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RC 2001

Project #1 Visual Discourse Analysis Infographic Reflection and Self-Assessment

Instructions: Please copy and paste this worksheet to edit and complete. Then, upload it as a separate document on ASULearn
along with the link to your infographic.

Part 1:
Please write 300ish words below reflecting on your process of composing this project and what you learned in that
While working on this assignment, I had a hard time starting the project because I was unsure of how and where to start. During
the project while doing research, I checked out a few books from the library about my discourse community to help me better
understand what I needed to know in order to create my infographic. The peer review really helped me because it let me know
that I was on the right track and that it was looking well created and had most of the information that I needed to include. It
helped me to know what I was doing successfully and what areas I could improve on and add more to. Doing a peer review also
helped to know what works and what does not work and how to critique properly in order to help my peer review partner. This
project has given me some insight on my field of interest and informed me about how to approach this field in order to be
successful. The interviews have also helped me with some knowledge from experts in the field and some advice that they had
given me when approaching this field. The annotated bibliography helped me because now I know how to properly cite sources
for my field. Creating this infographic was fun and interesting to do because it is a step towards my field. Since my field is
Graphic Design, creating things like this, adding images and information to a platform to explain something is something that I
will be doing a lot in this career. While creating my infographic, I decided first to choose a theme and colour scheme to use
throughout the presentation and I made sure it was not too overwhelming and that it was still clear to read and understand. I also
made sure that all the information flowed smoothly.

Part 2:
Please complete the self-assessment below, including the points and comments section. Please spend some time on this and
complete it honestly with points and comments. I will also use this when I grade your final product.
Category and Goals Student Comments Professor Comments


● Do the aesthetics add to the ● Yes I believe that

presentation? the aesthetics add
● Do the graphics accurately to the presentation
go with the discourse
because anything
● When first viewing the created can be
infographic, is it clear what included in my
the author is going to be discourse
discussing? community because
● Is it visually appealing to the it is Graphic Design
extent of keeping the and each designer
audience engaged?
has their own style.
● The graphics go
along with the
community because
I used images that
symbolise the tools
used for Graphic
designers and
images of
● I believe that I made
it clear what my
infographic is about
and what all will be
● I believe that it is
appealing to the eye
and has a smooth
flow within the

● Does the project flow well ● I believe it flows

and is it easy to follow? well. I organised my
● Are all of the required infographic
aspects effectively presented
according to what
(title, interviews, artifact
analysis etc)? was talked about
● Is the artifact clear and and what goes into
properly analyzed? the topic before
● Can a novice understand the continuing.
content of the presentation ● Yes, I have included
(i.e artifact analysis, all the necessary
interviews, other topics)?
topics and added
some quotes to
keep interest.
● I believe that the
artifact is clear and
has been analyzed
● Yes, I believe that I
have clearly written
about my discourse
community in a
manner that can be
understood by
anyone outside the

● Is the artifact easily ● I believe that my

understandable? Someone description of my
without knowledge of the artifact describes its
artifact should be able to
purpose and how it
have learned about it by the
end. works.
● Does the artifact analysis ● I believe that I have
demonstrate depth and acknowledged the
knowledge? uses of my artifact
● Can the reader walk away and given pictures
from the project with more and images of
knowledge in the field?
examples and
● Could someone not in the
field understand your symbols of tools.
● Yes, I believe that
content? the reader will have
● Does the material in the knowledge of the
presentation demonstrate the field after viewing
author’s understanding of the
my infographic in
discourse community?
● Does the presentation clearly and outside the
let the reader know how community.
professionals communicate ● I believe that the
within that specific material within my
discourse? infographic has
● Is the discourse community demonstrated my
listed and defined?
understanding of
the discourse
● Yes, I have included
how professionals
communicate within
the discourse and
outside the
● Yes the discourse
community is listed
and defined.

● Is the information provided ● Yes, the information

in the presentation relevant is relevant to the
and credible? discourse
● Do the interviews contribute
community and
to the credibility of the
presentation? comes from credible
● Are the interviewees an sources.
expert in the discourse ● The interviews
community? contribute to the
● Are there minimal typos? presentation and
the knowledge
within the
● All the interviewees
are experts in the
● Yes, there are
minimal typos.
Final Comments

● Did the infographic ● I believed that it

accomplish your overall accomplished my
goal? Why or why not? goal because my
● How is this going to prepare
peer review partner
you for work/writing in the
future? was able to
understand more
about my
infographic even in
the rough draft.
● I believe that this is
going to prepare me
for work and writing
in the future
because I have an
understanding of
what I need to know
and learn in order to
make it in this
career and I have
resources to come
back to.

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