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Chk'd by: ~ «l(;Nei!(

FCC FORREST CITY - - - - , . - - - - - - - --
750,000 Gallon Water Tower Repaint /
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Date ?P
I.I l 4
· A. The contractor shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools,
supervision, transportation, services, etc., required for paint removal, field
preparation and repainting of one 750,000 gallon composite elevated storage tank
as described herein. The scope of work shall include all interior and exterior
metal surfaces and components on the storage tank.

· B. The elevated storage tank is located outside the secure perimeter, behind the
Federal Prison Camp. During the course of this project, the institution will
continue to receive domestic water supply through an existing tank-bypass service

A. Without limiting the general aspects of other requirements of these specifiations, all surface
preparation, coating and painting of interior and exterior surfaces and inspection shall
conform to the applicable requirements of the Society for Protective Coatings, NACE
International, ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), A WWA and the
manufacturer's printed instructions.

1. ASTM (Amerian Society for Testing and Materials)

ASTM D 520 Standard Specifiation for Zinc D ust Pigment
ASTM D 4417 Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface
Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel
ASTME337 Standard Practice Test Method for Measuring Humidity
with a Psychrometer
ASTMD2200 Standard Methods of Evaluating Degree of Rusting on
Painted Surfaces

2. ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

ANSI/ ASC 29.4 Exhaust Systems Abrasive Blasting Operations -
Ventilation and Safe Practice
ANSI/NSF Standard 61 Drinking Water Components

3. AWWA (American Water Works Association)

AWWA D 102 Coating Steel Water Storage Tanks

4. Consumer Product Safety Act, Part 1303

5. NACE International
NACE Publiation TPC2 Coatings and ~ for Immersion Service:
Chapter 1 Safety, Chapter Surface Preparation,
Chapter 3 Curing, and Chapter 4 Inspection


NACE Standard RP0287 Field Measurement of Surface Pto6le of Abmsive
Blast-Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a Replica Tape
NACE Standard RP0288 Standard Recommended Pmctice, Inspection of
Linings on Steel and Concrete

6. OSHA (Occupational S1lfety & Health Administmtion)

1915.35 Standards - 29 CFR- Painting

7. SSPC (Societf for Protective Coatings)

SSPC-SP2 Hand Tool Cleaning
SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Cleaning
SSPCSPl 1 Power Tool Cleaning to Bue Metal
SSPCPA-1 Shop, Field and Maintenance Painting
SSPC-PA-2 Measurement ofDJ:y Film Thickness with Magnetic Gages
SSPC-PA-3 Guide to Safety in Paint Application
SSPCGuide 12 • Guide fo.r Jllumination oflndusttial Painting Project
SSPCVIS 1-89 Pictorial Surface Prepamtion Standards for Painting Steel
SSPC Paint Spec 36 Two Component Weatherable Aliphatic Polyurethane
Topcoat, Performance-Based

8. SSPC/NACEJoint Standards
SSPCSP5/NACE 1 White Metal Blast Cleaning
SSPCSP6/NACE 3 Commen:ial Blast Cleaning
SSPCSP7/NACE 4 Bmsh-OffBlast Oeaoing
SSPCSP10/NACE 2 Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning

The Contracting Representative's decision shall be final as the interpretation and and/or
Conflict between any of the referenced specifications and standards contained herein


A. The Contractor shall have three yeaa pmctical experience and successful bistmy in the
application of specified product to surfaces of steel water tanks. Upon request, he shall
substantiate this requirement by furnishing a list of refeiences and job completions.

B. The Contmctor shall submit with his bid a written statemen� by the coatings manufacturer
stating that the Contmctor is &miliat with the materials specified and has women capable
of perfomiing the WOik specified herein.

