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1.0 Guidelines 2
Developer: Jessica M. Ney
. ............ . . . .................................................

2.0 Introduction . ....................... ............. ........................ 2

Additional Material: Pele Fenlon
3.0 An Elvish Dictionary . .
............. ................... . ........ 2 Con«pt: Pete Fenlon. S. Coleman Charl ton
3.1 NarF.S ON PRONUNClAnoN _ _ _._._.__._.. _____. __ 2 Cover Art: Angus McBride
... ....R ... _________ ._.__ 3 Interior Art: Liz Danfonh. Darrell Midgette
Project Specific Contributions: S�rjes £(/ilOr: Jessica M.

3.4 TRANSLAT10NS 10 QUENYA AND SINDARlN 15 Ney; Content Editor: Peter C. Fenlon: Pagemaking: Wil­
4.0 A Glossary of Terms . ............ . ........................ .... 24 liam Hyde; Layout: Eileen Smith, Cheryl Kief, Andrew
Christensen, Edward Dinwiddie, Lany Brook; COl'�'
Graphics: Haines Sprunt; £dirorial Com,ibutions: Cole·
man Charlton, Eileen Smith.
Special Contributions: Steven BOUion. Jeff Grimm.
ICE MANAGEMENT - P,od/lCt;Ofl MOIllJltr: Terry Amlhor: SllJt:I &
CWSfOmtr St,.ic:t MOMltr: DelIne BeJicbing; A.rt DirtNor: Richard
Brinon; &lItlttg &: Dt \'t:I�m MaMgt:r: Coleman ClIarhon: Prt'si/kttl:
Pete!" Fenlon; CEO: BI\ICe Neidlinger. Comrollt:r: Kun RasmuS5C:n.
IC E STAn' - UUtt,Ittg: Kun Fischer, Marbling Comwltam: John
Morgan; PrinlBuytr: BiU Downs; ProducllonS�"'iSQr: Suunne Young:
A." do Graphics Stoff: Lydia CondeT, J. Haines Sprun t; Editing do Dt:I'tlop­
mt'ntStaff: Ttrry Amthor. Kevin Bamn. Rob Bell. Pelt: Fenlon. Leo LaDen.
Jessica Ney, John Rucmmler. ProowC:lItHI Staff: Leo LaDeIJ. Eileen Smth i :
Larry Brook, AndJtw Christtn!lCf1. Edward Dinwiddie, William Hyde.
Cheryl Kier, Jennirer Kleine. "'ula Peters. Kevin Wil l ams
i ; OptrotiOlu
Slaff: Man: Rainey: Salu & CwstDIMr StrliiCt Staff: John Brunkhari, Hcidi
Heffner, Becky Pope; Shipping Slaff: John �Frat" Bm:tenridge. Roben
"Crmnie" Crenshaw, David "Bil Dave" Jobnson. Corey "EUM Wicb.

Copyright 1989 CTOLKlEN ENTERPRISES. a division of ELAN MER�HANOISlNG, Inc., Bc eley, CA. MiddlN:arth Adj·tn/urt Guidtboot II,
TM Hobbit. and Tht Lord oflM Rings. and all characters and places lhercm, are lrademart properties ofTOLKIEN ENTERPRISES.
Produced and distributed by IRON CROWN EI'ITERPRISESJnc., P.O. BOll 160.5. CharlottC5ville, VA 22902.
FlISt U.S. Edition. 1989. ISBN 1·S58C)6..q7i-2

2 Guidelines


Fantasy role playing (FRP) is akin to a living novel where the The following text is intended as a guide to the correct pronun­
players arc the main characters. Everyone combines to write a ciation of Eldarin words. In the imerest of accuracy, we have
story which is never short of adventure. They help create a new derived the material from Tolkien's notes on the subject on pages
land and strange new taJes in which the characters are forever 487-492 in Th� Lord oJtlt� Ring'. More complete information on
immortaJized. the evolution of phonemes from the primeval Elvish tongue into
Guidebook modules are intended as aids for OMs wishing 10 Quenya and Sindarin is available in Appendix E of the same wort.
integrate J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth into their fantasy role CONSONANTS
playing game. Essentially each module is a handy reference unit C always has the sound of the k in kin. never the s in simple;
specifically oriented toward major fantasy role playing systems Celebrimbor is pronounced "Kelebrimbor", not "Sclebrim­
and lheongoing Middle-earth series from ICE. Each focuses more
bor". Sometimes (kell'ar,kalina),k is used in spelling.
closely on concepts or bodies of knowledge useful to the role
CH represents the ch in Scottish loch orGerman bach,never the
player in Middle-earth and is intended to supplemem the generaJ
ch in English chime. lurch. Thus, echiam, echuir.
coverage provided by adventures detailed in campaign and adven­
ture modules. Guidebook modules have statistical infonnation DH the voiced or "soft" th of English: that is. the Ih in thes�,not
based on Ihe Middk-earth Role Pl4ying (MERP) and Roienuukr the th in though. Thus. dannedh. ga/adh. hahodh.
(RMJ fantasy systems. The modules are, however, adaptable for F the/infalher, except finally, where it represents the v of
use with most major role playing games. Creative guidelines, not English of. Thus. Nindal[. Fladrif.
absolutes, are emphasized.
G the g in English gone, never that in regimen; Region and
Each module is based on extensive research and attempts to
Eregion are not pronounced like English region ("Ree-jin").
mcct the high standards associated with the Tolkien legacy. Ra­
but like regal. ("Reg-ee-on"); and the first syllable of girilh
tional linguistic,cuhuraJ. and geological data are employed. Inter­
is like the English gear, not jeer.
pretive material has been included with great care, and fits into
defined patterns and schemes. ICE does not intend it to be the sole H the h in horse. behest if standing alone with no otherconso­
nants. The Quenya ht is like the chI of German acht. Thus,
or proper view; instead, we hope to give the reader the thrust of the
hahta. tehta. ohlar.
creative processes and lhe character of the given body of material.
Remember that the ultimate sources of infonnatioo are the in Sindarin only. the consonantal sound of y in English
works of Professor lR.R. Tolkien. Posthumous publications )'ond�r,if at the beginning of a word before another vowel.
edited by his son Christopher shed additional light on lhc world of Thus. Idvas.
Middle-earth. This module is derived from TIt� Hobbit and TIt� L similar to the J in English limb. It is "palatalized" between
Lord oj tII� Ring',although it has been developed so that no e or i and a consonant. TIle Eldar would transcribe English
conflict exists with any of the other sources. f�1I and till asf�ol and tiol.
NG the ng in linger. except at the end of a word when it sounds
2.0 INTRODUCTION like the English bring. TIle latter sound occurred initially in
Quenya in earlier ages. bul evolved to n by the Third Age.
In writing T lte Lord oj tlt� Ring', J.R.R. Tolkien plotted the
Thus, Cno/do became Noldo.
phases of the moon over Endor during the years ofT.A. 3018 and
3019 to be sure that Sam Gamgcc's surprise at seeing the new PH the/infi,h. It is found (I) when thefphoneme occurs at
moon after the Fellowship's stay in L6rien was valid. The burden the end of a word, as in niph "white"; (2) where it is related
of a similar attention to detail falls on the GM's shoulders when he to or derived from p. as in i-Pheriannath "the Halflings"
orshe sccks to create the sense of reality vital to an FRPcampaign (perian); and (3) in the middle of some words where it
set in Middle-earth. The glossary of tenns and the Elvish diction­ represents a longff(from pp) as in eph�/"ouler fence".
ary presented in this guidebook module provide materials to QU represents CW, a combination common in Quenya, althOUgh
substantially ease this task. nonexistant in Sindarin.
R always a trilled r, the sound is not lost before consonants. as
3.0 AN EL VISH DICTIONARY in the EngliSh dart. TIle back or uvular r used by Orcs and
some Dwarves was distasteful to the Eldar.
Many a traveller bent to the aims of the Free Peoples o f Endor
longs to take his ease at Rivendcll. listening to Elvish minstrels S the voicelesss insew and ceas�. n.e voiced s in reason does
making swcct music in the Hall of Fire. While the Silvan mage not occur in the Quenya and Sindarin of the Third Age.
wishes to return home to feast with the woodland king under the TH voiceless th in the English thought and thorough. In
noble boughs of Greenwood the Great. And the spent and tired Quenya. this evolved to s when spoken. Thus.Q. sil. S. thil.
warrior hopes for healing beneath the blossoming ma1loms of "shine".
LothI6rien in spring. lbc following materials aid the GM in
TY similar to the I in the English tune. Thus, tyar. tyulma.
providing PCs with authentic experiences among the Eldar and
throughout the lands influenced by Elvish thought and language. V the v of value. but not used at the end of a word.
1bc section contains notes on Elvish pronunciation and gram­ W the w in warm. HW is voiceless as in whi(�.
mar and an Elvish dictionary. divided into two subsections: the Y in Quenya. represents they in yard. In Sindarin,y is a vowel.
first giving the mean ing of Sindarin and Quenya words and HY signifies the sound in the English hue and human.
syllables in English. the second tranSlating English words into the
Consonants written twice, such as tl,lI, ss, nn,are pronounced
Eldarin tongues. Used together. the subsections allow the GM to
long. Annon has the long n in the English unnumbered, not the
create authentic names for the Eldar and their sites, 10 sprinkJe the
short n in unaware and many. Double consonants al the end of
speec h of Elven Lords with phrases from Quenya or Sindarin. and
words with more than one syllable were usually shortened. Thus.
to decipher the meaning of lenns such as Annon-in-Gelydh and
Rohan evolved from Rochann which derived from Rachand.
Rammas Echor.
An Elvish DictioTU1rylNotes on Elvish Grammar 3

The position of the stress or "accent" is detennined by the form
of a word, In two-syllable words, it almost always falls on the first
syllable, In longer words, it falls on the second to last syllable, if
the syllable contains a long vowel, a dipthong, or a vowel followed
by two or more consonants. When the second to last syllable
contains a shon vowel followed by only one or no consonants, the
stress falls on the syllable preceding it, the third from the end.
Words of the laner fonn are favored especially in Quenya.
VOWt:LS The accented vowels in the following examples are marked by
AI a long i as in English wine, The third syllable of
a capital lener: islldur, Orome, erEssea,f/lanor, ancAlima, elen­
Druedain is like dine, not Dane, tAri, dEnelhor, eClhElion, pelArgir, sillvren.
AU Iheow in down. Thus Aulif is pronounced "Owl-ee"
and Sauron is "SOUf-on", not "Sore-on",

EI the sound in Ihe English fey Of day, Teiglin is

"Tayglin" not "Tyeglin",

IE not like Englishniece, but with both vowels sounded

and run together. NienTU1 is "Nee-en-na", nOI "Nee­
na ,

UI like English ruin. Thus,8ruinen. 3.2 NOTES ON ELVISH GRAMMAR

AE len pronounced asai (English eye). However, in
of It is possible to create grammatically correct sentences in the
Aegnor and NirTU1eth, it is a combination of the in­ Eldarin IOngues using general rules of thumb extrapolated from
dividual vowels, a-e. the names, phrases, and poems presented by Tolkien in The Lord
OE often pronounced as in English toy. However, in
ofthe Rings and other works. Although the recorded vocabulary
is limited, certain generalizations about Quenya and Sindarin are
Noegyth and Loeg it is a combination of the individ­
discemable. These generalizations are not intended to be a
ual vowels, o-e.
complete study of the grammar of the Eldarin tongues, The
EA, EO constitute two syUables; they are not run together irregularities and unique cases typical of any language are more
and are written ifa and eo. (At the beginning of than this guidebook can aspire to. Rather, the infonnation is
proper names, Ea and Eo, as in Earnur and Eof), presented to provide theGM with the basics that will give his orher
D pronounced like the 00 in poor, Hurin, Turin, and campaign the depth possible in the Middle-earth milieu, The most
TuTU1 should be pronounced ''Toorin'', "Hoorin", useful observations follow below.
and "Toona", not "Tyoorin", "Hyoorin", or
''Tyoona'', 3.21 QUENYA
In Quenya, grammatical structure is built by adding different
ER, 1R, UR if before a consonant (An'ernien, Glirhuin, Our­
endings onto a root as well as the manipulation of word order. Thus
thang) or at the end of a word (Brandir) should not
verb tenses, plura1s, possessives, and prepositional elements all
be pronounced as the English erg,first, and urn, but
exist as suffixes which contain little semantic meaning until
as the English air, year, and moor.
attached to another word.
E always pronounced as a distinct vowel at the end of
a word or in the middle of one. It is usually wrinen VERas
if when used finally. Each Quenya verb can be conjugated in five lenses, singular and
plura1, and using three pronoun suffuxes: I, we, and thou. When
In addition to the vowel sounds, ai, au, and ui, listed above. oi,
the subject of a sentence is plura1, the verb must also be plura1; e.g.,
iu, and eu are Quenya diphthongs and pronounced as one syllable,
eleni silar "stars shine". The genera1 fonn is:
All other pairs of vowels are pronounced separately, that is they are
dissyllabic. Diacritic marks often, but not always, indicate the present: root + a present plural: root + or
correct pronunciation: eo, eo, at, etc. past: root + e past plural: root + er
The diphthongs ae, ai, ei, De, ui, and au are Sindarin construc­ ruture: root + uva rutun: plural: root + uvar
tions. All other vowel combinations are dissyllabic. When it imperative: root + e imperative plural: root + er
occurs at the end of a word, au is often written ow. subjunctive: root + ai subjunctive plural: root + air
The vowels i,e,a,o, and u are pronounced as the sounds in the
The suffixes indicating pronouns are: -n for I, -(I)met for we, and
Eng lish fiend, per, calm, more, and lute,
-lye for thou. When using we, the I in (I)metmay take the place of
The long Quenya I and 0 are, when properly pronounced, tenser
the plural r. Examples using the verbs to be and to behold appear
and "closer" than the shan vowels. Westron speakers usually
pronounce them as the English say and no, but the Eldar regard this
as provincial and in error. However, those who pronounce yini present """
unolime "'ong-years innumerable" as "yainy oonoatimy" bear nan I am nen I was
company with Bilbo, Meny, and Pippin. nalmet we are ne/met we were
A circumflex marked over stressed monosyllables in Sindarin nalye thou art nelye thou wen
signifies a particularly long vowel, Thus Hfn Hurin sounds like elan I behold elen I beheld
"Heen Hocrin". elalmet we behold elelrtU!t we beheld
elalye thou beholdest elefye thou didst behold
4 Notes on Elvish GrammorlQuenya

tutu� Imperative The possesis ve is fooned by dropping the final vowel, if any,
nuvon 1 will be nen I am! and adding o. Plurals do not drop the final vowel, and the suffix
"uvalmet we will be nelmet we are! -on is added.
nuvo/ye thou wilt be ntlye thou art! Varda Vardo "Varda's"
eluvan I will behold elen I behold! Calacirya Ca/aciryo "Calacirya's"
eluvaJmLt we will behold delmet we behold! Nienna Nienno "Nienna's'
t1uvalyt thou wilt behold e/eJye thou beholdest Silmarilli Silmarillion "of the Silmarils"
a/dar aldaron "of the trees"
nain may it be I fanyar fanyaron "of the clouds"
noilmet may it be we Prepositional elements are located at the end ofQuenya words,
nailye may it be thou but the final vowel is not dropped. Prepositional suffixes are -0, -
ello. -esu meaning "from" or "in".
elain may I behold
t/aifmLt may we behold Oiolossl Oiolossio "from Everwhite"
eloUye mayes! thou behold Sindanori Sindanoriello "from grey country"
L6rien Uriendesse "in L6rien"
Many Quenya roots can be extrapolated from the phrases
appearing in Tolkien's work. A listing of some examples follows: Alqua/ondi A/qualondio "from Alqualonde"
Cuivilnen Cuivilnendesse "in Cuivienen"
aiy behold quen say. speak
aut pass qUllnt fill The dual element, signifying two of an object, is conveyed by
el behold ran wander, stray adding a I at the word's end.
etJquont refill rig twine, wreathe maryat "hands her two"
enId return ris cleave met "u!llo(wo"
hir fmd .1;1 shine Most adjectives precede the noun to which they refer, Plural
kel go away, flow away sir flow nouns must have plural adjectives. Changing the final vowel to �
khil follow tel finish, be last or �ding e turns a single adjective into a plural one .

kir, cir cut. cleave lill(t) sparkle

timi yu/dar swift draughts
fait praise tif/til twinkJe
lisse miruvoreva sweet nectar
Iav lick. tir watch, watch over
/in(d) sing lui come SDfrtNCE 5TRucrtJJU:
mar abide undulav drown Quenya sentences typically take one of three forms. The following
11 be, exist unlup cover examples, save one which is cited. are taken from the Song of
not cry ur heal, be hot the Elves Beyond the Sea in LotR I (p.489).
orton uplift utuv find
�I go around. encircle van depart hfsiluntupa Ca/aciryo mfri
NOUNS mist covers Calacirya's jewels
Compound nouns in both Quenya and Sindarin are formed by object-verb-subject
placing the descriptor before lhe main element of lhe word. Word tier unduI6vl/umbu/l
order expresses the concepts of and of th�, rather than separate roads drowned (by) heavy shadow
syllables. Quenya and Sindarin elements may be combined in the
object - subject-verb
same word.
maryat E/entari ortanl
AlqUiJlondi "swan haven" "Haven of the Swans" her two hands Star-queen lifted up
Angardlo "iron champion" "Champion of Iron"
Verbs only occur at the end of sentences if they are questions.
TelperinqUiJr "silver fist" "Fist of Silver"
Sf man i yulma nin �nqUiJntuva?
Cuivilnen "awakening valley" "Valley of the Awakening"
Now who the cup for me will refill?
DUnadan "west man" "Man of the West"
A verb begins a sentence only if it is emotionally charged.
Plurals are formed by adding i to words ending wilh one or more
consonants. Words ending in vowels have r added to make them Nai hiruvalye Valimar.
plural, excepting those ending in i, which becomes i. May it be thai thou shalt find Valimar.

eI�n "star" e/�ni "stars" AUla i l&ni!

los "leaf' lassi "leaves" Passing is the night! -SihIuuillioll,p. /90
mir"jew�I" miri "jewels" the noun following the verb. if the noun before the
TIle subject is
aida "tree" aldar ''bees'' verb has a prepositional suffix.
falma "wave" falmar "waves"
sindan6riello coila mornili falmalilUUlr
fana "cloud" fanyar "clouds"
from grey country lies darkness the waves upon
IoU "serpent" loki "serpents"
(darkness lies upon the waves from the grey country)
I6metindi "nightingale' /6metindi "nightingales'
Notes on Elvish GrammarlSindorin 5


Sindarin and Quenya evolved from a common primevaJ lan­ Sindarin plurals are formed by changing the vowels in the word.
guage. Although they diverged in grammar, vocabulary, and In general, stressed a becomes e, unstressed a becomes ai, and 0
pronunciation across the millenia, many elements, such as the use becomes e, i, or y.
of suffixes 10indicate grammatical information. remained similar. adan "man" edoin "men"
An overview of Sindarin fonns and structures follows. amon "hill" emyn "hills"
annan "gate" ennyn "gates"
aran "Iling" erain "Ilings"
Each Sindarin verb can be conjugated in six tenses. The general
harad "tower" beraid "toweB"
form is:
dan "wright" doin "wrights"
present: root + a Imparative: root + 0 mallarn "gold-tree" mellyrn "gold-trees"
past: root + ant participial: root + iel Onoti"Ent" En yd "Ents"
future: root + ath auxiliary: rool + i Orch "Ore" Yrch "Ores"
Several examples using the verbs 10 be, to glorify, and to listen: arod "mountain" ered "mountains"
ras"hom" rais"homs"
present past future
na is nant was nath will be Collective plurals (those signifying al1 of a sel of things) are
eglera glorify' eglerant glorified eglerath will glorify fonned by adding -ath or, refermng to peoples, -rim.
lasta listen lostant listened lastalh will listen elenath "all the stars"
imperative participial auxiliary pheriannath "the whole race of HaJf1ings"
no be! niel being n ihave been Galadrim "all the Tree-folk"
egtero glorify! egleriet glorifying egler; have glorified Rohirrim "all the MaseB of the Horses"
lasto lislen! lastitllistening lasti have listened Angmarim "aJl the Men of Angmar"
TIle augmentive sumx, -on, is added to nouns to indicate that
the modified object or concepl is very great.

III r� aearon "great sea"

wnharan "great doom"

haugliran "mighty conslrainer"

Tauron �Great Forest"
Prepositional elements usuaJly follow the noun they modify.
TIle concepts "of "and "of the" are often implied by word order
To indicate thai the pronoun I is the subject. a vowel and -n are alone.
added as below:
Annon edhellen "Pottal (of the) Elves"
present: rool + on Fennas nogolhrim "Gateway (00 Dwarf-folk"
past: root + en When "from" or"of' is stated, the Sindarin a stands aJone, rather
future: root + ath + on than being positioned as a suffix as in Quenya.
auxiliary: root + in a menel "from heaven"
Several examples: Celebrimbor a Eregian "Celebrimbor of Hollin"
present past
S£f'(rf.lojC£ STRUCTUR£
non I am nen I was
Sindarin sentences typically take one of four forms. 1bese ex­
egteron I glorify egleren I glorified
amples can be found in Tin Lord of the Rings, and the page
laston I listen lasten I listened
numbers are cited.
future auxiliary
object. - verb - subject
nadlon I will be nin I have bee n
leUnMthon -LotRI,p.3J2
egierathon I will glorify egler;n I have glorified
(10) thee chant-will-I
lastathon I will listen lastin I have listened
(the subject pronoun is a suffu. to the verb)
Many Sindarin roots can be extrapolated from the phrases
verb - object
appearing in Tolkfen's work. A listing of some examples follows:
M vedui Dunodan -LotR I,p. 280
cheb keep lin chant (it) is (at) lasl Dt1nadan
cui live n be. exist
verb - subject
dar haJt nal cry
nora lim, nora lim, Asjalolh! -LotR I,p. 284
dir gaze nor ride
ride on, ride on, Asfaloth!
ech make on give
edr open p<d ,poak subjKt - vtrb - object
egler glorify leith draw Naur don ; ngaurhoth.f -CotR I, p. 390
�n slant down Fire take the werewolves!
hir find
last listen lir watch Verbs are lypically followed by their modifiers, which may be
located at the end of the sentence.
Cuia i Pherian annan! -LotRI,p. 285
Live the HaJflings long!
6 Translatjons/rom the £ldarin Tongues


A anea (anka) - (Q.) "jaws" aran -(S.) "king"

abo, .bar - (Q.) "refuse" or "deny." anda-(Q.) "long" ar6to-(Q.) "champion. eminent man"
Adan (pl. Edaln) - (5.) "Man" andamundo -(Q.) "elephant" arda -(Q.) "realm"
adtrthad - (5.) "reuniting" ando -(Q.) "gate" are (pI. arl)- (Q.) "day"
adu (du)-(5.) "double, two" andon (pl. andonl) - (Q.) "great gate" tire-(Q.) "sunlight"
Hj:- (5.) "fierce. cnJcl" andune-(Q.) "sunset. west" arle - (Q.) "daytime"
Hlln -"lake. pool " ang-(S.) iron arlen-(Q.) "of the Sun." Refers to the Maia
at"-(5.) "bird" anga-(Q.) "iron" arln - (Q.) "morning"
qlar (S.) "glory, brilliance"
_ angaina-(Q.) "of iron" arlnya-(Q.) "early morning"
-..os-(5.) "icicle" angamando -(Q.) "iron pison" arka-(Q.) "narrow"
alb - (Q.) "sharp" an&band -(S.) "iron prison" arma (pI. arm&r) -(Q.) "good. possesis on"
- - (Q.) ""..." ango (pI. anpl)-(Q.) snake arta-(Q.) "walled place, fort. fortress"
aDin - (Q.) "pool , smalilakc" angul6ki-(Q.) "dragon" arthi-(S.) "realm"
aiM-(Q.) "holy" anna-(Q.) "gift" ·arwa -(Q.) "in control of. possessing"
ainu (pl ••Inur) -(Q.) "holy (suffix)
(one)" arya - (Q.) "day" (12 hours)
Alnullnda&f,-(Q.) "Song of aryon-(Q.) "heir"
Creation," IiI. "Music of the as·-(Q.) "sun. sunlight"
Ain... asmalinde-(Q.) "yellow·bird"
aiqa - (Q.) "SleeP" assa-(Q.) "hole. opening"
alra-(Q.) "'reddish, coppery aslo-(Q.) "dust"
ala -(Q.) "again. re-, back"
alrf-(Q.) "sea" (see "i!ar"
below) Alan (pI. Alanl) -(Q.) "Man"
aisb-(Q.) "to dread"
alar (pI. "'fIlarl")-(Q.) "father"
alwi (Q.) "small bird"
athlr -(S.) "spy"
aJua-(Q.) "narrow cleft, ravine,
alhrad -(S.) "ford"
defile" alsa-(Q.) "catch. hook, claw"
aJak· (ala&-)-"rushing" atla-(Q.) "two"
(a)""""-(Q.) "elm-tree" aur (or, re)-(S.) "day"
.... -(Q.) ..
noI .. aure-(Q.) "sunlight. day"
.... _(Q.) "joy, merrimenl" aula-(Q.) "devise. originate •

alaIta-(Q.) "radiance"
oJda - (Q.) .....-
ava-(Q.) "outside. re-, back"
aiD-(Q.) "nI.y of light"
Avar (pI. Avari) -(Q.) "unwill·
ing, refuser." Denoles "the
alDr - (Q.) "glory, brilliance" Refusers," the non·Elda Quendi.
albrlnqa-(Q.) "radiant" avakuma -(Q.) "outside
allDl- (Q.) "wealth, good existence, the Void"
alpb-(5.) "swan" bal·-(S.) "power"
alqUII- (Q.) "swan"
band-(S.) "prison. duress"
alta -(Q.) "'arge. huge"
'bar-(S.) "dwelling"
al,.-(Q.) "prosperous. rich,
bar(a)-(S.) "brown"
barad (pI. benld) -(S.) "tower'"
am- - (Q.) "up" (pn:fu.)
bas-(S.) "bread"
amarth-(Q.) "doom" annon (pl.'ennyn)-(S.) "great door or gate" baucJlr - (S.) "constrainer, forcer"
amba - (Q.) "upwards" (adv.) anor -(S.) "sun, sunlight" be -(S.) "is, are': see also ta, i.
amU (amme) - (Q.) "mother" anla -(Q.) "present, give" bel-(S.) "divine"
amrnt (amll)- (Q.) "mother" anntin-(S.) "sunset, west" beleg-"mighty"
amoo (pl. emyn)-(S.) "hill" ap'-(S.) "Ilher" beteth-(5.) "queen"
amp' - (Q.) "book" apsa-(Q.) "cooked food" belh - (S.) "word"
ampano-(Q.) "wooden building"
ar·-(Q.) "beside, outside" bor-(S.) "fist"
alDrin-(S.) "suruist, east" ar(a).. - (Q.) "high, noble, royal." The preflJ. bragol- (S.) "sudden"
IlIW' - (Q.) "sun." See An6rion. A.r- used for the AdQnak names of the
brethll-(S.) "silver birch"
an (ana)(na)- (Q.) "to, towards. Kings of Numenor.
brilb-(S.) "gravel"
an(d} - (Q.) "long" .in-(Q.) "dawn"
brul-(S.) "loud, noisy"
Translationsjram the EJdarin Tongues 7

C drinl- (5.) "hammer" esse - (Q.) "beginning. name"

cabed - (5.) �gorge, leap" drii - (5.) "wild" essea - (Q.) "primary"
cabot"_ (5.) "frog" de. - (5.) "night, dimness" esta - (Q.) "first, to name"
calen - (5.) �green" duin - (5.) "(long) river'" me - (Q.) "rest"
cam - (5.) "hand" dOn - (5.) "west" mel- (5.) hope" "

carak· - (5.) �fang" dOr - (5.) "dark" molad - (5.) "encampment"

caran - (5.) "red" E d- (5.) �out"
carcharolb - (5.) "red maw" ei - (5.) "is, are" elhlr - (5.) "outflow, delta"
carag- (5.) "tooth '; see also carat·. ear - (Q.) "sea" ethull - (5.) "springtime"
caras - (5.) "city" earen - (Q.) Minner sea" F
• Kbiant - (5.) "made, shaped" falka - (5.) "despicable, contemptible"
carea - (Q.) "fang"
carch (carak) - (5.) �fang" KhCN' - (5.) "encircle" raina· - (Q.) "emit light"
carnl- (Q.) "red" Khuir - (5.) �stirring" falri· - (Q.) "radiance"
cassa - (Q.) "helmet" Edbel - (S.) "Elf' ralas- (5.) "shore, line of surf"'
ceber - (5.) "spike" edro- (Q.) Mopen" (alassi - (Q.) "shore, line or surf'"
cel - (5.) �running"' egla(lh) - (5.) "forsaken" (alia - (Q.) "foam"
celeb- (5.) "silver" ehte (ekko) - (Q.) "spear" (alma - (Q.) "(crested) wave"
chalnt (calnt) - (5.) "shape" ebtele - (Q.) "spring (of water)" ralmar- (Q.) "water-nymph"
chll (hll) - (5.) "heir" ehlyar (pI. ehlari) - (Q.) "speannan" (see (an(a) - (5.) "beard"
chost (cost) - (5.) "tooth" ohlar) rana - (S ) "cloud, aurI"

c1r (pl. calr) - (S.) Mship" eltb e l - (5.) "well, spring" (anp - (Q.) "beard"
drlth - (5.) "pass" (terrain) el, den -(Q.) "star." Accoroing to E1vish ranul - (5.) "cloudy"
legend, tIe was I primitive exclamation
c1rya (klr.) - (5.) sharp-prowed sh i p " (anya -(Q.) "cloud, lurI"
"behold!" made by the Elves when they rmt
dryatan (cirdan) - (S.) Mshi!>,-wright" saw the staJ5. From this origin derived the rarotb - (5.) "hunter, pursuer"
ooimas - (Q.) "life·bread" ancient words II and elt1l, meaning Mstar," farya·- (Q.) "suffice"
colre - (Q.) �first beginning of spring, and the adjective s tlda and tlena, meaning (use - (Q.) "tangled hair"
stirring" "of the Slal'S." These elements appear in a (uta - (Q.) "tangle"
collo - (Q.) "cloak" great many names. The Sindarin equivalent
raul - (5.) "gape"
of Elda was Edhtl (plural Edhil; but the
cormallen -(Q.) "golden circle" (auka - (Q.) "open·mouthed, thirsly"
strictly corresponding form.was Eledh,
coron - (Q.) "mound" which occurs in Eledhwefl. rea -(Q.) "spirit"
crist (5.) "culler, hewer"
elent6ri - (Q.) Mstar-qucen" real6U- (Q.) "spiril-drake, spa.t-dragon"
dJ - (5.) "bow" elerina - (Q.) "star-crowned" felaa: - (5.) "cave"
culvii - (Q.) "a wakening " drond -(Q.) "Slaf-dome" (dya. - (Q.) "cave"
cui· (Q.) "" in Cullirit1l.
ened, enedh. ende, enya, endya, eodi - (Q.) ren (pl. rtDDU) - (5.) "portal, door"
curu - (Q.) "skill" "middle" (enda· - (Q.) "threshold"
o -en· - (5.) "or; see also j ·jn·, M.
. ., (ertn, ferne. -(Q.) "beech"
dadl -(5.) "victor" hlp. - (Q.) "sickly" reuya. - (Q.) �abbor"
dae - (5.) "shadow" enqe - (Q.) "six" nllt (pI. nllkl) - (Q.) "small bird"
daio _ (Q.) "shadow" enta -(Q.) "on the farther side, that yonder" nm - (5.) "thin, slender"
dagor - (5.) "battle" (adj.) nn· (nof) - (Q.) "hair"
dagnir - (5.) "bane" ephel -(5.) "outer fence" node - (5.) "braid of hair"
daI- (5.) �foot" er - (Q.) "one, alone." nn"l· - (Q.) "hair·man," name of the flfSt
dan (tan, pi, dain) - (5.) "smith,..wright" ereb - (Q.) "isolated" Noldo leader
dannedh (danwedh) -(5.) "'ransome" erebor - (Q.) "lonely mountain" nrf (pl. nri) - (Q.) "mortal man"
daro - (Q.) �sto p" erase -(Q.) "solitude" nr(1) - (5.) "mortal..
del - (5.) "horror" eressea - (Q.) "lonely" ftrima - (Q.) "mortal" (adj.)
ddolh - (5.) �abhorrence" derina - (Q.) "star-crowned" nrin -(Q.) "dead"
den - (Q.) "gap, passage" erde - (Q.) ",seed" ftm - (5.) "dead" (pl. noun)
denle - (5.) "Iwnent" erer (edr·) -(S.) "open" nrya - (Q.) "human"
dim - (5.) "gloomy" erka - (Q.) "priCkly spine" rOriMn -(Q.) north" "

din - (5.) �silent" erka· - (Q.) "10 prick" ftad - (5.) �skin"
dirMn - (5.) "guarded" erkas$i - (Q.) "holly" ror «(om, (orod) - (5.) north " "

dol - (5.) "head, hill sununit" emil - (5.) "prince" (ormaJte- (Q.) "right·handed. dexterous"
dolen -(5.) "hidden" erya - (Q.) "single. sole" rormen(ya) -(Q.) north " "

dar - (5.) "land" espI - (Q.) "screen, hiding" (orn (rorod, ror) - (5.) "north, righl"
draul -"wolf' espr - (Q.) "reed·bed" rory. -(Q.) "right"
eske - (Q.) �rustling noise" ruin - (5.) ",loom. darkness"
8 Trans/alionsfrom lh� Eldarin Tonguts

G halra- -(Q.) "remote. far, flnlway" (adj.) bero - (Q.) "master." "Lord" in Herumor,
per _ (5.) "seaM hala - (Q.) "(small) fish" HerulUlme,,; Sindarin hir in Go""hirrim,
pJ-(5.) "to shincM halatlr - (Q.) "kingfisher" Rohirrim,8orohir, hlriJ "lady" in HlriJor".
pJvorn (helevorn) - (5.) "black glass" halda - (Q.) "hidden, veiled, screened, (.)hUd! - (Q.) "followers." Refers 10 "the
shadowed" followers," or mona! men.
plad - (5.) "nldianoe"
halya. - (Q.) "conceal, veil, screen, hide" bllya - (Q.) " to follow"
pladh-(5.) '"tree"
ham- -(Q.) "sit" him - "cool" in Him/ad.
pteD - (5.) "green-
handa· - (Q.) "intelligent, learned" hini - "children"
pur-(5.) ""'-erewolr'
handasM- - (Q.) "intelligence" hif-(S.) "lord"
P1. -(Q.) "ewe. dread"
hande- -(Q.) "understanding, knowledge" hirU-(S.) "lady"
,eblr -(5.) "spike"
handele· - (Q.) "intellect" hiruv. -(S.) "find"
&11-"star" hlsil- (Q.) "mist"
Ifr- (5.) "�h!p" barna - (Q.) "wounded"
hante - (Q.) "broke apart" hlswa-(Q.) "misly grey. foggy"
c1rlth - /� .Jering"
hanya· -(Q.) "understand, discern, cornpre-· hilh - (S.) "mist"
hood" bo - (Q.) "from"
ann -�g'el!m" I f'"cularly applied 10 !he
cy�) in MQ�gllft hanu - (S.) "male" h6n - (Q.) "hwt"
har· (harn. harad) -(S.) "$Oulh" hoIme-(S.) "odor"
&16r - (5.) "gold" (color)
101- (5.) "cloak, mantle" (b)aran (pl. harn!) - (Q.) "chieftain" hollen -(S,) "closed"
aokMlh (pl.&olodhrim,&elylh) - (5.) (h)arma - (Q.) "a tTeaSure, a valuable" h6pa - (Q.) "haven"
"knowledge. wisdom." Refers 10 "the harna-(Q.) "wounded" bori - (Q.) "impulse"
knowledge3ble" or "wisc" Elves. See gOI. harna· - (Q.) "wound, lear" horb - (Q.) "impulsion"
hormi- (Q.) "urgency"
horta - (Q.) urge. send nying"

hortale - (Q.) "urging"

hosta- - (Q.) "large number"
hosta· - (Q.) "to collect"
hoth-(S.) "host, horde" (near\y always in I
... ...,.)
buan-(S.) "hound"
huiDf - (Q.) "gloom. darkness"
huo - (Q.) "hound"
huor{e) - (Q.) "courage. Sioutness of heart"
lOll-(S.) "commander" (h)arwi - (Q.) "tTeaSure, hoard" ban (bwandl) - (Q.) "sponge"
.... -(S.) "SlOne" harwi - (Q.) "wound" hwarln - (Q.) "crooked"
.... - (Q.) """""', """'" (b)arya - (Q.) "posses"
s hwarma - (Q.) "crossbar"
....... -(S.) """"', ""'""" (h)aryon - (Q.) "heir" hwata - (Q.) "breath. breeze"
JOdI- (S.) "enemy" hal- (Iemal) - (Q.) "break apart" hwata- - (Q.) "10 puff'
vbt -(S.) "cuner, hewer'" haudh -"mound" in Hawdh-e"-A�,,, hwinde - (Q.) "whirlpool , eddy"
&rod - (S.) "delving, underground dwelling" Haudh-e,,·EJleth. hwinya· - (Q.) "gyrate. to swirl. eddy"
votb - (Q.) "delving, underground dwel ling" helda - (Q.) "stripped bate, naked" hyalma - (Q.) "shell, conch"
pbt(ar)-(S.) living
" "
beledb - (S.) "glass" hyapal- (Q.) "shore"
...-(S.) """"'Y" htlevorn (plvom)-(S.) "black glass" byarin - (Q.}"I cleave"
plICI-(S.) "cutter, hewer'" bdka -(Q.) "icy, ice-cold" byarmaiti - (Q.) "}eft-handed"
JIll'-..death" in awnllalfg. hdk - (Q.) "ice-<:old" hyarmen - (Q.) "south"
pafth-'"people" in Gwailh·i-M{rdoilf; cf. belke - (Q.) "icc" hyarmenya - (Q.) "southern"
Enedwoith "Middle-folk," name of the land hellt - (Q.) "frosl" hyarya - (Q.) "left"
between the Greyflood and the lsen. helma -(Q.) "skin" hyastl-(Q.) "cleft, gash"
pIIth ("ath)-"shadow" htJ"a -(Q.) "(pale or cold) sky" bydle - (Q.) "glass"
H beD - (S.) "eye" I
...... - (�.) "digging, excavation" bendl-(Q.) "eye" I (pl. in) - (S.) "the" or "is, are"
Ul-(S.) "far" (distance) hera - (Q.) "chief, principal, main" �I(n)- - (S.) "of'
hadbod-inHadlwdrond (translation of beren - (Q.) "fonune" Indyo - (Q.) "desoendanl (specifically
Kllazad-dam) was a rendering of Xllazdd bereftya - (Q.) "blessed, fonunate, rich" grandchild)"
inlO Sindarin sounds.
htrl-(Q.) "lady, mislreSS" Ii - (Q.) "bouomless void, endless shaft.
...... - (Q.) "pile, mound"
abyss" i n Morio.
laW - (Q.) "lasting"
Translalionsfrom rh� Eldarin Tongue:r 9

'-nt _(Q.) "bridge" karo - (Q.) "achiever, actor" kuluma - (Q.) "an OI1UIge"
lith -(Q.) "fence" kel-- (Q.) "go away," of water 'YIow away, k6ma - (Q.) "hole, void"
i.lur (Q.) "old"
now down," kumbl - (Q.) "mound"
lAvas - (5.) "autumn" kelma - (Q.) "channel" kundu - (Q.) "prince"
U· (Q.) "no, 001:"
kelume - (Q.) "now, stream" kurwi - (Q.) "craft"
Unrin -(Q.) "immortal" kelva(r) (5.) "animal(s.), living thing(s) thai
can flee"
1110 _ (Q.) "pale blue" li Oauml) - (Q.) "no, 001:"
U6vi -(Q.) "the whole, the all" in IlUvaJar. klmen (ltem-, kEn) - (Q.) "earth" in
lad (5.) "plain, valley"
K��flldri; referring to the earth as a flat

Uy. (Q.) "all, the whole"

floor beneath ��/"the heavens." laden - (5.) "wide"
1m - (5.) "between" or "deep" kentano (kemnaro) (Q.) "potter"
laer- (5.) "summer" or "song, lament"
In (5.) "narrow"
khelek - (5.) "ice" lalke - (Q.) "acuteness, perceptivity"
·In· -(5.) "or khll· (hil.) - "follow" laimi - (Q.) "shade"
Indo (5.) "heart. mood"
kUy. - (Q.) "cleft" lain - (5.) "thread"
IncUs -(Q.) "bride" klr- - (Q.) "cut, cleave" lakp - (Q.) "green"
Inp (Q.) "fim"
klrlssi- (Q.) "slash, mi pale" .. - (Q.) "po<m"
(I)nf - (Q.) "woman" klrka - (Q.) "sickle" laira - (5.) "shady"
Inty•• -(Q.) "guess, suppose" klrya (drya) - (Q.) "ship" laivi - (Q.) "ointment"
Intya (Q.) "guess, supposition, idea"
kor - (5.) "ariser, he who arises" lalwa _ (Q.) "sickly"
lntyali - (Q.) "imagination" korko - (Q.) "crow" lala (Q.) "to deny"

