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Strategic Management (6103)







ROLL NO: 12044056





SL No. Topic Page Number

1 What is a Vision Statement? 3
Key Elements of a Good Vision Statement

2 What is a Mission Statement? 4

How to write a Mission Statement?
3 How Mission Statements Work? 5

4 Importance of having a clear Mission and Vision 6


5 Analysis of Vision and Mission Statements of 5 7-8

Unilever Vision Statement
6 Unilever Mission Statement 8
7 Unilever’s Corporate Vision & Mission – Analysis 9

8 Nestle 9
9 Nestle Vision and Mission Statement 10
10 Nestle Vision and Mission Statement-Analysis 11

11 PRAN Food and Beverages Ltd 11

12 PRAN Vision and Mission Statement 12

13 PRAN Vision and Mission Analysis 13

14 MARICO 14
Marico Vision and Mission Statement
Marico Vision and Mission Statement-Analysis

15 ACI Limited 15
ACI Limited Mission and Vision Statement
16 ACI Limited Vision and Mission Statement-Analysis 16

17 Comparison Between the Five Selected Companies 17

18 Conclusion 18

What is a Vision Statement?
A vision statement describes what a company desires to achieve in the long-run, generally in a time frame
of five to ten years, or sometimes even longer. It depicts a vision of what the company will look like in
the future and sets a defined direction for the planning and execution of corporate-level strategies. The
vision statement should be short, preferably one sentence, and as many managers as possible should have
input into developing the statement. At a minimum, a vision statement should reveal the type of business
the firm engages.

The vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what the organization wants to become. Your vision
statement gives the company direction. It is the future of the business, which then provides the purpose.
The vision statement is about what you want to become. It’s aspirational. The vision statement promotes
growth, both internally and externally. A strong vision helps teams focus on what matters the most for
their company. It also invites innovation. A purpose-driven company envisions success as a whole,
because they know what success means for their company. It also helps the stakeholders to have a clear
idea about the company and help them to make investments and decisions.

Key Elements of a Good Vision Statement

While companies should not be too ambitious in defining their long-term goals, it is critical to set a bigger
and further target in a vision statement that communicates a company’s aspirations and motivates the
audience. Below are the main elements of an effective vision statement:

 Forward-looking
 Motivating and inspirational
 Reflective of a company’s culture and core values
 Aimed at bringing benefits and improvements to the organization in the future
 Defines a company’s reason for existence and where it is heading

Example of a vision statement: Microsoft

Microsoft Corp. is an American multinational company that develops, manufactures, licenses, and sells
technology products, including computer software, electronics, and personal computers. It is also one of
the largest corporations in the world, alongside companies such as Apple, Inc. and, Inc.

Microsoft’s vision is:

“To create local opportunity, growth and impact in every community and country around the world”

Microsoft’s vision statement is forward-looking because delivering growth and impact in every
community would conceivably take a lifetime or many lifetimes to achieve. It also brings the message of
leading to changes and improving the quality of living standards all around the world, which strongly
reflect Microsoft’s values of innovation, diversity and inclusion, corporate social responsibility, and

What is a Mission Statement?

A mission statement is a brief description of an entity's fundamental purpose. It answers the question,
"Why does our business (or nonprofit or government agency) exist?" The mission statement articulates
the company's purpose both for those in the organization and for the public. A mission statement is a
sentence or short paragraph that defines the existence of a business, nonprofit, government organization,
or any other entity. Mission statements get at the heart of why a company exists, rather than how it exists.
In other words, a mission statement isn't a business plan that explains how the entity will turn a profit; it's
a statement that defines the motivation for trying to turn a profit in the first place.

Mission statement questions look like:

 What do we do?
 Whom do we serve?
 How do we serve them?

This trickle-down effect of a mission statement confirms its value at any company. Just by its definition,
you can quickly see how a solid mission motivates a team to advance toward a common goal, because
they started at the same place and they are working together to reach the same end-goal.On the other
hand, a weak mission — or no mission at all — can have the opposite effect.

How to Write a Mission Statement?

Well-crafted mission statements:

 Identify the organization’s target market, audience, or customers.

