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I home about news conlacl

Read Chloé's blog and choose the photos of the Hi, my name's Chloé,
things she has got. l've got a bike - it's reallY mY fa'':

I haven't got a Pet but l'd love a :

Work in pairs. How many things about Chloé can
you write in each list? maybe something unusual like a

persona possesstons: TV, I haven't got a smart Phone l wa-

my next birthdaY.
pels. ... , ..

l've got an lVP3 PlaYer and I've I

haven't got a laPtoP. IVY dad's g:
sometimes use that.

Complete the table wilh have, has, haven't or hasn't' l've got a TV in mY bedroom An:
camera, a small one but lt's nice
Posit¡ve Negative
l'm a very luckY girl.
I've (have) gol a c1og, I haven't (have not) got a cal
You1... (have) got a dog. You s... (have not) got a cal
T He's (has) gol a dog, He hasn't (has not) got a cat'

She 2.. (has) got a dog. She 6... (has not) got a cal'

We 3... (have) got a dog. We 7 (have nol) got a cal'

They a. (have) got a dog. They 8 (have not) got a cat'

Questions Short answers

Have I got a pet? Yes, you have. / No, you haven't gol a pet? Yes, I13 , / No, lra
Has he got a pet? Yes, he has / No, he hasn't
10 she got a pel? Yes, she1s.. / No, she16
r... we gol a pet? Yes, we17... / No, werB...
12,.. they got a pel? Yes, they1e,, / No, they 20

Complete the sentenceswtfh have, has,

haven't or hasn't so they are true for you
1 L.. qot a tab el.
2 IVy dad .. got a comPuler.
3 I gotadog
4 My best írlend ... got a brother. ?,.
5 I . got a TV ln mY bedroom Wl
6 lV¡ r-r . gol d -a'. -
Q around the classroom.
Find someone who has got ..'
1 a red blke 5 two brothers or s stets
2 a cal and a dog 6 a smart Phone
3 an English d ctionary 7 an unusla pet
4 an email address 8 a house with a garden
Have gou gol abike? Yes, I have.

ülhat coloor is it7

u 3Ít
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