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1 Fundamentals of the Nervous System o Occipital - visual

o Temporal - memory
Main Divisions o Frontal - cognitive
 Anatomy o Parietal - sensation
a. Central Nervous System - comprising the
brain and spinal cord, is enclosed in bone c. Cerebellum
and wrapped in protective coverings - consists of vermis and two lateral lobes
(meninges) and fluid-filled spaces.
b. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) - formed d. Brain Stem
by the cranial and spinal nerves - consists of the midbrain, pons and medulla
 Physiology - basic functions
a. Somatic nervous system - This innervates
the structures of the body wall (muscles, e. Lymbic System - Emotions
skin, and mucous membranes). f. Ventricles - system of spaces
b. Autonomic (visceral) nervous system - The g. Cerbrospinal fluid - this fills up the spaces in the
ANS contains portions of the central and brain
peripheral systems. It controls the activities
of the smooth muscles and glands of the  Spinal Cord
internal organs (viscera) and the blood - Narrow central canal that is largely
vessels and returns sensory information to obliterated in adulthood
the brain.

Functional Unit
Central Nervous System  Neurons
 Brain ̵ specialized cells that receive and send
- tiered structure and from gross point of signals to other cells through their
view extensions (Nerve fibers and Axons)
- Ventricles : system of spaces in the brain ̵ relatively large cell bodies and long axons
that contain cerebrospinal fluid that transmit impulses quickly over a
considerable distance.
a. Cerebrum / Forebrain ̵ Interneurons, on the other hand, have
- Rostral part of Nervous System
small cell bodies and short axons and
- Phylogenetically advance and is
transmit impulses locally.
responsible for the most complex actions
- Balance and Coordination
 Nuclei
̵ nerve cells serving a common function,
o Telencephalon
often with a common target, are frequently
▪ Cerebral cortex - most highly
grouped together
evolved part of the brain; also
called as gray matter
 Ganglia
▪ Subcortical white matter
̵ nerve cells with common form, function,
▪ Basal ganglia - gray masses
and connections that are grouped together
within the cerebral hemispheres
outside CNS
▪ White Matter
- glistening appearance as a
 Ganglia Cells
result of its high lipid-rich
- Support the activity of neurons
myelin content
- Glial cells within the brain and spinal cord
- consists of myelinated fibers
outnumber neurons 10:1
and does not contain
neuronal cell bodies or
Computation in the Nervous System
 Synapses
o Diencephalon
- how nerve cells convey signals to one
▪ Region of the vertebrate neural
tube that gives rise to posterior
- Chemical transmitters are associated with
forebrain structures Thalamus
the function of the synapse: excitation or
▪ Major components inhibition.
- Hypothalamus, Thalamus - By integrating the excitatory and inhibitory
inputs from diverse sources and producing
b. Cerebral Cortex its own message, each neuron acts as an
- Cognition and thinking information-processing device
- Consist of 4 lobes
a. Monosynaptic chains  Efferent fibers - involved in motor functions
- two neurons connected by a synapse (contraction of muscles or secretion of glands)
- includes primitive behaviors such as
reflexes and unconscious  Afferent fibers - usually convey sensory stimuli
contractions of the muscles from the skin, mucous membranes, and deeper
b. Polysynaptic chains
- many neurons, interconnected by
synapses, are involved Major Theme in Nervous System
- more complex behaviors  Symmetry of the Nervous System
- nervous system is constructed with
bilateral symmetry. This is most apparent
Tracts and Commissures in the cerebrum and cerebellum, which
 Fasciculi are organized into right and left
- connections, or pathways, between groups hemispheres.
of neurons in the CNS are in the form of - these hemispheres appear symmetric.
fiber bundles, or tracts Some higher cortical functions such as
language are represented more strongly in
 Funiculi/columns one hemisphere than in the other, but to
- Aggregates of tracts, as seen in the spinal gross inspection, the hemispheres have a
cord. similar structure.
- Even in more caudal structures, such as
a. Descend the brain stem and spinal cord, which are
- From the cerebrum to the brain not organized into hemispheres, there is
stem or spinal cord bilateral symmetry.
- motor
b. Ascend  Decussation and Crossed Representation
- From the spinal cord to the - The right side of the brain receives
cerebrum information about, and controls motor
- Impulses function pertaining to, the left side of the
world and vice versa.
 Decussations
- vertical connections that in their course
may cross (decussate) from one side of Planes and Terms
the CNS to the other.  Ventral, anterior – on the front/belly side
 Dorsal, posterior – on the back side
 Commissures  • Superior, cranial – on the top/skull side
- horizontal (lateral) connections  Inferior – on the lower side
 Caudal – in lowermost position (at the tail end)
 Multiple Tracts  Rostral – on the forward side (at the nose end)
- Connects many parts of the NS and  Medial – close toward the middle
extracts different aspects of sensory
 Median – in the middle, the midplane
surround and encodes them separately
 Lateral – Toward the side
and controls aspects of motor behaviours
 Ipsilateral – on the same side
- Reflects the fact that the nervous system
 Contralateral – on the opposite side
extracts different aspects of its sensory
surround  Bilateral – on both sides

 Degree of Redundancy
- This endows the multipisticity of tracts
- After partial destruction of the nervous
system, only some functions will be lost;
other functions may be retained,
increasing the probability that the
organism will survive.

Peripheral Nervous System

- Consists of spinal nerves, cranial nerves, and their
associated ganglia. The nerves contain nerve fibers
that conduct information to (afferent) or from
(efferent) the CNS.
1.2 Development and Cellular Constituents of the  The intermediate zone, or mantle layer,
Nervous System increases in cellularity and becomes gray
matter. The nerve cell processes in the
Development of the Neural Tube marginal zone, as well as other cell processes,
 Neural Tube become white matter when myelinated.
- Originates from the ectoderm of the
- Formed from the neural groove flanked by Neurons
the neural folds. - Most neurons give rise to a single axon (which
- Rostral end – brain while the remainder branches along its course) and to many
becomes the spinal cord dendrites (which also divide and subdivide, like
the branches of a tree).
 Neural Crest
- Ectodermal tissue lateral to the neural tube  Cell Bodies
- Differentiates into the neurons and glia of - Also known as the soma or perikaryon.
the PNS - Metabolic and genetic center of a neuron.
- Constitutes receptive pole of the neuron
 The development of the brain begins with the - Small part of neuron’s volume
differentiation of three swellings in the neural
tube which are the prosencephalon,  Synaptic Terminals / Aborization
mesencephalon and rhombencephalon. - The downstream end of an axon
 This then proceeds to a 5-vesicle stage in
which the brain consists of the embryonic  Dendrites
telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, - Receptive part of the neuron is the
metencephalon and myelencephalon. dendrite, or dendritic
 These will then differentiate into the cerebral - Branches of neurons that extend from the
hemispheres, diencephalon and the midbrain cell body
- they act as resistors, isolating electrical
Differentiation and Migration events, such as postsynaptic potentials,
 The largest neurons, which are mostly motor from one another
neurons, differentiate first. - Receive incoming synaptic information and
 Second and small neurons, and most of the thus, together with the cell body, provide
glial cells, appear later, up to the time of birth. the receptive pole of the neuron.

