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ENGLISH 3 – Second term

Taken from MacMillan English Grammar in Context Essential

ENGLISH 3 – Second term
Taken from MacMillan English Grammar in Context Essential

Solución 1
a) See- Seen j) Break- Broken
b) Buy-bought k) Set- Set
c) Sell-Sold l) Read- Read
d) Do –Done m) Fall-fallen
e) Find-Found n) Rise- risen
f) Come-Come o) Meet- met
g) Put- Put p) Think-thought
h) Take-Taken
i) Write- written

Solución 2
a) The teacher has arrived
b) The students have lived
c) The exams have finished
d) Danny has broken his leg
e) I have sent you an email
f) She has seen this film before
g) Dave ad Joe have won a scholarship
h) There has been an accident
ENGLISH 3 – Second term
Taken from MacMillan English Grammar in Context Essential

Solución 3
a) The teacher hasn´t arrived
b) The students haven´t lived
c) The exams haven´t finished
d) Danny hasn´t broken his leg
e) I haven´t sent you an email
f) She hasn´t seen this film before
g) Dave and Joe haven´t won a scholarship
h) There hasn´t been an accident
ENGLISH 3 – Second term
Taken from MacMillan English Grammar in Context Essential

Solución 4
a) Have you finished school Yes, I have.
b) Has it rained today? It hasn't rained.
c) Have you done this exercise before? Yes, I have.
d) Has people got better for life? No, it has.
e) Have the world´s temperatures risen? Yes, it have increased.
f) Has the petrol gone up of price? Yes, it has increased in price.
g) Have you seen a play at theather? Yes, I have seen.
h) Has the football season begun? No, it has started.

Solución 5
a. 7
b. 2
c. 5
d. 3
e. 1
f. 4
g. 6
ENGLISH 3 – Second term
Taken from MacMillan English Grammar in Context Essential

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