. Inya. - (Q.) "female" koma - (Q.) "round. globular" laIaJth - (5.) "laughter"
in - (Q.) "itemal" lami - (Q.) "echo, ringing
koromlndo - (Q.) "dome"
ls.ll - (Q.) "moon" koron - (Q.) "sphere, ball" Iamba - (Q.) "tongue"
bta· -(Q.) "know" kosta - (Q.) "quarrel" limlna - (Q.) "echoing"
!star (pI. istarl) (Q.) "wise (one), maia
kotumo - (Q.) "enemy" lammath (5.) "echoing voices"

wizard" lamm (lammen) - (5.) "tongue"

ku(a) - (Q.) "dove"
isdma. - (Q.) "wise, learned, knowledge-­ Iamma - (Q.) "sound"
able" k6 - (Q.) "bow"
kuUi (Q.) "life, being alive" Iamy. - (Q.) "to aound"
is'Jar (pI. istyarl) - (Q.) "learned one,

kulna - (Q.) "alive" Iapsa - (Q.) "to lick"

kuhi, - (Q.) "(the or an) awakening" Janda (Q.) "wide"
Ita· - (Q.) "",","

IaDta - (Q.) "a faJI"

Ilbll - (5.) "moon" kulvta - (Q.) "(a)wakening" (adj.)

kullo - (Q.) "red-gold" lanCO -(Q·) "broadsword, ship's prow"
Itbllnau.r (5.) "moon·fire"

kullna - (Q.) "fltune-colored" Ianko - (Q.) "throat"

kulu - (Q.) "gold (metal)" Janne- (Q.) "cloth"
kalma -(Q.) "bed"
klduJaa - (Q.) "OI1UIge" lanya - (Q.) "weave"
blmaSlln (pl. bhnasambl) - (Q..) "bed·
,"""""" kulullll. (Q.) "of gold"
lanko - (Q.) "throat"
kalntn - (Q.) "ten" lira - (Q.) "'flat"
kaJ· (pl.) -(Q.) "shine." ... (pl. ....). - (5.) ",.....
kala (Q.) "light"
... (pl. .....) - (5.) ,.....

kalina -(Q.) "radiance" I..e - (Q.) "ear"

kalma -(Q.) "lamp a light" IIIsta - (Q.) "listen"
ILalpa - (Q.) "water-vessel" latta - (Q.) "pit, hole"
.... -(Q.) """"'" lauka - (Q.) "wann"
bmW- (Q.) "hollow (oftland)" laIlrf - (Q.) "&Ok!" (color)
Uni - (Q.) "vaJor" lav. - (Q.) "yield, allow, grant, permit�
Uno - (Q.) "commander," the origin of k!o - (Q.) "shadow"
the second element in Fjngon and Iembas - (5.) "journey-bread"
. Turgon. �mpi - (Q.) "five"
_ta) - (Q.) "fow'" tende- - (Q.) "left"
kanta- - (Q.) "to shape" � - (Q.) "finger"
bnya - (Q.) "bokt" ...- - (Q.) "to leave"
br -(Q.) "deed" Ieuka.. - (Q.) "loosen, slacken"
Ur -(Q.) "head" Ibach - (5.) "leaping flame"
kar- (Q.) "do"
- lhaw - (5.) "ear"
karakJt - (Q.) "spike-hedge"
kame (kannl) - (Q.) "red"
10 Translalionsfrom ,h� EJdQr;n Ton8u�s

IhGc- (5.) "snake" lunp - (Q.) "heavy" mandi (manad) - (Q.) "fate, doom, end"
IhOn _ (S.) "blueH luntf: - (Q.) "boat" mandos - (5.) "judge"
_11 _ (Q.) "many" lusta - (Q.) "empty" manka· - (Q.) "trade"
U. _ (Q.) "fmc thread, silk lhread, spider lussa· - (Q.) "to whisper" mankale - (Q.) "commerce"
...." .. lusse - (Q.) "whispering sound" manu - (Q.) "depaned spirit"
liuli - (Q.) "spider" M mapa - (Q.) "scize"
.11f - (Q.) "people" mab - (5.) "hand" rn'-r (mbar) - (Q.) "dwelling"
IUtI!· - (Q.) "dance" macar (vagor) - (S.) "swordsman" maranwe - (Q.) "destiny"
IImpf - (Q.) "wine" mat govannon - (5.) "well met!" (greeting) marfa - (Q.) "fated"
1iII - (Q.) "pool. mere" maq - (5.) "sharp, piercing" marya - (Q.) "pale"
liD- -(Q.) "sing. make a musical sound," as mahta· - (Q.) "fight (with . weapon)" masta - (Q.) """""
in Ainulindall, LAunlift. Undar, Undo". malle (Q.) "lust" masta· - (Q.) "bake"
Ered Lindon, J6mdindi.
malJia (Q.) "lustful" mal· - (Q.) "eat"
linda - (Q.) "fair. beautiful"
maUl: (pI. ma1si) - (Q.) "hand" mbando - (Q.) "prison"
liDcW. - (Q.) "sweet.sounding"
malta - (Q.) "sharp, piercing" mecB - (5.) "sword"
IIDdaiI - (Q.) "music"
maj"e· (Q.) "gull" mqllvom - (Q.) "black bear"
lin.» - (Q.) "tune, singing, song"
makar - (Q.) "ttadesman" mel- - (Q.) "love"
IIndo (pI. 4lndor") - (Q.) "singer. songbird"
makll- (Q.) "sword" mellon - (S.) "friend"
lIoc1orDea - (Q.) "graced with many oak.
maksa - (Q.) "soh. pliable" melyanna (mellan) - (5.) "dear gift"
...... - (Q.) "<100,," me. - (Q.) "way" in Nu_n, HyanMn
II.... - (Q.) "hanS"

mal· - (Q.) "gold" "golden circle." R�n. F�".

liD&'ri - (Q.) "fish"
maida - (Q.) "gold" Dna - (Q.) "region"
llnna - (5.) "foaming"
mallnda - (Q.) "yellow" menel - (Q.) "the heavens" ni Menddil.
IInq1 - (Q.) "wet" MeMlmacar, MendtarmD.
malle- - (Q.) "street"
lIay. - (Q.) "pool" menle - (Q.) "point. end"
malo - (Q.) "yellow powder"
Ilr -(Q.) "row" meri - (Q.) "wish, desire"
maI.a _ (Q.) "pale"
Hria - (Q.) " I sing, I chant"
min· - (Q.) "good. blessed, unmarred" n
i mel'db - (S.) "feast" ni Mereth Athnhod;
111(...) - (Q.) "honey" Aman, Manwi; derivatives of Aman in also in Muethrond, the Hall of Feasts in
11th - (5.) "ash" Amandil, Araman, Umanyar. Minas Tirith.
libe - (Q.) "sand" merka - (Q.) "wild. fierce"
If" - (Q.) "sickness" merya - (Q.) "feast"
.. -(Q.) "<tight"
SNAKE l"LHOG") ., - (Q.) "hotiday"
... -(S.) "growm. _) mel (melh) - (5.) "'ast, end"
yW' mi· (Q.) "in, within"
k1k-- "bend. loop" miksa· (Q.) "wet"
klkl - (Q.) "serpent. snake" mIIka· (Q.) "_y"
..... -(Q.) "...... milmi! (Q.) "desire, greed"
t6m - (5.) "echo" milya· (Q.) "long for"
J6ml - (Q.) "nighc.timc. shades mln(f:)(ya) (Q.) 'Tlt'St"
OfniahL . minas _ (S.) "tower"
J6ee11Mdf - (Q.) "dusk-singer,
mlnda· (Q.) "conspicuous,
- . " prominent"
-- (Q.) """"" mlnhlriath - (5.) "between the
load (loon) - (S.) "Iwbo<. rivers" the region betwccn the
haven" Brandywine and the Greyflood
1oDdl - (Q.) "harbor, haven" Minna (Q.) "inside"
I6r - (5.) "gold" (color) mindo- (Q.) "isolated tower'"
kII(!I) - (Q.) "snow" miDqe _ (Q.) "eleven"
loa - (S.) "snow" mtr - (5.) "jewel"
Jolt - (5.) "empty" miri - (Q.) "jewel" in Elemm/ri.
I6U -(Q.) "flower" mirll (pI. mlrllll) - (Q.) "shining
Iotb - (S.)'1Iower" jewel"
llake - (Q.) "enchantment" mirUya. - (Q.) "glitter"
16_ - (Q.) "time" mirima· (Q.) "1Tec"
lui. - (Q.) "blue" mfruvor - (5.) "mead, ale"
lumW - (Q.) "gloom" misli (Q.) "fine rain"
IUmDa - (Q.) "burdensome, mith - (5.) "grey" in Mithlond.
heavy. oppresis ve, ominous" Mithrondir. Mithrim; also n
Iu..... - (Q.) "to lie"

MitMitMI. the river Hoarwell in
IUOI - (5.) "heavy"
Translations/rom the Eldarin Tongues 11

mlty. (Q.) "interior" (adj.) nauta - (Q.) "bound, obliged" nona - (Q.) "giant"
mluli (Q.) "whiningH Murna - (Q.) "snare" not- - (Q.) "reckon"
mo'.... (Q.) "familiar, dear" neuna - (Q.) "second" note - (Q.) "number"
m6I (Q.) "slave" neum - (Q.) "succes" sor nulla (ludda) - (Q.) "secret, obscure"
mor(f)(l) - (Q.) "black." "Dart" n
i Mordor, ndaeddos - (S.) "fear" Dumeo - (Q.) "west." literally '"the WlY of
MorgOlh, Moria, MoriqulIIdi. MonMgil. Ddeo&in - (S.) "dead" (pl. noun) the sunset"
M{H"tI,�n, elC. -{n)diJ - (5.) "friend, devotion, disinterested OUD - (Q.) "beneath" (adj.)
mo«haiol- (S,) "dart: shapes" love." An adjective, it iJ a very frequent aura - (Q.) "deep"
mordo (Q.) "shadow, obsurity" ending for penonaJ names. oute - (Q.) "bond, knot"
m6re (Q.) "night, blackness" Dd6la - (Q.) "knoll" owalb - (Q.) "cruel"
morgul - (S.) "black am" odu - (Q.) "down, from on high" in Quenya owlly.- - (Q.) "to torment'"'
morto (Q.) "bear'"'
nyann - (Q.) "rat"
-{n)dur -(S.) "devotion, disinterested love."
morna (Q.) "gloomy, somber" nyiri - (Q.) "tale, history, sag."
An adjective, it is I very frequent ending for
m6Ia (Q.) "toil, work, labor'" ayma - (Q.) "I tell"
""""'" """".
moth - (S.) "dusk" n i Nan Elmoth. DyeDe ..- (Q.) "bell"
nellhaa - (S.) "deprived, Wltlnged"
motto - "blot" neldi - (Q.) "three" oydJo - (Q.) "singer"
mu (Q.) "no, not" aeldor -(S.) "beech" o
mullf (Q.) "secrecy" Mid (nelkl) - (Q.) "tooth" 0-- (Q.) "together"
mulna (Q.) "hidden, secret" ohta - (Q.) "war"
Den - (Q.) "water, pool, Jake, lagoon"
mundo - "snout, nose" ohtar - (S.) "warrior"
nenda. - (Q.) "sloping"
N neodi - (Q.) "slope" o� - (Q.) "ever"
na - (S.) "of" nenpl - (Q.) "nose, nasal" - - (Q.)"...."...
na{n) - (Q.) "but" nir (pl. nerl) - (Q.) "adult male" oloI - (Q.) "snow"
oaer - (S.) "dreadful" okl8If - (Q.) "(flowery) snow" (poetic)
nerte - (Q.) "nine"
nahta (Q.) "a bile" ..... - (Q.) "young" oIv.(r) - (S.) "plant(s), arowina lhina('} wid!
nai - (S.) "maybe" roots in the earth"
naai - (Q.) "youlh"
naikf - (Q.) "sharp pain" ofwa - (Q.) "branch, limb"
nesslma - (Q.) '"'youlhful"
na.ikeli - (Q.) "painful" 6mB - (Q.) "voice"
npaw - (S.) "howl"
na....- - (Q.) "lament"
l ..... - (Q.) "vowel"
al -(Q.)"r
nairl - (Q.) "lament" .... - (Q.) "...."..
a( -(Q.) "female"
namarle - (S.) "farewell" Onod - (S.) "Em"
alb(ln) - (S.) "petty. small"
naimba -(Q.) "a hammer" ont. - (Q.) "�. beset"
oien - (S.) "mourning. sadness"
nan(d} - (Q.) "valley" in Nan DungonMb. ontiro - (Q.) "puent, begetter"
DieDiDqui - (Q.) "snow-<lrop"
Nan Elmblh, Nail TOlhren. om. (pi Vm) - (S.) "(>c. Gobbn, 000-)
aim - (S.) "white"
nanda (Q.) "watered plain" d<mon "

nfD - (S.) "wet" on -(Q.) "rising"

nandi -(Q.) "a harp"
ninde - (Q.) "thin"
nanduhlrion - (S.) "vale of dim streams," o.k. (pl. """ ) - (Q.) "(>c. Gobbn, 000-)
the Dimrill Dale. nlnnlKb - (S.) "rainbow" d<mon "

nar - (Q.) "fire." See Narsil, Narya; and the

nlnqui - (Q.) "white" DI"mf - (Q.) "(vengeful or impetuoUl) haste,
original forms ofAegll()r (AiktJn4ro "Sharp nlrw• ....:... (Q.) "cushion, lean against" violence, wrath"
Aame" or "Fell Fire') and Flonor (FiaMro nlphred - (S.) "pallor" om -(S.) "tnle" in Ceubom, HlriJonr, cf.
"Spirit of Fire'). n(rf (nJe) - (Q.) "tear" Fo"gorn "Trcebeard," and moilorn, pin
oanIuI -(Q.) "harsh, violent" fMlIyrn, the beet of LochI6rieD..
Dinl(adb) - (S.) "tear(.)" (noun)
oanIa - (Q.) "knot" ..... - (Q.) "Iwty"
nis(ae) (pl. nIIIi) - (Q.) "female"
narmo -(Q.) "wolr' DisIi - (Q.) "beside" oro- - (Q.) "high, heipt. rite., up"
nam - (Q.) "story, tale" nfte - (Q.) "moist, dcw--<XWCtCd" orto - (Q.) "lWDIDit"·
oarqdion - (Q.) "Iutumn," literally '"flfC- D6 - (Q.) "beget" .... (pL ....) - (S.)"...."..
fading" ..... (pL - -, (Q.) -"
no. - (Q.) "conceive of, lhink, imagine"
una - (Q.) "red" N_ (pLN_N....m)
.. - (S.) orta - (Q.) "rile, raiIe"
nas:si - (Q.) "thorn, spike" "Ow"," orto- - (Q.) "1WDIDit"
nast.- - (Q.) "prick" .... - (Q.) "wUo. _" 01(1)(10) - (Q.) "city, walkd IOWo, fDItnIL"
nabf. - (Q.) "web, net" Noido (pl. NoIdor) - (Q.) ""wise." Refers \0 -- (Q.) ......
N.... (S.) "Dwarf" in Naugrim; see also
_ "the knowledgeable" or "wi5e" Elves. 0IIIbiaDd - (Q.}"1and of IeVCIIo riven" (from
Nogrod in enuy groth. Related iJ another ncWi (Q.) "long study, lore, knowledge." See the Item of the numeral "1eYeR,.. o-ny.
Sindarin word for "Dwarf," Nogoth, plural alsogtU. OiSO, Sindarin ada)
Noegylh (Hoegyth Nibin "Petty-<lwarves') otoron (pl otorc.I) - (Q.) "sworn brccbet,
n6fwf (Q.) "wisdom, secret lot'e"
and NogOlMm. bIood-brocha"
n6re (D6, 000) - (Q.) "people, clan"
Nauko - (Q.) "Dwarf" ouo - (Q.) "aeven"
nlri - (Q.) "land, dwelling place, regional
nauli - (Q.) "wolf-howl" ._" oJ - (Q.) "everlutina"
naur - (S.) "rlre "
norno - (Q.) "oak"
12 Translalionsfrom th� Eldori" Tongues

p qUft8f - (Q.) "feather" rinda - (Q.) "cimdu"

..... -(Q.) "enclosure" qud-'(Q.) ",pcU" rindi -(Q.) "circle"
.,.w. -(Q.) "far and wide" in polan/fri. Tar­ quttta - (Q.) "word" ring - (5.) "cold, chill" in Ringil. Ringwil.
Pawn/i,. quln
.. - (Q.) "bow" Himring.
,.w.Uri - (Q.) "seeing stones." literally R rlngi- (Q.) "cold, chill"
"'tbcee thai watch from afar" rinke - (Q.) "quick shake. flourish"
"(pl. "") - (Q.) "'ion"
..... _ (Q.) "expansive" !'MIl - (S.) "wandering" ris(1) - (5.) "cleave"
..... -(Q.) "M""" ntIka - (Q.) "bent, crooked, wrong" rista - (Q.) "a cut"
. .
...... - (Q.�. ... -" .... - (S.) ....... . rista- - (Q.) "cut"
,. -(Q.) "...... .",.."
... ,..1_ - (Q.) "hunt, hunting" roch (pl. re<'h) - (5.) "horse"
_ _ (Q.) "'""" of......, wood" r6ka - (S.) "wolr' roe - (5.) "demon"
ppla -(Q.) "to unfurl" ram(mas) - (S.) "wall" roha.n - (5.) "hone-land"
,..,.. -(Q.) "set. fLX" rima - (Q.) "wing" .. -(Q.) "ruddy"
- -(Q.) ""'>'" Nlmba - (Q.) "wall" roIla- -(Q.) "pursue"
--(Q .)"""" rIomaJ6kf - (Q.) "wing-sapan, flying rokko -(Q.) "hone"
,.. alaehf - (Q.)"Quenya." literally -" rom- - (Q.) "lnImpet sound"
"'book lmguage" ran - (5.) "wander, stray"
- r6ma - (Q.) "loud sound, trumpet lOUnd"
pu1h - (5.) "field. sward" ri... - (Q.) "moon," literally "wanderer, romba - (Q.) "hom, lnImpet"
-- (Q.)"-" ...y,," r6meD - (Q.) "uprising. sunrise, east"
.. - (Q.) "mouth" raodJr -(5.) "wanderer, pilgrim" romeoy. - (Q.) "easlem"
_-(s.)"....". ....... - (Q.) .,""""'.. r6na - (Q.) "east"
pel- (Q.) "ao round. encircle" ""0 (pi. ruql) - (Q.) "ann" ronda - (Q.) "cave"
,.,..... - (Q.) "garth (enclosure or harbor) rut - (5.) "ooune" n i the river-names road - (5.) "dome, vaulted or arched roof,
0( r'O)'lhhips" MIUtlIIl (with ad", "double') and Ce{ebranr roofed chamber"

- - (Q.) "'- '''''"' ronyo - (Q.) "chaser"

peI6rI_ (Q.) "mountain fence, fenced rany. - (Q.) "to stray" roqueD (pI. nqualn) - (5.) "knight"
,.;p,," I'M (pl. rail) - (5.) "hom" (as in mountain
!'OS - (5.) "foam. spindri� spray"
..... -(Q.) "-.ulope" pcU)
roae - (Q.) "'fme rain, dew"
per- - (Q.) "half" (prefIX) "'1 - (Q.) '"twelve"
roth - (S.) "digging, excavation"
"'"""" (p( ....).. - (s.) """'-elf' .... - (Q.) "hom" (as in mountain peak)
rudb - (5.) "bald"
Ptriu (pi. Pertuadl) - (S.) "Kalning. rut - (5.) "shore, strand"
ruin - (5.) "rtd flame" in Orodruin.
Hobbit" 11101 - (5.) "river bed" or "street"
runda - (Q.) "club, rough piece of wood"
OC (pi. Pmerea) - (S.) "Half·troU"
rtt.... 111", - (5.) "demon"
rony. - (Q.) "red flame"
perJ8 _ (Q.) "divide in half" rauko - (Q.) "demon"
1'UMl- (Q.) "polished or fmished metal,
- (pi. - - (Q.) """"," raub. - (Q.) "mew" ..
.....) - (S.) "ridge(.), slope(s)" rIova - (Q.) "wi l d"
rattl - (5.) "anger" in Arannlth •

....,. - (Q.) "juice, syrup" 1'ftII - (5.) "'net, mesh"

- - (Q.) ""';'- ..... - (Q.) "..... ...... -
poIb -(Q.) "dean" - -
� - -=--
raiD - (Q.) "I sow"
pollia - (Q.) "stron&. atout, burly" rhaodlr -(5.) "pilgrim"
,.. -(Q.) ....." rtafw - (5.) "winter" s
.... - (Q.) ....... rho.. - (5.) "east" saira-- (Q.) "wise"
,... _ (Q.) "1qIpIXI oomooant" rii - (Q.) "crown" sairoo - (Q.) "wiW"d"
...... - (Q.) '10 mp. ceuc" .... - (Q.)"prl..... _.. salpa- - (Q.) "sip, lick up
...... _ (Q.) "SlOp (m punctuation)" rtf- (5.) '"treebart" ..... -(Q.) ""","
Q ria- - (Q.) "twine, wreathe" ..mW - (Q.) "room, chamber"
...... - (Q.) "dood" rthta- -(Q.) "jerk, twist" sammatb - (5.) Mchambers"
...... - (Q.) "...,.y.""'" riI - (Q.)"brilliance" in tdril, Silmoril; also in tamno-(Q.) "carpenter, builder,
- - (Q.) ",..,.,.""''' And.iriI (the sword of Aragom) and in woodwright"
_....: (Q.) .. _.. milhril (Moria-silver). Idril's name in
saDda -(Q.) Mabiding. uue, finn"
Que:nya form was ilarilll (or/UJriJdl), frtm
_ - (Q.) "full" sup -(Q.) "press, throng"
a stem il4- "sparkJe."
�') - (Q.) "bond" rilma - (Q.) "glittering light" ---(Q.) "poi"","
-- (Q.) "'." sanka - (Q.) Msplil, cleft"
rU,. -(Q.) :"g1ittcring, brilliance"
-�) - (Q.) """"",.., sany. - (Q.) "obedient, normal, law-abiding"
rim - (5.) "great number, host"
_ - (s.) .,
....... sanye -(Q.) "rule. law"
rlmba - (Q.) "numerous, frequent"
Qooodi! (pi. QaoocIl, �) - (Q.) tar (pl. sardl) - (Q.) "small stone"
rtlllbf (rtJa...) - (Q.) "great number, host"
"Elf." litenl1y "�er"
rlmpa - (Q.) "rushing, flying" .. - (Q.) "hitler"
- - (Q.) "..y. ....... sam -(5.) "(l11\l.I1) stone"
riD - (5.) "memory, remembrance"
- - (Q.) --" ..ura - (Q.) "(ouJ, putrid"
ria - (Q.) "crowned"
Translationsfrom tht Eldarin Tonguts 13

sauron - (Q.) "abhorred" tanwe - (Q.) "construct, device, creation of tb6n - ')line-tree" in Dorthon;on.
.va - (Q.) "juice" ""I" tbAnd - (S.) "root"
sekie- (Q.) "daughler" tapi - (Q.) "be stops" tbonitl - (S.) "kindler" (femaJe)
tar- - (Q.) "high," prefix of the Quenya

senda- - (Q.) '"'resting, al peace, repose" tbor -(S.) "torrent"

names of the NUmen6rean Kings; also n i tboron - (S.) "eagle"
-ser - (Q.) "friend" (sumx) Annatar. Feminine tari ."she thaI is high,
sire- - (Q.) '"'rest, peace" tbur(ln&) -(S.) "secret"
Queen" in Eltntdri, Ktmtntdri. cr. tarma
sereg - (S.) "blood" in strtgon. "pillar" in Mtntltarmo. tlkse - (Q.) "dot,point" (as mark)
serln- - (Q.) "I rest" ..... - (Q.) "lofty" til(df) - (Q.) "point, hom"
serke - (Q.) "blood" tjri - (Q.) �high-queen" tin- - (Q.) "sparkle"
st:rmo (seron) - (Q.) "friend" tarka - (Q.) "hom" (animal) tiDda - (Q.) "glinting"
51- (S.) "now" tarma - (Q.) "pillar" tincle - (Q.) "a glini"
sf(n) - (Q.) "now" t6ro - (Q.) "high-king" tioe - (Q.) "it glints"
slkil - (Q.) "dagger, knife" tarya - (Q.) "tough, stiff" lInko - (Q.) "metal"
sll- - "shine (with white or silver lighl)" (as tasare - (Q.) "willow" in Tasarinan, Nan· tinta - (Q.) "cause to sparkle, kindle"
in variant thi/-) tasarion.. tlnt� - (Q.) "it sparkles"
slime - (S.) "shine silver, silver light" tatbar - "willow'; adjective tathrtn in Nan- ttnmi! - (Q.) "sparkle, glint"
...... (pl. ondar) - (Q.) •• "",,-eII'. tathrtn. tinwe - (Q.) "spark"
slnde - (Q.) "grey" tatya- - (Q.) "repeat, to double" tir - (Q.) "watch, guard, watch over"
slnta _ (Q.) "short" taur - (S.) "wood, forest" tirtn - (Q.) "I watch"
slnya - (S.) "new" tauri - (Q.) "wood. forest" UrIoa - (Q.) "watch-tower"
sir - "river' t&; - (Q.) "road, straight line" tirlth - (S.) "watching"
sir- - (Q.) "flow" tebta - (Q.) "sign, a mark, diacritic symbol" tltta - (Q.) "tiny, linle"
slrannon - (S.) "gate-stream" tekf - (Q.) "writes" tiuka - (Q.) "thick, fat"
slri1 - (Q.) "creek, rivulet" tekU - (Q.) "pen" tluko - (Q.) "thigh"
slrltb - (S.) "flowing" teI(de) - (Q.) Nend." "Finish, end, be last" in tlu,a- - (Q.) "swell, grow"
sir- - (Q.) "flow" Ttltri. 16 - (Q.) "wool"
slule - (Q.) "incitement" Idima - (Q.) "fmal"
toII - (Q.) "woollen" (adj.)
soIor - (Q.) "surf' Idcontar - (S.) ..strider"
tal (pI. �) - (Q.) "isle"
SOI'OD (soni) (pI. sorni) _ (Q.) "eagle" Idep - (Q.) "silver" totto - (Q.) "eight"
suhlG - (Q.) "draught"
Ide... (telplna) - (Q.) "of silver"
.... - (Q.) "roo/"
...... - (Q.) "I drink" Tder (pl. TdtrI) - (Q.) "Sea-eif"
t6pa- - (Q.) "to roof'
sQ.I - "wind" tdko - (Q.) "'eg, stem, stallc"
tortcb - (S.) "lair"
sulka - (Q.) "tuber, edible root tdIa - (Q.) "hindmost, Iasl"
..... (pi. - - (Q.) """""",,
... - (Q.) "IxWh" tdmf. - (Q.) "hood"
T_ (pl. Tona)- (S.) "froU"
l6llme - (Q.) the third mon�of the year �pi (telep) - (Q.) "silver" in Ttlptrion.
.... -(Q.) _ ...."..,
telumf. - (Q.) ."dome" (especially referring to
" •

sul6 - (Q.) "goblet" .... - (Q.) "-gtiroe"

sunpJ - (Q.) "drinking-vessel" ....- (1uIIdIn6) - (Q.) "_........
TdulDthtar - (Q.) "Orion," literally "warrior swallow"
sUya. - (Q.) "breathe"
of the sky"
T tukln - (Q.) "I draw"
Uma - (Q.) "row, series, ine"
ta - (Q.) "that, il" tu.Uo - (Q.) "I come"
1& - (Q.) "path, count, line, diTection, way"
... - (Q.) "lengthened, extended"
tal tuIka - (Q.) "strong, firm, sadfast"
Impa - (Q.) "1etter"
� - (Q.) "to prolong"
!eakdi - (Q.) "writing system"
tulko - (Q.) "support, brace"
Iakf.- (Q.) "be faslellS" tum - "valley" in TwrthoJad, Twn/Qden. Cf.
..... - (Q.) "through"
tal- (W) - (Q.) "foot" Utumno, Sindarin UdIJn (Gandalfin Moria
tereD (1ertDf) - (Q.) "slender" named the Balrog "Flame ofUdIn'); a JWne
taIan -(Q.) "floor, ground"
' tereva - (Q.) "nne, acute" IIICd afterwards of the deep dale in Moria
talatb - "flat lands, plain" in Talath DirMn, between the Morannon and the lIenmoutbc.
thalloa - "strong, dauntless," � CUihaliOft.,
Talath RhUnt,r.
Thalion. twllbalemorna - (Q.) "black deep vaUey"
taJIuoe (talnmya) - (Q.) "sole of the foot"
tbaJt( - (S.) "fang" - (Q.) "valley"
talma - (Q.) "foundation, base, root"
tbaD& - (S.) "oppresis on" tumpo - (Q.) "hwnp"
lalta - (Q.) "incline." As adj. "sloping. tilted,
tbar- - (Q.) "athw.n:, across" tuado - (Q.) "hill, mound"
than-pata - (Q.) "crossway" tao - (Q.) "vigor, physical strength"
taIta- - (Q.) "to slope"
tbar"bM - (S.) "crossway" ..... - (Q.) __h"
tambaro - (Q.) "woodpecker"
tbaur(oa) - "abominable, abhorrent" lur - (S.) "powec, mastery"
tamln - (Q.) "I tap"
tbiacb (aIadI) - (S.) "ford" t6ri � (Q.) '"power, mastery"
tampa - (Q.) "stopper"
thO -; (S.) "shine" turin - (Q.) "I control, I govern"
....... _ (Q.) "fum, fixed, sure"
thUo - (Q.) "to glisten" tunaa - (Q.) "shield"
tantU - (Q.) "brooch"
tbiD(d) - (S.) "grey" in Thingol. tu.a - (Q.) "bush, shrub"
tano - (Q.) "craftsman, smith"
th6I -"helm" "'- - (Q.) "Iwpi�"
tanta- - (Q.) "double"
14 Translationsfrom the Eldorin Ton8ues

tyallf -(Q.) "sport. game, play" vorODW. _ (Q.) "lasling.

tyar -(Q.) "cause" THORON ( " EAGLE") enduring"
')'avID - (Q.) "I wte" voronwle - (Q.) "endurance,
tyelka - (Q.) "swift. agile"
tyulml- (Q.) "mast" W
w..en - (S.) "slain"
walh -(S.) "shadow"
u -(Q.) "001:" (in an evil or
OPPOSin8 context) -we (veo) - (Q.) "man." A
frequent name eooing. as in
ulal - (Q.) "twilight"
uUe - (Q.) "seaweed. trailin8
wen (wende) - (Q.) "maiden." A
frequent name ending, as in
lIln - (Q.) '" do noI"
Ed""-en. Morwcn.
wy•• _ (Q.) "pOur" win- (Q.) "youthful. freshness"
umartb - (S.) "iIl·fate" wine- (Q.) " virginity"
11mb _ (S.) "hollow" (noun) wenya - (Q.) "spring green, light
umbar - (Q.) "fale, doom" green. yellow green, fresh"
umiD - (Q.) "am not" wlnl-(Q.) "roam, spray, wave-
unco -(Q.) "dark cloud" crest"
uJllOl - (S.) "spider" wUwario (pI. wllwarindl) -(Q.)
_ _ (Q.) ."""""" "butterlly"
creature. hideous beast" y
unpf -(Q.) "gloom" ya - (Q.) "ago, there"
UDp'atf - (Q.) "'Mute" yi - (Q.) "ago, formerly"
...... -(Q.) .....,. """'. ,alwe -(Q.) "mock"
WICIf -(Q.) "hollow" yaiR - (Q.) "clamor"
usqi! _ (Q.) "reck" yalumea - (Q.) "olden"
6r -(Q.) "fire" )'aoa - (Q.) -that" (the fonner)
gr. _ (Q.) "heat, be hoc" y6na - (Q.) "holy place, sanctu-
urln -(Q.) "sun" '"""
uruJ6te -(Q.) "fire-serpent, yanga. - (Q.) "to yawn"
...." .. yanta - (Q.) "yoke"
6ruVII (urulle) - (Q.) "fiery" varne (varni.) - (Q.) "deep brown" yir (yaren) - (Q.) "blood"
uryII_ _ (Q.) "blaze" vi - (5.) "as" yira - (Q.) "ancient"
yea - (Q.) "adult, manly" yire - (Q.) "elder times, former days"
livuJmo - (Q.) "monster"
veaner -(Q.) "adult man" yiresse - (Q,) "once upon a time"
6vi -(Q.) "abundance"
avetl - (Q.) "(very) abundant" veas5E - (Q.) "vigor" yal (yaht·) - (Q.) "neck"
vedul - (5.) "last"
V yalta - (Q.) "isthmus, narrow neck"
vaiwa - (Q.) '"wind" yeo (.wi) - (Q.) "man" yhe - (Q.) "fruit."
vabta. - (Q.) "to soil" ¥erW! -(Q.) "boldness" yhli - (Q.) "autumn"
val· _ (Q.) "power" in Valar, Valacirca, verka - (Q.) "wild" yiwe - (Q.) ''ravine, cleft, gulf'
VaIoqw'¥a. ValarouA:ar. Val(i}mar, Yerno (pI. ¥ernor) - (Q.) "husband" yekla (yd.) - (Q.) "friendly, dear"
Va/inor. veru - (Q.) "married couple" yehle (.lel) - (Q.) "daughter"
vala (pl. "alar) - (Q.) "power. god" verya - (Q.) "bold" (y)ello - (Q.) "shout"
valaina (pl. v....).. -(Q.) "divine" verya- - (Q.) ''to dare" yelma - (Q.) "loathing"
valarauko (pi.. v....ubr)
.. - (Q.) "demon or vessE - (Q.) "wife" yelta. - (Q.) "to loathe"
miahL" (S "",,","'1 vesta -(Q.) "marriage, mauimony" yelwa - (Q.) "loathsome"
. •

v.... -(Q.) "divinity" vesta- - (Q.) "to wed, to swear, contract" yen (pI. yenl) - (5.) "year" (Elvish year of
vallaor - (Q.) "land of the powers" vesWf - (Q.) "wedding ceremony, oath" l44yws)
val,. - (Q.) "having divine power and/or vie - (Q.) "manhood, vigOt"" y�n (yen-) - (Q.) "year"
vllwa - (Q.) "the air" yenya - (Q.) "last year"
vo (pl. vanJ) - (Q.) "goose" vllya - (5.) "sky" yema - (Q.) "old, worn"
\'&Illma - (Q.) "fair"
¥tn(ya) - (5.) "new" yerya - (Q.) "age. become old, wear OUt"
YDlmo (pl. vanlmor) - (Q.) "beautiful
vinde - (S.) "pale blue, grey-blue" yesta - (Q.) "desire"
vania - (Q.) ". walt..
vUIa· - (5.) "fade" yondo (·Ion) - (Q.) "son"
.. vlny. - (5.) "evening" yula - (Q.) "ember, smoldering wood"
vanta- -(Q.) "10 walt
vista - (5.) "air" (as a substance) yullna - (Q.) "brand"
van,. -(Q.) "beautiful"
vor - (5.) "black." (Q.) "continual" (prefix) yulmi - (Q.) "smoldering heat"
vaa,. (pl. vanyar) - (Q.) the Fair Elves
voro - (Q.) "ever. continually" yl1yo - (Q.) "both"
v6ra -(Q.) "diny, soiled"
vorima - (Q.) "continual, repeated(ly)"
varna -(Q.) "safe, secure"
TranslatiofU to Qutnya and S;ndar;n 15


A 8 boat - lune l (Q.)
abhor - feuya- (Q.) bake - masta· (Q.) bold - kanya, verya (Q.)
abhornd - sauron (Q.) bald - rudh, rOdh (S.) boldness - verie (Q.)
abhorrence - deJoth (5.) bane - dagnir (5.) bond, knot - nule (Q.)
(10) abide - mat- (Q.) barrow -lOr, pl. rym (5.) book lanluaae. Quellya -parmalambe (Q.)
abiding, true, nrm - sanda (Q.) battle - dagor (Q.) - - ".,... (Q.)
-abie - -ime (Q.) battle - ndak (S.) both - "'yo (Q.)
abominable, abborrent -thaur(on) (5.) base (noor) - taJrna (Q.) bottomkss vokl, endlm shaft., abya - il
abomlnabie, abhorrent -shaur(on) (Q.) base (noor) - l8.Ium (S.) (Q.)
abundance - uve (Q.) (to) be - n· (Q, S.) bound, obllatd - naUla (Q.)
abundant (very) - uvea (Q.) be it that - nai (Q.) bow - cu (S.)
abyss - ii (Q.) bear - morto (Q.) bow - ku, l6va, quinga (Q.)
achiever, ador - karo (Q.) beard - fan(g) (S.) braid of hair - rUlde (5.)
across - lhar- (Q.) beard - fanga (Q.) branch, lImb -olwa (Q.)
across - thrad (5.) beauUful child - vanimo. pl. vanimor (Q.) brand -yulma (Q.)
aCllteness, perceptivity -Ilike (Q.) beautiful (ever youna) - vAna, vana (Q.) bread - bas (S.)
adult maie - �r, pI. neri (Q.) btcaWlt (for) - an (Q.) bread - masla (Q.)
adult man - veaner (Q.) "'" - kaima (Q.) break apart - mound -haudh (S.)
adult, manly - yea (Q.) btd-chamber - kaimasan, pl. wfI'1ISII1b1 i breath - suit! (Q.)
after -apa (5.) (Q.) breath, breeze - hwesta (Q.)
after-name - epesse (Q.) btffh - feren, feme- (Q.) breatM - suya. (Q.)
apin, �" back - lla (Q.) btffh - Deldor (S.) breeze - hwesta (Q.)
age, become old, wear out -yerya (Q.) beget - n6 (Q.) bride - indis (Q.)
ago, formerly - y' (Q.) beginning, name - essl (Q.) brklce - yanla (Q.)
ago, tbe� - ya (Q.) (to) behokI - aiy- (el-) (Q.) brklce - ianl (S.)
agony, death - qualml (Q.) btll - nyelle (Q.) brllliaDce - rikIi:!. rille (Q.)
agony, death - unqalt! (Q.) bend, loop - lot· (Q.) brDliaDct: - ri
l (S.)

air (85 a substance) - vista (S.) beneath (adj.) - nUn (Q.) broedsword, ship'. pro" -Iango (Q.)
(1M) air - vilw. (Q.) bent, crooked, wrool- n.ilca (Q.) broke apart - hanll (Q.)
alas -ai (Q.) btsldt - russ! (Q.) broocb - tankii (Q.)
alive - kuin. (Q.) btsIdt, outside -at· (Q.) brother -Ioron. pI. toroni (Q.)
aU, Ihe whote - ilya, ilye (Q.) between the riven - minhiriath (5.) brown - bar(a) (5.)
(1M) all- iluve (Q.) between - imbt! (Q.) bull - mundo (S.)
am not -umin (Q.) between, deep - im (5.) burdensome. heavy, oppressive, omlDous -
beyond (the borden of) - pella (Q.) lumna (Q.)
ancienl- ym (Q.)
birch - brethil (Q.) bush, shrub- tussa (Q.)
and - I (S.)
bird -wwe (Q.) but - n'(n} (Q.)
and -at (Q.) ,
bird - atw (S.) butterny - wiiwarin, pl. wi l warindi (Q.)
anger -rOth (S.)
anlmal(s), IIvlnl thina(s) that can Ret - (a) bite - nabla (Q.) C
kelva(r) (S.) bitter - sara (Q.) carpenter, bulkier, "oodwri&ht - samno
black, dark - mor(eXi) (Q.) (Q.)
AprU - VfressC! (Q.)
black, dark - vor (5.) catch, hook, cla" - lisa (Q.)
are - nat (Q.)
black arts - fI'lOfBul (S.) eaUit to spaRk, ILiDdIe -!inta (Q.)
arm -ranko. pl. ranqi (Q.)
arrow - pilind. pl. pilindi (Q.) black bear - meglivorn (Q.) caUlt - I)'at (Q.)
black deep valley - tumbalemoma (Q.)
eave - fela, (5.)
81 - ve (S.)

black glass -,alvorn. helevom (S.) cave - feJya ronda (Q.)

