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//If this file is not displayed correctly, open it with notepad++

// Language:
check control size for other languages

// Unpacker changes:
7z support for nifs, fat, vhd, mbr?, mslz?, APM?
dll for ace extraction?

// New unpackers

// Detection
Generic OLE2 / Multistream Compound File --> Start msi extraction? Add CheckMSI

// Extraction logic updates

Add cleanup function call if necessary
Disable _Run function's pattern search for extractors that do not provide
percentage indicators
Additional file types for arc_conv, ffmpeg

// Usability:
arj percentage indicator //tee problem
Folder passed as file -> add to batch?

// Bugs
Extracting to C:/ creates file in @ScriptDir
Unicode files are not moved to outdir if using unpack() function
is6cab extractor might crash ('... is not working anymore'), resulting in batch
processing stop

// Other:
Logging: quickbms (+ 'you must choose a new filename' user input needed detection),
'Extract as' command line parameter (call extract directly with $arctype as param)
+ GUI if nothing passed

// Short term
Test normal Run function for paths with spaces
Change timeout var to seconds for WinWait

// Long Term
investigate archive listing - req 44 // Add file list display for extractors that
support it, create command line parameter, include into context menu
smart extraction - archive contains: single file/folder -> file dir; multiple files
-> sub dir; folder with same name as filedir && filedir only contains archive ->
files into filedir
global ignore list, e.g. don't extract .url files, readme.txt, etc.
include tridscan gui?
generic error message for failed extraction: check if only some file has errors and
display different error message

// Known bugs:
Converting to iso failes when iso file already exists (helper binary not
terminating correctly)
Overwriting files in general depends on extractor (sometimes asks, sometimes
overwrites without asking)
Error messages appear sometimes althought extracted correctly
batch mode might stop depending on the extractor, when user input is needed //make
sure files do not exist before starting batch mode to avoid this
qbms process seems to hang (with increased cpu usage) on large files with gaup_pro
plugin (confirmed for null bytes, image file; might continue after a long time?)

!!Compiling 64 bit version results in drag & drop application error!!

// Not necessary/declined:
Incorporate output within AutoIt GUI rather than spawning external shell(s)
//possibility to hide cmd windows implemented
Add option to copy rather than move temporary files - 439
support LiberalInstaller - 562 (probably not possible) //no sample files, no
unpacker available
vmunpacker - packed file decompressor
LinMSI - req 51 //added jsMSI from same developer
new formats? - Dragon UnPACKer, Game Extractor, Quick Unpack - 405; MultiExtractor
- 395 //limited usefullness, no command line interface, license
include menu bar in dropzone for files //doesn't seem possible, aim better :)
new CD image converter - - 832
replace booz with unzoo (
platform/gap/util/unzoo.c) //"LZD not yet implemented" error
TTComp archive data decompressor
( //output mostly unusable, only one
single file extractable
FileGetSize Caching -->
page=Thread&threadID=31765 //There seems to be no fast enough and reliable way to
do that
jsmsi: .cab not found // extractor only used as fallback on older systems

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