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Document No.: 8408-40-01

01E 15.06.2018 Issued for application P.X.VINH D.X.MUNG D.X.MUNG

Rev No. Issue Day Purpose Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by



No. Revision Revised contents Date

1 01E Issued for application 15.06.2018

Document No.: 8408-40-01 Rev. 01E Page 3 of 20



REVISION RECORD SHEET...................................................................................................................2

1.0 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................4
2.0 SCOPE..........................................................................................................................................4
3.0 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................4
4.0 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION................................................................................................4
5.0 SAFETY.......................................................................................................................................5
6.0 SELECTION OF RADIATION ENERGY...................................................................................5
7.0 SURFACE PREPARATION.........................................................................................................5
8.0 RADIOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT.................................................................................................6
8.1 EXPOSURE DEVICE:..................................................................................................................6
8.2 RADIOGRAPHIC FILM:.............................................................................................................6
8.3 PENETRAMETER (IMAGE QUALITY INDICATOR - IQI):....................................................7
9.0 LOCATION AND FILM MARKER.............................................................................................8
10.0 SOURCE TO SUBJECT DISTANCE...........................................................................................9
11.0 BACK SCATTER RADIATION PROTECTION.........................................................................9
12.0 GEOMETRIC UNSHARPNESS LIMITATION..........................................................................9
13.0 USE OF IQI FOR RADIOGRAPHY..........................................................................................10
13.1 SELECTION OF PENETRAMETER (IQI):...............................................................................10
13.2 PLACEMENT OF PENETRAMETER (IQI):.............................................................................10
13.3 NUMBER OF IQIs:....................................................................................................................10
14.0 RADIOGRAPH DENSITY.........................................................................................................11
15.0 QUALITY LEVEL OF RADIOGRAPH.....................................................................................12
16.0 RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUE...............................................................................................12
17.0 SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION....................................................................................................13
18.0 FILM PROCESSING..................................................................................................................14
19.0 FILMS VIEWER.........................................................................................................................14
20.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.......................................................................................................15
21.0 REPORTING..............................................................................................................................15
Appendix 1 - RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION REPORT.................................................................17
Appendix 2 - RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES....................................................................................18

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This procedure is developed to cover the radiographic examination requirements for Industrial work
as carried out by AlphaNDT.


This procedure covers the performance, evaluation and documentation of radiographic

examination of materials and weld seams in plates, pipes and branches as well as offshore
structural component.


The following Codes and Standards with the latest editions which are registered in AlphaNDT’s list
shall be referenced:
- ASME Section V: Non-Destructive Examination.
- AWS D1.1: Structure Welding Code Steel.
- API 650: Welded Tanks for Oil Storage
- API Standard 1104 - Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities
- ASME Code B31.3: Process Piping Code.
- ASME Section IX: Welding and Brazing Qualifications.
- ASME SE 999: Guide for controlling the quality of Industrial Radiographic Film
- ASME SE 94: Standard guide for Radiographic Testing.
- ASME SE 142: Standard Method for Controlling Quality of Radiography Testing.
- ASME SE 747: Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing Using Wire
- ASME SE 1032: Method for Radiographic Examination of Weldments.
- ASME SE 1254: Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed Radiographic
- ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A: Personnel Qualifications.
- Safety Regulation for Ionization Radiation -TCVN4397-87.
- Health, Safety and Environment Management System.
- 8408-30-01: Alpha NDT’s Written Practice.
- 8408-50-02: Radiation Safety Procedure.


All personnel involved in the radiograph, film processing and result interpretation shall be qualified
as level II or level III in accordance with Alpha NDT’s Written Practice based on ASNT
Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A or EN ISO:9712. AlphaNDT’s personnel shall be under

Document No.: 8408-40-01 Rev. 01E Page 5 of 20


the direct supervision and control by Client’s personnel and/or Owner representative or/and
Certified Agency (C.A.) representative.