ash - lith (S.)

blue - utya· (Q.) chambtl'l - sammath (S.)

athwart (across) - thar· (Q.)
champ&oo, emjDtllt 1IWl - artto (Q.)
aucmentative prefb: - s- (5.) bleaed, fortunate, rkb - herenya. aman,
man (Q.) cbanDd - kelma (Q.)
aupnentative sulftx - -on (S.)
autulllll - i!vas (5.) blood - sereg, agat (5.) (to) daaat - lin (S.)
bIoocI - serke, yM. yaren (Q.) chMtr - ronyo (Q.)
autumn -y'vie (Q.)
bloodstained - agarwaen (5.) cbJef, priDdpal, maln - hm (Q.)
autumn (lit. ""re-fadlnl") -narqelion (Q.)
-- .... (Q.) cbld'taln - (h)aran. pl. bami (Q.)
awakenl.. - cuivie, roire (Q.)
awalr.:enlnl -«hui. «heir (5.) blossom - loth (S.) chlld�n - hlni (Q.)
blot - mono (Q.) cbtIclftn - hin (S.)
awakenlnc (the or an) -kuive (Q.)
blue -IbQn, luin (5.) chlll - ring (S.)
(a)"akenlna (adj.) - kuivea (Q.)
blue - Iuine. luin (Q.) drde - rindl (Q.)
awe, dread -gaya (Q.)
16 Translations to QlUnya and Sindarin

dmolor - rindo(Q.) crossway - tharbad (5.) (to) deny - laJa (Q.)

dt, - caras (5.) crow - Wrko, pI. Jr.orkor (Q.) departed splril- manu (Q.)
clty. ",.ned town, fortress - os(tXto) (Q.) crow - craban, pI. crebain (5.) deprived, wronged - neithan (S.)
clamor - yahN! (Q.) crown - ri! (Q.) descendant (speclncally grandchlld) -
crown - rhi (5.) n
i dyo (Q.)
dean - paika (Q.)
crowned - rina (Q.) desire - yesta (Q.)
dene - ris(t) (5.)
cruel - nwa1ka (Q.) d�lre, greed - milme (Q.)
deaver - crist, grist. kris (5.)
(to) cry - nall· (Q.) d�plcable, contemptible - faika (5.)
deft - ki l y. (Q.)
cushion, lean against - nirwa (Q.) demln, - mann"! (Q.)
deft - cirith, 't:ir (5.)
deft, psh - hyute (Q.) cup - yulma (Q.) devise, originate, Invent -aula (Q.)
doU: - collo, gollo (Q.) (a) cut - rista (Q.) devotion, disinterested love - -(n)dUI (5.)
cut - rista· (Q.) dlqlng, excavation - habar (5.)
doU, mIIntk - gol (5.)
doled - bollen (5.) cut, cleave - kit·, cir· (Q.) digging, excavation - lOlh (5.)
do<b - """" (Q.) cutter, hewer - crist (5.) dimness - gwath. duo "ath, weth (5.)
doud, .un - (ana, fln (5.) cutter, hewer - grist. gund (5.) dlmrill dale, vale or dim streams -
nanduhirion (5.)
doud, .un - fanya, pI. (anyu (Q.) o
direction (way) - men (Q.)
doudy - fanui (5.) dager, lmlre- sil· (5.)
dirty, smled - VMa (Q.)
dub., reMlIk plec:e of wood - runda (Q.) dance - Iilta· (Q.)
divide n I hair - perya (Q.)
coul - falas, (alath (Q.) (to) dare - verya- (Q.)
divine: - bel (5.)
cold. chill -ring (5.) dalrlt doud - ungo (Q.)
divine - vaJaina. pI. vaJainar (Q.)
«*I, dilll -ring! (Q.) dark shapes - mon:haint (5.)
divinity - vaJassl (Q.)
(to) """" - ...... (Q.) dalrk - dOT (5.)
do - kat· (Q.)
aIUectIn plural suflb:: - -rimb! (Q.) dark - 16na (Q.)
dalrkness - huine (roomil!) (5.) dog (great) - huan (Q.) '
coIkdlve plural sum .. - -ath, -rim (5.)
dome (esp. rererrlnl to heavens) - telum!.
commander - gon (5.) darkness - fuin (5.)
telluma (Q.)
commandtr - Uno (Q.) dalughter - seide. yeld! (·iel) (Q.)
dome - koromindo (Q.)
commerce - manka.I! (Q.) dauntless - thalion (5.)
dome, vaulled or arehed roof, roofed
CI)D(UI, vdl, IO'ftIIo tude - halya. (Q.) dalwn - Ut (Q.) cumber - rood (5.)
�Ift ot, tblnk.IID8&iDt - noa (Q.) day (12 hours) - arya (Q.) doom - amarth (Q.)
coasplatous, promhwat - minda- (Q.)
daly - art, pl. an (Q.) doom -umbar, amber (5.)
«IDStrainer, forcer - bauglir (5.) daly - aur (or. ti) (5.) door - fen. fennas, annon, pI. ennyn (5.)
(OII;I(nIct, devke, culton of c:raft - tanwl! daytime - anl! (Q.) dot, point (as mark) - lib!! (Q.)
(Q.) dud (pI. noun) - fun (5.) double - tanla· (Q.)
coasumer (mala) - visa (Q.) dud (pl. DOlIn) - ndengin (5.) double, two - &du. du (5.)
coatlaual (prdh) - ¥Or (Q.) dead - fltin (Q.) ....... - """" (Q.)
eondaual, repealed(ly) - vorima (Q.) dud - qualin (Q.) dove -ku(a) (Q.)
....... 'ood - .... (Q.) dear &1ft -me1yanna (meHan) (5.) down, from on blgh - ndu, nu (Q.)
toOl - him (5.) dealh - gurth (gur) (5.)
, (10) down·lick - undulav· (Q.)
corpse -quelet(si) (Q.) December (1IL "coId-days' ) - Ringart (Q.) (Iq) down·roof' - unlup- (Q.)
counae. stoutness of beart - huor(e) (Q.) deed - kar (Q.) downslope: - pende (Q.)
count - rant (5.) deep - bUll! (b.U�. ndra.) (Q.) drqon -anguI6Id! (Q.)
(10) (Over - untup- (Q.) deep brown - vame(vami·) (Q.) draupt - suhlO. yulda. pl. yukiar (Q.)
_- kmw. (Q.) dd'ormed creature, hkkous beast - ulgund6 (to) dra... - leith· (5.)
rnttsmaa., smith - tano (Q.) (Q.)
(to) dread - aista (Q.)
t'l'el1e, bead - oola (Q.) tldvln&. uDde:raround dwdlillg - grod (5.)
dread, horror -gllya (Q.)
crttk, rivulet - siril (Q.) . ddvlnc. underground dwtllinl- groth (Q.)
dread, horror - goroth, 80r (5.)
erooked - hwarin (Q.) demon 0( might - vaJanuko. pl. vaJaraukar
dreadful - naer (5.)
crotSbar -hwarma (Q.) (Q.)
dream -0101', 0101 (Q.)
m181W111 - ttw.-paa (Q.) demon - raug, rog (5.)
daDoa -rauto(Q.) dnamy -_(Q.)
Translations to Qu�nya and Sindorin 17

drlnldlll·vessd - SUAgwa (Q.) enr - oio. oi (Q.) Father or All. God - lluvatar (Q.)
(to) drown - undulav- (Q.) ever - ui, male (5.) fathom - rangw! (Q.)
dry - parka (Q.) ever, conlinually - voro (Q.) (ear - ndaedelOJ (S.)

dusk - 16rne (Q.) everlutlnll -oy (Q.) (east - mereth (S.)

dusk - molh(S.) exalted - vania (Q.) (east - merya (Q.)

dusk-slnger. DlchllnpJe - 16melindl! (Q.) expansive -palla (Q.) (eather - quessf (Q.)
duM - aslo (Q.) eye - hen (S.) (dl (adJ.) - aeg (S.)

Dwarf_ Naug, Nogoth. pl. Noegyth. eye - hendi (Q.) (emale - n i ya- (Q.)
Nog<><hrim (8.) F (emale - nis(se). pI. nissi (Q.)
Dwarf-Nauko, pI. Naukor (Q.) (ade - vilta· (S.) (emale - nf (Q.)
(to) d�ell - mar· (Q.) (ad11lll - quell!! (Q.) (ence - iAth (S.)
dwelllnll - bar (5.) radllll - flrith (5.) (ence (outer) - ephel (S.)
d"dllnll- mar, mbat. ·mar (Q.) (air (Elves) - Vanys. pl. Vanyar(Q.) (eDCed land -pelennor (Q.)
E _ . ...... -_ (8.)
eaak - soron, some. pl. somi (Q.)
DWARF ("NAUG") fte.u, crud - aeg (S.)
eaaIe - thoron (5.) fiery - t1nJva, uruit! (Q.)
ear -Iassl (Q.) ft&ht (with a "eapon) - mahta·
ear -!haw (5.) (Q.)
early momloll- Brinya (Q.) nnal - klima (Q.)
_ (as"tb< platt") - ..... (Q.) ttnd - hiru-;. (S.)
earth (as beneath the buvens)- nne rain - mislt (Q.)
kernen, kern-, ktn (Q.) lin< ..... "'" - """, (Q.)
east - rona (Q.) fIDe thread, silk thrnd, spider
east - rhOn (5.) thread -lia (Q.)
eastern - romeoya (Q.) fIDe, acute - tereva (Q.)
eat - rnat. (Q.) nnlff -Iepsl!- (Q.)
echo - 16m (5.) (10) nll_ quartt- (Q.)
..... ri .... - '''''' (Q.)
.. (0) Ind - uruv· (Q.)
echoin& vokes - lanunath (S.) Ire - n6r (Q.)

Kbolna -16mina (Q.) Ire - naur (S.)

edae, hem, border - rtna (Q.) lre-serpent, drqon - urul6kf
ela;ht - 10110 (Q.) (Q.)
ekler times, (ormer days-yUt ftrm, ftxed, sure - tanka (Q.)
(Q.) .
ftn, ...... .. .. ......... .........
-coirf (Q.)
etepbant- andamundo (Q.) .
first - inga, min(f)(ya) (Q.)
deven - minql (Q.)
Elf OIL "speaker") - Quendl!. pl. first, to Mme - esta (Q.)
Quendi, Quendelif (Q.) first dal - yestarf (Q.)
Elf - &!hel (S.) ftsh - Jingwe (Q.)
elm·tlft - (a}lamle (Q.) ftsh (small) - hala (Q.)
ember. sndderlllII "ood - )'lila ... - .... q...,. (Q.)
(Q.) fht - bor, paur (S.)
e...- llabt -faina- (Q.) 1ft - Iempl (Q.)
empty - Jose (5.) .... (loa""", - ""'h. Iaoh (8.)
empty - lusta (Q.) flame (red) - runy. (Q.)
(air - vanima (Q.)
encampment - estolad (5.) flame (red) - ruin (5.)
(air, beautiful - linda (Q.)
ench8ntment -ll1Ir:f (Q.) . hame-colored - kulina (Q.)
(a) (all -Lanta (Q.)
mdrck - echor (S.) hat lands, plain - wath (Q.)
(amlUar, dear - moina (Q.)
(to) endrde -pel (Q.) ... - .... (Q.)
(ane - carca (caru.f) (Q.) noo.. ..... - ..... (Q.)
endosure - panda (Q.)
(ane - thane. carch, carak. cant-, CU1ICh (S.)
end _ met (5.) noor, lJ'OUnd - Wum (5.)
far (dlstaDct:) - hal! (5.)
end. be Jut -lel(de) (Q.) ....
, - pori! (Q.)
far and wide - palan (Q.)
endurance, durable -vOl'Ol'\wie (Q.) now - sir· (Q.)
fanwdl - namarif (S.)
enemy - goth (5.) flow - dui (5.)
(ate. doom -l!IDbaJ (Q.)
eaemy - kotumo (Q.) now, stream - kelumi! (Q.)
'.... ...... ... - ....... """'" (Q.)
Eat - Onod (S.) Rower - 16t!. lot (Q.)
(ated - marta (Q.)
(10) eater - mino- (5.) flower - loth (5.)
(ather -alar, pl. atari (Q.)
evenl", -vinya (S.) fIowiDa - sirith (S.l
(ather - &dar (5.)
even thou - elye (Q.)
18 Translations 10 Quenya and Sjndarin

foam - falla (Q.) Kolden dn:le - connaJlen (Q.)

foam, spindrift, spray - ros, roth _ cul- (Q.)
(5.) good, blessed, unmarrtil - min.
foam, spray, wav�rest - wing (Q.)
(Q.) good, possesis on - anna, pl.
foaming - linna (5.) annat (Q.)
foe - ,lam (5.) goose - v4n, pI. vani (Q.)
(10) follow - hily. (Q.) gorge, leap - cabed (S.)
(0110" - khll·, h)- (5.) graced with many oak trft:s -
ronowen, mortal men - (.)hikli lindornea (Q.)
(Q.) grade - tyelle, pI. tyeller (Q.)
loot - w-. '" (Q.) ...... - ..... (Q.)
root- daI (5.) gravel - brith (S.)
(or (because) - an (Q.) great door or gate - anoon, pl.
ford - athrad, iach, siach. thiach ennyn (S.)
(5.) great gate - aodon. pl. andoni
forest - taut! (Q.) (Q.)
forest - taur (5.) great number, host - rim (S.)
(or ever - Iennoio (Q.) great number, host - rimbe,
rimba (Q.)
forsaken - egla(th) (5.)
greedy - milka- (Q.)
fortress - OS! (Q.)
green - laiqa, lai (Q.)
fortune -heren (Q.)
green - calen, galen (S.)
rou� pulrkl - saura (Q.)
green mound - ezellobar (E.)
foundation, but, root - talma
(Q.) g�y - sinta (Q.)
(our - kan(ta) (Q.) g�y - mith, thin(d} (S.)
free - mirima- (Q.) grey-elf- sid (Q.)
friend (sutrb) - -ser (Q.) growth, (Mannlsb) year -loa
friend - mellon (S.)
guarded - dimen (S.)
friend - sermo. seron (Q.)
tritnd, devotion, d�nltrtSttd
guess, suppose - intya- (9,)
love - --(n)<lil (5.) g1lnllng - bril (S.) guess, supposiUon, idea - ni lya (Q.)
fritncUy. dear - yelda, yelml (Q.) (to) glisten - thlio (Q.) gull - maiw!. (Q.)
rroc -cabor (5.) glitter - mirilya. (Q.) IYrate, Co swirl, eddy
_ hwinya. (Q.)
from - ho, 0 (Q.) glittering, brilliance - rilya (Q.) H
from, out of- �llo, -llo (Q.) gJittering Ilgbt - rilma (Q.) hair - fino, fine (Q.)
from on high - ndu (Q.) gliitering wbite _ silivren (S.) hair - lobi! (Q.)
frost - helle (Q.) gloom - ungwe, lumbe (Q.) bair·man - finwl!.- (Q.)
fruit - yAve (Q.) gloom, darkness - ruin (S.) half (prefix) - per· (Q.)
full - quanta (Q.) gloom, darkness - buine (Q.) half (p�fb) - phcr- (S.)

G gloomy - dim (S.) Half--elf - Peredhel, pI. Peredhil (S.)

gap. passage - den (Q.) gloomy, somber - moma (Q.) Halr·troll _ Penorog, pI. Pertereg (S.)
gape - faug (5.) glorious - alcarin, alkarinque (Q.) HalRlng, Hobbit - Perian, pI. Perianath (S.)
prlandtd maiden - riel (Q.) glorious - aglareb (S.) hall - mard. pI. mardi (Q.)
garth (enclosure or harbor) of royal shlps - glory, brilliance -, alcar (Q.) hammer- dring (S.)
pclargir (Q.) glory, brilliance - aglar (S.) (a) hammer - naimba (Q.)
pte - ando (Q.) go away, lIow away, now down - kel· (Q.) hand - mi, qu,"<i), maie, l pl. maisi (Q.)
pte - annon, pl . enn)'n (5.) go round, encircle - pel. (Q.) band - cam, mab, cham (S.)
ptHtream - sirannon (5.) goblet - su16 (Q.) hang - linga- (Q,)
(to) pu - tir- (Q.) Goblin {Orc) -Orcb, pl. Yrch; Glam, pl. harbor, haven - Ionde (Q.)
(to) &aU - dir· (S.) Glambotb (S.) harbor, baven - lond, lonn (S.)
glant- norsa (Q.) God (lit. "the One"') - Eru (Q., S.) (a) harp - nandi! (Q.)
gift - anna (Q.) God (lit. "Father ofAU") - Iluvalar (Q.) harpist - Iyalangan (Q.)
(to) give - on· (S.) gold (roIor) -Iaut! (Q.) harsh, violent - naraka (Q.)
&tau - hcledh (S.) Koid (color) - g16r, l6r (S.) haste, violence, wrath (vengeful or
glass - hyelll (Q.) gold (metal) - kuJu (Q.) Impetuous) - ormi:! (Q.)
gleam (partkularly applied to the eyes) ­ gold - mal.. (Q.) hasty - oma (Q.)
glin (S.) gold, golden dn:1e - mal· (Q.) haven - h6pa (Q.)
(a) "lnt - lind«! (Q.) golden - Iauri!a, laurie (Q.)
"lntlRg -linda (Q.)
Translations to Quenya and Sindorin 18

bavlng divine power and/or authorlly - host, horde (nearly alway! in a bad sense) - Is- na (S.)
valya (Q.) both (5.) Is., art - be (5.)
he fastem - take (Q.) hound - huan (5.) is, are - eI (Q., 5.)
he stops -la� (Q.) hound - hoo (Q.) Isle - toI. pl. toll! (Q.)
head - Ur(Q.) hour - himenn (S.) Isolated tower - mindo- (Q.)
head. hill summit - dol. dhol (5.) howl - ngwaw (5.) IsoIaled - ereb (Q.)
hearing- lhaw (5.) human - f1l)'a (Q.) Isthmus, narrow ned - yana (Q.)
heart - ore, h6n (Q.) hump - rumpo (Q.) It "lau - tint (Q.)
heart, mood - ndo
i (5.) hunt, hunlilll - raiml (Q.) It Is - eI (Q.)
heat, be hol- ur- (Q.) hunter, pursuer - (&rOth (5.) it sparkles - tintina (Q.)
heat, nre - Ur (Q.) husband - verno. pl. vernor (Q.)
heaven - meDeI (Q.) I jaws - anca, anka, caru (Q.)
heavy - lung (5.) 1 - ni (Q.) jaws - carach, carak, carag (5.)
heavy - Iunga (Q.) l -m i (S.) jerk, �Ist - rihla- (Q.)
heir - (h)aIyon, hil (Q.) I cleave - hyarin (Q.) jewel - mCrf, (Q.)
heir - chil. hil, r&I (5.) I rome - rulin (Q.) jewel - mir (5.)
helm - thai (5.) I ronlrol, I govern -Iurin (Q.) journey-bread - lembas (5.)
helmet - cassa (Q.) J do not - ain (Q.) joy, merriment - a1asse (Q.)
here - si (5.) I draw - tukin (Q.) judie - manclos (S.)
hidden - dolen (5.) t drink - sukin (Q.) Juke - sava (Q.)
hidden, secret - muina (Q.) I rest - serin- (Q.) juke, syrup - pirya (Q.)
hidden, veiled, scrHned, shadowed - halda I sing, I chanl-lirin (Q.) K ,
(Q.) I sow - renn (Q.) (10) keep - cheb- (5.)
high - tar- (Q.) I tap - lamin (Q.) klnd�r (femak) - lhoniel (5.)
hlgh, height., rise, up - 0f0.. (Q.) I taste - tyavin (Q.) kina - aran, pl. erain, erein (5.)
high, noble, royal -ar(a)- (Q.) I tell - nyarin (Q.) kln&fbher - halatir (Q.)
high-king - tAro (Q.) I watch - tirin (Q.) knlahl - roquen. pI. requain (S.)
high-quHn - Wi (Q.) ice - hc:lke (Q.) knoll - nd6Ia (Q.)
hill - amon, pI. emyn (5.) ice - Idlelek (5.) knot - nuda (Q.)
hili, mound - tundo (Q.) ice-cold - beJk (Q.) know - ista- (Q.)
hindmost, last - lelia (Q.) Idde - aiglos (5.) knowtedp _noll (Q.)
hither - ftCV (Q.) icy, kf.cokI - helb (Q.) knowledp -golodh (S.)
hole, openlng - assa (Q.) III-fale - umanh (5.) L
hole, void - kUma (Q.) Imagination - n
i tyall (Q.) lady - hfril (S.)
holiday - mc:ryalC! (Q.) Immortal - ilfinn (Q.) lady, mlstress - heri (Q.)
(a) hollow - unqC! (Q.) Impulse - hOIi! (Q.) lair - torech (5.)
(a) hollow - 1.1mb (5.) impulsion - horea (Q.) lake, pooI - atlin (5.)
hollow (adj.) - nov (5.) In - -esse: (Q.) lament - denie (5.)
hollow (of hand) - kambe (Q.) in rontrol of, possesls nl (sum.) - -arwa lament - naina- (Q.)
holly - ert.wi:! (Q.) (Q.)
lament - naiR! (Q.)
holly - ereg. reg (5.) in, within - mi- (Q.)
lamp a IIlht - kalrna (Q.)
holy (one) -ainu, pI. .inuf (Q.) incitement - siul� (Q.)
land or seven rivers - ossiriand (Q.)
holy place, sanctuary -y4M (Q.) incline, sloping, lilted, leanlnl - lalla (Q.)
land of the powers - valinor (Q.)
holy - aina. aire (Q.) Inner sea - c:arc:n (Q.)
land - d6r (5.)
honey - lis(se:n) (Q.) Inside - minna (Q.)
land, dwelllna place. reJioaal abode - nM
hood - tc:lml (Q.) Intelled - handele- (Q.) (Q.)
book - '""" (Q.) inteillge.nce - handasse- (Q.) larae Dumber -hosla-(Q.)
hope - c:stc:1 (5.) i telligent, learned - handa· (Q.)
n large. huae - alla (Q.)
horn (animal) - Iatka (Q.) Interior (adj.) - mitya (Q.) last year - yenya (Q.)
horn (mountain peak) - ra.ssi! (Q.) Interna1 - ira (Q.) last - vc:dui (5.)
horn (mountain peak) - ras, pl. rais (5.) In the - mf (Q.) last, end - met, mc:th (5.)
horn, trumpet - romba (Q.) i this place - sinomc: (Q.)
n lastlnl - iall (Q.)
horror - del (5.) in whkh - yassen (Q.) luI1na. enduriq - voronwa (Q.)
horror, dread - 801", gorolh (Q.) ron
I - anga (Q.) Iaulhter - Ialailh (S.)
horse - roeh. pI. rc:ch (5.) Iron - ang (5.) leaf - lasse. pI. Lass! (Q.)
horse - roU:o (Q.) (of) iron - angaina (Q.) leaf - las. pl. lassi (5.)
horse-land - rohan (5.) (of) iron - angrc:n. pl. engrin (5.) ieaf-fall - Iasscmllflla (Q.)
0051 - rimb!! (Q.) iron prison - angamando (Q.) leaf-arey -Ias.semisla (Q.)
h05l - rim (5.) Iron prison - angband (5.) league (orlllnaJly "slop, paUJe") - 1M (Q.)
20 Translations to Quenya and Sindarin

let:ptna: - lhach (5.) middle - ened. enedh, ende, enya, endya, of sliver - Ielepsa (telpina) (Q.)
learned one, stholar - istyat, pI. istyari (Q.) """' (Q.) of- ·i(n)., na, -en· (S.)
(to) Idvl: -Iesta- (Q.) mlpty --beleg (5.) of (possesis ve sunix) - .0 (Q.)
td't - hyaryl. Jende.. (Q.)
mind - in, id (Q.) ointment - Iaivi!. (Q.)
tefl-twMkd - hyarmaiU! (Q.) mist - hfsi� (Q.) old - a i ur (Q.)

k!&. stem, stalk - telko (0.) mist - hi"th (5.) old, worn - yema (Q.)
kqtbtMd. o:teackd - taina (Q.) misty lrey, (ouy - hiswa (Q,) olden - yalumea (Q.)
mock - yaiwl! (Q.) on the farther side, thai yODder (adj.) -
Idter - rengwa (Q.)
moist, dew-covered - mil! (Q,) enta (Q.)
(to) lick -Iqzsa (Q.)
Mooday - lsilya (Q.) once upon a time - yiressl! (Q.)
(10) lie - lumna- (0.)
life, be1na alh'e - kuill (Q.) monster - uvanimo (Q.) one, alone - er (Q.)
moon (ilL "wanderer, strayer") - rina (Q.) (the) One - Em (Q., S.)
life-bread - coimas (Q.)
moon - isil (Q.) open - edro (Q,)
ll - kala (Q.)
moon - ithil (5.) open - tm', edr· (S.)
like (as) - ve (Q.)
moon·nre - ithilnaur (S.) open·mouthed, thirsty -raub (Q.)
lion - Ii (pl. "'vi) (Q.)
morning - arin (Q.) oppression - thang (5.)
lilten -Iuta (Q.)
mortal - frr(i) (S.) orange -kuluina (Q.)
1Iv1111 - guin(ar) (5.)
(to) _the - yelta- (Q.) mortal (adj.) - firima (Q.) (an) orange - kuluma (Q.)
mortal man - fiR!, pI. rui (Q.) Ore, Goblin., (iesser) Demon - Orch. pi Yrch
_thine - yelma (0.)
mother - ami), amme (Q.) (S.)
mtbaomt- yelwl(Q.)
mound - coron, kumbi! (Q.) Ore, Goblin, (It-sser) Demon - Orko, pl.
""' - "'" (Q.) Q,q; (Q.)
kMldJ lDOUntaln - crebor (Q.)
(grftn) mound - ezeUohar (E.)
Orlon (ilL "warrior of the sky") -
mountain (eAft, (m«d helahlS - pel6ri (Q.)
ktDtiy- eressea (Q.) Telumehtar (Q.)
mountain - orod, pl.. c:red (S.)
.... - ..... on(d) (Q.) oul - et, elb (S.)
Ioe& tor - mily•• (Q.) mountain -oron, pl.. orontJ�(Q.)
oot of, (rom - ·110 (Q.)
kIa& (put) river - anduin (Q.) mourning, Adnas - nien (S.)
outer feoc:e -ephel (5.)
Ioaa: .audJ. � Ilnowledae - n61� (Q.) mouth - pe (Q.)
ootftow, della - elbir (S.)
� musk - lindale (Q.)
Joo.ea. dKken -leuka- (Q.) outside - at (Q.)
lord - hit ($.) N
oolSkit nisteoc:e, the Void - avakuma (Q.)
narrow deft, nvlne, ddHe - Usa (Q.)
lost - VInW. (Q.) outside, re-, bad; -ava (Q.)
loud 1OUDCl, trumpet IOUnd - r6ma (Q.) narrow - arka (Q,)
Iood., noisy - brui (5.) narrow - n i (S.)
palnM - naikel� (Q.)
love - mel- (Q.) nt<::k - yal, yahl' (Q.)
pale - marya, maiwi (Q.)
Just - mai l ! (Q.)
net, mesh - rem (S,)
pale blue - i1in (Q.)
IuItfW - mailt!a (Q.)
new - Sir (Q.)
pale blue, &rey·blue - vincte (S.)
new - vin(ya) (S.)
M pallor - niphred (S.), shaped - cchiant (S.) niabt - 16 (Q.)
parent, btattter - ont4ro (Q.)
mUden (f'rtquenl nlllIM: ending) - wen niabt, blackness - m6re (Q.)
pass -cirith (S.)
(wende) (Q.) nl&ht, dimness - du (5.)
(to) pass - aUI·, van· (Q.)
.... - hanu (S.) niabt.tlme, shades of nlaht - 16me (Q.)
plIIlh, COUnt, line, dlrectlon, way - ten (Q.)
maD (I'rtqutnt Mmt endln&) - ow! (veo) nine - nerU! (Q.)
paths (roach) - tier (Q.)
o(Q.) DO, not - il·, 1', lawn(!, mu (Q.)
peak - aikali!. (Q.)
maD - adan, pl. edain (5.) DOrtlI - for, fom, forod (S.)
peaks - rais(S.)
man - alan, pl. atani (Q.) DOI1h -rormen(ya) (Q.)
pen - tekil (Q.)
_ _ - >i« Q.) north, right - fom, forod, for (5.)
people - -lil! (Q.)
....y - -li (Q.) DOI!It, a.asaI - nengwi!. (Q.)
peop&e - pailb (5.)
Marm- suliml (Q.) DOt (in an evil or opposl� oontext) - 11 (Q.)
peopk, dan - n6re, 06, ORO (Q.)
.....n.ce. IUtrlJDony - vesta (0.) not - ala· (Q.)
petty, tmalI - nib(in) (S.)
married �pIe - veru (Q.) November - H{simE (Q.)
pltct of shaped wood pano (Q.)
..... - tyulma (Q.)

DOW - s i (S.)
pile, mound -hahta (Q.)
--",", (Q.) DOW - sf{n) (sikH) (Q.)
pilgrim - rhandir (S.)
MIl, (UL "iD nower") - l6tcsse (Q.) Dumber - noll! (Q.)
pOlar - tanna (Q.)
...,be - nai (5.) numerous. frequent - rimba (Q.)
pUIe·tree - 1hOn (S.)
mead, ale - m[ruvor (S.� o
pit, hole - latta (Q.)
mtlDOl"J', remtmbnMe - rin (S.) oat - nomo (Q.)
(In Ibis) place - sinome (Q.)
mall - rembe (Q.) obedient, nonnat. Iaw.abkl1n a- sanya (Q.)
pIaln, valley - lad (S.)
metaI - rauta (Q.) odor - holrrM! (S.)
planl(s), grow1na thlng(s) with roots In tbe
mttaI - tinko (Q.) of gold - kuluinn (Q.) earth - olva(,) (S.)
ol lroo - angaina (Q.)
Translations to Quenya and Sim/arin 21
platform - talan (Q.) red - earan (S.) seeing stones (''those that walth from afar' )
plural roUectlve sumx - oath, -rim (S.) red - CIIl"f\C. kame, karani, nam (Q.) - palantfri (Q.)
poem - laiR! (Q.) red-gold - kuilo (Q.) seize - mapa (Q.)

point, end -menli! (Q.) reddish, coppery colored - aira (Q.) september - yavanni!! (Q.)

point, horn - lil(de) (Q.) reed-bed- esgar (Q.) series - terna, pI. lemar (Q.)
poison - sangwa (Q.) reelr. - usqi! (Q.) serpent, snake - 10k!!, hlolr:!! (Q.)
polished or nnished metal, blade - russi! refuse, deny. - ab-. abar (Q.) serpent, snake - Ihug, lyg (S.)
(Q.) region - mena (Q.) set, nx - panya- (Q.)
pool - linya (Q.) rememberance - orin (Q.) seven - otso (Q.)
pool. mere -lin (Q.) remote, far, faraway (adj.) - haira- (Q.) seven - odo (S.)
pool, sma)) lake - aelin. ai
l in (Q.) repeat, 10 double - Ullya- (Q.) shade - Iaim«! (Q.)

portal, door - fen, pI. fennas (S.) rest - est!! (Q.) shadow - daio, leo (Q.)
....... ,- (hl>'Y' (Q.) rest, peace - sere- (Q.) shadow - da1!, gwath. wath (S.)
possesis ve sumx - -0 (Q.) resHna, at pe:ace, repose - senda- (Q.) shadow, obsurlty - mordo (Q.)
polter - kenlano, kenmare (Q.) reuniting - aderthad (S.) shadows (cast by light) - mon:haint (Q.)
pour - ulya- (Q.) (to) ride - nor- (S.) shady - I&ira (S.)
power - baI- (S.) ridge(s), slope(s) - pin(nalh) (S.) (to) shape - kanta- (Q.)
Power, God - Vala, pl. Valar (Q.) right - forya (Q.) shape - ehaint, cainl (S.)
power, mastery - fur (S.) right-handed, dexterous - fonnaiti! (Q.) sharp pain - naik!! (Q.)
power, mastery - run! (Q.) ring - cor (Q.) sharp - aika (Q.)
power, might, powerful - val- (Q.) rlngwraltb - dlair, pI. dlairi (Q.) sharp, plerdDI - maeg (S.)
present, give - anla (Q.) rise, raise - orta (Q.) sharp, paerdng - maika (Q.)
press, throng- sanga (Q.) rls'nl - ore (Q.) sharp-prowed ship - cirya, kir- (S.)
(to) prklr. -eri::a- (Q.) river bed, street - ralh (S.) shell, COMh - hyalma (Q.)
prklr. - nasta- (Q.) river, now - sir- (Q.) shield - turma (Q.) spine - erta (Q.) river (large) - Iuinl:!, duin!! (Q.) (to) shine -gal (S.)
primary - � (Q.) river (large) - duin (S.) shine - kalta. kaI-, gal- (Q.)

prince - emil (S.) rivulet, creek - siril (Q.) shine - mil (S.)
prince - kundu (Q.) rOlld, stralcht line - tea (Q.) shine (with while or sliver llabt) - silm!! (S.)
prisoD - mbando (Q.) (to) roof- t6pa- (Q.) shine sliver, sliver llahl- sinda, pI. sindai'
prison, duress - band (S.) room, chamber - sambi! (Q.) (Q.)
(to) prolong - taila (Q.) root - tMnd (S.) shlnlna Je"n -'mfril, pl. mirilli (Q.)
ship - kirya, Cirya (Q.)
prosperous., rkh, fortunate -plya (Q.) round, &lobular - kama (Q.)
(to) purr - hwesUl- (Q.) ship - gfr, err, pI. cair (S.)
r:ow - lir (Q.)
shlp-wrighl- efryalan, efrdan (S.)
pursue - roita- (Q.) row,.mes. line - lima (Q.)
Q shore - hyapal (Q.)
royal - ar, an, anI (Q.)
quarrel - kOSla (Q.) ruddy - roina (Q.) shore, ine
l vl surf- (alas (S.)
queen - Wi (Q.) �,1Ine or surf- falass!! (Q.)
ruae, Jaw - sany!! (Q.)
queen - herem, heJelh (S.) rune - certa, pI. cenar (Q.) shore, strand - rasl (S.)
queen of the stars - elenWi (Q.) short - sinya (S.)
rune - certhas. einh, gerthas (S.)
quklr. shake, nourisb -rink!! (Q.) shout - (y)ello (Q.)
ruDnilll - cel (S.)
R shuddering -girith (S.)
rushlnl-alak-, alag-, asca (S.)
radiance - alata. fair1!, kalina (Q.) skkle - kir:ka (Q.)
rushln&. nylDg - rimpa (Q.)
radiance - galad (S.) skltly - Iaiwa, engwa (Q.)
rustlllll noise - esk!! (Q.)
skkness -Ifv!!, quam!! (Q.)
radiant - alkarinqa (Q.) S
sl&n. a mark, dlacrlUc symbol - tehla (Q.)
rage - aha (Q.) sad - dim (Q.)
rainbow - ninniach (S.) safe, RCUI'e - vama (Q.)
silent - din (S.)
ransom - dannedh. danwedh (S.) sliver blrcb - brelhil (S.)
sand -lits!! (Q.)
allver - celeb (S.)
rat - nyano (Q.) "y, speak -quen- (Q.)
ravine, den, gulf- yi!.w!! (Q.) SCl'ftn, hiding -esgal (Q.) aIIver - telp1!, Ielep (Q.)
ray of light - alka (Q.) sliver-like - telperin (Q.)
lei. - air!! (1!ar) (Q.)
re- - en- (Q.) R8. - gacr (5.) sliver-ke
il - celebrin (S.)
nalm - arda (Q.) Sea-eU' - Teler. pl. Teleri (Q.) Iin& -lin- (Q.)
realm - arth!! (S.) Iblpr - nyello, indl
l (Q.)
lel.weed. trailing planl- uil!! (Q.)
rtdloa - not- (Q.)
sInpn(Tder FJO -linda, pl. liadar(Q.)
KaNMi - neuna (Q.)
record, story -quenta (Q.) secJ'«y - muil!! (Q.)
1In&er, IOIl&blrd -lindo, pl. Iindor (Q.)
red flame - ruin (S.) aecm - Ihur(ing) (S.)
- -..... (Q.)
red flame - rUnya (Q.) secret, obscure - nulla, nulda (Q.)
_ .... - "Y"(Q.)
red maw - carcharoth (S.) slp, lkk up - salpa- (Q.)
.... - - (Q.)
22 TranslalionS IO Quenya and Sindarin

.. -Iwn- (Q.) lOIar year Olt. "sun-round") - coranar (Q.) spirit - rea (Q.)
"" -""" (Q.) sole of the foot - tallunl, lIl1nmya (Q.) splrit-drake, spark-dragon - feal6k! (Q.)
1kiI1 - cuna (Q.) solitude - e� (Q.) spit - piUI8 (Q.)
_In - flad (5.) son (of) ·- yondo, -ion (Q.) split, cleft - sanka (Q.)
",in - helrna (Q.) song-lindt! (Q.) sponge - hwan, hwandi (Q.)
.,- vilya, wily. (Q.) Song of Creation (lit. "Music or the Ainu"" ) sport, game, play - lyaJi! (Q.)
*1 (pale or ookI) - helwa (Q.) - Ainulindal! (Q.) spread ojXn - palya (Q.)
IOI'Ury -gUl (5.)
(to) slant down - penn- (5.) spring (of water) - ehlel! (Q.)
sIMb, m i pa1e-l.kiris� (Q.) (to) sound - lamy. (Q.) sprlng-day - lUiliri! (Q.)
slave - m61 (Q.) sound - Iamma (Q.) spring grun, light green, yellow green, frtsh
Ifmdtr - tereD, teren! (Q.) south - har-, ham, hatad (5.) - wenya(Q.)
(to) "" - ...�- (Q.) south -hyannen (Q.) spring-singer, swa1low - tuilindo, luilelin6
southeast lands - hyatTOSlar (Q.) (Q.)
.... - """'" (Q.)
southern - hyarmenya (Q.) springtime - ethuil (S.)
- -"""" (Q.)
llOUth-vktor - hyarmendacil (Q.) springtime - tuil! (Q.)
iki (Q.)
..... bird - aiw!, filit. pl. fil
JOUthwtSt lands - hyamuslar (Q.) sprouts, sprlnp - luia (Q.)
...... 1loDe - su, pl. wdi (Q.)
spark - tinw! (Q.) spy - athir (S.)
smith, wricht - dan, tan, pI. dain (5.)
spark - gil (S.) stain - wlICn (S.)
IIDOkItrinc heat - ydlml (Q.)
sparkle - ita-, tin- (Q.) star - *,1, elen (Q.)
amootb - pasta (Q.)
sparkle, IlInl- tiJll1'lt (Q.) star - gil (S.)
lUke - ango. pl. angwi (Q.)
..... - """' (S.) star-crowned -elerina (Q.)
make -lhQg (5.)
speak - quel (Q.) star-dome - e1rond (Q.)
lUre - newna (Q.)
spear - ehte, eklw (Q.) star·hOSI - giliath (S.)
1DOUt. DOle - mundo (Q.)
spearman - ehlyar, pI. ehwi.(Q.) star-queen - elenl!ri (Q.)
saow - olos. 1os(sl!) (Q.)
sphere, ball - koron (Q.) star-walcher - elenlirmo (Q.)
mow - loss (5.)
splder lianll! (Q.) stem - Ieleo (Q.)
mow (flowery) - olosse (Q.) -

spkltr - ungol (5.) steep - aiqa (Q.)

.ow-cirop - nieninqul (Q.)
..... p
.... - milia (Q.) spike - oeber, geOO (S.) sUrring - eoiri! (Q.)
spike-btdge - Iwab! (Q.) stirrina- echuir (5.)
(to) "'" - vahla· (Q.)