C. The pemonnel performing the work shall be knowledgeable and have the required
experience and skill to adequately perfoan the wmk for this project, in acconiance with
SSPC-PAl, "Shop, Field and Maintenance Painting91•


A. Geneml: �1¥ assumnc:e procedures and puctices shall be utilized to monitor all phases
of sudace preparation, application and inspection throughout the duration of the �ject.
Pmcedures or practices not specifically defined herein may be utilized provided they meet
remguized and accepted professional standards and are approved by the Contracting
Officer Rrepresentative


B. Surface Prepamtion: Surface preparation will be based upon compm:ison with: "Piccm:ial
Surface Preparation Standmls for Painting Steel Surfaces: SSPCVIS 1-89", .ASTM D2200-
95, nstandard Methods of Evaluating Degree of Rus1ing on Painted Surfacesu, ASTM D
4417-91, Method A and/or Method C or NACE Stmdard RP0287-87. In all cases the
written standard shall take precedence over the visual standard. In addition, NACE
Standatd SP017S.91, along with the Visual Comparator, shall be used to verify the surface
prepantion of welds.
C. Application: No coating or paint shall be applied when: 1) the suaounding air tempemture
or the tcmperatme of the surface to be coated or painted is below the minimum surface
temperature for the products specified herein, 2) rain, snow, fog or mist is present, 3) the
sur&ce temperature is less thm 5°F above the dew point, 4) the air tempetature is ~
to drop below the minimum temperature for the products spcdficd within m houm after
application of coating. Dewpomt shall be meaamcd by use of an insttumcnt such as a Sling
Psychtometer in conjunction with U.S. Department of Commm:c Weather Buteau
Psychometric Tables. If any of the above conditions are pi:evalent, coating or painting shall
be delayed or postponed until conditions are favotable. The day's coating or painting shall
be completed in time to peanit the film sufficient dtying time prior to damage by
atmospheric conditions.

D. Coating Thickness: Thickness of coatings and paint shall be measured checked accmding to
the procedw:es outlined in SSPC-PA 2 "Measurement of Dry Film Thickness with Magnetic
~ " , May 2012 Edition. D.ty film thickness shall be a Level 2 as defincd in Paragraph
9.2, excepting that no single gsge reading shall be less than 80% of the specified my 61m
thickness. Areas that fail to meet these criteria shall be corrected at no expense to the
Owner. Use of an instrument such as a Tooke Gauge, precision groove gander, etc. is
pemiitted if a destructive test is deemed necessa.ty by the Contmcting Officer and the total
DFr is less than SO mils.

E. Holiday (Pinhole) Testing: The integrity of interior coated surfaces shall be tested for
holidays m accomance with NACE Standard SP0188. For city films less than 20 ~ a
non-destructive holiday detector shall not exceed 67.5 volts, nor shall destructive holiday
detector exceed the voltage tee0mmet1ded by the manu&.ctmer of the c:oatiDg system. A
solution of 1-ounce non-sudsing type wetting agent, such as Kodak Photo-Flo, and 1 gallon
of tap water shall be used to perf~ the holiday testing. For coating thickness at 20 mils
and greater, a high voltage Tinker & Rasor AP/W holiday tester shall be used. Contact
coating manu&cturer for voltage .recommendations and cw:ing puametea.

All pinholes and/or holidays shall be marked and tepaired in accomance with the
manufactmers printed recommendations and mested. No pinholes or other meguJarities
will be permittld in the final coating.

F. Inspection Devices: The contmctor shall furnish, until final acceptance of coating and
painting is accepted, inspection devices mgood working condition for detection of holidays
and measurement of my film thickness of coating and paint. The Contmctor shall also
fumish U.S. Department of Commeice, National Bureau of Stmdatds cerrlficd thickness
calibmtion plates and/or plastic shims, depending upon the thickness gauge used, to test the
accuracy of my film thickness gauges and certified insttumentation to test the ac:cw:acy of
holiday detectors. Dty film gauges and holiday de~tms shall be made available for the
Contmcting Officer's use at all times until final acceptance of application. Holiday detection
devices shall be opemted in the presence of the Contmcting Officer.


- -: -~--
A. All materials shall be brought to the jobsite in original ·sealed containe:m. Tuey shall not be
used until the Contmcting Officer has inspected the contep.ts and obtained data &om
infmmation on containm or label Materials exceeding storage life recommended by the
manufactmer shall be rejected.

B. All coatings and paints shall be stored in enclosed structures to protect them &om weather
and excessive heat or cold. Flammable coatings and paints must be stmed to confonn with
City, County, State and Fedeml safety codes for flammable coating or paint materials. At all
times coatings and paints shall be protected &om freezing.


