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memory is so poor that he can be led to believe that he has an anniversary every
six months—then he de- serves to have to buy two presents. Seriously though,
the Peg system can be applied to re- membering not only important
anniversaries, but also im- portant dates in history. It is also helpful for
memorizing addresses, prices or style numbers. As far as dates are concerned, if
you want to remember people's anniversaries or birthdays, just associate the
people, or substitute words for their names, to the date, in this way:— Suppose
Mr. Gordon's birthday is April 3rd. If you associate Mr. Gordon, or the word,
"garden" to "ram," you would remember it. "Ram" represents 43, and Mr. Gor-
don's birthday falls in the 4th month, on the 3rd day! Of course every date will
not be able to be transposed into a basic peg word. You can do that only with
those that fall within the first nine months, and for the first nine days of those
months. All other dates will be a three digit num-

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