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WESTERK SYDNEY UNIVERSITY Professional Practice u Secondary Program Report Pre-sewce Teachersname [755 WiaMhawos Student: S506 14 Curriculuriteaching area z Dates: 30.%: 24 Seana Ln.acia | 90 days School Bede Palding College _| ¥ ofpacement 1 $ 3 SUMMARY COMMENTS by the SUPERVISING TEACHER Zoe 15 progressing satsfactovily a5 a PFE— SOrurce Nearer - Sha hos déimonsivated a goed undasston dine, of relevent pressor} Pacha isses . < n\ yin OL aspects of har fanart TORE inp lege We fod casos aucoena wR Stadt SPnwabhy doy ELA eneehras;genaral SO meadags; ond Superwrsion Sessions” She has ObVsed “Redback 1 improve her feodhs, And has Sort the paspactves of stake as Yequwed Zoe hos a good undasterding of ha requiremass of ARE Jeadking protession ond has ettechyely dalivered Contato Shidarts WI @ diverse conge of alelyyond reeds OVERALL ASSESSMENT Grade: BA Satisfactory 1 Unsatisfactory SATISFACTORY: The Pre sone Teacher has pessed and met the expected siandardin mos ofthe relevant elements as described by ‘he NSW Insite of Teachers for his stage oftheir proessionl lemming. Where a Pre-serice Teachar's works considered outstaning (orwell above average, this judgment shouldbe reflected inthe summary comments. UNSATISFACTORY: The Pre-senvice Teacher has flied this Professional Experience unt and has not damonstialed allo the relevant elements as descrived by the NSW intiuto o! Teachers. The Supensing Teacher, Professional Experience Coordinator and Princlpel acher requires an addon Professional Experience to attempt to demorstrale sailactory No Pre-senice Teacher shoud receive an Unsatistacor grade without being placed At sk andthe vice being convened, This grade may be recommended on ONE or mare ofthe following grounds + Perlomance Deficiencies ~ i.e, talus to exhit citar indicated forthe parler Proessional Expetence unit ‘Withdrawing tom Professional Experience ~ unis a Withdrawl Without Penalty is awarded: + Non-Academic Misconduct. Supervising Teacher's Name Simane Schon schey Signature: date:_!/i nora Pre-service Teacher's Signature: ZA — Date: 1. 2014 Pro-service Teschers are tobe assessed bythe Supervising Teacher against the relevant Graduate Teacher Standards that ae applicable {o Professional Experienee Ul as either NO ~ Nol demonstisted; D ~ Demonstrated; E ~ Exceeds expectations. Elaborate onthe Pre- service Teacher's professional practice inthe Comment section. I Standards are notable tobe demonstrated please provide an explanation in te appropiate Comments secon. I standards are not relevant pleaes inset NA ‘STANDARD _L:KNOW STUDENTS AND HOW THEY LEARN ND]D ]E ‘Focus area. ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS. Tat Prasad oil | Demonte krowledpe ad winding Of eA seal and tod ines imalectal devclopment and cares of den tnd how these may eG evelopneat nd et eunin. charles of on TET Unda Tow | Demonia irowelge and und nding OTS na Taw oa saat ean eam and he implications fr aching v TET Sens wi | roasts nevis of wecing ane at we epeave wo We divere ingle, | lulog sen and eed of auc fem dvere gut, sutra, cul aigious nd | religous and sooeconomi back rounds, iv toxioononie, bockgronds Th Soma fr | Demons rod knowledge and weaning of ie pen of ere teaching Aboriginal and | cultural identity and linguistic background on the education of students from. tai {Tore Sutin | Aboriginal and Tones Sut lander backround rau TSI Dferenne | Demons nowedge an unfsandlng arg Tor senTang teaching to meet the | teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students seross the fll ringe specific learning needs | of abilities v ‘of students across the fall range of abilities TSI Strategies Demonstrate broad knowledge and undersianding of legislalive requirements ‘apport full paricipation | and teaching statesics that support participation and lesming of students ‘of stodents with with disabiiy v Aisability Comments Zoe Ves Grented Obp ed UBTNAS FERRET bv ERAS WE \ Warring aaeds . Sha has falter \ate? Actoert tha development loved ree anes Bak gMnS PEENAIS, and WA mode attomedatons| Rov ghuderts wilr inguvces ov specio naads, ‘STANDARD 2: KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACH IT NTS TE Focus area (GRADUATE TEACHERS ZI. Content and Demonstrate knowledge and underanding of ie consepls, sibstance and teaching strategies ofthe | stroctre ofthe content and teaching sategis ofthe teaching area. v teaching area 2.2.1 Content selection | Organise content ito an efove laring and Washing quence. 7 and organisation 2.3.1 Curriculum, ‘se euriclum, assessment and reporting Knowledge To design learning assessment and sequences and lesson plans. v seporting_ 2a} Undertand and | Demanarate brow inowicdge of, understanding oF and repeat or respect Aboriginal end | Aboriginal and Torres Siri Islander histories, cultures and languages Torres Strait Islander 2 people wo promote reconciliation between Indigenous and nen Indigenous Australis 5.1 Literacy and ‘Know and understand Weracy and namracy eoching Sraepies and Wher Vv numeracy strategies | application in teaching ares. 76.1 Information and’ | Implement aching strategies Tor vang ICT To expand cariuTum eating Communication ‘opportunites fr students v “Technology (CT Comments 756 Cvendes WSSONS Wr (ehleck OAdTSnaIAD OF FRE NSW Scene Cardorlum. She Was Weotedl ison VErce § Winich bale previous leorming and cluded Utevacy eda Nepie ‘STANDARD 3: PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE TEACHING ANDIEARNING [ND [D [E Profesional Practice! Report _ 2 Supervising Teachers signature: _PreserteeTesshors grave: AMS. Focararea ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS E11 Bxablish Set learuing goals that provide achievable challenge Tor des oF challenging learning | varying aii and characterises. Wa | goa 4.1 Plan, scure and] Plan Teson sequences using Knowledge of ioent ering, Conn and sequence leaning effective teaching saepis wa programs ‘i SR Use aching Tacudea ange of teaching WaT 7 aegis Su Slee and wie | Demonte Knowledge ofa range of roars, eding TCT. Hat rescues engoge students nthe learning. 