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Test 1. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on the answer sheet provided.

1. An auditor compares information on canceled checks with information contained in the cash disbursement journal. the
objective of this test is to determine that
a. recorded cash disbursement transactions are properly authorized.
b. proper cash purchase discounts have been recorded.
c. cash disbursements are for goods and services actually received.
d. no discrepancies exist between the data on the checks and the data in the journal.

2. A good system of internal accounting control over purchases will give proper evaluation to the time for ordering
merchandise. When making this evaluation the purchasing company should give primary consideration to
a. the price differences that exist between various vendors who can supply the merchandise at the required time.
b. the borrowing cost of money which the company must incur as a consequence of acquiring the merchandise.
c. the trade- off between the cost of owning and storing excess merchandise and the risk of loss by not having
merchandise on hand.
d. the flow of funds within the company which indicates when money is available to pay for merchandise.

3. A client’s purchasing system ends with the assumption of a liability and the eventual payment of the liability. Which of the
following best describes the auditor’s primary concern with respect to liabilities resulting from the purchasing system?
a. Accounts payable are not materially understated.
b. Authority to incur liabilities is restricted to one designated person.
c. Acquisition of materials is not made from one vendor or one group of vendors.
d. Commitments for all purchases are made only after established competitive bidding procedures are followed.

4. A client’s material –purchasing cycle begins with requisitions from user departments and ends with the receipt of materials
and the recognition of a liability. An auditor’s primary objective in reviewing this cycle is to
a. evaluate the reliability of information generated as a result of the purchasing process.
b. investigate the physical handling and recording of unusual acquisitions of materials.
c. consider the need to be on hand for the annual physical count if this system is not functioning properly.
d. ascertain that materials said to be ordered, received, and paid for are on hand.

5. To strengthen the system of internal accounting control over the purchase of merchandise, a company’s receiving
department should
a. accept merchandise only if a purchase order or approval granted by the purchasing department is on hand.
b. accept and count all merchandise received from the usual company vendors.
c. rely on shipping documents for the preparation of receiving reports.
d. be responsible for the physical handling of merchandise but not the preparation of receiving reports.

6. To avoid potential errors and irregularities a well-designed system of internal accounting control in the accounts payable
area should include a separation of which of the following function?
a. Cash disbursements and invoice verification.
b. Invoice verification and merchandise ordering.
c. Physical handling of merchandise received and preparation of receiving reports.
d. Check signing and cancellation of payment documentation.

7. Which respect to a small company’s system of purchasing supplies, an auditor’s primary concern should be obtain
satisfaction that supplies ordered and paid for have been
a. requested by and approved by authorized individuals who have no incompatible duties.
b. received, counted, and checked to quantities an amounts on purchase orders and invoices.
c. properly recorded as assets and systematically amortized over the estimated useful life of the supplies.
d. used in the course of business and solely for business purposes during the year under audit.

8. Which of the following is an effective internal accounting control over cash payments?
a. Signed checks should be mailed under the supervision of the check signer.
b. Spoiled checks that have been voided should be disposed of immediately.
c. Checks should be prepared only by persons responsible for cash receipts and cash disbursements.
d. A check-signing machine with two signatures should be utilized.
9. Which of the following internal accounting controls procedures is effective in preventing duplicate payment of vendor’s
a. The invoices should be stamped, perforated, or otherwise effectively canceled before submission for approval of the
b. Unused voucher forms should be prenumbered and accounted for.
c. Canceled checks should be sent to persons other than the cashier or accounting department personnel.
d. Properly authorized documentation should be the basis for check preparation.

10. A CPA learns that his client has paid a vendor twice for the same shipment, once based upon the original invoice and once
based upon the monthly statement. A control procedure that should be prevented this duplicate payment is
a. attachment of the receiving report to the disbursement report.
b. prenumbering of disbursement vouchers.
c. use of a limit or reasonableness test.
d. prenumbering of receiving reports.

11. Bell’s account-payable clerk has a brother who is one of Bell’s vendors. the brother will often invoice Bell twice for the
same delivery. The accounts-payable clerk removes the receiving report for the first invoice from the paid voucher file and
uses if for support of payment for the duplicate invoice. The most effective procedure for preventing this activity is to
a. use prenumbered receiving reports.
b. mail signed checks without allowing them to be returned to the account-payable clerk.
c. cancel vouchers and supporting papers when payment is made.
d. use dual signatures.

12. Purchase cut-off procedures should be designed to test that merchandise is included in the inventory of the client
company, if the company
a. has paid for the merchandise.
b. has physically possession of the merchandise
c. holds legal title to the merchandise.
d. holds the shipping documents for the merchandise issued in the company’s name.

13. Auditor confirmation of accounts payable balances at the balance sheet date may be unnecessary because
a. this is a duplication of cutoff tests.
b. accounts payable balances at the balance sheet date may not be paid before the audit is completed.
c. corresponding with the audit client’s attorney will reveal all legal action by vendors for nonpayment.
d. there is likely to be other reliable external evidence available to support the balances.

14. Propex Corporation uses a voucher register and does not records invoices in a subsidiary ledger. Propex will probably
benefit most from the additional cost of maintaining an accounts payable subsidiary ledger if
a. there are usually invoices in an unmatched invoice file.
b. vendor’s request for confirmation of receivables often go unanswered for several months until paid invoices can be
c. partial payments to vendors are continuously made in the ordinary course of business.
d. in is difficult to reconcile vendor’s monthly statements.

15. If a client is using a voucher system, the auditor who is examining accounts payable records should obtain a schedule of all
unpaid vouchers at the balance sheet date and
a. retrace voucher register items to the source indicated in the reference column of the register.
b. vouch items in the voucher register and examine related canceled checks.
c. confirm items on the schedule of unpaid vouchers and obtain satisfaction for all confirmation exceptions.
d. compare the items on the schedule with open vouchers and uncanceled entries in the voucher register and account
for unmatched items.

16. Under which of the following circumstances would it be advisable for the auditor to confirm accounts payable with
a. Internal accounting control over accounts payable is adequate and there is sufficient evidence on hand to minimize
the risk of a material misstatement.
b. Confirmation response is expected to b favorable and accounts payable balances are of immaterial amounts.
c. Creditor statements are not available and internal accounting control over accounts payable is unsatisfactory.
d. The majority of accounts payable balances are with associated companies

17. Which of the following procedures relating to the examination of accounts payable could the auditor delegate entirely to
the client’s employees?
a. Test footings in the accounts payable ledger.
b. Reconcile unpaid invoices to vendors’ statements.
c. Prepare a schedule of accounts payable.
d. Mail confirmations for selected account balances.
18. An auditor is planning the study and evaluation of internal control for purchasing and disbursement procedures. in
planning this study and evaluation the auditor will be least influenced by
a. the availability of a company manual describing purchasing and disbursement procedures.
b. the scope and results of audit work by the company’s internal auditor.
c. the existence within the purchasing and disbursement area of internal control strengths that offset weaknesses.
d. the strength and weaknesses of internal control in other areas, e.g. sales and accounts receivable.

19. Which of the following is the primary function of the purchasing department?
a. Authorizing the acquisition of goods. c. Verifying the propriety of goods acquired.
b. Ensuring the acquisition of goods or a specified quality. d. Reducing expenditures for goods acquired.

20. When title to merchandise in transit has passed to the audit client, the auditor engaged in the performance of a purchase
cutoff will encounter the greatest difficulty in gaining assurance with respect to the
a. quantity c. price
b. quality d. terms

21. A basic characteristics in the audit of inventory and warehousing cycle for a manufacturing company is the close
relationship to other transaction cycles in the organization. Which of the following cycles does not have a direct tie-in to
the inventory and warehousing cycle?
a. acquisition and payment cycle c. sales and collection cycle
b. payroll and personnel cycle d. capital acquisition cycle

22. The inventory and warehousing cycle can thought of as comprising two separate but closely related systems, one involving
the actual physical flow of goods, and the other the
a. internal control over those goods c. storing of the goods
b. related costs. D. prevention of waste, obsolescence and theft

23. The controls over purchase requisitions and the related purchase orders are evaluated and tested as part of the
a. inventory and warehousing cycle c. payroll and personnel cycle
b. acquisitions and payments cycle d. capital acquisitions cycle

24. After inspections of new materials by the receiving department, the material is sent to the storeroom and the receiving
documents are typically sent to
a. purchasing c. accounts payable
b. the storeroom d. all of the three

25. In any company involved in manufacturing , an adequate cost accounting internal control structure is necessary to indicate
the relative profitability of the various products for management planning an control and to
a. determine variances from standards c. value inventories for financial statement purposes
b. determine variances from budget d. value inventories for audit verification

26. Master files, worksheets, and reports that accumulate material, labor, and overhead as the costs are incurred are
a. accounting systems c. finished goods inventory records
b. storeroom documents d. cost accounting records

27. The main difference between the two types of cost systems is that
a. one accumulates costs by materials and the other by labor incurred.
b. one accumulates costs by individual jobs and other by particular process.
c. one emphasizes costs accumulated in completed products and the other emphasizes costs associated with work-in-
d. one emphasizes costs adding value to the product and the other emphasizes costs incurred because of waste, scrap,
and obsolescence.

28. The auditor must verify whether the physical counts were correctly summarized, the inventory quantities and prices were
correctly extended, and the extended inventory was correctly footed. These tests are called
a. price test c. cost test
b. compilation test d. mechanical test

29. The audit test to verify that client is using a generally accepted inventory method and to verify that physical counts were
correctly summarized are performed as part of the
a. acquisition and payments cycle c. sales and collection cycle
b. payroll and personnel cycle d. inventory and warehousing cycle

30. Perpetual inventory master files provide a record

a. of items on hand
b. of the use of raw materials and the sale of finished goods.
c. that can be used to pinpoint responsibility for custody.
d. for all the three of the above.
31. Which of the following is not an aspect of concern when auditing the cost accounting system?
a. physical controls over inventory
b. safeguarding the raw materials form point of receipt to the store room
c. documents and records for transferring inventory
d. unit cost records

32. The auditor’s tests of adequacy of the physical controls over raw materials, work in process, and finished goods must be
restricted to
a. observation and inquiry c. documentation and confirmation
b. documentation and observation d. documentation and inquiry

33. Tests of the perpetual inventory master files for the purpose of reducing the tests of physical inventory or changing their
timing are done through the use of
a. observation c. inquiry
b. documentation d. confirmation

34. A major difficulty in the verification of inventory cost records is determining the reasonableness of
a. direct labor’s hourly rate c. cost allocations
b. raw materials per unit cost d. all of the three

35. The emphasis of auditing manufacturing equipment is on the verification of

a. the balance carried forward in the account from the previous period ( beginning balance )
b. current period acquisitions and retirements.
c. the balance in the account after the current year’s activities are considered ( ending balance )
d. all three of the above.