A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering

products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following:

I. Behr Process Corporation.

2. Tnemec Corporation
3. Sherwin-Williams Company <The}.

A. Materials submitted for this project shall meet the performance cluu:acterlstics listed below.
Testing shall be pmomied using the same surface p.tepamtion as specified for the coating
sys~ unless specified otherwise herein. Test iq,orts shall be provided by the coating
manu&cturer. Where questions arise, certified reports may be requested from the
manu&ctw:er at no cost to the Owner.

B. Organic Zinc-Rich Primer

1. Adhesion: Minhnum 1,400 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type II Gage

2. Adhesion: Minimum 1,900 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type V Gage
3. Salt Fog. Minimum 10,000 hours as per ASTM Bl17. No blistering, aackiog,
delaminati.on or peeling. Not more than 1/16" .rust creep at scribe.
4. Minimum zinc load: 83% in the dried film
5. ~ Component

C. Two-Component Polyamide Epoxy

1. Adhesion: Minimum 1,500 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type II Gage

2. Adhesion: Minimum 1,800 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type V Gage
3. Salt Fog: Minimum 8,000 homs as per ASTM B117. No blistering, aac:king.
dela.minati.on or peeling. Not more than 1/8" .rust creep at scribe. (fwo coats)
4. Salt Fog: Minimum 10,000hours as per.ASTMB117. No blistea:in& aac:king.
dclamination or peeling. Not more than 1/8" rust creep at (l'wo coats over
mganic zinc-rich primer.)
5. Prohesion: Minimum 5,000 hams as per ASTM G85. No blistering. checkin&
aacking, mating, delamination or peeling. No more than 1/8" .rusting at scribe.
6. Mix ratio shall be 1A:1B

D. Two-Component 80% Solids Amine Epoxy

1. Adhesion: Minimum 1,600 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type II Gage
2. AdhesiOll! Minimum 1,800 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type V Gage
3. Salt Fog: Minimum 10,000 hours as per ASTM B117. No blisteting, cmcking.
deJaminarinn or peeling. Not more thiµi 3/16" rust aeep at scribe. (I'wo coats
polyamide epoxy.) .
4. Salt Fog: Minimum 10,000 hours as per ASTM Bt 17. No blistering, aacking.
delamination or peeling. Not more than 1/16" rust aeep at sa:ibe. (l\vo coats over
oiganic zinc-rich primer.)
5. Prohesion: Minimum 5,000 hours as per ASTM G85. No blisteting, checking,
aacking, rusting, delamination or peeling. No more than 1/8" rusting at saibe.
6. Mix ratio shall be 2A:1B

B. Two-Component 100% Solids Amine Cured Epoxy

t. Adhesion: Minimum 1,900 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type II Gage, applied directly
with no primer.
2. Adhesion: Minimum 2,400 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type V Gage, applied directly
with DO primer.
3. Salt Fog: Minimum 9,000 hours as per.ASTMB117. No blistering, cracking,
delamination or peeling, no rust aeep at sa:1be when tested over organic zinc-rich
4. Salt Fog: Minimum 9,000 hours as per ASTM Bl 17. No blistedng, cracking,
deJarninatil)Jl or peeling, no rust creep at scribe. (I'wo coats.) .
5. Pmhesiott: Minimum X hours as per .AST.M G85. No blistmng. checking. mckiog,
rusting, delamination or peeling. No more than 1/fl' rusting at scribe.
6. Cathodic Disbondment: Classification Group A with 0.000 disbonded equivalent
drde diameter when tested as per ASTM GB (1.5 V), tested over SSPC-SPS
prepared surface.
7. Humidity: Minimum 2,000 hours, no rusting, cracking, blistering when tested over
oiganic zinc-rich primer as per .ASTM D4585.
8. Mix ratio shall be 1A:1B

