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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4

Professional Edition

Module 1

1. Introduction and Overview

2. Create a Shape
3. Develop a Pattern
4. Use the Viewing Controls
5. Getting Help

© Richard Stewart 2007

R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Table of Contents
Overview ...............................................................................3
Printing the Pattern .......................................................................................... 3
Exporting the Pattern ....................................................................................... 3
Ongoing Development ..................................................................................... 3

Getting Started – Make a Pattern for a Cone .....................4

The Category Menu .............................................................6

Entering Values....................................................................7
When there are two views for entering parameters ......................................... 8

Apply Material Thickness ....................................................8

Viewing and Zooming........................................................10

Getting Help .......................................................................11

Help for this item ........................................................................................... 11
General Help ................................................................................................. 11

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Plate ‘n’ Sheet Professional is designed to make it easy to unfold shapes commonly
encountered by fabricators and sheet metal workers. The shape is defined by entering dimensions
and the unfolded pattern produced instantly by pressing the „Enter‟ key.
„Ease of use‟ is our guiding principle. In Version 4 we believe we have been able to provide many
additional features while maintaining the program‟s original simplicity for basic users.
The shape may be viewed as either a 3D model or as a flat pattern at any stage of the process.
Sizes may be altered at any time and the shape will change dynamically. Tools are supplied to
zoom in or out and to view the shape from different angles.
Orthographic viewing angles (top, front, side, end and four isometric angles) are available at the
click of a button to allow true length measurements to be taken directly from the model.
Wherever possible, error messages will let you know if a size is not valid or conflicts with another
Several dimensioning modes are available and the resultant pattern may be printed or exported as
a DXF for use in other software.

Printing the Pattern

Plate ‘n’ Sheet Professional can be used with most printers, from wide format CAD plotters to
small A4 inkjet or laser printers. Large full size patterns can be produced on small printers by
printing across multiple sheets of paper and joining them up while maintaining accuracy.

Exporting the Pattern

Plate 'n' Sheet Professional may be used with a CAD program or an NC profile cutters. It is able
to export both the pattern or 3D model as a DXF file readable by most CAD and related programs.
The program is fully “Stand-Alone” and a CAD program or an understanding of CAD is not
essential to using the program.

Ongoing Development
R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd is dedicated to product improvement. Please let us know if you
encounter difficulties in using the program or manual or have suggestions for improvements and
If you have a special shape not included in the standard package, we are happy to discuss a
customized version for a negotiated fee. If the proposed customization happens to be in line with
our plans for developing and improving the product, this cost may be minimal.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Getting Started – Make a Pattern for a Cone

Start the program and click the “New” button and select a “Cones” from the Main Category List
and “Right Cone Truncation” from the Sub Category List. Select the cone as shown below by
double-clicking on the shape image or clicking on the Start button.

Main Sub Category Button
Category list list

This will display the Model Window and a diagram of the shape with spaces for entering the
values that define the shape (“Parameters”).

Enter sizes

Name of
shape shown

Enter the shape “parameters”. Note that the parameters are shown in red until they have been
Now view the unfolded shape by simply pressing the “Enter” key or clicking the “Pattern View”

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

“New” Button

“Pattern View”
“3D View” button

Note that once the parameters have been successfully processed they change color to blue.
You may change the parameters at any time. Press the enter key to apply the new values. A
message will be displayed if an invalid value is entered. If the values are red they have not yet
been applied.
You may alternate between model view and pattern view as you wish. Click on
the view buttons to view the shape as a 3D “wire-frame” model. The colored face
shows the direction of the view. (Tip! Pause the mouse over a button to find the
name of the view.)
Return to Pattern View by clicking the “Pattern View” button.
Congratulations! You have successfully created the flat pattern development of a cone. The basic
process is the same for all shapes. Now for some more details…

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

The Category Menu

The menu consists of a main list of shape categories on the left side and a sub list. The sub list
changes as selections are made from the main list.

First select from Then select from Double click on

the Main List the Sub List an image


Or click the Start


Selecting from the sub list reveals further choices shown as images. You may begin a shape by
either clicking the “Start” button with the left mouse button or by double clicking on an image.
Each shape has a brief description. If the shape consists of more than one part, as with the
branches shown above, the part highlighted in blue is the part for which the pattern will be
Select “New” from the “File” pull down menu (or click the “New” button) to return to the Category
Menu after completing a pattern.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Entering Values
Enter sizes by clicking on the number and begin typing. Use the delete or backspace keys if you
make a mistake. The numbers will be red until they have been processed. Only numbers, the
decimal point “.”, and the negative symbol “-“ may be entered. Do not enter units such as “mm” or
An error message will occur if you forget a
size or enter an invalid size. When you
close the message box the invalid or
missing parameter will be highlighted.

Error message.

Undo and Redo


The parameters will change to blue when they have

been successfully processed and the shape has updated.
Remember, if they are still red they have not been
processed and the shape has not updated.
Note: If you make a mistake or change your
mind, use the „Undo’ button to step back through
recent changes. Incorrect parameter is
highlighted when error
message is cleared.

Click the ‘Redo’ button to cancel the last „undo‟ operation.

Parameters are blue

showing the sizes Parameters are red
have been accepted showing the sizes
have NOT been
entered or accepted

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

When there are two views for entering parameters

Some shapes require two views to fully define the shape. Rectangle-to-round transitions need a
top view to dimension the rectangle and a front view to show the height
Click Hypertext to Click Hypertext to
change view return to first view

In these cases, there will be a blue “Hyperlink” to switch from one view to another.

Apply Material Thickness

Plate ‘n’ Sheet Professional will allow for the thickness of the material being used when creating
the model and the unfolded pattern.
Enter the thickness of the material to be
used. All sizes must be in the same
units. For example, if you were to use
meters to enter diameters, the
thickness must also be in meters.
You must tell the program whether the
parameters being used are the INSIDE
dimensions, OUTSIDE dimensions or
In / Out / Mean the MEAN dimensions.
Setting The program will then calculate the
shape of the pattern based on the mean
thickness of the shape.

Note: A “Wrap-Around” template may also be produced for use with stock pipe. In this case the
true lengths, as measured at the mean, are transferred to the outside diameter. See the “Shape
Properties” section for more details.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition
Mean Thickness
and “Neutral Axis”

For example, in the diagram shown above, the

cylinder has a diameter of 100 and the Material
Thickness is 5. The INSIDE option is selected so
the program knows that this parameter is measured
inside the cylinder bore.
The pattern will be created for a cylinder with a
diameter of 105.