TranslatioflS to Quenya and Sindarin 23

stone ondo (Q.) that, it - ta (Q.) twine, wreathe -rig- (Q.)

stone - good (5.) thatch - IUpsl (Q.) (to) twinkle - tinti
l - (Q.)
stone (slnllll) - sam. pI. semi (5.) the air _ vilwa (Q.) two - ana (Q.)
(10) stop, rtase - pusta- (Q.) the heavens - menel (Q.) u
stop -dam (Q.) the landscape - paJUr! (Q.) un- -u- (Q.)
stop (In punctuatN>n) - putta (Q.) the. is, are - i, pl. in (5.) under - nu (nuin) (Q.)
stopped consonanl - punta (Q.) the whole,. the a11 - ilUv! (Q.) underaround dwelllnc or ddvina- groch
stopper -tampa (Q.) them - te (Q.) (Q.)

story, c.ale- nun (Q.) them - hain (5.) underaround dwelllnc or delvlnl- grod
lbest - hin (S.)
rod (5.)
(to) stray -ranya. ran-, rac:n- (Q.)
thick, fat - tiub (Q.) understand, dlscem, comprehend - hanya-
stnel - malle- (Q.)
strut - rath (5.) thigh -liuko (Q.)
understandl"" knowkdce - hande- (Q.)
wkkr - Ielconw (5.) thin - ninde (.Q.)
(to) unfurl - panta (Q.)
stripped bare. naked - held. (Q.) thin. slender - fim (5.)
unto - Ienn (Q.)
strong, daunUess - thalion (Q.) this - sina (Q.)
unwllUna, refustr - aV3f. pl. avari (Q.)
strona, nrm. steadfast - lulka (Q.) this -hi (S.)
up (pren.) - am- (Q.)
strona, stout. burly - polda (Q.) thorn, spike - nassl (Q.)
uprising, sunrise. east -romen (Q.)
successor - neuro (Q.) thorn, spike - ereg, reg (S.)
up to (as far as) - tenna (Q.)
sudden - bragol (5.) thou - -lye, elye (Q.)
upwards (adv.) - amba (Q.)
sumrt - (arya- (Q.) thou - Ie (S.)
urae, send nylna: - bona (Q.)
summer - lairt (Q.) thousand - mene (Q.)
urlency - horn'!! (Q.)
summer. song,lament - lae! (5.) thread. - lain (5.)
urglDc - hortal! (Q.)
summit - octo. orto- (Q.) thru - nelde (Q.)
us (two) - met (Q.)
SUD -1Ul8f. urin (Q.) threshokt - fenda- (Q.)
SUD (as "the ronsullM!...·) - vAsa (Q.) throat - lanko (Q.)
vallant - aswdo (Q.)
sun, sunlight - as- (Q.) thooe - mahalma.. pl. mahaJ.mar (Q.)
valley - rumbo, nan(d) (Q.)
sun. sun1lght - anew (5.) throng - sang. (Q.)
valley - lum (5.)
sunllght - Uf (he) (Q.) through - teri!, ter- (Q.)
valley. plain - lad (5.)
sunliCht - aUf (aurt) (5.) time (Q.)
valor - Un! (Q.)
sunllfht, day - au� (Q.) tiny, lIttie - tilta (Q.)
v.ulltd root- rood (S.)
sunrlst., east - romen. amrOn, rfuln. riln (5.) to thH -Ie (S.)
veO (as ....... nprt, or body) - fana. pl.
sunset, west - andu� (Q.) to, towards - an, ana. na (Q.)
fanar (Q.)
sunset, west - annun (S.) tocetMr - 0- (Q.)
victor - dacil (S.)
support, bra« - Iulko (Q.) toil, work, labor - m6ta (Q.) vlaor - veasst (Q.)
surf - solor (Q.) tongue - Iamba (Q.)
vlaor. physical strmath - 100 (Q.)
surfa« - � (Q.) tonlue - lamm. lanunetl (5.)
'Vlralnlty - �n! (Q.)
surfllne - falas (Q.) tooth -carag, Chosl. COSI (S.)
vision - olor. 010$ (Q.)
surfllne - falath (5.) tooth - nelet, nelki (Q.)
voke - 6ma, 6ma- (Q.)
swan - alqua (Q.) (to) torment - nwalya- (Q.)
voke - lammen (S.)
swan - a1ph (5.) torment - npalmi!, nwalme, ywalme (Q.)
void - fa (Q.)
sweel-soundlng - lind4 (Q.) torrent - thor (S.)
vowel - 6man (Q.)
$Wd� crow - liuya- (Q.) torture - ungwal! (Q.)
swln. agile - tyelka (Q.) tough. stili' - tarya (Q.)
(a)wakenlnt: (adJ,) - kuivea (Q.)
S*ord - maltil (Q.) tower - minas (Q.)
(a) walk - vanta (Q.)
sword - megil (5.) tower - barad, pl. beraid (5.)
(to) walk - vanta- (Q.)
swordsman - � (Q.) tnMIe-manka- (Q.)
wall - ramba (Q.)
swordsman - vagor (5.) tradesman - muar (Q.)
wall - ram (S.)
sworn brother, blood-brother -Oloron, pl. (.) treasure, . vaJuable - (h)anna (Q.) w.ned platt. fort, fortrt:a - aru (Q.)
o«:woni (Q.) treasure. board - (h)arwt! (Q.)
(to) wander - ran (Q.)
T tree - akIa (Q.)
(to) wander - raen (5.)
tak, history, 5agII - nyire (Q.) tree - galadh, om (S.)
wanckrer - randir (Q.)
tall - halla (Q.) treebarlt - rif (S.)
watch, pard, w.tch over - tir (Q.)
tangle - (asta (Q.) Troll - Torog, p1. Tereg (S.) walch-tower - tirioo (Q.)
taD&kd hair - rwe (Q.) trumpet SOUad - rom- (Q.)
walchl.. - tirith (S.)
tear - nr�, nie (Q.) tuber. ecUbie rooI - sulka (Q.)
w.ter - Den (5.)
leIIr(s) (noun) - nim(aeth) (S.) tune, slnglna. IOftI - linde (Q.)
waltrfaJl - lantrur (S.)
ltn - kainen (Q.) twdve -rUal (Q.)
w.ter-nympb - falmar (Q.)
terror - <me (Q.) - uial, minuial, tindomt!, undomt!
•• n (trUItd) - falma (Q.)
that (the former) - yan. (Q.) (Q.)
w.y - pata (Q.)
24 Glossary o/Terms

,,",-bad(S.) will - -uva (Q.) word - quelta (Q.)

wt (two) - met (Q.) willow - lasillt (Q.) word - beth (S.)
wuUh, aood fortune - alma (Q.) willow - tathar, tathren (5.) (the) world (lit. "'it is") - e§. (Q., 5.)
(10) ",tel, (to) swear, contract - vesta- (Q.) wind - sQl, gWIe, gwai (5.) (to) wound, tear - hama- (Q.)
weddl.n& certmony. oath - vestale (Q.) wlod - vaiwa, sui (Q.) wound - harwe (Q.)
week - enquie. pl. enquier (Q.) window - hennelh (5.) wouoded - hama (Q.)
wdl, sprin. -ehtele (Q.) WIDg - rama. pl. ramar (Q.) wrleht - dan, pl. dain (S.)
wdl, SPrina - tithel (5.) "'lnltt" - hrfv! (Q.) writes - tckt! (Q.)
werewolf- gaur, ngaur (5.) winter - hrfw (S.) "rldne system - tenktl! (Q.)
wtSt - nl1mell (Q.) wisdom -nole (Q.) Y
west -adOn, anndn. dQn (5.) ",he, koowledgn,ble - golodh, pl. -y - ·ime (Q.)
wfl - med. nin (5.) golodhrim. gelydh (5.) -y--ui (5.)
whirlpool, eddy - hwindl! (Q.) wizard - sairon (Q.) (to) yawn - yanga- (Q.)
(to) whisper - Iussa- (Q.) wolr- draug year (Elvbh year or 144 solar yean) - yen,
white - ninqu! (Q.) wood, forest - &ron, taut, pI. eryn (5.) pl. yeni (5.)
wblte - nim, niph, nimp. nimf. glos (5.) wood, forest - tauri! (Q.) year (Elvbh year or 144 solar yean) -yen
wbo - man (Q.) wooden building - ampano (Q.) (yen-) (Q.)
wooden wbale - turuphanto (Q.) (�ar) year (lit. ''sun-rouod'') - coranar
whole - Huv! (Q.)
woodpe<'ker- tamr6, tambaro (Q.) (Q.)
wire v� (Q.)
yellow-bird - asmali� (Q.)

wUd - dn1 (5.) woodpecker - lavor (5.)

111001 - t6 (Q.)
yoke - yanta (Q.)
wtJd - verb, nl (Q.)
wooUtn (adj.) - lOa (Q.) youlhrul, rreshness - wen (Q.)
WUd-mtn (Woses) - RUltani (Q.)


The epic recounting Frodo's heroic journey to fiery Orodruin, Aduraol-(S.)The sixth and most southerly ofthe tributariesofGelion
both directly in the narrative text and indirectly in the appendices, in Ossiriand. The name means 'double stream', referring to its divided
draws on millenia of history. This is a lot of infonnation! The course about me island ofTot Galen. Read SU 123. 188, 234.
individual confronted by a plethora ofunfamiliar names and words AtaJos (Il-(S. "Snowthom'1. A plant that grew on Amon ROdh. Read
in his or her efforts to capture the unique spirit and flavor of UT99,148.
Middle-earth might well be temptedto dispair. The materiaI below Atalos (2) - (5. "Snow-pointi. The spear of Gil-galad (as a word­
presents a reference for the quick retrievaI of the salient details formation, me same as the preceding). ReadLot/U319; SU294; UT148.
associated withobscure, yet significant people, places, and things. Aqnor-(Q. "Fell Fife') The fourth son ofFmarfin, who with hisbrother
The section contains anextensive glossary oftenns, organizing Angrod held the northern slopes of Donhonion; slain n i the Dagar
the mass of lore presented by Tolkien's works, as well as the BragoUach. Read SU61, 84. 120, 150·1; UT 250.
extrapolated data detailed in ICE's modules, into a more accesis ble Aelln-ulal - (S. "Meres of Twilight"). The confluence where Aros
nde x. With a flick of the fingertips, the location of Angmar, the flowed ni to Sirion. Read sa 114, 122, 168, 217, 231 .. UT 147.
definition of Apysaic, or the identity of the Gwaith-i-Mfrdain Aerandlr-(S. "Sea.wanderer"). Oneofthethrcemarincrs whoaccom­
appears in concise paragraph together with a listing of references panied Elrcndil on his voyages. Readsa248.
in other works for more exhaustive coverage of the entry. A Aerln -A kinswoman of HUrin in Dor-I6min; taken as wife by Brodda
reference guide on pages 63 and 64 lists the appropriate entry to the Easterng;
il aided Morwen after the Nimaeth Amoediad.Readsa198,
215; UT69. 104·9.
check for more obscure tenns.
Apan - The OrOg (Dniadan) in the story of 'The Faithful Stooc'. Read
UT 38Q·2.
Adtaa - (Sina. Aden). An Apysan confederation who reside in Hyam,
A&Iarond -(S. -rbc Glinering Cavemj. The cavtsofHelm's Deep in
EJoma. and Mir&ior in southwestern Endor.
Elect Nimrais: used also in reference to the fortress more strictly called the
Adorn -Tribuwy oflht: riVel" lsen. fonning with it me western bounds Homburg, at theentnncc to Helm'S Deep. A110 called Glacmscrafu (R.
i ofa fann suitable to Sindarin, butnot n
ofRohan. The names i terpretable "Caves of Radianccj. ReadLot/UI 195, 262; sa 291; UT 370·2.
in that language. II musl be suppo$Cd to be of pre-NWncn6rcan origin,
A&kIo -(S. -rbc Narrow Passj. The pass betwoen Dorthonion and the
adapted to Sindarin. Read UT262, 305-6, 364-5.
heights to the west of Himring. Read sa 1234, 135, 152·3.
Adrahil [I) - (S.) A oommandcr of me forces ofGondor against Iht:
AUlnd - The ekler of Tar-Aldarion', sisters. Read UT 173, 179, 209,
WliruidersinT.A. 1944;cal1ed 'ofDol Amroth', and presumably an an­
cestor ofAdnhil (2). Read UT 2934, 313,316.
AiI'lullndati -(Q. "The Music or Iht: Ainu.rj. Also called 'The (Great)
AdrahD [2) -(S.) Prince ofDolAmroth, fathcrofImrahiI. Read UT248,
Music", -rbc (Great) Song'. The song that created Ei. Also tht name of
the accounl ofthecreation said to have been composed by RUmi I ofTtrion
AdOnak- The language ofNdmcnor. Read UT 215·16, 222, 227, 263. in the Elder Day•. Read sa 15-20, 25-6. 28, 41·2, 45-6, 50, 68, 74, 105,
For 'Ndmcn6rcan tongue, speech' nad UT 194, 215-16, 227, 319,390.
AdOnakbor -(A. "Lordoflhe West''). Thcnamctaken bytheninctecnth
i the Adllnaic (NUrnen6rean) tongue;
King ofNumenor, the fmt to do 10 n
his name in Quenya was HerunUrnen. Read sa 267.
Glossary of Terms 25


(Q. "Holy Spirits''). The Divine sen-ants of Ern, born out of ,

Alnur _
AlquaJortM - (Q. "Haven ofthe Swans' ). The chief city and haven of
Eru's thought. Although they are fonnless spirits, they have male and the Teleri on the shores of Aman. Read Sil60·2, 72,86·7, 89, 104, I I 1,
female genders and are capable of assuming COI'])CllUl form. Most of the 129, 156, 249, 251 ; UT229,231-4, 265.
Ainur reside with ni the Timeless Halls outside Ell, but a few - the AlJUln -(Q. "Blessed Realm''). Thecontinent west of Middle-earth, be­
Valar and Maiar reside in ElL The Ainur are also called the 'Holy Ones',
yond the 8elegaer (Great Sea), in which theValardweltafter they had left

the 'Singers', or the 'Spirits'. ReadSU 15·20, 25-6, 41·2, 44, 46, 56, 105, theIsle ofAlmaren.1tcontains Valinor(the homeofmostValar and Maiar
205, 233.
and many Elves), mainland Eldamar, and the HalisofAwaiting (the place
Akallabith - (A. "The Downfallen"). AdOnaic (Nfunen6rean) word of the dead). Also called, the Death1ess Lands and the Undying Lands,
i meaning 10 Quenya Ala/ami . Also the title of the account
equivalent n lerms which include Tol Eresst!a as well as Aman and refers to Ihe
of the Downfall ofN(imenor. Read SU281, 290; UT 165. inhabitants, the immonals; however, the land itself does not necessarily
Akarinque - (Q. ''The Glorious"). Nwne of a sw. Read SU 48. confer immortality. Read SU 37, 62, 249, 260, 263-4, 278, 281.. UT 29,
l ed to Aman.
Alc:arondas-The great ship ofAr·Pharaz6n in whichhesai 166,215, 287, 229,230,232·3, 241, 249, 250, 266,385,390,395,396,
Read SU 278. 398.
Aklburg- The dwelling ofEamer in the Folde (Rohan), where Eorl the Amandll -(S. "Lovtf ofAman''). The last lord of AdUnie inNI1meIlOr,
Young had his house. Read UT 367. descendentofElros and fatherofElendil. Heset outona voyage toValinor
and did not return. Read SU 271·3 , 2 75-6, 279, 292,. UT 219. For the
Aldor -Third King ofRohan, son ofBrego son ofEorl the Young. Read
Numenorean King see Tar·Amandil.
UT 371-2.
Amarie-(Q.) VanYarin Elf, belovedofFinrod Felagund, whoremained
Aldudinie _(Q. "Lamentforthe Two Trees"). Made by a Vanyarin Elf
in Valinor. ReadSit 130.
named Elemmfrt: Read Sil 76.
Alflrin _ A small while nower, also called «i/os and sjmbelmynl
Amdir - King of L6rien, slain in the Battle of Dagorlad; rather or
Amroth. Also called Malgalad. Read UT 240, 243-4, 258.
(Evennind), readlAtlUl 140, 142; LoIRiI171; UT48,55. For the name
applied 10 another flower read UT 55, 303,316. Amlac:b -Son ofImlac:h son ofMarach; a leaderofdissensionamong the
Men of Estolad who, repenting, took service with Maedhros. Read Sil
Algund _ Man of Dor·I6min, one of the outlaw·band (Gaurwaith) that
1Urinjoined. Read UT 85, 89·90, 93, 147.
Amon Dartbir-(S.) A peak in the rangeofEred Welhrin south ofDor·
Almaren - (Q.) The first abode of the Valar n i Arda, before the second
l6min. Read UT68, 148.
i le in a greallake n
oru;laught of Melkor: an s i themidst of Middle-earth.
Read SU35·7, 102. Amon Din-(So"The Silent Hill''). FitSt ofthebeaconsofGondorinEred
Nimrais. ReadlAt/U1l20; UT 301, 314, 319.
Almarilln Daughter of the N(imen6rean mariner Veantur, Queen of
Amon Ereb-(S. ''The Lonely Hill''). The prominencebetween Ramda1

Tar.Meneldur, and motherofTar·Aldarion. Read UT 173, 176-80, 183,

187-8, 202,208, 211, 219. and the river Gelion in EasI8eleriand. Read Sil96, 122, 153; UT 77.

Almid _ The younger ofTar·Aldarion's sisters. Read UT 173, 179.

26 Glossary ofTums

Amon Etblr-(5."The Hill ofSpies"). Raised by Finrod FcJagund 10 the A.nd6nii - City and haven on the west coast ofNumenor. Read SU 261,
east of the doors ofNargothrond. Translated 'the Spyhill', R�ad Sill17· 268·9.271;UT 167, 169, 173. /82, 185, 189, 193.214.15. 217,220,223.
18; fIT 1/6-/9. For the LordsofAndUnie, rtadSil268; UT 17/, 173. 182. 215. 217. 219.
Amon G".rdh - (5.) The hill upon which Gondolin was built, in the 223. For Bay of Andunie, read UT 167.
midsI oflhe plain ofTum1aden. Rtod Sil 126, 136, 239, 241-2. Andustar - The western promonlory of Numenor. Read UT/65. 167.
Amon J..aa(-(S. '1beNakedHill,. Locatedin thesoumofGreenwocxl 217. As the Westlands, read UT 165, 169, 181. 185. 189, /94, 196. 215.
the Greal, afterwards called Dol Guldur. Read fIT 272, 280. For Lady of the Westlands, Erendis, rtad en lao.
Amon Obel - (5.) A hill n i the midst of the Forest of Brethil, on which AnraJas - (5. "Long Coast'; W. 'Langstrand"). Fiefof Gondor to the
was built Ephel Brandir. RtadSil203. 2/6, 220; fIT 104, J /0, 123, 125, west of the provinces of Dor-en-Emil and Lamedon. It's a coastal region
/36. between the mouths of the rivers Lefnui and Manhood. ReadlAIRI386;
Amon Rildb - (5. "The Bald Hill"). A lonely height in the lands south LoIR1II50; UT 255. 384.
of BreWI; abode of Mim. and lair of Turin's outlaw band Called An'augllth -(S.) Name ofthe plain ofArd-galen after its desolation by
Shatbhund by the Pctty-dwarves. Rtad Sil 201-6, 230; UT 98-JOO, 148, MorgOlh n i the Battle of Sudden Aame; translated n i the text as 'the
/50-4. Gasping Dust'. Also called Dor-nu-Fauglith (5. "Land Under Choking
Amon SOJ- (5. "Hill oftheWind"). A round bare hill atthe southern end
Asb").ReadSil I51, 153. 160. 178. /82. 190-2./97.207-8,212.227,251;
of the Weather Hills in Eriador. In Brec. called Weathertop. Read LotRJ UT 17,58.
22, 231, 25/; UHRIII 331, 378; Sil 29/·2: fIT 278, 409, 41 1, 413. AnplrKIf' - (5.) The chain wrought by Aull! with which Mell�or was
AIIlnII - (Q.) Twin-brother ofAmrod, youngest ofthc sons ofR!anor. twice bound. Read SU51. 252.
slain with Amrod in the attack on Elrendil's people at the Moulhs of Anlband - (S. "Iron Prison", "Hell of Iron" . The great dungeon.
Sirion. Read 5060. 83, 124. 142, 153. 247. fortressofMorgolh in the Northwest ofMiddle-earth. RtadiAtRI260; SU
possim, esp. 47. 81. 95-6. 118. 179; UT 18, 37, 51, 55,58. 66.7. 75, 78.
Amrotb -(S.) Sindarin Elf. King ofL.6rien, loverofNimrodel; drowned
9,81. 89-90. 94. 128, 149. 153-9. /61. 195, 232.385. For the Siege of
in the 8ay of 8elfalas. Read tn 234. 237-8, 240-6. 255. 257-8. 261. 316.
Angband, read Sil 115·16. 118. 121, /24, 132, 150-1. 159, 167; UT 34.
Forthecountry ofAmroth (coaslof8elfalas near Dol Amroth). readLot·
Rl1l 3l3. 454; tn 175. 214. For Amroch's Hsven, see Edellhond. 53. 155.
AnKh -(S.) Pass leading down from Taur·nu·Fuin (Dorthonion) at the Anldlmar - Twentieth prince of Dol Amroth, grandfather of lmrahil.
western end ofEtcd GorgOfOlh. Read Sil 200·1. 205-6. 241; tn 54. 95. ReadUT248.
Anat - (Q.) Quenya name of the Sun. Read Sil 99-101; UT 22.29-30. - (S. klron-deIYingsj. A mine in the Encircling Mountains
about the plain of Gondolin. Read sa 138.
Anardll - (5.) The given name of Tar·Aldarion. The sixth king of
Gondor was also named Anardi l ; with suffix of endearment Anardilya. Anphd - (5.) The sword made from meteoric iron that Thingol
Read UT 173. 174. 199, 212, 219. received from Eol and which he gave to 8eleg; after its reforging for'Nrin
named Gurthang. Read Sa201-2. 206-10; UT 148.
AUrton - (S.) Younger son of Elendil, who with his father and his
Angmar-(S. "'ron Home" . Angmar was founded around T.A. 1300 by
brother Isildur escaped from the Drowning of Numenor and founded n i
Middle-earth the Numen6run realms in exile; lord of Minas Anor: slain the Witch.king, the Lordofthe NazgQI. An eYil realm, it lies nestled in and
along the icy flanks of the northern Misty Mountains (S. "Hithaeglit'). in
ni thesiegeof8aradodilr.&adLotR1319; LotRII352.36J;L«IUII 158;
Sil272,279-80. 290-6; UT215. 279. 408. Forthe Numen6rean king, see the high plateau of northeastern Eriador. The Gurxlalok shelf above the
northwestern Anduin vales and a network of underground strongholds
(notably Mount Gundabad) cut beneath the Misry Mountains form the
Aurrf ... -(Q.) Name of a constellation. Read Sil 48.
easlern boundary of Angmar. Annies mustered along this line of defense
ADCaIapID - (5.) Greatest ofthe winJed dragons of Morgodi.destroyed constantJy threaten the peoples of Rbovanion to the east. To the wesl,
by EIrmdil. Read LotR/ 94; Sil252. Anhedain. Cardolan, and Rhudaut, the three Dtinadan successor stalCS to
AAcaUmt-Thenune wasgivenbyAldarionlOthetrcefromEressoi!a that Amor feel the NazgQ1's might. Read LotR1 25. 201; LotRJII 112. 146;

he planlod in Annenelos Rtad UT 202. For the ftrSt Ruling Queen of UT 313, 322, 354, 390. 413.
Ndmenor, see Tar·Ancaliml!. An8rim -(S.) Father ofGorlim Ihe Unhappy. Read Sil 162.
Andram - (S. 1'he Long Wall"). Name of the dividing fall running
Anvist - (5. "lron-c:leaver"). The knife made by Telchar of Nogrod.
across Beleriand. Rtad Sil96. 122. Ramdal (S. Wall's End) is where the taken from Curufin by Beren and used by him 10 cut the Silmaril from
dividing fall ceased. rtad Sil 153. Morgoth's crown. Read sa In. 181.
ADdrast -(So "LongCape"). The mountainous promontory between the Ancrocl - (Q.) The third son of Finarfm. who with his brother Aegnor
rivers [sen and Lefnui. Also called Ras Morthil. Sec also Dniwaith laur. held the northern slopes of Dorthonion; slain in the Dagor 8ragollach.
Rtad en 175. 214, 261, 263,370, 383-4, 387. ReadSil 61. 84, 1/1-12. 120. 129. 150·1. 212; UT 52, 159. 231. 250.
ADdnth - (5. "Long Climb"). Defile between the 8anow-downs and Anculrel-(S.) Eo!.'5 sword. made ofthe same melal as Anglachel. Rtad
the South Downs through which the North-South Road (Greenway) sa 202.
passed. Read tn 348.
Anud-Grey-elfofMithrim, fostedalhetofTuor.ReadSU238; tn17-
Andros - Man of Dor-l6min, a leader of the outlaw·band (Gaurwaith)
21,25, 56.
dw TUrin joined. Read en 85-90, 92-/02, /48. 15/-2. 154.
Annatar-(S. "Lord ofGif'ls"). The name given to himself by Sauron in
Aadroth -(S.) Caves in the hills ofMithrim where Tuorwas fostered by the Second Age, in that time when he appeared in a fair rona among the
theGrey-elvesanddweltafterwardsasasolil8ryoutiaw.ReadSil238;UT Eldar who remained in Middle-earth. Alsocalled Arlana, Aulendil. Read
18-/9. Sil287; UT 236. 254.
Anduin - (S. "The Long Riyerj. The Greal Riyer, east of the Misty ,,
Annon·ln·Gdydb - (S. "Gate of the Noldor ). Entrance to a subterra­
Mountains, that rises in the£red Mithrin ofRhovanion, flows southward, nean watercourse in the western hills of Dor·I6min, leading to Cirith
and empties into the 8ay of 8elfaJas. Called Langflood by the Eom6od.. Nillniach. Read Sil238; tn 18-2/, 51. 162.
Sec Ethir Anduin, Langwell. Read LotRJ 22. 319. 492; Lot/fl1 20, etc;
ADnumlnas - (S. "Tower of the West", "Sun5tT. Towerj. Elendil the
LotIll1123, elc;Sil54. 94. 267, 290-1, 293. 295.297-98.301-2; UT 168, Tall, first KingofAmor and Gondor, built Annuminason the hills beside
236,243,245·7,252,256,258-61,264-5, Part3/1and/Ipassim,321,338-
the southern shore ofLake Evendim (5. "Nenuial ') between S.A. 3320 and
9.142·3.345-6,370-1.383. 398,401. 404,411. For the Vale of the Great 3325. The ciry served as Amor', first and lrIIditional capital. With the
River, read UT256.
deelineofAmor's strength in the years T.A. 250-850, theCOUt1 moved to
Fomost. In the Fourth Age, it was restored by King Elessar. Rl!od LotRJ
320; LodUl259; LotRJ1I 31O; SII290, 292. 296; UT 410-11. 413.
Glossary a/Turns 27
Aoorien - (5. "Land of the Sun"; R. "Sunlending',. Although techni­ Atien -(Q.) A Maia, chosenby the Valar10 guide the vessel ofthe Sun.
cally a province, An6rien is essentially a royal fief in northern Goodor. ReadSil99·IOI.
Founded by Anirion, ilS capital s i located at Minas Anor (later called ArkenstOGe - The great jewel of the Lonely Mountain. ReadHob 235,
Minas Tuith). North of the En:d Nimrais, An6rien encompasses all the 270, 274,-UT 328.
lands north of the river Erui. south of the river 0n0d16 (Entwash), east of Armendos-(S.) City ofthe Kinp in NI1menor. ReadSil261,261,270-
the Merring Stream, and west ofthe Anduin. R�od UT 260, 301 ,306,308·
1,291; UT 165. 169, 173. 175·7, 181, 181-6, 189-90. 192-3, 195·9, 201,
9.338. 369.70.384. 387.
Anor..stOM- Stone of Anor: the palantlr of Minas Anor(Minas Tuith).
Armlnas - Noldorin Elf. who with Gelmir came upon Tuor at AMon·
R�ad LoIRI/1 321; UT403-4. 406-8. 410-12. 414.
in-Gelydh, and afterwards went 10 Nargothtond to warn Orodmh of its
Apyuk _ The dominant language family in southwestern Endor. peri
l . See also Gelmir (2). Read UT 21·2.51·2. 159-62.
Apysak: is associated with the Apysan (pl. 'Apysanj') peoples, a group
Arna�h - (Du. "Land of the Sun;. Original Daenael name for what is
whichsweptwestward throughthe En:d Hanna! n i twomajormigrations.
now the nonheastemmost ofLebennin's four districts.. An archaic term,
The rtrSt Apysaic speakm sellled 10 the southwest of Far Harad, in the it is considered a Sindarin proper name. Read LDdU1I 152.
areas called Hyam, Elorna, MirMor, Orel, and Pel. The second wave of
Apysani emered Harad over 1500 years later and came 10 control Far Amor-(So "Land ofme King", "Royal Landj. Encompassing most of
Hand. Their longues are more properly referred to as New O£ Northern Eriador, Amor is the northernmost of the two ' Realms in Exile'. It
Apysaic, since their speech is heavily influenced by Haradaic. constitutes the North Kingdom. while Gondor - its sister land - is the
SOuth Kingdom. Founded by Elemtil theTall n i S.A. 3320, Arnotis settled
Ar.AbaUlrlk (Ad.) The nineteenth Ruler of Numenor. called in
by the Faithful Numen6reans who fled the Downfall of Numenor. These

Quenya Tar·Ardamin. R�ad UT222. 227.

DUnedain dominate the indigenous Eriadoran groups until the collapse of
Ar.AdQnakhor -(Ad.) Twentieth Ruler ofNumenor, named in Quenya the realm. In T.A. 861, Amor splits inlOthreesuccc:ssor Stales: Arthedain,
Tar-Herunumen. Read UT 216, 218, 222. 226·7. Cardolan, and Rhudaur. ReadLodl123. 250, 270, 319,321;LDdUII167,­
Aragorn _The thirty.ninth Heirof lsildur in the direct line; King ofthe Sil291-2, 304; 173, 27J, 275, 2n-8, 282, 284, 287. 306, 308, 370, 406,
reunited realms ofAmorandGondorafterthe Warofthe Ring. He wedded 408-9, 411,413; UT261-4.2n, 284-5.287, 295, 314, 369.70,41I .
Arwen. daughter of Elrond. While serving Ecthelion U n i Gondor, Aros- (S.) The southern river of Doriath. Read Sil96, 112. /21-2. 1204.
Aragom wascailed Thorongil ("Eagle ofthe Star'); his name in Broe was /32, 146,232-4; UTn.
Strider. Seealso Elessar. R�adLoIRpassim; SiI303-4; UT251.255,286,
AI'CJIIIdKh - (5.) The Fords of Aros, near the oonh-eastem cdae of
112,337, 341-4, 353. 36j, 368-9. 398, 401·2, 408-9, 413-14. For Strider
Doriath. Read Sil 121, 132-3, 113-6.
read UT 354; For Thorongil. nad UT407, 4/3.
Arpd -Alsocalled Katerre. Arpel is the chiefcity and port in Pel Bight.
AnlNln BalTen wasteland on the coast of Aman between the PeI6ri
Aside from Orp Angwi, Arpel is the westernmost ci ty on the Hanper
_ ,

and the sea, extending oonhward 10 the Helcarue. Read SU72, 80.lJ6..7. """..
89-90. 101·2, 106, III. 240.
Ar·Pharaz6n - (A. '"The Golden;. Twenty.fifth and lut King of
Anndor- The "Kingsland" of Numenor. R�od UT 165, 169.
NUmenor, named in Quenya Tar-Calion; captOr of Sauron. by whom he
Aranrillh -(5. "Kin,'s Ire;. The nameofThingol's sword. ATartrUth was sedlaCed; commander of the great fleet that went against AmIn. Read
swvived the ruin ofDoriathand was possessed by the Kings ofNI1meOOl". SII269-80. 290; UT 165.2H, 224,317.
Read Sil201; UT 171.
Arroch - The horse of Hurin in Dor·I6min. Read UT 70.
AraDwe-(Q.) ElfofGondolin, fatherofVoronw!. ReadSil239; UT32,
Ar-Sabllh6r - (Ad.) Twenty.second Mer of NUmenor, named in
Quenya Tar-Fala.uion; father ofAt-GimilzOr. Read Sil268; CIT 223.
Annwlon - (Q.) Son of Aranw!. Read UT 50.
Arlamir -Eldest son ofOndoher King ofGondor; slain ni bailiewith the
Antan _ Second son of Isildur, slain with him at the Gladden Fields. Wainriders. Read UT291-2. 294-5.
Rtad Sil295; UT 271. 274, 279.
Arthad -One ofthe twelve companions ofBarahir in Dorthonion. Read
Antar _ ("'The Exalted"). The eight Valar of greatest power. Read Sil Sil 155.
Arthedaln - (S. "Realm of the Edain;. The northwestern-most of the
Arathorn _ FatherofAragom. ReadLotRl233; LotJU143; lAtR11I55; throe kingdoms into which Amor was divided in the ninth ccnrury ofthe
Sil303. Third Age; bounded by the rivers Baranduin and LMn. exlending eat·
Ar-8eIz.apr - (Ad.) Eighteenth Ruler of Numenor, named n i Quenya wards 10 the Weather Hills, and with ilS chiefplace at FomosL Arthedain
Tar-CaJmacii. Read UT 222-3. 226·7. was independent after T.A. 861. It survived as a DUnadan rcaIm until
Arda-(Q. "'The ptace", "The Realm" . Theentire world created by Ern overrun by the forces ofthe WilCh-king ofAnpnarinT.A. 1974. With ill
to be the kingdom of Manwf, through his servants the Valar, n i cluding collapse, the lut remnant ofthe Northern Kingdompassed inlO oblivion.
Endor (Middle-earth) and Aman but no! Menel (Heaven). In theFirst Age
Atthedain's name was shared by its relatively uniform. albeit smail, Adan
and most of the Second Age. it is circular and flat; but n
i the Third Age it (Oiinadan) population (sing. 'Arthadan;. Read UT 287. 4/3.
i remadeasasphere.ReadSUpossim,tsp. 19.22; UT67-8, 156,173,201, Artb6rie:n - Re&ion between the rivers Aros and Celon in the eut of
254,397. Ooriath. Read UT n.
Ard"'n -(S.)The great grassyplainnorthofDonhonion. called after Arvedui - ("Last_king;. The last of Anhedain before the realm',
ilS desolation AnfluaJilh and Dor-nu-Fauglith. The name means ·the collapse u.nder the Witch-king', onslaught. Arvedui drovmed in the My
Green region'; d. Calenardhon (Rohan). Read SU 106, 115-/6, 118-20, of Forochel. Read LtJdlJ 23; UT 295, 403.411, 413-14.
123.150-1. Arveroiea - (5.) The coastlands of west of Sirion',
Andbd -(5. "Noble Elf"). The sisterofTurgon in GondoIin. who was mouths. cr. Bilbo' lSong at Rivendell: ' EIrmdil was a marinertbattarried
ensnared by E6l inNan Elmoth and bore 10 him MaeaJin; called also AT­ n
i Arvc:mien... Rtad SU2044.

Feiniel, the White Lady of the NoIdor. the White LadyofGondoIin. Read AI'WflI -Daughter ofElrond and Celebri� wedded to Aragom; Queen
SU60. 111-8.201; UT 54. ofGoodor. Read LodlI3{)()·I3, 486; LDdUII ISO. 310-16; ClT251, 271,
Ar-Glmllz6r (Ad.) Twenty.third King ofNI1meOOl", persecutor of the
_ 284.
Elendili. Named in Quenya Tar-Telemnar. Read Sil268·9; UT 223, 227. Ar·ZirtU'lltbon - (Ad.) Twenty·fust Ruler of NUmenor; named in
Araoaath -(So "King.stones;. The Pi l laR of the Kings, greatcarvings Quenya Tar·Hostamir. Read UT 222.
oflsildurandARUiononthe Anduin altheentrance10the northem bounds AAcar-Themostnortherly ofthetributaries ofGel ionin Ossiriand. The
ofGondor. Read LotR1321, 351. 508; LodUI 24, 33; LotRIII 87, 508; name means 'rushiJ'lg. impetuous'. The river was later called by the name
Sil291,297. Rathl6rie1 (5. "Golden-bed'), after the treasure ofOoraith w¥ sunk in it.
Read Sil92, /23-4.140. 146, 233.
28 Glossary olT�rms

Mdriap A group of warlike, nomadic tribes who occupy portions of

_ Balar -(5.) The great bay 10 the south of Beleriand n i to which the river
the central and eastern Talath Hanoch (S. "South-horse P1ain/,just east Sirion flowed. Also the isle n
i the bay, said to have been theeastem hom
of Dagorlad. ofToI � that broke away, where Cfrdan and Gil-galad dwelt aflerthe
Asgon - Man of Dor-l6min. who aided TUrin's escape after the slaying Nimaeth Arnoediad. Read Sil 57, 92, 121. 159, 196, 244.246-7. Bay of
ofBrodda. Rtod UT /09. Balar, read UT34, 49; Isle ofBalar. read UT 34.51, 50 ,53, 53 , 55, 247.
Atanatar Akarln -("The Glorious"), Sixteenth King ofOondor. Read Balchoth -An Easterling people akin to the Wainriders whose invasion
UT400. of Calenardhon n i T.A. 2S 10 was crushed at the Battle of the Field of
Celebrant. Read UT 296-8. 300-1, 307, 313.
Atanl -(Q. "The Second People", "Men", sing. Alan). Since in Beleri­
me the only Men known 10 the Nolder and Sindar were
and for a long ri Balin - (Kh.) Dwarf of the House of Durin; companion of Thorin
!hose of the fRtee Houses of the Elf-friends, this name (in the Sindarin Oakenshield, and afterwards for a brief time Lord of Moria. Read LoIRI
form Adoll, pl. &to;,,) became specially associated with them, so thai it 302, 415·25; UT 332-4,353.
was seldom applied 10 other Men who later came to Beleriand, or who Balrog -(5. "Demon ofMight"). Sindarin fonn (Quenya Valarauko, pi.
were reponed to be dwelling beyond the Mountains. But in the speech of Valaraukar) of the name ofthe demons of frre that served Morgoth. See
Dt1vaw, the meaning is "Men (in general)", ReadSil4I, IOJ, /43. Also a1soGothmog.ReadLotRJ428·30; 11133, 362; Sil3} ,47,81,107-8,121.
called the AftercomeI'S or the Followers (a translation ofHildor, read Sil 151-2, 167. /92-3. 242-3, 251.
/8,83, 99, 103). the YoungerChil�oflluvatar, Engwar("TheSickly", Barach - A foresterofthePeople ofHaleth n i the storyof 'The Faithful
rtad Sil 103), Apan6nar ('"The Afterbom'), Atanat8ri (Q. "Fathers of Stone'. Read UT 380-2.
Men", rtadSil 103, 190), and Ffnimar("MortaJs", readSiI103, /90). For Barad·dar - (S. "The Dart Tower" ). Sauron's fortification in Mordor.
MenreadSiJ41-2, 68, /03-4, 140·1, 149, 159, 164S. ForEdain readSil Read LotRI387.519;1121;1// III; Sil267,270,280,292.294,302,304;
143-4, 146·9, 156-8, 195, I97, 236, 259�1,280; UT2I3, 247, 3n-9,384- UT 257-8, 272. 279-80, 312, 329, 337, 339, 344. 387, 405. 409, 412.
Barad Eltllel- (5. '"Tower of the Well"). The fortress ofthe Noldor at
Awe _ (Q.) A Val&, one of the Aratar, the smith and master of crafts, Eithel Sirion. Read Sil 191; UT 65.
spouse ofVavanna. ReadSil 19-20, 25,27, 29-30, 32,35�,39, 41, 43�,
Barad Nimras-(S. "White Hom Tower"). Raised by Finrod Felagund
51,53, 60, 62, 64, 69, 78, 84, 92, 99, 260; UT 235, 254, 393. Adjective
on the cape west of Eglarest. Read Sil 120, 196.
Aullan, read UT 254. Otildren of Aull! (the Dwarves), read UT 235.
Baragund -FatherofMorwenthewife ofHIirin; nephew ofBarahirand
Avall6M - (Q.) Haven and city of the Eldar on Tol �. so named,
oneofhis twelvecompanions onDorthonion.ReadSii148. 155, 160,198,
according to the Ak:alla�th, 'for it is ofall cities the nearest to VaiinOf'.
25-1; UT 57, 63, 2/5-16.
ReadSil260, 263-4, 269, 278,281-2, 292.296; UT 184, 189, 215, 414.
Barahir - Father of 8eren; rescued Finrod Felagund in the Dagor
Avari (Q. "The Unwilling", "the Refusers", sing. Avar). The name
Bragollach, and received from him his ring; slain on Dorthonion. For the

given to all those Elves who refused to join the westward march from
laterhistory oftheringofBarahir, which became an heirloomof the House
Cuivienen. Also known as Silvan Elves, the Avari constilute the majority
oflsildur,readLotRIII, Appendix A.ReadLotRJ260; Sil 105, 148, 152.
ofthe Firstborn. All ofthe Elves who are DOl EleJar are Avari. In tum. all
154-5. 161-4, 166-9, 171-2, 186, 188. 198. 231,251; UT63.
of the Avari are Moriquendi Of 'Dark Elves'. Read sa 52-3, 94, 99,286;
UT232 , 256. Baran - Elder son of Beor the Old. ReadSil 142-3.
Avatbar - ("'The Shadows''). The forsaken land on the coasl of Aman Baranduln -(5. Long Gold-brownRiver"; W. "Brandywine"). A great

south ofthe bay ofEldamar. belween thePeI6ri and the Sea, where Melkor StTeam fed by LakeEvendim(Nenuial) in Arthedain, theBaranduin winds
met UngolianL Read Sil 73-4, 80, 101. across west-central Eriador and empties intothe Belegaernorthofthe Rast
Yom (5. "Black Cape') of Minhiriath. The Baranduin forms pan of the
AzachlI- (Kh.) Lord ofthe Dwarves of Belegosl; wounded GlauNng
western borderofCardolan. R�adlAfRI24, 280; Sil290; UT 175. 214,
i the Nimaeth Amoed
n iad, and was killed by him. Read Sil 193; UT 75,
239.261·2,284, 323.
Bar-en-Danwedb - ("House of RansomH). The name that Mim the
AzanuiblDr - (Kh. "Valley of the Dim Rills"; W. "Dimrill Dale"; S.
Dwarfgave tohis dwellingon Amon ROdh when heyielded it to TUrin. See
"Nanduhirion"). This vale lies on the east side of the Misty Mountains, at
also Echad i Sedryn. Read Sil 203, 205�; UT 100-1, 104, 148, 150-2.
the headwaters of the River Celebrant, and is lucked between the three
greatpeaks ofFanuidhol, Caladhras. and Celebdil. The Great Gates (East­ Bar-en-Nlbln-lIOeI -(S. "House ofthe Petty-dwarves"). Mim 's dwell­
gate) of Moria face on Azanulbizar, and a Dwarven stair leads out of the ing on Amon ROdh. Read UT 100.
portico,joinstheDimrill Stair, and-alongside a seriesofshortwaterfalls Bar Erib - (S.) A stronghold in Dor-Ciiarthol, not far south of Amon
-descends through the vale. It becomes a road which ronsdown toward ROdh. Read UT 153.
Urien. An enchanted lake called the Mirrormere lies althe vale's center. Barrow-downs-(S. "Tyrn Gorthad"). An ancient burial ground east of
InT.A. 2799, a climatic battle, called theBattleofAzanulbizar (Nanduhir­ the Old Forest, the Barrow-downs consitute the oldest and most revered
ion), was fought here; it ended with theOre-lord Azog slain and Dwarves of Adan gravcsites. They were built ni the First Age by the forefathers of
victorious, thusputting torest theGreatWarBetween the Dwarves and the the Edain before they entered Beleriand. The gr1lSS-covered mounds
Orcs. Read lAdU 370, 404, 415; UT 299, 321, 327-8. Translated as contain royal passage-graves and surmount the wild fells ofnorthwestern
Dimrill Dale, read UT343. For Mirromere (Kh. "Kheled-z4ram"). read Cardolan. Read LotRI 161, 191.- 1155; 1// 146; UT 348,370.
lAdU 370. 433; Lot/UI /94. . Barro,,-wlgbts - Evil spirits dwelling in the burial-mounds on the
Aq (B.S.) Ore of Moria; slayer ofThr6r, and slain himself by Dtin
Barrow-downs. Read lAtRl 181, 193·5; 1//30; UT 348,354.
lronfOOl in the Batt1e of Azanulbizar. Read UT321, 327.
Battle ofDale-BattleoftheWarofthe Ring in which Sauron's northern
B anny defeated theMen ofDa1e andtheDwarvesofErebor. Read UT326-
"-End-Dwelling at Hobbilon n i the ShireofBilbo Baggins, and later 7.
ofFrodo 8agginsand Samwise Gamgee. ReadLotRJ35, 44;lAtRll39I; Battle or the Camp - The victory of Elimil U of Gondor over the
lAdU1I 228; UT335�. Wainriders ni Ithilien in T.A. 1944. Read UT295.
Bqains A family of Hobbits of the Shire. Read Hob passim; LoIR
_ Battle oftheGwathl6-The rout ofSauron by the Niimen6reans n i SA
passim; UT331, 342-3,348. 1700. Read UT 239.
!WaD -The name of 8&x the Old before he took service with Finrod. Battle of the Hornbura - Assault on the Homburg by the anny or
Readsa 142. Santman in the War of the Ring. Read UT 366.
Battle of the PlaiDS - The defeat or Nannacil II of Gondor by the
Wainriders ni the lands south of Mirtwood n i T.A. 1856. R�ad UT 289,
Glossary o/Terms 29