F. Two-Component Aliphatic Polyurethane

1. Adhesion: Minimum 1,100 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type II Gage. CI'ested over
oiganic zinc-rich primer.)
2. Adhesion: Minimum 1,800 psi as per ASTMD4541, Type V Gage. (rested over
mganic zinc-rich primer.)
3. Salt Fog: Minimum 3,000 hours as per ASTM Bl 17. No blistering, aacking,
delamination or peeling. Not more than 1/16" rust creep at scribe. (rested over
oiganic zinc-rich primer.)
4. QUV Exposure: No more than 2.7 DED FMCII (MacAdarn) color change after
2,000 how:s when tested as per ASTM D4587 (UVA-340 bulbs, Cycle 4: 8 hours
UV/4 how:s condensation).
5. Prohesion: Minimum 15,000 hours as per ASTM G85. No blistering, checking.
cracking, rusting, dclamination or peeling. No more than 3/16" rusting at scribe.
(I'ested over epoxy primer.)
6. Humidey: Minimum 2,000 hours, no msting, aac:king, blistedng when tested over
organic zinc-rich primer as per ASTM 04585.
7. Exterior &posure: No blistering, aackiog or chalking, not less than 86% gloss
J.'etelltion after 500 MJ/m2 exposme as per .ASTM D4141, Method C. ·
8. Mix ratio shall be 4A:1B



G. Two-Component Fluoropolymer Polyurethane

1. Adhesion: Minimum 1,300 psi as per .ASTM D4541, Type ll Gage. (I"estEd over
organic zinc-rich primer and aliphatic polyurethane coating.)
2. Adhesion: Minimum 1,900 psi as per .ASTM D4541, Type V Gage. (rested over
organic zinc-rich primer and aliphatic polymetbane coating.)
3. Salt Fog: Minimum 10,000 hOUtS as per ASTM B117. No blistering. cmcking,
delamination or peeling. Not more than 1/16" mst aeep at scribe. (I'ested over
mganic zinc-rich primer.)
4. QUV Exposure: No more than 2.3 DED FMCll color change and not less than
93% gloss retention after 10,000 hours when tested as per ASTM D4587 (UVA-340
bulbs, Cycle 4: 8 how:s UV/4 hours condensation), avenge of five colors. (I'ested
over two-component polyamide epoxy.)
5. Humidity: Minimum 3,000 hours, no msting. cracking, blistering as per ASl'M
D4585. (I'ested over otganic zinc-rich primer.)
6. E.xterim Exposure: No blistering, aacking or c:ba1king, not less than 96% gloss
retention and no more than 2.0 DED Hunter Lab Scale color change after 1,260
MJ/m2 exposure as per .ASTM D4141, Method C, avemge of five colms.
7. Weathering: Shall meet the reqwrements of ASTM D1014, Method C .
(EMMAQUA) with a minimum 99% gloss retention and not more than 0.25
DEmnn-sa color change (white) after a minimum of 1,500 'MJ/rw- (69,109 MJ/m?-
total); a minimum 83% gloss retention and not more than 0.42 DEHuNma color
change (white) after a minimum. of 3,500 MJ /rw-m2 (128,951 MJ /m?-total).
8. Mix ratio shall be 5A:1B

~ Two-Component Inoi:pnic Hybrid Water-Based F.poxy

1. Adhesion: Minimum 1,400 psi as per .ASTM D4541, Type V Gage, (two coats,
SSPC-SPtO prep)
2. Adhesion: Minimum 1,100psi as per.ASTMD4541, Type VGage, (over orgmtlc
zinc-rich primer, s.9>C-SP10 prep)
3. Salt Fog: Minimum 6,200 homs as per ASTM Bl t 7. No blistering, cracking,
delaminarion or peeling. Not more than 3/16" mat creep at sc:tibe. (One coat,
SSPC-SPtO ptep)
4. Immei:sion: Minimum 5,000 hOUtS in DI water as per ASTM D870. No blistering,
cmcking, rusting, delamination, (over zinc-rich primer, SSPCSP10 Ft>)
5. Mix ratio shall be 1.A:lB

L Two-Component Hybrid Urethane

1. Adhesion: Minimum 1,800 psi as per ASTM D4541, Type Il Gage. (I'ested over
two-component polyamide epoxy.)
2. Salt Fog: Minimum 6,000 houn as per AS1'.M Bt17. No blistemig, cracking,
delamination or peeling. Not more than 1/16" rust creep at sa:1be. (I'ested over
organic zinc-rich primer, two-component inoiganic hybrid water-based epoxy.)
4. QUV Exposure: No blistering, cracking chalkmg or delamination, no moi:e than
1.4 DED FMCil color change and not less than 83~/o gloss retention after 10,000
hOUIS when tested as per ASTM G53 (UVA-340 bulbs, 8 homs light, 4 hours dam).
(rested over two-component pofyamide epoxy.)


