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The Town

Where do I live you ask? I live in a town where fairies comes a live by day and
monsters creeps around at night. It’s a small town but we have a Witch who lives down the
streets and unsolved mysteries every week. We only live by two rules here, never look
someone in the eye and never trust a mirror, welcome to the town

Yeah, it’s a small town, but not just any small town, everyone here have secrets, and bedtime
stories are not just stories. The town burnt down a long time ago, so does its history a long with
its witches, or so they thought, and the legends say that the lake is still cursed and so am I. You
may be bothered who are you talking to right now, but none of that matters, I’m here to take
you around town, again? Who am I? Well I live in this town, this town that houses looks like
there are old ladies addicted to crochet inside of it, houses that are field with horror and beauty
at the same time and sometimes they even have names, the grounds are made of stone and
lots of crows, murders and murders of them, everywhere. There are passage ways between the
houses and in some streets the houses looks the same, people grow their own vegetables and
you can see the other side of town over the lake, I freaking hate this town.

Sometimes I often think about what it would be like to live in the ocean, no houses for miles,
only me my stuff and my boat, I often imagine sleeping to the sound of waves and waking up
with the sun In my eyes, If I could I would leave everything behind, everything I had on land,
Cause I would, would you?

The boy sat on the banks by the lake, puzzled and dazed by the fascination he acquire while
talking to the girl he just met, today him and his family just move in from the peaceful
mountain side to the mysterious lake view town, which the girl with no name simply called it
The Town. The fascination in his eyes wondered through her silky auburn hair and thinks to
himself, ‘maybe it’s true maybe fairies are real or maybe angels to’ or so he thoughts

They both went home their separate ways but each day the girl visits him by day fall and
squander around their garden, he would always watch her from the garden they spoke through
the white windows on his room for he is not allowed to go outside for some reason his parents
strictly abide the rules he was given, but what worries him the most, why does the girl with
auburn hair wander around all the time? What a lucky girl her parents must’ve loved her so
One day on his frustration the boy vent out his angers towards the girl “I hate my parents they
wouldn’t let me go anywhere!” the boy said hissing under his breath “That’s because they love
you and just wanted to protect you!” “Easy for you to say you’re parents always lets you out!”
“Then go out if you want! It is easy!” “But how? What if they catch me?” “It’s up to you, it’s
your choice!” the boy hesitantly climb out the window almost falling catching a vine on the
walls but he successfully got down and both of the giggled with success, They ran around town
at some point he noticed there is not much kids are playing around well rather no one at all but
he quickly brushed it off for the thought of maybe because the sun’s about to go down, went to
the Forrest to play and for their final place they went to the bay by the lake where they met
each other yesterday “I have to go home the sun is gone” the boy said “but don’t you want to
take a swim with me?” the girl said “I really need to go home” the boy said shaking “but you’re
home” the girl said holding the boys arms “what?” the boy said the girl grabbed him and
pushed him down the lake, struggling to swim back the surface the boy never reached it, he
plummeted down the depths of the curse lake, the girl looking down at him smiling, welcome
to Castle rock.

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