Battles or8elerland - Thefirst battle: rt!adsa96. The secondbattle (the Beor -Called the Old; leader ofthe firsl Men to enter Beleriand; vassal
Battle-under-Stars): see Dagor-nuin-Oiliath. The third battle (the Glori­ ofFinrod Felagund; progenitor oftheHouseofB&>r(called alsothe Eldesl
ous Battle): see Dagor Aglareb. The fourth battle (the Battle of Sudden House of Men and the First House of the Edain); see Balan. Rt'adsa 140-
Aame): see Dagor Bragollach. The fifth battle (Unnumbered Tears): see 3, 148·50, 169; UT 384). For House of/People ofB&>r, rt!ad Sil 143.5,
Nirnaeth Amoediad. The Oreat Battle, ft!ad Sil 251-2. 148, 152, /57, 160-1; UT 57.63-4, 147, 161, 171, 177,214-/5,384. For
Battles or the Fords orlsen -Two battles fought during the War of the BWrian(s), Tt!ad UT 2/5, 225.
Ring between Riders ofRohan and Saruman's forces out of lsengard. The Bereg - Grandson of Baran son of &!or the Old; a leader of dissension
First Battle described in UT 355-9. refelTed to in UT 364: the Second among the Men of Eslolad; wenl back over the mountains into Eriador.
Battle described n
i UT 359-63, refelTed to in UT368; other references in Rt'tJd Sil l44·5.
UT 355. 366,368·9, 387. Beregar - Man from the Westlands of Numenor. descended from the
Beacons orGondor- for communication with the peoples dwelling n
i House ofBeor; fatherofErendis. Rt!tJd UT 177, 181, /83,/85,/90, 193.
An6rien. the three oldest beacon towers were built and maintained by the 4.
Gondorians. Rt!ad UT 3OO-I, 314-/5, 319. Beren [IJ - Son of Barahir. Cut a Silman! from Morgoth's crown to be
8effrftn - A relatively primitive folk found in southern Minhiriath, the the bride-price ofUithien Thingol's daughter. During his escape, Carcha­
Beffraen are relatives of the Dnledain, or Woses. of Dnlwaith (aur (Old roth the Wolf of Angband bit off the hand clutching the Silman l . and Like the Hillmen ofRhudaurand theother foothill regions of thereafter Beren was also called Erchamion (S. "0ne.handed'1. He gave
the Misty Mountains, they are also descendants ofthe ancient folk known himself the name Camlost (S. "Empty-handed') after his return to King
as the Mebion Bron. Thingol without the Silmaril. Later he was slain by Carcharoth : but
8eijabar - ("Beornings'1. A dispersed collection of Northman bands returning from the dead, alone of mona! Men, lived afterwards with
associated with the ancient Bear-cult of Eriador and western Rhovanion. Luthien on Tol Galen ni Ossiriancl, and fought with the Dwllt'les at Sam
Related to the Woodmen and (to a lesser degree) the other Northmen of Athrad. Great-grandfather of Elrond and Elros and ancestor of the
Wilderland. they became a distinct, mysterious, and highly revered group Niimen6rean Kings. Called aJso Camlost, Erchamion, and Qne..hand.
i elder times. They reside n
n i the Anduin Vales, the western eaves of Rt!ad LotRI258-9; 11408; 1//281; Sil 105, 123, 148, 155, 161-70, 172·
Mirtwood, and along the eastern flanks of the Misty Mountains. Some, 89, /98, 2/0,231, 234-6,246; UT57.8, 63, 74,77. 79, 84, 116, 157, 161,
like Beom, enjoy the power of shape-changing. for Beornings, ft!ad 171.
lAtRJ 301.- 1140; UT 278. 343. Beren 12) - Nineteenth Ruling Steward ofGondor, who gave the keys
Beleg -A great archer and chiefof Thin goI 's marchwardens of Doriath; ofOrthanc to Saruman. Rt!ad UT 373, 404.
called CUthalion (S. "Strongbow"); friend and companion of TUrin, by Bereth - SiSler of 8aragund and 8elegund and ancestress of Erendis.
whom he was slain.Rt!adSil157,185-6, 189, 199-202.204-9,225; UT37, Rt!tJd UT2I5-16.
51.54,73-4. 77, 79-80,82-5, 90-6, /34. 145, 147.8. 8eruthle:l-Queen ofTarannon Falastur, twelfth King orGondOl'. Rt'ad
Beteper - (S. "The Great Sea'1. The ocean which separates Aman (to LotRl405.- UT401-2.
the west) from Middle-eanh (to the east). Also called the Mighty Sea or Bilbo Bag&Ins - Hobbit of the Shire, finder of the One Ring. See also
the Sundering Sea. The waters of the Belegaer meet those ofthe Haragaer Baggins. Rt!ad UT 321.7, 329.35, 343,354,406.
to the southeast at Metham (Hyamumente). Rt!ad SiI37,89, 238; UT 20. Black Years - The years following the death of Celebrimbor, when
24·5,30,34,35, 171, 174·5, 179, 181, 184, 2oo, 241, 247. many ofthe Elvesfled 10 Lindon and thenceover the Sea. Sauron gathered
Bdtgost- (S. "Great Fortress"). One of the two cities of the Dwllt'les in all the evil things from the days of Morgolh under his government and
the Blue Mountains; translation iQto Sindann ofKhuzrlul "Gabilgathol". ruled as the 'Lord of the Earth'. Rt!ad LotRI 82, 334; sa 289, 294.
Also called MickJeburg. Rt!ad Si191·2, 94, 1/3. /33, 189, 193, 204, 231, Book or the Kings - One of the chronicles of Gondor. Rt!ad LoUU
233; UT55,75,128, 146,235.252. F<nword; UT 310, 402.
Bdegund - FatherofRIan the wife ofHuor; nephew ofBarahir and one
B6r - A chieftain of the Easterl.ings, follower with his three sons of
ofhis twelve companions on Dorthonion.Rt'adSa148, /55, 161, 198; UT Maedhros and Maglorj Rt'ad sa 157, 189; 193.
Borla<:h - One of the three sons of B6r; slain with his brothers n
i the
8eleriand - (S. "Great Country'1. The name was said to have signified Nimaeth Amoediad. Rt!ad Sil157.
'the country ofBalar' ,and to have been given at first to the lands about the
Borlad - One of the three sons of B6r; see Borlach.
mouths of sUion that faced the Isle of Balar. Later the name spread to
include all the ancient coast of the Nonhwest of Middl� south ofthe Roromir [IJ - Great-grandson of &!or the Old, grandfather of Barahir
Filth of Orengist, and all the inner lands south of Hithlum and eastwards father of Deren; first lord of Ladros. Rt!ad sa 148.
to !he feet ofthe Blue Mountains, divided by the river Sirion into East and Boromir (21 - Elder son of Oenethor D, Steward of Gondor; one of the
W� Beleriand. Beleriand was broken in thetunnoils atthe end ofthe FtJ'St Fellowship oftheRing. Rt!adIAtRpassim; UT 264·5,287,339,344,347,
Age, and invaded by the sea, so that only Ossiriand (Lindon) remained. 353.
Rt!adlAtRJ319,' 1142/; sa 120-4,252,285-6; UT 17, 20, 22,25-6,33, Boron - father of Boromir [I]. Read sa 148.
44,58, 63, 67.8, 73, 75, 77, 85,125, 146, 147,156.171, 214.15, 228-9, Borondlr-Called Udalraph 'the Stinupless'; rider ofMinasTirith who
231-3,236, 244,247,256-7, 259,281,377.9,382, 384-5,387. brought the message ofCirion to £orl asking for his aid. Rt'ad UT 297-9,
BeJralas - (S. "Coast ofthe Powers"). Great, hilly peninsula n
i southern 313.
Oondor. Belfalas juts out into the bay that bears its name. BeUalas is also Borthand - One of the three sons of B6r; see Borlach.
used as an alternative name Corthe land called Dor-en-Erni l , but this usage
Bozisha·Dar - (HarJAp. "Gift of the Goddes,. s The chief city of tile
is notparticularly accurate. Actually, Belfalas is the southern halfofDor­
fertile highland region called Raj located n i southwestern far HAnd.
en-Emil, a princely fief in south-central Gondor. Ruled by the Princes of
Called Harshportby Westron speakers, thecity overlooks the point where
Dol Amroth, il n i cludes the area between the Gilrain and Ringl6 rivers.
the rivet Rijesha empties into the great bay of Tulwang. Bozisha·Oar is
Rt!adLotRl 23;11120; Sil291; UT 175,214.240·3,245.8,255,263, 286,
often simply refelTed to as the Oar.
316. 383.
Bozilha·Mlraz - (HarJAp. "Dowry of the Goddes,
s . 1lte southern
BeJthii - (S. "Divine Radience"). The image of Telperion made by
Haradrim's name for Far Harad.
Turgon n i Gondolin. Rt'ad sa 126.
Braceglrdles - A family ofHobbits in the Shire. ReadlAUll52" 1113n;
Bdthrondlng-(S.) The bow ofBeleg CUthalion, which wasburiedwith
UT347. ForLobelia BraccgirdJe,rt!ad in'354.For Hugo,rt!adLodlI64.
him. Rt!ad Sil208.
Bnnd - Third King of Dale, grandson orBard theBowman; slain n i the
Battle of Dale. Rt!ad LotRI30l, 317; UT 326.
30 Glossary o/Terms

Brudlr Called the Lame; rulerofthe PeopleofHalern after the death


ofHandir his father, enamoured of Nienor. slain by TWin. Read Sil216,

220-5: UT 110-12. 123-5, 127, 129, 11/-2, JJ6-4J, 145, 148, 150. CARCHAROTH
Bret - The principal villagt of the Brec-Iand al the crossing of the
Nlbnen6rean roads in Eriad«. Read LotR123. 205; 11213; III 178,332,­
UT-278.322,J26.J28.341,348,354. ForMen ofBree, readlIT370.385;
Hobbits of 8ree, uad UT 385.
Bree-lanckrs -The Men and HobbilS who occupy the region ofEriador
noM of the Great East Road. south of lhc: North Downs. west of the
MidgewaterMiIrshes. and east ofII poinllying between theGreenway and
the Baranduin. Nearly all the inhabitants live in or around Bree or
Chetwood. The Men of Bree are II mixed lot, with varying degrees of
Dunlending andNonhman blood. Some have lr1ICeS ofDiinadan heritage.
B"IO - Second King of Rohan. son of Eorl the Young. Read LotRIl
/53; 11184·5. 315; lIT 367, 371.
B� Brother of Barahlr, father of BlU1Igund and 8elegund; slain

in the Dagor Bragollach. Read SitUS, lSI, 155; UT 57-8.

Breaor - FaihcrofBarahir and Brtgolas. Read Sil 148; UT 63. for the
Bow of Bregor, preserved in Numenor. read lIT /71.
Brethll _ The forest between the rivers Teiglin and Sirion, dwelling.
place ofthe Haladin (the People ofHaleth). ReadSU 120, 147, 155, 157·
9, 176, 189.90, 192, 195,201,203,205,,225-6, 229·30:
Iff 41,54,63,68,73,85,87,91, 104, 110, 112, 122·7, 130. 132·3, 136,
140, 143, 149.382·3. for Men of/People ofBrethil, read UT57. 90, 110.
128.9, 131, 140; and sec Woodmen. for 'Black Thorn of Brethi! sec
Brilthor - (5. "Glillering Tom:nt"). The foonh of the ttibuuuies of
Gelion ni Ossiriand. Read sa 123.
BritblaclJ -(5.) Theford over Sirion northofthe forestofBrethi!.Rrod
sa 131·2. 136. 147, 158. 206, 227, 229: 1ff41·2.54, 91.
Britbombar-(S.) The northern ofthe Havens ofthe falas on the coast
ofBe1eriand. Read SU58, 108, /20, 196,246; UT 33,51, 534.247.
Britboa -The riverwtllowed n i to the Great Sea al Brithombar. &ad
Sil 196; UT 54.
Brodda - An Easterling in Hithlum after the Nimaeth Amoediad who Cakmbel-(S. ''Great Green"). Chiefcity ofLamedon., it s i located atop
took as wife Aerin, kinswoman of HUrin; slain by TWin. Called also 'the a hill overlooking the west bank of the river Ciri l . There, the road from
Jncomer'. Read sa 198, 215; UT69, 104·9. Linhir and Ethring crosses the river by wayofI ford. This highway strikes
Brown Lancb- The desolate region between Miftwood and the Emyn westward through Tarlang', Neck to Erech. ReadLotRJJI 75.
Muil. Read LotRl 492. 494; JJ 78. /00; UT 296, 299, 307. Calenardhon - (5. "Green Province"). The wide. grassy land between
Bnalnen -(5. "Loudwater" ). A river running through Eriadar, marking the rivers hen and Anduin. Its northern borderruns alongfangom Forest
tbenorthern borderofEregion. At Tharbad, itjoins the Mitheithel to form and the river Limlaith (Limlight), while in the south its bounds are marked
the GWlth16. Read UT 263. for ford of Bruinen, below Rivendell, read by the While Mountains. In T.A. 2S 10, it is given to the Rohirrim, who
LodU 22. 253. 268, 3134; UT 353. rename it Rohan. Calmiri(! is the chief town in Calenardhon. ReadUHRJJ
363; sa 297: UT 200. 237. 239. 278, 289, 292, 296·7, 299, 301. 3034,
Buckkbury Ferry - ferry across the Brandywine River between
306·7, lID, 315, 318, 370·1, 404.
Bucklebury and the Marish. Read UT 344,152.
Calenhad -Sillth ofthe beacons ofGondor in Ered Nimrais. (The name
BOt Esmtr - Major trade city lacted n i southwestern far Harad. Bur
probably meant 'green space' , with reference to the flat turf-covered
Esmet is on the highway called Men falas (5. "Coast Way'), approxi.
crown of the hill: 'had' being derived, with the usual mutation in
mately ISO miles west of Bozisha·Qar. It overlooks the river Sires.
combinations, from 'sad' (S. "place. spot''). ReadLoIRlJJ20, 94; UT3/4.
B,fWller - Village in the Shire I few miles south--e.ast ofHobbiton. Read
Calimehtar -Thinieth King of Gondor, victor over the Wainriders on
LotRI 45: JJJ 259; UT 335.
the Dagorlad n i T.A. 1899. Read UT 288·92, 3/2·JJ.
C Calmlndon -The �Light.tower" on Tol Uinen in the Bay ofR6menna.
Cabtdofll·Aras -(5. "Deer's Leap"). Deep gorge n i the rivuTeiglin, rRead UT 182.
wbeR TUrin slew Glaurung, and where NietlOf leapt to her death; see
Caradhr&5 -(5. "Redhom"; Kh. "Barazinbar"'). The tallest ofthe three
Called Naeramarth. Read sa221. 223, 225; UT 130·2, 137-8, 14(), 142,
great peaks which rise .bove Moria. Unlike the neighboring mountains,
1#·5, 149·50. Caradhru is not a tame grey; rather it s i composed of an uplift of pink
Cllbed Natnmllrth -(5. "Leap of Dreadful Doom"). The name given igneous rock. Normally, it reflects the rays of the sun both It dawn and at
to Cabed-en·Aru after NietlOf leapt from lIS cliffs. Readsa224, 229; UT sunset, taking on • fiery color wheneverthe sky permits. ReadLoIRl370.
138, 145./50. 374; JJ360; J/I 125.
Calr Andros-Island in the riverAncIuinnorth ofMinas Tlrith fortified C....Qr . - (5.) Theprecipice on the north side of AmonGwareth (the
by Gondor for the defense of An6rien. Read lAIlUll 102; UT 293. 301, hill ofGondolin) from which EOI was cast to his death. Read sa 138.
319,383. C.nnthlr- (Q.) The fourth son off"eanor. called the Dark; 'the harshest
Caladry.-(Q. "CleftofLight"). The pass made n i themountains ofthe of the brothers and the most quick 10 anger'; ruled in Thargelion; slain in
Pe16ri, n
i which was raised the green hill ofT'Una. ReadSil59, 61·2, 72, the assaulton Doriath. ReadSfl6O,83, I 12·13, 124, /29, 132, 142·3, /45·
82, 102,148. 6, 153, 157,236.
Calaquendl - (Q. "Elves or the Light"). Those Elves who lived or had
lived in Aman (the High Elves). See Dartt Elves. ReadSil53,56, 104,lOB.
Glossary o/Terms 31

Caras Galadhon - (S. '"City of the Great Tree" . Capitol ofL6rien after Cenrl - Rider of Rohan who brought news of the Second Battle or the
Galadriel'sretum in T.A. 1981.Read LodlJ457; 11 94, 135: UT246, 261. Fords of lsen. Read LodUI 168; UT 364, 366, 368.
267. Cerlo Amroth - (S o "Amroth's Moundj. Site ofthe homc of L6rien's
Carc:haroth - (S.) The great wolf of Angband that bit off the hand of king Amroth during the early Third Age. Read lAIRJ455; UT216 240,
Deren bearing the Silmaril; slain by Huan in Doriath. 'The name s i
lranSlaled in the text as 'the Red Maw'.ReadSilIBO·2, 184�. Called also
.Cermte - (Q.) Quenya name of the seventh month according to the
Anfauglir(S. '"Jaws ofThirstj and the Wolf(read LotRJ 260; UT liS). Numen6rean calendar, conesponding 10 July. Ceveth is the Sindarin
Cardolan _ (S. '"Red·hill Land", "Land of Red Hills). The southern· name. Read UT 291·2, 294.
most part ofAmor, bounded in the west by the Baranduin and in the north Children or IIDvalar - Also Children of Eru: translations of Hfni
by the East Road, CardoIan was I separate 0Unadan kingdom from T.A. Iluvataro, Eruhfni: the Firstborn and the Followers, Elves and Men. Also
861 until T.A. 1409. It coIllIp§Cd under the weight of the Witch·king's TheCllildren, Otildren ofthe Eanh (read UT 29), Cllildren ofthe World
Angmarim, and its last Ruling Prince perished while fighting n i the (read UT56). ReadSilpassim,up. 18.41; UT 156. For!heElderChildren
Barrow-downs, al the edge of the Old Forest. Cardolan was the most (Elves), read ur 62. For the Two Kindreds, read Sil248·9, 259. 295.
densely populaled area of old Amar, containing sizable populalions of
CIrc:1H of the World - Read UT 67, 242, 395.
Dunlendings, Eriadoran Northmen, and DUnedain, as well as scallered
groups of 8effraen. Read Sil291; UT 348, 354. C(fdan - ('1lIe Shipwrightj. Telerin Elf, lord of the Falas (coasts of
West Beleriand); 81 the destruction of the Havens after the Nimaeth
Carn DUm -ChiefFortress of Angmar. ReadLodlI I98,202; UT 398.
Amoed iad escaped wilh Gil.galad to the IsleofBalar; during the Second
Carnen - (S. "Redwater"). River flowing down from the Iron Hills to . Ages keeper of the Grey Havens in the Gulf of 11l0n; at the
and ThIrd
join the River Running. Read UT 398. coming of Mithrandir entrusted 10 him Narya, the Ring of Ftrc. Read
Carnil - Name of a (red) star. Read Sil48. LotRI315. 320,348; 111383; Sil58, 91-2, 96, /07, 1/3, 120, 128, 160,
Carrock, The - A rocky islel in Ihe upper Anduin. See also Ford of 196, 212, 244, 246-7, 254, 295, 298·300, 304; UT20, 32, 34·5, 51·2, 53,
Carrock. Read UT 288, 312·13,343, 353, 401. 55,/56,159-60, 162,171,174-6,200,205,232,237,239, 247,254,283,
Celduln -(So "River Running"). River flowing from the Lonely Moun· 388·9,392,400,414.
tain 10 the Sea of RhOn. Read UT 289, 296. 398. Clrion - Twelfth Ruling Steward ofOondor, who granted Calenardhon
Celebdil - (S. '"Silverline"; Kh. "Zink·rigil',. Southernmost of the to the Rohinim after the Battle ofthe Field ofCelebrant in T.A. 2510. Read
three mountains above Moria. Heavily snowbound, it is the whitest ofthe Lodlll 363: UT 278, 288, 296·7. 299, 301·10, 3/3, 315, 317, 371. For
triad. On a ledge near its peak stands Durin's Tower; beneath it descend!! Cllronicle o(JTaJe of Cirian and &rl, read UT 278, 288, 296, 310. For
the Endless Stair which c:onnecu the heights, the Dwarven cil)', and the Oath ofCirion, read UT 3/0, 317, 365, 371; for words of the oath, read
Underpassages deep within the earth. Read LodU 370, 423; II 134; III UT 305, 317.
325. Clrlt � Caradhru -:- (S. "Redhom Pass'", �Redhom Gate'; Kh. "LagiJ
<A�boro III -(S. "'Tree ofSilverj. Thenameofthetree on Tal Eressb., Banwnbar"'). The hIgh pass crossmg the Misty Mountains between
a scion of Galathilion. Read Sil59, 263; UT 266. Camdhras and Celebdil. It connecu Eregion 10 L6rien. On the east side,
the road drops by way of a Dwarf·stair which runs alongside the falls
<A�born 12J - (S.) Elf of Doriath, kinsman of Thingol; wedded
feeding the Kheltd-dram.
Galadriel and with her remained in Middle-eanh afterthe end ofthe First
Age. AlsocalledTelepomo. ReadLodll457,458-62; 1154·5,88;111309· Clrlth Itbll - (S. "Pass of the Moon" . The main pass which leads
25; Sil 115,234, 254, 298; UT206, 228·9, 231·7, 240, 243-6, 250·2,256, beneath Minas lthil and the TowerofCirith Ungo!.. along which lrade and
258.266·7, 281,286. troop ttanllfers traveled. It was much easier 10 negotille than the Cirith
Ungol, an adjacent and sometimes connected way. After the fall of Minas
Ce:�brant - (S. "Silverlode"; Kh "Kibil·nall" . :Ibe river running
lthil, it was referred 10 as the 'Morgul Pass,' andofcourse heavily watched
eastward out of the Misty MO Jl fls at the Kheled·zAram. It s
ntai i joined
and guarded by servants of Sauron.
downstream by the Nimroder (S. "White Cave.ladyj, cuts through
L6rien, and eventually joins lhe Anduin.Read LotRJ 359, 442, 448; CI':'th Ninolllch -(So "Rainbow aeftj. The rwne given by Tuortothe
LotR1/I325; Sil298; UT260,281·2. TtanslatedSilverlode, reod UT245. ravIne Ieadi ngfrom the,westem hills of[)or·16min totheFirth ofOtengist,
260·1. 281,343. See also Field ofCelebtanl. by whIch he came to the Western Sea; sec Read SU
238; UT 23, 46.
Celebrillln - Daughter of Celebom and Galadriel, wedded to Elrond.
Read LoIRI485·6; UT234, 237, 240, 244, 251. Clrith Thoronath - (S. "Eagle's aeft"). A high pass in the mountains
northofOondolin, where Glorfindel fought with a Balrogand fell inlO the
Celebrimbor -(S. "Hand ofSilver"). Son ofCurufin, who remained in
abyss. Read Sil243.
Nargothtond when hill father was expelled. In the Second Age grealest of
all ilIe smiths ofEregion: maker ofttle Three Rings of the Elves; slain by CI':'tb UnaoI-(S. "Spider's aeft'1. An ancient, narrow, winding way
Sauron.ReadLbtR1318,322,398; Sil176,286,288; UT235-8,244,250· which runs over the Ephel DIlath above Minas Morgul, bastcally panJlel
2, 254. to the Cirith Ithil, although it is more sheltered. Part or its route pasaes
through Shelob's Lair. Read LotR1I 318; 111 102; UT 2BO.
Celebros-(S. "Silver Foam", "Silver Rain"). A stream in Brethil falling
Cirth - The Runc!i, first devised by Daeron of Doriath. Read SU 95.
down toTeiglin neat the Crossings. Read Sil220; ur /23, 127, /30, /36.
Cdqorm 'I'hi third son of F
tanof, called the Fair; unti
l the Oagor C� •.�r- N�OOn:an admiral commanding the fleet sent by T...·
lf 10 the lId of G
tl·pad against Sauron. Read UT 239, 261.
Bragollach lord ofthe region of Himlad with Curufin his brother; dwell in
Nargothrond and imprisoned LUthien; master of Huan the wolfhound; Clryon- Third son ofIsildut, slain with him a[ the Gladden FIelds. Read
slain by Diorin Menegroth.ReadSil60,62,83, /07, /24, /31-2, 135, 152, Sil295; UT 271, 274, 280.
169.70. 172.3, 176-7, 183-4, 188·9, 236, 286; ur 54. 235. Conalrs or UmN,r - Originally descendants of Castamir (..the
Cdon _ River flowing soulhwest from the Hill or Himring, a tributary Usurper') of Gondor andhis followers, the c.ptains who fled Gondor in
of Aros. The name means 'stream flowing down from heights'. ReadSil the latter �ys of the Kin·strife (T.A. 1432-47). This group seized control
96, /24, 132, /35, 142. 146, 156; ur 77. ofUmbarln T.A. 1448. Thereafter, they became associated with maritime
Cdos - One ofthe rivers of Lebennin in Oondor; tributary ofthe Sirith. raiding and were l abeled 'Coruin.' The term later became associated
(The name must be derived from the root telu· ("flow OUI swiftly'), with any pirates based in Umbar or along the coasts of H&rId. Read
formed with an ending ·sse, ·ssa, secn in Quenya telussi {"freshet. water LotR/II 149, 169; UT 296,3/2.
falling oul swiftly from a rocky spring')" . Read UT 243. Cotton. F.rmer - Tolman COltOn, Hobbil of Bywater. Read UT354.
Cdosltn - (S. "Land of Rowing Snow'1. Northwestemmost of Leben· Council or Elrond - Council held II Rivendell before the departure of
nin's four districts, it is roughly the territory between the Giltain and the the Fellowship ofthe Ring. ReadIAtlU 34, 314; UT 276, 283, 287, 352-
Sirith, from the Ered Nimrais to the river Semi. 4,394,400,412.
32 Glossary a/Terms

Coundl, The - In various references: the Council of the Sceptre (the Danan Lin - (Du. "Learned People" . Tenn from the dialect of the
King's Council of Numenor, readesp. UT2J6·J'Tj. UT /97.204, 208-9, easternmost tribe ofthe Oaen Untis. Oanan Lin s
i synonymous with Oaen
21J,216-17; theCouncil ofGondor, nodUT408; sec the While Council. Lintis.
Crissaqrlm -The mountain-peaks southofGondolin. wherelhe eyries Dark ElvH - In the language of Aman all Elves that did not cross the
ofThorondor were located. ReadSil /2/, 154, 158, 182, 2oo, 227; UT42. Great Sea were Dart Elves (or Moriquendi, the Sindarin tenn meaning
55. 'Elves ofDartness"), and the tenn is sometimes used thus, (readSiI/04,
Crossings ofTclglln -In the SOUthwCSI of the Forest of Brelhil, where 122), when Caranthirca1led Tbingol a Dark Elfit was intended opprobri.
!he ok! road southward from the Pass of Sinon crossed the Tciglin. Read ously. and was especially 50, since ThingoJ had been to Aman and was not
SilI47, 205-6. 216.7, 219, 223. 225,229; UT 54, 90·1, J I /-/2, 122. /24, accounted among the Moriquendi, (uad Sil56). BUI in the period ofthe
/26-7. JJO-I. /36-7, 143. /49-50. 379. Also known as the Crossings. Exile of the Noldor it was often used of the Elves of Middle-eanh ocher
than the Noldor and the Sindar, and si then virtually equivalent to Avan,
Cuivilnto (Q. �W.lef of Awu.tninJ'1. The lake n
i Middle-earth
(readSii /04, 123, 141 J. OifTerentagain is the title DartElfoftheSindarin

where the fint Elves awoke, and where the)' were found by Orome. Read
ElfEOl, (read Sit 132, 135, 201): but at Sil 137, Turgon no doubl: meant
sa 48, 50-3. 55. 83, 99, 23); UT 228. 236.
that E61 was of the Moriquendi. Read SU 53.56, 91. lOB.
Curun" - (Q.) The fifth son of Fbnor, called the Crafty; rather of
Dark Lord, The - The tenn is used of Morgoth (read Sil227; UT 79),
Cclebrimbor. For the origin ofhis name sec Flanor; and for his history see
and ofSauron. Read Sil289, 299, 302; UT 231.
Celegorm. Read 5il60.83. 124, 132. 135-6, 152, 169-70. 172-3, /76-8,
/83-4, 188-9,236. 286; UT 54,235 Dark Years -1be years ofthe dominion ofSauron in the Second Age.
Read w1Rl1 40, 422; 111 23; UT 370.
D Days or Flighl- The Elvish name for the Black Years. Reod Sil289.
Datn Coenth - (On. "People of Skill"). Ancestors ofthe OunJendings Dead Marshes - (S. "Loeg Em"). Foul swamps stretching south and
and (indirectly) the Dn1edain (Woses) of the White Mountains. The east from thtedgeofEroyn Muil (S. "Drear Hills''). Ouringthe Third A3e,
Eredrim of Dor-en·Ernii are descendants of the Daen Coentis. This it spread eastward, out onto Oagorlad. ReadIAIRI332, 484; 11285, 295;
forgonen race is the indigenous Mannish population in most or what is UT 258, 293·5, 342.
now central and western Condor. Animistic, superstitious, and industri· Ofagol - A Stoorofthe Vales of Anduin, finderof the One Ring. Read
ous, they leave a wealth of stone carvings and megalithic structures in the LotRI84·5; UT 353.
hills and high vales they find 50 sacred. They trace their lineages through
DeepIna-coomb-1be valley leading up 10 Helm's Deep. AI50called the
the female line and revere the Earth MistreSS (a manifestation ofYavanna)
Deeping. Read LotRJI 170; 11156, 317; UT 358, 365-6, 368.
as high goddess. Their tongue, Daenael, is often called Old Dunael, since
it spawned the Dunael speech of the Dunlendings.
Dee:pinc-road - Road nanning northwards from the Deeping-coomb 10
join the Great Road � of the Fords oflsen. Read UT358, if 'the branch
Darron -(S.) Minstrel and chief loremaster of King Thingol.: deviser of
going to the Homburg', read fT1' 363.
the Cirth (Runes); enamoured ofLUthien and twicebetrayedher. friend(or
kinsman) ofSaeros. Read lAdll416; Sil95, 113, 166, In, 183, 254; UT Dee:iHnl-stream - Stream flowing out of Helm's Deep down into
Westfold. Read LotRII 169; VT 365.
Dagnlr-One ofthe twelve companions of8arahironDorthonion. Read Oene.thor II) - Son of Lenw�; leader of the Nandorin Elves that came
at last over the Blue Mountains and dweJt in Ossiriand: slain on Arnon
Sil 155.
Ereb in the first battle of8eleriand. Read SU54, 94-6, 122; UT n.
Dqor A&lanb - (S. '"The Glorious Batlle"). Third of the greal ballles
i the Wan of8eleriand. Read SU 1 }5·16, 118, 125.
Denethor (2) - Twenty-sixth and lasl Ruling Steward of Gondor and
Lord of Minas Tirith at the lime of the War ofthe Ring; father ofBoromir
Dqor BraaoU-cb -(S. "The BattleofSudden Rame}. AI50 simply the and Faramir. Read lAtRl323, 325,331·2, 520; II 18; 111 2/, 24, 27-52,
BragoUach: fourth ofthe greal battles in the wan of 8eleriand, in which
96·123, 134, 153·9: UT 338, 399.403, 405·9, 411·13.
the siege ofAngband was ended. Read Sil 151, 155, 158, 160, 188, 191,
I*or- Seventh King of Rohan. Read 1A4R1II 315 UT 372·3.
196, 212; ur 34, 52-3.57-8, 60, 159.
Daaor Daaontth-(S.) Theprophesied comingofthe End when Melkor Dlmbar -The land between therivers Sirion and Mindeb. ReadSil12/,
132, /58. /76, 201·2, 204--6, 228: UT 41,43-4,54, 90, 95. 148.
will return and Manw� descend from his mountain. Read VT 395-6, 402,
8. Dlor - Cal1ed Aranel, and also Eluchfl (S. "Thingol's Heir"); son of
Bcren and Luthien and fatherofElwing, Elrond '5 mother; came to Doriath,
Dqorlad _ (S. "Battle.plain·'). Wide, flal. grassy plain that lies north
and nClftheast of Udiln and the main pass into Mordor. It was on this field from Ossiriand after the death of ThingoI. and received the Silmanl after
thaithearmy ofthe Last Alliance ofMen and Elves defeated the forces of thedeathof8eren and Luthien: slain in Menegroth by the sonsofFUnor.
R�ad SU /88, 234·7, 240, 244, 246, 251, 253-4; UT233.
Sauron near the end of the Second Age (SA 3434). Those slain in the
bank were buried in great moundsere<:ted on that plain. ReadLodU1266, Dfrhavel-Man ofDor·l6min, authorofthe Nam i Hin Hurin. Read UT
294,324; 11187, 345; SU293, 296; VT 235, 271, 289·90, 292, 296,312· 146.
13,319. For Battle ofDagorlad, read ur 240, 243-4, 258. Lalerbattles on Dirnailh - Wedge-shaped battle formation usedby the DUnedain. R�ad
the Da&orlad: the victory in T.A, 1899 of King Calimehtar over the UT2n, 282.
Wainriders, read VT 289·90; the defeat and death of King Ondoher n i Disposses.wd. The: -1be House of Ranor. R�ad sa 88, 1I I.
T.A. 1944, read UT 292.
Dol Amroth - (S. "Hill of Amroth..). The city and assocai ted castle
Dqor.nuln-Gllblth -(So "The Battle-under-Sws}. The sc:cond battle located on the coasl of northwestern 8elfalas (westem Dor-en-Emi I ).
i the wanof8eleriand. fought in Mithrim after the coming ofFeanor to
n Capital of the Land of the Prince, it was originally (before T.A. 1981)
Middle-earth. Read SU 1{)6, called Lood Emi l (S. �Haven ofthe Prince"). Dol Amroth al50 refers to the
Dtin lron(oot -(Kh.) Lord ofthe Dwarves of the Iron Hills, afterwards hill upon which the IOwn and citadel stand, a great granite massifthaljulS
King under the Mountain: slain in the BattleofDale. Read LotRI301,317; out into the Bay of 8elfalas. Read LotRII/ 23; UT 214, 240, 247-8, 255,
11/ 193,- VT 326-7. 3/3,316. With reference to the Lords or Princes of Dol Amroth read ur
Dalndn - One of the twelve companions of Barahir on Dorthonion. 246-8, 255, 302,304-5,313. 316. See al50Angelimar, Adrahil, lmrahil.
Reod SU 155. Dol Bantn - (5. "Gold-brown Hill}. A hill at the southern end of the
Oak _ Country of the Bardings about the feet of Mount Erebor, allied Misty Mounlains, where Peregrin Took looked into the palanur of
withthe KingdomoftheDwarvesunderthe Mountain.ReadLotRJ32,5/,- Orthanc. Reod LotRJI 248: UT 405.(j.
1140,- fT1' 278, 289, 122. See also Battle of Dale.
DalerMn - The Nonhmen of Dale.