5. Humidity: Minimum 2,000 houm, no tusting, aacking, blistering when tested over
organic zinc-rich primer, two-oomponcnt polyamide epoxy intmnecliate as per
6. Mix ratio shall be 4A:1B

J. Only those tbinneis listed on the coating manu&cturer's printed literature shall be used as
specified by the coating manumcture%.

K. Manu&ctuter's color charts shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer Representative at

least 30 days prior to coating and/ or paint application. Genes:al Contractor and Painting
Contractor shall cootdinate work so as to allow sufficient time (nomially seven to ten days)
for paint to be delivered to the job site.
L All coating products slwl be of a single manu&ctmer.

M. Selection of a manufacturer's color does not constitute acceptance of that manufacturer's



A. All materials shall be lead-free as defined by the Com,umer Product Safety Act, Part 1303.

B. All zinc dust pjgment contained in any zinc-rich matedal shall meet the requitcments of
ASTMD 52.0 Type m with regard to zinc content and purity.

C. All materials for the interior wetted portion of the tank sha,11 meet the requirements of
ANSI/NSF Standard 61 for potable water contact

D. All catalyzed polyurethane products shall meet the minimum requirements of SSPC Paint
Specification Number 36, Level 3 Performance Level.

E. No products containing MOCHA shall be allowed.

F. No inorganic zinc primeis shall be peanitted on any interior portion of the tank.


A. Mix and thin materials according to manufacturer's latest pti.nted instructions.

B. Do not use materials beyond manufacturer's recommended shelflife.

C. Do not use mixed materials beyond manufactw:er's recommended pot life.

D. Do not split kits of multi-component products.


A. Traditional Zinc/Epoxy System:

1. Weld Pi-eparation: Weld flux and spatter shall be removed by power·tool

cleaning. Sharp projections shall be gtound to a smooth contour. All welds shall be
grot111d to a smooth contour as per NACE Standas:d SPOl78, Designation D.

2. Surface Prepu:ation: SSPC-SP10/NACB 2 Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning. An
angular profile of 2.0 to 2.5 mils as per .ASTM D 4417, Method C or NACE
Standard RP0287 is required.

3. Coating System:

Fmt Coat Organic Zinc-Rich Primer applied at 2.5 to 3.5 chy mils.

Stripe Coat Two-Component Polyamide Epoxy applied by brush to all weld

seams, edges, comen, bolts, nuts and other difficult to coat areas.

Second Coat Two-Component Polyamide Epoxy applied at 4.0 to 6.0 dry mils.

Thi.rd Coat Two-Component Polyamide Epoxy applied at 4.0 to 6.0 chy mils.

TotDl chy film thickness shall be a minimum of 12.0 mils.

For cold weather applications, an accelerator approved by the ooating msnu&ctmer

and certi6cd by ANSI/NSF Standard 61 may be submitted for use.


A. Zinc/Epoxy System:

1. Weld Prepamtion: Weld flux and spatter shall be removed by power tool
cleaning. Shaq, projections shall be ground to a smooth contour. All welds shall be
ground to a smooth contour as per NACE Standard SPOl 78, Designation D.

2. Surface Prepamtion: SSPCSPt0/NACE 2 Near-White Metal Blast Ceaning. An

angular profile of 2.0 to 2.5 mils as per ASTM D 4417, Method C or NACE
Standard RP0287 is required.

3. Coating System:

1st Coat Organic Zinc-Rich Primer applied at 2.5 to 3.5 my mils.

Stripe Coat Two-Component Polyamicle Epoxy applied by btush and scmbbed

.into all weld seams. In addition to weld seams, all edges, comers,
bolts, rivets, pits shall receive a sttipe coat.

2nd Coat Two-Component Polyamide Epoxy applied at 4.0 to 6.0 chy mils.

TotDl chy film thickness shall be a minimum of7.0 mils.

For cold weather applications, an accelerator appmved by the coating manufacturer

may be submitted for use.


A. Tb.tee-Coat Standam Urethane System:


1. Weld Ptepamtion: Weld flux and spatter shall be removed by power tool
cleaning. Sharp projections shall be ground to a smooth contour. All welds shall be
ground to a smooth contour as per NACE Standa1'd SP0178, Designation D.

