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English in the next 200 years

In the 21st century communication and our society developed, we started to

communicate with others, with people from all around the world. One of the main
problems in sharing with our experience and acquiring it from others is the
language barrier, and a way of outpace that is … . So, you will see later.

If we are thinking about the status quo, we can figure out that a lot of
languages are disappearing every year. Right now in the world are over 7000
languages but over 40% of them are endangered having less than 1000 speakers
and scientist are saying that at the end of the century over a half from the 7000 will
disappear. One more point to consider will be the fact that the biggest part of all
that group, are spoken by the countries were the Quality of the life isn’t the best,
that is argued by the fact that they are divided and they don’t have the possibility,
motivation to interact with others. As an illustration in Africa are over 2000
languages, but wide spoken are only a little piece of the pie (pie chart/diagram).
But in the fullness of time this lands will establish and there will be no further need
of this languages.

Another remark will be the question:”Why someone will want to learn a

language? ”. I think the leading cause will be the opportunities that the language
will give you after learning it, especially financial ones. Differently put the Quality
of the life that a country might give, if you fusion in the society, knowing the
native language of that country. For instance why an ordinary foreign speaker,
which is not bound or forced by circumstances, would like to learn Romanian
language? Honestly I don’t know. There are no much benefits, from the economic
or other point. Now another angle, people from this countries wants a better life,
therefore they learn languages as English, German … and emigrate where they
have more opportunities. That is to say that also a big part of the countries with a
modest quality of life probably after a certain period of time might became less
spoken, consequently, his will bring to their death.

At the end of the day will remain only a bunch of languages or possibly only
one, nevertheless people will start understand each other a little bit more, people
will become more awareness, more consciousness, and perhaps some of our
conflicts will disappear.

--- Eu am deviat un pic de la subiect si am luat din perspectiva a tuturor limbelor nu doar la
Engleza, dar se poate de presupus ca Engleza va fi acea limba dominata

(la nivel de abstarctie)

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