Inside measurement Thickness
as entered

For mild steel and most common materials, the material will compress a little on inside of the bend
and stretch a little on the outside of the bend. The “Neutral Axis” of the material (the line that
neither stretches or compresses) is very close to the middle of the material when the material bent
around a gentle curve as found in most cones and cylinders.
There are exceptions to this. See the tutorial about Creating Patterns for Fabricating from
Plastic. See also “Help for this Shape” Chutes.
An option is available making “wrap-around” templates when cutting cylindrical items from pre-
formed pipe. This will be explained in Module 2.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Viewing and Zooming

Click the Pan View button on the main tool bar to move the pattern within the current
view port. In fact, you are not really moving the object. You are moving your view of the
object in the same way you might pan across a scene with a movie camera. The
coordinates of the point remain unchanged. This is the case with all of the viewing tools.
Click the Zoom Extents button on the tool bar to zoom in or out until the entire shape is
visible on the screen.

Click the Zoom Previous on the main tool bar to return to the previous view.

Use the Zoom Window button to zoom by drawing a rectangle across the screen.
Nominate the first corner of the rectangle by clicking and holding the left mouse button
down. Stretch out the rectangle. When you release the mouse button the pattern will
zoom to the area of the rectangle.
Click the Dynamic Zoom button to zoom in and out in “real time”. Pick a point close to
the bottom of the screen, hold down the left mouse button, move the cursor toward the
top of the screen to make the image appear larger. Release the left mouse button. This
can be carried out multiple times. To zoom out dynamically, pick a point near the top of
the screen, holding down the left mouse button, the cursor toward the bottom of the
Clicking on a View button will show a view of the 3D “wire-
frame” model. The view will be of the shape as seen from the
colored side of the cube symbol. For example, the center
button, with the colored side of the cube at the top displays a
Top View of the model. The lower right button displays an
Isometric view from the right-front angle.
As mentioned in the dimensioning instructions, dimensions may be applied on
orthographic views only of the 3D model. The orthographic views are Top View, Front
View, Rear View, Right- End View And Left-End View.

Rotate View is only is available in 3D Model View and is used to rotate the view of the
model dynamically. The center of rotation around which the view pivots is the center of
the base of the model.
Rotating the view dynamically allows the user to freely rotate the shape so that a better
understanding of the shape can be obtained. It also allows the user to rotate the shape
so that points that are superimposed can be selected for measurement. To use it, click
the Rotate View button and bring the mouse cursor over the screen. Press down with
the left button and move the mouse holding the left button down. As the mouse is moved
horizontally, the model rotates around the vertical axis. As the mouse is moved up and
down the screen the model rotates around a horizontal axis. Release the mouse button
when the view is in the required orientation.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Getting Help

Help for this item

Help about an individual shape is

obtained by clicking the button shown on
the top toolbar or pressing the F1
function key
‟Help for this Shape‟ provides a brief
description and, if appropriate, any
special notes about the shape.
Passing the cursor over some features
on the parameter diagram will reveal
additional help. For example, passing
the cursor over a dimension parameter
reveal special notes on entering

General Help
General help is available from the
„Help‟ pull down menu or by clicking
the help button on any dialog box.
This will open a copy of the manual
as a PDF at the page in question.

In this example the help button was

clicked on the Join Type dialog.

Selecting Help from the Help Menu

opens the Help file at the table of

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Module 2

1. Shape Properties
2. Special Properties

© Richard Stewart 2007

R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Table of Contents
Shape Properties .................................................................3
Number of Press Lines .................................................................................... 3
Angle of the Seam ........................................................................................... 4
Template Type ................................................................................................ 4
Pattern Spacing ............................................................................................... 4
Router Groove ................................................................................................. 5
General Note regarding Properties.................................................................. 5

Special Properties ...............................................................6

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Shape Properties
There are various settings that can be applied to
the shape. The “Properties” dialog is used to
modify these settings.
Not all of the settings are applicable to every
shape. When a setting is not relevant that setting
will be “grayed out”.

Click the “Properties”

button here to access
the Properties dialog.

Each setting and its purpose are discussed below. See expanded views below.

Number of Press Lines

Sets the number of Press lines (also known as “True Length Lines”) used to generate the shape.
Generally speaking, a greater number of bend lines
results in a more accurate pattern, particularly for
transitional shapes (for example Rectangle to
Round). However, a large number of lines may also
slow down the generation of the views and pattern.
The default value of 24 is sufficient for most shapes
based on the cone and cylinder.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

The Press Line Length setting determines

whether the full length press line is drawn
or a short line at each end.

This can reduce the cost and time when

the press line is to be etched by laser.

Click the „Full Length Lines‟ button (or For example, if it is set to 5, the line is replaced by
enter “-1”) to restore the full length press shorter lines 5 units long at each end.

Angle of the Seam

This setting, when applicable, determines the position of the join or seam.
It is not applicable to all shapes, as some must have
the seam on a particular side or position (branches, for
example). If it cannot be applied to a particular shape it
will be greyed out.

Template Type
This setting can be applied only to cylindrical shapes. It has two options:
Mean Thickness: Use this setting when the pattern
is to be cut from flat material and then pressed or
rolled to shape. As discussed in the topic on Material
Thickness the pattern is recalculated on the mean
thickness of the material.

Wrap Around: Use this setting when you are using stock pipes or pre-formed cylinders. This
option is used to create a thin template that wraps around the pipe. The true lengths are as
measured at the mean thickness but are transferred to the circumference of the outside of the

Pattern Spacing
This applies when multiple parts are nested in a single sheet (for example, the Elbow or
Segmented Bend).

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

In such cases this option will be visible and allows

the user to set a gap between each component to
allow for the thickness of the cut or to separate the
shapes for clarity of dimensioning.

Router Groove
Router groove is used when folding some plastic material and specifies the remaining material at
the bottom of the groove. Zero (0) means no groove.

This option is only available if there is a value in

“Material Thickness”. The Router Groove value
must also be less than the Material Thickness.

When there is a value in Router

Groove, the “Display Router
Groove” option in Auto
Dimension Options is enabled
and allows the Router Groove
Symbol to be shown on the press
lines (see Auto Dimension
Options for further details).
Router Groove Symbol is
enabled in Auto Dimension

General Note regarding Properties

All the properties settings are specific to the pattern being produced. For example, if you are
working on more than one pattern at a time and set the number of Press Lines to 48, this value is
applied only to the current pattern and other patterns that are currently open may have a different
value applied to them.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Special Properties
Some shapes will display an additional „Special Properties‟ button as shown above. In this case
the shape has additional settings if required. If this button is “greyed out‟” then there are no
special properties.
It is not necessary to select „Special Properties‟ to obtain a full standard pattern however you may
like to look at what options are available when the button is enabled.

For example, using the “Special

Properties” of the 'Rectangle to Round'
transitions may be broken up by a
variety of methods so that the join may
be on the corners or on the flat, so that
the pattern may be created as a single
part, two parts or four parts.