2. Surface P.repamtion: SSPCSP6/NACB 3 Commercial Blast Oeaning. An angu1at

profile of 1:5 to 2.5 mils as per ASTM D 4417, Method C or NACE Standa1'd
RP0287 is requimL

3. Coating System:

1st Coat Organic Zinc-Rich Primer applied at 2.5 to 3.5 dry mils.

2nd Coat Two-Component Polyamide Epoxy applied at 4.0 to 6.0 dry mils.
(Two coats may be required if applied by roller.)

3rd Coat: Two-Component Aliphatic Polyurethane applied at 3.0 to 5.0 dry

mils, (Two coats may be required if applied by roller.)

Toml dry 61m thickness shall be a minimum of 1 t.0 mils.

For cold weather applicatiODS, an accelerator approved by the coating manu&.cturer

may be submitted for use.



A. All sumce prcpuation, coating and painting shall confoDll to applicable standatds of the
Society for Protective Coatings; NACE International and the manufacturer's printed
instructions. Mataials applied to the sutface prior to the approval of the Contracting
Officer Representative shall be removed and �applied to the satis&ction-of the
Contracting Officer Representative at the expense of the ci:mtractor.

B. All woi:k shall be perfonned by skilled craftsmen qualified to perfmm the required wmk in a
manner comparable with the best stmldards of pmctice. Continuity of peaonnel shall be
coordinated wi� the Conb:3ding Officer.

C. 'The Contractor shall provide a supervisor at the wotk site during cleaning and application
operations. 'The supervisor shall have the authority to sign change ordem, coordinate work
and make decisions pettaining to the fulfillment of the contmct.

D. Dust, � oil, grease or any foreign matter that will affect the adhesion or dmability of the
coating� paint must be removed by washing with dean rags dipped in an approved
cleaning solvent and wiped dry with clean mgs.

E. Coating and painting systems include surface preparation, prime coa#ng and finish coatings.
Unless otherwise approved in wming by the Contracting Offic Representative, prime
coating shall be field applied. Where prime coatings are shop app� the Contractor shall
instruct suppliel:s to provide the prime coat compatible with the specified finish ooat. Any
off-site wmk which does not conform to this specification, is subjected to damage during
tr:ansportJ1tion, c:onstmction m insmllation shall be thmougbly cleaned and touch�-up in the
field as


directed by the Contmding Officer. The Contractor shall use .repair p.rocedures which
insure the complete protection of all adjacent primer. The specified tepair method and
equipment may include wire-brushing, hand or power tool cleaning. or dty air bJast cleamng.
In order to prevent mjmy to surrounding painted sum~ blast cleaning may requite use of
lower air pressute, smaller nozzle and/or abrasive blast particles, or shorter blast nome
distances &om surface shielding and masking. If damage is too emosive or uneconomical
to touch-up, the entire item shall be blasted and then coated or painted as ditected by the
Conttscting Officer.

F. The Contractor's coating and painting equipment shall be designed for application of
materials specified and shall be maintained in fir:st class working condition. Compressoi:s
shall have suitable traps and 6ltem to mnove water and oils 6:om the air. Contractor's
equipment shall be subject to approval of the Conttacting Officer.

G. Application of the first coat shall follow immediately after surface prepamtion and cleaning
and su:ipe coat, if applicable, before mst bloom occurs or the same day, whichever is less.
Any cleaned meas not .receiving first coat within this period shall be tecleaned prior to
application of fust coat. Use of dehumidification equipment shall be fir:st teViewed by the
Conttacting Officer and coatings manu&ctmer prior to deviating 6:om this provision.

H. Prior to assembly, all surfaces made inaccessible after assembly shall be pttpared as specified
herein and shall receive the coating or paint system specified.


A. The b.test revision of the following surfiu:e preparation specifications of the Society for
Protective Coatings (S&>q shall form a part of this speci.fic:ation. The trurnrnaries listed
below are for informational pw:poses; consult the actual SSPC specification for full detail.

1. Solvent Cleaning (SSPC-SP1): Removal of oil, grease, soil and other contaminants
by use of solver.its, emulsions, cleaning compounds, steam cleaning or similar
matecials and methods which involve a solvent or cleaning action.

