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Before You Start

1 Ask other students in your class the questions below. If they
answer yes,ask more questions
Have you ever...
...had an interview?
...filled in application form?
...written to someone asking for information?
For example:
Have you ever had an interview?
Yes, I have.
What for?What happened?

Q : Have you ever filled in application form?

A : Yes I Have
Q : What application form do you fill?

Q : Have you ever written to someone asking for information?

A : Yes, I Have
Q : What is the content do you write?

2 Read the text quickly and choose the correct answers to question
1-3 below.
at Coalport Technical College Blackstock

All courses are taught at Coalport Technical College,Blackstock and can be studied
full-time or part-time. The minimum qualification for a place on a Level 2 course is
four GCEs or a level 1 certificate.
LEVEL 1 Certificate in Engineerig
This course teaches basics,key skills. It is suitable for studens who left school early
or have no qualifications. Selection will be based on the applicant’s work
experience and an interview.
LEVEL 2 Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The course prepares students for jobs in radio and eletronics communications.
LEVEL 3 Certificate in Fabrication
The course prepares students wfor job in welding,sheetmetal work, and general
LEVEL 4 Certificate in Mechanical Engineering
This course prepares students for a wide range of jobs including machining,fitting,
tool- making, CAD and CAM.
For more information please visit our website or return tis form to departemental
Name : ...........................................................................................................
Address : ........................................................................................................
Telephone/e-mail : ........................................................................................
Date of Birth : ................................................................................................
LEVEL 1 Certificate in Engineering
LEVEL 2 Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
LEVEL 3 Certificate in Fabrication
LEVEL 4 Certificate in Mechanical Engineering
I am interested in full-tme study part-time study
1. What is the leaflet about?
a. Engineering courses st Coalport Technical College
b. All courses at Coalport Technical College
2. What does the leaflet describe?
a. Lots of courses
b. One course
3. How can you get more information?
a. By telephoning
b. By returning the form

3 Read the text again and match the people (A-E) below with a
suitable course. One person isn’t suitable for any of the course.
Person A finished Level 1 last year. He wants to work as a welder on oil rigs.
Answer : Level 3 (Certificate in Fabrication)
Person B got her exam results last week.she passed Maths,Design and
Technology,English,and History. She wants to work in design.
Answer : Level 4 (Certificate in Mechanical Engineering)
Person C works in her father’s garage. She hasn’t passed any exams but she is
good at mending cars and wants to return to studying.
Answer : Level 1 (Certificate in engineering)
Person D left school in 2000 with no exam passes. Since then he was worked in
a jeans shop and a hamburger cafe.
Answer : Level 1 (Certificate in engineering)
Person E has five GCEs and wants to work as a telephone engineer.
Answer : Level 2 (Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

4 Complete the definitions (1-6) below with the highlighted words in
the text.
1. An ______________ is a person who wants a job or a place on a course.
2. An ______________ is formal meeting.
3. To ______________ is to make something ready.
4. ____________ are ways of sending information,news,etc.from one place
to another.
5. ____________ is joining metal by heating.
6. ____________ means putting machinery in place.

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