36. The approach use to verify manufacturing equipment is different to that one use to verify
a. current assets c. copyrights
b. patents d. all other types of property, plant and equipment

37. In the audit of a manufacturing equipment, it is helpful to separate the tests into all but which one of the following
a. verification of the beginning balance c. verification of the current – year disposal
b. verification of the current year acquisition d. verification of the ending balances

38. The failure to capitalize a permanent asset, or the recording of an asset acquisition at the improper amount, affects the
income statement
a. for the current period c. until the firm disposes the asset
b. for the depreciable life of the asset d. forever

39. The test of details of balances procedure which “ physically examines assets “ is done to satisfy the audit objective of
a. classification c. cutoff
b. completeness d. validity

40. The test of details of balances procedures to “ Examine vendor’s invoices closely related accounts such as repairs to uncover
items that should be manufacturing equipment “ is done to satisfy the audit objective of
a. classification c. cutoff
b. mechanical accuracy d. validity

41. The test of details of balances procedure which requires a “ recalculation of investment credit” is done to satisfy the audit
objective of
a. classification c. validity
b. mechanical accuracy d. cutoff

42. The most common audit test to verify additions to manufacturing equipment is examination of vendors’ invoices and
receiving reports. This process is known as
a. verifying c. dual referencing
b. cross referencing d. vouching

43. It should ordinarily be unnecessary to examine supporting documents for each addition to manufacturing equipment, but it
is normal to verify
a. all large transactions c. a representative sample of typical additions
b. all unusual transactions d. all of the three
44. The erroneous inclusions of transactions that should properly be recorded as assets into accounts such as repairs expense,
lease expense, or supplies is a common client error. The auditor should evaluate the likelihood of these types of
misclassifications in conjunction with
a. obtaining an understanding of the internal control structure. c. the test of transactions
b. the test of controls d. the tests of details of balances

45. When a asset is sold or disposed of without having been traded in for a replacement asset, the valuation of the transaction
can be verified by examining the related
a. purchase order and property master file.
b. sales invoice and property master file.
c. sales invoice and merchandise inventory listing.
d. purchase order and merchandise inventory listing.

46. After assessing control risk, the auditor must decide whether it is necessary to verify the existence of individual items of
manufacturing equipment included in the master file. This audit procedure, if performed, would satisfy the audit objective
a. valuation c. validity
b. classification d. mechanical accuracy

47. If the auditor believes that there is a high likelihood of significant missing permanent assets that are still recorded on the
accounting records, an appropriate procedure is to select a sample from the assets file and examine
a. the documents verifying their acquisition c. all the related journal entries
b. the assets d. the accumulated depreciation calculations

48. Ordinarily, it is unnecessary to test the valuation of fixed assets recorded in prior periods because
a. it will not affect the current valuations
b. they were verified in previous audits.
c. the related depreciation calculations for the current period are more important.
d. the emphasis of the audit is on the income statement items, not the balance sheet items.

49. A major consideration in verifying the ending balance in permanent assets is the possibility of existing legal encumbrances.
Tests to identify possible legal encumbrances would satisfy the audit objective for
a. validity c. disclosure
b. disclosure d. mechanical accuracy

50. The proper disclosures of manufacturing equipment in the financial statements would ordinarily not include the disclosure
a. gross costs
b. leased property as a separate line item on the face of the income statement.
c. liens on property as a separate item on the space of the statement.
d. manufacturing equipment as a separate item form other permanent assets.

51. Depreciation expense is one of the few expense accounts that is not verified as part of a
a. test of controls c. test of details of balances
b. test of transactions d. analytical procedures

52. The internal allocations of accounting expense data are important because they determine
a. what GAAP must be used c. the life of the asset
b. what GAAS must be applied d. whether a particular expenditure is an asset or a
current period expense

53. Which of the following explanation might satisfy an auditor who discovers significant debits to an accumulated
depreciation account?
a. Extraordinary repairs have lengthened the life of an asset.
b. Prior years depreciation charges were erroneously understated.
c. A reserve for possible loss on retirement has been recorded.
d. An asset has been recorded at its fair value.

54. In verifying the amount of goodwill recorded by a client, an auditor can obtain the most convincing evidence by comparing
the recorded value of assets acquired with the
a. assessed value as evidenced by tax bills.
b. seller’s book value as evidenced by financial statements
c. insured value as evidenced by insurance policies.
d. appraised value as evidenced by independent appraisals.
55. In connection with a review of the prepaid insurance account, which of the following procedures would generally not be
performed by the auditor?
a. Recompute the portion of the premium that expired during the year.
b. Prepare excerpts of insurance policies for audit working papers.
c. Confirm premium rate with an independent insurance broker.
d. Examine support for premium payments.

56. Which of the following audit procedures would be least likely to lead the auditor to find unrecorded fixed assets disposal?
a. Examination of insurance policies. c. Review of property tax files
b. Review of repairs and maintenance expense d. Scanning of invoices for fixed assed additions

57. An auditor would be least likely to use confirmations in connection with the examination of
a. inventories c. property, plant and equipment
b. long-term debt d. stockholder’s equity

58. To achieve effective internal accounting control over fixed asset additions, a company should establish procedures that
a. capitalization of the cost of fixed asset.
b. performance of recurring fixed-asset maintenance work solely by maintenance department employees.
c. classification as investments, those fixed – asset additions, that are not used in the business.
d. Authorization and approval of major fixed – asset additions

59. Which of the following is the most important internal control procedure over acquisitions of property, plant nad

a. Establishing a written company policy distinguishing between capital an revenue expenditures.

b. Using a budget to forecast and control acquisitions and retirements.
c. Analyzing monthly variances between authorized expenditures and actual costs.
d. Requiring acquisitions to be made by the user departments.

60. The auditor interviews the plant manager. The auditor is most likely to rely upon this interview as primary support for an
audit conclusion on
a. capitalization versus expense policy
b. allocation of fixed and variable costs
c. the necessity to record a provision for deferred maintenance costs.
d. the adequacy of the depreciation expense.

61. The audit procedures used to verify accrued liabilities differ from those employed for the verification of accounts payable
a. accrued liabilities usually pertain to services of a continuing nature whereas accounts payable are the result of
completed transactions.
b. accrued liability balances are less material than accounts payable balances.
c. evidence supporting accrued liabilities is non-existence whereas evidence supporting accounts payable is readily
d. accrued liabilities at year end will become accounts payable during the following year.

62. A normal audit procedures is to analyze the current year’s repairs and maintenance accounts to provide evidence in
support of the audit proposition that
a. expenditures for fixed assets have been recorded in the proper period.
b. capital expenditures have been properly authorized.
c. non-capitalizable expenditures have been properly expensed.
d. expenditures for fixed assets have been capitalized.

63. Which of the following is a customary procedure for the verification of the legal ownership of real property?
a. Examination of correspondence with the corporate counsel concerning acquisition matters.
b. Examination of ownership documents registered an on file at a public hall of records.
c. Examination of corporate minutes and resolutions concerning the approval to acquire property, plant , and
d. Examination of deeds and title guaranty policies on hand.

64. Which of the following is not one of the auditors primary objectives in an examination of marketable securities?
a. To determine whether securities are authentic.
b. To determine whether securities are the property of the client.
c. To determine whether securities actually exist.
d. To determine whether securities are properly classified on the balance sheet.
65. A company holds bearer bonds as a short- term investment. Responsibility for custody of these bonds and submission of
coupons for periodic interest collections probably should be delegated to the
a. Chief Accountant c. Cashier
b. Internal Control d. Treasurer

66. Which of the following most likely would give the most assurance concerning the valuation assertion of accounts
receivable ?
a. Tracing amount in the subsidiary ledger to details on shipping documents.
b. Comparing receivable turnover ratios to industry statistics for reasonableness .
c. Inquiring about receivables pledged under loan agreements.
d. Assessing the allowance for uncollectible accounts for reasonableness.

67. Confirmation is most likely to relevant form of evidence with regard to assertions about accounts receivable when the
auditor has concerns about the receivable.
a. valuation c. existence
b. classification d. completeness

68. An auditor should perform alternative procedures to substantiate the existence of accounts receivable when
a. no reply to a positive confirmation request is received.
b. no reply to negative confirmation request is received.
c. collectibility of the receivables is in doubt.
d. pledging of the receivable is probable.

69. An auditor most likely would inspect loan agreements under which an entity’s inventories are pledged to support
managements ‘ financial statement assertion of
a. existence or occurrence c. presentation and disclosure
b. completeness d. valuation or allocation

70. An auditor most likely would analyze inventory turnover rates to obtain evidence concerning management’s assertions
a. existence or occurrence c. presentation and disclosure
b. rights and obligation d. valuation or allocation

71. Which of the following audit procedures probably would provide the most reliable evidence concerning the entity’s
assertion of rights and obligations related inventories.
a. Trace test count noted during the entity’s physical count to the entity’s summarization of quantities.
b. Inspect agreements to determine whether any inventory is pledged as collateral or subject to any liens.
c. Select the last few shipping advices used before the physical count and determine whether the shipments were
recorded as sales.
d. Inspect the open purchase order file for significant commitments that should be considered for disclosures.

72. When an auditor is unable to inspect and count a client’s investment securities until after the balance sheet date, the bank
where the securities are held in a safe deposit box should be asked to
a. verify any differences between the contents of the box and the balances in the client’s subsidiary ledger.
b. provide a list of securities added and removed from the box between the balance sheet date and the security count.
c. confirm that there has been no access between the balance sheet date and the security count date.
d. count he securities in the box so the auditor will have an independent direct verification.

73. An auditor should trace corporate stock issuances and treasury stock transactions to the
a. numbered stock certificates c. transfer agents’ records
b. articles of incorporation d. minutes of the board of directors

74. To which of the following matters would materially limits not apply when obtaining written client representation.
a. Losses from sale commitments c. irregularities involving management
b. unasserted claims and assessments d. noncompliance with contractual agreements

75. The confirmation of the client’s trade account receivable is a means of obtaining evidential matter and is specifically
considered to be generally accepted auditing
a. principle c. procedure
b. standard d. practice

76. The auditor obtains corroborating evidential matter for accounts receivable by using positive or negative confirmation
requests. Under which of the following circumstances might a negative form of the accounts receivable confirmation be
a. A substantial number of accounts are in dispute.
b. Internal control over accounts receivable is ineffective.
c. Client records include a large number of relatively small balances.
d. The auditor believes that recipients of the requests are unlikely to give them consideration.
77. It is sometimes impractical for the auditor to use normal accounts receivable confirmation procedures. in such situations
the best alternative procedure the auditor might resort to would be
a. examining subsequent receipts of year –end accounts receivable.
b. reviewing accounts receivable aging schedules prepared at the balance sheet date and at a subsequent date.
c. requesting that management increase the allowance for uncollectible accounts by an amount equal to some
percentage of the balance in those accounts that cannot b confirmed.
d. performing an overall analytical review of accounts receivable and sales on a year to year basis.

78. A corporation holding securities as collateral for an outstanding accounts receivable. During the course of the audit
engagements the CPA should
a. verify that title to the securities rests with the corporation.
b. ascertain that the amount recorded in the investment account is equal to the fair market value of the securities at
the date of receipt.
c. examine the securities and ascertain their value.
d. refer to independent sources to determine that recorded dividend income is proper.