Special properties may be applied to the following shapes:

Oval Cylinders
Rectangular Chutes
Segmented Bends
In most cases „Special Properties‟ were added in response to users‟ requests. It is expected that
more „Special Properties‟ will be added over time.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Module 3

1. Dimensioning Overview
2. Auto Dimensions
3. Manual Dimensions

© Richard Stewart 2007

R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Table of Contents
Dimensioning .......................................................................3
Overview of Auto Dimensions ......................................................................... 3
Overview of Manual Dimensions ..................................................................... 4

Auto Dimension Modes .......................................................5

True Lengths ................................................................................................... 5
Step-Off Dimensions ....................................................................................... 5
Diagonal Dimensions ...................................................................................... 5
Coordinate Grid and Coordinate Table ........................................................... 6
Coordinate Grid ............................................................................................... 6
Coordinate Table ............................................................................................. 7
Frame and Area .............................................................................................. 8
Item Number.................................................................................................... 8
Bend Angles .................................................................................................... 9
Display Router Groove Symbols ..................................................................... 9

Manual Dimensions ...........................................................11

Dimension Points .......................................................................................... 11
Dimensioning in Model View ......................................................................... 11
Applying a Manual Dimension ....................................................................... 12
Horizontal Dimensions .................................................................................. 12
Vertical Dimensions ....................................................................................... 13
Aligned Dimensions ....................................................................................... 13
Offset Aligned Dimension .............................................................................. 13
Remove Dimension ....................................................................................... 13
Stretch Dimension ......................................................................................... 14
Edit Dimension Properties ............................................................................. 14
Hot Keys ........................................................................................................ 15

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Dimensions may be applied automatically or manually. The following provides a brief overview of
each method.

Overview of Auto Dimensions

There are several modes of Auto Dimension available. Auto Dimensions may only be applied to
pattern View, not to the wire-frame model. The Auto Dimension Options are enabled by selecting
from the “Dimension “pull-down menu or by clicking on the tool bar button:

Default Text
Auto Dimension
Toolbar button

The text size for the dimensions is shown on the drop down list. While text size may be changed
after the dimensions have been applied, it is more efficient to set the size before.

Click here for apply True


The Auto Dimension dialog box shows the various dimensioning modes. Each Auto Dimension
mode will be discussed in detail later. For now, just select “True Lengths” by clicking on the
check box.
The result will be as follows:

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

The true length of each press line has

been placed onto the pattern.
Experiment by turning various modes
on and off by returning to the Auto
Dimension options.

Overview of Manual Dimensions

A horizontal, vertical or aligned dimension may be applied between any two points. Manual
dimensions can be applied to the pattern and also orthographic views of the 3D model. That is,
the Top View, Front View and Side Views but not isometric or rotated views.
To manually apply a horizontal dimension, click on
a toolbar button.

Click this button for a

Horizontal Dimension.

Click a point on the pattern using the left mouse button and hold it down. The dimension will find
the closest point. A small circle will appear at each point as the mouse moves over the pattern.
Keep the mouse button down as you drag the mouse to the second point and then release it when
the second small circle is over the required point.
Move the mouse until the dimension line is in the correct position and click again.

Horizontal and vertical dimensions

applied manually to the pattern.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Dimensions applied manually to

the wire frame model.
When you change to another view
those dimensions will no longer be
visible. However, they will be
displayed again when you return to
the view current when they were

Auto Dimension Modes

Apply “True Length” along

each press line, Diagonal
dimensions and “Step-Off”
distances around the top
and base by clicking on
the check-boxes.

True Lengths
This mode displays the “true length” of each press line as an aid to marking the shape onto the
material or to check the shape and scale of the pattern.

Step-Off Dimensions
This mode displays the straight-line distance from the end of one press line to the end of the next
press line. Step-Off Dimensions may be applied around the base profile or around the top profile.

Diagonal Dimensions
This mode displays the diagonal distance from the end of one press line to the start of the next
press line. This provides a means of triangulating the shape to mark it onto the material or to
check the printed shape.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

See below for examples of each of the Auto Dimension modes described above.

around the

Step-Off around
the base.

Coordinate Grid and Coordinate Table

This mode displays the X and Y coordinates of each point around the profile. That is, the
horizontal and vertical distances measured from the left edge and base line of the pattern.
If the shape has multiple parts, such as an elbow, you may dimension each part from a common
datum (0,0) point. Alternatively you may dimension each part from an individual datum point.

Coordinate Grid
This mode displays the
distances in the X and Y-
axes (as measured from
the left hand edge and
base line of the pattern.
See the example below:

Apply a “Coordinate

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Coordinate Table
This mode marks the
ends of each press line
with a code. A table of
coordinates of each
corresponding point may
be viewed by clicking the
co-ordinate table button
on the tool bar.
Click the Coordinate
Table button on the top
Labels to suit a toolbar.
“Coordinate Table”.
Click this button to
access the Coordinate
Table dialog

The Table of Coordinates may be positioned

on the drawing by clicking the “ok” button,
saved as a text file by using “save” option or
printed directly by using “print option”.

If you are using small page sizes such

as A4, it is usually better to print the
table on a page of its own by clicking
the “Print” button, rather than including
it on the drawing.
The display of the table on the drawing
is controlled by the “Display Label”
checkbox. To hide the table, deselect
the checkbox.
However, if you are sending the result
to AutoCAD, displaying it on the
drawing is a convenient way of
exporting both the pattern and the
Coordinate Table.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Frame and Area

When this mode is selected a rectangle is drawn around the shape with the length, width and area
displayed. This is useful for determining the size of the material required to make the shape.
It is also useful for finding the most economical arrangement of the pattern. Sometimes rotating
the shape allows the shape to be cut from a smaller piece of material.
If the shape is made up of multiple parts such as an elbow, the Frame and Area may be applied to
the entire shape or to the individual parts comprising the shape.

Length of the Area

Width of the Item Number and

rectangle Date/Time Stamp

Item Number
When this mode is selected the number of the item is displayed on the pattern. The date and time
that the shape was last updated is also displayed. The item number may not be necessary for
single part items but is useful when the pattern is of an item made from several parts, such as a
segmented bend.

The item number is also displayed on the wire-frame model to help identify the parts.

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Professional Edition

Bend Angles
When this mode is selected the bend angle is
displayed down each press line. To distinguish
it from a true length dimension is shown in
brackets and with a degree symbol (160 ).

Bend Angle

The press lines are to be pressed down. For example, the press lines on the transition shown are
on the inside surface. The angle displayed is the angle between two adjacent faces measured at
right angles to the press line.

If you are using a press, press down on

the press line if the angle is less than
180 .

Press up if the angle is greater than

180 .

Display Router Groove Symbols

Fabricating shapes from plastics may require additional preparation. It is a common practice to cut
a groove with a router along the press lines. The bending then takes place at the bottom of the

Enter “Router
Groove” Dimension

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Before this option is available there must be a value in Material Thickness and in the Router
Groove property.