Glossary a/Tums 33

Dol Guldur -(5. "Hill ofSoroery'). A b'eCless height in the south-west Dnl- Region ofEndor located al the southwestern tipofthecontinent,
of Mirtwood, fastness of the Necromancer (before he was revealed as near Metham (Hyamumente). This wann, dry land contains the greaI
Sauron returned) n
i the Third Age. R�odLotRl 128: 1/119, 422: Sil299- forest of Valagalen. It is named for the four Apysan tribes of the same
102: UT 236, 244,246, 252, 2BO, 297.fJ, 303, 307, 313, 321-4, 130, 332, name that occupy the region. These Orel people are related to the Pel and
336, 338.9, 343·5, �50,352.3. See also Amon Lane. the Adena,
DoImed (5. "Wet Head"). A great mountain in the Ered Luin, near the
_ Drenglst - (S.) The long ruth that pierced Ered L6min, the west·fenee
Owarf-cities ofNogrod and BekgOSL R�od SiI91-2. 96, 193, 235. or Hithlum, between Lammoth and Neyrasl. R�od SiJ54, 80, 89·90. 97,
Dor-Cuarthol- (5. "Land of Bow and Helm'). Name of the country 100, 116, 1 19, 160; UT 23-5. 160, 162.
defended byBelegand Turin fromtheirlair on Amon RBdh.R�odSil205,' Dnladan Forts! -Forest inAn6rien at the Eastern endofEred Nimrais.
en 152, /54. where a remnantofthe Dn.1edainor 'Wild Men' survived inthe Third Age.
Dor Daedeloth - (5, "Land of the Shadow of Horror"). The land of Also called Tawar-in·DnJedain. R�od LotRIII 127: UT 319, 383-4.
Morgoth in the north. R�(Jd SilI07, 109, III. Driledaln-(W, "Woses", "OrO·folk"; Woo "Drughu", "Dr1Jgs"; Q. sing.
Dor Dlnen -(5. "'The Silent Land"). Nothing dwelt there, between the "Ru". "Rualan", pl. "Rualani"; S. "Wildmen"; R, "R6g", pI. "Rosin".
upper waters of Esgalduin and Aros. Reod 5i1 121. sing. "DrUadan"}. Oftencalled the 'Wild Men ofthe WocxI,' the DnJedain
Dor-en.[roll -(5. "Land of the Prince'). Princely fief in south-central are found in rogged, primeval wocxllands like the Taur·in-DrUedain of
northeast Gondor the Taur Andrast along the southwest nants of the
Gondor. Ruled by the Princes ofDol AmrotIi, it includes the area between ,

the Gilrain/Semi and MorthondIRing16 rivers. R�ad U1' 243,255. white Mountains, the Eryn Vom (5. 'Black Woods") orsouthern Eriador,
and the Forest of Brcthil in the First Age. They are unexcelled woodcraf·
Dor Flrn·I·Guinar- (5. "Landofthe Dead thai Live"). The name ofthat
ters and wocxlsmen who did not assimilate or cohabitate with otherraces.
region in Ossiriandwhere Beren and Luthiendwelt after theirreturn.Read
Instead, they prefer a rude life n
i the remote wilds; thus their name. Shan,
Sil l88,235. stocky, and haYing lillie body hair, they resemble no otherMen, although
Dorlath _ (5. "Land ofthe Fence"; " Dor lath'). Refers to the Girdle of they are ancestrally tied 10 the oaen Coentis and arc n i directly related to
Melian, earlier called Eglador, the kingdom of Thingo1 and Melian n i the OunJendings and Eredrim. Woses possesscenainpowers ofenchantment
forests of Neldorcth and Region. ruled from Menegrotb on the river and unique forms of magic, and guard their aacred places with bizarre
Esgalduin. Also called the Hidden Kingdom and the Guarded Realm. ClUVed mi ages of themselyes (Patel-men). These sculptures arc said to
Read IAdU 3/9; 1/ 422,' Silpassim, up. 97, 121-2: U1' 40-1, 54, 57, 63, haYe 'powers associated with life,' such u sight and mobility, Oghor.haj
70-9, 81.3, 85, 87-8, 90, 93-6,/00. 109, 112, 114·15, 117, 120·1. 124, is the name given to the Dr6edain by the Orcs (reod U1' 379), R�ad
144.fJ, 152, 155, 158, 171, 228·9, 233·5. 247, 251, 259, 387. LotRl/J 128: UT 370, 3n-87, 397.
Dorlllll - A Man of the Haladin in Brethil; went with Turin and Hunthor Druwailh laur -(5. ''The Old Wildemess ofthe OrO.folk·"). Located in
to the attack on Glaumng, but withdrew in fear; slain by Brandirthe Lame. the mountainous promontory of Andrast. Read UT 261, 383-5, 387.
ReadSiI216. 220·I, 224,' UT //0·12, 124, 126, 128·30, 132·3, 139, 148. Called the Old PUkel·wildemess (r�ad UT384), and Old Pdkel·land (reod
For the wife of Dor1as, not named, read Sil224,- U1' 132, 142. UT 261, 387).
Dor-16min (5.) Region in the south ofHithlum, the territory ofFingon,
Dry River - The river that once flowed out under the Encircling
given as a ftefto the houseofHador. the home ofHurin and Morwen.Read MQUI\tains from the primeval lake where was afterwards Tumladen, the
SU89, 119·20, 147, 155, 1j8.(j(), 190,194, 198·9,204,209, 211. 214·17, plain ofGondolin, It also formed the enlTance to Gondolin. Read SU 136,
224.5,228, 230, 232·3, 238,- UT 1 7-20,52,57.59,66, 68·70, 74-5. 78,BO, 228: UT 42-4, 55.
85.7.95, 104, lOS, 112. 121,124, /44, 146·9, /54, 157, J59-62,215,386. Duilwen - The fifth of the tribularies of Gelion in Ossiriand. Read sa
For ·the La(ly of Dor-I6min' (Morwen), r�adSU 198: UT65,68·9, 107,
113. For the Mountains of Dor-I6min, that pan of Bred Wethrin that
formed the southern fence of Hithlum, nod UT )9. For Lord of Dor­
Dunedain -(So Edainofthe West"; sing. "DUnadan'). These High Men

l6min, r�ad UT65-66 (Hurltt) and UT 107, l09 fTurltt). For Dragon of are descendatn s ofthe Edain who seltled the western island continenl of
Numenor around S.A. 32, The returned to explore, trade with,
Dor·J6mjn, see Dragon.helm.
colonize, and later conquer many areas along the western, southern, and
Dorthonlon -(5. "Land ofPine!l"). The great forested highlands on the
easlern coasts of Endor during the Second Age. Unfortunately. their
northern borders ofBeleriand; later called Taut·nu-Fuin (S. "Forest under
hubris and desire for power Jed them to Ittempt an invasion ofthe Valar's
Night") and Delduwath (5. "Horror of Night.shadow"). Cf. Treebeard's Undying Lands. As a result, Eru (the One) destroyed their home island n
song in Tire Two Towers 90 'To the pine.trees upon the highland of i
S.A. 3319. Those called the 'Faithful' opposed the policies and jealous
Dorthonion I climbed in the Winter... ' ReodSiJ51 ,95. 106, 111. 1/5·16,
Elf·hatred that prompted this 'Downfall.' The Faithful w� $Iyed when
119.21, 123-4, 143, 148, /51·3, 155, 160-4, 170, 175. 178·9, 182, 184,
Numenor sank. sailing east to northwestern Middle-earth, There they
189.90, 200. 206.fJ: U1' 51, 57,68,90, 95, 154.281. founded the 'Realms in Exile,' the kingdoms of Amor and Gondor
Downfall (of Numenor) - The sinking of Andor, the Land of the Gift,

Although sparsely popuilled, Arthedain (in Amor) contains the highest

when its Jast king, Ar-Pharazon. defied the edict of the Valarand set foot proportion of the Faithful and the most purely DUnadan culture in all of
on the Undying Lands. Reod UT 165, 171, 214,2/9.221, 224,243,286, Endor. Many 'unfaithful' (or 'Black NUmen6rein,) groups surviYe u
316-/7, 385-6,395-6,398. well.liYing in colonies and independent states such as Umber.
Downs, Th�- Referring to the White Downs in the Westfarthing of the Thetenn DUnedainrefersto the Numen6rcans and theirdescendentsn i
Shire. Read IAdU 160: UT 323. Middle-eanh, groups which possess considerable physical and mental
Dngon.h�lm o(Dor·16mln - Heirloom ofthe Hou.seofHador, worn by slrcngth, longevity, and a rich Elytn·innuenccd culture. AdQ.naic is their
TUrin, also called the Helm or Hador. Read Sil 199, 204-5, 211, 230; UT native language. R�adlAIR/2),324:11 136, 338:11/55-62,279; U1'200,
76, 78-9, 90, 94, 15).5. As DragonofDor-I6min, read UT75; as Dragon. 216,219, 259. 271 -6, 279-80, 283.fJ, 295, 337, 341, 348,354,370,389.
headoftheNorth,nad UT76,- asHelmofHador,r�odUT75-6, 146, /52. 198,405,414. For Star of the IXinedain. reod U1' 284·5.
Dragons -In Quenya, called Urul6ki (�Frre.serpent'"). Read SiJ 116,
192.3, 212, 242.3, 252. 260, 289. 299.
Drake _ A tenn typically synonymous with Dragon, but of a slightly
more generalized nature. Read 511 192·3. 242.3, 252. 260, 289, 299.
lliamborieg -The gra.t axe ofToor, preserved in Numenor. Read UT
Dnugluln -(5.) The great w�wolfslain by Huan at Tol·in-Gaurhoth,
and in whose fOl11l Beren entered Angband. Read SII 174, J78..lJO.
34 Glossary o/Terms

DuDbarroW' _ (R. "l)UnhiIrJ"; W. "Dart Burial-place", "Dark Eag!a- Witnesses of ManwC!. Read 1A1R1342. 343, 360, 387; JJ/208,
Temple"). A fortified mountain meadow in Ered Nimrais looking out over 382; SU46, 64, lJO, 121, /25, 158-9, 182. 228, 241, 2n. For Eagles of
the casl edge of the vale of Harrowdale. This ancient refuge serves as an the Crissaegrim, nad UT42·3,55. For Eagles ofNumenor (also called the
exalted burial field and place of worship. Throe: mountains- the Stark­ EagiesofMemeltanna and Witnesses ofManwe), read UT166. /69. With
hom, Irensaga, and Dwimorberg - enclose Dunharrow from the south, reference 10 Gwaihir, who rescued Gandalf from Orthanc, read LotRJ
north, and ease respectively. 243,356; II /26, 135, III 178-82; UT 346.
A road from Edoru skim the river Snowboume as it leavcs Harrow­ Eambar - (5. "Sea-dwelling''). 1be ship built by Tar-Aldarion for his
dale. This route, at each tum of which were sct the statues called PUkel­ dwelling-place, on which was the Guildhouse of the Venlurers. Rrad UT
men winds up •cliff in eastern HarrowdaJe, thereby reaching the shelfon

/76, /78, 180, 182, 190,201,214.
the western side of Dunharrow. From lherc. it crosses Dunhanow as a
Einndll -(S. "Lover of the Sea,. Called "Halfelven", �the Blessed",
grand avenue flanked by a double line ofstanding stones. Southeast ofthe
Mthe Bright", .'the Mariner" and Gil·EsIeI (S. "SwofHope"); son ofThor
meadow. al thefaceoftheHaunted Mounrain (Owimorberg), liesthe Dark
and Idril Turgon's daughter: fatherofElrond and Elros; escaped from the
Door: this is the northern entry 10 the Paths of the Dead. It s
i one of two
sack of Gondolin (where he was born) and wedded Elwing daughter of
Gatc:5oftbe Dead. Read LotRIf 156; 11158, 60: UT3824,387, 406. For
Dior at the Mouths ofSirion; sailed with her to Aman and pleaded for help
Dead Men of Dunharrow (Men of Ered Nimrais who were cursed by
againsl Morgoth (read UT 156,; set 10 sail the skies in his ship VingilOl
lsildur for breaking their oath of allegiance to him), read UT 370.
bearingthe Silmaril that Beren and Ldthien brought out ofAngband ( for
DUnbert _ Rider of Rohan. Lord of Harrowdale; fought al the Fords of the Swof Elltendil, read lAtRI472; UT30, 171, 215). Read IAtRJ 261,
!sen and al the Pellenor Fields. where he was slain. Read lAtR/lI 79, 83, 308; II 408. 418; Si1 105. 148, 24/-2, 244, 246-50, 252. 254-5. 259-61,
152; UT 362·3, 366. 264, 270, 275-6,279.281,286; UT 52.55, /46, 171, 192, 199, 218,249.
Dunland _ A country about the west-skins of the Misty Mounlains al 251. For the LayofElltendil, read Sil246, 259. For the Slone ofEllrendil
theirfarsouthem end, inhabited bythe Dunlendings, ReadLotRJII79, 83, (the Elessar) read UT 249-50.
152; UT 263, 347, 354, 370. Eirendur (11- (5.) Younger brotherofTar·Elendil, born in the year 361
Dunltndlnp - (On. "Daen Lintis"). A rugged race of Common Men of the Second Age. Read Sil268; UT 208.
who, for the most pan, migrated out ofthe White Mountains in the Second Eirendur (2) - (5.) Fifteenlh Loot of AnddniC!, brother of Lindori!
Age. Most settled in Eriado!', with the heaviest concentration in Dunland, (grandmother of Tar·Palantir). Read UT 223.
in eastern Enedhwaith. De$cendants of the Oaen Coentis, Dunlendings
Eirendur (3) - (S.) Tenth King of Amor. ReadSil296.
have a medium or stocky build, sp&ne brown hair, and tanned or ruddy
complexions. Men average S'IO'; women stand around 5'6'. Mostly EirnU O-(S.) Thirty.second KingofGoodor, viclorOycrthe Haradrim
mountain-dwellen or ltill.loving herders, they are known by various and the Wainriders in T.A. 1944. Read Sil297; UT 241,291-5.
names: Durunen, Dunn ish Folk, Dunlanders, Eredrim, the Hillmen of the Eirn ur - (5.) Son of Elmil; thirty-third and lasl King of Gondor, in
White Mountains, etc. 1be Eredrim of Dor.en-Emil are a related folk. whom the line of Anirion came 10 its end, Died in Minas Morgul. Read
Read LodUII 58, 322; UT 262, 264, 362, 364, 366, 370-3. For '1be LotRII 352; III 303; SU 297; UT 295, 319.
Dunlending", Saruman's agent, the Msquinl-eyed southerner" in the nn i at Eirrame - (S. "Sea.wing"). The name ofTuor's ship. Read SU 245.
Bme, nad UTJ48·9, 354, Also IS adjectives Dunlending (read UT357), Eirwen - DaughlerofOlwC! of AlqualondC!, Thingol's brother, wedded
and Dunlendish (nad UT 347, 359,362, 3n.J). Finarfm of the Noldot', From Elrwen Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, Aegnor,
DuriD 1-(Kh.) Eldest of the $even Fathers ofthe Dwarves. For Heir of and Galadriel had Telerin blood and were therefore allowed entry into
Durin, Thorin Oakenshield, read L«RI 3/6, 387, 397; II 134, 194; 111 Doriath, Read SU60. 1/ 1. 118; UT 229-30, 131,234.
188; UT328, For Durin's Folk., read UT 238, 324, 328,334, For Durin's East Bleht - The great indentation in the easlem border of'Mirtr.wood.
House/House of Durin, read UT 328·9. Read UT 288. 298. 310, 312. See also Narrows of the Forest.
DuriD m - (Kh.) Lord of the Dwarves of Khazad-dQm (Moria) at the Easterllnp-Alsocalled Swarthy Men; enleredBeltriand from the Easl
time of Sauron's assault on Eregion. Read sa 44, 294; UT 238. in the time after the Oagor BragolJach, and fought on both sides in the - Road leading down inlO Beleriand from the cities of Nimaeth Amoc:diad; given Hithlum as a by Morgoth,
Nogrodand Belegosl, and crossing Oelion althe ford ofSam Athrad.Read where they oppressed the remnant of lhe People of Hador. Read Sil 157,
SUJ40, 143, 145; UT75. Also translating Men-i-Naugrim, a nameofthe /93, 195, 198, 215,227, 218; UT 17-/9, 56,68-70, n, /04, 106. 108-9,
Old Forest Road (see Roads), muJ UT 280. Called in Hilhlum 'Incorners', see UT 104, J07�. In the Third Age, a
Dwarva-(Kh. "KhazAd"). Ahhough fashionedby the Vala AulC! befen general tenn forthe waves ofMen driving in upon Gondorfrom the eastern
the awakening of Men, this hardy bul short race came into Ender after the regions of Middle-eanh (see Wsinriders, Balchoth). Read LotRI 322; II
Socondbom. Long-liyed yel monal, they remain apart from both Elves 363; 111 148 UT 308. 31l-/2, 119, 371.
and Men. 1be Sindarin names are Naugrim, '1be SlUnted People", Eastfold - A part ofRohan on the northern slopes offred Nimrais, east
Gonnhir,rim 'Masten of Slone', and Nogothrim. ReadLotR120; 1126: of Edoras. The element 'fold' is derived from Anglo-Saxon 'folde'
111 187, 316; S043-4, 91-6, 10-14. 124, 131-5, /40, 157, 189-90, 193, ("earth, ground, region ), as a1so in The Folde.ReadLodUII89; UT306,
204,210,212.5, 286,288-9,294,299: UT .H, 75, 97-9, 102-3, 128, 146, 364.
235�,24I ,252,254, 258_9,281,299,118.321-4,326-8,330,332-6,353, East·mart - The eastern half of Rohan in the military organization of
379,182, 387, 197,399, Referring 10 the Petty-dwarves: read S0202-6, the Rohirrim. bounded from the WesHnart. by the Snowboum and the
212, 230; en 100, 148, 150. Seven Fathers ofthe Dwarves; read SU43· Entwuh. Read UT364,367-80. See al50 Marshal of the East-mark (reoa
4, 92. For the Necklace of the DwIln'e5 see Nauglamir. For the Seven en 369) and Musler of the Easlmaric (read UT 367-8).
Rings of the DwIln'e5 see Rings of Power. Echad I �ryn - (S. MCamp of the FaithfulJ. The name given 10 the
E refuge of TWin and Beleg on Amon ROdh. Read UT 153.
Ei -("Exislencej. El, literally, "II s
i " or "Let it be", was the word of Edtoriatb - (5. '1be Encircling Mountains"). Located about the plain
Duvawwhen the World began itsexislence. Ell. is all that is, the whole of of Gondolin. Read SU 1l5, /38, 158, 228. 240-1; UT 42-3. 48, 54. A1so
&u's CfQlion and n i cludes Arda and Heaven (Mend), 80m out of the known as freden Echoriath (readUT40), the Encircing
l Mountains (read
Oreal Music (Ainulindal!) that defined the divine order of existence, it Lodf1ll278; UT40,54-5), and Mountains ofThrgon (read UT43). For
remains bound by the patterns (Essence) ofthe Song. Outside ofEli.are the other references, see UT 4/·2.
Ttmeless Halls of EN (The One) and the Ainur (Holy Spirits) and the EctMlion ( 1]- Elf·Iord ofGondalin, who in the sack ofthecityslew and
Timeless Void (NOIhlngness). Readsa20, 25-6, 29, 36,39, 43,48-9,56, was slain by Gothmog Lord of Balrogs; called Lord of the Fountains and
n, 74, 78, 85, 88, 98: UT 173, 396. Warder of the Greal Gale. Read SO 107, /94. 239. 242: UT46.50-1 .55-
GlossaryofTums 35

Ecthellon [2J -Twenty-fifth Ruing l Steward ofGondor, the second of Eldar -(Q. "Elves'; 'People orthe Stars''). According to Elvish legend
the name: fathc:rof DenelOOr II. Read LotRl1l 28; UT407, 413. the name Eldar was given to all the Elves by the Vala Oroml (readSil49).
Edaln-(S. "The Second People":sing. "Adan"; Q. "Alanij. Despitethe It came howevertobe used toreferonly tothe Elves ofthe Three Kindreds
fact that the term Edain originally refers to all Men, it s
i eventually (Vanyar, Noldor, and Teleri) who set OUI on the great westward man::h
restricted 10 the descendants of the High Men who first befriended the from Cuivi�nen (whether or not they remained in Middle-earth), and 10
Elves and warred against the Black Enemy Morgolh. These fathers ofMen e�clude the Avari. The Elves ofAman, and all Elves who ever dwelt n i
include manygroups, noIablythe Dtl.nedain.ReadLotR1I365,- UT 17,21, �
Aman, we called the High fives (Tareldar) and Elves of the Light
29,57-9, 62·3,65,69, n,85, /55-7, 170-/, 173, 178, /84, /86, 190,209, (CaJaquerxli): see Dart Elves, Umanyar. ReadSilpassim, sec also Flves:
213, 253,383,385-6. Sec also Tllrin, Dniedain, and DUnedain. rtadLotRJ294; UT25.29, 14, 38,41,54,57·9, 61 -2, 66-8,8/, 146, Jjl-
2, 156.7, 159, 167-8, 170.1, 173-4, In, 179, 181, 185-7, /89, 200. 209,
Edhellond - (S. "Elf-haven"). Elven haven and pon localed in the
213,215-16,219.21, 223,225, 228-30, 232,234-6, 241, 247, 250, 256,
Morthond river delta. Read UT 255, 261. Called Amroth's Haven, read
258, 266, 276, 286, 288, 305, 377-9, 385, 389, 392·3, 395-6. Eldarin
UT246. Sec also UT 24/, 246-8 for other references.
(tongues), read UT 223, 257, 265. Elves of Beleriand, read UT 232, 247.
Edhdrhn/Eledhrim - (S. "The Elvesj. Sindarin edheVeledh and
Elves ofEressi!a, rtad UT 170. In many other passages, Elves used alone
collective plural ending -rim. Read UT 318.
implies Eldar.
Edoras - (R. "'The Counsj. Capital of Rohan, Edoras is buill on an
Eldatin -Of the Eldar, used in reference to the language(s) ofthe Eldar.
ancient hill sileat theedge ofthe White Mountains. Its dike, stockade, and
Many occurences of the tenn in fact refer to Quenya, also called High
wood and stone buildings are erected soon after T.A. 2510. Although
Eldarin and High-elven.
fortified, it remains vulnerable. Nearby Ounharrow serves as the town's
refuge. ReadLotR1343; 1150. 132, 141; 11153,- UT55. 2n,316, 340, Elder Days -The F'ltSt Age; also called the Eldest Days. ReadlA4lU21,
205; 1155; 5i130, 38, 103, 114, 208. 210, 231, 234, 242, 294, 304.
346-7, 356,358-61,364-8, 411. For Muster ofEdoras Set UT 360, 367·
8. Elder King- Manwe!. Readsa249, 252. Title also claimed by Morgoth,
read UT67.
Edrahll - Chiefof the Elves of Nargothrond who accompanied Finrod
and Beren on their quest, and died n
i the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurboth. Elemmaldl - Elf of Gondolin, captain of the guard of the outer gate.
Readsa 170. Rtad UT 45-50.
Egalmoth - Eighteenth Ruling Steward of Gondor. Read UT 373. Elemmfre [11 - Name of a star. Read sa 48.
Eafador- (S.) The former name of Doriath, before it was encompassed Elemmiri (2] - Vanyarin Elf, maker of the Aldudenidl!, the Lament for
bythe Girdle ofMelian: probably connected with the name Eglath. Read the Two Trees. Read Sil 76.
Sil 97. ElendU - Called the Tall: son of Amandil, last lord of AndUnif: in
Eglaresl- (S.) The southern of the Havens of the Falas on the coast of Numenor, descended from Elrendil and Elwing but not of the direct ine l
Beleriand. Read sa58, 96, 108, 120, 122, /96,146; UT 34,51 ,53, 247. orth� Kings: escaped withhis sons Isildur and An4rion from the Drowning
Eglalh -("TheForsaken Peoplej. The namegiven to themselves by the of Numenor and founded the NI1men6rcan realms n i Middle-eanh: slain
Telerin Elves who remained in Beleriand seeking for Elwe (Thingol) with Gil-galad in � overthrow �fSauron at the end or the Second Age.
when the main host oflhe Teleri departed to Aman. Read sa 58, 233. The name may be mterpreted either as 'Elf-friend' (cf. Elendili) or II
'.Star.lover'. Also called the Faithful (Voronda, read UT305, 3/7). Read
Ellenac:h -Second ortM beacons ofGondor n i Ered Nimrais, the highest LotRI29,83,-1I 18; /1/216; Sil272, 275-6, 279-80,290-6, 298, 303; UT
point ofthe DrUadan Forest. Read lAtRIII20, 127; UT 300·1 ,314,319. 171, 215, 21 9, 224, 227, 271·2, 274, 2n-8. 280, 282,286, 304.5, 308-10,
Ellinlel -The wife ofGorlim the Unhappy. Read Sil I62·3. 316.17,386,395,408,414. For Heir!/House ofElcndil, readSU294; UT
Ellbel Sirion -(S. "Sirion's Wellj. Localed in the eastern face of Ered 255, 279,304, 308-9,408-9. Foe- Star of Elendi l , sec Elendilmir. Foe- the
Wethrin, where was the great fortress ofFingolfin and Fiagon (see Barad Elendil Stone (the palanlir of Emyn Beraid), rtad UT 414.
Eithel). Readsa 107, 119-20, 152, 16(), 190·1 .. UT60, 75. Eltndllmlr - The white gem borne as the token ofroyalty on the brows
Ektt -Short broad-bladed sword. Read UT 284. of the Kings ofAmor(forthe twojewels of this name, read UT277). Read
Elaaor [IJ - A small golden star.shaped flower that grew both in Tol UT 271, 274, 2n-8, 283-5. Foe- StarofE1endil, readur 278, 284-5. For
� and n i LothI6rien. Read lAIRJ 454, /1/379; UT 189, 216. Star of the North/Nonh-kingdom, read UT 285.
Elanor (21 - Daughter of Samwise Gamgee, named after the nower. Elendur -(S.) Eldest son ofIsildur, slain with him at the Gladden Fields.
Read LotJUII 379 ..UT 216, 284. Read sa295; UT 271-6, 280, 282, 284.
E1ataD or And6n� - NI1men6rean, husband of Silmarien, rather of EJenwi - Wife of Turgon; perished in the crossing of the Helcaru!.
Valandil first Lord of Andwuf. Rtad UT 173. Read sa 90, 134,- UT66.
EJbemh - (S. "Star-Queenj. Greatest of the Valier, the spouse of Elessar [ IJ -A greatgreenjewel ofhealing power made n i Gondolin ror
Manwi!, dwelling with him on Taniquctil. Other names or Elbereth are 1001 Turgon's daughter, who gave it to Elrendil her son: the Elessar that
Varda (Q. '1"he E�alted", '1"he Lofty"), ElentAri, and lintalle! ("The Arwen gave toAragombeing either Eirendil'ljewel returned or another.
Kindlerj as she is called n
i Galadriel's lament n
i L6rien. Read LotR I Read UT 248-252. A.J the Stone or Eirendi.I., read LodUfI 165; ur 249.
117. 489; 11430; III 231; sa 25-6, 29·30, 35, 37, 39-40, 48, 53, 59, 67, 50; u the Elrstone, read UT 255.
75-6, 78, 83. 99-10/, /74, 253, 255; UT67, 393. Elessar [2] - The name foretokl for Anlgom by 01OOn, and the name in
Eldalonde-C'Haven ofthe Eldar''). Located in the Bay ofEldanna at the which he became King ofthe reunited realm. ReadLotRJ486, 509,-1143,
mouth of the river Nunduinl:! in Numenor; called 'the Green'. Read UT 136; 111 56; UT 250-1, 255, 276·7, 284.5, 290, 310. 312, 3/7, 321, 402.
167-8. A.J the Elfstone, read U1' 255.
Eld8mar - (S. "Flvenhomej. The portion of the Undying Lands in EIt·frimcb- The Men ofthe Three Houses ofBeor, H.aleth, and Hador,
which the Elves dwelt. It includes twoparts -(I) the mainland lowlands the &lain. Sec also Alani, Edain. Read5U 141, 143-5, 189, 199,251; lIT
east ofthe mountains ofwestem Aman (the PeI6ri), and (2) the island Tol 310. In the Akallabeth and in Ofthe Rings ofPower used 10 refer 10 thole
Eressea ofTAman 's east coasl Also the great Bay or the same name. Also Numen6reans who were notestranged from the EkIar; see Elendili. AtSU
called Elendc. ReadLa4IU 309.482; 11258,- Sil58·9. 61, 63, 69·70, 72- 302, the reference is no doubt to the Men orGondor and the DUnedain of
3,85-6, 111, /34, 176, 248. the Nonh.
EId8IU11 -Great bay in the westofNumenor, socalled 'because it faced Elfhelm - Rider of Rohan; with Grimbold leader of the Robirrim at the
towards Eressta'. Linguistically, Elda(r) + suffi� ·(n)na 'of movement Second Battle of the Fords ofIsen; routed the invaders or A
n6rien' under
towards'. Read UT 167. King &mer Marshal of the East·mark. Read UT356. 358-69, 3 .7. 86
ElrwlM the Fair - Son of&x-na- King ofRohan and l...othfrile , daughter
of Imnlhil Prince of Dol Amrodt. Read UT286.
Glossary o/Terms

Elwl - (Q.) Surnamed Singollo "'Greymantle": leader with his brother

Olwi! ofthe hosts orthe Tderi on the westwardjourney from Cuiv�nen.
until he was lost in Nan Elmoth: afterwards Lord of the Sindar, ruling in
Doriath with MeHan; received the Silmaril from Seren: slain in Mene.
groth by the Dwarves. Called Elu (Thingol) in Sindarin. See Dark. Elves,
Thingol. R�od Sil52·5, 57·9, 91, 233-4; UT 232·3.
Elwlng- ("Star·Spray"). Daughter of Oior Thingol's Heir, who escap­
ing from Ooriath with the Silmaril wedded Eirendil at the Mouths of
Sirion and went with him 10 Valil'lOl': mother of Elrond and Elros. See
LanthirLamath.ReadLotRI261 ,309,319; Sil105. 148,235.7,244, 146.
51, 254; UT 171. 233.
Emeldlr-Called the Man·hearted; wife orBarahir and motherofBeren;
led the WOl'l'lell and children ofthe House of � from Dorthonion after
the Dager Bragollach. (She was herself also a descendantof Bi!or the Old,
and her father's name was Deren; this is not stated n
i the texl) R�Qd Sil
155, 161.
EmerW! - Region of sheep pasturage in the Minalmar (Inlands) of
Ntimenor. Read UT 166. 182, 184, 186, 192-6, 199. 201·2. 204. 206.9,
2II ·12. Forthe White Lady ofErnerii! (Erendis), rellli UT 194.
Emyn Berakl -(S. "'The Tower Hills"). Localed in the wesl ofEriador
on which were builtthe White Towers; seeElostirion.R�ad Sil291·2: UT
411, 414. Translated "Tower Hills", r�ad UT 213.
Emyn MuU -(5. "Drear Hills"). The folded. rocky, and (especially on
the east side) barren hill-country about Nen Hithoel ("Mist-cool Water")
above Rauros falls.R�adLodU484; II27.265: //I34; UT 260, 296. 306.
343. 368, 371.·Fuln -(S. "Mountains under Night}. The lalc:r name ofthe
Mountains of Mirkwood Previously called Emyn Ouir (S. Dark "

Mountains}. Read UT 280·1.

EnchantedIsles-The island5setby the Valar intheOrealSeaeastwards
ofTol Eressea It the lime ofthe Hiding ofValinor. ReadSil102. 248; UT
52. Also called Shadowy Isles, reod UT 30,32.
Elmo -Elf of Doriath, younger brother of Elwi! (Thingol) and Olwi! of
Encircling Sea -("IDaia"). The great ocean thaI encircles Arda It lies
Alqualondi!; according 10 one account grandfatherofCelebom. R�Qd UT

south, east. and north of Middlc-earth. Also called the Outer Sea or the
233-4. Outer Ocean. In the Fmt Age and early Second Age it was surrounded by
Dostirion -(S.) Tallest ofthe Iowen upon Emyn 8eraid, in which the the Walls of Night: but, in the late Second Age, when Arda was remade
palantfr called the Elendil SlOne was placed. R�ad sa 292;UT 411. IS a sphere, it circumscribed and covered most of the world. R�ad Sil37.
ElroDd _(MSw-dome}. Son ofEifendiI and Elwing, who al the end of 40.50, 62, 89, 1(J().1. 104. 186.
the Flf'St Age chose 10 belong to the Firstborn. and remained in Middle­ Ened".lth - (S. "Middle·rolkj.The peoples living between the rivers
earth unli l the end of the Third Age: master of Imlms (RivendelJ) and Greyflood (Gwathl6) and lsen (rtadesp. UT 262-4). R�ad UT206. 239,
keeper of Vily&, the Ring of Air, which he had received from Gil.ga1ad. 261·5, 341. 347. 356,369·70, 372, 383.386·7.
Called Master Ehond and Elrond Half-elven (r�ad UT 237). Brother of En EtladU-(5. -rheAngle") A regioninsouthernRhudaurbetweenthe
ElrosTar.Minyatur.ReIlliLollU 100, 231, 289,520,passjm;1I53:11157, rivers Hcarwelland LoudwaterandtheTrollshaws. The Angle comprised
325·30, 381·3 sa 105, 246·7, 254, 261, 286-8, 295·302, 304; UT 165, a major lordship while the DtInadan kingdom lasted and was noted ror its
225, 237-40,243-4. 254, 256, 271, 283-4, 388, 398, 405-6. For Sons of large population of Sioor Hobbits in lateryears.
EIrond, r�ad SU 303. Also see Council of Eirond.
Enemy, The- Name given to Morgolh and to Sauron. R�Qd UT 350.
ElI'O!l-("Star·roam"). SonofEirendil and Elwing, who at the end ofthe
Enerdhll -lewel·smith ofGondolin. R�ad UT 24IMl.
FUJt Age chose 10 be numbered among Men, and became the fmt King of
NI1menor (called Tar.Minyatar), living 10 a very great age. R�ad Sil246· Ent-(S. "<>nod"; pl. "Enyd" or"'Onodrim}. The treeherds of Middle-­
7,254,261,266-9,272,286.290; UT52, 169, 171,208,217·18,220,225. earth, Ents ue among the oldesc and most powerful inhabitants of Arda.
For the Line offl)escendants ofElros, rtad UT In, 179, 186, 190, 202, Read Lodt1l55,84·1 15, 130·1, 197, 208·9. 21 1, 216·29, 243-6; //1288.
209,211, 216-17,220.1, 224,227. 317·21. 341; UT 261, 318, 364, 366. Aisocalled Shepherds of the Trees,
Eluric!-(S.) Elder son ofDior, perished in the attack on Doriath by the rmdSil46,235.
sons of fbnor. The name has the same meaning as Eluchfl (S. "Heir of Entulase - ("Return}. The ship in which Veantur the Ntimen6rean
Elu"). Read SU 234, 236-7. achieved the first voyage to Middle-earth. Read UT 171.
Elurin -(5.) Youngerson ofDior,perished with his brother Elur6d. The Entwade - Ford over the Entwash. Read lAIRII 45, 49; UT 338.
name means 'Remembrance ofEu (Thingol)'. Read SU 234, 236·7. Entwash - (S. "0n0d16") River flowing through Rohan from Fangom
Elves -(Q. "Quendi'1. The mmortal children ofEru and the noblest of Forest 10 the Nindalf. ReadLoIIlI484; II 27; //194; UT 300·1 ,306.318,
the Free Peoples. Also called the Flf'Stbom, they awoke before Men or 367.
DwU'lts and were the first race 10 speak.. Elves settled in both Middle­ Eof'or-Third son orBrego thesecond kingofRohan; ancestorof&mer.
earthand Aman. A1socalledChiidren orIluvatar. Eldar. Dark Elves. Elves Read UT 367.
ofthe Light (Ca!lIquendi). R�1lli �sp. Sil41·2, 48·50, 52. 88, 104. 264·5: tot.erl-Tenn used by the Rohirrim for the full muster oftheircavalry.
LotRl 20: II 26; m 70. R�ad UT 298, 313, 3J5, 318.
FJves' Ne" Year-The Elvish solar year (loa) begins with theday called r..o. -Called the Dark. Elr: thegreat smith who dwelt in Nan EImoth, and
yestad. whichis theday beforetheflf'Stdayofspring (twili). R�adUT323. took Aredhel Turgon'5 sister to wife: friend ofthe Dwarves: makerofthe
327. swordAnglachel (Gunhang): fatherofMaeglin: put Iodeath in·Gondolin.
ReadSil92, 132-8,201: UT54.
Glossary a/Terms 37

tomer -Nephew and fosttnOll of King ThCodc:n: at the time ofthe War End Goraoroth-(S. "The MountainsofTerror'/. Located northward
ofthe Ring Third MaBl\al ofthe Mark: after Th6:lden 's deadi eighteendi of Nan Dungonheb: also called the Gorgorolh. Read lAIRI 260; Lodlll
King ofRohan: friend of King Elessar. ReodLoIRJI 42·S2, 78, 144, 149, 422; SUBI. 9S, 121, /32, 146, /64. 176, 201; 1fT 41.
153, /55·206, 233-41, 256; 11/ 54·61, 78·94, 96, 12B, 167·207,288, 293, End Harmal -(5."Mountains of the Golden Soulhj. Mountain chain
30().6, 312·3, 315�; UT 286, 3/5, 317, 355, 359--60, 364, 361H, 400. n
i soudi-<:entraI Endor.
tomund (I I - Otiefcaptain ofthe host of the �Itthetimeofthe End Llthul - (5. "Ash Mounlainsj. The peaks forming the northc:m
Ride ofEorl. Reod UT 30S. border of Mordor. Read LoIRJI 308; 111206, 251; 1fT292,3J2.
tomund [21 _ChiefMaBhal ofthe Mark ofRohan: wedded Th6Jdwyn End Umln -(5. -n.e Echoing Mountainsj. The Ered U5min formed
sistcrofTh6oden: f.lherof&wnerand &,wyn. ReadLoIRJ142'lII 141· the west·fence of Hidilum. Read sa 106, 118·19; 1fT 20, 52. As the
2, 175; 1fT 364, 367. Echoing Mountains of Lammoth, read 1fT 23.
EOnwe_ One ofthe mightiest ofthe Maiar, called the Herald ofManwl;; £red Ltdn -(5. -rhe Blue Mountainsj. Also called the Ered Lindon(5.
leader of the host of the Valar in the attack on Morgoth at the end of the ,
-rhc Mountains ofLindon, ). After the destruction at the end of the F'lrst
Fust Age. Reod Si/30, 249·254, 260, 285; UT 395. Age Ered Luin formed the north·western coastal range of MiddJe<Uth.
tomt - A body of the Riders ofdie�. ReadLoIRJI 45, 48; III ReodLodll22; iAUUl90; SU54, 91,94, 1 12·15,123, /33, 140, 145, 195,
135; UT 290, 301,315, 357, 362, 367-8. 232·5, 285�, 289·90; UT 213, 22B, 252, 321, 132, 234·S, 379, 383.
[orltheYoung-Lord ofdie�; rode from his land n i the farNorth Translated the Blue Mountains. (r�ad UT 114, 114, 247, 252, 322, 329.
to the aid of Gondor against the invasion of die Balchodi; received 332), called also the Western Mountains, (read UT 213); for other
caJenardhon in gift from Cirion Steward ofGondor. first King of Rohan. references. read UTtl·2, 174, 218, 233, 32B, 332.
ReadLoIRJI40; 11/ 67; UT 260, 2n./J, 288, 290, 297·9. 301-8, 310·/I, End Mllhrin -(5. "Grey Mountains"). The craggy mountains extend­
313.16, 319, 365, 367, 371. Called Lord of die &thOOd, Lord of the ing from east to wesl north of Mirkwood. Read UT 295.
Riden, Lord of the Rohirrim, King of Calenarohon, King of die Mark: of ,,
Eredrlm - (5. "Mountain·host ). Dunlending-related peoples of the
the Riden, read UT 297, 302·3, 305·7, 3/0. Chronicle ofrrale ofCirion highlands of Dor..en-Emil. The Eredrim are descendants of the Dam
and EorI, read1fT278, 288,296. Oadi ofEorI, readUT27B,304,310,316, Coenlis.
365,371; words of the oadi, reod 1fT 304·5.
End TarthonkMI - (5. "Mountains of Lofty Pines"). The highlands of
tothiod (R. "Horse·folk."). Thedescc:ndants oftheNorthman refugees
Dor..en·Emil. theirhighest peaksrise incentral Belfalas. They areactually
who migrated out ofRhovanion between T.A. 1856 and T.A. 1899. Heirs I great transver$C section of the White Mountain range Eredrim oc:c:upy
ofthe IM:Jr5e.l0ving &AAraim, they first settled in the western vales ofthc

many of the highland valleys in the Ered Tarlhonion.