79. In order to safeguard the asset through proper internal control, accounts receivable that are written off are transferred to
a (an)
a. separate ledger. c. tax deductions files.
b. attorney for evidence in collection proceedings d. credit manager since customers may seek to
reestablish credit by paying

80. Which of the following sets of duties would ordinarily be considered basically incompatible in terms of goods internal
a. Preparation of monthly statements to customers and maintenance of the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.
b. Posting to the general ledger and approval of additions and terminations relating to the payroll.
c. Custody of unmailed signed checks and maintenance of expense subsidiary ledgers.
d. Collection of receipts on account and maintaining accounts receivable records.

81. When reviewing a client’s statement of changes in financial position, where the concept of funds is interpreted to mean
cash, which of the following would the auditor expect to find under the caption “ Expense not requiring outlay of working
capital in the current period” ?
a. An extraordinary charge as a result of early extinguishment of debt.
b. Conversion of long-term debt to a common stock.
c. Goodwill arising from the acquisition of a subsidiary.
d. Provision for uncollectible accounts receivable.

82. Which of the following in not a primary objective of the auditor in the examination of accounts receivable?
a. Determine the approximate realizable value.
b. Determine the adequacy of internal controls.
c. Establish validity of the receivables.
d. Determine the approximate time of collectability of the receivables.

83. Lapping would most likely be detected by

a. examining cancelled checks clearing in the bank cutoff period.
b. confirming year end balances.
c. preparing a schedule of interbank transfers.
d. investigating responses to account receivable confirmation.

84. When scheduling the audit work to be performed on an engagement, the auditor should consider confirming accounts
receivable balances at an interim date if
a. subsequent collections are to be reviewed. c. negative confirmation are to be used
b. internal control over receivable is good d. there is simultaneous examination of cash and accounts

85. The use of the positive ( as opposed to the negative ) form of receivables confirmation is indicated when
a. an internal control surrounding accounts receivable is considered to be defective.
b. there is reason to believe that a substantial number of accounts maybe in dispute.
c. a large number of small balances are involved.
d. there is a reason to believe a significant portion of the requests will be made.

86. The documents which indicates the assignments or departments an employee worked for during a given period is the
a. time card c. rate authorization form
b. job time ticket d. payroll master file

87. The general cash account is considered significant in almost all audits
a. where the ending balance is material.
b. where either the beginning or ending balance is material.
c. even when ending balance is immaterial.
d. except those of not-for-profit organization.
88. Which of the following errors will be considered as a result of the audit of the bank reconciliation?
a. Failure to record a bank deposit .
b. Billing a customer at a lower price that called for.
c. Improper payments of officers personal expenditures.
d. Payment of interest to a related party for an amount in excess of the going rate.

89. Which of the following errors would not be discovered during the audit of the sales and collection cycle?
a. Failure to bill a customer.
b. Payment for raw materials that were not received.
c. Billing a customer at a lower price than called for.
d. A defalcation form customers before they are recorded , then charging the account off as a bad debt.

90. Which of the following errors would not be discovered during the tests of the bank reconciliation ?
a. Cash received by the client subsequent to the balance sheet date but recorded as cash receipts in the current year.
b. Deposits recorded in the cash book near the end of the year, deposited in the bank, and included in the bank
reconciliation is a deposit in transit.
c. The existence of payments on notes payable that were debited directly to the bank balance by the bank but were not
entered in the client’s record
d. Payment to an employee for more hours than the worked.

91. A careful bank reconciliation by component client personnel includes all but which one of the following?
a. Comparison of canceled checks with the cash disbursement journal for date, payee, and amount.
b. Examination of canceled checks for signature, endorsement, and cancellation.
c. Comparison of employee time cards with canceled payroll checks to determine if they were paid the correct amount.
d. Review of month – end inter-bank transfers for propriety and proper recording.

92. A careful bank reconciliation by component client personnel includes all but which one of the following?
a. Comparison of deposit in the bank with recorded cash receipts for date , customer, and amount.
b. Accounting for the numerical sequence of checks, and the investigation of missing ones.
c. Reconciliation of all items causing a difference between the book and the bank balance and the verification of their
d. A review of the name of payees on canceled checks in order to discover payments to related parties.

93. Which of the following audit objectives is not significant for the cash-in-bank account?
a. validity c. completeness
b. classification d. valuation

94. Which of the following audit objectives is not significant for the cash – in -bank account?
a. ownership c. mechanical accuracy
b. cutoff d. disclosure

95. A major consideration in the audit of the general cash balance is the possibility of fraud. The auditor must extend his her
procedures in the audit of year-end cash to determine the possibility of a material fraud when there are
a. large cash balances at the end of the year.
b. large cash receipts and disbursements during the year.
c. no imprest accounts used for payroll
d. inadequate internal controls.

96. The test of balances procedure that requires the auditor to trace the book balance on the reconciliation to the general
ledger is an attempt to satisfy the audit objective of
a. mechanical accuracy c. completeness
b. validity d. valuation

97. The receipt of the completed standard bank confirmation form would provide the auditor with all but which one of the
following items?
a. The balances in all bank account with the bank.
b. Any restrictions on withdrawals, such as compensating balances
c. The adjusted cash balance per bank.
d. A list of all contingent liabilities and open letters of credit with that bank.

98. A partial period bank statement and the related canceled checks, duplicate deposit slips, and other documents included in
the bank statements, mailed by the bank directly to the CPA firm’s office is called
a. four-column proof of cash
b. a bank statement
c. a cutoff bank statement
d. a short –period bank statement
99. The reason for testing the client’s bank reconciliation is to verify whether the client’s recorded bank balance is the same
amount as the actual cash in bank, except for deposits in transit, checks outstanding, and other reconciling items. The
information needed to complete the tests of the reconciliation are provided by the
a. journals and ledgers of the client for the year under audit
b. cutoff bank statement
c. journals and ledgers of client for the subsequent year
d. canceled checks for the year under audit

100.The auditor should consider adding and emphasis of a matter paragraph to the audit report when
a. the auditor is prevented from completing a procedure required by PSA.
b. the financial statements fail to disclose information required by PFRS.
c. the auditor decides to make reference to the report of another auditor.
d. an entity disclosed an early application of a new accounting standard.

101.An auditor who disclaim an opinion because of inability to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence should describe the
matter in a separate paragraph. The auditor should also modify the

Introductory Paragraph Management’s Responsibility Auditor’s Responsibility Auditor’s Opinion

a. yes no no yes
b. yes yes yes no
c. yes no yes yes
d. no no no yes

102.Which of the following may not cast significant doubt about the going concern assumption of an entity?
a. The entity heavily used long-term in capital financing its investment in permanent asset.
b. Non-compliance with capital or other statutory requirements.
c. Pending legal or regulatory proceeding against the entity that may, if successful, result in claims that are unlikely to be
d. Changes in legislation or government policy expected to adversely affect the entity.

103.All of the following procedures are effective in evaluating the reasonableness of the accounting estimates, except:
a. Review and test the process used by management to develop accounting estimates.
b. Use an independent estimate for comparison with that prepared by management.
c. Review subsequent events which confirm the estimate made.
d. Engage the service of an expert to assist in making accounting estimates.

104.The qualified opinion report will be issued by the independent auditor when, in the auditor’s judgment, the effects or
possible effects of the item under consideration
a. material and pervasive c. pervasive but not material
b. material but not pervasive d. not material, not pervasive

105.Which of the following circumstances imposed a scope limitation relating to the nature or timing of the auditor’s work?
a. The entity’s accounting records have been destroyed.
b. The auditor determines that substantive test alone is not sufficient but internal control is not reliable.
c. Management prevents the auditor from observing the counting of physical inventory.
d. The entity is required to use the equity method of accounting for investment in associates but the client uses the fair
value method.

106.When the audited financial statements of the prior year are presented together with those of the current year, the
continuing auditor’s report should cover
a. both years
b. only the current year
c. only the current year, but the prior year’s report should be presented.
d. only the current year, but the prior year’s report should be referred.

107.This exist when other information, not related to matters appearing in the financial statements, is incorrectly stated or
a. material inconsistency
b. material misstatement
c. material misstatement of fact
d. material errors affecting the other information.

108.Which of the following phrases would most likely be found in an auditor’s report expressing an unmodified opinion on
summary financial statements?
a. The summary financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with…………
b. The summary financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respect, in accordance with…………
c. The summary financial statements are consistent, in all material respects, with the audited financial statements in
accordance with…..
d. Nothing came to my attention which would indicate that the summary financial statements are not fairly stated in
accordance with . . . . .
109.Which of the following tends to be most predictable for purposes of analytical procedures applied as substantive tests?
a. relationship involving balance sheet accounts.
b. transactions subject to management discretion.
c. relationship involving income statement accounts.
d. data subject to audit testing in the prior years.

110. Under which of the following conditions can a disclaimer of opinion never be given?
a. Going – concern problems are overwhelming the company.
b. The client does not let the auditor have access to evidence about important accounts.
c. The auditor owns stock in the client corporation.
d. The auditor has found that the client has used the NIFO ( next in, first out) inventory costing method.

111. The existence of audit risk is recognized by the statement in the auditor’s standard report that the
a. is responsible for expressing an opinion on the financial statements, which are the responsibility of
b. obtains reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
c. assesses the accounting principles used and also evaluates the overall financial statement presentation.
d. realizes some matters, either individually or in the aggregate, are important while other matters are not

112. When the auditor is unable to determine the amounts associated with the illegal acts of client personnel
because of an inability to obtain adequate evidences, the auditor should issue a(an)
a. “ subject to “ qualified opinion
b. disclaimer of opinion
c. adverse opinion
d. unqualified opinion with separate explanatory paragraph

113. When the auditor concludes that there is substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a
goin concern, he/she should issue
a. an unqualified opinion with an explanatory paragraph, provided that the client has made adequate
disclosures in the financial statements.
b. an adverse opinion, regardless of the adequacy of disclosures in the financial statements.
c. the standard unqualified report, provided that the client had made adequate disclosures in the
d. a qualified opinion with an explanatory paragraph, regardless of the adequacy of disclosures in the
financial statements.

114. To distinguish from reports that might be issued by others, such as by officers of the entity, the board of directors,
or form the reports of other auditors who may not abide by the same ethical requirements as the independent
auditor, the auditor’s report should have an appropriate
a. addressee c. signature
b. title d. opinion

115. When misstatements with highest level of materiality exists on the financial statements, the auditor
must issue
a. either an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, depending on which conditions exist.
b. an adverse opinion.
c. a disclaimer of opinion.
d. either a qualified opinion or an adverse opinion, depending on which conditions exists.

116. Whenever there is a scope restriction, the appropriate response is to issue

a. a disclaimer of opinion.
b. as adverse opinion.
c. an unqualified report, a qualification of scope and opinion, or a disclaimer of opinion, depending on
d. a qualified opinion.