7 TST Uae efecive | Demonte a range of val and non-verbal comma calon Sues To classroom suppon siden engagement Vv communication 61 Ealite and Demonte broad navies of aatqis tat can be wed Wo eves improve teaching teaching programs t improve siden lang v prosrans 571 Engage parental] Deseo a Bro ange forage Tor vng parenTeare ae carers intheeducave | ehveatve process v| proces Comments og hos Glornad ond delweved lessors Uline, a Vonely of a ‘ sed her vi Ae engage Siderts and ada- ver ve hos uv ove 3 o ‘ Sate ea taie explain idea's. She vas ‘eens hhondS on actu practical damonsivanens and gomentenc * CLASSES. ‘STANDARD 4: CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ND] DE ENVIRONMENTS ‘ASPECT. ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS. “41.1 Suppo’ student } Identify strategies o support inclusive sudent participation and engagement participation inclassroom activities. “4.2.1 Manage classroom | Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear activities directions i approaches to manage challenging 43.1 Manage ‘Demonstrate Knowledge of pract challenging behaviowr___| behaviour 44.1 Maintain student | Describe strategies that suppor students wellbeing and safety working safely ‘within schoo] and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements 45.1 Use ICT safely, | Demonstrate an understanding ofthe relevant iesucs and the arategies responsibly and ethically | available to suppor the safe, esponsible and ethical use of ICT in learning tnd teaching AUSSI IRIS Comments Doe hag duvaleped Key Seng aura z aie provides divections that ave clear ond \opice. E See ras Anilied @ Noviety of beksnouy management stoseping waht hee Gawes, 202 wil erhave b davelop har Wthamaur management yor ve. Professional Practice I eport Supervising Teachers signature: Pewtiog Tethers pre i te ‘STANDARD 5: ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REPORT ON STUDENT NDT DY] E LEARNING ‘Focus area, ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 5.1 Assess student learning Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic. formative and summative approaches to assess student Fearing. 32 Provide Demonstrate an understanding of the parpose of providing timely and feedback 10 appropriate feedback to students about ther learning, 7 students on their learn, 53 Make ‘Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and ils application to consistent and | support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning. Y comparable judgements 54 Interpret Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assesoment data fo evaluate student data student learning and modify teaching practice v 5.5 Report on | Demonstrate understanding of a range of suategies or reporting to suadenis student ‘and parentsarers and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of 7 ‘achievement student achievement Comments Zoe impemated Wheel GAD brad awesmays Ao Shideats in alt three yeor levels. Sha provided weritten onct Veroal Reclbask jo shidents and reviewed (clarbed onswiey with WW shideds | STANDARD 6: ENGAGE IN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ND] DE Focus ares ‘GRADUATE TEACHERS 6.1 Kdenify and plan Demonsrae an ndestnding of te roe of te Ausalan Profesional profesional leasing | Standards for Teachers in identifying profesional earning needs Ve needs ‘5.2 Engage in ‘Understand te relevant and appropiate sources of profesional earning | professional learning | for teachers. v nd improve practice [63 Engage with | Sek and apply consctve Tedack From supervisors and weachersto colleagues and improve reeching practices. v improve practice 64 Apply professional | Demonstrate an undartanding ofthe atonal or conned profesional 0 earning and improve siudent learning learning. and the implications for improved student learning. Comments Zoe and Tt have Awiosed profesnonal learning Goal’ West responsibilities har placement. 2oe vndesterds Hs imgortene of Seeking feadsede from Way Colleagues and bewerag rer Wowladse ond ceils uw frerwe | ‘STANDARD 7: ENGAGE PROFESSIONALLY WITH COLLEAGUES, ND] DT E PARENTS/CARERS AND THE COMMUNITY. ‘Focus area GRADUATE TEACHERS T-1 Meet professional | Understand and apply the key prineiples described in codes of ethics and ethics and ‘conduct for the teaching profession. v 72 Comply with Understand the relevant legislative, adminisrative and organisational legislative, Policies and processes required fo teachers according to school stage administrative and v ‘organisational requirements 7.3 Engage withthe | Understand strategies Tor working effecvely, sensitively and 3 parentsfcares confidentially wth parenslearers 74 Engage with ‘Understand the role of extemal professionals and community professional teaching} representatives in broadening teachers’ professional knowledge and v networks and broader | practice. communities ‘ Comments Zoo can Sxpvess & Q0GA eAdRSIecding OF profesional soins ‘ond Ge fa ci Lock. Sra hon Shaders ond stoke, Professional Practice i! Report Supervising Teacher's signature: sn Pregeice Tecra. AHEM demombared har ality jo wos ap o petesional ath bol}

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