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Hello, thanks for reading this and being a small part of this project.

First, I want to start

with an introduction about myself to get to know each other. My name is Maria Mercedes
Serrano; I am 21 years old; I am studying industrial engineer at the Universidad Del Norte
in the seventh semester; I love nature and that I believe is crucial care for our place. Now
we can go ahead, but I have a question for you, what do you think if I said that the river is
the principal part of our economy and life? Let me give you 5 seconds to answer that. So
my turn. Let me tell you that. I live in a city where we have a river and ocean; these two are
so essential in the economy of the country, is not just for the economy is also for the people
to live next to the river they exist of the river. 
The problem
The point is that people are not aware of the importance of taking care of the river, so throw
garbage no matter the consequences are affecting real contamination; the animals and the
same people who live across the river. That's why I choose a community close to the river,
a neighbourhood called Las Flores. The reason why I chose this neighbourhood is that
some people live in harmful conditions. This project can help those people and give them
opportunities to change their thoughts.
My plans 
Now I am going to you explain what the project about is;
The principal idea is to raise people's awareness of the Magdalena river; for that reason, I
decided to create a campaign where the purpose is to encourage the people of Las Flores to
try to reduce as much as possible river pollution to improve the quality of life of them.
How are we going to do this?
First, we are going to do an exposition for what is essential care the river and recycling,
explaining how they can recycle and talk about the benefit of that; after that, we are going
to put recycling cans in all the neighbourhoods.
 The second step is to do a walk cleaning in the river all Sunday, where the people can
enjoy a family day but also do something valuable for the river.

We are going to need help from the mayor's office or an ONL that may be interested in the
project, or maybe you want to help us if, you are interested in contacting me, write an

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