2. Hand Tool Oeanmg (S.5PCSP2): Removal of loose rust, loose mil scale and other
detrimenml foreign matter to a degree specified by hand chipping, scraping, sanding
and we-brushing

3. Power Tool Cleaning ~PC-SP3): Removal of loose rust, loose mil scale and other
dettimenml foreign matter by power wire-brushing, power impact tools or power

4. White Metal BJast Oeaning (SSPCSPS/NACE No. 1): Air blast cleaning to a gray-
white uniform metallic color until each element of surface ates. is &ee of all visible

S. Commetcia1 BJast Cleaning (SSPCSP6 NACE No. 3): Air blast cleaning until at
least two-thu:ds of each element of sur&ce atea is free of all visible tesidues.

6. Btush-Off Blast Oeaning (SSPC-SP7 NACE No. 4): Air blast cleaning to remove
loose mst, loose mil scale and other detrimental foreign matter to a dega:e specified.


7. Near-White Metsl Blast Cleaning (SSPCSP10 NACE No. 2): Air blast cleamng
until at least 95% of each element of sur&c:e area is free of all visible residues.

8. Powu Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal (SSPC-SPt 1): .Differs &om �C-SP3 in that it
requires more thorough cleaning and a sut&ce profile not less than 1 mil.

B. Slag, weld meml accumulation and spatters not removed by the Fabdcator, Erector or
Instiller shall be removed by chipping and/or grinding. All slwp edges shall be peened,
ground or otherwise blunted as n:quired by the Contmcting Officer. All grinding and
finishing ofwelds, edges, etc. shall be perfcmned prittt to solvent cleaning and abrasive
blasting. Welds shall be prepared as per NACE Standatd SPOt78 for all interior and exterior

1. Butt Welds: Shall be ground smooth and free of all defects, designation "D".

2. Lap Welds: Shall be ground smooth and blended. designarion "D".

3. Fillet Welded Tee Joint Shall be ground smooth and blended, designation "D".

C. F'teld blast cleaning far all sumces shall be by dry method unless otherwise directed. Blast
nozzles shall be ventwi-'lfl)e nozzles with a minimum pressure at the nozzle of 90 psi.

D. Partide size of abtasives used in blast cleaning shall be that which will produce the specified

sumce profile or in accotdance with .recommendations of the manufiu:turer of the specified

coating or paint system to be applied.
If the pmfile of the blasted steel exceeds the profile specified above, the Contractor shall be
xequired to do one or both of the following:

1. RebJast the surface using a finer aggregate in order to produce the xequired profile

2. Apply a thicker ptime coat, if possible given the Jimitations of the products being
applied, in order to adequately cover the blast profile

E. Abtasive used in blast cleaning operations shall be new, washed, graded and free of
contaminants that would interfere with adhesion of coating or paint and shall not be ieused
unless specifically approved in writing.
F. During blast cleaning operations, caution shall be exercised to insure that existing coatin or
paint are not exposed to abmsion &om blast cleaning.

G. The Contractor shall keep the area of his WOJ:k and the surrounding environment in a clean
condition. He shall not pennit blasting matemls to accumulate as to constitute a nuisance or
hazard to the accomplishment of the work, the operation of the ezisting facilities or to the
swrounding environment.

H. Blast cleaned surfaces shall be cleaned prior to application of specified coatings or paint. All
sur&ces shall be free of dust, dirt, and other residue resulting from the almsive blasting
opera1ion. No coatings or paint shall be applied over damp or moist sur&ces.

I. Pitted areas on the tank interior shall be repaired by either filling with a 100% solids epoxy
manufactured by the coating manufacturer and certified for use in potable water storage


- .... ··-····-·- -----------

1Bnks as per ANSI/NSF Standard 61 or by welding. Epoxy filler shall be feathered smooth.
Filler shall be applied between the prime coat and succeeding coat. No pmtmsions or
spatter will be allowed Pits deeper than 1/8" shall be filled by welding.

J. Specific Surface Preparation: Surface prepamtion for the specific system shall be as noted in
Sections 2.04, 2.05 snd 2.06.