Anduin (neat the Gladden Fields) after being forced out oftheirhomeland
End Wdhrin - (5. "The Mountains of Shadow", "The Shadowy
by the Wainriders. ln T.A. 1977, they migrated northward. this time to the ,,
Mountains ). The great curving range bordering Dor·nu·Faugiidi (Ard­
upper va1es of the Anduin. There. they became known as the &Nh6od.
galen) on the west and forming the barrier between Hithlum and West
1..a1er, in T.A. 2S 10, they moved south to Calenardhon ni Gondor, where
Bcleriand.. Read sa 106·7, 109, 113, 116, 118·20, 126, 143, IS1·2, 160,
they founded the Kingdom ofRohanand became known as the Rohirrim.
170, 175,190, 192, 194,203,207.209.212, 2J6,227-8,239;1fT26,33,
Reod 1fT288·9.294-8,303·7,311·13.315,31B. For RiderslHorsemcn of
68, 110,121, 127, 160. Translated as MountainsofShadow(r�lJT87,
the North, read 1fT299·302, 310.
90, 1lH) and Shadowy Mountains (r�ad 1fT 7J, 78), for other references,
tothralm _ (Rh. app. "Glorious Horsemen"). The six tribes of North· read UT 36, 38, 70.
man horsemen who occ:upy the southern Rhovanion plains unlil T.A.
ErtaAon - (5. "Land of Holly"; W. "Hollin"). The highland region of
1856-99. Actually called the Gimilt6othraim, or "Gathering ofthe Glori·
Eriador between the riven Glanduin ani! Bruinen is composed lJIOIt1y of
OWl Horses", they are the anc&tral culture of the E.oth6od and the
foothilsl on the western flank of the Misty Mountains. Eastern fregion
runs upto the mountain's edge, while the westernreaches are rolling hills
towyn _ Sister of &>mer, wife ot Faramir; slayer of the Lord of the separtedby streams andbogs. A long east·west mountain spine,theHollin
NazgOI inthe Battle ofthe Pclennor Fields. Read LoIRJI 152, 159�S; III Ridge. runs through the center of the area. fregion has been essentially
5B, 65·9,82-4, 90·1, 141-8. 164·5, 168·9, 174·7, 179, 184. 291 ·300, 306, depopulated since T.';'. 1697 and is now known for its numerous boIIy
315�; UT 364. trees. It also contains the West Olle of Moria, which faces the river
Epessl - An aftemame received by one of the Eldar in addition to the Sirannon, the chief tributary ofGlanduin. More specifically. the Noldorin
given names (essi). Reod UT 266. realm founded in the Second Age by Galadriel and Celebom (in clote
Ephel Brandlr - (5. "Encircling Fence of Brandir''). Dwellings of the association widi Khazad-dOm) at the western feet ofthe Misty Mountains;
Men ofBrethil upon Amon Obel: alsocalled the Ephel. ReadSil2I6.219· where the Elven Rings were made. Destroyed by Sauron. ReodLodU 76;
2/, 1fT 110·1 1, 122·3, 126-8, 131·2, 136, 141. Sil286-8; UT 206. 228. 234·9. 143-4, 250.2, 254·5, 257, 264. As Hollin,
,, readLolRJ369; SU286; UT235.
E� I)Uath - (5. "Fence of Shadow ). The mountain range between
Erda - Fourth of the beacons of Gondor n i Ered Nimrais. (Possibly a
'Gondor and Mordor. also called the Mountains of Shadow. Read LoIlU
321; LotJUI309; LoIRJII 88, 197; Sil291·2, 297; 1fT293-4,312. pre·N11mcn6fean name; although the name si Sindarin in style, its suitable
ErdHw _(-rhe Lonely Mountain"). An isolated pcaIt,Erebor s i located meaning in thai languqe is somewhat oblique... It was a green hill withoul
t:reeIi", so dilter-"single" and Iu(s)"leaf" yielding "Lonely Leaf' mighl
in northcentral Rbovanion. lt isjust eastof Mirkwood andduenorth ofthe
Long Lake. The River Running (5. "Cekluin") begins beneath the moun­ referto its relatively leafless condition when compared toa forested hill)
tain, spilling out onlO the ptaiM of northern Wilderlanl;' by wly of a Read UT 3Jt1.
waterfall issuing OUI of Erebor's southern flank. The lcingdom of the EreUont - One of the three mariners who accompanied EIRndil on hia
Dwarves under the Mountain and the lair ofSmaug were located beneath voyagea. Read SU148.
the peak 81 different times. ReadLodll32; III 193; 1fT 289, 321, 323-4,
EnncUs- WifeofTu·Aldarion ("'the Mariner'.Wife ), between whom
326-8,334.AstheLonely Mountain,uadLodlI 1 10.302;II 161;111 189. there wu great love thai turned to haired; moIher of Tu·Ancalimf.
193; 1fT25B, 321.328. Valandil Lord of And:4nil gave her the name Uinmiel ("daughter of
Erech -(Du.. "Frightful Place"). High vale inthe upper Morthond valley Uinen"); her name in QuenYI is Tu·E.Jestiml ("lIdyof the Star-browj.
in Lamedon.just south ofthe Paths ofthe Dead. It is named forthe grusy, R�ad.1fT In·98, 201·9, 212·16, 219, 224·5, 227, 284, 3�. Called the
banen hill upon which lies the half-submerged, spherical StoneofErech, Lady ofthe Westiands (read UT ISO) and the White Lady ofErneril (rNII
brought from Nilmc:norby lsiklur.The toWn ofSam Ercch dominates this 1fT 194):
strategic locale, and lies due west ofthe pass called Tarlang'5 Neck.. Read
LotJUII 64·5. 73, 184: Sil291.
38 Glossary o/Terms

Eriador -Allofthe territory north ofthe river lsenandbetween the Blue Fallohldts - One of the three peoples into which the Hobbits were
MountaiN (5. "EredLuinj and the Misty Mounlllins (5. "Hilhaegr). il in divided, described in the prologue to Th� !.Amiollhe Rillgs. R�ad LotRI
which lay the Kingdom of Arnot (and also the Shire of the Hobbits). hs 22; UT 287.
northern boundary follows the highland ridge that runs northwestward Fangorn -The oldest of the Ents and the guardian ofFangom Forest,
from Cam DQm and reaclw to the Ice Bay of Forochel. Some accounts read lAtRlI 84; 11/ 318-20 1fT 261. Translated Treebeard, r�ad LotRII
place the southern border &lona the line bounded by the rivas Greynood 83-114, /21. 130-2.206,216·29.243-6;11/32,317·21,325; UT253.366.
(5. "Gwalhl6j and Swanneet(S. "Glanduin'"). Most hold illobe thalarea
Fangorn Forest - (S. "Beard of the Tree"). The huge woodland that
northofGondor" traditional western border. Eriador loosely IranSlales as
stretches from about one hundred and twenty-five miles along the south·
the 'Empty Lands' and includes the regions of Minhiriath, Eregion.
em flank of the Misty Mountains, ....idening
. to almost one hundred miles
CardoIan. Rhudaut. Arthedain. and. by most, Dunland. and Enedhwaith.
at one poinL The upper ....aters
. of the rivers Entwash and Limlight pass
ReadL«Rl21 -1, 236; Sil54, 9/, 94, 145, 267, 290, 295-6, 298. 303; UT
through Fangom. One ofthe oldest forests n i Middle-eanh, it isthe home
175, 200. 209, 213.14, 233-9, 242. 244, 247, 256, 261 -3, 265, 271. 326,
and protectorate of the Ents. R�ad lAtRI484; 1127. 80; 11/61; UT241.
328, 342. 347. 373,398.
261,305,312,318,343,371 -2. Called Ent ....ood
. in Rohan, r�adLotRJ148,
Erktnbrand - Rider of Rohan. Master of Weslfold and the Homburg: /46; 11/ 320: 1fT 318. 371.
underKing &mer Marshal ofthe West-mark. RtfldIAIRlI J68. 170, J 72.
Fanuklhol-(S. "aoudyhead"; Kh. "BundushathUr"). Easternmost and
186, 188, 191, 199; 1fT 359-62, 364-6, 368-9.
greyest of the three spires above Moria. Its heights are most often shrouded
Era -('1be One". "He thai is Alone"; Q. "Ihlvatar"). 1becreatorof Ell. in mist. R�ad LodU 370. 432; 11/ 325.
and all things within and withoul. lhlvalaf is translated as 'Father ofAll'.
}o'aramlr ( 1 1 - Youngerson of Ondoher King of Gondor; slain n
i battle
R�adSiI/5-21,25-9,3I, 39-50, 56,65-6.68, 74·5, 78,83,85,88, 90, 98,
with the Wainriders. R�ad UT 29/, 294-5.
104,187,253,261-2,264.fJ.269.271-2.278.lJ(); UT 166, 184.200-1,214-
15. 305, 317. 389, 393. For the Hallows of Ern on the Meneltarma, r�ad Faramlr (2) -Youngerson ofDenethor II, Ste....ard . ofGondor; Captain
UT 223. See Children of lIuvatar. of the Rangers oflthilien; after the War of the Ring Prince of Ithilien and
Steward of Gondor. Read LoJRII 336-86, 40/; lII 29, 98-123, 152-79,
Eruhantale -("Thanksgiving to Eru"). The autumn feast in N6menor.
198. 292-306, 3/5-6: UT 344. 397, 399, 408, 413.
R�ad UT 166, 175, 214.
Far Harad -(W./S. "Far South"). Thesouthcm reaches ofthe vast, arid
Erukyerme -("Prayer to Eru"). The spring feast in N6menor. R�ad UT
area known as Harad. Far Hmd encompasses all the lands north of the
166. 183,204.2U.
foothills of the Yellow Mountains and south of the line bet
.....een An Aras
EruJaltali -("Praise ofEru"). The midsummer feast n
i Numenor. R�ad on the Belegaer and ayan along the flank of the Ered Hannal. The
UT 166. highlands called Raj form the cultural center and richest region of Far
Eryn Vom - (S. "Dart Woodj. The greal cape on the coast of H......
Minhiriath south of the mouth of the Baranduin. R�ad UT262. Feanor-(Q.) Eldest son ofFinw� (the only child ofFinw! and Miriel).
EspJdwa _ (S. "River under Veil) The river ofDonath, dividing the half-brother of Fingolfin and Finarfin; greatest of the Noldor, and leader
forestsofNeldoreth and Region, and flowing intoSirion.R�adLodU 120; in their rebellion; deviser of the R!anorian scripc; maker of the Silmarils
Sil93, 121, 132. 165, 184-5, 2/8. 234; 1fT 74. 82, 120. and the palant!ri; slain in Mithrim in the Dagor-nuin-G ilialh. His name
Esprotb -(So "Veiled Foam"?). Lake-to....n. . A greatcommercial town . CUrufin....! . (Q. Clm! _ 'skill"), and he gave this name to his fifth son.
and fresh....ater
. port, Esgaroth is located in the midst of the Long Lake. It Curufin; but he was himself known al....ays . by his mother·s name for him,
is the chief CCflteroftrade for goods passing between the Wood-elves of r ean4ro ' Spirit ofFire' , ....hich
. was given the Sindarin form F eanor. Read
Mirtwood and the Northmen ofWilderiand. Rtad Hob 175-6, 193-200, sa Chapurs V·IX and XIlIpassim; su esp. 60, 63-4. 66. 98; LotR1397;
245·54, 291; LodU 55. II 259-60; UT 23, 76, 229-33, 235-6, 248.
. his name occurs
Esti-("Rest"). One of the Valier, the spouse of Irmo (L6rien).RtadSil chiefly in 'the sons ofF&nor', r�ad Silpassim; UT /4fJ. Feanorians, read
25.28,30.63, 99·100. UT 251. R!anorian lamps, read UT 22,51. 154.

Estdmo - Elendur's esquire, ....ho

. survived the disaster of the Gladden Ffanturi - (Q. "Masters of Spirits"). The Valar Ntmo (Mandos) and
Fields. Read UT 276. 282. Irmo (L..6rien). R�ad Sil28; UT 397.
E&tolad _ ("The Encampment"). The land south of Nan Elmoth where Felagund - The name by which King Finrod was known after the
the Men ofthe followings of B� and Marach d.....elt after they crossed the establishment of Nargc:Mhrond; it Dwarvish in origin (felak-gundu '"'
Blue Mountains into 8eleriand. Read Sil /42-6; UT 77. '',
. but translated in the text as ' Lord of Caves', r�ad Sil 61).
For references see Finrod. For the Doors of Felagund, read UT 116·17,
Elhlr Anduln -(S. "Outflow of Anduin"). The delta ofthe Great River
i the Bay of Belfalas. Read UT 240. 242. 402.
Felar6l-The horse of Earl the Young. Read lAtRlI /43; UT299, 314.
EvU Breath - A wind out of Angband that brought sickness to Dar·
J6min, from ....hich
. TUrin's sisterUrwen (Lalaith)died. R�ad 1fT58-9, 61. Fell Wlnler The winterofthe year495 in the First Age from the rising

ofthe Moon, after the fall of Nargothrond. Read UT 25, 28, 36, 38, 42,52.
ExIks, The The rebellious Noldor ....ho
. returned to Middle-earth from

Aman. Read UT20, 55, 229. 259.

Fenman:h - A region of Rohan ....est
. of the Meting Stream. Read
Ezdioha,r The Green Mound of the Two Trees of Valinor; called
LoIR1II 93; UT 3/4.

CoroIlairt in Quenya. Read Sil 38, 46. 76, 78·9.

Femy -A family of Men in Brec. For Bill Femy.rtadLotRJ2J2,224,
F 244; 11/ 332. 343. 350; UT 354.
Faithrul, The Those NI1men6reans ....ho
. ....ere
. not estranged from the
Ftdd oICdd)rllnl - Panial translation of Panh Celebrant (S. "Field".

Eldarand continued to revere the Valar in the days ofTar·AncaJimon and '"Grassland ofCelebrantj. The grasslands bet....een
. the rivetS Silverlode
later kings. See also Elendili. Read Si/266·9, 271-3, 275-6, 291 ·2; UT
(Celebrant) and Limlight; in restricted sense ofGondor, the land bet....een
222.3, 265, 316.17. Also 'The Faithful' of the Founh Age. those ....ho. the
. Limlight and Anduin. Fteld of Celebrant is often used of the
remained uncomapced by Sauron. Read UT 395. Battle of the Field of Celebrant, the victory of Cirion and Earl over the
F.. -The ....estern
. coasts of Beletiand, south of Nevrasl. R�ad Sil58, Balchoth in T.A. 2S 10, references to which are included here. Alsocalled
93. 96.7, 107,120. 160, 19Q. 196, 211; UT 33-4,51. For Havens of the !he Northern Fields. R�ad LoIRII 148, 363; 111314; UT 260, 288, 290.
Falas, read 1fT 247. 296. 299·300,307 (Celebrant), 313. 339. 371.
Falatbar - One of the three mariners ....ho
. accompanied ElUendil on his Fill - (Kh.) Dwarf of the House of Durin; nephew and companion of
voyages. Read Sil 248. Thorin Oakenshield; slain in the Battle of Five Annies. ReadHobpassim;
Falathrim-TheTelerin Elves of the Falas, whose lord was Grdan. Read UT 335.
Sil58; UT 33.
Glossary o/Terms 39

Finarfln _ (Q.) The third son of Finwc, the younger of Fi!anor's haJf­ FoIde-A region ofRohan about Edoras, pan ofthe King's Lands. Read
brothers: remained in Aman after the E1'ile of the Noldor and ruled the LotRJII 92·J; UT 367.
remnantofhis people in Tirion. Alone among the Noldorin princes, he and Ford orCarrock - Ford over Anduin between the Carrock and the east
his clescendanlS had golden hair, derived from his mother Indis. who was bank of the river. Tenn may also refer to the Old Ford, where the Old
a Vanyarin Elf(see Vanyar). FatherofFinrod. Orodrelh,Angrod, Aegnor, Forest Road crossed Anduin, south of the Ford of Carrock. Rtad lAtRl
and Galadriel. Rtad Sil60, 65, 69·70. 83·5, 88. /02. 167, 176, 251; UT 301,- UT278.
229.30. Many other occurences of the name of Rnarfin relate to his sons
Fords or ben - Crossing of the lsen by the great Numen6rean road
or his people. Rtad Silpassim; UT 21 , 52, 157, 159. 229, 231, 234. 250.
linking Gondor and Arnor, called in Sindarin Athrad Angren and Ethraid
Engrin. Rtod LotRJ/ 168; LotRl1l54; UT 264. 271. 306. 314,316.318,
Finduilas [ I J DaughterofOrodreth; loved by Gwindor, who gave her
346. 354. 356-66,368·73,411.
the name Faelivrin: captured n
i the sack ofNargothrond, and killed by the
Fords or the Poros - Crossing of the river Poros on the Harad Road.
Orcs at the Crossings ofTeiglin. Buried in the Haudh...en·Elleth. Read Sil
Rtad UT291.
209.1 I. 213·16. 225; UT 37. 54. IOB·9. 11 I ·12,122, 130, /43, /50, 157·
9. Forest River - River nowing from Ered Mithrin through northern
Mirtwood and into the Long Lake. Rtad UT 295.
Finduilas t2J - Daughter of Adrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth; wife of
Denethor II, Steward of Gondor, mother of Boromir and Faramir. Rtad Formenos-(S."Northern Fortress'1. The stronghold ofRanorand his
LodUJ/ 296 UT407. 413. SOQS in the north of VaJinor, built after the banishment of Fi!anor from
Tirion. Rtod SiJ 71-2, 75. 79-80, 127.
Finaotnn - (Q.) The second son of Finwt', the elder of Ranor's haJf­
brothers; High King oftheNoldor in Beleriand, dwelling n
i Hithlum; slain FornostErain-(5. "Northern Fortress ofthe Kings"). TheN(imen6rean
by Morgoth in single combat. Father of Fingon, Turgon, and Aredhel. city OIl the North Downs in Eriador. Also called the 'Norbury of the
Rtad Sil60. 65. 69·71. 75, 83-4, 89·90. /00, 106, IOB·9. II1 , 113, 115- Kings,' Fomost originally served as the refuge and summer retreat for the
16, 119, 121, 129. 143. 147, 150. 152·5. 196: UT43, 55-60. 215. Many Kings of Arnor. Between T.A. 250 and 850, the court graduaJJy shifted
otheroccurences ofthe name ofFingolfin relate to his sons orhis people. from the royaJ capital atAnmlminasto Fomost. Thisfortifiedcitybecame
For House of/people of Fingolfin, rtadalso UT 45, 68. 157; for son of the capital when Amor was split in T.A. 861. RtadLotRJ 23. 320; 11163,
Fingolfin (Turgon), rtad UT 18. 45. 337; SiJ291; UT 271, 278. 314. 369. 413.

Fingon _ (Q.) The eldest son of Fingolfin, ca.lled the VaJiant; rescued Forodwaith-(So"Folkofthe Northern Lands").Thistenn appliestothe
Maedhrosfrom Thangorodrim: High KingoftheNoldorafterthe death of peoples of the Forochel (5. "Icy North") region of northwesternmost
his father, slain by Gothmog in the Nimaeth Amoediad. Father of Gil­, It is sometimes loosely interpreted as meaning the 'Lands
galad. RtadSil60, 84·5, 87, 89-90, 109·11. 116, 1/9. 121, 131, 138, 152, ofthe Northem Folk,' which has led many men to use the label to describe
154,160.164, 189·96,244.286; UT 18.59·60. 63,65-6. 75, 146,400. For the territory north of Eriador lr.lditionaJly dubbed the 'Northern Waste,'
son of Fingon (GiI-gaIad), rtad UT 199. The Lossoth are the chief group of Forodwaith. Rtad UT 14. 242.
Finrod -(Q.) The eldest son of Finarfin, caJled "the Faithful" and 'the Forostar -The northern promontory of Numenor, Rtad UT 165, 167,
Friend of Men'. Founder and King of Nargothrond, whence his name 169, 173. Translated the Northlands, (rtad UT 165, /69) and the north
Felagund (cave-hewer); encountered in Ossiriand the first Men to cross country, (rtad UT 174).
the Blue Mountains: rescued by Barahir in the Oagor Bragollach; re­ Forthwini - Son ofMarhwini; leaderofthe EotMod in the time of King
deemed his oath to Barahir by accompanying Beren on his quest; slain in Ondoher ofGondor. Rtad UT 291.
defense of Beren n i the dungeons of Tol-in-Gaurhoth. The following Fonveg - Man of Dor-l6min, captain of the outlaw-band (Gawwaith)
references include those to Felagund used aJone: rtadLotRl l 18: Sil 61, that T(irinjoitied; slain by TUrin. Rtad UT 85·9, 147-8.
83. 85.90. 109, 1I 1. /13-14. 120·2. 124, 126. 128·30. 140-4, 147, /49, Fourth Age 11le fourth recorded Age of, the "Age of
152. 160. 164,167_76, 184.204. 211,213,215,217·; UT

Men." It began with passing ofthe Three Rings over the sea. During the
38.54,87, 112, //6·17,229·30,234,250.255, 284 (Finrod as the rejected Fourth Age, most of the Elves departed for the Undying
nameofFinariin, read UT255: Ingloras the rejected name ofFtnrOd, rtad Lands; other non-mannish races such as Dwarves and Hobbits sought
UT255). solitude,for their ways were no longer understoodby theoverlords ofthe
Finwe _ (Q.) Leader of the Noldor on the westward journey from continent - Men.
Cuivi�nen; King ofme Noldor n i Aman; father ofFeanor, Angolfin, and Framsbera - Situated atop a hill on a spur jutting eastward from the
Finarfin; slain by Morgoth at Fonnenos. Rtad sa52·5. 57-66. 69·72, 75. northern Misty Mountains, Framsberg is a fonnidably positioned, walled
79, 82, 127 (other references are to his sons or his house); UT 230. town thai overlooks the river Langwell. It is the principal center of
Flr�n-daJe -aeft n
i which Mering Stream rose. Rtad UT 300,314. Eothe6d commerce, and indeed all trade n i the upper Anduin valley.
Firien Wood - In full Halifirien Wood; in Ered Nimrais about the Framsberg was abandoned around T.A. 2510, when the Eothe6d migrate
Menng Streanl and on the slopes of the HaJifirien. Rtad UT 300·1, 314, south to Rohan.
318. Also called Firienholt (rtad UT 306. 318); the Whispering Wood Friallir - Tenth King of Rohan, nephew of King Helm Hammerhand.
(rtod UT 301-2); and the Wood of Anwar (rtod UT 306). Rtad LotRIIl 315 UT 373.
First Age The first recorded Age lISbeginnings date
_ Freca - A vassal of'King Helm Hammerhand, slain by him, Rtod rn
back to a period soon afierthe dawn ortime as we know it, and ilS ending 364-5.
point was marked by the overthrow of Morgoth (the Black Enemy), Free Peoples - 11le "good" races of Elves, Dwarves,
Sauron's overlordand mentor. 11le tales of the First Age are, forthe most HobbilS, and Men (especiaJly the DUnedain); specifically those races
pan, found in J.R.R. Tolkien's UnjinishtdTalts and The Silmarillion. which are in opposition to Sauron. Rtad LotRJ 361.
Firstborn, The- The Elder Children of U(ivatar, the Elves. RtadLotRI Frodo -Frodo Baggins, Hobbit ofthe Shire; the Ringbearer inthe War
294.320:1155; Sil 18.20,22,39.41 .44.46,48,249,254.261 ,263-4,286· of the Ring. Rtad LotR pass;m;'SiJ 303; UT 148, 216, 228·9, 231. 246,
7,298.304. 257, 261,287.310,321, 326-30,336,347,354.
F1et _ (S. ''TaJan''; pI. "Telain"), Platforms built of white wood, which Frumpr-Leaderofthe northward migration oftheEoth&ld outofthe
arc: the homes of the GaJadhrim (5. ''Tree People") of L6rien. These are Vales of Anduin. Rtad UT 313.
almost never more than unwaJled platforms, having no roof or even a
Fulnar-(Q."Shadow...elves"; sing."Fuina"). TheFuinararea secretive
railing. Only the mallom leaves and movable, plaited screen windbreaks
Silvan or Avar people who reside in and around the great forest of
provide shelter. Aetsarereachedby lightweight lOOP ladders.RtadLotRl
VaJagaJen in Ore!.
444 UT 245-6.
Fulnur - A renegade NI1men6rean who became mighty among the
FoIcwlne - Fourteenth King of Rohan, great-grandfather of1b6oden;
Haradrim at the end of the Second Age, Rtad SiJ 293.
reconquered the west-march ofRohan between Adorn and Isen. Rtad UT
315. 364.
Glossary ofTerms

Ge'hron - Man of HUrin's household who with Grithnir accompanied

G Turin 10 Doriath and afterwards returned to Dor-I6min. Read UT71. 73-
Galadbon - Father ofCelebom. Read UT 233, 266. 4.
Galadhrtm - (S.) The Elves of l..6rien. Read UT 24545, 260,/, 267. GhAn·burl·Ghln-Chieftain ofthe Dn:iedainor'Wild Men' ofDrUadan
GaiMor - Fmt Lon! of 001 Amroth, son of 1mnz6r the Numen6rean Forest_ Read lAIR1l1 l30·3,3lJ; UT 382-5. As Ghan, read UT 385.
and the Elf Mithellu. Read UT 248, 3/6. Glldor - One or the twelve companions of Barahir on Dorthonion. Read
Galadrid_(Q.) DaughlCrofFinarfin and siSierofFinrod Felagund; one Si
l /55.
ofme leaders of the Noldorin rebellion against the Valar (nad UT 232); GII.p1ad - (S. "Star or Radience�). The name by which Ereinion
weddedCelebom of Dorillh and with him remained in Middle-eanh after ("Scion of Kings; son ofFingon was afterwards known. After the death
me endoftheFl!'5t Age: keeperofNenya, theRing ofWater, inLothI6rien. ofTulJoo hebecame the lasl High King ofthe Noldol'n
i Middle-eanh, and
ReadlAt/U457·n, 482'&, 502·3; II35, 51; 11157. 309-26plmim,374, remained in Lindon after the end of the First Age: le.lI(\u with Elendil of
380-4;Sil6I,83-4. 90. 114·15, 126-8, l30. 144, /69.234, 254.298-300; the Last AIliIUlCC of Men and Elves and slain with him incombat with
UT168, 206,228-38, 240, 243·5. 249·56.258, 266·7.28/, 286,339,388, Sauron. Read L«R1 83. 250. 257. 319·20. 332; Si l 154. 196.244. 247,
395. 405. AI(a}Wiel ("Maiden Crowned with Radiant Garland; is the 254,267-8. 286-7,289·90,292-4. 297-8; UT 148. /68. 174·5. 185. 199,
Quenya and Telerin forms ofher name (read UT266); Artanis is the name 203.206.2/2-13.2I7.2/9-20,236-9,243-4.247, 254,
given 10 her by her father (read UT 23/, 266): Nerwen is the name given 282.305.395. Called King of the Elves. read UT 199. Forthe Land ofGil­
10 her by her mother (read UT 229. 23/, 266). Called also Lady of the galad (Lindon), read UT 185. See also Ereinion.
Noldol', (read UT249), Lady oftheGolden Wood, (read UT299), and the Gllml'h - Sister ofGalador. fiT!it Lord ofOol Amroth. Read UT 248.
While Lady, (read UT 307. 3/9).
Gllraln - River ofLebennin in Gondor flowing into the Bay ofBelfalas
Galathll - Brother of Celebom and father of Nimloth lhe mother of west of Ethir Anduin. Read lAtRIII I84; UT 242·3. 3/6.
E1wing. Read UT 233. 266. GImllkhAd -(Ad.) Younger son ofAr-Gimilz8r and Inzilbeth and father
GalathUioo - (Q.) The While Tree of Tirion, the image of Telperion ofAr-Phlll'8Z6n. the last King ofNumenor. Read S1I269; UT 242-3, 316.
made by Yavanna for the Vanyar and the Noldol'. Read LodU1I308; Sil
Glmllzapr - Second son ofTar·CaJmacil. Read UT 227.
Glmll - (Kh.) Dwarf of the House of Durin, son of G16in: one of the
Galdor-Called the Tall; son of Hadar l6riDdoI and lord of Dor-I6min
Fellowship of the Ring. Read lAtR fMSsim; UT 235, 2n-8. 32/. 328-9.
after him; father of Hurin and Huor, slain at Eithel Sirion. Read Sil /48,
336, 365.402.
/52, 155, 158-60, 198. 209, 230,251; UT 21. 57. 60, 66, 75, 79. 105.
Glng h - River in West Beleriand flowing into the Narog above
Galvom - (S.) The metal devised by EOI, read Sill33.
N 8rgothrond. Read SlI /69. 212.
Gamcee - A family of Hobbits n
i the Shire. See Elanor, Hamfast.
Gladden - River flowing down from the Misty Mountains and joining
Anduin al the Gladden Fields: translation or Sindarin S"rr Ninglor. Read
I Ztrd -(Kh.) Called the Old: Dwarfsmith, masterofTe1charof
GuU LodU 259; UT 28Q·/, 337, 339. 343.353.
Nogrod. Read UT 76.
Gladden Fidds -Partial translation ofLoeg Ningloron (S. "Pools ofthe
Gandalf- e'Eifof the Wand"). One of the Istari (Wizards): memberof Golden Water-flowers;; the great 5trelChesofrecds and iris (gladden) n
the Fellowship of the Ring. Read lAtIl paJSim. Gandalf was his name and about where the Gladden Riverjoined Anduin, where lsildur was slain
ImOI'II Northern Men (read UT 391. 399). Read S1I3OO; UT 54·5, 235, and the One Ring losl. Read especiaUy UT 280. Read LotRJ 83: S1I295-
283-4, 312, 3/4, Part3 J/J and Npassim, 356, 360, 363-6, 368, Par14 11 6, 30J .. UT 258. 272. 275-6, 280·3, 288. 297. 3/2-/3.
and III passim. Called 0100n in the Undying Lands (nadSlI 30-/; UT
Glade - Generically refering to any open space in a forest, this word n
249.50, 330. 393,395-7, 400·2), Mithrandir among the Elves (translated
l..6rien also refers 10 lhe various craft and service guilds.
me Grey Pilgrim, the Grey Wanderer, and the Grey Messenger, read
lAtRl353. 465; II /25. 353; 11120, 42. 86; Sil300-4; UT 242.340, 346,
Glamdrtnl - ("Foe·hammer"). Sword originally wielded by Turgon,
351.389·90.392399), Incinus in the south (read lAtIl1l353), ThartQn King of Gondal in. but lost when the city fell to Morgoth. Gandalf
(Kh. "Staff-manj among the Dwarves, Oreyhame ("'Greymantle; n i recovered the blade in the Third Age and bore it through the War of the
Rohan, and once Uthspell ("m-news; by Womllongue (read lAIIlJl Rings. Read LolR1367; /I 147: 111 336; UT 54.
/49). Glanduln -(S. "Swanfleet". "Border.river"). A major river marking the
Gap 01 Rohan, ,he Gap -The opening, some 20 miles wide, bel w n� southern borderofEregion. It flows westward from the Misty Mountains
to join the Mitheithel at Tharbad, the two becoming the Gwathl6. It is
the last end of the Misty Mountains and the north-thrust spur oftheWh
called 'Swanfleet' because of the many swans which frequent its lower
Mountains, through which flowed the river !sen. Read UT 340. 356·7.
364,370. 4/2. For Gap ofCalenardhon, read UT 370. reaches - especially Ost-in-Edhil. Read UT 26/·5. See Nin-in-Eilph.
Gala oISummer -A great festival ofGondolin, on the eveofwhich the Glaurunl - The first of the Dragons of Morgoth, called the Father of
city was assaulled by the forces of Morgoth. Read Sil242. Dragons; in the Dagor 8ragollach. the Nimaeth Amoediad, and the Sack
o£Nargolhroncl: cut his spell upon TUrinand upon Nienor: slain by Turin
Ga.rwaUh - The outlaw-band on the western borders of Doriath that
al Cabed-en·Aru. Called also the Grea.t Worm (read UT /27. 133. 143-
TUrinjoincd, and of which he became the captain. Read UT 85, 87, 90.
4), and the Worm ofMorgoth (read UT 135). Read Sil / /6-17, 148, 151.
Translated Wolf·men, read UT 85, 90.
153. 192.3. 2/2-15,217-/8, 22045, 229-30. 239, 242; UT 75, 107. 112.
GeUolI- The greaI riverol East Beleriand, rising in Himring and Mount /17·20, 124-45, 149·50, 155, 159. In many references called the Dragon,
Rerir and fed by the rivers of Ossiriand flowing down from the Blue alsocaJ\ed the GreatWormofAngband (read UT 37) and theGol.d-worm
Mountains. ReadSil54-5, 9/-2,96, 112,12/-4, 140, /42, 146, 153, /88, of Angband (read UT 75).
i age of La
Gllnpl - ("Hanging Aame"). The m i
ureln made by Turgon
GdmlrIIJ-(S.)FJfofNargothrond,brotherofGwindor,Clpturedinthe inGondoIin. Read SlI /26.
Dagor Bragollach and afterwarcb puilO death in front ofEithel Sirion, as
GJlrhuln - A minister of Brethil. Read Sil230.
a provocation 10 its defenders, before the Nimaelh Amoediad. Read Sil
Gllthul- Riverflowingdown from Erect Welhrin, a uibuwyofTeigl in.
/88, /91.
Read UT 38.54. 68.
Gdmil" (2) - (5.) Noldorin Elf of the people of Angrod, who with
Arminu came upon Tuor at Annon·in.<Jelydh and afterwarcb went 10 Gl6in - (Kh.) Dwan of the House of Durin, companion of Thorin
OakenshieJd: fatherofGimli. Read lAtR13oo·3, 315·55.plmim,361,- /I
Nargothrond to wun Orodreth of its peril. Read Sil212: UT 21 -2, 51-2.
159-62. 42; 111 70; UT 327, 332-3.
Gl6redhel - (S.) Daughler ofHadorL6rindol ofDor·I6min and sister of
Galdor; wedded Haldir of Brethi!. Read Si1158; 1fT' 57. 68.
Glossary of Terms 41

Glorflndel - (5.) Elf of Gondolin, who fell to his death in Cirith Greater Genon - One of the two tributary branches ofthe riverGelion
lboronath ni combat with a Balrog afler the escape from the sack of the in the north. rising in Mount Rerir. R�ad Sit 123.
city. The name means 'Golden·haired'. Read Sit /94. 243-4, Also the Great Journey - The westward march of the Eldar from Cuivienen.
nameof an Elf ofRivendell, Read LotR/ 280-6. 293·9.passim, 315, 348· Read ur 228, 236, 241, 256.
61, passim: 1lI309; ur 353.
Great PlalUe - The plague thaI spread OUt of Rhovanion inlo Gondor
GoIlum-A SIOOf Hobbit. originally named Smeagol, whorecovered the and Eriador in T.A. 163<5. Read UT262,264, 288·9,31I ,354,370. As the
One Ring from the river·bed of the Anduin, Read lAlR passim; UT 148, Dart Plague, read UT 404.
337·9.342·5, 349,353,
Green-dva -Translalion of Laiquendi; the Nandorin Elves of Dum·
GoIodhrlm -(S.) TheNoidor. Golodh was the Sindarin formofQuenya and. FOI" their origin, read Sit 94, and fOl" the name, read Sil96. Read sa
Noldo, and ·rim acollective pluralending: cf., the Gate 96, 113, /23-4, /40, 142, 153, 195,235-6; UT 234, 256.
of the Noldor. Read Sil 134.
Greenway - (5. "Men Galen"). The: section of the Old North RI:*I be·
GoIug - (B.S.) OR: name for the Noldor. Read UT 92, tween Bree and 'I1wt.d, the Greenway cuts across CudoIan. II is so
GondoIln - (5. '1lIe Hidden Rock"). Secret city of King Turgon named because of the grass that grows between its paving stones. Read
swrounded by the Encircling Mountains (Echoriath). Destroyed by LoI.RJ 29, 207,. 111335,. UT 34&. See Roads.
Morgoth. The original Queny. name forGondolin was Ondoiinde (MStone Greenwood the: Great -Translation ofthe Sindarin name Bryn Galen.
Song"). Read L«JU319; Sit 60. 107. 125-6, 131·2, 134-6. 13&·9, /54. the greatforesteast ofthe Misly Mountains, afterwards namedMirlr:wood.
158-60, 182, /89·90, 192, 194, 196·7,205,227-8,239-44,247,249,254, Read lAtRl 2/; Sil29O, 295, 299·300. 302; UT 249, 251·2, 258·9, 271.
261; UT51-6,63, 66. 146, In, 189. 22&,235,24&·9.251 .3/6·17. Called 3, 279-83,391.
OndoIindt!, the Hidden City (read UT 28,56), the Hidden Kingdom (read
Greylln - Name given by the &th6od 10 a river flowing Crom Eced
ur 18.39. 42·3, 46·7, 50, 56) and the Hidden Realm (read UT 16/).
Mithrin to join Anduin nt,ar its sowcc. ('The second element of the name
Gondollndrim -(5.) The people ofGondolin. Read SiI 13&, 159, 192; must be Anglo-Saxon hlynn 'torrent', the literal meaning of which was
en 53, Also called the Hidden People, read UT 31-).. 42. probably "the noisy one".) Read UI' 295, 3/3.
Gondor-(5. MStone·land'1.-\lsoknown as the South Kingdom, Gondor Grima - CounsellOl" of King Th&lden and agent of Sanunan. Read
i the great DUnadan realm that lies west of Mordor and north of the Bay
s LodU1 151-8, 227, 233; III n, 174, 324. 369·70; UI' 340, 345·7, 355,
of Belfalas. It includes a number of regions: (clockwise from the nonh) 359,365, 367-8, 39( CaIled (the) Wormtongue, (read LotIUI 144, 148·
Calenardhon (Rohan after T.A. 2510); An6rien: Ithilien; Lossamach: 60, 226·9; UT 2n, 340, 345-6, 367).
Lebennin; Belfalas; L..amedon: Anfalas (including Pinnath Gelin); and
Grlmbold -Rider of Rohan, from Westfold; with Elfhelm leader of the
Andrast. Osgiliath on the Anduin serves as the Gondorian capital until
Rohirrim at the Second BaIlie ofthe Fords of Isen; died on the Pelennor
T.A, 1640, when the throne is moved to Minas Anor (Minas Tirith).Read
Fields. Read lAlRlII 135, 151·2; UT 356-66.368·9.
Lodl1 23, 29, 319; /120; 1lI20; Si/291·7, 302-4; UT 16)·5, 173, 214,
224. 241.2, 244, 247. 255, 259·60, 262, 264, Part 3 I and /Ipassim, 314, Grlthmlr- Man ofHlirin's household who with Gethron accompanied
326, 330,338·9, 344, 354,356,364, 366,369·73. 383-4.3&6,390,398· T6rin 10 Ooriath, where he died. Read UI' 71, 73-4.
400.402.9, 411·13. FOI"City ofQondor (Minas Tirith), read Sil304. As Grond - The great mace ofMorgOlh. with which he fought Fmgolfin;
. the Southern Realm/South Kingdon./lGngdom ofthe South. read UT241, called the Hammer ofthe Underworld. The battering.ram used againstthe
287. 295. 304. 306, 308. 310, 369. For Goodorian(s), read UT 306, 371· Gate of Minas TIrith was named after it. ReadLotIU1I 124; Sill54.
2 (d. Great People of the West, read UT 304). Guild of We:aponsmltbs (ill Niime:nor) - Members of Ihis guild
Gorproth _ (5.) A plateau in Mordor, between the converging Moun· possessed great skill in the forging of swords, axc·blades, spears, and
tains ofShadow and Mountains ofAsh. ReadLotRI321, 5/9; 11308; III knives. Before the days ofimperial conquest, these weaponswere CJ'UlCd
207; Sil292, 294, 296. Also refers 10 fred Gorgoroth. to preserve the craft rather than 10 arm wamon on the flCld ofbanle. Read

GorUm -Called the Unhappy; one ofthe twelve companionsofBarahir UT 170.

on Donhonion, who was ensnared by a phantom of his wife Eilinel and Gulli.. -FatherofGelmir and Gwindor, ElvesofNargothrond. Read sa
revealed 10 Sauron the of Barahir. Read Sil 155. /62·3. 188, 191,207,209,212.
Gothmoa: - LordofBalrogs,high-captain ofAngband. slayer ofFeanor. Gundor -Younger son ofHadorL6rindol,1ord ofDor·I6min; slain with
Fmgon, and Ecthelion. (The samename was borne in theThird Age by the his f.lberIt Ethel Sirion in the DagorBragollach. ReadSii148, 152.251.
Lieutenant of Minas Morgul; IAlRIII 14&.}ReadSa 107, 193, 195,242; Gurthana - (5. "Iron of Death"). Name of Beleg's sword Anglachel
UT56. after it was reforged for TUrin in Nargothrond, and Crom which he was
Gnmuz _ (Rh. "Plainsmen"). The sedentaf)' Northman fanners and named Monnegil (Blacksword). ReadSit 210, 213, 216, 222,224-6; UI'
herden of the Rhovanion prairie. 110, 126, 12&, 135, 137, 140·3, 145. Called the Black Thorn of Brethil.
Great Gatts - East Gate of Khaz,ad-dOm; also called the Dimrill Gate. read UI' 128.
It opens eastward onto Azanulbizar.
42 Glossary o/Terms

Gwaeron -(5.) Sindarin name ofthe third month 'in the reckoning ofthe Hallatan - Lord ofHyarastomi in the Milteimar(lnlands) ofNumenor;
Edain', read UT 62. (With Gwaeron cr. the name of the eagle Gwaihir cousin of Tar-Aldarion. Read UT 197-9, 204. 206, 209, 21 1, 217, 220.
·WindJord'.) See SUlime. Called the Sheep-lord, read UT 195.
Gwalth-I-Mirdain - (5. "Brotherhood of the lewelsmiths"). A guild, Halls of Awaiting - The Halls of Mandos. Read Sil 67.
school, and established by Celebrimbor in Hollin. This order Halmir -Lord ofthe Haladin. son ofHaldan and father ofHaldir; with
achic:vedgrealer feats ofworkmanship than any other n i dividllB-l or group Beleg ofDoriath defeated the Orcs that came south fromthe Pass ofSirion
in Middle-earth save F"tao- or and perhaps AnnataT, though the power of after the Dagor Bragollach, Read Sil 157-8, 189; UT 57.
theEJvc:n-rings was such thaieven theOnecouldnottruly dominate them. Hlima - Captain of the household ofKing Th&lden. Read UT 367.
Also known sil'{l
ply as Mlrda;n. Read 5iI286; UT237-8. ForHouse ofthe:
Hamtast Gamgee - Sam Gamgee's father. (The name Hamfast is
Mlrdain, rcad OT 238. Anglo-Saxon ham1aest, literally "home-fiJL:e" or "home-finn".) Read
Gwathl6 - (5. "Gwaithir", "River of Shadow"; W. "Greyflood"; A. l.otR144-7, 50, 65, 104-5, I f3, 344; wtRlI272, 336, 430; lAIRIlI212,
"Agathurush"). The wide, slow-moving river thai cuts through southeast­ 259,327,362·73; UT327. Called GafferGamgee and the Gaffer, read UT
ern Eriador. Formed by the confluence oftherivers Mitheithel (Hoarwc:ll)
and Glanduin. it canies water southwestward n i to the Betegaer. The
Handir- Son ofHaldir and GI6redhel, father ofBrandir the Lame, read
Gwath16 separates Minhiriath from E!ledhwaith (Encdwailh) and forms
UT /l0, 129, 138, 141; lord of the Haladin after Haldir's death; slain n
the long southeastern border of Cardolan. Both Tharbad and Lond Daer
Brethil n
i battle with Orcs. Read Sil 195, 212,216; UT 91.
are situated on its banks. Read UT f75, 200. 206. 2f4, 239-40, 26f-5. 278,

314,340,344. 346, 370,383. See Battle of the Gwathl6. Harad - (5. "South"). The vast region located below the river Hamen,
south of GondOf and Monior. Although (periodically) autonomous,
Gwlndor -ElfofNargottmmd, brotherofGelmir; enslaved in Angband,
Umbar is ni Harad. Harad is also called Haradwaith, a label which more
but escaped and aided Beleg ni the rescue of Turin; brought Turin to
properly refers to the people of the region. Read lAJtRl 325, 519; lAJtRII
Nargothrond; loved Finduilas Orodreth's daughter; slain in the Battle of
338; LotR1l143; UT 181,236,295,312,398-9,402. Near Harad, rt!ad or
Tumhalad. Read SiJ 188. 190·2, 207·12; UT 37, 5/. 54, 154·9.
312,398. Far Harad, read UT 398-9.