 Newly formed neurons may migrate extensively  Dendritic Spines - small mushroom-shaped
through regions of previously formed neurons. projections that act as fine dendritic branches
 When glial cells appear, they can act as a and receive synaptic inputs
framework that guides growing neurons to the
correct target areas. Because the axonal  Axons
process of a neuron may begin growing toward - The conducting which may have one or
its target during migration, nerve processes in more collateral branches.
the adult brain are often curved rather than - A single axon arises from most neurons.
straight. - Specialized structure tARIhat conducts
 The newer cells of the future cerebral cortex electrical signals from the initial segment
migrate from the deepest to the more to synaptic terminals
superficial layers.
 The small neurons of the incipient cerebellum ▪ Axolemma - a membrane that covers the
migrate first to the surface and later to deeper cylindrical tube of cytoplasm
layers, and this process continues for several ▪ Cytoskeleton that runs through the axon -
months after birth. neurofilaments and microtubules
▪ Microtubules - provide a framework for fast
Layers of the Neural Tube axonal transport
 Ventricular zone/ependyma - located around ▪ Kinesin Molecules - specialized molecular
the lumen (central canal) of the tube motor bind to vesicles containing
molecules destined for transport
 Intermediate zone/mantle layer - formed by the ▪ Initial Segment - it is where axon conducts
dividing cells of the ventricular zone and electrical circuits to synaptic terminals
stretches between the ventricular surface and ▪ Trigger Zone - The axolemma of the initial
the outer (pial) layer segment contains a high density of sodium
channels, which permit the initial segment
 External marginal zone - Formed later by to act as
processes of the nerve cells in the intermediate
 Myelin Neuronal Groupings and Connections
- Myelination serves to increase the speed  Laminas – cell body aggregates in the cerebral
of impulse conduction along the axon. and cerebellar cortices
- The myelin consists of multiple concentric
layers of lipid-rich membrane produced by  Nuclei - nerve cell bodies in the spinal cord,
Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous brain stem, and cerebrum
system (PNS) and by oligodendrocytes (a
type of glial cell) in the central nervous  Projection neurons – axons carry impulses to
system (CNS) Where myelin is absent; other parts of the nervous
these are the nodes
 Interneurons - act as short relays within the
 Nodes of Ranvier nucleus
- Allows diffusion of soma
- Unmyelinated portions or gaps between  Ganglia – compact group of nerve cells in the
myelin sheath peripheral nervous system

 Schwann Cell - Produces myelin sheath  Fasciculi – axonal bundles that form tracts

 Axon Terminal  Funiculi/columns - Aggregates of tracts in the

- Forms junctions with other cells spinal cord
- Give impulses to other cell bodies
(dendrites: receive)  Lemnisci – tracts in the brain