 Say what makes the business unique or provides its competitive advantage.
 Are realistic and reasonable rather than grandiose or lofty.
 Are relevant, specific, and believable.
 Inspire employees.

 They are short and to the point. One study of 50 nonprofit mission statements found average
length to be 15 words.

While a mission statement shouldn’t be written in isolation by one person if the organization employs
many people, it’s not a job for a committee, either. Leaders often ask a few employees to write one
sentence that summarizes what the company does and stands for. They compare them, looking for
similarities, differences, and surprises. They use that input to craft a statement that is honest and accurate
rather than something the company aspires to achieve. Testing the statement with employees before
sharing it internally or externally helps generate useful feedback.

How Mission Statements Work?

The mission statement definition itself is often the result of group consensus effort, and writing a mission
statement can be a valuable team-building exercise. Once formed, the statement can then be distributed as
a quick way to describe the broad goals of the entity.

Because mission statements are part of a company's public face, they are also often used in a company's
marketing. Businesses frequently include them in the bio section of their website, for instance.
Sometimes, a company's mission statement even becomes the core of its advertising campaigns.

Properly crafted, a mission statement can lend a strategic focus to an organization and motivate
employees to work together toward a common goal. Poorly crafted mission statements, on the other hand,
often consist of the latest buzzwords or business jargon and have unrealistic or unattainable goals, which
can negatively affect employee morale.

Having a coherent, realistic mission statement is fundamental to engaging your employees and fulfilling
your corporate goals. You can work to improve the strength of your mission statement by gathering
employee input during the crafting phase. That helps create a sense of unity and shared ownership in the
mission statement. You can also explicitly recognize the talents and contributions of your employees in
the mission statement.

Example of a Mission Statement: Amazon

“We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the best available selection, and the utmost

This corporate mission promises attractive e-commerce services to satisfy target customers’ needs. The
company focuses on the variables of price, selection, and convenience. In this regard, the following
characteristics are identifiable in Amazon’s corporate mission statement:

 Lowest prices
 Best selection
 Utmost convenience

Importance of having a clear Mission and Vision Statement

 Above everything else, vision and mission statements provide unanimity of purpose to
organizations and imbue the employees with a sense of belonging and identity. Indeed, vision and
mission statements are embodiments of organizational identity and carry the organizations creed
and motto. For this purpose, they are also called as statements of creed.
 Vision and mission statements spell out the context in which the organization operates and
provides the employees with a tone that is to be followed in the organizational climate. Since they
define the reason for existence of the organization, they are indicators of the direction in which
the organization must move to actualize the goals in the vision and mission statements.
 The vision and mission statements serve as focal points for individuals to identify themselves
with the organizational processes and to give them a sense of direction while at the same time
deterring those who do not wish to follow them from participating in the organization’s activities.
 The vision and mission statements help to translate the objectives of the organization into work
structures and to assign tasks to the elements in the organization that are responsible for
actualizing them in practice.
 To specify the core structure on which the organizational edifice stands and to help in the
translation of objectives into actionable cost, performance, and time related measures.
 Finally, vision and mission statements provide a philosophy of existence to the employees, which
is very crucial because as humans, we need meaning from the work to do and the vision and
mission statements provide the necessary meaning for working in a particular organization.
 As can be seen from the above, articulate, coherent, and meaningful vision and mission
statements go a long way in setting the base performance and actionable parameters and embody
the spirit of the organization. In other words, vision and mission statements are as important as
the various identities that individuals have in their everyday lives.

It is for this reason that organizations spend a lot of time in defining their vision and mission statements
and ensure that they come up with the statements that provide meaning instead of being mere sentences
that are devoid of any meaning.

Analysis of Vision and Mission Statements of 5 Companies

To analysis the vision and mission statements, five FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) companies have
been selected. All of the five companies that have been chosen belongs to the industry of consumer
goods. They are as follows:



Unilever’s mission statement and vision statement are a basic foundation for the success of the company’s
consumer goods business. The corporate mission statement indicates the strategic approaches of the
company. In Unilever’s case, the mission statement determines how the business addresses the needs of
its target consumers. On the other hand, the corporate vision statement provides the development
direction of the organization. Unilever’s vision statement broadly presents what the company needs to do
to succeed in the long term. Considering the company’s position as one of the biggest consumer goods
firms in the world, Unilever’s mission statement and vision statement remain relevant and appropriate to
global market conditions.

