Philippine Veterinary Medical Association, Inc. Code of Ethics

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Adapted February 21, 2019

Article I. Professional Deportment

Section 1. Compliance to Laws. All members shall comply with the

common laws governing their obligations to the clients and shall obey without
obvious fault the official public regulations and laws governing their acts.

Section 2. Professional Deportment. Members are expected to conduct

themselves at all times as professionals. They shall conduct themselves in a manner
completely above suspicion or reproach. Any flagrant violation of these principles
shall be considered as a violation of this code and may subject the violator to
suspension or expulsion.

Section 3. Title. No member of the Philippine Veterinary Medical

Association (PVMA) who is licensed to practice Veterinary Medicine shall use a
degree or title to which he is not entitled.

Section 4. Mutual Respect. No member of the association shall belittle nor

injure the professional standing of another member nor unnecessarily condemn the
character of his/her professional acts in radio, television, newspaper and social

Section 5. Reputation. It shall be considered a breach of this code for a

member to assail the professional reputation of a fellow practitioner particularly for
his/her own individual advancement.

Section 6. Undercharging. No member of the association shall endeavor to

build up a practice by undercharging another practitioner.

Article II. Duty to the Community

Section 7. Primary Duty. The veterinarian’s primary duty of servicing the

public is accomplished by giving the best professional service and to act
himself/herself in such a manner as to hold the profession in high esteem.
Section 8. Loyalty. The veterinarian should first of all be a good citizen and
a leader in movements to advance community welfare. He/She should commit no
act that will reflect unfavorably upon the worthiness of the profession.

Section 9. Emergency Service. A veterinarian when consulted in an

emergency by the client of another, shall attend only to the conditions leading to the
emergency. The veterinarian who attended to the emergency must confer with the
attending veterinarian and should not institute radical changes in the treatment
previously prescribed. Upon completion of the treatment, the patient must be
referred back to the attending veterinarian. However, if the client refuses to go back
and decides to stay, the veterinarian who attended to the emergency case may accept
the case, provided that the client should be required to secure a clearance from the
former attending veterinarian. If the clearance is given, the former veterinarian
should be willing to give all records pertaining to the history of the patient. The
following conditions should be present:

(a) Findings and discussions with the client shall be handled in such a
confidential manner as to avoid criticism of the attending
veterinarian and;
(b) In making emergency calls upon a patient already under treatment,
it is unethical to institute radical changes in the treatment
previously prescribed in such a way as to attract unusual attention.

Section 10. Authorized visit of a Consultant as requested by the

Attending Veterinarian. When in the course of an authorized visit it will be
unethical to offer services whether free or compensated or to give advice other than
that service which comes strictly within the scope of the official call.

Section 11. Revisit of Patient. Consultants shall not revisit the patient or
client or communicate directly with the client without the knowledge or consent of
the attending veterinarian/resident veterinarian or veterinary consultant.

Section 12. Veterinary Auxiliaries. It is the primary responsibility of the

practicing veterinarian that laboratory workers, clinic assistants, veterinary aides,
medical technologists, radiologic technologists and other auxiliaries shall act in such
a manner that will not contradict any provision of the code.

Section 13. Billing Clients by the Consultant. In no instance and under no

circumstance, shall a consultant take charge of a case or problem without the consent
of attending veterinarian, particularly when the client’s financial obligations to the
attending veterinarian have not yet been settled/adjusted/cleared.

Section 14. Delegation of Service. A veterinarian shall not delegate to any

person such as, but not limited to, veterinary auxiliaries (unlicensed veterinarian,
veterinary aides, x-ray technicians, medical technologists, animal caretakers,
agricultural extension technicians) the performance of any service or operation
which requires the competence of a professional, unless expressly sanctioned by
government authorities.

Section 15. Supervision of Work. The veterinarian shall supervise associates

or auxiliaries personally in the performance of the duties.

Section 16. Professional Fees. The veterinarian shall charge fees reasonably,
taking into consideration the nature of the case (span of time used in the operation
and improvement of facilities for the veterinarian to work with ease, grace and
comfort thereby constituting to the highest professional level of services), efforts,
skills and materials involved and the capacity of the client to pay. The veterinarian
is obliged to reveal to client when requested, the itemized details of the professional
fees charged. No demand rebates and commissions shall be demanded nor split fees
other than the legitimate professional fees.