Material Thickness
must be entered.

Router Groove

When this mode is selected a symbol is placed on the press line to show the router groove
dimension and direction.
If the symbol points down as shown, the groove is to be cut into the same side
as viewed. If the symbol points up, the angle will be greater than 180 and the
groove is to be cut on the opposite side.
See the section about Properties for more details on the use of Router

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Professional Edition

Manual Dimensions
There are several types of Manual Dimension available. Auto Dimensions may be applied to both
Pattern View and wire-frame Model View. The Manual Dimensions are applied by selecting from
the “Dimension “pull-down menu or by clicking on the tool bar button:

Toolbar buttons Default Text


The text size for the dimensions is shown on the drop down list. While text size may be changed
after the dimensions have been applied, it is more efficient to set the size before.

Dimension Points
Dimensions may be attached only to
certain points on the shape, as
1 The endpoints of the press lines.
2 The reference point (the little cross
that appears at the apex of a cone
3 The midpoint between the
endpoints of press lines along the
4 The corner points of the rectangular frame when “Frame and Area” is enabled.
5 Points around the perimeter of the lap join allowance.
6 Points around the perimeter of a hole, such as in a branch.

Dimensioning in Model View

Manual Dimensions may be applied in Model View in orthographic views only. Orthographic views
are the Top View, Front View, Rear View and End Views only. Dimensions cannot be applied in
isometric or rotated views.
When you change to another view those dimensions will no longer be visible. However, they will
be displayed again when you return to the view that was current when they were created.

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Professional Edition

Manual dimensions
applied to the wire
frame model.

Applying a Manual Dimension

Click a toolbar button or select from the dimension pull-down menu.
Move the mouse over the shape and a small circle will jump to the closest dimensioning point.
Click with the left mouse button when the small circle is on the required point. Keep the mouse
button down.
With the left button held down move the mouse over the shape until the small circle is over the
second point then release the button.
Move the mouse again and stretch the dimension out until the dimension line is in the required
position. Click and release the left mouse button.

Horizontal Dimensions
A horizontal dimension may be applied between any two points. It displays the horizontal
distance between the two points even if the points are not aligned horizontally.

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Professional Edition

Vertical Dimensions
Similarly, a vertical dimension may be applied between any two points. It displays the vertical
distance between the two points even if the points are not aligned vertically.

Aligned Dimensions
An Aligned Dimension may be applied between any two points. It displays the direct, shortest
distance between the two points. The dimension is drawn as a line connecting the two points. It is
similar to the manual dimension in Version 3 of the program.

Offset Aligned Dimension

An Offset Aligned Dimension may be applied between any two points. It displays the direct,
shortest distance between the two points and allows the dimension to be offset from the origin

Dimension Aligned
Offset Aligned Dimension

Remove Dimension
To remove a dimension:
Click the tool bar button or select from the “Dimension” pull-down menu.
Move the mouse over the shape on the screen. Each dimension will be highlighted in turn.
Left click with the mouse when the correct dimension is highlighted.

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Professional Edition

Stretch Dimension
Stretching allows the dimension line and text to be moved while leaving the origin points attached.
To Stretch a dimension:
Click the tool bar button or select from the “Dimension” pull-down menu.
Move the mouse over the shape on the screen. Each dimension will be highlighted in turn.
Hold down the left mouse when the correct dimension is highlighted.
Holding down the left button move the mouse. Drag the dimension line (shown dotted) to the new
position and release the mouse button.

Edit Dimension Properties

The properties of all or individual dimensions may be modified after they have been attached to
the drawing. The properties that may be modified are font size and color and dimension line color.
This can be used to highlight important dimensions using color, to reduce the size of text in
congested areas of the drawing and adjust the color to make it more printable.
Click the Edit Dimension Properties button on the Dimension toolbar (or type the Hotkey “P” on the
keyboard. Move the mouse over the pattern to highlight the required dimension. Click with the left
mouse button to select. The dialog box shown below is displayed showing the properties of the
selected dimension.
Select Text Size (font size) from the drop down list. Select the text color or dimension line color by
clicking on the corresponding color patches and choosing a new color from the color array that is

Note 1: When a dimensions are first applied, the color is determined by the default setting
in the “Global Options” dialog and the font size is set by the “Default Text Size” on the top
toolbar. Unmodified dimensions automatically change when either the Global Options or Default
Text size values are changed. A dimension with modified properties retains its modified color or
text size.

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Professional Edition

Note 2: Dimensions in Version 4 that have been applied using Auto Dimensioning are the
same as dimensions applied manually. This was not the case in Version 3. This means that
individual Auto Dimensions may be deleted or have its properties modified.

Hot Keys
The dimension operations above can be used more efficiently with the use of
certain “Hotkeys”. Pressing certain keys on the keyboard can be used rather
than clicking a toolbar button or selecting from a menu and some users find
this faster.

Hot key Operation

A Aligned Dimension
D Remove Dimension
H Horizontal Dimension
O Offset Dimension
P Edit Dimension Properties
S Stretch Dimension
V Vertical Dimension

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Module 4

1. Pattern Information
2. Export DXF
3. Send To AutoCAD or IntelliCAD
4. Printing

© Richard Stewart 2007

R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd

Page 1
© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Table of Contents
Pattern Information..............................................................3
Measure Distance ........................................................................................... 3
Measure Angle ................................................................................................ 3
Mass Properties .............................................................................................. 5
Project Identification ........................................................................................ 5
Label ............................................................................................................... 6

Export DXF, Send to AutoCAD or IntelliCAD .....................7

Overview ......................................................................................................... 7
Exporting a Pattern .......................................................................................... 7
Exporting a Model ........................................................................................... 8
Layers.............................................................................................................. 9

Printing ...............................................................................10
Print Setup..................................................................................................... 10
Print Frames .................................................................................................. 10
The Two Modes of Printing ........................................................................... 10
Printing the Current View............................................................................... 11
Printing a Template ....................................................................................... 11

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Pattern Information
Getting additional information from the pattern and the model.

Measure Distance
You may find the distance between any two points on either the pattern or the 3D model by
clicking the measure button on the tool bar. Move the cursor over the first point press down the left
mouse button, release the button over the second point. The point-to-point distance is displayed in
a dialogue in addition the coordinates of each point, the angle in the X-Y plane, the distance in the
X, Y and Z directions (delta X, delta Y, delta Z) are displayed.

True 3D distance

Coords of
each point

Distances in the
XYZ axes

Angle from the X-

Axis (0 degrees).