117.The opinion paragraph of the auditor’s report

I. Identifies the applicable financial reporting framework on which financial statements are based.
II. Expresses an opinion paragraph on the financial statements.
a. I only c. both I and II
b. II only d. neither I and II
118.The following statements relate to the date of the auditor’s report. Which is false?
a. The auditor should date the report as of the completion date of the audit.
b. The date of the auditor’s report should not be earlier than the date on which the financial statements are signed or
approved by management.
c. The date of the auditor’s report should not be later than the date on which the financial statements are signed or
approved by the management.
d. The date of the auditor’s report should always be later than the date of the financial statements ( i.e. the balance
sheet date)

119.Which of the following statements best expresses the objective of the traditional audit of financial statements ?
a. To express an opinion on the fairness with which the statements present the financial position, financial
performance, and cash flows in accordance with the Philippines Financial Reporting Standards.
b. To express an opinion on the accuracy with the statements present the financial position, financial performance,
and cash flows in accordance with the Philippines Financial Reporting Standards.
c. To make suggestions as to the form or content of the financial statements or to draft them in whole or in part.
d. To assure adoption of sound accounting policies and the establishment and maintenance of internal control.

120.Which of the following best describes why an independent auditor is asked to express an opinion on the fair presentation
of financial statements?
a. It is customary courtesy that all share holders receive an independent report on management’s stewardship in
managing the affairs of the business.
b. The opinion of an independent party is needed because a company may not be objective with respect to its own
financial statements.
c. It is difficult to prepare financial statements that fairly present a company’s financial position, financial
performance, and cash flows without the expertise of an independent auditor.
d. It is management responsibility to seek available independent aid in the appraisal of the financial information
shown in its financial statements.

121.How are management responsibility and the auditor’s responsibility represented in the auditor’s report ?
Management’s Responsibility Auditor’s Responsibility

a. implicitly implicitly
b. implicitly explicitly
c. explicitly implicitly
d. explicitly explicitly

122.In which of the following circumstances would an auditor most likely add an emphasis of matter paragraph to the auditor’s
report while expressing an unqualified opinion?
a. There is a substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.
b. Management’s estimates of the effects of future events are unreasonable.
c. No depreciation has been provided in the financial statements.
d. Certain transactions cannot be tested because of management’s records retention policy.

123.An emphasis of matter paragraph of an auditor’s report describe an uncertainty as follows:

Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note X to the financial statements. The company is defendant in a
law suit alleging infringement of certain patent rights and claiming royalties and punitive damages. The Company has filed
a counter action and preliminary hearings and discovery proceedings on both actions in progress. The ultimate outcome of
the matter cannot presently be determine, and no provision for any liability that may result has been made in the financial

124.What type of opinion should the auditor express under this circumstances?
a. unqualified c. “subject to “ qualified
b. “ except for” qualified d. disclaimer

125. An auditor’s responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements is

a. Implicitly represented in the auditor’s report.
b. Explicitly represented in the “Auditor’s Responsibility “ paragraph of the auditor’s report.
c. Explicitly represented in the “ Management’s Responsibility “ paragraph of the auditor’s report.
d. Explicitly represented in the opinion paragraph of the auditor’s report.

126. Which of the following statements is a basic element of the auditor’s report?
a. The auditor is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements.
b. The financial statements are consistent with those of the prior period.
c. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements .
d. The disclosures provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material
127. Which paragraphs of an auditor’s report on financial statements should refer to Philippine Financial
Reporting Standards?
a. Introductory and Opinion
b. Auditor’s Responsibility and Management’s Responsibility
c. Introductory and Auditor’s Responsibility
d. Management’s Responsibility and Opinion

128. An independent auditor discovers that a payroll supervisor of the company being audited has
misappropriated P 50,000. The company’s total assets and income before tax are P 70,000,000 and P
15,000,000, respectively. Assuming no other issues affect the report, the auditor’s report will most
likely contain a/an
a. Unqualified Opinion c. Adverse Opinion
b. Disclaimer of Opinion d. Scope Qualification

129.A client makes test counts on the basis of a statistical plan. The auditor observes such counts as are deemed necessary and
is able to become satisfied as to the reliability of the client’s procedures. in reporting on the results of the audit, the auditor
a. must qualify the opinion if the inventories were material.
b. can express an unqualified opinion.
c. must comment in an emphasis of matter paragraph as to the inability to observe year-end inventories.
d. is required to disclaim an opinion if the inventories were material.

130.A note to the financial statements of the Prudent Bank indicates that all of the records relating to the bank’s business
operations are stored on magnetic disks, and that no emergency backup systems or duplicate disks are stored because the
bank and its auditors consider the occurrence of catastrophe to be remote. Based upon this note, the auditor’s report
should express
a. a qualified opinion c. an adverse opinion
b. an unqualified opinion d. a “subject to “ opinion

131.An auditor’s report contains the following: “ We did not audit the financial statements of VGR Company, a wholly owned
subsidiary, which statements reflect total assets and revenues constituting 17% and 19%, respectively, of the related
consolidated totals. Those statements were audited by other auditors whose report has been furnished to us, and our
opinion, insofar as it relates to the amounts included for VGR Company, is based solely on the report of the other auditors”.

These sentences
a. disclaim an opinion c. are an improper form of reporting
b. divide responsibility d. qualify the opinion

132.Which of the following should be included in the opinion paragraph when an auditor expresses a qualified opinion?
When Read in With the foregoing
Conjunction with Not X Explanation
a. yes no
b. no yes
c. no no
d. yes yes

133.In which of the following circumstances would an auditor usually choose between expressing a qualified opinion or
disclaiming an opinion?
a. departure from Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.
b. unreasonable justification for a change in accounting principle.
c. inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
d. inadequate disclosure of accounting policies.

134.The auditor decides to express a qualified opinion on an entity’s financial statements because a major inadequacy in its
computerized accounting records prevents the auditor form applying necessary procedures. The opinion paragraph of the
auditor’s report should state that the qualification pertains to
a. a client- imposed scope limitation .
b. a departure from generally accepted auditing standards.
c. inadequacy disclosure of necessary information.
d. the possible effects on the financial statements.

135.Rose, CPA, was engaged to audit the financial statements of Might Corp. after its fiscal year had ended. The timing of
Rose’s appointment as auditor and the start of field work made confirmation of accounts receivable by direct
communication with the debtors ineffective. However, Rose applied other procedures and was satisfied as to the
reasonableness of the account balances. Rose’s auditor’s report most likely contained a /an
a. qualified opinion because of scope limitation
b. qualified opinion because of a departure from GAAP
c. unqualified opinion
d. unqualified opinion with an emphasis of matter paragraph

136.In which of the following situations would an auditor ordinarily choose between expressing a qualified opinion or an
adverse opinion?
a. The auditor wishes to emphasize an unusually important subsequent event.
b. The financial statements fail to disclose information that is required by Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.
c. Events disclosed in the financial statements cause the auditor to have substantial doubt about the entity’s ability
to continue as a going concern.
d. The auditor did not observe the entity’s physical inventory and is unable to become satisfied as to its balance by
other auditing procedures.

137.Under which of the following circumstances would a disclaimer of opinion not be appropriate?
a. The financial statements fail to contain adequate disclosure concerning related party transactions.
b. The auditor is engaged after fiscal year-end and is unable to observe the physical inventories or apply alternative
procedures to verify their balances.
c. The auditor is unable to determine the amounts associated with fraud committed by the client’s management.
d. The client refuses to permit its attorney to furnish information requested in a letter of audit inquiry.

138.When a publicly held company refuses to include in its audited financial statements any of the segment information that
the auditor believes is required, the auditor should express a /an
a. disclaimer of opinion because of the significant scope limitation.
b. adverse opinion because of a significant uncertainty.
c. unqualified opinion with an emphasis of matter paragraph emphasizing the matter
d. qualified opinion because of inadequate disclosure.

139.When a client will not permit inquiry of outside legal counsel, the audit report will ordinarily contain a/an
a. disclaimer of opinion c. “subject to “ qualified opinion
b. adverse opinion d. unqualified opinion with an emphasis of matter paragraph

140.Which of the following phrases would an auditor most likely include in the auditor’s report when expressing a qualified
opinion because of inadequate disclosure?
a. Do not present fairly in all material respects.
b. Except for the omission of the information included in the preceding paragraph.
c. With the foregoing explanation of these omitted procedures.
d. Subject to the departure from generally accepted accounting principles, as described above.

141.Which of the following is not among the characteristics of the procedures performed in completing the audit?
a. They are optional since they have only an indirect impact on the opinion to be expressed.
b. They involve many subjective judgments by the auditor.
c. They are performed after the balance sheet date.
d. They are usually performed by the audit managers or other senior members of the audit team who have extensive audit
experience with the client.

142.Which of the following events in a subsequent period will normally require adjustments of financial statements?
a. issuance of a long-term debt
b. settlement of provision in excess of recorded amounts.
c. purchase of a business.
d. issuance of a preferred stock

143.A major customer of an audit client suffers a fire just prior to completion of year-end field work. The audit client believes
that this event could have significant direct effect on the financial statements. The auditor should
a. Advise management to disclose the event in notes to the financial statements.
b. Disclose the event in the auditor’s report.
c. Withheld submission of the auditor’s report until the extent of the direct effect on the financial statements is known.
d. Advise management to adjust the financial statements.

144.The practical dual dating is associated with

a. subsequent events between the balance sheet date and the report date.
b. subsequent events between the balance sheet date and the issuance of the report.
c. subsequent events between the report date and the issuance of the report.
d. the discovery of omitted procedures.
145.After issuing the report, the auditor has no obligation to make a continuing inquiries or perform other procedures
concerning the audited financial statements, unless
a. information, which existed at the report date and may affect the report, comes to the auditor’s attention.
b. management of the entity requests the auditor to reissue the auditor’s report.
c. information about an event that occurred after the end of fieldwork comes to the auditor’s attention.
d. final determination or resolutions are made of contingencies that had been disclosed in the financial statements.

146.Subsequent issuance of the auditor’s report, the auditor became aware of facts existing at the report date that would have
affected the report had the auditor then been aware of such facts. After determining that the information is reliable, the
auditor should
a. notify the board of directors that the auditor’s report must no longer be associated with the financial statements.
b. determine whether there are persons relying or likely to rely on the financial statements who would attach importance
to the information.
c. request that management disclose the effects of the newly discovered information by adding a footnote to subsequently
issued financial statements.
d. issue revised pro forma financial statements taking into consideration the newly discovered information.

147.An auditor concludes that the omission of a substantive procedure considered necessary at the time of the examination
may impair the auditor’s present ability to support the previously expressed opinion. The auditor need not apply the
omitted procedure if
a. the risk of adverse publicity or litigation is low.
b. the results of other procedures that were applied tend to compensate for the procedure omitted.
c. the auditor’s opinion was qualified because of a departure from GAAP.
d. the results of the subsequent period’s tests of controls make the omitted procedure less important.

148.The use of prenumbered invoices , then accounting for their numeric sequence, meets primarily the
a. completeness assertion
b. valuation or allocation assertion
c. existence or occurrence assertion.
d. rights and obligation assertion

149.A request by an authorized employee for goods or services is made on the

a. purchase order
b. purchase requisition
c. debit memo
d. acquisition transaction file

150.If internal control is well-designed, employee in the same department most likely would approve purchase order and also
a. reconcile the open invoice file
b. inspect goods upon receipt
c. authorized requisition of goods
d. negotiate terms with vendors


Test 1. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on the answer sheet provided.

