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3 Explanation of the program on EV:

1. The program starts from the EV end by specifying a particular baud rate (for both the
Arduino and the ZigBee).
2. On encountering the SPXL command (a predefined command configured for
launching excel file), the Gobetwino terminal opens the particular excel file located in
the link associated with the SPXL command for data logging purposes.
3. The gobetw() function of the program begins and for the next 25 seconds sensor data
from both the voltage and the current sensor are read and the voltage and the current
SoC of the battery are logged in on the excel file and are also transmitted wirelessly at
the same time to the control station ZigBee.
4. The EV side ZigBee transceiver waits for instruction/command from the Control
5. If the command is “aaa”, the V2G services are activated by turning the relay high.
6. Else if the command is “bbb”, G2V services are activated and the EV is instructed to
charge its battery pack.

6.3.4 Explanation of the program on Control Station:

1. The program starts on the Control Station end by specifying a particular baud rate (for
both the Arduino and the ZigBee).
2. The gobetw() function of the program begins and for the next 25 seconds sensor data
transmitted by the EV are logged on in the excel file and stored bitwise in an array.
3. The SPXL command is encountered for the second time.
4. The present value of SoC of the EV battery is extracted from the array and stored in a
different array. This array is used to convert the ASCII values to a floating point value
of SoC.
5. This floating point value of SoC is compared with the threshold level of 50
percentage points of SoC.
6. If the value is greater than 50, then a message “aaa” is transmitted back to the EV for
the activation of V2G services.
7. Else if the value is less than 50, then a message “bbb” is transmitted back to the EV
for the activation of G2V services.


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