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Pre-Lecture Activity

Process Questions
1. Who is Gio? Who is Latif?
Gio was a second-year international affairs student in university of Cebu City and
Latif is the closes friend of Gio from Malaysian team.

2. How did they meet?

The first started talking when Latif ask Gio where he was from.

3. How much did Latif know about the Philippines? How did he come to know the
Upon discovering that Gio was from the Philippines. Latif lit up and declared that
he was a big fan of the Filipino actors Jericho Rosales and Kristine Hermosa and Latif has
seen every episode of the ABS-CBN telenovela Pangako Sayo (The Promise).

4. What did Latif reveal bout his country? What is Laksa?

According to Latif, Malaysia eventually became famous for these cuisines which
can be found in the various “hawker center” across the nation’s cities and town. These
food stands and located in outdoor food parks where locals and tourist taste the best of
Malaysia, from nasi lemak to laksa. Laksa a rice noodle soup in a spicy coconut curry

5. What did Gio discover bout Australia while he was there?

Gio was surprised to discover that Malaysian food was readily available in
Sydney. Having noticed this, Latif explained to his Filipino friend that, over the years, as
more and more Malaysian students moved to Sydney to study, Malaysian restaurants
followed suit. Soon after, they are catering not only for these students, but to Australia
born Sydneysiders as well, whose culinary tastes where becoming more and more

6. When the two parted ways, they did get touch with each other? How did they sustain
their friendship?
The new friends promised to stay in touch after the competition and added each
other on Facebook and Instagram. Over the next two years, they exchange emails and
posts, congratulations each other on their achievements, and commented on and liked
each other’s photos. Latif send his mother’s recipe to Gio and the latter began cooking
Malaysian food in his home.

7. When and where did the two friends meet again? How did their paths cross?
On Saturday, while Gio was checking his Facebook feed along the very busy Orchard
Road - Singapore's main commercial road - he noticed that Latif had just posted something 5
minutes earlier. It was a picture from Orchard Road. Surprised but also excited, Gio send Latif a
private message. Latif replied immediately saying he too had moved to Singapore and was, at
that moment, standing in front a department store just a few blocks away from where Gio was.
The two friends met up, and after a long hug and quick questions as to what each was up to,
they ducked into a café and renewed their international ordering a pair of flat

Pre-Lecture Activity: Think-Pair-Share

Your idea 1. Globalization in technological 1. Geographical Globalization 1. Economic Globalization Your


2. Sociological Globalization 2. Ecological Globalization 2. Ideological Globalization idea

3. knowledge/ Informational 3. Cultural Globalization 3. Financial Globalization

Common ideas

Activity 1-A

Broad and Inclusive Definitions Narrow and Exclusive Definitions

The phenomenon by which millions of people The internationalizing of the state… making
are interconnected thanks to the power of the states into agencies of the globalizing world
digital world via platforms such as Facebook, (Cox, 1994)
Instagram, Skype, YouTube, ect.
The worldwide integration of media through Is what in the third World have for several
the cross-cultural exchange ideas exchange centuries called as colonization, (Khor, 1995)
ideas good and service, including ownership
rights, via trade and investment. (Oman, 1996).
Engagement in the trade deals among Implies the weakening of state sovereignty and
countries facilitated and promoted by global the state structure (Beck, 2000)
organization like the World Trade organization.
The phenomenon by which markets and De-territorialization- or… the growth of
production in different countries are becoming “supraterritorial” relations between people
increasingly independent due to the dynamics (Scholte, 2000)
of trade in good and service, and the flows of
capital and technology (OECD, 1993)
The world becoming a global shopping mall in Is nothing but “recolonization” in a new garb
which ideas and products available everywhere (Neeraj, 2011).
at the same time (Kanter, 1995)

Activity 1-B
Of the broad and inclusive definitions given various authors in the lecture notes, what term has been
repeatedly used? Discuss its literal meaning and how it relates to the concept of globalization.

In my own perspective, the term "The network of connection and peoples are across national,
geographic and cultural borders and boundaries (Conventry Business School,2005)" has been repeatedly
used. We all recognize that social media is very much defined as a positive aspect of our lives, that we
can get and exchange data and ideas. However, to allow effective use of social media, we need to use
connection networks, which is why the network of connections is repeatedly used by people.