1. An auditor compares information on canceled checks with information contained in the cash disbursement journal. the
objective of this test is to determine that
a. recorded cash disbursement transactions are properly authorized.
b. proper cash purchase discounts have been recorded.
c. cash disbursements are for goods and services actually received.
d. no discrepancies exist between the data on the checks and the data in the journal.

2. A good system of internal accounting control over purchases will give proper evaluation to the time for ordering
merchandise. When making this evaluation the purchasing company should give primary consideration to
a. the price differences that exist between various vendors who can supply the merchandise at the required time.
b. the borrowing cost of money which the company must incur as a consequence of acquiring the merchandise.
c. the trade- off between the cost of owning and storing excess merchandise and the risk of loss by not having
merchandise on hand.
d. the flow of funds within the company which indicates when money is available to pay for merchandise.

3. A client’s purchasing system ends with the assumption of a liability and the eventual payment of the liability. Which of the
following best describes the auditor’s primary concern with respect to liabilities resulting from the purchasing system?
a. Accounts payable are not materially understated.
b. Authority to incur liabilities is restricted to one designated person.
c. Acquisition of materials is not made from one vendor or one group of vendors.
d. Commitments for all purchases are made only after established competitive bidding procedures are followed.

4. A client’s material –purchasing cycle begins with requisitions from user departments and ends with the receipt of materials
and the recognition of a liability. An auditor’s primary objective in reviewing this cycle is to
a. evaluate the reliability of information generated as a result of the purchasing process.
b. investigate the physical handling and recording of unusual acquisitions of materials.
c. consider the need to be on hand for the annual physical count if this system is not functioning properly.
d. ascertain that materials said to be ordered, received, and paid for are on hand.

5. To strengthen the system of internal accounting control over the purchase of merchandise, a company’s receiving
department should
a. accept merchandise only if a purchase order or approval granted by the purchasing department is on hand.
b. accept and count all merchandise received from the usual company vendors.
c. rely on shipping documents for the preparation of receiving reports.
d. be responsible for the physical handling of merchandise but not the preparation of receiving reports.

6. To avoid potential errors and irregularities a well-designed system of internal accounting control in the accounts payable
area should include a separation of which of the following function?
a. Cash disbursements and invoice verification.
b. Invoice verification and merchandise ordering.
c. Physical handling of merchandise received and preparation of receiving reports.
d. Check signing and cancellation of payment documentation.

7. Which respect to a small company’s system of purchasing supplies, an auditor’s primary concern should be obtain
satisfaction that supplies ordered and paid for have been
a. requested by and approved by authorized individuals who have no incompatible duties.
b. received, counted, and checked to quantities an amounts on purchase orders and invoices.
c. properly recorded as assets and systematically amortized over the estimated useful life of the supplies.
d. used in the course of business and solely for business purposes during the year under audit.

8. Which of the following is an effective internal accounting control over cash payments?
a. Signed checks should be mailed under the supervision of the check signer.
b. Spoiled checks that have been voided should be disposed of immediately.
c. Checks should be prepared only by persons responsible for cash receipts and cash disbursements.
d. A check-signing machine with two signatures should be utilized.
9. Which of the following internal accounting controls procedures is effective in preventing duplicate payment of vendor’s
a. The invoices should be stamped, perforated, or otherwise effectively canceled before submission for approval of the
b. Unused voucher forms should be prenumbered and accounted for.
c. Canceled checks should be sent to persons other than the cashier or accounting department personnel.
d. Properly authorized documentation should be the basis for check preparation.

10. A CPA learns that his client has paid a vendor twice for the same shipment, once based upon the original invoice and once
based upon the monthly statement. A control procedure that should be prevented this duplicate payment is
a. attachment of the receiving report to the disbursement report.
b. prenumbering of disbursement vouchers.
c. use of a limit or reasonableness test.
d. prenumbering of receiving reports.

11. Bell’s account-payable clerk has a brother who is one of Bell’s vendors. the brother will often invoice Bell twice for the
same delivery. The accounts-payable clerk removes the receiving report for the first invoice from the paid voucher file and
uses if for support of payment for the duplicate invoice. The most effective procedure for preventing this activity is to
a. use prenumbered receiving reports.
b. mail signed checks without allowing them to be returned to the account-payable clerk.
c. cancel vouchers and supporting papers when payment is made.
d. use dual signatures.

12. Purchase cut-off procedures should be designed to test that merchandise is included in the inventory of the client
company, if the company
a. has paid for the merchandise.
b. has physically possession of the merchandise
c. holds legal title to the merchandise.
d. holds the shipping documents for the merchandise issued in the company’s name.

13. Auditor confirmation of accounts payable balances at the balance sheet date may be unnecessary because
a. this is a duplication of cutoff tests.
b. accounts payable balances at the balance sheet date may not be paid before the audit is completed.
c. corresponding with the audit client’s attorney will reveal all legal action by vendors for nonpayment.
d. there is likely to be other reliable external evidence available to support the balances.

14. Propex Corporation uses a voucher register and does not records invoices in a subsidiary ledger. Propex will probably
benefit most from the additional cost of maintaining an accounts payable subsidiary ledger if
a. there are usually invoices in an unmatched invoice file.
b. vendor’s request for confirmation of receivables often go unanswered for several months until paid invoices can be
c. partial payments to vendors are continuously made in the ordinary course of business.
d. in is difficult to reconcile vendor’s monthly statements.

15. If a client is using a voucher system, the auditor who is examining accounts payable records should obtain a schedule of all
unpaid vouchers at the balance sheet date and
a. retrace voucher register items to the source indicated in the reference column of the register.
b. vouch items in the voucher register and examine related canceled checks.
c. confirm items on the schedule of unpaid vouchers and obtain satisfaction for all confirmation exceptions.
d. compare the items on the schedule with open vouchers and uncanceled entries in the voucher register and account
for unmatched items.

16. Under which of the following circumstances would it be advisable for the auditor to confirm accounts payable with
a. Internal accounting control over accounts payable is adequate and there is sufficient evidence on hand to minimize
the risk of a material misstatement.
b. Confirmation response is expected to b favorable and accounts payable balances are of immaterial amounts.
c. Creditor statements are not available and internal accounting control over accounts payable is unsatisfactory.
d. The majority of accounts payable balances are with associated companies

17. Which of the following procedures relating to the examination of accounts payable could the auditor delegate entirely to
the client’s employees?
a. Test footings in the accounts payable ledger.
b. Reconcile unpaid invoices to vendors’ statements.
c. Prepare a schedule of accounts payable.
d. Mail confirmations for selected account balances.
18. An auditor is planning the study and evaluation of internal control for purchasing and disbursement procedures. in
planning this study and evaluation the auditor will be least influenced by
a. the availability of a company manual describing purchasing and disbursement procedures.
b. the scope and results of audit work by the company’s internal auditor.
c. the existence within the purchasing and disbursement area of internal control strengths that offset weaknesses.
d. the strength and weaknesses of internal control in other areas, e.g. sales and accounts receivable.

19. Which of the following is the primary function of the purchasing department?
a. Authorizing the acquisition of goods. c. Verifying the propriety of goods acquired.
b. Ensuring the acquisition of goods or a specified quality. d. Reducing expenditures for goods acquired.

20. When title to merchandise in transit has passed to the audit client, the auditor engaged in the performance of a purchase
cutoff will encounter the greatest difficulty in gaining assurance with respect to the
a. quantity c. price
b. quality d. terms

21. A basic characteristics in the audit of inventory and warehousing cycle for a manufacturing company is the close
relationship to other transaction cycles in the organization. Which of the following cycles does not have a direct tie-in to
the inventory and warehousing cycle?
a. acquisition and payment cycle c. sales and collection cycle
b. payroll and personnel cycle d. capital acquisition cycle

22. The inventory and warehousing cycle can thought of as comprising two separate but closely related systems, one involving
the actual physical flow of goods, and the other the
a. internal control over those goods c. storing of the goods
b. related costs. D. prevention of waste, obsolescence and theft

23. The controls over purchase requisitions and the related purchase orders are evaluated and tested as part of the
a. inventory and warehousing cycle c. payroll and personnel cycle
b. acquisitions and payments cycle d. capital acquisitions cycle

24. After inspections of new materials by the receiving department, the material is sent to the storeroom and the receiving
documents are typically sent to
a. purchasing c. accounts payable
b. the storeroom d. all of the three

25. In any company involved in manufacturing , an adequate cost accounting internal control structure is necessary to indicate
the relative profitability of the various products for management planning an control and to
a. determine variances from standards c. value inventories for financial statement purposes
b. determine variances from budget d. value inventories for audit verification

26. Master files, worksheets, and reports that accumulate material, labor, and overhead as the costs are incurred are
a. accounting systems c. finished goods inventory records
b. storeroom documents d. cost accounting records

27. The main difference between the two types of cost systems is that
a. one accumulates costs by materials and the other by labor incurred.
b. one accumulates costs by individual jobs and other by particular process.
c. one emphasizes costs accumulated in completed products and the other emphasizes costs associated with work-in-
d. one emphasizes costs adding value to the product and the other emphasizes costs incurred because of waste, scrap,
and obsolescence.

28. The auditor must verify whether the physical counts were correctly summarized, the inventory quantities and prices were
correctly extended, and the extended inventory was correctly footed. These tests are called
a. price test c. cost test
b. compilation test d. mechanical test

29. The audit test to verify that client is using a generally accepted inventory method and to verify that physical counts were
correctly summarized are performed as part of the
a. acquisition and payments cycle c. sales and collection cycle
b. payroll and personnel cycle d. inventory and warehousing cycle

30. Perpetual inventory master files provide a record

a. of items on hand
b. of the use of raw materials and the sale of finished goods.
c. that can be used to pinpoint responsibility for custody.
d. for all the three of the above.
31. Which of the following is not an aspect of concern when auditing the cost accounting system?
a. physical controls over inventory
b. safeguarding the raw materials form point of receipt to the store room
c. documents and records for transferring inventory
d. unit cost records

32. The auditor’s tests of adequacy of the physical controls over raw materials, work in process, and finished goods must be
restricted to
a. observation and inquiry c. documentation and confirmation
b. documentation and observation d. documentation and inquiry

33. Tests of the perpetual inventory master files for the purpose of reducing the tests of physical inventory or changing their
timing are done through the use of
a. observation c. inquiry
b. documentation d. confirmation

34. A major difficulty in the verification of inventory cost records is determining the reasonableness of
a. direct labor’s hourly rate c. cost allocations
b. raw materials per unit cost d. all of the three

35. The emphasis of auditing manufacturing equipment is on the verification of

a. the balance carried forward in the account from the previous period ( beginning balance )
b. current period acquisitions and retirements.
c. the balance in the account after the current year’s activities are considered ( ending balance )
d. all three of the above.