Unilever’s Vision Statement

Unilever’s corporate vision is “to make sustainable living commonplace. We believe this is the best
long-term way for our business to grow.”

This vision statement puts emphasis on sustainability, especially among consumers. The following
components are notable in Unilever’s vision statement:

 Commonplace sustainable living

 Best long-term way
 Business growth

Commonplace sustainable living is a core component in Unilever’s corporate vision statement. This
component shows the company’s efforts in changing its products to suit current market conditions. For
example, through sustainable design for home care and personal care products, Unilever helps consumers
reach their goals to integrate sustainability in their lives. The corporate vision also states that
commonplace sustainability is the best long-term way for the business. Unilever understands the
importance of sustainability and other market trends shaping the industry. Moreover, the vision statement
reflects the company’s view of sustainability as a way to maintain business growth. This vision statement
aligns with Unilever’s corporate social responsibility strategy to address business stakeholders in the
consumer goods industry.

Unilever’s Mission Statement

Unilever’s corporate mission is “to add vitality to life. We meet every day needs for nutrition, hygiene
and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life.”

This mission statement underscores how the company satisfies customers in various aspects of their lives.
The following are the significant components in Unilever’s mission statement:

 Adding vitality to life

 Meeting everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care
 Helping people feel good, look good, and get more out of life

Adding vitality to life is a general indicator of business strategy in Unilever’s corporate mission
statement. Such vitality is the value that consumers can expect from the company’s products. The
corporate mission also specifies the aspects of life where such vitality is added. For example, Unilever’s
food products address consumers’ vitality needs in terms of nutrition. Furthermore, through these
products, the company attracts customers who want to feel good, look good, and get more out of life. The
mission statement’s specification of the types of products provides a foundation for the product mix in
Unilever’s marketing mix.

Unilever’s Corporate Vision & Mission – Analysis

Unilever’s vision statement implies the desired condition of being a leader in bringing sustainable living
to customers through consumer goods. However, the statement does not specify the desired condition of
the company as a business organization. A sound corporate vision statement contains details on the
desired future situation of the organization. For example, it is necessary to specify the company’s market
position in the future, to guide organizational development. Thus, a recommendation for Unilever’s vision
statement is to improve it by including additional information about market position or a leadership role
in the consumer goods industry.

Unilever’s mission statement includes detailed information of what the business does and must do. For
example, the company adds vitality to life through products that address consumers’ needs in nutrition,
hygiene, and personal care. In this regard, the corporate mission statement satisfies standards that require
specificity on general strategic approaches. However, a recommendation is to enhance Unilever’s mission
statement by adding more information on how the company strategically achieves its aims in adding
vitality to consumers’ lives.


Nestlé was the product of a merger mainly of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company back in 1905. However,
since then, the company has grown beyond just milk products to include bottled water, coffee, cereal, and
baby food, etc. The company is present in over 190 countries and employees nearly 400,000 people
globally putting it amongst the topmost multinationals in the world. Nestlé‘s success over the past
hundred years can be attributed to its strong mission statement and core values, which makes it worth

As the top food and processing brand in the world, Nestle Corporation has some of the most progressive
mission and vision statements. The company has set standards in this sector with its variety of products.
In fact, it is one of the few corporations that have celebrated their 150 anniversary and prides in the status
they have achieved so far.

Nestle has particularly honored its vision statement by being a leader in all areas of its operations,
including in how it relates to other stakeholders. Such a success agrees with the definition of a corporate

vision statement as a description of what the corporation wants to be associated with in the long-term.
Just like it is known that a corporate vision statement outlines the strategies for reaching the vision,
Nestlé’s mission statement emphasizes the practices that make it a cut above the rest. In addition, the core
values of this company show how important culture and relationships are for Nestle. It is what has
enabled the company to stay competitive for all these years.