 Axon Hillock - cone shaped portion of the cell  Neuropil - axons are intermingled with dendrites
that generates impulse in the neuron and do not run in bundles so that pathways are
difficult to identify
 Nucleus - Controls entire neuron
- Commonly called glial cells; Outnumber
Synapses neurons in the brain and spinal cord.
 The downstream end of the axon is called the - They do not form synapses.
- Functions: Myelin formation, guidance of
synaptic terminal, or arborization.
developing neurons, maintenance of
 Communication between neurons extracellular K+ levels, and reuptake of
a. Presynaptic terminal - Transmitting region transmitters after synaptic activity.
b. Post-synaptic terminal - Receiving region
 Satellite cells
 Synaptic transmission permits information from - occur in dorsal root ganglia
- small glia that surround neurons' sensory
many presynaptic neurons to converge on a
single postsynaptic neuron. Some large cell - resemble the astrocytes of the CNS and
bodies receive several thousand synapses assist in regulating the external chemical
a. Chemical synapses - involves the release
of a chemical transmitter substance  Schwan Cells
- are a variety of glial cells that keep
b. Electrical synapses - most common in peripheral nerve fibres (both myelinated
and unmyelinated) alive.
invertebrate nervous systems, although - In myelinated axons, Schwann cells form
they are found in a small number of sites in the myelin sheath.
the mammalian CNS. - Each Schwann cell myelinates a single
axon, and remyelination can occur at a
 Example brisk pace after injury to the myelin in the
a. Axodendritic peripheral nerves.
- Located between anxon and dendrite
 Macroglia - refers to astrocytes and
- Tend to be excitory oligodendrocytes derived from ectoderm. In
- mushroom-shaped dendritic spine contrast to neurons, these cells may have the
which protrudes from the dendrite capability, under some circumstances, to
b. Axosomatic regenerate.
- Located between axon and cell body
- Tend to be inhibitory  Astrocytes
- surround blood vessels in the nervous
c. Axoaxonix
system, and they cover the exterior
- Located between an axon and axon surface of the brain and spinal cord below
- modulate transmitter release by the the pia.
postsynaptic axon
- provide structural support to nervous that removes substances not needed in the
tissue and act during development as body
guidewires that direct neuronal migration - Muscle fibers connected to degenerating axon
- They also maintain appropriate
will atrophized (muscle: smaller; and not able to
concentrations of ions
- may also play a role in synaptic function properly}
transmission. - Schwann Cells more or less should proliferate
- Contribute to blood-brain barrier and form compact chord penetrated by growing
axon and be able to connect again to muscle
a. Protoplasmic and muscle will be regenerated after receiving
- more delicate, and many processes nerve stimuli
are branched. - Instances wherein regeneration cannot occur -
- Occur in gray matter or as satellite when it does not penetrate to the Schwann
cells in dorsal root ganglia. Cells
a. Fibrous
- more fibrous, and their processes
(containing glial fibrils) are seldom Regeneration
branched. - nerves ability to repair itself
- importance of axonal regeneration more or less
explains the different degrees of nerve injury
 Oligodendrocytes
experienced (if crushing of nerves or repetitive
- predominate in white matter; they
extend arm-like processes which
wrap tightly around axons
- form a compact sheath of myelin  Peripheral Nerves
which acts as an insulator around - Regeneration denotes a nerve's ability to
axons in the CNS repair itself, including the reestablishment
- provide some nutritive support to the of functionally useful connections
neurons they envelop - Shortly (1-3 days) after an axon is cut, the
tips of the proximal stumps form
enlargements, or growth cones. The
 Microglia
growth cones send out exploratory
- macrophages, or scavengers, of CNS
pseudopodia that are similar to the axonal
- they constantly survey the brain and
growth cones formed in normal
spinal cord, to detect, and destroy,
development. Each axonal growth cone is
invaders (bacteria)
capable of forming many branches that
- When an area of the brain or spinal
continue to advance away from the site of
cord is damaged or infected, microglia
the original cut.
activate and migrate to the site of
- If these branches can cross the scar tissue
injury to remove cellular debris
and enter the distal nerve stump,
- Some microglia are always present in
successful regeneration with restoration of
the brain, but when injury or infection
function may occur.
occurs, others enter the brain from
- Peripheral system axons will reinnervate
blood vessels.
both muscle and sensory targets; however,
motor axons will not connect to sensory
 Ependymal cells
structures, or sensory axons to muscle.
- form an epithelial layer that lines the
Although a motor axon will reinnervate any
ventricles and central canal of the
denervated muscle, it will preferentially
brain and spinal cord, respectively.
connect to original muscle.
- mammalian ependyma are derived
from the ventricular zone, which
 Central Nervous System
produce ependymal cells
- Axonal regeneration is typically abortive in
the CNS.
 Extracellular Space
- The reasons for regeneration failure are
- fluid-filled space between the various
not yet entirely clear.
cellular components of the CNS.
- This extracellular compartment
probably accounts for, under most
- It has classically been believed that
circumstances, about 20% of the total
neurogenesis—the capability for production of
volume of the brain and spinal cord.
neurons from undifferentiated, proliferative
progenitor cells—is confined to the
development period that precedes birth in
 Wallerian Degeneration
- If the axon is cut, the part distal to the cut - According to this traditional view, after
degenerates because materials for pathological insults that result in neuronal
maintaining the axon (mostly proteins) are death, the number of neurons is permanently
formed in the cell body and can no longer reduced. However, recent evidence has
be transported down the axon. indicated that a small number of neuronal
precursor cells, capable of dividing and then
- Myelin sheath and nerve cells are the ones
differentiating into neurons, may exist in the
degenerating forebrain of adult mammals, including humans.
- Debris formed by the degeneration will be These rare precursor cells reside in the
phagocytized by macrophages (type of WBC subventricular zone.
1.3 Signaling of the Nervous System  Synapses
a. Electrical synapses
- Along with muscle cells, neurons are unique in that ▪ Characterized by gap junctions, which
they are excitable; that is, they respond to stimuli by are specialized structures in which the
generating electrical impulses. presynaptic and postsynaptic
- Neurons communicate with each other at synapses membranes come into close
by a process called synaptic transmission. apposition. Gap junctions act as
conductive pathways, so electrical
current can flow directly from the
Membrane Potential presynaptic axon into the
- The membranes of cells, including nerve cells, postsynaptic neuron.
are structured so that a difference in electrical ▪ ransmission at electrical synapses
potential exists between the inside (negative) does not involve neurotransmitters.
and the outside (positive).
- This results in a resting potential across the cell b. Chemical synapses
membrane, which is normally about -70 mV ▪ A distinct cleft represents an
extension of the extracellular space,
Axon Potentials separating the pre and postsynaptic
- Neurons communicate by producing electrical membranes.
impulses called action potentials. ▪ The pre- and postsynaptic
- Action potentials are self-regenerative electrical components at chemical synapses
signals that tend to propagate throughout a communicate via diffusion of
- neuron and along its axon. neurotransmitter molecules
- The action potential is a depolarization of about ▪ From depolarization of the
100 mV presynaptic ending, neurotransmitter
- Neurons can generate action potentials molecules are released from the
because they contain specialized molecules, presynaptic ending, diffuse across the
called synaptic cleft, and bind to
- sodium channels, that respond to postsynaptic receptors.
depolarization by opening/activating. ▪ These receptors are associated with
and trigger the opening of ligand-
gated ion channels.
Effects of Myelination
- Myelin is present around some axons within the Neuromuscular Junction and End-Plate Potential
peripheral nervous system (PNS) (where it is
▪ The axons of lower motor neurons project
- produced by Schwann cells) and within the
through peripheral nerves to muscle cells.
central nervous system (CNS) (where it is
▪ These motor axons terminate at a specialized
produced by oligodendrocytes).
portion of the muscle membrane called the
- Myelination has profound effects on the
motor end-plate, which represents localized
conduction of action potentials along the axon.
specialization of the sarcolemma, the
- Nonmyelinated axons, in the PNS and CNS,
membrane surrounding a striated muscle fiber.
generally have a small diameter. The action
potential travels in a continuous manner along ▪ The nerve impulse is transmitted to the muscle
these axons because of a relatively uniform across the neuromuscular synapse (also called
distribution of voltage-sensitive Na* and K the neuromuscular junction)
- Myelinated axons, in contrast, are covered by Neurotransmitters
myelin sheaths. The myelin has a high ▪ A large number of molecules act as
electrical resistance and lower capacitance, neurotransmitters at chemical synapses. These
permitting it to act as an insulator. The myelin neurotransmitters are present in the synaptic
sheath is not continuous along the entire length terminal, and their action may be blocked by
of the axon. pharmacologic agents.

 Acetylcholine
Conduction of action potentials ▪ Excitatory in all cases except in the
 Types of Fibers heart (inhibitory)
▪ Motor neurons, basal ganglia,
a. A fibers preganglionic neurons of the
- are large and myelinated, conduct autonomic nervous system,
rapidly, and carry various motor or postganglionic neurons of the
sensory impulses. parasympathetic nervous system, and
postganglionic neurons of the
b. B fibers sympathetic nervous system that
- smaller myelinated axons that innervate the sweat glands
conduct less rapidly than A fibers. ▪ Regulates the sleep cycle, essential
These fibers serve autonomic for muscle functioning

c. C fibers
- are the smallest and are
nonmyelinated; they conduct
impulses the slowest and serve pain
conduction and autonomic functions
 Glutamate
▪ Both excitatory and inhibitory
▪ Substantia nigra
▪ Inhibits unnecessary movements,
inhibits the release of prolactin, and
stimulates the secretion of growth

 Catecholamines
a. Dopamine
▪ Both excitatory and inhibitory
▪ Substantia nigra
▪ Inhibits unnecessary movements,
inhibits the release of prolactin, and
stimulates the secretion of growth

b. Norepinephrine
▪ Excitatory
▪ Brainstem, hypothalamus, and
adrenal glands
▪ Increases the level of alertness and
wakefulness, stimulates various
processes of the body

 Serotonin
▪ Inhibitory
▪ Neurons of the brainstem and
gastrointestinal tract, thrombocytes
▪ Regulates body temperature,
perception of pain, emotions, and
sleep cycle

 Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
▪ Inhibitory
▪ Neurons of the spinal cord,
cerebellum, basal ganglia, and many
areas of the cerebral cortex
▪ Reduces neuronal excitability
throughout the nervous system

