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WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY, Professional Practice Il Secondary Program Report Pre-serice Teachers name | Zoe Matheus StudentD: 18606919 | Conicureaching ea | SciencelBology Dates: | 2gr6120-237120 | 30 days ‘Schoo! Rouse Hill High School N° of placement of2 SUMMARY COMMENTS by the SUPERVISING TEACHER | Zoe was a confident educator who demonstrated strong organisational skills to prepare effective and ‘engaging lessons. She was an asset to the Science faculty during her time on placement as a valuable contributor to lessons she was not teaching and during faculty meetings. | Zoe always conducted herself professionally and was receptive to feedback. She consistently used feedback aiven in subsequent lessons both in terms of lesson development and classroom management. Zoe successfully created and sustzined supportive learning environments which led to well managed classroom environments where most students were engaged in their learning, Differentiation was evident and appropriate in lessons so all students were able to access the learning goals for a lesson. Positive rapport was established with both staff and students with a happy and friendly atitude in every lesson. This did not compromise classroom management and a good balance was struck As a result of her placement, | am confident that Zoe will make an excellent educator and transition smoothly into a permanent position within a high schoo. OVERALL ASSESSMENT Grade: V Satisfactory Donsatistactory SATISFACTORY: The Pre-sarvice Teacher has passed and met the expactd standard in most ofthe relevant elements as described by ‘he NSW Insitute of Teachers fortis stage oftheir professional learning, Where a Preservice Teachers work is considered oustanding ‘orwell above average, his judgment shoud be reflected inthe summary comments. UNSATISFACTORY: The Pre-servie Teacher has fale his Professional Experience unit nd has not demonstrated all ofthe relevant cements as described bythe NSW Instute of Teachers. The Supervising Teacher, Professional Experence Coordinator and Principal are of the opinion thatthe Pre-senice Teacher requires an additon Professional Experience fo attempt to demonstrate salsfacloy ‘competence asa graduate teacher, No Preservice Teacher should receive an Unsaistacor orade witout being placed At Rsk andthe ‘Commitee of Advi being convened. This grade may be recommended on ONE of more ofthe folowing grcunds: + Performance Deficiencies ie failure to exhibit criteria ciated fo the parculr Professional Experience unt; + Wilhdrawing rom Professional Eprionce —unless a Wawel Without Penaly is awarded + Non-Academic Misconduct Supervising Teacher's Name __Shaun ae Date: 23/7/20, Pre-service Teacher's Signature: Z/ te Date: 2317120 Pre-sonice Teachers are tobe assessed bythe Supervising Teacher against the relevant Graduate Teacher Standards that are applicable to Professional Experience Il as ether ND ~ Not demonstrated: D - Demonstrated: E ~ Exceeds expectations, Elaborate on the Pre- ‘service Teachers professional practi in the Comment section if Standards are not abl to be demonstrated please provide an ‘explanation in re appropiate Comments section standards are not relevant please insert NA STANDARD KNOW STUDENTS AND HOW THEY LEARN DE ‘Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 1.1.1 Physical, social | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and and intellectual intellectual development and characteristics of students and how these may development and affect leaning. x characteristics of students T2.1 Understand how | Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research into how students x sfudents lean eam and the implications for teaching. TAT Students with ‘Demaniite knowledge of teaching srategics that are responsive to he x diverse linguistic, leaming strengths and nesds of students from diverse linguistic, cultural cultural, religious and | religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. socioeconomic backgrounds TAL Strategies for Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding ofthe impact of eulture, x teaching Aboriginal and_| cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds T5 Differentate Demonsirate knowledge and understanding of salegies for differentiating zi teaching co meet the | teaching to meet the specific earning needs of students across the full range specific learning needs | of abilities. fof students across the full range of abilities 6.1 Strategies to Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of legislative requirements x support full participation | and teaching strategies that support participation and learning of students of students with with disability disability Comments Zoe demonstrated a strong ability to develop lesson plans which cater to the range of students in her classes, She ‘consistently made use of various scaffolded resources for students requiring extra support and ofien had extension ‘opportunites embedded within lessons for students o access. ‘STANDARD 2: KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACH IT ND[D JE Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS. 2.L:1 Content and ‘Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, substance and me teaching strategies of the | structure ofthe content and teaching strategies ofthe teaching area, teaching area 72.1 Content clecion | Organise conten ato an eccve Tearing and teaching sequence xe and organisation 231 Curiculum, ‘Tas curica, assesment and reporing nowledge to design Teaming ¥ assessment and sequences and lesson plans. reporting 24,1 Undersand and | Demonstrate broad Enowlede of, undewtanding of and respon for ¥ respect Aboriginal and | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, ultures and languages. Torres Stat Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non- Indigenous Australians 2.5.1 Literacy and Know and understand ineracy and numeracy teaching strategies and their x numeracy stritegies__| application in teaching areas. 