Nestle Vision Statement

Nestle vision statement is “to be a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company
delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred employer,
preferred supplier selling preferred products.”

Setting pace and steering others in the right direction is what Nestle is good at based on this statement.
The following components relate to this statement:

 Be a leading company
 Delivering improved values

Nestle Mission Statement

Nestlé’s mission statement is The world’s leading nutrition, health, and wellness Company. Our mission
of “Good Food, Good Life” is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a
wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night.”

This statement indicates that Nestle ranks the experiences of its customers at the top of its priorities. It has
these major points:

 Boosting health
 Improving lives
 Improving communities

For years, Nestle has been recognized for its diligence in ensuring that all the food products that it
produces comply with the minimum health standards and requirements. The company does this to ensure
that it keeps all the people protected from contaminations while at the same time offering them quality
foods to meet their needs. Moreover, in the second point, Nestle recognizes that the physical, social and
economic stability of people comes first before other profiteering objectives. By doing this, Nestle has
constantly boosted the overall health of communities.

Nestle Vision and Mission Statement-Analysis

From the mission statement it is evident that they are a “health and wellness company.” That means the
company specializes in everything that has to do with human health which technically includes bottled
water. The second part of the statement has to do with the taste of their products. “…to provide
consumers with the best tasting…” which alludes to the company making their products alluring for
people, and that consequently ensures that the products are inclined in favor of getting more sales which
is good for investors. However, how fine of a line the company treads between taste and nutrition has
often been the subject of debate. The final part of the mission statement talks about being a company that
supplies everything that’s food-related. It is a continuation of sorts of the first part of the mission
statement, but here they elaborate on providing a “wide range of food and beverage categories.”

Judging by the mission statement, we can attribute much of Nestlé’s success to the fact that they have a
diverse portfolio of health-related products. Not to mention the commitment to improve and add more

Now the vision statement is interesting for two reasons. The first being that the company’s vision is, in
part, committed to its shareholders aka investors. The second being a preferred company. In many ways,
the first part and the second part of the vision statement go hand in hand. By being the preferred employer
and supplier, the company can capture the market. By being the market leader, they (Nestlé) ensure that
shareholders make money. So, it is safe to say that the company’s core vision is to be profitable.

 PRAN Food and Beverages Ltd

PRAN Group becomes a popular company in South Asian region also in Middle East. PRAN Group has
grown up in stature and became the largest fruit and vegetable processor in Bangladesh from 1980.
“PRAN” is currently the most well-known household name among the millions of people in Bangladesh.
PRAN stands for Program for rural advancement Nationally.

As a company, PRAN has always endorsed environmentalism and understands its responsibility to
advocate and practice ecologically beneficial activities. Furthermore, it nurtures the belief of taking care

of each of its stakeholders as well as the society at large. And so, PRAN puts its belief into practice by
carrying out activities that benefit the economy and thus, the people operating within that economy.

PRAN Vision Statement

“Improving Livelihood”

The establishment of PRAN was based on the vision of providing products that enhance health, nutrition,
and well-being of society.

PRAN Mission Statement

“Poverty & hunger are curses. Our aim is to generate employment and earn dignity & self-respect for
our compatriots through profitable enterprises.”

PRAN greatly contributes to an economic improvement of rural livelihood by means of employment

generation and overall improvement of the condition of the rural localities.

PRAN Vision and Mission Analysis

The establishment of PRAN was based on the vision of providing products that enhance health, nutrition,
and well-being of society. Along the way it has contributed to increased rural livelihood in its domestic
country, improvement in the standard of living, a boost of the national foreign reserve and employment
generation. PRAN is keenly aware of its responsibility for society and this awareness is reflected in its
activities. PRAN believes in providing benefits that are sustainable in the long-run. The provision of
tools, knowledge, and finance nurture self-sufficiency. Also, PRAN supports the farmers working by
providing them with financial assistance on every level. 

