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Babasaheb had enrolled himself into Columbia University.

Thirty subjects would have sufficed

for him to gain the masters degree. Dr. Ambedkar had taken and completed 60 courses ranging
across wide streams of Economics, history, sociology, anthropology, german and french. The
purpose of education for many is to ensure their material progress. But, Babasaheb at the age of
25 grappled with the caste question. In his paper on Castes in India he had linked casteism with
child marriage, sati and widowhood. Further, he proclaimed that he had waged a war against
ghost of manu and it won't end with him.

As he proceeded to pursue his next doctorate in London School of Economics professor.

Seligman had written a letter of recommendation to Professor. Foxwell. During the same period,
Ambedkar was pleading for extension of his scholarship for two years. The Diwan rejected the
same. Ambedkar entered London with literally no money. But, Prof. Foxwell remarked that
'There are no worlds to conquer for him'. The irony is heart wrenching. 

Having enrolled himself as a lawyer in Bombay Bar, the caste discrimination shook him. He had
sit alone and have his lunch in court corridors. He was offered the position of Bombay High
Court Judge as well as the offer of being Chief Justice of Hyderabad State. He refused to heed to
those offers as they will hinder his indepdence and ceaseless fight against casteism. 

His Hindu Code bill was radical in many ways. For the first time in Indian history, marrying
outside caste was envisaged in the pages of Law. Further the right to adoption which was denied
to women by Manu was provided. Right to divorce, succession were also incorporated in the bill.
Babasaheb had to resign and even his resignation statement wasn't allowed to be read in
Parliament. He states various reasons for his resignation. One being that though he was an able
mind, he was not given planning or finance ministry. Further, he expressed his disappointment
with the lacklustre attitude of Congress government in ensuring Backward commission being
appointed to provide reservation to Backward Classes. Further, he pointed that there re no
constitutional protection being provided to Backward Classes. And further, he criticised that to
legislate on economic matters without trying to address the Class and caste based differences is
like building Castles on dung heaps. He resigned for rights of so many marginalised people

His works, life had been testimony to his struggle against caste, injustices for women, he was a
free spirited lawyer and worked towards achieving Radical Equality. His works are unparalled 

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