Frankyboi Presentation

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Question 2

Kealey Barnard, Sami Lu,

Guillermo Robles, Jeremy Nguyen
“ Clouds hid the moon, everything was
obscure, and I heard only the sound of
the boat, as its keel cut through the
waves; the murmur lulled me, and in a
short time I slept soundly.”
-Page 145
➢ The water resembles a way for
him to forget his problems and
actually feel calm, instead of
“ “They congregated round me; the
unstained snow mountain-top...they all
gathered round me and bade me at
- Page 81
Frankenstein’s Hideaway

➢ Relief from current state of


➢ Sense of peace
“ “Their icy and glittering peaks shone in
the sunlight over the clouds. My swelled with something like
- Page 83
Change in Meaning

➢ False sense of security

➢ Exposes the monster

“ “I remained, while the storm lasted,
watching its progress with curiosity and
delight...It was not splintered by the
shock, but entirely reduced to thin
ribands of wood. I had never beheld
anything so utterly destroyed.”
- Page 32
Initial Symbol

➢ Excites passion

➢ Obliteration of stump

➢ Bad omen
“ “A flash of lightning illuminated the
object, and discovered its shape plainly
to was the wretch, the filthy
daemon to whom I had given life.”
- Page 62
Shifted Symbol

➢ Lightning reveals the monster

➢ Callback to destruction

➢ Solidification of bad omen

“ … the mighty Alps, whose
white and shining pyramids
and domes towered above
all, as belonging to another
Earth, the habitations of
another race of beings.”
-Page 78
A Beautiful Distraction

➢ These snowy mountains were

➢ Home to another race - hiding the
➢ Belonging to another Earth - away
from all the mistakes he made
“ A mist covered both that and the
surrounding mountains… The surface is
very uneven, rising like the waves of a
troubled sea, descending low, and
interspersed by rifts that sink deep. Their
field of ice is almost a league in width, but I
spent nearly two hours crossing it.”
-Page 82
Uphills and Downhills
➢ The surface was uneven -
unbalanced like his life became
➢ Uphills and downhills - they
became the issue
➢ It won’t be easy or ‘a snap of his
fingers’ to overcome
➢ Realization moment - only a
temporary fix

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