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UNIT 1: Roles participants play during Group Discussion(GD)

Beginner/Leader: The one who starts Group Discussion. He elaborates on the topic and
suggests new ideas. Sometimes he may not have enough subject knowledge to present the
viewpoints effectively.

Seeker of information: He tries to grasp information from others to prepare for his turn. It
usually happens when one does not have much knowledge about the given topic.

Disseminator of Information: The one who prefers to share information and facts about the

Seeker of Opinion: He tries to gather opinions from others and also asks others to express
their opinion.

Giver of Opinion: Jumps to give his viewpoint or opinion about the views shared by the
previous participants.

Analyst: The one who analyses and clarifies the ideas and opinions discussed through the
group discussion.

Community Supporter: He supports the idea of all participants. Usually, he doesn't come up
with his ideas.

Reliever: The one who discusses with a broader perspective. He may take the issue into
another serious level and thus relives any tension. Even though it is good, It is always advised
not to go far away from the topic.

Energy Spreader: He encourages other participants with positive energy to explore new ideas
during the process.

Bridge creator: He acts as a bridge between different opinions by giving solutions in different
ways of compromise and thus creating harmony throughout the process.

Summary maker: Finally, in the concluding part, one summarizes the GD with all the
important points discussed throughout. It usually comes to a mutual understanding if the GD
is conducted across two teams.

Exercise 5 - Group discussion task

Form discussion groups to discuss the topics below:

1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Recruitment agencies.

2. Technology is killing human imagination. Discuss

3. How can a Business get rid of the Bad Name that it has earned?

4. Women are better at Multi-Tasking. Discuss


Active Voice
Sentences in the active voice focus on the person or thing that performs an action.

For example:

Subject Verb Object

(a) The press hounded Yao everywhere he went

Passive Voice
 Passive sentences focus on the person or thing that receives or is the result of an

 Also note that the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb:
“Yao” in (a) becomes the subject of the passive verb in (b). Sentences (a) and (b)
have the same meaning.

 To form the passive voice, use the correct form of be + past participle. At times, the
person or thing (the agent) responsible for doing the action is used. In this case, use
by + the name of the agent.

Subject Be Past Participle By + Agent

(b) Yao was hounded by the press everywhere he went.

Other examples:

Active Passive

The press hounds Yao relentlessly. Yao is hounded relentlessly by the press.

The press has hounded Yao since Yao has been hounded by the press
the beginning of the year since the beginning of the year

Exercise 9 - Complete the following sentences. Use the active or passive voice in the
past tense.

1. It is a well-known fact that sporting heroes ________ much ____________ (love) and
greatly ______________ (admire) by the public. Yao is no exception. Both Chinese and
American fans ___________ (adore) him as a remarkable basketball player.

2. Yao and his coach ________________________ (accompany) to the airport by the

Chinese TV stations and press.
3. To get the best coverage of Yao, a large group of Chinese journalist and TV crew
_______________________ (station) in the USA.

4. Every local newspaper _________________ (give) top coverage to Yao’s wedding with
his childhood sweetheart.

5. Yao’s family ________________ (bar) the press from covering the wedding function.

6. Due to Yao’s rising fame, his family was also___________________ (drag) into the

7. The paparazzi __________________ (trail) Yao’s father all the way to the bank the day
before the wedding.

8. The press which managed to get news about the wedding ________________ (report)
even the most frivolous detail at the dinner.

9. Needless to say, much unwanted attention _______________ (give) to the newly-wed



1. - How do focus groups work? -

Hector Lanz

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