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Writing Essay - Conclussion

Marini Amalia Mansur

Last week … Body Paragraph

Topic Sentences


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Scientist agree that people are damaging their health by

eating too much junk food. Some people think that the
answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think
education will not work. Discuss both views and give your
Nowadays, junk food is a popular food. Junk food is a type of food that is higher of sugar, fat, salt
and oil. In addition, junk food is low in nutrients, but contains many substances that are not needed
by the body. However, people still consume it and do not think about the impact of eating junk food
continuously. Some believe that education can be a solution to this problem and some do not.
Education is commonly believe to be able to change people’s perspective on junk food. The people need
to be emphasized about the dangers of consume junk food and the cost of handling it so people will
avoid it. In addition, people who already know after education can spread the information they
receive to others.
Nevertheless, the effectiveness of education is doubted by numerous citizens for several reasons. In
fact, many people already know of the effects of eating junk food but still eat it because it can save
time with busy activities. So, they thing that education is not helpful in dealing with this problem.
In my opinion, education is the solution to this problem because this method can reduce consumption
of junk food but certainly cannot stop it. With an interest method that make it easy for people to
remember such as extracurricular activities at school where students are taught to make healthy
food to avoid junk food. Moreover, reduce junk food advertisements is also quite helpful.
Strength and Weakness
Strength and Weakness
well organized
formal vocabularies
some grammatical mistakes
some arguments still vague
opportunity to leave a good impression

a few sentences

summarizes your key ideas and your main ideas

If appropriate, a final decision, a statement, or

no new information in conclusion
be sure to recap your ideas
should follow logically from the body of the essay
restate your thesis statement in different words
you might want to have your reader do some thing after

As a non-smoker I believe that limiting smoking in

workplaces and in public is a good idea. I can also
understand the opinion of smokers that banning smoking
in such places limits their freedom. if the effects of
smoking were limited to smokers I would oppose bans, but
as smoking effects the health of others, I support them
Lengkapilah introduction dan body paragraph yang teal
dibuat minggu lalu dengan conclussion

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