Measure Angle
Similarly, the angle formed by the two points is also displayed in the “Measure” dialog box. This
value is the angle between first point picked and the second point measured from the X axis (0.0

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

To find the angle between two lines: Measure the angle of each line and note the angle from
the X- Axis. . Subtract the smaller angle from the larger angle to find the included angle between
the two lines. Make certain that you pick the corresponding end of each line. For example:

Angle 1 Angle 2

Subtract Angle 2 from Angle 1. [329.4631 - 210.5369 = 118.9262]. The included angle between
the two lines is 118.9262 degrees

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Mass Properties
Information to assist estimating the cost of a project is available through the Mass Properties
feature. See Training Module 6 for instructions about obtaining Area, Mass and Cost and using
the Materials Editor.

Project Identification
Click the project identification
button on the tool bar to display
the identification dialogue box.

You may enter a project identification name or number, project description and the name or initials
of the person who has produced it.

This information will be

Project ID saved with the shape
printed with the and can be recalled at
drawing. any time. It is added to
the Label and may be
printed with the
Project ID
drawing. In addition, if
added to item you have the Auto-
number. Dimension option “Item
Numbers” selected the
Project ID will be
printed on each part.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

A label may be positioned on the drawing to
show the parameters entered to create to the
This can be printed with the pattern as a way
of identifying the pattern and so the fabricator
can check that the dimensions are correct
during the rolling or pressing operation.
Click “Display” check-box to hide or
display the label on the drawing.
If the “Display” check box is ticked, the label
information will be printed onto the drawing.
Once the label is on the drawing, it can be
moved simply by clicking on it and holding
down the left mouse button while dragging.
Double click the label text to re-open the label
dialog box. You may change the text color,
font size or hide the label by de-selecting the
“Display” check box. The label may also be
printed separately for attachment to the cut

Label after
positioning on the

Do not be concerned if the label hides lines on the drawing. When it is printed the text will be
transparent. If you click the print button and view the Print Preview, you will see what the drawing
will look like after printing.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Export DXF, Send to AutoCAD or IntelliCAD

The DXF is a common format for exchanging CAD data between programs. Use the „Export DXF‟
you wish to export the unfolded pattern or 3D model to a CAD program or other software for
further drafting.

For example, you may wish to add the unfolded pattern or views of
the model into an existing CAD drawing for further dimensioning.
Select „Export DXF‟ and save the file with a meaningful name. Open Export
this file with the CAD program you are using and continue to work on Options on
it. the „File' pull-
down menu
These tasks are selected from the “File” pull-down menu.
If you are using AutoCAD (the "full" version 2000 or later) you can
transfer the pattern or view directly onto the AutoCAD screen.
If you are using AutoCAD LT you must save the DXF, as described
above, and open it with AutoCAD LT. You may also insert the DXF
into an existing drawing as a block.
If you are using IntelliCAD (Professional Edition version 6 or later)
you can transfer the pattern or view directly onto the IntelliCAD

Many NC profile cutters also use software that can read a DXF file and generate the NC code.
Nesting programs can also usually read a DXF exported from Plate „n‟ Sheet.
The options available for „Export DXF‟, „Send to AutoCAD‟ and „Send to IntelliCAD‟ are the same.
In each case you may export:
The Unfolded Pattern.
The 3D Model.
The current view of the 3D model as a 2D drawing.
In addition, you may choose to export the shape only or include dimensions and text.
Note that the current view determines what is exported and the options that are available. If the
current view is of the unfolded pattern, the available options will be a little different than if the view
is of the model.
In either case, when you select „Export DXF‟, you will be prompted for a filename. Make a note of
the name and the folder. Meaningful names are usually best – use the Job Number, or client
name, etc.

Exporting a Pattern
The following options are available if the current view is of the unfolded pattern.

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Professional Edition

The available options are grouped

as follows:
„Items to Export‟: You may
choose to export the cutting profile
only, the cutting profile with press
lines. In addition, by clicking the
„Export All Items Displayed‟
checkbox any dimensions, labels
or text may be exported as part of
the DXF.

„Outside Profile Exported As‟: These options determine the entity type used for the outside
profiles. Polylines are a continuous sequence of connected points. It behaves as a single entity.
This has some advantages to AutoCAD/IntelliCAD users but is not always compatible with other
CAD programs.
Note: The „Arc and line‟ option uses a series of arcs of best fit around curves. Polylines, on the
other hand, connect each point with straight-line segments. Consider increasing the number of
press lines to get a smoother curve around radii if using this option.
The DXF text size may be set at this point. The default value is determined by the Global Options
setting. This size is a dimension in drawing units. For example, if you are creating a cone that is
2400 mm in diameter, the text may have to be 50 mm high to be legible on the printed drawing.
Once the shape has been imported into a CAD program it may be modified.

Exporting a Model
The following options are available if the current view is of the unfolded pattern.
The available options are
grouped as follows:
„Items to Export‟: You may
choose to export the full 3D
Model, where each point is an
X,Y,Z coordinate. Alternatively,
you may export the current view
as a 2D drawing. In addition, by
clicking the „Export All Items
Displayed‟ checkbox any
dimensions, labels or text will be
exported as part of the DXF.

„Outside Profile Exported As‟: These options determine the entity type used to construct the
shape. If you are exporting the 3D model you may export it as a surface mesh or as line
segments. A surface mesh can be shaded or rendered in some CAD software but may not be
compatible with all CAD programs. A 3D model exported as lines and arcs is more compatible but
is a “wire-frame” model and cannot be shaded.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Lines on the pattern are separated onto different layers to allow more control when the pattern is
exported into a CAD program or NC controlling software. For example, by default, Outlines are on
a layer named, “PnS_CutLayer1” and Text is on a layer “PnS_Text”.

The names of the layers may be changed in

the “Tools” \ “Global Options” dialog box
by selecting the “DXF” tab.
Note the button labeled “Advanced”
adjacent to the “Cut Lines” layer name.
This allows the outline (the line to be cut to
be further separated onto different layers.

For example if you wanted all objects to be

exported on the same layer, replace the
default layer names with a single layer name
of your choosing.
Click the “Advanced” button and changed
these layers to the layer name of your

Make sure you click the “Save” button to save your changes.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition


Print Setup
The Print Setup dialog box is provided so that you can:
Select a printer
Set a page size
Set the page orientation (portrait or landscape mode)
Set the units to be either inches or millimeters
Decide whether the printed drawing is in color or monochrome (black and white).

You will find access to the Print Setup dialog from the „File‟ pull-down menu.. The initial (default)
settings may be set and saved in „Global Options‟.

Print Frames
Print frames, representing the limits of your printer can be superimposed over the pattern. This
shows how the pattern is positions relative to the sheet. Sometimes rotating or moving the pattern
can save sheets of paper prior to printing.

The Two Modes of Printing

Printing a Template: Select this option if you wish to print the unfolded pattern to scale to
use as a template. The first preview will show the extents of the shape and the number of pages
required to print it.