Section 17. Discoveries of Works. In the interest of the veterinary profession

and public health, the veterinarian must take available discoveries, inventions or
research works useful in safeguarding or promoting health subject to patent or
copyright laws. He/She shall not claim discoveries not his/her own.

Section 18. Volunteer Programs. The veterinarian may be encouraged to

participate in programs designed for veterinary public health education and animal
health care. Members can participate in volunteer programs of the delivery of
veterinary services in underserved or unserved areas. In case of disasters or national
emergencies, the veterinarian may assist in alleviating the sufferings of stricken
animal and human population of affected areas.

Section 19. Animal Welfare. Cognizant of the animal welfare, the

veterinarian shall ensure that the patients are taken good care of, properly handled
and managed as humanely as possible. Animals used for experiments/instructional
purposes should be managed properly and humanely.
Section 20. Professional Commitment to Service. In all efforts to improve
professional service and the health of the public, the veterinarian shall make
available to the community his/her skills, knowledge and experience.

Article III. Duty to the Profession

Section 21. Keeping Professionally Competent. The veterinarian shall

endeavor to be professionally competent by updating knowledge, skills and
efficiency thus better serving the clients, community and country.

(a) Continuing Program of Education.

Each veterinarian shall complete the minimum CPD credit units
prior to renewal of license every 3 years in accordance with the
accreditation guidelines set by the PRC CPD Council.

(b) CPD Credit Units.

Every veterinarian shall complete the minimum CPD credit units
prior to renewal of license every 3 years in accordance with the
accreditation guidelines set by the PRC CPD Council.

(c) Groups.
Each Chapter, Specialty College and Affiliate shall evolve its
own system of accreditation, establish its council, police its own
ranks and shall at all times safeguard the public against those
who do not meet the qualifications prescribed by this Code.

Section 22. Display of Certificate. No certificates, plaques, or testimonials,

except recognition and awards by peers other than the veterinarian’s school diploma,
certificates issued by the specialty college, the PVMA Board, PRC License, PTR
and such other required by law shall be displayed in the clinics, offices or reception
rooms at all times.

Section 23. Duty to Report. The veterinarian either in government or private

service shall report all violations of the Veterinary Medicine Act, the rules and
regulations governing the practice of Veterinary Medicine, Code of Technical
Standards for Doctors of Veterinary Medicine and this Code, which comes to
his/her knowledge, to the appropriate chapter or specialty college or affiliate or
cooperating association, the PVMA Board or the Professional Regulation
Section 24. Professional Consultation and Referral. The veterinarian may
seek consultation or make a referral whenever the welfare of the patient requires
recourse to those who possess special skills, knowledge and experience.

(a) The consultant shall hold the detail of the consultation in

confidence and shall not undertake any procedure without the
consent of the referring veterinarian.

(b) The consultant shall observe post-operative conditions and follow

up procedures and immediately thereafter return the patient to the
referring veterinarian.

Section 25. Criticism and Expert Testimony.

(a) Justifiable Criticism. It should be considered ethical for a

veterinarian to report the repeated faulty treatment of another
veterinarian provided that it is reported to the appropriate authority
or professional body and should be handled with full confidentiality.

(b) Expert Testimony. The veterinarian may provide expert testimony

whenever called upon to do so in administrative, judicial, quasi-
judicial or legislative proceeding.

Section 26. Illegal Practices.

(a) It is unprofessional to aid in illegal practices of others, practicing

without license, teaching others to do so in violation of the laws
governing the practice of veterinary medicine.

(b) It is the duty of members of the association to report illegal practices

to the proper authorities and to report such practices by members of
the associations to the PVMA.

Section 27. Cover up for Illegal Acts. No veterinarian shall willfully engage
in such services that shall cover up or facilitate prejudicial practices by certain
commercial or industrial establishments (public or private).

Section 28. Use of Association’s Endorsement. No member or employee

of the PVMA shall use the name of the association in connection with the promotion
or advertising or endorsement of any commercial product or commercial services,
or any service without written permission from the Board of Directors.

Section 29. Membership and Financial Report. It is the duty and

responsibility of the veterinarian to be an active member of the PVMA and bonafide
chapters and affiliates of the association within the area of his/her practice. His
membership requires financial support in reasonable amount fixed by his/her
association or chapter.

