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Possible Navigational Questions for a SIRE – Chapter 4 & CDI – Section 3

Vetting Inspection

Recently we have had ships failing SIRE & CDI inspections due to 2 nd & 3rd
Officers not being able to answer the inspector’s questions on Navigation.
This questionnaire aims to investigate vessel readiness on common questions
asked by inspectors.

1. If you have a vessel crossing from Starboard to Port, which is the stand on
and give way vessel. What action will you take?

……………………………: ….Vessel – Action ………………………

.……………………………: ….Vessel – Action ………………………

Definition of Stand on and give Way vessel. Many exams responses referred only to
actions and not defining which vessel was which one. The positive side was that almost
all identify the action to alter to starboard as the action required

2. If you are over taking a ship on her port side, and Risk of Collision exist
with a crossing vessel on your starboard side, what actions can you take
to avoid a dangerous situation?

a. ………… b……………. c………………

The most common –and lonely- answer was to reduce speed. Despite some other options were
there to expand possibilities a big majority limited the answer to “reduce speed”.

3. Under what circumstances will you call the Master to the bridge?

--- ……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

--- ……………………………: …. – Reason: ……………………..

--- ……………………………: …. – Reason: ……………………...

--- …………………………….: …. – Reason: ……………………...

--- …………………………….: …. – Reason: ……………………...

Circumstances to call Master were given correctly by all. Reason to call the master was almost
not placed except for some comments in regards of standing orders and increase the safety of
4. As the Duty Officer on the Bridge, will you reduce speed in an

a. Yes b. No

Reason: ………………………………………………………………………..

All answers were correct. Reasons, not always given were basic but correct in their

5. How are wheel over positions calculated before an alteration?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Wheel over positions. Incomplete answers on almost all cases. There seems to exist a need to
re-enforce training/referral to BTM publications.

6. When you receive a Navtex Warning, what do you do with it?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

When receiving a Navtex Message. Mostly correct replies. Missing in some cases the handover
of information and advise to Master.

7. What will you do when you receive a T & P Notice?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

When receiving a T&P notice. Good complete answers on majority of cases. However may
need to be re-enforced on training /referral to appropriate publications on-board.

8. How many Cardinal Buoys are there? What are their top marks?

--- 0
--- 0-3
--- 3-5
--- 5-8
--- More than 8

Cardinal Marks were totally –except with one exception- answered correctly for the top marks.
9. What does a wreck marking buoy look like?

• A pillar or spar buoy, with size dependant on location. Yes / No

• Coloured in equal number and dimensions of blue and yellow vertical stripes Yes / No
minimum of 4 stripes and maximum of 8 stripes).

• Fitted with an alternating blue and yellow flashing light with a nominal range Yes / No
of 4 nautical miles where the blue and yellow 1 second flashes are alternated with
an interval of 0.5 seconds.

• If multiple buoys are deployed then the lights should be synchronised. Yes / No

• Consideration should be given to the use of a racon Morse code “D” and/or AIS Yes / No

• The top mark, if fitted, is to be a standing/upright yellow cross. Yes / No

* The light characteristic was chosen to eliminate confusion with blue lights to Yes / No
identify law enforcement, security and emergency services.
A pillar or spar buoy, with size dependant on location.

• Colored in equal number and dimensions of blue and yellow vertical stripes Yes / No
(minimum of 4 stripes and maximum of 8 stripes).

• Fitted with an alternating blue* and yellow flashing light with a nominal range Yes / No
of 4 nautical miles where the blue and yellow 1 second flashes are alternated with
an interval of 0.5 seconds.

• If multiple buoys are deployed then the lights should be synchronised. Yes / No

• Consideration should be given to the use of a racon Morse code “D” and/or AIS Yes / No

• The top mark, if fitted, is to be a standing/upright yellow cross. Yes / No

* The light characteristic was chosen to eliminate confusion with blue lights to Yes / No
identify law enforcement, security and emergency services.

Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy was answered correctly when answered. Several
officers did not filled in their responses for this relatively new buoy. Information on
exam, all true responses, were helpful to trigger curiosity on these matters.

10. What factors will you take into account when marking the abort point?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Any other factor’s: ………..………

Abort Point. To be emphasized for training. Several poor responses to comment.

11. When joining or crossing a TSS, how will you draw the course?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Crossing a TSS/Joining a TSS. Almost all answers were correct and complete.

12. How do you carry out Chart corrections, are all corrections for a chart
actually put on the chart?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Chart Corrections applied on chart. Several incomplete replies on how to carry chart

13. When correcting a chart, if the correction is for a place on the chart where
your ship cannot go, will you do the correction or just write the correction
number at the left hand bottom corner?

a. Yes, I do the corrections b. No, I don’t

Reason: ………………………………………………………………………..

Chart correction for a place outside of navigation of the vessel. Almost all answers were
correct and complete.

14. In restricted visibility, what sound signal will you give for a ship underway
and for a ship stopped and not making way through the water?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Restricted visibility ship underway/ship stopped. Several incomplete replies. Correct signal
however missing intervals.

15. If a ship is constrained by her draft, what signals will be displayed at night
and during the day?
……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Ship constrained by her draft signal day/night. Mostly correct replies. It may have been
expanded mentioning location of the signals which in almost all replies was missing.

16. How do you know Echo Sounder is giving you accurate readings?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Knowing accuracy of echo-sounder. Good replies on almost all responses.

17. What formula is used for calculating Squat on board?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Formula for Squat. Given correctly on the majority of cases.

18. What is the Company’s UKC policy?

d. Other

Company’s UKC. Given correctly in majority of cases.

19. When you are on watch, how do you know that the Master has taken over
the con from you?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Master’s taking the Con. Answered correctly on the majority of cases.

20. How do you check to see if the RADAR is working efficiently?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Knowing Radar is working efficiently. Answered correctly on majority of cases.

21. If the Follow up hand steering mode fails, what alternative methods of
steering are available?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Steering modes when FU mode fails. Answered correctly on majority of cases, however
incomplete in many cases

22. How do you known whether the GPS position can be plotted directly on a

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

How to know when GPS positions can be plotted directly on a chart. Answered
correctly on majority of exams.

23. From where does the ARPA get its speed input, if the EM log is not
operating how will the ARPA get it’s speed input?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

ARPA input of speed if EM log not working. Manual input was the most common (and
correct) reply, other ones referred to Doppler Log, Speed Log and GPS (some confusion most
probably was triggered due to the wording of question as “EM Log” which may have played
against different nationalities and their English language wording for this equipment.    

24. How will you confirm proper functioning of the DSC facilities?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Proper functioning of DSC facilities. Answered correctly on most cases and referral to tests
done, however missing in the majority the self-test and daily test.

25. If you are on bridge watch, when will you switch on the Echo Sounder?

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

……………………………: …. – Reason: …………………….

Echo Sounder usage. Majority of answers were correct. However some others missed
important usage and importance of the echosounder. i.e: switch it off when Pilot is on-board,
as per company rules, we never switch off the equipment.

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