გელათის სასულიერო აკადემია და სემინარია ფაკულტეტი - ქრისტიანული ხელოვნებათმცოდნეობა სწავლების საფეხური: ბაკალავრიატი სასწავლო კურსი: ინგლისური ენა II კურსი, II სემესტრი

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გელათის სასულიერო აკადემია და სემინარია

ფაკულტეტი _ ქრისტიანული ხელოვნებათმცოდნეობა

სწავლების საფეხური: ბაკალავრიატი
სასწავლო კურსი: ინგლისური ენა
II კურსი, II სემესტრი

შუალედური გამოცდა
VIII ვარიანტი

2019-2020 წწ.
I. Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). (6 points)

1) Most of the earliest settlers never built permanent homes. ___

2) Today people go to the country for weekends and holidays. __

History of Camping

In the United States the modern idea of camping comes from the American Indians. Their
food, clothing and shelter came directly from nature. When the white man arrived in
America, he found that he also had to use these methods in order to live in the wilderness.
Gradually most of the earliest settlers built permanent homes, and camping was not
necessary. Many of them, however, decided to move farther west. These pioneers remained
campers. They lived under the open skies and gathered their own food. They learnt from the
Indians many of the skills they used to survive in the open country. They hunted animals for
food and for skins.

During the 19th century the United States gradually changed from an agricultural to an
industrial nation. People began to leave the rural areas and move to the cities. More and
more people found themselves crowded into cities, where there were few signs of nature.
Many of them longed to get away and enjoy the out-of-doors.

With the invention of an automobile, people found they could leave the cities occasionally.
Many of them flocked to the country for weekends and holidays. Special camp sites and
parks were set aside. Today there are many such camps, and each year millions of people
leave their houses to spend some time in the country.

II. Choose a phrase to match each sentence: (2 points)

guided tour tour guide guidebook sun cream school trip train ticket

1. I'll get it at the station in the morning. ______________________________________

2. She told us about the history of the place. ____________________________

3. Everyone in my class is going camping this weekend! _______________________

4. Put this on or you'll burn. _________________________________

III. Match the words with the appropriate phrases: (2 points)

1) view a) visit a place but don't go inside

2) experience c) some interesting knowledge of something

3) walk past d) with no clouds

4) clear b) what you can see from a place

IV. Use one of the following verbs to complete the sentences. Use present perfect: (4 points)

have not/read write live drink

1. _____ you _____ a holiday recently?

2. George _____ _____ in London since 1970.

3. I _____ _____ the letter.

4. Jane _____ _____ a newspaper today.

V. Complete the sentences using Will or Be going to: (5 points)

1. A: What would you like to eat?

B: ____________________ a sandwich, please. (I/have)

2. A: Did you post that letter for me?

B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. ____________________ it now. (I/do)

3. A: Has George decided what to do when he leaves school?

B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. ____________________ a holiday for a few weeks and
then he's going to do a computer programming course. (he/have)

4. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?

B: Yes, ____________________ something for dinner. (I/buy)

5. A: I don't know how to use this camera.

B: It's quite easy. ____________________ you. (I/show)

VI. Put the words into the correct order to make questions: (5 points)

1. us/ come/ beach/ you/ will/ the/ to/ with ?


2. summer/ trip/ this/ you/ going/ are/ take/ to/ a ?


3. help/ will/ my/ find/ hotel/ you/ me ?


4. today/ going/ Lisa/ are / and/ you/ leave/ to ?


5. Paris/ to/ they/ the/ take/ train/ will ?


VII. Write about the family celebration you have been to and you liked the most. (6 points)


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