All technicians carrying out radiography shall hold current valid certification in welds sector as a
minimum. The certification documents of personnel shall be submitted to Client and Owner
prior to work commencement.


All technicians carrying out radiography shall hold current valid of radiation safety licence.

All radiographic work carried out by AlphaNDT’s personnel will conform to AlphaNDT’s safety
procedures and local statutory safety equipment. AlphaNDT’s Safety Officer will conduct
periodic safety inspection at all work locations and will have the authority to suspend work if
not satisfied with safety procedures adopted. Personnel found not adhering to the standard
safety procedures may be subjected to disciplinary action.

Please see Radiation Safety Procedure, 8408-50-02.


- Gamma Radiation selection of the appropriate source is dependent upon variables

regarding the weld to be examined (material composition and thickness and diameter).
The type of radiation source used on the project shall be specified, and the specific
radiation source used shall be able to demonstrate that it is capable of producing
radiographs that conforms to the requirements of all the applicable references
codes/standards and project specifications.

- X-Ray Radiation: The radiographic technique shall demonstrate that required

radiographic sensitivity and density has been obtained.


Test shall be carried out only when the test specimen has been cooled down to ambient temperature.
Surface preparation of welds for Radiography shall be as follows:

- Free from scale or weld slag.

- Surface irregularities whenever possible are to be removed or dressed such that the
resulting radiographic image is not masked or confused with the image of any
relevant discontinuity that may be present.

- Temporary tack welds to be removed and ground smoothly.

- The finish surface may be flushed with the base material or may be have uniform

- Methods of preparation shall be such that over heating or loss of material integrity
does not occur.

- For the branch welds, access to surface in both sides in conformity of radiographic
applicable techniques shall be free to be approached.

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Surface shall satisfy the requirements of the applicable materials specifications, with additional
conditioning, if necessary, by any suitable process to a degree that surface irregularities
cannot mask or be confused with discontinuities.



- Gamma ray sources Iridium 192 or Selenium 75 shall be used. Maximum Source
strength is 90 Ci; Maximum dimension 3x3mm.

- X-Ray equipment ANDREX, 300kV-5mA maximum; Focus size 3x3 mm.


Radiographic film used shall meet the requirements of ASTM SE 94. Radiographic films shall be of
industrial type and shall be free from inherent flaws that may interfere with the interpretation
of radiographs. Radiographic film shall be processed to allow storage and without
deterioration for a period of at least five (5) years.

8.2.1 Sensitivity and type:

- For thin wall (less than 6.4 mm) 300 series stainless steel and Ni- base and Cu- base
alloy, and for low alloy steels of all thickness, radiographic film shall be very fine
grain, high contrast type such Class C4 as per EN 584-1 or Type 1 as per ASTM E

- For all other materials and thickness combinations, radiographic film shall be fine
grain, high contrast type in accordance with EN 584-1 Class C5 or ASTM E 1815
Type II.

- The recommended films as follows:

 Fuji Industrial Film #100, #80, #50 or equivalent.

 Kodax Industrex AA, AX, MX125 or equivalent.

 Agfa Structurix D7, D5, D4 or equivalent.

- For welds subjected to Stress Relief, fine grain slow speed e.g. Fuji#50, Agfa D4,
Kodak MX or its equivalent shall be used prior to and after Stress Relief.

- All radiographic films shall have a minimum width of 70mm. Film widths shall be
sufficient to depict all portions of the weld joint, including the HAZs, and shall
provide sufficient additional space for the required hole-type IQIs or wire IQI and
film identification without infringing upon the area of interest in the radiograph.

- Overlapping Film. Welds longer than 14 in. [350 mm] may be radiographed by
overlapping film cassettes and making a single exposure, or by using single film
cassettes and making separate exposures. Minimum film overlap shall be 25 mm on
both side of each film.

