the unit, I plan to use breakout rooms to create a more engaging environment. It is easier
for students to engage in the virtual classroom when they are in smaller groups. I also planned my
lessons to have maximum interaction and created hands-on as often as I could. For example, I
implemented virtual manipulatives for students to use during the lesson. The information collected also
provided me data that many students were unsure of, providing an answer of maybe when asked if
“Miss Ash makes us all think”. I want to create a unit that allows my students to feel challenged and
know they are thinking to become problem solvers and critical thinkers.

As for student teaching, I plan to continue growing as a teacher by understanding my student's

needs and motivations. I plan to use these surveys and interest inventories in my future student
teaching. This way the students will know that I take what they have to say seriously and use that
information to become a better teacher for them.

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