Print the Current View: Selecting this option allows the user to print the current view
including a 3D model view or a pattern view but it will not be to scale. It will be printed at the
current zoom scale.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Selecting an option will

automatically display the „Print
Preview‟ window. The preview
window will have different options
depending on whether you have
chosen to print a template or a

Printing the Current View

Select “Print current view” to print what is shown on the screen. By clicking the “Display/Hide
Scale on Border” button you can choose to print showing the border and/or ruler marks. There is
only one “Select Printing Operation” option when in this mode and that is to print what displayed.

Printing a Template
Select “Print template” if you wish to print a full-size pattern. You can choose to print the template
with or without scale marks by toggling the “Show/hide Scale on Borders” button.
If the shape is larger than the sheet size selected in „Printer Setup‟, the outline of multiple sheets
will be superimposed over the shape. You may print individual sheets, all of the sheets or the
entire shape scaled down to fit on a single sheet. This selection is made from the drop-down list in
the upper left corner of the “Print Preview” window.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

You can print on one page or multiple pages depending on the pattern size and orientation. If
printing on multiple pages the page numbers will be shown in the bottom left hand corner (A1, A2
… B1, B2….) of the sheet.

Scale Marks

Select print
operation here Borders of multiple

Multiple sheet

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Module 5

1. Global Options
2. Rotate and Move

© Richard Stewart 2007

R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd

Page 1
© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Table of Contents
Global Options .....................................................................3
The Color and Display Options Tab ................................................................ 3
The General Options Tab ................................................................................ 4
The DXF Options Tab ..................................................................................... 4
The Printing Options Tab ................................................................................ 5
Printer Calibration ............................................................................................ 6
Material Options .............................................................................................. 6
Material Editor ................................................................................................. 6
Dimension Options .......................................................................................... 7

Move and Rotate Pattern .....................................................7

Move Pattern ................................................................................................... 7
Rotate Pattern ................................................................................................. 8

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Global Options
Global Options are settings for default properties, printing, display colors and others. The Global
Options dialog is displayed by either selecting from the “Tools” pull-down menu or from the Right-
Click pop-up menu (click the right mouse button while it is over the drawing).

Global Option

The options are saved as a file on the hard disk and “read” each time the program is started.
There are six groups of settings as shown on the tabs of the dialog box and their function is
described below.

The Color and Display Options Tab

Controls the color of screen objects such as lines and text. For example, some CAD users prefer
to work with a black background and select line colors that contrast to black. To change the
background color:

Click on Color patch to

change color.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

For example, to change the color of the Press Lines,

click on the adjacent color patch to show the Color
Selection dialog. Select the new color and click the
“OK” button to apply the new color.

Click on the
new color.

Repeat this process to change the object color of other objects as required.

The General Options Tab

The General Tab allows a
default number of Press Lines
to be set. If you find that you
always set the number of press
lines to 48, for example, set
that as a Global Option and it
will be the default number for
each new shape.

Similarly, you may also set the default text size and the number of decimal places for dimensions
and other measurements.
Set the default value for the “Inside/Outside/ Mean” option and “Material Thickness” for each
For example, if you usually use 5 mm thick material and sizes based on “Inside”, you may set
these values as the defaults instead of 0.0 and “Mean”. You can, of course, always change it as
you enter the shape parameters if there is an exception.

The DXF Options Tab

The DXF Tab sets options for exporting DXF files. It also controls how shapes are imported into to

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Professional Edition

The text size in the AutoCAD DXF is measured in units of measurement (mm or inches), rather
than font size. Set the “Text Size in DXF” value in the same units that you are using to enter the
parameters of the shape.
The layer names will be used in the DXF file. You may enter your layer names here if you have a
different layer naming convention or require specific layer names to suit a profile cutter.

The Printing Options Tab

The Printing tab controls the default settings and appearance of the printed page. Frequently used
settings such as page orientation, line width, units of measurement may be set as the “Default”
value here.

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Professional Edition

Printer Calibration
You may find that your printer consistently prints with a scale error in one or both directions. For
example, your printer may print accurately in the direction that the printer head moves across the
paper but has a small error in the direction that the paper feeds.

Printer calibration compensates for such errors. If

the printer is accurate the calibration parameters will
be set to 1. If the printed pattern is consistently
undersize in one or both directions, enter a value
slightly greater than 1.

Click the “Assist” button for help in determining this

value. Note that it may take several attempts to
arrive at the correct calibration. Typical values will
be quite small variations, such as 1.08 or 0.993.
Large values generally suggest an error in the
calibration value or a problem with the printer. Note
that the calibration factor applied in this way are

Material Options
If you are carrying out
calculations using area, mass
and cost of different materials,
these values must be set to get
accurate results. Click on the
“Material Editor” button.

Material Editor
Enter the properties of the
materials being used. The
materials shown below are
examples only. Note that
the materials table will be
different if you are using
“Units” set to millimeters
rather than inches.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Dimension Options
Select Auto Dimensioning
defaults. If you usually use
the Frame and Area through
Auto Dimensioning, you may
apply these as default settings
so that they are applied each
time a pattern is developed.

Move and Rotate Pattern

You may wish to rotate or move a pattern so that it fits better on the available material. When
patterns consist of multiple parts (for example, an Elbow) one part may be moved or rotated
relative to the remaining parts. Move and rotate may only be carried out in pattern view.
The process for both moving and copying consists of three basic steps:
Select the pattern to be moved or copied
Click on a reference point on the object
Watch an image move or rotate on the screen and pick a second point at the required position or

Move Pattern
First select the “Move” button on the tool bar.

Pattern is

Move the cursor over the

pattern. Each part will be
highlighted (change color) as the
cursor moves over it. Select the
shape required to move by left
clicking the mouse.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Drag to new

The cursor will change to a

“hand”, click down with the left
mouse button and drag the
pattern to the new position.

“Drop” in new

Release the mouse button when it is correctly


Rotate Pattern
Rotate a pattern around a point.


Move the cursor over the pattern. Each part

will be highlighted (change color) as the cursor
moves over it. Select the shape required to
move by left clicking the mouse.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

A small circle appears on the pattern. Move it

until it is at the required axis point and press
down with the left mouse button. Hold it down
while you select a second point (rotation

The small circle

Rotate and “Drop”
into new position

Moving the mouse will cause the

shape to rotate around the axis

Release the mouse button when

the shape is at the required angle.