Activity 2
Dimension of
Events globalization
A. Many tourist from different parts of the world love to flock to Disneyland,
the American theme park which can be found in the Hong Kong, Japan and
B. The parts of the car come from all over the world: Germany, Japan, Korea, social
etc., which are assembled in the U.S.
C. People various areas in the world can easily find out about foreign
products from services from the internet or from call centers located often
in the Philippines or India, which can answer queries on these goods from
countries across the globe.
D. Governments, association, societies and groups came from the regional
organizations and/or networks such as the ASEAN, NATO, NAM, the
Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, ect. For peace, equality, unity and
cooperation among one another and to be able to cope with the
challenges of globalization.
E. The spread of language, customs and traditions as people became closely Cultural
F. Franchise for McDonald’s Pizza Hut, Burger King, KFC and others carrying Economic
U.S. trade are operating throughout the world.
Activity 3
Write down five statements describing globalization.
1. Globalization support new job opportunities.
2. Globalization has help narrow inequality between poorest and richest.
3. Globalization encourage every country to specialize in what it produces best using the least
amount of resources.
4. Globalization is a growth on a world-wide scale.
5. Globalizations aims to benefit individual’s economies around the world.

Activity 4-A
Give one global solid which you think prevents or makes difficult the movement of Filipinos or things
from the Philippines. State the reason for it being such.

 Pandemic
 As of the current situation, pandemic is one of the reasons why people barely
move from the other place.
 Separation anxiety from family
 Some are not used to be far from family.
 Self-doubt
 Thinking about their safety.

Activity 4-B
Why do you think Filipinos apply for jobs abroad and/or migrate to other countries? Explain.
Determine from research the current number of OFWs and Filipino migrants, as well as the top 5
employers/ migratory country.

Based on the result of July 2020, Labor Force Survey on PSA Philippine Statistical Authority,
Unemployment rate in July 2020 was estimated at 10.0 percent. This higher than the employment rate
of the same month a year ago, placed at 5.4 percent but lower than the record high 17.7 percent during
April 2020. Unemployed Filipinos who are 15 years old and over was estimated at 4.6 million in July
2020, higher by 2.1 million compared to the same period a year but lower by 2.7 million from three
months ago.

The reason why Filipinos are migrating to other counties is that, we an over population, over
supply of labor force on certain industries and inability to take on available jobs on the Philippines. And
as well as, there is a certain higher rate of pesos converting from the rate abroad that could sustain the
needs of Filipino families.

Total number of OFWs estimated at 2.2 million, based on the result of 2019 survey on Overseas
Filipino, the number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who worked abroad at any time during the
period April to September 2019 was estimated at 2.2 million. Overseas Contact Workers (OCWs) or
those with existing work contact comprised 96.8 percent of the total OFWs during the said period. The
rest who work overseas without contact accounted for 3.2 percent.

A. Poster Making
1. After having read the many views and thoughts of experts, formulate now your own definition
of globalization.
Globalization means the acceleration of movements and transactions all over the world
(of human beings, products and services, money, technology or cultural practices). One of the
implications of globalization is that it encourages and strengthens exchanges across the globe
between various regions and populations.

2. In your own opinion, is globalization a positive or a negative occurrence? Support your answer
in the light of actual events such as (but not limited to) the COVID- 19 Pandemic.
There are always positive and negative results of all and I agree that there are positive a
nd negative occurrences of globalization, but for my own view, since globalization increased har
mony in the world, it is more balance of positive than negative occurrences. It is now clear that i
t is much more profitable to trade with anyone than to conquer them. Increased international c
ooperation, mostly in the interests of humanity (but, sadly, not always).

1. Which dimension of globalization (economic, political, cultural, social, technological) has

affected you most as a student? Explain.
There is much greater impact of globalization for me as a student. We even made
an interconnectedness of people and businesses across the world that eventually leads to global
cultural, political and economic integration. It is the ability to move and communicate easily all
over the world to conduct business internationally and even the schemes, the new trend and
even the delivery of learning were adopted internationally most importantly during this
pandemic. The delivery of this of the lesson, in which we an online platform in which
international students are already aware of this is this their way of communicating their
teachers and classmates and this make them being used to this way of delivering of lesson. And
for us, we are still adjusting to the current trend of learning. The online platform is the number
one that being used in learning. And today’s world, globalization in an important concept for
student in higher education to understand and appreciate because of the demand of business
and industry to hire people who can work with people of other nations and culture and if need
be can travel independently internationally to promote their business and industry.

Instruction: Cut out and paste one news or print an actual photo showing globalization as positive
phenomenon, and one other photo illustrating globalization as a negative phenomenon. Then, in a
paragraph, explain why globalization is considered positive and negative.
Positive Negative

Why globalization a positive phenomenon?

Countries and businesses have access to a bigger customer base through globalization. A compa
ny may spread to other regions, boosting sales and making more money in the process, instead of just se
lling goods in their area.

Why globalization a negative phenomenon?

Globalization works mainly in the interests of the richest nations, which, at the expense of devel
oping countries, continue to control world trade. Much of the LEDCs' position in the world market is to p
rovide cheap labor and raw materials to the North and West.

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