 Endorphins

 Enkephalins
The Spinal Cord a. Neural arch – composed of a pedicle on each
side that supports a lamina that extends
Differentiation posteriorly to the spinous process.
 Ependymal Layer - encircles the central canal and is b. Pedicles – inferior and superior notches that
surrounded by the intermediate and marginal zones. form the intervertebral foramen
c. Transverse process
 Intermediate Layer (Mantle)
a. Sulcus limitans – groove on the wall of the
central canal External Anatomy of the Spinal Cord
b. Alar plate – composed mostly of sensory  Structure
neurons; differentiates into the dorsal gray a. Conus Medullaris
column - Tapered conical distal (inferior) end of the
c. Basal plate – composed of motor neurons; spinal cord
differentiates into the ventral gray column - Ends at L1 or L2 level of the vertebral column

 Marginal Zone b. Filum Terminale

- The process of mantle zone and other cell are - Extends from the tip of the conus and attaches
contained in this area to the distal dural sac
- Differentiates to become the white matter of - Consists of pia and glial fibers and often
the spinal cord contains a vein.

c. Cauda Equina
Development - Spinal nerve roots descending in a bundle from
the conus medullaris
- Resembles the tail of the horse

d. Central Canal
- Lined with ependymal cells and filled with
cerebrospinal fluid.
- It opens upward into the inferior portion of the
fourth ventricle.

 Enlargement
a. Cervical Enlargement
- Nerves from the brachial plexus arise
- Nerves of the upper extremities

b. Lumbosacral Enlargement
- Nerves from the lumbosacral plexus arise
- Nerves of the lower extremities

 Longitudinal Divisions
a. Deep anterior/ventral median fissure
- Contains a fold of pia and blood vessels
- Floor: anterior/ventral white commissure

Spinal Cord
b. Shallow posterior/dorsal median sulcus
 Elongated cylindrical part of the CNS
- Divides the spinal cord into right and left
 Situated in upper 2/3 of the vertebral column
 It is segmented, with each segment having one pair c. Posterolateral sulcus
of spinal nerves on the left and on the right - Attachment of the dorsal nerve roots
 Contains large numbers of ascending and
descending pathways d. Anterolateral sulcus
 Important center for reflex activity - Exit for the ventral nerve roots
 Segments
a. Cervical - 8
Vertebral Column - Largest spinal cord segments.
 Consists of 33 vertebrae - 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 - In each half of the spinal cord, the dorsal
lumbar, 5 sacral and 4 coccygeal funiculus is divided into two major ascending
 Normal lordosis – ventral convexity (cervical, pathways called the fasciculus gracilis and
lumbar) fasciculus cuneatus.
 Normal kyphosis – dorsal convexity (thoracic
 The Typical Vertebrae - consists of a vertebral body b. Thoracic - 12
and vertebral arch that surround a vertebral canal - Smaller than the cervical segments because
they contain a smaller amount of gray and
white matter.
- A lateral horn, which contains the Spinal Roots and Nerves
intermediolateral cell (IML) column is present  Each segment of spinal cord pertain to 4 roots
in all thoracic segments - Ventral and Dorsal roots on left and right
- a prominent structure called the dorsal nucleus - 1st cervical segment lacks dorsal roots
of Clarke contains large cells and is located
medially at the base of the dorsal horn.  Dorsal root (spinal) ganglion
- Rostral levels of the thoracic cord (T1-T6), - Lies in dorsal root of a typical spinal nerve,
both the fasciculi gracilis and cuneatus are close to the junction with the ventral root
present - a swelling that contains nerve cell bodies.
- Caudal levels (e.g., T7-T12), only the fasciculus
gracilis is present.  Peripheral nerve
- The portion of a spinal nerve outside the
c. Lumbar - 5 vertebral column
- Appear circular
- L1 and L2 segments are similar to those
located at lower thoracic levels. These  Vertebral Column
segments contain the IML. - surrounds and protects the spinal cord
- The lumbar segments located at L3 to L5 do - normally consists of 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and
not contain IML. These segments provide 5 lumbar vertebrae as well as the sacrum,
motor innervation to the large muscles in the which is usually formed by fusion of 5
lower extremities. vertebrae, and the coccyx

d. Sacral - 5  Intervertebral foramina

- Relatively small. - It is where the nerve roots exit from the
- Contain relatively small amounts of white vertebral column
matter and more abundant quantities of gray - In the cervical spine, the numbered roots exit
matter. the vertebral column above the corresponding
- The IML of sacral segments S2-S4 contains the vertebral body.
parasympathetic preganglionic neurons. - In the lower parts of the spine, the numbered
roots exit below the correspondingly
e. Coggygeal -1 numbered vertebral body.
- Resemble the sacral segments - Spinal cord is shorter than the vertebral
column, and it usually ends at L1 - 2.
Organization of the Spinal Cord
 Begins superiorly at the foramen magnum in the  Direction of Roots
skull where it is continuous with the medulla - Until the third month of fetal life, the spinal
oblongata of the brain cord is as long as the vertebral canal. After that
 Terminates inferiorly at the level of the lower point, the vertebral column elongates faster
border of the first lumbar vertebra (L1) than the spinal cord, so that at birth the cord
 The sp. cd is situated within the vertebral canal of extends to about the level of the third lumbar
the vertebral column and is surrounded by 3 vertebra. In adults, the tip of the cord normally
meninges lies at the level of the first or second lumbar
vertebra. Because of the different growth rates
a. Dura Mater - Fibrous sheath that extends from the of the cord and spine, the cord segments are
foramen magnum to the level of the 2nd sacral displaced upward from their corresponding
vertebra (S2) where it ends as a blind sac vertebrae, with the greatest discrepancy in the
▪ Epidural/extradural space - Separates the lowest segments. In the lumbosacral region,
dura from the bony vertebral column the nerve roots descend almost vertically
▪ Subdural space - Narrow space between below the cord to form the cauda equina
the dura and underlying arachnoid (horse's tail)

b. Arachnoid Mater - Thin transparent sheath; contains  Ventral Roots / Anterior

cerebrospinal fluid, Separated from the pia mater by - Constitute motor outflow tracts from spinal
the subarachnoid space cord.
c. Pia Mater - Closely surrounds the spinal cord and - Carry large-diameter alpha motor neuron
sends septa into its substance; contributes to the axons to the extrafusal striated muscle fibers
formation of the filum terminale - the smaller gamma motor neuron axons, which
d. Dentate Ligament - Long flange of white pial tissue supply the intrafusal muscle of the muscle
that runs along the lateral margins of the spinal cord spindles preganglionic autonomic fibers at the
between the dorsal and ventral roots; stabilizes the thoracic, upper lumbar, and midsacral levels
spinal cord from side to side - few afferent, small-diameter axons that arise
from cells in the dorsal root ganglia and convey
sensory information from the thoracic and
abdominal viscera.
 Dorsal Roots / Posterior Dermatomes
- Dorsal (posterior) root are largely sensory. - Distribution of the sensory component of each
- Each dorsal nerve root (except usually CI) spinal nerve
contains afferent fibers from the nerve cells in - The territories of dermatomes tend to overlap,
its ganglion. making it difficult to determine the absence of a
- Contain fibers from cutaneous and deep single segmental innervation on the basis of sensory
structures testing

a. Ia – muscle spindles, spinal cord reflexes ▪ C5, C6, C7, C8, T1 - Arm
b. A-beta – mechanoreceptors in the skin and ▪ C4, T2 - Anterior Trunk
joints ▪ C6, C7, C8 - Thumb, middle finger, and fifth
c. C, nonmyelinated, A-delta, myelinated – carry digit
information of noxious and thermal stimuli ▪ T4 - Nipple
▪ T10 - Umbilicus