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- Film shall be checked for Fog Density. In order to avoid unduly high fog densities
arising from film ageing, development or temperature, the fog density shall be
checked periodically on a non-exposed sample taken from the films being used, and
handled and processed under the same conditions as the actual radiograph. The fog
density shall not exceed 0,3. Fog density here is defined as the total density (emulsion
and base) of a processed, unexposed film.

8.2.2 Protection and care of unexposured film:

- Unexposured films shall be stored in such manner that they are protected from
effects of light, pressure, excessive heat, excessive humidity fumes or vapors,
penetrating radiation. Storage of film is on a "First in", "First out" basis.

- Films should be handled under safety light conditions in accordance with the film
manufacturer's recommendation.

- The loading bench, cassettes and screens shall be kept clean and free from dirt,
which may cause exposure or processing artifacts in the radiographs.

- Film shall be handled only at their edges. All sharp bending, excessive pressure and
rough handling of any kind shall be avoided.

8.2.3 Intensifying screens:

Only lead screen can be used. It shall be placed intimately in close contact at the front and back of
the film. Fluorescent intensifying screens shall not be permitted.

- Single film exposure:

 Front lead screen: Thickness is between 0.025 to 0.150 mm

 Back lead screen: Thickness is between 0.025 to 0.125 mm

- Multi film exposure, lead screens are contacted at front and back of each film:

 Front lead screen: Thickness is between 0.025 to 0.150 mm

 Back lead screen: Thickness is between 0.025 to 0.125 mm


Penetrameter or Image Quality Indicator (IQI) shall be made of a material, radiographically as dense
as the material under examination.

Wire type Image Quality Indicator conforming ASME Code Section V (ASTM) or equivalent will be

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Table 1: ASTM Wire Type IQI Designation, Wire Diameter and Wire Identity

Set A Set B

Wire Wire Wire Wire

Diameter, in. mm Identity Diameter, in. mm Identity

0.0032 (0.08) 1 0.010 (0.25) 6 AND FILM
0.004 (0.01) 2 0.013 (0.33) 7 MARKER
0.005 (0.13) 3 0.016 (0.41) 8
0.0063 (0.16) 4 0.020 (0.51) 9
Location marker of high
0.008 (0.20) 5 0.025 (0.64) 10
atomic number
0.010 (0.25) 6 0.032 (0.81) 11
metal such as
lead in the
form of
Set C Set D
Numeric shall
Wire Wire Wire Wire be used.

Location Diameter, in. mm Identity Diameter, in. mm Identity

Markers, which
0.032 (0.81) 11 0.100 (2.54) 16 are to appear as
0.040 (1.02) 12 0.126 (3.20) 17 radiographic
0.050 (1.27) 13 0.160 (4.06) 18 images on the
0.063 (1.60) 14 0.200 (5.08) 19 film, shall be
0.080 (2.03) 15 0.250 (6.35) 20
placed on the
0.100 (2.54) 16 0.320 (8.13) 21
part, not on the
holder/cassette. Their location shall be permanently marked on the surface of the part being
radiographed when permitted, or on a map, in a manner permitting area of interest on a
radiograph to accurately traceable to its location on the part. Evidence shall also be provided
on the radiograph that the required coverage of the region being examined had been obtained.

To maintain trace ability of the defects in a weld for repair purposes, adequate markings shall be
provided. These makings shall not be moved during radiography of the weld. A zero “O”
marker shall identify the starting point at 12 o’clock position, clockwise when facing toward
the bow and the direction on the weld and shall be marked with a permanent marker on the
pipe surface as well as the film. Two type of identification are required base on the pipe weld

- Pipe welds having nominal diameter above 3 inches shall have a continuous marker
band (metric) wrapped around the circumference of the pipe. Alternatively, two
markers may be used at the ends of weld portion and they are represented for weld
section in centimeter (from location – to location).

- Films for pipe welds with nominal diameter 2½ inches or less, shall be identify with
marker such as “A” for the first, “B” for the second and so on. The markers shall be
lead type with approximate dimensions of 6mm in height and 1.5 mm thick.

Please see Appendix 2 – Radiographic Technique for reference.