36. The approach use to verify manufacturing equipment is different to that one use to verify
a. current assets c. copyrights
b. patents d. all other types of property, plant and equipment

37. In the audit of a manufacturing equipment, it is helpful to separate the tests into all but which one of the following
a. verification of the beginning balance c. verification of the current – year disposal
b. verification of the current year acquisition d. verification of the ending balances

38. The failure to capitalize a permanent asset, or the recording of an asset acquisition at the improper amount, affects the
income statement
a. for the current period c. until the firm disposes the asset
b. for the depreciable life of the asset d. forever

39. The test of details of balances procedure which “ physically examines assets “ is done to satisfy the audit objective of
a. classification c. cutoff
b. completeness d. validity

40. The test of details of balances procedures to “ Examine vendor’s invoices closely related accounts such as repairs to uncover
items that should be manufacturing equipment “ is done to satisfy the audit objective of
a. classification c. cutoff
b. mechanical accuracy d. validity

41. The test of details of balances procedure which requires a “ recalculation of investment credit” is done to satisfy the audit
objective of
a. classification c. validity
b. mechanical accuracy d. cutoff

42. The most common audit test to verify additions to manufacturing equipment is examination of vendors’ invoices and
receiving reports. This process is known as
a. verifying c. dual referencing
b. cross referencing d. vouching

43. It should ordinarily be unnecessary to examine supporting documents for each addition to manufacturing equipment, but it
is normal to verify
a. all large transactions c. a representative sample of typical additions
b. all unusual transactions d. all of the three

44. The erroneous inclusions of transactions that should properly be recorded as assets into accounts such as repairs expense,
lease expense, or supplies is a common client error. The auditor should evaluate the likelihood of these types of
misclassifications in conjunction with
a. obtaining an understanding of the internal control structure. c. the test of transactions
b. the test of controls d. the tests of details of balances
45. When a asset is sold or disposed of without having been traded in for a replacement asset, the valuation of the transaction
can be verified by examining the related
a. purchase order and property master file.
b. sales invoice and property master file.
c. sales invoice and merchandise inventory listing.
d. purchase order and merchandise inventory listing.

46. After assessing control risk, the auditor must decide whether it is necessary to verify the existence of individual items of
manufacturing equipment included in the master file. This audit procedure, if performed, would satisfy the audit objective
a. valuation c. validity
b. classification d. mechanical accuracy

47. If the auditor believes that there is a high likelihood of significant missing permanent assets that are still recorded on the
accounting records, an appropriate procedure is to select a sample from the assets file and examine
a. the documents verifying their acquisition c. all the related journal entries
b. the assets d. the accumulated depreciation calculations

48. Ordinarily, it is unnecessary to test the valuation of fixed assets recorded in prior periods because
a. it will not affect the current valuations
b. they were verified in previous audits.
c. the related depreciation calculations for the current period are more important.
d. the emphasis of the audit is on the income statement items, not the balance sheet items.

49. A major consideration in verifying the ending balance in permanent assets is the possibility of existing legal encumbrances.
Tests to identify possible legal encumbrances would satisfy the audit objective for
a. validity c. disclosure
b. disclosure d. mechanical accuracy

50. The proper disclosures of manufacturing equipment in the financial statements would ordinarily not include the disclosure
a. gross costs
b. leased property as a separate line item on the face of the income statement.
c. liens on property as a separate item on the space of the statement.
d. manufacturing equipment as a separate item form other permanent assets.

51. Depreciation expense is one of the few expense accounts that is not verified as part of a
a. test of controls c. test of details of balances
b. test of transactions d. analytical procedures

52. The internal allocations of accounting expense data are important because they determine
a. what GAAP must be used c. the life of the asset
b. what GAAS must be applied d. whether a particular expenditure is an asset or a
current period expense

53. Which of the following explanation might satisfy an auditor who discovers significant debits to an accumulated
depreciation account?
a. Extraordinary repairs have lengthened the life of an asset.
b. Prior years depreciation charges were erroneously understated.
c. A reserve for possible loss on retirement has been recorded.
d. An asset has been recorded at its fair value.

54. In verifying the amount of goodwill recorded by a client, an auditor can obtain the most convincing evidence by comparing
the recorded value of assets acquired with the
a. assessed value as evidenced by tax bills.
b. seller’s book value as evidenced by financial statements
c. insured value as evidenced by insurance policies.
d. appraised value as evidenced by independent appraisals.

55. In connection with a review of the prepaid insurance account, which of the following procedures would generally not be
performed by the auditor?
a. Recompute the portion of the premium that expired during the year.
b. Prepare excerpts of insurance policies for audit working papers.
c. Confirm premium rate with an independent insurance broker.
d. Examine support for premium payments.
56. Which of the following audit procedures would be least likely to lead the auditor to find unrecorded fixed assets disposal?
a. Examination of insurance policies. c. Review of property tax files
b. Review of repairs and maintenance expense d. Scanning of invoices for fixed assed additions

57. An auditor would be least likely to use confirmations in connection with the examination of
a. inventories c. property, plant and equipment
b. long-term debt d. stockholder’s equity

58. To achieve effective internal accounting control over fixed asset additions, a company should establish procedures that
a. capitalization of the cost of fixed asset.
b. performance of recurring fixed-asset maintenance work solely by maintenance department employees.
c. classification as investments, those fixed – asset additions, that are not used in the business.
d. Authorization and approval of major fixed – asset additions

59. Which of the following is the most important internal control procedure over acquisitions of property, plant nad

a. Establishing a written company policy distinguishing between capital an revenue expenditures.

b. Using a budget to forecast and control acquisitions and retirements.
c. Analyzing monthly variances between authorized expenditures and actual costs.
d. Requiring acquisitions to be made by the user departments.

60. The auditor interviews the plant manager. The auditor is most likely to rely upon this interview as primary support for an
audit conclusion on
a. capitalization versus expense policy
b. allocation of fixed and variable costs
c. the necessity to record a provision for deferred maintenance costs.
d. the adequacy of the depreciation expense.

61. The audit procedures used to verify accrued liabilities differ from those employed for the verification of accounts payable
a. accrued liabilities usually pertain to services of a continuing nature whereas accounts payable are the result of
completed transactions.
b. accrued liability balances are less material than accounts payable balances.
c. evidence supporting accrued liabilities is non-existence whereas evidence supporting accounts payable is readily
d. accrued liabilities at year end will become accounts payable during the following year.

62. A normal audit procedures is to analyze the current year’s repairs and maintenance accounts to provide evidence in
support of the audit proposition that
a. expenditures for fixed assets have been recorded in the proper period.
b. capital expenditures have been properly authorized.
c. non-capitalizable expenditures have been properly expensed.
d. expenditures for fixed assets have been capitalized.

63. Which of the following is a customary procedure for the verification of the legal ownership of real property?
a. Examination of correspondence with the corporate counsel concerning acquisition matters.
b. Examination of ownership documents registered an on file at a public hall of records.
c. Examination of corporate minutes and resolutions concerning the approval to acquire property, plant , and
d. Examination of deeds and title guaranty policies on hand.

64. Which of the following is not one of the auditors primary objectives in an examination of marketable securities?
a. To determine whether securities are authentic.
b. To determine whether securities are the property of the client.
c. To determine whether securities actually exist.
d. To determine whether securities are properly classified on the balance sheet.

65. A company holds bearer bonds as a short- term investment. Responsibility for custody of these bonds and submission of
coupons for periodic interest collections probably should be delegated to the
a. Chief Accountant c. Cashier
b. Internal Control d. Treasurer
66. Which of the following most likely would give the most assurance concerning the valuation assertion of accounts
receivable ?
a. Tracing amount in the subsidiary ledger to details on shipping documents.
b. Comparing receivable turnover ratios to industry statistics for reasonableness .
c. Inquiring about receivables pledged under loan agreements.
d. Assessing the allowance for uncollectible accounts for reasonableness.

67. Confirmation is most likely to relevant form of evidence with regard to assertions about accounts receivable when the
auditor has concerns about the receivable.
a. valuation c. existence
b. classification d. completeness

68. An auditor should perform alternative procedures to substantiate the existence of accounts receivable when
a. no reply to a positive confirmation request is received.
b. no reply to negative confirmation request is received.
c. collectibility of the receivables is in doubt.
d. pledging of the receivable is probable.

69. An auditor most likely would inspect loan agreements under which an entity’s inventories are pledged to support
managements ‘ financial statement assertion of
a. existence or occurrence c. presentation and disclosure
b. completeness d. valuation or allocation

70. An auditor most likely would analyze inventory turnover rates to obtain evidence concerning management’s assertions
a. existence or occurrence c. presentation and disclosure
b. rights and obligation d. valuation or allocation

71. Which of the following audit procedures probably would provide the most reliable evidence concerning the entity’s
assertion of rights and obligations related inventories.
a. Trace test count noted during the entity’s physical count to the entity’s summarization of quantities.
b. Inspect agreements to determine whether any inventory is pledged as collateral or subject to any liens.
c. Select the last few shipping advices used before the physical count and determine whether the shipments were
recorded as sales.
d. Inspect the open purchase order file for significant commitments that should be considered for disclosures.

72. When an auditor is unable to inspect and count a client’s investment securities until after the balance sheet date, the bank
where the securities are held in a safe deposit box should be asked to
a. verify any differences between the contents of the box and the balances in the client’s subsidiary ledger.
b. provide a list of securities added and removed from the box between the balance sheet date and the security count.
c. confirm that there has been no access between the balance sheet date and the security count date.
d. count he securities in the box so the auditor will have an independent direct verification.

73. An auditor should trace corporate stock issuances and treasury stock transactions to the
a. numbered stock certificates c. transfer agents’ records
b. articles of incorporation d. minutes of the board of directors

74. To which of the following matters would materially limits not apply when obtaining written client representation.
a. Losses from sale commitments c. irregularities involving management
b. unasserted claims and assessments d. noncompliance with contractual agreements

75. The confirmation of the client’s trade account receivable is a means of obtaining evidential matter and is specifically
considered to be generally accepted auditing
a. principle c. procedure
b. standard d. practice

76. The auditor obtains corroborating evidential matter for accounts receivable by using positive or negative confirmation
requests. Under which of the following circumstances might a negative form of the accounts receivable confirmation be
a. A substantial number of accounts are in dispute.
b. Internal control over accounts receivable is ineffective.
c. Client records include a large number of relatively small balances.
d. The auditor believes that recipients of the requests are unlikely to give them consideration.
77. It is sometimes impractical for the auditor to use normal accounts receivable confirmation procedures. in such situations
the best alternative procedure the auditor might resort to would be
a. examining subsequent receipts of year –end accounts receivable.
b. reviewing accounts receivable aging schedules prepared at the balance sheet date and at a subsequent date.
c. requesting that management increase the allowance for uncollectible accounts by an amount equal to some
percentage of the balance in those accounts that cannot b confirmed.
d. performing an overall analytical review of accounts receivable and sales on a year to year basis.

78. A corporation holding securities as collateral for an outstanding accounts receivable. During the course of the audit
engagements the CPA should
a. verify that title to the securities rests with the corporation.
b. ascertain that the amount recorded in the investment account is equal to the fair market value of the securities at
the date of receipt.
c. examine the securities and ascertain their value.
d. refer to independent sources to determine that recorded dividend income is proper.