Article IV. Advertising

Section 30. Advertising in General. Advertising as a means of obtaining

patronage is objectionable, unethical and unprofessional. Some objectionable
advertising consists of:

(a) Personal superiority over one’s colleague

(b) Secret remedies or exclusive method
(c) As a corporation or partnership beyond that which would be
ethical for either party.
(d) Reports allegedly unintentional
(e) Hospital or clinic equipment and other special services rendered
(f) Solicited and repeated publicity of the building or occupation of a
new hospital.

Section 31. Authorized Advertising. The best and honorable means by

which the veterinarian may make known and advance his/her reputation for skill and
competence in the practice of veterinary medicine is through his/her professional
services to his/her patients and the public. A veterinarian may identify
himself/herself as veterinary practitioner only in the following manners:

(a) Cards, letterheads, announcements – a veterinarian may properly

utilize professional cards, recall notices to clients of records and
letterheads when the style and text are consistent with the dignity
of the profession.

(b) Announcement cards may be sent when there is change in

location or an alteration in the character of practice, but only to
other veterinary members and to clients of records.
(c) The veterinarian shall use only the usual titles and academic
degrees such as “Doctor, Veterinarian, DVM, or VMD” in
connection with the name or signature, such as, but not limited to,
MS, Phd, LLB; recognized specialty titles, maybe used if
legitimate holders.

(d) Professional cards must be traditional size and type and shall not
include more than the veterinarian’s name, title, address,
telephone number and office hours. If he/she confines
himself/herself to the specific field of practice, he/she may
include the following, “practice limited to” or if Board certified,
“specialist in ….(specialty).”

(e) The veterinarian is authorized to the listing of his/her name in a

telephone directory or other directories provided that the listing
shall not be in bold type nor in a box or in different colors.

Section 32. Soliciting Patients. A veterinarian shall not solicit patients

personally or employ his/her clients, agents or agencies to solicit patients or clients
including such practice as “door to door” solicitation.

Section 33. Use of Association’s Endorsement. No member or employee

of the PVMA shall use the name of the association in connection with the promotion
or advertising or endorsement of any commercial product or commercial services,
or any service without written permission from the Board of Directors.

Section 34. Loyalty. The veterinarian should first of all be a good citizen
and a leader in movements to advance community welfare. He/She should commit
no act that will reflect unfavorably upon the worthiness of the profession.

Article V. Council on Ethics

Section 35. Duties. The Council shall interpret the Code of Ethics with
reference to issues and complaints referred to it by members thru the National
Officers and Board of Directors. It shall adjudicate complaints on fellow members
submitted to the National Officers and Board of Directors. Being an autonomous
arm, it shall decide on these complaints and present its decision to the National
Officers and Board of Directors of the PVMA for disposition.
Section 36. Enforcement. Violation of this code and the interpretation of
any provision thereof shall be determined by the Council of Ethics.

Section 37. Sanctions. Reprimand, suspension or expulsion from the

Philippine Veterinary Medical Association, Chapters, Specialty Colleges and
Affiliates for the violation of this code or any section hereof.

Section 38. Council on Ethics of Chapters, Specialty Colleges, and

Affiliates. Each of these bodies shall form its own Council on Ethics. Issues and
complaints should be localized in the Chapters, Specialty Colleges and Affiliates.
Copy of the resolution of issues should be submitted to the national Council on
Ethics. Unresolved issues and concerns can be elevated to the national Council on
Ethics for adjudication.

Section 39. Confidentiality. Proceedings conducted by the Council on

Ethics shall remain confidential. All proceedings of the investigations being
conducted by the Council on Ethics involving any member of the Philippine
Veterinary Medical Association shall be conducted with utmost decorum.

Article VI. Effectivity

Section 40. This Code shall be published in the PVMA Journal, Newsletter,
or Souvenir Program as ratified by the members of the PVMA during the Business
Meeting of the 86th Annual Convention held in Iloilo City last February 21, 2019.
This Code shall take effect 15 days hereafter.

Members of the Council on Ethics upon Ratification:

Dr. Arnel A. Bustamante – Chairman

Dr. Maysie T. Batinga – Vice Chairman
Dr. Marie Vevienne F. Casino – Secretary
Dr. Benjamin C. Albarece - Member
Dr. Leilani A. Acero - Member

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