Note: The first and second points of rotation will automatically align themselves to 0 degrees and
increments of 5 degrees measured from 0 (the X-Axis). Therefore, if you want points on the
pattern to be horizontally or vertically aligned, pick those points as the axis and rotation points.
The pattern will automatically snap those points to the closest 1-degree increment.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Module 6

1. Mass Properties
2. Using the Materials Editor

© Richard Stewart 2007

R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd

Page 1
© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Table of Contents
Mass Properties .............................................................................................. 3
Materials Editor ............................................................................................... 4

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Mass Properties
Information to assist estimating the cost of a project is available through the Mass Properties
feature. The shape must have been given a thickness setting and a material must have been
selected from the Properties dialog. The Materials Table must be kept up to date with current
prices for accurate cost estimates to be obtained (see Materials Editor below for instructions).
Click the material properties on the toolbar to display the Mass Properties dialogue box. This will
show us the area, mass and cost of the shape in three modes:

Single Rectangle Fitted Around The Entire Shape. This provides the area, perimeter, mass and
cost of material based on a rectangle fitted to the extremities of the entire shape. The rectangle
includes spacing between each item if there are multiple items. It is the minimum rectangle from
which the shape may be cut in the current position and rotation.

Actual Shape. This is the true area, perimeter and mass of the cut shape. If the shape is made
up of multiple parts the area is the sum of the areas of the individual true shapes. This will be the
mass of the finished item and may also be useful during the design phase of the project

If the “Apply Label” check box is ticked,

the label information will be printed
onto the drawing. Once the label is on
the drawing, it can be moved simply by
clicking on it and holding down the left
mouse button while dragging.

Double click the label text to re-open

the label dialog box. You may change
the text color and font size. Hide the
label by de-selecting the „Display‟

Important Note: If the material thickness is 0 (zero), then the mass and cost will also be zero.
If this is the case, exit from the Material Properties dialog and set the material thickness. The
program can now calculate the mass.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

If the shape consists of multiple

patterns, such as an elbow,
segmented bend or breech, additional
information is provided that details the
individual patterns.
The properties information may be
added to the pattern drawing, printed
or saved as a text file. If it is printed
or saved the Project ID, shape name,
time and date are added.

Materials Editor
For the mass and cost to be accurate, some preliminary work is needed.
First, go to the „Tools‟ pull-down menu and select „Global Options‟. Click on the „Material‟ Tab.
Click the option button to select „Inches‟ or „millimeters‟. Also enter the unit of currency required if
your national currency is not dollars. Click the „Save‟ button if you wish to save these settings as
“defaults” for future shapes.
Next, click the „Material Editor‟ button. Some
sample data has been entered into the
Materials Editor for testing purposes and
this should be replaced with current data from
your material supplier.
Note: The materials editor may also be
accessed directly from the „Tools‟ pull-down

It consists of a table of „Description‟, „Mass Per Unit Area‟ and „Cost Per Unit Area‟. In the case
of the metric units, the area is converted to square meters to reduce the size of the numbers. The
value “Kg/sq. m‟ is the mass in kilograms of a square meter of the material per 1 mm of
thickness. The program works by multiplying this value by the thickness dimension applied to the

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Material table - Metric

Some steel merchants
quote the density of
material per cubic meter
(this is typically 7850
kg/cubic meter for steel). If
this is the case, divide it by
1000 to get the mass per
mm of thickness. The cost
is in dollars (or your
currency) per kg.
Look at the table opposite
and notice that mass per
square metre is equal for
each Mild Steel plate
thickness (7.85 kg/m^2).
This is because the mass is
entered for 1 mm of
thickness in each case.

Because the cost of steel differs depending on its thickness we must enter each material on a
separate row so that this cost difference will show in our cost calculation. If the cost of steel was
the same for all plate sizes we would only need one general entry in our table.

Useful Tip
This is useful since it allows us to have an approximate value that can be used when the exact
price is unknown. For example we may decide to have a “Material” named “Mild Steel Plate – All
other thicknesses” and apply a price of, say $3.20 per kg/m^2.

The Materials data may also be modified using Microsoft Access, however be careful not to
change field names or leave blank rows or blank values within a row. The name of the file is

Note that the materials data file, Materials.mdb, must be backed up regularly. This file will be
overwritten when you install a program update from the web-site.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Module 7
Creating a Mesh in AutoCAD
and Importing it into Plate ’n’ Sheet

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Imported Surface Mesh

A surface mesh can be imported from AutoCAD.

It may be selected directly from the AutoCAD
screen (full AutoCAD only) or imported as a DXF
from a compatible CAD program. The surface
mesh may be created in AutoCAD or may have
been created in Plate „n‟ Sheet and exported to
AutoCAD as a 3D wire-frame model and

Notes: This category is used to import a mesh

from AutoCAD or compatible CAD program. The
mesh must be a “Ruled Surface”.

A ruled surface is a mesh consisting of straight lines in one direction and may be
curved in the other direction.

While other types of mesh may be created in AutoCAD (Edgesurf, Revsurf, etc), the Ruled
Surface is the only one we know can be produced by pressing or rolling to shape with
standard metal working machinery.

The mesh must have a start and an end edge. If the mesh is created by meshing between
two closed shapes (such as circles) this is NOT the case. A small break may have to be
made in each closed shape before meshing it to define the start and end edges.

You may import the mesh by using one of the following methods:

A Import directly from the AutoCAD screen:

You may select the mesh object directly from the AutoCAD screen. It must be already
created and visible on the AutoCAD screen. The AutoCAD version must be 2000 or later
and must be the full AutoCAD program (that is, not AutoCAD LT).
1 After clicking the button labeled “Import Mesh from AutoCAD” in Plate „n‟ Sheet you
will be prompted to select a mesh object from the AutoCAD screen. You will receive
an alert if a suitable AutoCAD is not running.

2 Otherwise, make AutoCAD the active window by clicking its icon on the Windows
taskbar, leaving Plate „n‟ Sheet running in the background.
3 The AutoCAD command line will now be prompting you to select a mesh. Select it
by clicking on one of the mesh lines with the left mouse button.
4 Next, click the Plate „n‟ Sheet icon on the taskbar and the mesh will be imported
into the Plate „n‟ Sheet session. It may not be visible until you select a view and
„zoom extents‟.

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Professional Edition

B Import the mesh from an existing DXF file.

Use this method if you don‟t have an AutoCAD version as described above. The mesh
may be created in any CAD program with this capability and saved or exported as a DXF
1 Click the “Import Mesh from DXF file” button and select a DXF file.
2 The import program will scan through the DXF and find the first suitable mesh,
ignoring all other entities and additional mesh objects.
3 Select a view and zoom extents to see the mesh.
4 The most reliable results will therefore be achieved by selecting a single mesh
object for DXF translation in the CAD program used to create it. In AutoCAD this
means using the „Entities‟ or objects option of the DXFOut command.

Once the mesh has been imported it can be unfolded. Plate „n‟ Sheet Professional will
triangulate the shape, adding press lines where required (if a face is twisted).

The following is a tutorial that follows the process of creating a surface mesh in
AutoCAD and unfolding it in Plate ‘n’ Sheet.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Creating and unfolding odd shapes using AutoCAD and

Plate ‘n’ Sheet Professional

The first stage is to make a shape in AutoCAD. This done using the AutoCAD RULESURF
command, which constructs a mesh consisting of straight lines between two profiles. In
this example we will create a chute where the shapes at each end are ellipses of different

In AutoCAD, draw two lines as shown.