A. Surface shall be checked in three locations for the presence of chlorides, free iron and
sulfates. New tanks shall be tested prior to abrasive blasting, tanks being rehabilitated shall
be tested prior to blasting. H blistets are present in mating tank, testing shall also be
perfmmed after ahmsive blasting. These tests are an Iron Test (Pel+), Chlmide Test and
Sulfate Test. Testing shall be cm:ied out as per SSPC Technology Guide 15 "Field Methods
for Reb:ieval and .Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel and Other Nonporous Substmtes". The
maximum limits for these contaminants shall be:

1. The maximum level of chlorides is 3'l milligrams per square meter or 3 micrograms
per square centimeter.

2. The maximum level of sul&tes is 100 milligrams pct square meter or 10 miaogr:ams
per square centimeter.

3. The maximum level of ferrous ions (FeZ+) is 50 milligrams per square meter or 5
microgmms per square centimeter.

4. Conwnination levels above these limits will requite washing and tetesting in
accordance with Item 2 (below) until the surface is under the allowable limits.

B. If testing shows amounts present in the test solution to be greater than the limits listed
herein, the Contractor shall dean the surface of the entire tank interior with a 5,000 psi
water blast with fine entrained abrasive until the levels in the test solutions are below the
maximum acceptable level. Altemate cleaning methods may be allowed with prior approval
of the Contracting Officer Representative Surface shall be reblasted as specified in 2.04 at
no additional cost to the Owner.

C. Contractor shall provide a written statement &om paint manufacturer stating that the
maximum acceptable levels are not less than those listed herein. Results of the testing shall
be provided to the Owner befotc any coatings are applied.

D. The following test kits are approved for use on this project:

a. �d Chof"C'fest Kit

b. IcrA SCAT Test Kit

c. Test kits &om other vendors shall be submitted to the Contmcting Officer for prior
approval before use.

E. When exterior coats are to be applied on subsequent days, or when the shroud is dropped
between coats, the previously-applied coat of paint shall be thoroughly pressure-washed to
remove any fallout and/or salt that may have settled on the sw:facc.



A. Coating and paint application shall confmm to the requirements of the Society fcx
Protective Coatings Paint Application Specification SSPC-PAl, latest� for "Shop,
Field and Maintenance Painting".

B. Thinning shall be permitted only as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the
Contracting Oficer Representative and utilizing the thinners stated in Sections 2.04, 2.05
and 2.06.

C. Each application of coating or-paint shall be applied�' &ee of bmsh muks, sags, .tuDS,
with no evidence of pocx workrnaosbip. Care shall be exemsed to avoid lapping on glass ex
batdwate. Coatings and paints shall be sharply cut to lines. Finished sumces shall be free
from defects or blemishes.

D. Protective coverings or drop cloths shall be used to protect f1oms, fixtures and equipment.
Care shall be exercised to prevent coatings or paints from being spattered onto surmces
which are not to be coated or painted. Report to the Cona:actiog Officer surfaces from
which materials cannot be satisfactorily .removed.

E. When two coats of coating or paint are specified, where possible, the &st coat shall contain
sufficient approved color additive to act as ao indicator of coverage or the two coats must be
of contmsting color.

F. Film thickness per coat as specified in Sections 2.04, 2.05 and 2.06 are the minimum
required. H roller application is deemed necessuy, the Contmctor shall apply additional
coats as to achieve the specified thickness.

G. All material shall be as specified.


A. After completion of surface prepamtion as specified for the specific system, materials shall
be applied as noted in Sections 2.04, 2.05 and 2.06.

B. Care shall be taken so as to eliminate ovmpray and my spi:ay on the tank interior. Where
such conditions are encountered, the smface shall be cleaned of all over spi:ay and myspray
prior to the application of the succeeding coat.

C. Areas rendered inaccess1'ble after tmik erection such as the spaces between roof plates and
iafters shall receive the full coating system prim to erection and/ or assembly.

D. Full prime coat may be applied directly over stripe coat while stripe coat is wet.


A. D.i.sinm:tion of interior surfaces shall be performed in the presence of the Contmcting

Officer in accotdance with all the requirements of applicable AWWA Standards and
.regulatory agencies.

B. Disinfection shall be perfomied after protective coatings have been applied to the interior
surmces and allowed to tbmougbly cure.


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