Branches of of Typical Spinal Nerves

a. Posterior Primary Division Myotomes
 Medial branch - sensory - Refers to the skeletal musculature innervated by
 Lateral branch - motor motor axons in a given spinal root

b. Anterior Primary Division

 Form the cervical, brachial and lumbosacral Internal Anatomy of the Spinal Cord
 Thoracic region – intercostal nerves,  Gray Matter
segmented - H-shaped
- Made of 2 symmetric portions joined across the
c. Rami Communicantes midline by a transverse connection (commissure) of
 Join the spinal nerves to sympathetic trunk gray matter that contains a minute central canal
 White - thoracic and upper lumbar nerves
 Gray - is present in all spinal nerves Columns of the Gray Matter
o Ventral or anterior gray column / horn
d. Meningeal/Recurrent Meningeal Branches - Located in front of the central canal
 Also called as Sinuvertebral nerves - Origin for ventral roots, alpha and motor
 They carry sensory and vasomotor neurons (lower motor)
innervation to the meninges.
o Intermediolateral gray column / horn
- Located between the dorsal and ventral
Types of Nerve Fibers gray columns
a. Somatic Efferent Fibers - Prominent lateral triangular projection in
- Innervate the skeletal muscles the thoracic and upper lumbar regions
- Orginate in the anterior gray column of the but not in the mid-sacral region
spinal cord and form the ventral root of the - Contains preganglionic cells for the
spinal nerve autonomic nervous system

b. Somatic Afferent Fibers ▪ Preganglionic Sympathetic Neurons

- Sensory information from the skin, joints and - T1 to T2
muscles to the CNS - Give rise to sympathetic axons that
leave the spinal cord within the
c. Visceral Efferent Fibers ventral roots and then travel to the
- Autonomic fibers are the motor fibers to the sympathetic ganglia via the white
viscera rami communicantes.
▪ Sympathetic fibers - from the thoracic
segments and LI and L2 are distributed ▪ Sacral parasympathetic neurons
throughout the body to the viscera, - S2, S3 and S4
glands, and smooth muscle. - These neurons
▪ Parasympathetic fibers - which are - Give rise to preganglionic
present in the middle three sacral nerves, parasympathetic axons that leave
go to the pelvic and lower abdominal the spinal cord within the sacral
viscera ventral roots

d. Visceral Afferent Fibers o Dorsal or posterior gray column/horn

- These fibers convey sensory information from - Reaches almost to the posterolateral
the viscera sulcus
- Their cell bodies are in the dorsal root ganglia
o Dorsolateral fasciculus (Lissauer’s Tract) - carry sensory fibres to brain
- Part of the pain pathway lies on the
periphery of the spinal cord.
- Compact bundles of small fibers

 Laminas
- A cross section of the gray matter of the spinal
cord shows a
- number of laminas (layers of nerve cells),
termed Rexed's

o Lamina I
- Contains neurons that respond to noxious
- Contralateral spinothalamic tract

o Lamina II
- substania gelatinosa
- Respond to noxious stimuli
- Contains substance p (i and ii)

o Lamina III and IV

- Nucleus proprius
- Position and light touch sense

o Lamina V
- Responds to both noxious and visceral afferent

o Lamina VI
- Deepest layer of the dorsal horn
- Responds to mechanical signals from joints and

o Lamina VII
- Contains sells for dorsal nucleus/clarke’s
column and ventral gray column

o Lamina VIII and IX

- Represent motor neuron groups in medial and
lateral portions of the ventral gray column

o Lamina X
- Represents the small neurons around the
central canal or its remnants

White Matter
 Columns
o Dorsal column – lies between the posterior median
sulcus and posterolateral sulcus
▪ Fasciculus Gracilis - cervical and upper portion
of the thoracic regions; located medially
▪ Fasciculus Cuneatus - cervical and upper
portion of the thoracic regions; located

o Lateral Column – lies between the posterolateral

sulcus and anterolateral sulcus
o Ventral Column – lies between the anterior median
sulcus and anterior median fissure

 Tracts
o Descending Fiber Tracts
- carry motor fibres to muscles
o Ascending Fiber Tracts
Brainstem and Cerebellum ▪ The cranial nerves, like the spinal nerves, take their
origin from the basal plate cells (motor nerves) or
Brainstem from synapses in the alar plate cell groups (sensory
▪ The brainstem is located at the ventral portion of nerves).
the cerebellum, above the spinal cord, and directly ▪ Unlike spinal nerves, most cranial nerves emerge as
below the cortex of the brain. one or more bundles of fibers from the basal or
▪ The brain stem includes the medulla and pons, basilateral aspect of the brain stem
located ventral to the cerebellum.
▪ It is considered to be the most basic and primitive
portion of the brain since it mainly regulates the
body’s automatic homeostatic functions. This
includes arousal, blood pressure, heart rate,
respiratory rhythms, sleep-wake cycle, sensation,
motion, and the synchronization of the perception of
▪ During conception, the brainstem is also the first
portion to develop. This is mainly because it is
tasked to carry out visceral functions that must
operate even before the brain fully develops into an
organ that is capable of reasoning, analyzing, and
comprehending information