Construct an ellipse that fits the lines.

Draw a second ellipse as shown and trim

both ellipses to the center lines

Move the second ellipse 1200 in the “Z” Turn on the “View” toolbar to assist in
direction by selecting it as you would for viewing the drawing. This is most easily
a normal 2D move operation. Select any done by right clicking over any button
basepoint. Specify the second basepoint and selecting “View” from the drop-down
by typing @0,0,1200. list of toolbars.

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Professional Edition

Select the “South West

Isometric” view from the toolbar.

Set the number of press lines

required, say 48 to produce a
smooth curve. Type
“SURFTAB1” at the AutoCAD
command line. This determines
the number vertices and
therefore the accuracy of the

From the AutoCAD Draw menu,

select Surfaces, then Ruled
Surface. Pick each ellipse
towards the same end on each.
For clarity, select the mesh and
set it to another colour. You
should now be able to see our
chute. Type “HIDE” for a better
view. Click each button on the
view toolbar to see it from
different positions.

Save the drawing and leave

AutoCAD running..

Now start Plate „n‟ Sheet. Select

the Import Mesh option from the
category menu.

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Professional Edition

Click the „Import Mesh From the

AutoCAD Screen‟ button and in
AutoCAD you will be prompted to select
the mesh.

You will get a message saying “Suitable

mesh found” when you return to the
Plate „n‟ Sheet screen.

Now view it in Plate „n‟ Sheet

using the view buttons. When
you are ready click the “Create
or update pattern” button.

The pattern may now be dimensioned or exported back to AutoCAD if required.

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Module 8

1. Lap Joins
2. Notching
3. Default Join Type settings

© Richard Stewart 2007

R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd

Page 1
© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Table of Contents
Join Type ..............................................................................3
Overview ......................................................................................................... 3
Join Type Dialog Box ...................................................................................... 4
Butt Join Option ............................................................................................... 4
Lap Join Option ............................................................................................... 5
Notch Style Options ......................................................................................... 6
Notched Corner ............................................................................................... 6
No Notches...................................................................................................... 7
Important Note................................................................................................. 8
Some Special Cases ....................................................................................... 9
Setting Default Join Types ............................................................................ 11

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Professional Edition

Join Type
The join type setting is used to set the type and configuration of any seams and overlaps.

There are TWO main types:

1 Butt:
No allowance on any side.
This may be used when both
sides of the join “butt” up
against each other as is
usually the case when
fabricating from plate.

2 Lap Laps added to

each end to
Additional material is added form a seam
so that edges overlap to allow
for brazing, soldering or
Laps may be applied to the
upper and lower edges to
allow joining to adjacent parts.
A lap may also be added to
each end of the pattern to
form a joining seam.

Laps added to
upper and lower

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Join Type Dialog Box

The join type and laps sizes are applied through the “Join Type” dialog, accessed by clicking the
Join Type button.

The Join Type

Click the Join Type button dialog box.
to open the dialog (shown
above) and set lap options.

Butt Join Option

While the “Butt” option is selected, lap allowances are set to 0 and notching options are “grayed

Butt Join

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© Plate 'n' Sheet Development Version 4
Professional Edition

Lap Join Option

When the “Lap” option is selected the Lap sizes may be entered and the Notch style options are

Lap sizes
may be
entered in
four places.
Notch styles are
enabled when
“Lap” is selected

By default, the Notch Style “Lap forms a notched corner” is enabled. The diagram below shows
the result of the settings applied in the dialog above. A lap of 10 is applied to the left end of the
pattern, a lap of 6 is applied to the top edge and a lap of 10 is also applied to the lower edge.

The lap forms

10 mm lap a notched
applied to 6 mm lap
lower edge. applied to top

10 mm lap
applied to
lower edge.

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Professional Edition

Notch Style Options

There are two Notch Style options: „Notched Corner‟ and „No Notches‟ that may be applied in
several ways.

Notched Corner

Left side end

Notch Angle is set
to 90 degrees

In the above example the Notch Angle of the left side end lap is set to 90. The notch angle is
measured from the end line of the pattern. Changing the notch angle to 60 would give the
following result:

Notch Angle is
60 degrees

Notch Angle
is set to 60.

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Professional Edition

When a Notch Angle is applied to the upper or lower lap, notches are cut at each press line. The
nominated notch angle from the last segment measured around the profile. The diagram below
shows a notch angle of 80 degrees applied to the lower profile.

A notch is formed in this

corner even when the
Notch Angle of 0
profile is set to 0.
applied to the
upper profile.

Notch Angles
of 80 applied to
lower profile.

The Notch Angle

around lower profile is
set to 80 degrees.

NOTE: A notch angle of 0 on the upper and lower edges means that no notches are applied
around the profile, other than the notch in the “corner” formed between the end lap and the
upper or lower profiles.

No Notches The Notch Angle is

“Grayed Out”.

The Notch Style is

set to “No Notches”.

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Professional Edition

When the ‟Notch Style„ option is set to „No Notches‟, no corner notch is formed and the profile is
continued around the end laps. When this option is selected, the Notch Angle options are “grayed
out” and ignored.

The side lap is a

continuation of the
upper and lower

The side lap is a

continuation of the
upper and lower

Important Note
The „No Notch‟ option explained above can only be applied when the pattern is a full pattern. If
„Half Pattern„ is set in „Properties‟ or using the „Special Properties‟ options, the „No Notch‟
option in the Join Type dialog is disabled.

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Professional Edition

Some Special Cases

Rectangle to Round.
A typical application of notching is shown below. Set the notch angle of the upper profile to 0, and
the notch angle of the lower profile (which forms the rectangle) to, say 70 degrees to form notches
at each corner.

Upper notch
angle set to 0.
Left side end
profile. Notch
Angle is set to

Lower notch
angle set to 70.

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Professional Edition

Rectangular Ducting
Rectangular ducting is used in
the HVAC industry. The shape
shown opposite is a typical
The „Join Type‟ dialog appears
a little different and is applied
as shown below.

This lap size is

applied to both
long edges of the
top plate.
This lap size is
applied all around
the rectangle at
the rear end.

This lap size is

This lap size is applied all around
applied to both long the rectangle at
edges of the vertical the front end.
side plate.

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Professional Edition

Setting Default Join Types

You may set default values for the Join Type dialog if you are making many shapes with the same
lap configuration. To do this, select the “Tools” from the pull-down menus, and then select “Global
Options”. Next, select the „Join Type‟ tab.
Select the „Join Type‟ tab.

Set the lap settings for you most frequently used shapes and click the save button.

Set your

Now each time you access the Join Type dialog your default settings will be pre-loaded.

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