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The source-to-subject distance shall not less than the total length of film being exposed in a single

The source-to-subject distance shall not less than eight times the thickness of weld plus
reinforcement and backing, if any, nor such that the inspecting radiation shall penetrate any
portion of the weld represented in the radiograph at an angle greater than 26.5 degree from a
line normal to the weld surface.


Where backscatter is likely to occur, lead shielding shall be placed behind the cassette to minimize
scatter effects. Check on backscatter Radiation shall be as follows:

- A lead letter "B" (minimum dimension of 13 mm in height and 1.6 mm thickness)

shall be attached on the back of the outer surface of each film holder or cassette.

- Light appearance of the letter "B" on the radiograph on a darker background is

evident of insufficient protection from backscatter thus radiograph shall be considered

- A dark image of the letter "B" on the lighter background is not cause for rejection.


Geometric unsharpness (Ug) of the radiograph shall be determined in accordance with:

Ug = Fd/D

Ug = geometric un-sharpness

F = source size, the maximum projected dimension of the radiating source (or
effective focal spot) in the plane perpendicular to the distance D from the
weld or object being radiographed, in.

D = distance from source of radiation to weld or object being radiographed, in.

D = distance from source side of weld or object being radiographed to the film

Note: Refer to Standard Guide for Radiographic Testing SE-94 for a method of determining
geometric unsharpness. Alternatively, a monograph as shown in Standards Guide for
Radiographic Testing Se-94 may be used.

The geometric unsharpness of the radiographic shall not exceed the following values: referred to T-
285 ASME Code Section V.
Item Material thickness, mm Ug Maximum, mm
1 Under 50.8 0.5
2 50.8 through 76.2 0.76
3 Over 76.2 through 101.6 1.01
4 Greater than 101.6 1.78

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Material thickness is the thickness on which the penetrameter is based. The value in mm table above
is defined by 1 inch = 25.4mm.



Refer to Section 8.3


- Penetrameters shall be placed in contact with the piping or plate, across the weld
and perpendicular to the weld length.

- Source-Side IQI(s). The IQI(s) shall be placed on the source side of the part being
examined, except for the condition described in paragraph below. When, due to part
or weld configuration or size, it is not practical to place the IQI(s) on the part or weld,
the IQI(s) may be placed on a separate block. Separate blocks shall be made of the
same or radiographically similar materials and may be used to facilitate IQI
positioning. The IQI on the source side of the separate block shall be placed no closer
to the film than the source side of the part being radiographed. The separate block
shall be placed as close as possible to the part being radiographed. The block
dimensions shall exceed the IQI dimensions such that the outline of at least three sides
of the IQI image shall be visible on the radiograph.

- Film-Side IQI(s). Where inaccessibility prevents hand placing the IQI(s) on the
source side, the IQI(s) shall be placed on the film side in contact with the part being
examined. A lead letter “F” shall be placed adjacent to or on the IQI(s).

- IQI Placement for Welds - Wire IQIs. The IQI(s) shall be placed on the weld so that
the length of the wires is perpendicular to the length of the weld. The identification
numbers and, when used, the lead letter “F” shall not be in the area of interest, except
when geometric configuration makes it impractical.


Please refer to Appendix 2 – Radiographic Technique designate the numbers of IQI use for each
different exposure technique.

13.3.1 Penetrameter (IQI) Sensitivity:

Radiography shall be performed with the technique of sufficient sensitivity to display the essential
wire of a wire type penetrameter,

Table 2: ASTM Wire Type IQI: IQI Sensitivity and Selection

Nominal Single-Wall IQI

Material Thickness Range Source side Film side
in. mm Essential Essential
Wir Wi
e re