79. In order to safeguard the asset through proper internal control, accounts receivable that are written off are transferred to
a (an)
a. separate ledger. c. tax deductions files.
b. attorney for evidence in collection proceedings d. credit manager since customers may seek to
reestablish credit by paying

80. Which of the following sets of duties would ordinarily be considered basically incompatible in terms of goods internal
a. Preparation of monthly statements to customers and maintenance of the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.
b. Posting to the general ledger and approval of additions and terminations relating to the payroll.
c. Custody of unmailed signed checks and maintenance of expense subsidiary ledgers.
d. Collection of receipts on account and maintaining accounts receivable records.

81. When reviewing a client’s statement of changes in financial position, where the concept of funds is interpreted to mean
cash, which of the following would the auditor expect to find under the caption “ Expense not requiring outlay of working
capital in the current period” ?
a. An extraordinary charge as a result of early extinguishment of debt.
b. Conversion of long-term debt to a common stock.
c. Goodwill arising from the acquisition of a subsidiary.
d. Provision for uncollectible accounts receivable.

82. Which of the following in not a primary objective of the auditor in the examination of accounts receivable?
a. Determine the approximate realizable value.
b. Determine the adequacy of internal controls.
c. Establish validity of the receivables.
d. Determine the approximate time of collectability of the receivables.

83. Lapping would most likely be detected by

a. examining cancelled checks clearing in the bank cutoff period.
b. confirming year end balances.
c. preparing a schedule of interbank transfers.
d. investigating responses to account receivable confirmation.

84. When scheduling the audit work to be performed on an engagement, the auditor should consider confirming accounts
receivable balances at an interim date if
a. subsequent collections are to be reviewed. c. negative confirmation are to be used
b. internal control over receivable is good d. there is simultaneous examination of cash and accounts

85. The use of the positive ( as opposed to the negative ) form of receivables confirmation is indicated when
a. an internal control surrounding accounts receivable is considered to be defective.
b. there is reason to believe that a substantial number of accounts maybe in dispute.
c. a large number of small balances are involved.
d. there is a reason to believe a significant portion of the requests will be made.

86. The documents which indicates the assignments or departments an employee worked for during a given period is the
a. time card c. rate authorization form
b. job time ticket d. payroll master file
87. The general cash account is considered significant in almost all audits
a. where the ending balance is material.
b. where either the beginning or ending balance is material.
c. even when ending balance is immaterial.
d. except those of not-for-profit organization.

88. Which of the following errors will be considered as a result of the audit of the bank reconciliation?
a. Failure to record a bank deposit .
b. Billing a customer at a lower price that called for.
c. Improper payments of officers personal expenditures.
d. Payment of interest to a related party for an amount in excess of the going rate.

89. Which of the following errors would not be discovered during the audit of the sales and collection cycle?
a. Failure to bill a customer.
b. Payment for raw materials that were not received.
c. Billing a customer at a lower price than called for.
d. A defalcation form customers before they are recorded , then charging the account off as a bad debt.

90. Which of the following errors would not be discovered during the tests of the bank reconciliation ?
a. Cash received by the client subsequent to the balance sheet date but recorded as cash receipts in the current year.
b. Deposits recorded in the cash book near the end of the year, deposited in the bank, and included in he bank
reconciliation is a deposit in transit.
c. The existence of payments on notes payable that were debited directly to the bank balance by the bank but were not
entered in the client’s record
d. Payment to an employee for more hours than the worked.

91. A careful bank reconciliation by component client personnel includes all but which one of the following?
a. Comparison of canceled checks with the cash disbursement journal for date, payee, and amount.
b. Examination of canceled checks for signature, endorsement, and cancellation.
c. Comparison of employee time cards with canceled payroll checks to determine if they were paid the correct amount.
d. Review of month – end inter-bank transfers for propriety and proper recording.

92. A careful bank reconciliation by component client personnel includes all but which one of the following?
a. Comparison of deposit in the bank with recorded cash receipts for date , customer, and amount.
b. Accounting for the numerical sequence of checks, and the investigation of missing ones.
c. Reconciliation of all items causing a difference between the book and the bank balance and the verification of their
d. A review of the name of payees on canceled checks in order to discover payments to related parties.

93. Which of the following audit objectives is not significant for the cash-in-bank account?
a. validity c. completeness
b. classification d. valuation

94. Which of the following audit objectives is not significant for the cash – in -bank account?
a. ownership c. mechanical accuracy
b. cutoff d. disclosure

95. A major consideration in the audit of the general cash balance is the possibility of fraud. The auditor must extend his her
procedures in the audit of year-end cash to determine the possibility of a material fraud when there are
a. large cash balances at the end of the year.
b. large cash receipts and disbursements during the year.
c. no imprest accounts used for payroll
d. inadequate internal controls.

96. The test of balances procedure that requires the auditor to trace the book balance on the reconciliation to the general
ledger is an attempt to satisfy the audit objective of
a. mechanical accuracy c. completeness
b. validity d. valuation

97. The receipt of the completed standard bank confirmation form would provide the auditor with all but which one of the
following items?
a. The balances in all bank account with the bank.
b. Any restrictions on withdrawals, such as compensating balances
c. The adjusted cash balance per bank.
d. A list of all contingent liabilities and open letters of credit with that bank.
98. A partial period bank statement and the related canceled checks, duplicate deposit slips, and other documents included in
the bank statements, mailed by the bank directly to the CPA firm’s office is called
a. four-column proof of cash
b. a bank statement
c. a cutoff bank statement
d. a short –period bank statement

99. The reason for testing the client’s bank reconciliation is to verify whether the client’s recorded bank balance is the same
amount as the actual cash in bank, except for deposits in transit, checks outstanding, and other reconciling items. The
information needed to complete the tests of the reconciliation are provided by the
a. journals and ledgers of the client for the year under audit
b. cutoff bank statement
c. journals and ledgers of client for the subsequent year
d. canceled checks for the year under audit

100.The auditor should consider adding and emphasis of a matter paragraph to the audit report when
a. the auditor is prevented from completing a procedure required by PSA.
b. the financial statements fail to disclose information required by PFRS.
c. the auditor decides to make reference to the report of another auditor.
d. an entity disclosed an early application of a new accounting standard.

101.An auditor who disclaim an opinion because of inability to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence should describe the
matter in a separate paragraph. The auditor should also modify the

Introductory Paragraph Management’s Responsibility Auditor’s Responsibility Auditor’s Opinion

a. yes no no yes
b. yes yes yes no
c. yes no yes yes
d. no no no yes

102.Which of the following may not cast significant doubt about the going concern assumption of an entity?
a. The entity heavily used long-term in capital financing its investment in permanent asset.
b. Non-compliance with capital or other statutory requirements.
c. Pending legal or regulatory proceeding against the entity that may, if successful, result in claims that are unlikely to be
d. Changes in legislation or government policy expected to adversely affect the entity.

103.All of the following procedures are effective in evaluating the reasonableness of the accounting estimates, except:
a. Review and test the process used by management to develop accounting estimates.
b. Use an independent estimate for comparison with that prepared by management.
c. Review subsequent events which confirm the estimate made.
d. Engage the service of an expert to assist in making accounting estimates.

104.The qualified opinion report will be issued by the independent auditor when, in the auditor’s judgment, the effects or
possible effects of the item under consideration
a. material and pervasive c. pervasive but not material
b. material but not pervasive d. not material, not pervasive

105.Which of the following circumstances imposed a scope limitation relating to the nature or timing of the auditor’s work?
a. The entity’s accounting records have been destroyed.
b. The auditor determines that substantive test alone is not sufficient but internal control is not reliable.
c. Management prevents the auditor from observing the counting of physical inventory.
d. The entity is required to use the equity method of accounting for investment in associates but the client uses the fair
value method.

106.When the audited financial statements of the prior year are presented together with those of the current year, the
continuing auditor’s report should cover
a. both years
b. only the current year
c. only the current year, but the prior year’s report should be presented.
d. only the current year, but the prior year’s report should be referred.

107.This exist when other information, not related to matters appearing in the financial statements, is incorrectly stated or
a. material inconsistency
b. material misstatement
c. material misstatement of fact
d. material errors affecting the other information.
108.Which of the following phrases would most likely be found in an auditor’s report expressing an unmodified opinion on
summary financial statements?
a. The summary financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with…………
b. The summary financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respect, in accordance with…………
c. The summary financial statements are consistent, in all material respects, with the audited financial statements in
accordance with…..
d. Nothing came to my attention which would indicate that the summary financial statements are not fairly stated in
accordance with . . . . .

109.Which of the following tends to be most predictable for purposes of analytical procedures applied as substantive tests?
a. relationship involving balance sheet accounts.
b. transactions subject to management discretion.
c. relationship involving income statement accounts.
d. data subject to audit testing in the prior years.

110. Under which of the following conditions can a disclaimer of opinion never be given?
a. Going – concern problems are overwhelming the company.
b. The client does not let the auditor have access to evidence about important accounts.
c. The auditor owns stock in the client corporation.
d. The auditor has found that the client has used the NIFO ( next in, first out) inventory costing method.

111. The existence of audit risk is recognized by the statement in the auditor’s standard report that the
a. is responsible for expressing an opinion on the financial statements, which are the responsibility of
b. obtains reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
c. assesses the accounting principles used and also evaluates the overall financial statement presentation.
d. realizes some matters, either individually or in the aggregate, are important while other matters are not

112. When the auditor is unable to determine the amounts associated with the illegal acts of client personnel
because of an inability to obtain adequate evidences, the auditor should issue a(an)
a. “ subject to “ qualified opinion
b. disclaimer of opinion
c. adverse opinion
d. unqualified opinion with separate explanatory paragraph

113. When the auditor concludes that there is substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a
goin concern, he/she should issue
a. an unqualified opinion with an explanatory paragraph, provided that the client has made adequate
disclosures in the financial statements.
b. an adverse opinion, regardless of the adequacy of disclosures in the financial statements.
c. the standard unqualified report, provided that the client had made adequate disclosures in the
d. a qualified opinion with an explanatory paragraph, regardless of the adequacy of disclosures in the
financial statements.

114. To distinguish from reports that might be issued by others, such as by officers of the entity, the board of directors,
or form the reports of other auditors who may not abide by the same ethical requirements as the independent
auditor, the auditor’s report should have an appropriate
a. addressee c. signature
b. title d. opinion

115. When misstatements with highest level of materiality exists on the financial statements, the auditor
must issue
a. either an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, depending on which conditions exist.
b. an adverse opinion.
c. a disclaimer of opinion.
d. either a qualified opinion or an adverse opinion, depending on which conditions exists.
116. Whenever there is a scope restriction, the appropriate response is to issue
a. a disclaimer of opinion.
b. as adverse opinion.
c. an unqualified report, a qualification of scope and opinion, or a disclaimer of opinion, depending on
d. a qualified opinion.