2.6.1 Information and | Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning x Communication ‘opportunites for students ‘Technology (CT ‘Comments Zoe frequently embedded literacy and numeracy strategies into her teaching where possible and demonstrated an ability 10 sequence lessons ina appropriate manner for students to build conceptual understanding and see clear progressions from ‘one lesson to the next. Her use of ‘Do Now’ activities to begin lessons were designed to allow students to reflect on and ‘demonstrate understanding gained from the previous lesson, Each lesson had a student reflection activity to consolidate concepts within Tessons, ICT was used extensively and students responded well 1o its application Professional Practice I Report ‘Supenising Teacher's signature: STANDARD 3: PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE TRACHING AND LEARNING [ND ]D | E Focus area. ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 3.11 Establish ‘Set learning goals that provide achievable challenges for Sudents oF x challenging leaning | varying abilities and characteristics, goals 3.2 Plan, structure and | Plan lesion sequences using knowledge of student learing, content and x sequence lesming effective teaching strategies. programs 33.1 Use teaching Thelude a range of teaching stategics ¥ strategies 3.4.1 Soloct and use Demonstrate hnowledge ofa range of resouroes, including ICT, that x resources engage students in ther learning, 35 Use effective Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-verbal communication sralegies to * classroom support student engagement. 3.6.1 Evaluate and Dermonsirate broad knowledge of strategies that can be used to evaluate = improve teaching teaching programs to improve student learning. programs 3.71 Engage parents’ | Describe a broad range of sraegies for involving parents/carews in the x carers inthe educative | educative process process ‘Comments Zoe always showed a strong presence around the room, frequently checking in with students as they were completing tasks. ‘This was successfal in minimising problematic behaviours from most students within her clases. Learning goals were always at an appropriate level for each class and knowledge of her students and how they leam was evident, partieulaty in the modification of learning goals across a high performing and a second lower ability Year 9 class. Lesson plans and goals were developed in advance and always submitted/discussed with me at least a day prior tothe teaching of that lesson. Zoe further demonstrated a strong ability to adjus to unexpected interuptions during lessons (eg intemet connection issues, online assemblies¢mectings during class time, scripture timetable clashes). Zoe communicated well with students to keep them on task, often able to settle the class quickly without raised voice ‘STANDARD 4: CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ND] DE ENVIRONMENTS ‘ASPECT (GRADUATE TEACHERS: [4.11 Support student | Identity strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement x participation in elassroom activities. ‘42.1 Manage classroom | Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear x activites directions 43.1 Manage ‘Demonstrate nowledge of pracical approaches to manage challenging x challenging behaviour _| behaviour. 44.1 Maintain student | Describe strategies that support Students wellbeing and safety working x safety within school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements 451 Use ICT safely, | Demonstrate an understanding ofthe relevant issues and the strategies ¥ responsibly and ethically | available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in leaning. and teaching, ‘Comments Zoe consistemly and succesfully used class discussion to forter student participation and her supportive classroom environment se sustained, fostered pancipation. Her constant movement around the room allowed Zoe to regulary check ‘in with students and was strong inher ability to provide one on one supporto a range of students during a fsson without te rest ofthe elas losing focus. Classroom exposatons were made clear and students were regulary reminded ofthese ring class which ed to suecessfl behaviour management in most instances. | would encourage Zoc to ensure she is following through on consequences for those shat dot respond othe ial subtle ues, This was few and far between during her placement. Lesons ware alivays well organised und group activities were often differentiated and deliberate in their design and scup to maximise student engagement Professional Prectic I Report 3 ‘Supervising Teacher's signature. Presence Teacher's sgnatre:... Zee ‘STANDARD 5: ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REPORT ON STUDENT ND LEARNING. Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 5.1 Assess student | Demonstrate understanding oFassessment strategies, mcluding informal and leaming formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student Fearing Sa Provide Demonstrate an understanding ofthe purpose of providing timely and feedback to appropriate feedback to students about their learning. students on their 3.3 Make ‘Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to consistent and | support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning comparable | judgements 5.4 Interpret ‘Demonstrate dhe capacity i interpret student assessment data to evaluate student data student leaming and modify teaching practice ‘3.3 Report on | Demonstaic understanding oF a range ofsrategies for reporing o Hudenis| Student and parents/carers and the purpose of kesping accurate and reliable records of achievement student achievement. ‘Comments ‘Minimal formal assessment tasks took place during the placement, however, Zoe consistently used formative assessment strategies to gauge student understanding. These formative assessment strategies were often followed up with instant feedback, or if not possible, followed up with targeted feedback during the subsequent lesson. This was particulary evident during TPA lessons in which each student individually was given valuable feedback for improvement on their graphing skills. Diagnostic assessment was ‘embedded within the introduction of lessons with summative assessment at the conclusion, ‘STANDARD 6: ENGAGE IN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ND Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 6.1 Identify and plan | Demonstrate an understanding ofthe ole ofthe Australian Profesional professional leaning | Standards foe Teachers in identifying professional learning needs needs 62 Engage in ‘Understand the relevant and appropriate sources of profesional earning professional leaning | for teacher. and improve practice 6.3 Engage with, ‘Seak and apply constructive feedback from supenisors and Weacher to colleagues and improve teaching proces. improve practice (64 Apply profesional | Demonstrate an understanding ofthe rationale for continued professional Jeaming and improve _ | learning andthe implications for improved student learning. student leaming ‘Comments completed during thi plans. Zoe was always receptive of feedback given and would ask for advice during the course of the placement, Discussion took place after each lesson evaluation which Zoe was an active contributor of, Subsequent lessons showed adjustments in response to feedback provided. Zoe attended all Faculty meetings and contributed tothe discussions and work that was i. Her lessons clearly demonstrated an understanding ofthe Australian Profesional Standards for ‘Teachers with clear differentiation, appropriate lesson plans and sequencing and consideration of each student and their needs in the clas, Zoe used class photo lists to monitor students with specfal needs and these were catered to within lesson ee i ee ear ene ss erasers el ‘STANDARD 7: ENGAGE PROFESSIONALLY WITH COLLEAGUES, ND] D]©& PARENTS/CARERS AND THE COMMUNITY Focus area ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 7.1 Meet professional | Understand and apply the Key principles described in codes oF ethics and x ethics and conduct forthe teaching profession, responsibilities 72 Comply with ‘Understand the relevant legislative, administrative and organisational x legislative, policies and processes required for teachers according to school stage. administrative and ‘organisational requitemenis 7.3 Engage with the | Understand strategies for working effectively, sensitively and x parents/carers confidentially with parentslearers. 74 Engage with ‘Understand the role of extemal professionals and communily x professional teaching | representatives in broadening teachers’ professional knowledge and networks and broader | practice. communities ‘Comments Zoe was punctual and well prepared every day and ensured she was well prepared forthe following day and lessons before she left for the day. She was courteous, respectful and polite in all interactions with myself and other staff members and this enabled establishment of a positive rapport with colleagues. She was a contributor to the Science faculty and was forthcoming in her contributions which developed positive relationships with faculty members, Multiple classes were shared classes and Zoe interacted with co teachers of those classes with high professionalism. Zoe was able to establish strong rupports with students in her classes and strick a good balance between her role as educator and friendliness towards students. he kept quality records of student progress and of students who had behavioural issues to follow up with Whilst not needing to directly communicate with parents during her placement time, she was highly professional in her ‘communication through the Google Suite used at Rouse Hill High Schoo! in which most facets are accessible to paren The ability to interact with external providers and community representatives was extremely difficult during the placement due to COVID, however, Zoe readily discussed opportunities during faculty meetings. Prien en Rego 5 EE acini ane area ‘Supervising Teacher's signature:

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