PRAN mission is to generate employment thus they help the farmers by providing incentives and also
helps the government by funding their infrastructure development. PRAN Food’s principal source of raw
food material is contract farming. It greatly contributes to an economic improvement of rural livelihood
by means of employment generation and overall improvement of the condition of the rural localities.
Growers are provided with quality inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides), improved and advanced
cultivation techniques, access to finance, crop insurance, advanced storage and collection system and
access to the international market for their products. PRAN’s contributes to government expenditure in
education, public employment generation and cash transfer under safety nets. It is also one of the largest
corporate taxpayers in its domestic country. 


Marico Bangladesh Limited (MBL) was the first subsidiary of Marico Limited and has since maintained
its position as the most profitable unit of Marico’s International Business. It takes immense pride in
commitment to ‘Make a Difference’ and improve the lives of all those it touch. It is passionate about
growing family of brands across consumer needs in the spaces of nourishment, grooming, beauty &
wellness and foods. Its endless drive towards excellence and agility in transformation is what helps to
deliver consistent above-market results for the stockholders.

Marico Vision Statement

“Transform in a sustainable manner, the lives of all those we touch, by nurturing and empowering
them to maximize their true potential.”

The power of business is in its purpose, not its profits. Marico today is more than just a business and we
are guided by the responsibility of defining, creating and distributing value and the dedication to help our
stakeholders realize their true potential. This shared vision gives us a unified sense of purpose and
commitment to being the best in everything we do.

Marico Mission Statement

“Make a difference”

Our sustainable growth story rests on an empowering work culture that encourages our members to take
complete ownership and make a difference to our entire business and social ecosystem.

Marico Vision and Mission Statement-Analysis

Marico mission statement reflects the internal strength of the company. They are more employee oriented
company which is reflected through their data. Data shows 3000+ people are associated with Marico and
directly hiring employees above 200 people. They believe if their employees are satisfied and content,
they will be more motivated and hence it will be more profitable to their company. On the other hand,
their vision statement shows the customer oriented thinking. They are more consumers oriented. They
like to maintain transparency and openness, opportunity seeking, bias for action, excellence, innovation
and global outlook.

In my point of view, the vision statement should reflect more about the long-term plan of the business so
that it would be clearer to the stakeholders to get a true a clear picture of the company’s vision for future.


Advanced Chemical Industries (ACI) Limited, being one of the largest conglomerates in Bangladesh with
a multinational heritage operates across the country through its four diversified strategic business units.
‘ACI Pharmaceuticals’ is dedicated to improve the health of people of Bangladesh through introduction
of innovative and reliable Pharmaceuticals products. ACI Consumer Brands’ is adding value to the daily
life of consumers through its Toiletries, Home care, Hygiene, Electrical, Electronics, Mobile, Salt, Flour,
Foods, Rice, Tea, Edible Oil, Paints and International businesses. ‘ACI Agribusinesses’ is the largest
integrator in Bangladesh in Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Farm Mechanization, Infrastructure
Development Services and Motorcycles. ‘ACI Retail Chain’ is the largest retail chain in the country
operating through its 129 SHWAPNO outlets across the country by touching the lives of over 40,000
households each day.

ACI Limited Vision Statement

ACI vision statement outlines the following points:

 Provide products and services of high and consistent quality, ensuring value for money to our
 Endeavour to attain a position of leadership in each category of our businesses.
 Develop our employees by encouraging empowerment and rewarding innovation.
 Promote an environment for learning and personal growth.
 Attain a high level of productivity in all our operations through effective utilization of
resources and adoption of appropriate technology.
 Promote inclusive growth by encouraging and assisting our distributors and suppliers in
improving efficiency.
 Ensure superior return on investment through judicious use of resources and efficient
operations, utilizing our core competencies.

ACI Limited Mission Statement

ACI's Mission is “to enrich the quality of life of the people through responsible application of
knowledge, technology and skills.” ACI is committed to the pursuit of excellence through world-class

products, innovative processes and empowered employees, to provide the highest level of satisfaction to
our customers.

ACI Limited Vision and Mission Statement-Analysis

A Vision statement outlines what the organization wants to be. Vision of a company is a long term view,
representing an idea about the expectation of the company in the future. Mission of a company defines the
fundamental purpose of an organization or an enterprise, briefly describing why it exists and what it does
to achieve its Vision.

