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Subject: Reading, Writing and Critical thinking (Eng.Ed.

417) (Major) Full Marks: 50

Time: One and half hours
Read the following passage and tick (√) the best answer of the given questions.
A. Read the following text and answer the questions that follow:
One day six months later Perma's father came home and called Vriddha, his wife, for a private talk. "As far as I know," he said, "Keshav's a
well-brought-up and brilliant boy. I'm afraid that Prema's grieving to the point where she might take her life. You and I have tried to explain
and so have others but nobody has had the slightest effect on her. What are we going to do about it?" anxiously his wife said, "Let her, but
if she has her way, how can you face the dishonour? How could I ever have borne a wicked girl like that!" he frowned and said with a tone
of reproach, I've heard that a thousand times. But just how long can we moan about this caste tradition business? You're mistaken if you
think the bird's going to stay hopping at home once it's spread its wings. I've thought about the problem objectively and I've come to the
conclusion that we're obliged to face the emergency. I can't watch Prema die in the name of caste rules. Let people laugh but the time is
not far off when all these old restrictions will be broken. Even today there have been hundreds of marriages outside the caste limitations. If
the aim of marriage is a happy life for a man and a woman together, we can't oppose Prema." Vriddha was angry. "If that's your intention
then why ask me?" she said. "But I say that I won't have anything to do with this marriage, and I'll never look at that girl's face again, I'll
consider her as dead as our sons who died." "Well then, what else can you suggest?" "What if we do let her marry this boy? He'll take his
civil service examinations in two years and with what he has to offer it will be a great deal if he becomes a clerk in some office." "But what
if Prema should kill herself?" "Then let her – you've encouraged her, haven't you? If she doesn't care about us, why should we blacken our
name for her? Anyway, suicide's no game – it's only a threat. The heart's like a wild horse – until it's broken and bridled nobody can touch
it. If her heart stays like that, who's to say that she'll look after Keshav for a whole life-time? The way she's in love with him today, well, she
can be in love with somebody else just as much tomorrow. And because of this you're ready to be disgraced? Her husband gave her a
questioning look. "And if tomorrow she should go and marry Keshav, then what will you do? Then how much of your honour will be left?
Out of shyness or consideration for us she may not have done anything yet, but if she decides to be stubborn, there's nothing you or I can
do." It had never occurred to Vriddha that the problem could have such a dreadful ending. His meaning struck her with the violence of a
bullet. She sat silent for a moment as though the shock had scattered her wits. Then, backing down, she said, "What wild ideas you have!
Until today I've never heard of a decent girl marrying according to her own wish. "You may not have heard of it, but I have. I've seen it and
it's entirely possible." "The day it happens will be my last!" "But if it has to be this way, isn't it preferable that we make the proper
arrangements? If we're to be disgrace, we may as well be efficient about it. Send for Keshav tomorrow and see what he has to say."
1. Prema's father called his wife for ….
a) visiting park
b) talk
c) organizing a party
d) meeting Keshav
2. The pronoun 'You and I' in the second paragraph refers to ….
a) Prema's father and motherc)Prema and Keshav
b) Keshav's father and mother d) Prema’sNeighbour
3. The word 'reproach' in the 4th paragraph is similar in meaning to the world ……
a) excitement b) sympathy c) criticism d) anger
4. Prema's father is sure that old restrictions will …….
a) continue b) prosper c) make people aware d) break
5. According to the text, at present also the marriages are made ……
a) only inside the caste limitation c) within the same caste
b) outside the caste limitation d) with low caste
6. Who considered her as dead?
a) Prema's father b) Keshavc) Vriddha d) Prema
7. Vriddha sat silent for a while because ……..
a) his words stuck her like a bullet
b) Prema scolded her
c) she quarreled with her husband
d) her husband never listened her words
8. He came to the conclusion, when
a) she gave a solution
b) he thought about the problem objectively
c) he found a new way ant
d) Prema agreed to follow her father's instruction
9. Vriddha had never thought that the …….
a) her daughter would follow herc) problem could have such a dreadful ending
b) her husband would hate her d)Prema would scold her
10. Viddha was angry because …….c) her husband did not want to oppose Prema
a) Prema did not follow her
b) her husband directly rejected Prema's idea d) Keshav was nonsense
( Group-B )
Attempt all the questions. 6x7=42
1) What are the propaganda techniques used in advertising? Describe any three of them in brief.
2) What is the main point Rothenberg is making in the text "How the web Destroy the Quality of students' Research Papers'? Summarise in a
3) Do you agree with the authors that girls have more freedom to challenge traditional gender roles than boys? Give one or two examples.
(Boys will be Boys)
4) How do biology and culture determine sex roles in our societies? Explain
5) Describe Gardner’s eight intelligences in brief.
6) Do you think school is bad for school? Argue.

Attempt all the questions. 6x7=42

1) What are the propaganda techniques used in advertising? Describe any three of them in brief.
2) What is the main point Rothenberg is making in the text "How the web Destroy the Quality of students' Research Papers'?
Summarise in a paragraph.
3) Do you agree with the authors that girls have more freedom to challenge traditional gender roles than boys? Give one or two
examples. (Boys will be Boys)
4) How do biology and culture determine sex roles in our societies? Explain
5) Describe Gardner’s eight intelligences in brief.
6) Do you think school is bad for school? Argue.

Attempt all the questions. 6x7=42

1) What are the propaganda techniques used in advertising? Describe any three of them in brief.
2) What is the main point Rothenberg is making in the text "How the web Destroy the Quality of students' Research Papers'?
Summarise in a paragraph.
3) Do you agree with the authors that girls have more freedom to challenge traditional gender roles than boys? Give one or two
examples. (Boys will be Boys)
4) How do biology and culture determine sex roles in our societies? Explain
5) Describe Gardner’s eight intelligences in brief.
6) Do you think school is bad for school? Argue.

Attempt all the questions. 6x7=42

1) What are the propaganda techniques used in advertising? Describe any three of them in brief.
2) What is the main point Rothenberg is making in the text "How the web Destroy the Quality of students' Research Papers'?
Summarise in a paragraph.
3) Do you agree with the authors that girls have more freedom to challenge traditional gender roles than boys? Give one or two
examples. (Boys will be Boys)
4) How do biology and culture determine sex roles in our societies? Explain
5) Describe Gardner’s eight intelligences in brief.
6) Do you think school is bad for school? Argue.

Attempt all the questions. 6x7=42

1) What are the propaganda techniques used in advertising? Describe any three of them in brief.
2) What is the main point Rothenberg is making in the text "How the web Destroy the Quality of students' Research Papers'?
Summarise in a paragraph.
3) Do you agree with the authors that girls have more freedom to challenge traditional gender roles than boys? Give one or two
examples. (Boys will be Boys)
4) How do biology and culture determine sex roles in our societies? Explain
5) Describe Gardner’s eight intelligences in brief.
6) Do you think school is bad for school? Argue.

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