Development of the Brain Stem And Cranial Nerves

▪ The lower part of the cranial portion of the neural
tube (neuraxis) gives rise to the brain stem.
▪ The brain stem is divided into the
mesencephalon and rhomben- cephalon
▪ The primitive central canal widens into a four-sided
pyramid shape with a rhomboid floor. This
becomes the fourth ventricle, which extends over
the future pons and the medulla
▪ The neural tube undergoes local enlargement and
shows two permanent flexures: the cephalic
flexure at the upper end the cervical flexure at the
lower end. The cephalic flexure in an adult brain is
the angle between the brain stem and the
horizontal plane of the brain.
▪ The central canal in the rostral brain stem becomes
the cerebral aqueduct.
▪ The roof of the rostral fourth ventricle undergoes
intense cellular proliferation, and this lip produces
the neurons and glia that will populate both the Organization of the Brain Stem
cerebellum and the inferior olivarv nucleus.
▪ The quadrigeminal plate, the midbrain tegmentum, Main Divisions and External Landmarks
and the cerebral peduncles develop from the ▪ Three major external divisions of the brain stem are
mesencephalon. recognizable: the medulla (medulla oblongata), the
▪ The rhombencephalon gives rise to the pons together with the cerebellum, and the
metencephalon and the midbrain (mesencephalon).
▪ myelencephalon. ▪ The three internal longitudinal divisions of the
▪ The metencephalon forms the cerebellum and brain stem are the tectum (mainly in the midbrain),
pons; it contains part of the fourth ventricle. tegmentum, and basis.
▪ The myelencephalon forms the medulla ▪ The superior portion of the rhomboid fossa (which
oblongata. forms the floor of the fourth ventricle) extends over
▪ As in the spinal cord, the embryonic brain stem has a the pons, whereas the inferior portion covers the
central gray core with an alar plate (consisting open portion of the medulla. The closed medulla
mostly of sensory components) and a basal plate forms the transition to the spinal cord.
(composed primarily of motor components). ▪ Three pairs of cerebellar peduncles (inferior,
middle, and superior) form connections with the
Just like in the spinal cord, the brain stem also contains gray cerebellum. The dorsal aspect of the midbrain
and white matter. The gray matter is seen in the central gray shows four hillocks: the two superior and the two
core which is derived from the alar and basal plates. The alarm inferior colliculi, collectively called the corpora
plate consists of sensory components while the basal plate quadrigemina or quadrigeminai plate.
consists of motor components. The white matter, on the other
hand, is formed from the myelinated tracts which thicken the
marginal layer ventrally or just pass through the gray nuclei.
B. Cranial Nerves
Almost all the cranial nerve nuclei are located in the
brainstem. (The exceptions are the first two cranial nerve
nuclei, which are evaginations of the brain itself.) Portions of
the cranial nerves also pass through the brain stem.

C. Cerebellar Peduncles
The pathways to and from the cerebellum pass through three
pairs of cerebellar peduncles, as described later in the
Cerebellum section.

D. Descending Autonomic System Pathways

These paths to the spinal cord pass through the brain stem.

E. Reticular Formation
Several of these areas in the tegmentum of the brain stem are
vitally involved in the control of respiration; cardiovascular
system functions; and states of consciousness, sleep, and

Internal Structural Components F. Monoaminergic Pathways

These paths include three important systems: the serotonergic
A. Descending and Ascending Tracts
pathways from the raphe nuclei; the noradrenergic pathways
▪ All descending tracts that terminate in the
in the lateral reticular formation and the extensive efferents
spinal cord (eg, the corticospinal tract) pass
from the locus ceruleus; and the dopaminergic pathway from
through the brain stem.
the basal midbrain to the basal ganglia and others.
In addition, several descending fiber systems terminate or
originate in the brain stem.

Cranial Nerve Nuclei in The Brain Stem

▪ Similarly, all ascending tracts (eg, the
spinothalamic tracts) that reach the brain
stem or the cerebral cortex pass through part
or all of this region; other ascending tracts
originate in the brain stem. The brain stem is,
therefore, an important conduit or relay
station for many longitudinal pathways, both
descending and ascending.
Motor Components
▪ General somatic efferent (SE or GSE) components -
innervate striated muscles that are derived from
somites and are involved with movements of the
tongue and eye, such as the hypoglossal nucleus of
XII, oculomotor nucleus of III, trochlear nucleus of
IV, and abducens nucleus of VI.
▪ Branchial efferent (BE) components/special
visceral efferents (SVE) - innervate muscles that are
derived from the branchial arches and are involved
in chewing, making facial expressions, swallowing,
producing vocal sounds, and turning the head.
Examples include the masticatory nucleus of V;
facial nucleus of VII; ambiguus nucleus of IX, X, and
XI; and spinal accessory nucleus of XI located in the
▪ General visceral efferent (VE or GVE) components –
are parasympathetic preganglionic components
that provide autonomic innervation of smooth
muscles and the glands in the head, neck, and torso.
Examples include the Edinger- Westphal nucleus of
III, superior salivatory nucleus of VII, inferior Medulla
salivatory nucleus of IX, and dorsal motor nucleus The medulla (medulla oblongata) can be divided into a caudal
of X. portion and a rostral portion. The division is based on the
absence or presence of the lower fourth ventricle.
Sensory Components
▪ General somatic afferent (SA or Ascending Tracts
GSA) components - receive and - In the caudal, closed part of the medulla, the relay
relay sensory stimuli from the skin nuclei of the dorsal column pathway (nucleus
and mucosa of most of the head: gracilis and nucleus cuneatus) give rise to a crossed
main sensory, descending, and fiber bundle, the medial lemniscus.
mesencephalic nuclei of V. - The spinothalamic tract (which crossed at spinal
▪ General visceral afferent (VA or cord levels) continues upward throughout the
GVA) components - relay sensory medulla, as do the spinoreticular tract and the
stimuli from the viscera and more ventral spinocerebellar pathway.
specialized taste stimuli from the - The dorsal spinocerebellar tract and the
tongue and epiglottis: solitary cuneocerebellar tract continue into the inferior
nucleus for visceral input from IX cerebellar peduncle.
and X and gustatory nucleus for - The medial longitudinal fasciculus is an
special visceral taste fibers from VII, important pathway involved with control of gaze
IX, and X. and head movements. It descends into the cervical
▪ Special sensory (SS) nuclei - can also cord. The medial longitudinal fasciculus arises in
be distinguished: the four vestibular the vestibular nuclei and carries vestibular
and two cochlear nuclei that receive influences downward. The medial longitudinal
stimuli via fasciculus carries projections rostrally from the
vestibular nuclei to the abducens, trochlear, and
Differences between Typical Spinal and Cranial Nerve oculomotor nuclei and from the lateral gaze center
▪ The simple and regular pattern of functional fiber in the pons to the oculomotor nuclei.
components in spinal nerves is not found in cranial - The tectospinal tract carries descending axons
nerves. A single cranial nerve may contain one or from the superior colliculus in the midbrain to the
more functional components; conversely, a single cervical spinal cord. It relays impulses controlling
nucleus may contribute to the formation of one or neck and trunk movements in response to visual
more cranial nerves. stimuli.
▪ Although some cranial nerves are solely efferent,
most are mixed, and some contain many visceral Cranial Nerve Nuclei
components. - The hypoglossal nucleus, the dorsal motor nucleus
of the vagus, and the solitary tract and nucleus are
found in the medulla, grouped around the central
canal; in the open medulla, these nuclei lie below
the fourth ventricle.
- The hypoglossal nucleus, which is homologous to
the anterior horn nucleus in the cord, sends its
fibers ventrally between the pyramid and inferior
olivary nucleus to exit as nerve XII. This nerve
innervates all the tongue muscles.
- The dorsal motor nucleus of X is a preganglionic sensory input, particularly for pain.
parasympathetic nucleus that sends its fibers
laterally into nerves IX and X. It controls
parasympathetic tone in the heart, lungs, and
abdominal viscera.
- The superior salivatory nucleus, located just rostral
to the dorsal motor nucleus, gives rise to
parasympathetic axons that project in nerve VII, via
the submandibular and pterygopalatine ganglia, to
the submandibular and sublingual glands and the
lacrimal apparatus. This nucleus controls salivary
secretion and lacrimation.
- The ill-defined ambiguus nucleus gives rise to the
branchial efferent axons in nerves IX and X. It
controls swallowing and vocalization.
- The solitary nucleus (still called the nucleus
solitarius in some books) is an elongated sensory
nucleus in the medulla that receives axons from
nerves VII, IX, and X. It is located adjacent to the
solitary tract, which contains the terminating axons
of these nerves.
- The rostral part of the solitary nucleus is sometimes
referred to as the gustatory nucleus. The solitary
nucleus conveys information about taste and
visceral sensations. Secondary fibers ascend from
the solitary nucleus to the ventroposteromedial
(VPM) nucleus in the thalamus, which projects, in
turn, to the cortical area for taste (area 43, located
near the operculum).
- The four vestibular nuclei—superior, inferior (or
spinal), medial, and lateral—are found under the
floor of the fourth ventricle, partly in the open
medulla and partly in the pons.
- The ventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei are relay
nuclei for fibers that arise in the spiral ganglion of
the cochlea.

Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle

A peduncle is a stalk-like bundle of nerve fibers
containing one or more axon tracts. The inferior
cerebellar peduncle is formed in the open medulla from
several components: the cuneocerebellar and the dorsal
spinocerebellar tracts, fibers from the lateral reticular
nucleus, olivocerebellar fibers from the contralateral
inferior olivary nucleus, fibers from the vestibular
division of nerve VIII, and fibers that arise in the Tegmentum
vestibular nuclei. All fibers are afferent to the cerebellum. - The tegmentum of the pons is more complex than
the base.
- The lower pons contains the nucleus of nerve VI
Pons (abducens nucleus) and the nuclei of nerve VII (the
Basis Pontis facial, superior salivatory, and gustatory nuclei).
- The base of the pons (basis pontis) contains three - The branchial motor component of the facial nerve
components: fiber bundles of the corticospinal loops medially around the nucleus of nerve VI.
tracts, pontine nuclei that have received input from - The branchial motor component of the facial nerve
the cerebral cortex by way of the corticopontine loops medially around the nucleus of nerve VI.
pathway, and pontocerebellar fibers from the - The central tegmental tract contains descending
pontine nuclei, which cross and project to most of fibers from the midbrain to the inferior olivary
the neocerebellum by way of the large middle nucleus and ascending fibers that run from the
cerebellar peduncle. brain stem reticular formation to the thalamus, and
- Along the midline of the pons and part of the runs dorsolateral to the medial lemniscus.
medulla lie the raphe nuclei. Serotonin-containing - The tectospinal tract (from midbrain to cervical
neurons in these nuclei project widely to the cortex cord) and the medial longitudinal fasciculus are
and hippocampus, basal ganglia, thalamus, additional components of the pontine tegmentum.
cerebellum, and spinal cord. These cells are
important in controlling the level of arousal and
modulate the sleep-wake cycle. They also modulate
Middle Cerebellar Peduncle Midbrain
The middle cerebellar peduncle is the largest of the three
cerebellar peduncles. It contains fibers that arise from the Basis of the Midbrain
contralateral basis pontis and end in the cerebellar The base of the midbrain contains the crus cerebri, a massive
hemisphere. fiber bundle that includes corticospinal, corticobulbar, and
corticopontine. The base also contains the substantia nigra.
Auditory Pathway - The substantia nigraose (whose cells contain
The auditory system from the cochlear nuclei in the neuromelanin) receives afferent fibers from the
pontomedullary junction includes fibers that ascend cerebral cortex and the striatum; it sends
ipsilaterally in the lateral lemniscus. It also includes dopaminergic efferent fibers to the striatum. The
crossing fibers (the trapezoid body) that ascend in the substantia nigra plays a key role in motor control.
opposite lateral lemniscus. A small superior olivary Degeneration of the substantia nigra occurs in
nucleus sends fibers into the cochlear division of nerve Parkinsons disease. The external aspect of the basis
VIII as the olivocochlear bundle, this pathway modifies of the midbrain is called the cerebral peduncle
the sensory input from the organ of Corti in the cochlea. - The corticobulbar fibers from the motor cortex to
interneurons of the efferent nuclei of cranial nerves
Trigeminal System are homologous with the corticospinal fibers. The
The three divisions of the trigeminal nerve all project to corticobulbar fibers to the lower portion of the facial
the brain stem. nucleus and the hypoglossal nucleus are crossed
- Fine touch function is relayed by the main sensory (from the opposite cerebral cortex). All other
nucleus; corticobulbar projections are bilaterally crossed
- Pain and temperature are relayed into the (from both cortices).
descending spinal tract of V - The fibers of the oculomotor (III) nerve exit between
- Proprioceptive fibers form a mesencephalic tract the cerebral peduncles in the interpeduncular fossa.
and nucleus in the midbrain. The fibers of the trochlear (IV) nerve exit on the
- The second-order neurons from the main sensory other side of the midbrain, the tegmentum.
nucleus cross and ascend to the thalamus. The
descending spinal tract of V sends fibers to the pars Tegmentum
caudalis (the spinal nucleus in the medulla), the pars The tegmentum of the midbrain contains all the ascending
interpoIaris (a link between trigeminal afferent tracts from the spinal cord or lower brain stem and many of
components and the cerebellum), and the pars the descending systems.
oralis. - A large red nucleus receives crossed efferent fibers
- The masticatory nucleus, which is medial to the from the cerebellum and sends fibers to the
main sensory nucleus, sends branchial efferent thalamus and the contralateral spinal cord via the
fibers into the mandibular division of nerve V to rubrospinal tract. The red nucleus is an important
innervate most of the muscles of mastication and the component of motor coordination.
tensor tympani of the middle ear. - Two contiguous somatic efferent nuclear groups lie
in the upper tegmentum: the trochlear nucleus
(which forms contralateral nerve IV) and the
oculomotor nuclei (which have efferent fibers in
nerve III).
- The preganglionic parasympathetic system destined
for the eye (a synapse in the ciliary ganglion) has its
origin in or near the Edinger-Westphal nucleus.
- Close to the periventricular gray matter lie the
bilateral locus ceruleus nuclei. Neurons in these
nuclei contain norepinephrine and project widely to
the cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, midbrain,
cerebellum, pons, medulla, and spinal cord. These
neurons regulate the sleep-wake cycle and control
arousal; they may also modulate the sensitivity of
sensory nuclei.
- TectumThe tectum, or roof, of the midbrain is
formed by two pairs of colliculi and the corpora
- The superior colliculi contain neurons that receive
visual as well as other input and serve ocular
- The inferior colliculi are involved in auditory
reflexes and in determining the side on which a
sound originates. The inferior colliculi receive input
from both ears, and they project to the medial
geniculate nucleus of the thalamus by way of the
inferior quadrigeminal brachium.
- The superior quadrigeminal brachium links the
lateral geniculate nucleus and the superior
colliculus. The colliculi contribute to the formation Divisions
of the crossed tectospinal tracts, which are involved ▪ The cerebellum is divided into two symmetric
in blinking and head- turning reflexes after sudden hemispheres; they are connected by the vermis,
sounds or visual images. which can be further subdivided.
▪ The phylogenetically old archicerebellum consists
Periaqueductal Gray Matter of the flocculus, the nodulus (nodule of the vermis),
The periaqueductal gray matter contains descending and interconnections (flocculonodular system); it is
autonomic tracts as well as endorphin-producing cells concerned with equilibrium and connects with the
that suppress pain. This region has been used as the vestibular system.
target for brainstimulating implants in patients with ▪ The paleocerebellum consists of the anterior
chronic pain. portions of the hemispheres and the anterior and
posterior vermis and is involved with propulsive,
Superior Cerebellar Peduncle stereotyped movements, such as walking.
The superior cerebellar peduncle contains efferent fibers ▪ The remainder of the cerebellum is considered the
from the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum to the neocerebelliim and is concerned with the
opposite red nucleus (the dentatorubrothalamic system) coordination of fine movement.
and the ventral spinocerebellar tracts. The cerebellar
fibers decussate just below the red nuclei. Functions
▪ The cerebellum has several main functions:
coordinating skilled voluntary movements by
influencing muscle activity, and controlling
equilibrium and muscle tone through connections
with the vestibular system and the spinal cord and
its gamma motor neurons. There is a somatotopic
organization of body parts within the cerebellar
cortex. In addition, the cerebellum receives
collateral input from the sensory and special
sensory systems.
▪ As might be predicted from the cerebellar
homunculi,the vermis tends to control coordination
and muscle tone of the trunk, whereas each
cerebellar hemisphere controls motor coordination
and muscle tone on the same side of the body.