ACI Limited has good and well-defined vision and mission. But the problem is their mission statement
represents the future expectation, the ultimate or broader goals of the company and what they want to do
in the future. The vision statements of ACI Limited describe what the company would do in near future to
achieve their mission. From my point of view ACI Limited has well described vision and mission
statements, but under wrong headings. The mission statement of the company should be called as vision,
and the vision statements should be called as mission statements. Their prescribed mission statement is
future oriented, representing the strategic direction of the company. So the prescribed mission statement
should be called as vision statement.
The company has described some vision statements in order to achieve the mission statements, and those
vision statements describe the purpose of their existence, what the company intends to do in near future to
achieve their mission. So from my point of view their vision statements should be called as mission
statements because it fulfills all the criteria of a well-defined mission statement


All of the five companies that have been chosen belong to the industry of consumer goods. Their vision
and mission statements reflects the attainable goal of the respective companies and the ways to achieve
the mission and vision statement of Unilever is much more competitive and profit oriented than Marico.
Marico’s mission and vision statement is more employee and customer oriented as they like to promote
that a satisfied employee will always give their best and with show their true potential if they are
motivated. On the other hand, Nestlé’s mission and vision statement is very detailed and precise which
shows the companies promise to their stakeholders and to their consumers as well.

ACI Limited has a long list of vision statement which is not quite eye-catching and concrete. Their
mission statement also gives us a broader goal of the company which is quite similar to their vision
statement. Hence, in comparison to PRAN Foods and Beverages, their vision and mission statement is not
clear enough to understand. Simultaneously, the vision and mission statement of PRAN Food and
Beverages is quite simple and to the point. It focuses on the benefits of the society by generating
employment across the country and improving livelihood.

According to me, unlike Unilever and Nestle, PRAN food and beverage and Marico are more society or
employee oriented. As successful companies, Unilever, Nestle and ACI vision and mission statement is
more profit oriented. Nevertheless, all the companies shows a prominent and successful future in attaining
their goals and objectives.


The vision statement and mission statement are often confused, and many companies use the terms
interchangeably. However, they each have a different purpose. The vision statement describes where the
organization wants to be in the future; the mission statement describes what the organization needs to do
now to achieve the vision. The vision and mission statements must support each other, but the mission
statement is more specific. It defines how the organization will be different from other organizations in its
industry. Because it is more specific, the mission statement is more actionable than the vision statement.
The mission statement leads to strategic goals. Strategic goals are the broad goals the organization will try
to achieve. By describing why the organization exists, and where and how it will compete, the mission
statement allows leaders to define a coherent set of goals that fit together to support the mission.

The vision and mission statements form the foundation for all activities in an organization. The vision
statement describes what the organization will become in the future. It is a broad and inspirational
statement intended to engender support from stakeholders. The mission statement defines how the
organization differentiates itself from other organizations in its industry. It is more specific than the vision
statement and is intended to show how stakeholders’ need will be satisfied.

Once you have identified what your organization wants to achieve (vision) and generally how the vision
will be achieved (mission), the next step is to develop a series of statements specifying how the mission
will be utilized to achieve the vision:
 Strategies – Strategies are one or more ways to use the mission statement in order to achieve the
vision statement. Although an organization will have just one vision statement and one mission
statement, it may have several strategies.
 Goals – These are general statements of what needs to be accomplished to implement a strategy.
 Objectives – Objectives provide specific milestones with a specific timeline for achieving a goal.
 Action Plans – These are specific implementation plans of how you will achieve an objective.

Statements of vision and mission are important so that everyone involved in the organization, including
outside stakeholders, understand what the organization will accomplish and how it will be accomplished.
In essence this means “keeping everyone on the same page” so they are all "pulling in the same

There is a close relationship between the vision and mission. As the vision statement is a static mental
picture of what you want to achieve, the mission statement is a dynamic process of how the vision will be
accomplished. To create successful statements, you should keep the following concepts in mind.


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