117.The opinion paragraph of the auditor’s report

I. Identifies the applicable financial reporting framework on which financial statements are based.
II. Expresses an opinion paragraph on the financial statements.
a. I only c. both I and II
b. II only d. neither I and II

118.The following statements relate to the date of the auditor’s report. Which is false?
a. The auditor should date the report as of the completion date of the audit.
b. The date of the auditor’s report should not be earlier than the date on which the financial statements are signed or
approved by management.
c. The date of the auditor’s report should not be later than the date on which the financial statements are signed or
approved by the management.
d. The date of the auditor’s report should always be later than the date of the financial statements ( i.e. the balance
sheet date)

119.Which of the following statements best expresses the objective of the traditional audit of financial statements ?
a. To express an opinion on the fairness with which the statements present the financial position, financial
performance, and cash flows in accordance with the Philippines Financial Reporting Standards.
b. To express an opinion on the accuracy with the statements present the financial position, financial performance,
and cash flows in accordance with the Philippines Financial Reporting Standards.
c. To make suggestions as to the form or content of the financial statements or to draft them in whole or in part.
d. To assure adoption of sound accounting policies and the establishment and maintenance of internal control.

120.Which of the following best describes why an independent auditor is asked to express an opinion on the fair presentation
of financial statements?
a. It is customary courtesy that all share holders receive an independent report on management’s stewardship in
managing the affairs of the business.
b. The opinion of an independent party is needed because a company may not be objective with respect to its own
financial statements.
c. It is difficult to prepare financial statements that fairly present a company’s financial position, financial
performance, and cash flows without the expertise of an independent auditor.
d. It is management responsibility to seek available independent aid in the appraisal of the financial information
shown in its financial statements.

121.How are management responsibility and the auditor’s responsibility represented in the auditor’s report ?
Management’s Responsibility Auditor’s Responsibility

a. implicitly implicitly
b. implicitly explicitly
c. explicitly implicitly
d. explicitly explicitly

122.In which of the following circumstances would an auditor most likely add an emphasis of matter paragraph to the auditor’s
report while expressing an unqualified opinion?
a. There is a substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern.
b. Management’s estimates of the effects of future events are unreasonable.
c. No depreciation has been provided in the financial statements.
d. Certain transactions cannot be tested because of management’s records retention policy.

123.An emphasis of matter paragraph of an auditor’s report describe an uncertainty as follows:

Without qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note X to the financial statements. The company is defendant in a
law suit alleging infringement of certain patent rights and claiming royalties and punitive damages. The Company has filed
a counter action and preliminary hearings and discovery proceedings on both actions in progress. The ultimate outcome of
the matter cannot presently be determine, and no provision for any liability that may result has been made in the financial

124.What type of opinion should the auditor express under this circumstances?
a. unqualified c. “subject to “ qualified
b. “ except for” qualified d. disclaimer
125. An auditor’s responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements is
a. Implicitly represented in the auditor’s report.
b. Explicitly represented in the “Auditor’s Responsibility “ paragraph of the auditor’s report.
c. Explicitly represented in the “ Management’s Responsibility “ paragraph of the auditor’s report.
d. Explicitly represented in the opinion paragraph of the auditor’s report.

126. Which of the following statements is a basic element of the auditor’s report?
a. The auditor is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements.
b. The financial statements are consistent with those of the prior period.
c. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements .
d. The disclosures provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material

127. Which paragraphs of an auditor’s report on financial statements should refer to Philippine Financial
Reporting Standards?
a. Introductory and Opinion
b. Auditor’s Responsibility and Management’s Responsibility
c. Introductory and Auditor’s Responsibility
d. Management’s Responsibility and Opinion

128. An independent auditor discovers that a payroll supervisor of the company being audited has
misappropriated P 50,000. The company’s total assets and income before tax are P 70,000,000 and P
15,000,000, respectively. Assuming no other issues affect the report, the auditor’s report will most
likely contain a/an
a. Unqualified Opinion c. Adverse Opinion
b. Disclaimer of Opinion d. Scope Qualification

129.A client makes test counts on the basis of a statistical plan. The auditor observes such counts as are deemed necessary and
is able to become satisfied as to the reliability of the client’s procedures. in reporting on the results of the audit, the auditor
a. must qualify the opinion if the inventories were material.
b. can express an unqualified opinion.
c. must comment in an emphasis of matter paragraph as to the inability to observe year-end inventories.
d. is required to disclaim an opinion if the inventories were material.

130.A note to the financial statements of the Prudent Bank indicates that all of the records relating to the bank’s business
operations are stored on magnetic disks, and that no emergency backup systems or duplicate disks are stored because the
bank and its auditors consider the occurrence of catastrophe to be remote. Based upon this note, the auditor’s report
should express
a. a qualified opinion c. an adverse opinion
b. an unqualified opinion d. a “subject to “ opinion

131.An auditor’s report contains the following: “ We did not audit the financial statements of VGR Company, a wholly owned
subsidiary, which statements reflect total assets and revenues constituting 17% and 19%, respectively, of the related
consolidated totals. Those statements were audited by other auditors whose report has been furnished to us, and our
opinion, insofar as it relates to the amounts included for VGR Company, is based solely on the report of the other auditors”.

These sentences
a. disclaim an opinion c. are an improper form of reporting
b. divide responsibility d. qualify the opinion

132.Which of the following should be included in the opinion paragraph when an auditor expresses a qualified opinion?
When Read in With the foregoing
Conjunction with Not X Explanation
a. yes no
b. no yes
c. no no
d. yes yes
133.In which of the following circumstances would an auditor usually choose between expressing a qualified opinion or
disclaiming an opinion?
a. departure from Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.
b. unreasonable justification for a change in accounting principle.
c. inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
d. inadequate disclosure of accounting policies.

134.The auditor decides to express a qualified opinion on an entity’s financial statements because a major inadequacy in its
computerized accounting records prevents the auditor form applying necessary procedures. The opinion paragraph of the
auditor’s report should state that the qualification pertains to
a. a client- imposed scope limitation .
b. a departure from generally accepted auditing standards.
c. inadequacy disclosure of necessary information.
d. the possible effects on the financial statements.

135.Rose, CPA, was engaged to audit the financial statements of Might Corp. after its fiscal year had ended. The timing of
Rose’s appointment as auditor and the start of field work made confirmation of accounts receivable by direct
communication with the debtors ineffective. However, Rose applied other procedures and was satisfied as to the
reasonableness of the account balances. Rose’s auditor’s report most likely contained a /an
a. qualified opinion because of scope limitation
b. qualified opinion because of a departure from GAAP
c. unqualified opinion
d. unqualified opinion with an emphasis of matter paragraph

136.In which of the following situations would an auditor ordinarily choose between expressing a qualified opinion or an
adverse opinion?
a. The auditor wishes to emphasize an unusually important subsequent event.
b. The financial statements fail to disclose information that is required by Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.
c. Events disclosed in the financial statements cause the auditor to have substantial doubt about the entity’s ability
to continue as a going concern.
d. The auditor did not observe the entity’s physical inventory and is unable to become satisfied as to its balance by
other auditing procedures.

137.Under which of the following circumstances would a disclaimer of opinion not be appropriate?
a. The financial statements fail to contain adequate disclosure concerning related party transactions.
b. The auditor is engaged after fiscal year-end and is unable to observe the physical inventories or apply alternative
procedures to verify their balances.
c. The auditor is unable to determine the amounts associated with fraud committed by the client’s management.
d. The client refuses to permit its attorney to furnish information requested in a letter of audit inquiry.

138.When a publicly held company refuses to include in its audited financial statements any of the segment information that
the auditor believes is required, the auditor should express a /an
a. disclaimer of opinion because of the significant scope limitation.
b. adverse opinion because of a significant uncertainty.
c. unqualified opinion with an emphasis of matter paragraph emphasizing the matter
d. qualified opinion because of inadequate disclosure.

139.When a client will not permit inquiry of outside legal counsel, the audit report will ordinarily contain a/an
a. disclaimer of opinion c. “subject to “ qualified opinion
b. adverse opinion d. unqualified opinion with an emphasis of matter paragraph

140.Which of the following phrases would an auditor most likely include in the auditor’s report when expressing a qualified
opinion because of inadequate disclosure?
a. Do not present fairly in all material respects.
b. Except for the omission of the information included in the preceding paragraph.
c. With the foregoing explanation of these omitted procedures.
d. Subject to the departure from generally accepted accounting principles, as described above.

141.Which of the following is not among the characteristics of the procedures performed in completing the audit?
a. They are optional since they have only an indirect impact on the opinion to be expressed.
b. They involve many subjective judgments by the auditor.
c. They are performed after the balance sheet date.
d. They are usually performed by the audit managers or other senior members of the audit team who have extensive audit
experience with the client.

142.Which of the following events in a subsequent period will normally require adjustments of financial statements?
a. issuance of a long-term debt
b. settlement of provision in excess of recorded amounts.
c. purchase of a business.
d. issuance of a preferred stock
143.A major customer of an audit client suffers a fire just prior to completion of year-end field work. The audit client believes
that this event could have significant direct effect on the financial statements. The auditor should
a. Advise management to disclose the event in notes to the financial statements.
b. Disclose the event in the auditor’s report.
c. Withheld submission of the auditor’s report until the extent of the direct effect on the financial statements is known.
d. Advise management to adjust the financial statements.

144.The practical dual dating is associated with

a. subsequent events between the balance sheet date and the report date.
b. subsequent events between the balance sheet date and the issuance of the report.
c. subsequent events between the report date and the issuance of the report.
d. the discovery of omitted procedures.

145.After issuing the report, the auditor has no obligation to make a continuing inquiries or perform other procedures
concerning the audited financial statements, unless
a. information, which existed at the report date and may affect the report, comes to the auditor’s attention.
b. management of the entity requests the auditor to reissue the auditor’s report.
c. information about an event that occurred after the end of fieldwork comes to the auditor’s attention.
d. final determination or resolutions are made of contingencies that had been disclosed in the financial statements.

146.Subsequent issuance of the auditor’s report, the auditor became aware of facts existing at the report date that would have
affected the report had the auditor then been aware of such facts. After determining that the information is reliable, the
auditor should
a. notify the board of directors that the auditor’s report must no longer be associated with the financial statements.
b. determine whether there are persons relying or likely to rely on the financial statements who would attach importance
to the information.
c. request that management disclose the effects of the newly discovered information by adding a footnote to subsequently
issued financial statements.
d. issue revised pro forma financial statements taking into consideration the newly discovered information.

147.An auditor concludes that the omission of a substantive procedure considered necessary at the time of the examination
may impair the auditor’s present ability to support the previously expressed opinion. The auditor need not apply the
omitted procedure if
a. the risk of adverse publicity or litigation is low.
b. the results of other procedures that were applied tend to compensate for the procedure omitted.
c. the auditor’s opinion was qualified because of a departure from GAAP.
d. the results of the subsequent period’s tests of controls make the omitted procedure less important.

148.The use of prenumbered invoices , then accounting for their numeric sequence, meets primarily the
a. completeness assertion
b. valuation or allocation assertion
c. existence or occurrence assertion.
d. rights and obligation assertion

149.A request by an authorized employee for goods or services is made on the

a. purchase order
b. purchase requisition
c. debit memo
d. acquisition transaction file

150.If internal control is well-designed, employee in the same department most likely would approve purchase order and also
a. reconcile the open invoice file
b. inspect goods upon receipt
c. authorized requisition of goods
d. negotiate terms with vendors

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