▪ The inferior cerebellar peduncle contains many
fiber systems from the spinal cord (including fibers
from the dorsal spinocerebellar tracts and
cuneocerebellar tract and lower brain stem. Also
Cerebellum contains inputs from the vestibular nuclei and
nerve and efferents to the vestibular nuclei.
Gross Structure ▪ The middle cerebellar peduncle consists of fibers
▪ The cerebellum is located behind the dorsal aspect from the contralateral pontine nuclei. These nuclei
of the pons and the medulla. It is separated from the receive input from many areas of the cerebral
occipital lobe by the tentorium and fills most of the cortex.
posterior fossa. ▪ The superior cerebellar peduncle, composed mostly
▪ A midline portion, the vermis, separates two lateral of efferent fibers, contains axons that send impulses
lobes, or cerebellar hemispheres. to both the thalamus and spinal cord, with relays in
▪ The external surface of the cerebellum displays a the red nuclei. Afferent fibers from the ventral
large number of narrow, ridge-like folds termed spinocerebellar tract also enter the cerebellum via
folia, most of which are oriented transversely. this peduncle
▪ The cerebellum consists of the cerebellar cortex and
the underlying cerebellar white matter.
▪ Four paired deep cerebellar nuclei are located
within the white matter of the cerebellum, above
the fourth ventricle. (Because they lie in the roof of
the ventricle, they are sometimes referred to as roof
nuclei.) These nuclei are termed, from medial to
lateral, the fastigial, globose, emboliform, and

Afferents to the Cerebellum

▪ Afferents to the cerebellum are carried primarily
via the inferior and middle cerebellar peduncles, in the white matter of the cerebellum: fastigial,
although some afferent fibers are also present in the globose, emboliform, and dentate. Neurons in these
superior cerebellar peduncles. These afferents end nuclei project out of the cerebellum and thus
in either climbing fibers or mossy fibers in the represent the major efferent pathway from the
cerebellar cortex, both of which are excitatory. cerebellum. Cells in the deep cerebellar nuclei
- Climbing fibers originate in the inferior olivary receive inhibitory input (gamma-aminobutyric acid
nucleus and synapse on Purkinje cell [GABA]-ergic) from Purkinje cells. They also receive
dendrites. excitatory inputs from sites outside the cerebellum,
- Mossy fibers are formed by afferent axons including pontine nuclei, inferior olivary nucleus,
from the pontine nuclei, spinal cord, vestibular reticular formation, locus ceruleus, and raphe
nuclei, and reticular formation: They end in nuclei. Cells in the deep cerebellar nuclei fire
specialized glomeruli, where they synapse tonically at rates reflecting the balance between the
with granule cell dendrites. opposing excitatory and inhibitory inputs that
converge on them

Cerebellar Cortex
The cerebellar cortex consists of three layers: the
Efferents from the Cerebellum
subpial, outer molecular layer; the Purkinje cell
- Efferents from the deep cerebellar nuclei project via
layer; and the granular layer, an inner layer
the superior cerebellar peduncle to the contralateral
composed mainly of small granule cells
red nucleus and thalamic nuclei (especially
ventrolateral [VL], VPL).
- Granule cells, with cell bodies located in the
- From there, projections are sent to the motor cortex.
granular layer of the cerebellar cortex, are the
This chain of projections provides the
only excitatory neurons in the cerebellar
dentatorubrothalamocortical pathway
cortex. The granule cells send their axons
- Via this pathway, activity in the dentate nucleus and
upward, into the molecular layer, where they
other deep cerebellar nuclei modulates activity in
bifurcate in a T-like manner to become the
the contralateral motor cortex. This crossed
parallel fibers. The nonmyelinated parallel
connection, to the contralateral motor cortex, helps
fibers run perpendicular through the Purkinje
to explain why each cerebellar hemisphere regulates
cell dendrites (like the wires running between
coordination and muscle tone on the ipsilateral side
telephone poles) and form excitatory synapses
of the body.
on these dendrites. Glutamate appears to be
the neurotransmitter at these synapses.

- Purkinje cells provide the primary output from

the cerebellar cortex. These unique neurons
have their cell bodies in the Purkinje cell layer
and have dendrites that fan out in a single
plane like the ribs of a Japanese fan or the
crossbars on a telephone pole. The axons of
Purkinje cells project ipsilaterally to the deep
cerebellar nuclei, especially the dentate
nucleus, where they form inhibitory synapses.

- Basket cells are located in the molecular layer.

These cells receive excitatory inputs from the
parallel fibers and project back to Purkinje
cells, which they inhibit.

- Golgi cells are also located in the molecular

layer and receive excitatory inputs from
parallel fibers and from mossy fibers. The
Golgi cells send their axons back to the granule
cells, which they inhibit.

- Stellate cells are located in the molecular layer

and receive excitatory inputs, primarily from
the parallel fibers. Like the basket cells, these
cells give rise to inhibitory synapses on
Purkinje cells.

Deep Cerebellar Nuclei

Four pairs of deep cerebellar nuclei are embedded

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