Document No.: 8408-40-01 Rev. 01E Page 11 of 20


Up to 0.25, incl Up to 6.4, incl 5 4

Over 0.25 through 0.375 Over 6.4 through 9.5 6 5
Over 0.375 through 0.50 Over 9.5 through 12.7 7 6
Over 0.50 through 0.75 Over 12.7 through 19.0 8 7
Over 0.75 through 1.00 Over 19.0 through 25.4 9 8
Over 1.00 through 1.50 Over 25.4 through 38.1 10 9
Over 1.50 through 2.00 Over 38.1 through 50.8 11 10
Over 2.00 through 2.50 Over 50.8 through 63.5 12 11
Over 2.50 through 4.00 Over 63.5 through 101.6 13 12
Over 4.00 through 6.00 Over 101.6 through 152.4 14 13
Over 6.00 through 8.00 Over 152.4 through 203.2 16 14
Over 8.00 through 10.00 Over 203.2 through 254.0 17 16
Over 10.00 through 12.00 Over 254.0 through 304.8 18 17
Over 12.00 through 16.00 Over 304.8 through 406.4 20 18
Over 16.00 through 20.00 Over 406.4 through 508.0 21 20


Optical density, D, expressed as

D = log10 I


I0 is the intensity of the incident light

IT is the intensity of the transmitted light

The transmitted film density through the radiographic image of the adjacent to the designated wire
of a wire IQI and the area of interest.

Density Limitations:

 X-ray source : 2.0 ÷ 3.0 (± 0.05)

 Gamma ray source : 2.0 ÷ 4.0 (± 0.05)

For composite viewing of double film exposure, each film of the composite set shall have a
minimum density of 1.3. The maximum density shall be 4.0 for either single or composite

If the density of the radiograph anywhere through the area of interest varies by more than minus
15% or plus 30% from the density through the adjacent to the designated wire of a wire IQI,
within the minimum/maximum allowable density ranges specified in above, then an
additional IQI shall be used for each exceptional area or areas and the radiograph retaken.

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The densitometer is available for density measurement. Densitometer DDS2 or equivalent will be
used. The densitometer shall be calibrated periodically every 2 month. Verification check
shall be done at the beginning of shift, after 8 hrs of continuous use, or after change of
aperture whichever comes first.


All radiographs shall be free from mechanical, chemical or other blemishes to the extent that they
do not mask and/or are confused with the image of any discontinuity in the area of the object
being radiographed. Such blemishes include, but are not limited to:

- Fogging.

- Processing defects such as streaks watermarks or chemical stains.

- Scratches, fingers mark, crimps, dirtiness, static marks, smudges or tears.

- False indications due to defective screens. Films, in which any of the prescribed
symbols, number or datum point marks is lacking, mistaken, or retouched, shall be


A single-wall exposure technique shall be used for radiography whenever practical. When it is not
practical to use a single-wall technique, a double-wall technique shall be used. An adequate
number of exposures shall be made to demonstrate that the required coverage has been

- Single-Wall Technique. In the single-wall technique, the radiation passes through

only one wall of the weld (material), which is viewed for acceptance on the

- Double-Wall Technique. When it is not practical to use a single-wall technique, one

of the following double-wall techniques shall be used.

- Single-Wall Viewing. For materials and for welds in components, a technique may
be used in which the radiation passes through two walls and only the weld (material)
on the film-side wall is viewed for acceptance on the radiograph. When complete
coverage is required for circumferential welds (materials), a minimum of three
exposures taken 120 deg. to each other shall be made.

- Double-Wall Viewing. For materials and for welds in components 1¼ to 3½ inches

in nominal outside diameter, a technique may be used in which the radiation passes
through two walls and the weld (material) in both walls is viewed for acceptance on
the same radiograph. For double-wall viewing, only a source-side IQI shall be used.
Care should be exercised to ensure that the required geometric unsharpness is not
exceeded. If the geometric unsharpness requirement cannot be met, then single-wall
viewing shall be used.

