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Inglés Nivel I

No se incluyen respuestas a las actividades abiertas tales como
“EXPRESS YOURSELF”, “BEFORE READING” y “Talking point” porque
dependen de las experiencias de los/las alumnos/as.

En algunas actividades, las respuestas son a modo de ejemplo

porque van a variar. Consultá a tu profesor/a.

Section 1

Pág. 87
Answer the following questions.

1. You can organize yourself/all the reading stuff or material better.

2. Because you can’t concentrate.
3. Yes, it is. It is always useful to have all your lecture notes.
4. You should arrive early.
5. Of course, we should re-read the exam carefully for any errors or
Inglés Nivel I

Pág. 88
a) Complete the definitions with one item from the Vocabulary
Building section.

1. a study planner, 2. assessment, 3. cram, 4. in/at one sitting, 5.

handouts, 6. allocate one’s time, 7. approach, 8. attempt, 9. read
… through.

Pág. 89
b) Match the following columns.

1. b, 2. e, 3. d, 4. c, 5. a.

c) Imagine an exam context for these utterances and mark the

appropriate function of the imperative in each case.

1. b, 2. c, 3. a, 4. c, 5. b, 6. C.

Pág. 89/90
d) You are with your classmate. Reply to him/her by making
suggestions or giving advice.

1. Organise your time.

2. Don’t study on your own.
3. Do what you can.
4. Ask your instructor for more practice.
5. Follow a study planner.

Pág. 90
e) What warnings will you give to the following statements?

1. Read the instructions carefully first.

2. Don’t leave unanswered questions.
3. Design a study planner or Organise yourself.
4. Don’t cram for the exam.
5. Don’t stay up all the night.
Inglés Nivel I

f) According to the text, are the following habits good or bad

to prepare your exams? Use the adjectives in the box to
complete the sentences.

1. ineffective, useless; 2. useful; 3. ineffective; 4. important; 5.

impossible; 6. useful.

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