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Northwestern Visayan College

Kalibo, Aklan
Graduate school


A Case Study
Presented to
The Faculty of Graduate Studies
Master in Arts in education
Kalibo, Aklan

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirement for Graduate Studies
Master of Arts in Education

Rex T. Regaňon
April 2020
Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Kalibo, Aklan
Graduate School

Information Communication Technology (ICTs) at present are influencing
every aspect of human life. They are playing salient roles in work places,
business, education, and entertainment. Moreover, many people recognize ICT
as catalyst of change; change in working conditions, handling and exchanging
information, teaching methods, learning approaches, scientific research, and in
accessing information communication technologies. In this digital era, ICT use
in the classroom is important for giving students opportunities to learn and
apply the required 21st century skills. ICT improves teaching and learning and
its importance for teacher in performing their role of creators of pedagogical
environments. ICT helps teacher to present teaching attractively and able to
learn for the learners at any level of educational programmes. The existence of
new innovations, ICT became the epitome to everyone’s eyes as if life is not
complete without technology beside them. At this present generation ICT is the
working hand of most people more so to educators. ICT exemplified by the
internet and interactive multimedia are pretty much important for future
education for shaping curriculum needed into a formal teaching and learning –
especially in a teacher education. The focus of the study is for embedding ICT
for effective classroom teaching and learning.


We are on the cusp of a completely “new era”, and changes must

be made in education to ensure that all students leave school prepared
to face the challenges of a redefined world by Thornburg, 2000.

The education has vital role in building the society. Education

determines standard of society. The quality education helps to empower nation
in all aspects by providing new thoughts, the ways of implementation of
various technologies and so many such things. The quality education is basic
need of the society. There are number of effective teaching & learning
methodologies in practice.
Beginning in the 1980s, government, educators, and major employers
issued a series of reports identifying key skills and implementation strategies to
steer students and workers towards meeting the demands of the changing
workplace and society. The current workforce is significantly more likely to
change career fields or jobs. Those in baby boomers generation entered the
workforce with a goal of stability, subsequent generations are more concerned
with finding happiness and fulfillment in their work lives. But, in this present
era young workers of today likely to change jobs at a much higher rate than
previously, as much as once every year. With this mobility comes a demand for
different skills, ones that enable people to be flexible and adaptable in different
roles or in different career fields. On the latter decades of the 20 th century and
into the 21st century, society has undergone an accelerating pace of change in
economy and technology. Its effects on the workplace, and thus on the
demands on the educational system preparing students for the workforce, have
been significant in several ways. As what the saying by Thornburg stated,
changes must be made in education in order to prepare students in a
challenging world.
Therefore, to cope on the challenging world the government make move
to uplift the educational system of our country to produce globally competitive
individual and that is by integrating technology or ICTs in the education
curriculum. In this era of generation Y and Z ICTs has a vital role. Being one of
this generation I cannot imagine education without ICT. Nowadays ICT
(specially an internet) plays imminent role in the process of integrating
technology into the educational activities.
ICT is an acronym that stands for “Information Communication
Technologies”. Information and communication technologies are an umbrella
term that includes all technologies for the manipulation and communication of
information. ICT considers all the uses of digital technology that already exists
to help individuals, business, and organizations. It is difficult to define ICT
because it is difficult to keep up the changes that happen so fast. There are
traditional or old ICTs (namely, radio and TV) and the new ICTs (namely, the
Internet and telecommunications). Learning through new ICTs is also called m-
learning, e-learning, teleconferencing, and interactive multimedia, in which all
technology product can be used to perform all of this.
ICTs enable new ways of teaching and learning rather than simply allow
teachers and students to do what they have done before in a better way. These
new ways of teaching and learning are underpinned by constructivist theories
of learning and constitute a shift from a teacher-centered pedagogy—in its
worst form characterized by memorization and rote learning—to one that is
learner centered. As learning shifts from the ―teacher-centered model, to a
―learner-centered model, the teacher becomes less the sole voice of authority
and more the facilitator, mentor and coach— from ―sage on stage, to ―guide
on the side. The teacher ‘s primary task becomes to teach the students how to
ask questions and pose problems, formulate hypotheses, locate information
and then critically assess the information found in relation to the problems
posed. And since ICT-enhanced learning is a new experience even for the
teachers, the teachers become co-learners and discover new things along with
their students.
ICT-enhanced learning mobilizes tools for examination, calculation and
analysis of information, thus providing a platform for student inquiry, analysis
and construction of new information. Learners therefore learn as they do and,
whenever appropriate work on real-life problems in-depth, making learning less
abstract and more relevant to the learner ‘s life situation. In this way, and in
contrast to memorization-based or rote learning, ICT-enhanced learning that
promotes increased learner engagement, enhanced learning is also ―just-in
time, learning in which learners can choose what to learn when they need to
learn it. ICT also supports and encourages interaction and cooperation among
students, teachers, and experts regardless of where they are. Apart from
modeling real-world interactions, ICTs supported learning provides learners the
opportunity to work with people from different cultures, thereby helping to
enhance learners ‘teaming and communicative skills as well as their global
awareness. It models learning done throughout the learner ‘s lifetime by
expanding the learning space to include not just peers but also mentors and
experts from different fields.

Doing my case study made me realized that the modernization of the

country’s across the globe ICTs was a big part of it. ICTs contribute a lot to the
progress of every place, institution, company, as well as business sectors. Due
to this trends and fast changing world the educational institution incorporates
ICTs in the curriculum as one of the discipline to be introduced and taught so
that the future pillars of the society can keep pace to the world changes and
development. Moreover, this paper talks about of privileges of embedding ICTs
for effective classroom teaching and learning. On the other hand, learning is
not a transfer knowledge, rather an active construction. Therefore, technology
allow students to discover, explore on what they wish to attained and achieved.
As we all knows ICTs contribute a lot, but the inappropriate use of
technologies in the teaching and learning environment can be minimized
through the approach suggested which does not focus primarily on technology
but instead directs focus on learner needs, discipline requirements, learning
outcomes and reflection on teaching practices. Technology implemented as an
integral component of teaching and learning strategies formulated to meet
learner and discipline needs is most likely to efficiently fulfill desired learning




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