 For welds, the radiation beam may be offset from the plane of the weld at an angle
sufficient to separate the images of the source-side and film-side portions of the weld so
that there is no overlap of the areas to be interpreted. When complete coverage is

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required, a minimum of two exposures taken 90 deg. to each other shall be made for each

 As an alternative, the weld may be radiographed with the radiation beam positioned so
that the images of both walls are superimposed. When complete coverage is required, a
minimum of three exposures taken at either 60 deg. or 120 deg. to each other shall be
made for each joint.

 Additional exposures shall be made if the required radiographic coverage cannot be

obtained using the minimum number of exposures indicated in paragraph (1) and (2)

Please refer to Appendix 2 – Radiographic Technique.


The area to be examined shall be positively and unambiguously designated by Client prior to
examination. Location on area examined shall be traceable precisely on the identifications on
the radiograph. Lead Numeric and Alphabetic shall be used as markers and shall be placed in
manner without obscuring the area of interest. Marking detail shall include:

- Project’s Name

- Contractor’s Name.

- Date of Radiograph taken.

- Drawing number for structural/ ISO. Line number for piping

- Film location.

- Weld number.

- Welders stamp or stencil.

- IQI on the source or film side (if IQI on the film side, a letter “F” will be added

- Pipe size

- As welded or PWHT

- Repair number if applicable (R-1, R-2, etc).


It will be carried out manually or in an automatic equipment in such manner that is in accordance
with ASTM E-94, Part III Standard Guide for Radiographic Testing and the Manufacturer's

Process temperatures should be checked at least once per shift. Keep the temperature of the Stop-
Bath (Rising), Fixer and Wash Water within  3 0C of the developer temperature.

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Manual processing: Recommended manual processing procedure:

- Developer:

 AGFA GEVAERT G150 or equivalent.

 Temperature 20oC during 5 minutes.

 Agitate the chemicals in order to mix it

 The range temperature is 18oC to 24oC.

 With increase time 30 seconds by less degree

 With decrease time 30 seconds by more degree

- Rinsing:

 In the stopping bath during 1 to 2 minutes or follows manufacturer's recommendation.

Acetic acid may be added to stop bath tank by an amount of 2% to enhancing Rinsing

- Fixing:

 The fixing solution G350.

 Temperature of 20oC  5oC during 8 minutes and not excess 15 minutes.

 Agitating during the first two minutes.

- Washing:

 Under running filtered water. General washing at temperature from 16oC to 30oC.

- Drying:

 Using automatic machine "AR 53" of P.L.S, or appropriated drying Cabinet. The drying
can vary from still air drying at ambient temperature as high as 60oC with air circulate
by fan.


The conditions under which radiographs are viewed are very important. To achieve a luminance of
the illuminated radiograph of 30 cd/m2, the luminance of the illuminator needs to be:

- 3,000 cd/m2 for a film density at 2.0

- 30,000 cd/m2 for a film density at 3.0

The brightness of a viewing screen can be checked with an ordinary photographic exposure meters,
if a suitable light meter is not available.

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Film viewer will be equipped with an internal fan to ensure the temperature within the housing of
the film viewer does not exceed 60oC, or viewer equipped both an internal cooling system
(fan) and an automatic cut off switch, which will switch the viewer off once the temperature
within the housing of the viewer exceed 60oC.

It shall be carried out by using the REMSCO Model No.: SB-900X (USA product) or equivalent
equipment sufficient to view a radiograph having 4.0 density maximum.


Interpretation of the radiographs and subsequence evaluation of any noted discontinuity for
acceptance shall be made by AlphaNDT’s personnel qualified to an ASNT Level II or a
Level III certification or equivalent. In principle, all radiographs will be reviewed by Owner
and C.A.

Acceptance Criteria used for evaluation of radiographs shall be as specified in the applicable
referencing standards as designated in the Project Specification and Codes.

- For ASME Code Piping System: The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with
ASME B31.3 Table 341.3.2.

- For Structural Component: The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with

AWS D1.1, Section 6, Para and Figure 6.4 for Non Tubular tension welds.
The acceptance criteria for tubular joints shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1,
Section 6, Para 6.12.3 and Figures 6.2, 6.3 and 6.6 for discontinuity limitation at weld
intersection and discontinuity at free edge of tubular joints

- For Welder Qualification: The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with

ASME Section IX or ASME B 31.3 or AWS D1.1, whichever is applicable to the
work involved.

- For pipeline: Criteria for acceptance or rejection of the weld shall be accordance
with requirements of API –1104.

- For Storage Tank: Welds examined by radiography shall be judged as acceptable or

unacceptable by the standards of Paragraph UW-51(b) in Section VIII of the ASME


Report shall contain the following technique variable:

- Manufacturer/Client

- Project/Item Reference

- Identification No., Job Number, Weld Number, Welder ID., Dwg No., Isometric
Number, etc.

- Source Type and Size

- Film Brand and designation

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- Screen used

- Examination date

- Technique number

- Average density

- Penetrameter used

- Material Type and Thickness range, diameter

- Minimum source to film distance

- Developing Chemicals

- Developing Temperature

- Developing time

- Welding Process/Acceptance Criteria

- Sensitivity

- Film Identification

- Judgment for Radiograph (Density, density variations…)

- Name of Examiner, Signature and Qualification

- Judgment result shall be describes as:

 Kinds of defect

 Accept or reject

The results of radiographic evaluation shall be recorded on the “Radiographic Examination Report”
form also attached in the appendix of this procedure.

Document No.: 8408-40-01 Rev. 01E Page 17 of 20



Report No.:
REPORT Page of

Project Name: Procedure No.: Job No.:

Request No.:
Client Name: Acceptance Standard:
Welding Process

Unit/System: Material Type: Grade Material:

Line No.: Date of Inspection: Dwg. No.:

Focal Spot size
Source Film Type IQI Type Sensitivity % Density Range SWSI/DWSI/

Film Processing: Automatic Manual

Dia. & Thick Welder Film Defect ACC/
No Weld Identification Defect Type Location Remark
(mm) No. Location Length REJ

ACC-Accepted REJ-Rejected RSH-Reshooted

UC-Undercut P-Porosity ISI-Isolated Slag Inclusion
EU- External Undercut LP-Lack of Penetration LF-Lack of Fusion
ABBREVIATION : C-Crack IU-Internal undercut NSD-Non Significant Defect
ER-Excess Root CP-Cluster Porosity BT-Burn Through
ESI-Elongated Slag Inclusion TI-Tungsten Inclusion IC-Internal Concavity

Evaluated by



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Exposure Radiograph IQI

OD Source-Weld-Film Arrangement
Technique Viewing Q’ty Placement

Double Wall: At least

at least 3 one IQI
Exposures at image
120 deg. to shall
3 in. or Single Source
each other appear
above Image Size
for Complete on each
Coverage radio-
(Contact graph

Exposure Arrangement - A

Double Wall: At least

at least 2 Double one IQI
Exposures at Image image
90 deg. to (Ellipse): shall
1¼ to Source
each other Read Offset appear
2½ in. Size
for Complete Source Size on each
Coverage and Film radio-
(Elliptical Size Images graph

Exposure Arrangement - B

Double Wall:
at least 3 At least
Exposures at Double one IQI
60 deg. or Image: Read image
120 deg. to Superim- shall
1¼ to Source
each other posed appear
2½ in. Size
for Complete Source Size on each
Coverage and Film radio-
(Superim- Size Images graph

Exposure Arrangement - C

Document No.: 8408-40-01 Rev. 01E Page 19 of 20


Exposure Radiograph IQI

OD Source-Weld-Film Arrangement
Technique Viewing Q’ty Placement

At least Size
Single Wall
Single appro-
Any (Panoramic
Image ximat-ely
Film Size

Exposure Arrangement - D

At least Size
one IQI
and Single
Single Wall appear
Plate Image
on each

Film Size

Exposure Arrangement - E

Document No.: 8408-40-01 Rev. 01E Page 20 of 20

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