H Haradalc - The dominant language family in northern (Near) Harad.

Haradaic is associaled with the Haradrim (Haradwaith). Southern Harad­
Hador _Called L6rindol "Goldenhead", also Hadorthe Golden-haired;
rim, however, generally speak various fonns of (northern) Apysaic.
lord of Dor-I6min, vassal of Rngolfin; father of Galdor father of Hurin;
slain al Eithel Sirion in the Dagor Bragol\ach. The House of Hador was Haradrim - (5. "Southern People", "South-folk", "Soulhrons"). Also
called the Haradwaith. The Haradrim comprise various confederations of
called theThird House ofthe Edain. ReadSilI47-8. 152. 155. 158, f60;
Haradaic- and Apysaic-speaking peoples who reside in Harad. Read
UT57,60,68. 7f. 73. 75, 79, /05. For House/PeOple/Kindred ofHador,
lAtRl322; LotRII 363; l.otR1II86; Sil293; UT 383,399.
readSU 148, 157-8, 160, 189, 194-5, 198·9, 206. 215, 227, 249; UT 17·
18.20-1.28,46.62-5. 68·9,72. 78.85.89·90. 112, 115.124,146-7.161, Haragaer - (5, "South Sea"), The ocean south of Middle-eanh. Pan of
173. 214·15. 3/0, 386; lAJlRl 355; LotRlI 364. For son of Haldor the Ekkaia. or 'Encircling Sea,' the Haragaer separates Endor from the
(Galdor), read UT 21. For heir of (the House of) Hadar, Turin, read UT lands of the Uller South, Its waters meet those of the Belegaer to the west
62,64-5, 71. For Helm of Hador, see Dragon.helm of Dor-l6min. at Metham (Hyamumente).
Haladin - The second people of Men to enter Beleriand; afterwards Ha�th - Daughter ofHalmir of BrethiJ; wedded Galdor of Dor-t6min;
called the People ofHaleth, dwelling n
i the Foresl of Brethil, also called mother of Hurin and Huor. Read Si
l 158, 16fJ; UT 57, 63,
the Men ofBrethi!. Read Sil 142. 145-6, ISS, 157-8, 16fJ, 192. 195; UT Harf'oots- One ofthe threepeoples into which the Hobbits weredivided.
383-4. The othertwogroups were Fallchides and Sioors. ReadlAtRI22 ; UT287,
HaJdad _ Leader of the Haladin in their defense against the attack on HarUndon - Lindon south of the Gulfof LbOn. Read UT 252.
them by Orcs in Thargelion, and slain there; father of the Lady Haleth. Harlond - (5. "South Haven"). A portsuburbofMinas Tirith, Harlond
Read Sil 145·7. is situated southeast ofthe city. It lies on the nonhern bank ofthe Anduin,
Haldan -SonofHaldar, leader ofthe Haladin afterthedeath oftheLady just outside the Rammas Behor, and serves as the capital's priocipai
Haleth. Read Si1 146. commercial entry point, Harlond's five anchorages are surrounded by a
HaJdar- Son ofHaldad ofthe Haladin, and brother oflhe Lady Haleth; landward wall. Read LoIR11I 23.
slain with his father n
i the Ore-raid on Thargelion. Read Sil 146·7. Harrowdale - (W, "Disturbing Valley"). Valley in the nonh-centraJ
Haldlr -SonofHalmirofBrethil; wedded GI6rdehel, daughterofHadar White Mounlllins out of which flows the river Snowbourne. The north­
orDor-I6min; slain in theNimaeth Amoediad. ReadSill58. 189·90, 192, ward facing mouth of Harrowdale opens into Rohan jusl below Edoras.
195; UT 57. 68. Thehigh meadow ofDun harrowsitsaboveHarrowdale. ReadlAIRIII66;
UT 366-8.
HaJeth-Called theLadyHaleth; leaderoftheHaladin (who werenamed
from herthe peopleofHaleth)from Thargelion 10the lands west ofSirion. Hathaldir -Called the Young; oneofthe twelve companions ofBarahir
ReadSil146-7; UT130. 377, 385. ForHouse/People/Folk/MenofHaleth, on Dorthonion. Read Sil I55,
read Sil 146-8, 157, 189, 216. 221·2; UT 63, 85, 87, 1/0-11, 129. 134. Hathol - Father ofHador Lorindol. Read Sil147.
377-80,382-4,386.7. As Halethrim (the PeopleofHaleth), read UT 140. r Hatholdir - Man of Numenor, friend of Tar-Meneldur; father of
See also Brethil. Orehaldor. Read UT 173.
Half-eJven - Translation of Sindarin Peredhel, plural Peredhil, awlied Haudh-en-Arwen - (5. "The Ladybarrow"). The burial-mound of
toElrond and Elros. ReadSilU6, 254, 261. 286, 288, and toEarendil, read Haleth in the Forest of Brethi!. Read Si1 147.
Haudh-en-Elleth -(5.) Themound in which Finduilas was buried, near
Hallflden - (R. "Holy Mount"). Seventh beacon of Gondor n
i Ered the Crossings ofTeiglin. (II is not clear what relation Elleth, rendered 'Elf·
Nimrais. Named Amon Anwar in Sindarin, translated 'Hill ofAwe' and maid' and always so spell, bears to Eledh 'Elda' seen in Morwen's name
partially as 'HillofAnwar' Eilenaer is its pre-Numen6reanname (related Eledhwen.) Read Sil 216-17, 219-20, 223, 225; UT 112, 122. 124, 130,
to Eilenach), Read UT 300-2, 306, 308·/0,314,316, 318.9.; lAtRlII 137-8, 143. Translated Mound of the Elf-maid, read UT 1/2,
20!U, For Halifirien Wood, see Firien Wood.
Haudh-en-Ndengln - (5, "The Mound of Slain"). Located in the desen
Ibllacar - Son ofHallatan of Hyarastomi; wedded Tar·Ancalime, first ofAnfauglith, where were piled the bodies of the Elves and Men that died
Ruling Queen of Numenor, with whom he was al strife. Hallacar gave n
i theNimaethArooediad. Alsocalled Haudh-en-Nimaeth (5. "Mound of
himself the name Mtimandil during his first encounters with Ancalime. Tears"). Read SilI97-8; UT 17. 66, 68, 146. As the Great Mound, read
Read UT 209, 211-12, 220. UT /05-6.
Hallas -Son ofCirion; ThirteenthRuling Steward ofGondor: deviser of
the names Rohan and Rohinim. Read UT 297, 302, 307.
Glossary o/Terms 43

Havens, The - Brithombar and Eglarest on the coast ofBeleriand, read

5i1 /07, 113, 121, 154, 196; UT 32,34,247. The Havens of Sirion atlhe HUAN
end of the First Age, read 5il238, 246-7,253; UT 18, 21. 146,233,249,
252. The Grey Havens (Mithlond) in the Gulf ofLhiln, rtad5iI289, 298-
9,304. Alqualonde, the Haven of the Swans of Swan haven, is also called
simply The Haven, read 5i187, 89.
Helear _ The Inland Sea in the nonheast of Middle-earth, where once
stood the mountain ofthe lamp of Illuin: the mere ofCuivi«!nen where the
first Elves awoke is described as a bay in this sea. Read Sit 49, 53.
Helearaxl-The straitbetweenAraman and Middle-earth; also referred
10 as the Grinding Ice. ReadSil51,57, 80,89-90, JOB, 116, 129, 134; UT
Helevorn -(5. "Black Glass"). A lake in the north ofThargelion, below
Mount Rerir, where Caranthir dwelt. Read Sit 112. 124, 153.
Helluln - The star Sirius. Read Sil48, 64.
Helm's Deep _ (5. "Ostiras"). Located near the center of Rohan's

Westfold, Helm's Deep is thewesternmostRohinimrefuge. Itconsistsof

a fortress. the Homburg. and wall complex (Deeping Wall) built across the
mouth ofa gorge, while the Glittering Caves (Aglarond) lie at its southern
end. ReadLotRII I68-71; LoIRJII63; UT356,358,360,362,364-5,367,
Henderch _ Man from the Westlands of Numenor, a mariner of Tar­
Aldarion. Read UT 196-7, 199.
Henneth AnnOn -(5. "Window ofthe Sunset"). Name ofacave behind
a waterfall n
i Ithilien. Read iAJ1R1I 358; LoIRlll /02; UT 397,
Herumor _ A renegade Numen6rean who became m ighty among the
Haradrim at the end of the Second Age. Read Sil293.
Hidden Kingdom- Name given both ta Doriath (readSil / 15, 164, /66, Hobbits - (Kd. "Khuduk" ). Also calied Halflings, Periannath, or Shire­
225) and to Gondolin (readSil 131, 24/). For Hidden King, see Turgon. folk, the Hobbits are the shortest of the Free Peoples, averaging between
High Pass - The pass through the Misty Mountains east of Rivendeii, 2 and 4 feet in height and lending 10 be fat. They have large, hairy feetand
read iAJtRJ 30/; iAJtRJJ 437; UT 278, 353. Also called Cirith Fom en usually gobarefoot. Lovers ofgood food and drink, HalOings spend much
Andrath (5. '11le High-climbing Pass of the North"), read UT 271, 278, of their time dining at taverns and friends' houses. They can move very
and the Pass of lmladris, read UT 281-2. quietly in need, and possess a high level ofmanual dexterity, Hobbits have
Hildirons Took -One of Bilbo Baggins' uncles. Read UT 332. stout COIl;Stitutions and resisteven the most powerful magical and physical
Hild6rien - The land in the east of Middle-e3rth where the first Men damage for extended periods.
(Hildor) awoke. Read Sil /03, 14). They are a simple race of curious origin, divided into SlOOr, Harfoot,
and Fallohide subgroups. The tall, slim, fair Falloh ides are the least
Hildorien -(5. "Land ofthe Followers"). BirthplaceofMen in the First
numerous, most adventurous, and closest to Elves and Men. 1be smaller,
Age. Hildorien lay south af Cu.ivieDen, along the nonhern flanks of the
Mountains of the Wind in the farthest East of Middle-earth. browner Harfoots are the most common and are closest to the Dwarves; .
both groups enjoy rugged highlands and hills. The Stoors fait inbetween
Hillmen _ A short, dark hardy folk who settled Rhudaur in the late First
in sixzeandnumbers. This triberetumed tothe Wilderlandduringthe 15th
and early Second Ages. Distantly related to the Dunlendings, they lived
century oftheThird Age and settledby the GladdenFields onthe Anduin's
peaceably as hunters and gathen until the coming of the Dunedain and
west bank. ReadLotRJ 19-20, 323;LatRII16-7,207; LofR1II21 ,46,88,
Ounlending tribes during the late Second Age. Over time, they all but
143, 165, 244, 284; Sil303; UT 253, 286·7, 323, 325. 329, 331-4, 337,
disappeared as a distinct group.
339,342,344,347, 349-52,354,382,385,398,399, 402,405, Called the
Hlmlad _ (5. "Cool Plain''). The region where Celegonn and Corofin Little People, read UT 349-51.
dwelt south of the Pass of Aglon. Read Sil /24, 132, 135.
Holman Greenhand - Hobbit of the Shire, Bilbo Baggins' gardener.
Hlinring - (S. "Ever-cold"). The great hill west of Maglar's Gap on Read UT 323, 327.
which was the strongbold afMaedhros. ReadSil ll2, 123-4, 132, 152-3,
Hornburg-Fortress in Rohan al the entrance to Helm's Deep. Suthburg
/76, 184, /89.
is its fonnername. Read lAtR1I 169; Lodll1l56; UT 359-60,363,365,
Hirilondi - ('·Haven-finder"). The great ship built by Tar-Aldarion. 370-1, 373. See Battle ofthe Homburg; Aglarond.
Read UT 192, /95,201-2.205, 213. Called Turuphanto (''The Wooden
Huan - ("Great Dog", "Hound''). The great wolfhound of Valinor that
Whale") during its constroction, read UT /91.
Orome gave to Celegorm; friend and helper of Beren and Luthien; slew
Hirilorn _ (5.) The great beech·tree n i Doriath with three tronks, in and slain by Carcharoth. Read Sil 172-80, 182, 185-6.
which Luthien was m
i prisoned. Thenamerneans 'Tree ofthe Lady'.Read
Hunlhor - A Man of the Haladin in Brethil who accompanied Turin in
Sil 172, 186; UT 78.
his attack on Glaurungat Cabed-en-Aras and was killed thereby a falling
HisiI6me-(Q. "LandofMisl''). Quenya nameofHithlurn.ReadSillIS. stone. ReadSiI221-2; UT129,132-4, 139. WifeofHunthor,readUT132.
Hishoe _ (Q.) Quenya name of the eleventh month according to the Hoor - SonofGaldorofDor-I6min, husband ofRfan and father ofTuor;
Numen6rean calendar, corresponding to November. Called Hithui n
i wenlto Gondolin with Hurin his brother; slain in theNimaeth Amoediad.
Sindarin. Read UT 37, 43. 279. Read Sil 126, /48, 158, 190, /94, 198, 238, 240-1, 243, 251; UT 17-/8,
Hilhlum-(S, "Land afMisl"). Theregionboundedontheeasl and south 22,29, 57-8, 65, 68, 146, 161. For 'SonofHuor' (Tuor), m� UT 17-18,
by Ered Wethrin and on the west by Ered L6min. Called Hfsil6mt! in 21, 27-9, 32,35, 46, 51,161.
Quenya.ReadSil51 ,81, 106, 108·9, 1/1, I 16, 1/8-19, 121,123, 131, 143, Huoms - The �trees" that came to the Battle of the Homburg and
/51_7, 160, 182, 189_92, 194-6, 198_9,207, 227, 238; UT 17-/8, 25,57, enlrapped the Orcs. The name is doubtless Sindarian, containing orn
59,66-9, 74.$, 78-80. 'tree'. a. Meriadoc's words in LotRII : 'They stil l have voices, and can
Hobblton _ Village n i the Westfarthing of the Shire, home of Bilbo speak with the Ents-that is why they are called Huoms.Treebeard says.'
Baggins. Read UT 323, 348, 352-3. Read LotR1I217; LotRl1l 58; UT 364.
44 Glossary ofT�rms

Hurln [I)-Called Thalion (rtad UT62. 65, 156, 159), 'the Steadfast' Imladrls- (5. "Rivenc!eU", literally "Deep Daieofthe ClefiH). EltOI\d's
(rtod UT66, 74), 'the Strong'; son ofOaldor of Dor-I6min, husband of dwelling in a valley of the Misty MOI.lntains. Read Hob 46-54. 295-8;
Morwen and father of TUrin and Nienor: lord of Dor·l6min, vassal of LotRI 22. 100. 289, 323; L.otR1145. 53; LotJU1l56. 182. 326; SU 288.
Fmgon. Went with Hoor his brother 10 Gondolin; captured by MorgOlh in 293, 295-8, 303; ur 165. 23840. 243-4. 264. 271·2. 277-9. 283-5,322.
the Nirnaeth Amoediad but defied him; SCI upon Thangorodrim formany 327, 330,347-8. 350, 353_ For Pass of ImllKlris, see High Pass.
years; after his release slew Mi m in NatgOthrond and brought the Imrahll - Lord of Dol Amroth at the time of the War of the Ring, Read
NaugJamfr to Kin, Thingol. ReadLodU J55; Sil126, /48, 158.{j(), 190- LotRlIJ 23.50, 147-8, 151. 154, J65-9, J89.207. 287.30J.316; UT246.
20/,105-6.208-//,213·17,220,122-4.226-33.238,241,25/; UT17-18, 248, 286.3J6.
2I ,32,37,46.Pan J 11passim(in manycasesnaming HUrinonly as rather Imnu6r - Called "the Numen6rean"; lOOk 10 wife the Elf Mithrellas:
orkinsman),386. For the Tale ofthe OIildren ofHllrin, read UT97, 146. father ofGalador first Lord of Dol Amroth. Read UT 248. 316.
HUrio (21 - HUrin(theTall) ofEmyn Amen. Stewan1 ofKing Minardil. Jodi! - (Q.) Vanyarin Elf, close kin of Ingw/!: second wife of Finwe,
from whom derived the House oCthe Stewards ofGondor. ReadLolRlII mother of Fingolfin and Finarlin. Read SU60, 64-5. 69; UT 229-30.
148, 292,30/-2.304; UT 309.
Iodf)f' - Man of Dor·I6min, father of Acrin. Ro!ad 1fT lOB.
Hyarastornl - Lands of the lordship of Haliitan in the Minelmar
Ingwi!- (Q.) Leader ofthe Vanyar, the fmt ofthethree hosts ofthe Eldar
(Inlands) of Nt1menor. Read UT 197·9. 204, 206. 209. 21 J, 2/7.
on the westward journey from Cuivienen. In Aman he dwelt upon
Hy.rme.ndacll l-("South-viclorj.FiflcenthKing orGondor.ReadUT Taniquetil, and was held High King ofall the Elves. Read SU52.3,57.59.
260. 62,64. 102. 251.
Hy.rmentir - 'The highest mountain in the regions south of Valinor. In:dlbf:th - (Ad.) Queen of Ar-GimilzOr: of the house of the lords of
Read SU74. Andunii!. Mother of InziladOn (Tar.Pa1antir). Read Sil268; UT 223, 227.
Hyarnustar - ("SouthwestJands''). 1be south·western promontory of Irmo - The Vala usually named L6ricn, the place of his dwelling. Inno
Nilmenor. Read UT 165, 167..&. means 'master of visions and dreams", "Desirer'. or 'Master of Desire'.
HyalTOSlar - ("Southeasdands"). 1be south--eastern promontory of Olofantur is the earlier 'true' name Inno (L6rien). ReadSil28, 30,63; UT
Nilmenor. Read UT 165. 168. 253. 397. See also �anturi.
Hytbt - (W. "Harbor"). A small port or dock; spedfically the small Iron Hills - Range east ofthe Lonely Mountain and north of the Seaof
harbor in L.6rien near the connuence of the Anduin and Celebrant. RhOn. Read UT 332.
I Iron Mountains - ("� Engrin", "Orong:reni"). The mountain range
IaDI bur - (S. "'The Old Bridge''). Built over the Esgalduin on the i the farthest north of Middle�. Ever since the cataclysm at the end
northern borders of Doriath: also called the Bridge of Esgalduin. Read sa ofthe Firs! Age, its westernmosl portion lies mostly beneath the sea, while
121. JJ2. the teSt of the range is sundered by the great Bay of UtOm. Read SiJ 109.
iMl - A boy ofEmeri! in Nt1menor, son ofUlbar, a mariner of Tar·
lI5.fJ. lI8. 151. 16().
Aldarion. Read UT 194, 198. 207. ben - River flowing from the Misty Mountains through Nan Curunrr
(theWizard's Vale) and across the GapofRohan: lrInSlation (to repnsent
IbO.a-One ofthe sons ofMim the Peny-dwarf. Readsa 203, 205.fJ; UT
the language of Rohan) of Sindarin (Sir) Angren, q.v. read lAlRI386-7.­
LotRJJ 166.- LotR1II54; en /75, 214. 262-4,303,305�,314.318,346.
IdrU-Called CelebrindaJ "Si l verfoot": thedaughter(and only child) or
356-7. 36()·J ,363�. 369·73. 383-4. See Fords oflsen.
Turgon and E1enw!: wife of Thor, mother of Elrendil, with whom she
lsenprd - (S. "Angrenost": W. "Iron Fortress"). Built by Gondor 10
escapedfromGondolin tothe MOI.lthsofSirion: depaned thencewithThor
guard the gap of Rohan, lsengard is an ancient citadel located in a valley
intothe West.Read SU 126, JJ4. JJ6, JJ8-9. 240·3.245-6. 249. 254. 261.­
called Nan Cunmrr, at the southernmost tip ofthe Misty Mountains. The
f0rtres5 stands Yigil over western Calenardhon (Rohan) and the upper lsen
Dluln - One ofthe Lamps ofthe VaJar made by Aul/!_ Illuin stood in the (Ang:ren) valley. It consists of a four-spired black tower, Orthanc, hewn
northern part of Middle-arth, and after the overthrow ofthe mountain by from a Yolcanic lacn plug and sunounded by a natural, volcanic·stone wall
Melkor the Inland Sea orHekar was fonned there. Read SU35.fJ, 49.57. enclosure. Oneoftheseyen Palantrri was located in Orthanc. ln T.A. 2759.
llmarf - A Maia, the handmaid ofVarda. Read Sil30. the citadel became the abode of Saruman. Read lAlRl 338; !AtRJJ 21.
Dmen -The region above the air where the Slars are. Read Sil99-IOI, 207; !AdUJI22 .. Sil291 ,300·3; UT305-6, 318,338-41 .345.7.354.356.
282. 7.359�1 ,363�,370·3. 392, 404-5, 412. Ring ofIsengard (read UT371-
1mJ.ach - FatheT of Amlach. Read sa 144. 3, 412), and Circle of 'sengard (read en 340) refer to the great circular
wail surrounding the inner plain, in the centerof which was Orthanc. For
lsengaroers, read UT 358-9.

Glossary of Terms 45

lse:npr Took - One of Bilbo Baggins uncles. Read UT 332. Kbim - Son ofMim the Peny-dwarl", slain by Androg (one of Tllrin',
1511- (Q.) Quenya name of the Moon. ReadSiJ 99·/00.
outlaw band). Read Sil203, UT 101, 103.
IsIldur - Elder son of Elendil, who with his father and his brother Kingdoms orlhe DUnedaln -Arnor and Goodor, read UT2634, 314,
AnMion escaped from the Drowning ofNl1menorand founded in Middle· 405. Also called the Two Kingdoms and the Realms in Exile.
earth the NumeOOreIll realms in exile; lord of Minas Ithil; cut the Ruing
l King" Htlr (otNtimenor) -Title given by the Kings ofNUmenorto the
Ring from Sauron's hand; slain by Orcs n i the Anduin when the Ring i diyidual that the soYereign wishes to rule the realm when he resigns the
slipped from his finger.RtadlMRl 83, 87, 92. 319·32 passim 361, 509; office. Frequently confened when the Heir reaches the age of 100 yC8f1
LodU143: lAdl1ll 62: SiJ2n-3, 276, 279-80, 290-6, 301 ; UT215, 271· Read UT 170, 174, 177·9, 182-6, 188·90, 198·9,202, 208-9, 212, 214,
83,300,304, 308·10,370, 383. For Heirs oflsildur, nadsa298,301. For 217, 220,223,225.
Heir of Isildur (Aragom), nad SiJ3034; UT 2&J, 408, 414. For Ring of KIDJ'$ Lands -In Rohan, these inclOOod Edoras and the adjacent lands
Isildur, read UT 406; Scroll oflsil dur, read UT 283. 413; 'Tradition of (among these Harrowdale), Aldbu!J, and the Felde. Read UT 367. In

lsildur,' rrod UT 309·10: lsildur', wife, read UT 271. Nl1meo01",that part ofMiuaJmarcaJkdArandor,inwhich werelocatedthe
Isihne - Daughter of T81·Elendil, sister of Silmarien. Read UT 173. hayen of R6menna, the Meneltarma, and Annenelos, the City of Kings.
Isilmo -Son ofT81-Slirion; father ofT81-Minastir. Read UT 220, 226. Read UT 165, 169.
lstari _The Wizards, the Maiar who were sent from Amlll in the Third Kina" Men -Numen6reans hostile 10 the Eldar and theElendili. Read
Age to resist Sauron; Sindarin Ithryn (see Ithryn Luin). See Saromlll, Sil266-7, 269; UT 221. For King's Party, read UT 223.
Gandalf, and Radagast. Rtad S1l299·300; UT 237, 254, 388, 390·5, 401. King under the Mountain - Ruler of the Dwarves of Erebor. Read
Translated Wizards, read lAIRI290.-LotRlI240; UT388,391, 395. For lAdll21 ,24I;UT32,. Kingdom, KingshipundertheMountain,readUT
Heren Istation ("Order of Wizards"), read UT 388·9, 392, 400. 322,326,329; Mountain Kingdom, rtad UT 329.
Ithllbor -Nandorin Elf, father of Saeros. Read UT n, 81. Klnslaylnc. The-Thesl.yingoftheTeleriby theNoldoratAlqualondt!.
(thUlen - (S. "Land of the Moon"; R. "Moonlending"). Although Read Sil87, 89·90, 104, JJ I, 127, 129, /39, 14J, /56.
technically a proYince, hhilien is essentially a royal fief in northern Kln-strlre-TheGondorian civil war.The Kin·suife tookplace between
Gondor. Founded by Isilduf, its capital is located at Minas Ithil (Iatcr T.A. 1432andT.A. 1447 and pined the forcesofCastamir 'the Usurper'
called Minas Morgul). lthilienencompasses ail thelands north ofthe riyCf against King E1dacar.
Poros, south ofthe Wetwang Marshes (NindaU), east ofthe Anduin, and Klrlnld - Small scarlet-plumaged birds of NUmenor. Read UT 169.
west of Mordor. The riyCf Ithilduin nows through the center of the L
proYince, diyiding it inlo IWO part!I: Forithilien (North Ithilien) and
Harithilien (South Ithilien). ReadlAdl1322.- LodU1326;lAtR1II23.. UT Ladnll -The lands to the northeast of Dorthonion thaI were granted by
148, 289, 292-5, 310.312, 318, 383, 404. North hhilien, rtad UT 319; the Noldorin Kings to the Men ofthe House of&!or.Readsa 148; UT70.
South l!hilien, nod UT292, 295. LaeD -An unbreakable rock with glass.ike l texture andthe strength and
Ithll-stone, Stoneotlthll- The paianlfrofMinas l!hi l . ReadLotRl1259.­ cohesionorsuperbsteel.NonnaJly lam is found in uniquevolcanic plugs,
UT 403·5, 407·10, 412, 414. pillars of stone which hatdened. within the shafts of donnant or extinct
volcanos. These deposits comspond to the land formed during the
Ithryn Luln-(S.) TheIWO Iswi, Alatarand Pallando, who went n i to the
struggles with Morgoth andthe other VaJar whenMiddle-earth was being
East of Middle-earth and nevcr returned (singular ithron, read UT 388).
snaped. The most famous sile is at lsengard.
ReadUT389·90,3934, 401. Translated Blue Wizards, readUT390,392,
Black lam si the most common, aJthough a number ofdear or co&ored
varieties also exist. The DUnodainofNUmenor were the only folk to wort
Ivrin - The lake and falls beneath Ered Wethrin where the river Narog the substance on any sca1e. Elves and Dwarves, however, ate acquainted
rose. Read SiJ 119, 209; UT 37-8, 54, 104, 149. For Pools of lyrin, rtad with the materiaJ'. Yalue and nature, and the ab" or l&en carving is still
SiJI/3,210,215,239. ForFailsoflvrin,readSill20, 170. ForEithellvrin known n i small circles. Its rarity and utility are legend, bul few Mm
(S. "Ivrin's Well ), the source of the Norog, rtad Sil209, 212. recognize or understand the substance.
K I..aer C6 Bdq-(S. "The SongoftheGreat Bowj. Composed by'Nrin
Kelyar - (Q. "Animals", '1'hings that Move"; sing. "Kelva"). Living al Eithel lvrin in memory of Scleg CUthaiion. Read Sil209.
things that move or, as noted by Yavanna, that 'can flee' (Sa 45). Kelvar Lalrelosse - ("Summer-snow.white"). A fragrant evergreen tree
are under Ihe cate of the Valie Yayanna. They do Il()( include monsters or brought 10 N6.menor by the Eldat of Eressla. Read UT 167.
the Children of IlilYatar (Etu): Elves, Men, Dwarves, etc. Read SiJ45-6. Laktmen -TheNorthmen ofLake--town (Esgaroth) and the selllernents
Khamtil -(B.S.) NazgQJ, second 10 the Chief; dwelt in Dol Guldurafter surrounding the Long Lake.
its reoocupation in T.A. 2951. Read UT 338-9, 344, 348,352. Called the Lalalth - ("Laughter"). The name by which UrweD (HUrin and Mor­
Shadow of the East (read UT 338), and the Black Eastcrling (rtad UT wen's daughtet who died in childhood) was called, from the: stream that
352). flowed past H4rin's house. Read sa 198; UT 57-61, 147, /57. See Nm
Khand - Land south-east of Mordor. Read LotRJII /48; UT 291-2. Lalaith.
Khded-dram - (Kh. "Glass-lake" ; W. "Mirrormere"). Dart and Lanwdon - (5. "land orthe Tongue"). The region ofGondor between
smooth IS glass, thissmall, but deep, lake is reyered au holy place by the the riven Ringl6 and Monbond, it lies northwestoftheLandofthe Prince,
Dwarves. AI this place, Durin the Deathless (Durin I) saw a vision whtch on the southern slopes orthe While Mounlains. lts chieftown is Ca1embel
confumed him IS King and led to the founding ofKhazad-d1lm (Moria). (Upon the Hill), on the River Ciri! . The town ofEtech lies in northwestern
Legend says thaI during the First Age. Durin gazed ni to the waters and saw Lamcdon. Read LotRlIl 43; UT 318.
the renection of seyen stars. Eyen though it was daylight, they formed a Lammotb - (5. '"The Great Echo"). The region north of the Fir1h of
crown above his head. Drengist between Erod L6min and the Sea, named from the echoes of
Today an obelisk marks where Durin stood, and the stars always shine Morgoth'say in his struggle with UngolianL ReadSilBO-I, 106; UT23,
in the watCf, regardless of the lighting; however, no one's face is evCf 52.
reflected among the ripples of the Morrormere. The lake lies in the vaJe I..anpdl-{"Sou.rce oftheLangflood"). The namegiven by the�
ca1Ied Azanulbizar. Shaped like a spearhead wose poiunt cuts northwesl­ to the river from the northern Misty Mountains which after its junction
ward into the mountains, Kheled-urAm is fed by a waterfall which is the with Greylin they called Langflood (Anduin). Rtad UT 295.
i the Cirith CIIflMihras. In nun,
lowest of a series of small cataracts born n
LaDthir Lamatb - (5. "WaterfaJl of EchoinJ Voicesj. The cascade
the lake gives birth to the river CelebranL
beside Dior's house in Ossiriand, and af"ter wbich his daughter Elwing
("Star·spray") was named Rtad Sil235.
46 Glossary a/Terms

Ur -A league (very nearly three miles). R�ad UT 279, 285. Lindon - (S. "Place of Music"; IiI. "Lofty Song"). Lindon is a coastal
Larnach - One ofme Woodmen n
i the lands south ofTciglin. Read UT realm which encompasses all the lands west of the Blue Mountains. It is
88, 90. DaUghtlCf5 of Lamach, read UT 88-90. all thai remains of the ancient reaches of Beleriand. An Elven Kingdom.
Lindon is divided by the Gulf of thOn into two parts: Forlindon and
Last Allianct -The league made al the end oettle Second Age between
Harlindon. The Grey Havens, ruled by Cfrdan the Shipwright, lie on the
Elendil and Gil-galad to defeat Sauron: also the Alliance, the War of the
gulfand serveasthe customary centeroftherealm. R�adSU123, 285,287,
(Last) Alliance. ReadLotR/250:LotRl1l2J5.-Sil293.- UT237, 239, 243.
2$9·90, 298; UT 56, 168, 175, 199, 212-/J, 216, 219, 228, 233. 236·9,
245, 258.271,278-82,308.395.
243-4,247,252,264-5, 390, 398, 414. As the green land ofthe Eldar, rtad
Launlln - (Q. "Song of GoW). The younger of the Two Trees of UT 174: as the land ofOil.galad, r�ad UT 185.
Valinor, Called alsothe Tree ofthe Sun (read 1JT49). the Golden Tree: of
Lind6rte - Sister of Elirtndur fifteenlh Lord of Andunie. Mother of
Valinor(reodUT168, 253). Malina1da(Q. '"Tree ofGoldj, and Cuhirien.
InzilbCth mcxher of Tar-Palantir. Rtad Sil268; UT 223.
Read Sil38·9, 61, 74, 99·101, 126; UT49, 168, 230.
Lasgardh - land of reeds al the Mouths ofSirion. R�od UT 34.
.....urlnque- Yellow-Oowcred lree ofthe Hyarrosrar n
i Numenor. Read
UT /68. Lissuin -A fragrant flower ofToI Eressi:!a. R�ad UT 189.
Lay of Leithian - The long peom concerning the lives of 8eren and Little Celion - One ofthe two tributary branches ofthe river Gelion in
LUthien from which the prose account in The Silmarillion was derived. the north, rising in the Hill of Himring. R�ad SUI23.
Lcithian is lnUlslated 'Re1ease from Bondage'. Read sa 162. 165, /68, Loa - The Elvish solar year. R�od UT 327.
/71·2, /86. L6mtllndl - (Q,) Quenya word meaning "dusk·singers�, i.e. nightin·
Lebennln-(S. "Five Rivers' or 'P1aceofFive Waters). A well-settled gales. Rtod Si/55.
region lying west of the Anduin and southeast of the White Mountains. It Lond Daer - (S. "Great Havcn"). Founded as Vinyalonde (Q, "New
wasoneofthe 'faithful fiefs' ofGondor. The five riversreferred toare the Haven") by Tar·Aldarion ofNumenor in S.A. 777, Lond Oaerwas agreat
Eroi, Sirith, Celos, Semi, and the Gilrain. The great port of Pelargir and haven for the seafarers of Westernesse, Rtad UT 176. 180·1, /88. 200,
pan ofthe tenitOJ)' ofthe Lord ofLinhir are in Lebennin.R�adLotRI 386; 206, 214,239,253,261-3,265. hs location, at the moulh of the Gwathl6,
LodU1I23; UT 242, 316. between the ports of Lindon and the h3.fbor al Edhellond (near Dol
Ltblnnevd -(S, "Lebennin's End"; also �Lebennevet"). The point of Amroth) gave birth lo itsother name: L..ond DaerEnedh (S. "Greal Middle
land protroding southwestward into the Bay of Belfalas, between the Haven'). R�ad UT 264·5.
mouths of the rivers Gilrain and Anduin. l.ebinnevet is alsothe name for LondarOlh - The ruined Northman town standingbelow the LongLake
the district thai encompasses southern Lebennin. by Linda!.
Ldnul- River flowing to the sea from the western end ofEre<! Nimrais. Long Lake - (S. "Annen"). A long, cIee:p lake localed on the River
(The name means "fifth", i.e. Ifter Erui, Sirith, Semi, and Morthond, the Running, the Long Lake is situaledjust lo the easlofMirkwood andsooth
riven ofGondor that flowed n i to Anduin orthe BIY ofBelfalas.)RtadUT ofthe Lonely Mountain. The Taurduin, or 'forest River: meets the River
263,383-4. Running at the Long Late. Lake-town rises out ofthe lakewatennearthis
Legobs _ Sindarin Elf ofNorthem Mirkwood. son ofThranduil; one of confluence. R�ad LotRI 55; UT 258.
the Fellowship of the Ring. R�ad LotR passim; UT 171, 246, 248, 256, Lonl Marshes -(So "Aelinann"), The wetlands surrounding the lower
258, 3Jj·J6. 365-6. 395. portion oftheforest River (S. ''Taurduin"), east of Mirkwood and west of
i iand. R�ad Sit
lAgoIin - The third of the tributaries of Gelion in Ossr the Long Lake.
123. long Winter The winterofT.A. 2758-9, R�od UT 331, 373.

umbas-(S.) Sindarin name ofthe wlybread of the Eldar (from earlier L6rellln -The lake in L6rien in Valinor where the Vala Este sleeps by
I�nnmbass ("journey·bread"): in QuenYI coimas ("life-bread") . R�ad day. R�od Sil28.
LodU 478, 502; LotR1I35; LodU1I 233; Si/202, 204, 207-8; UT 148, Lorgan - Chief of the Eastcrling Men in Hithlum after the Nimaeth
152, 276. As Wlybread (of the Elves), rtad UT 33. 38, 152. Amoediad, by whom Tuor was enslaved. R�ad Si1238; UT 19.
Ltn,.,e - (Q.) The leader of the Elves from the host of the Teleri who L6rien [ll-(Q.)Thenameofthegardensanddwelling-placeofthe Vall
refused to cross the Misty Mountains on the westward journey from Irmo, who was himself usually called L6rien. R�odSi125. 28, 30,55, 63·
Cuivienen (the Nandor): father of Denethor. R�ad Si154, 94. 4, 93. 99·/00, 234; UT 253, 397. See lrmo.
Uod-Lordofthe &th&ld, fatherofEorl the Young. RtadUT297,301, Urlen [2] -(Q.) The land ruled by Celebom and Galadriel between the
303, 311, 313.14. rivers Celebrant and Anduin. Probably the original name of this land was
LhOn -River in Eriaclor flowing into the sea in the Gulf ofLbOn, R�ad altered to the fonu of the Quenya name L6rien of the gardens ofme Vala
UJtRlII 383; Sil285-6, 290; UT239. For Gulfof LhOn, rtadLotRI1259; Irmo in Valinor. R�od LotRI300, 438; LoIR1I 21; Lo/R1II 97; Si/298;
en 213. Frequently in an adapted spelling Lune. UT 228·9, 234, 240-1, 243-6,248, 252.3, 256-60,267. 272. 276, 280·2,
Llmllaht -River flowing from Fangom Forest to Anduin and fonning 299,316. 322, 330. 339, 343,345, 353, 390. Also known at various times
the�tremenorth-bound of Rohan. (For the perplexed origin of the name as Lothl6rien (S. "Oreamf1ower' or 'L6rien of the Blossom'). rtod LotRI
and its other forms: Limlaith, Limlich, Limliht, Limlint. r�ad UT 318.) 434; LotR1I 42; LotRll/ 309; Sil298; UT 56, 169, 171, 216, 231, 235,
R�adLodU 493; UT260, 281, 295, 299·300, 305, 313·14, 316, 318, 343, 240, 245, 252·3, 265, Laurenanclt!, Laurelindorenan (S. "Land of the
345. Valley of Singing Gold ). r�ad LotRI/ 88, 348; LotRJI/ 318. Nandorin
Llnaewen -("Late of birds"). The great mere n
i Nevrasl. Rtad Sill19; L6rinand (rtad UT236-8, 240, 252·3, 257), Sindarin Oloman/Nan Laut,
UT25,401. (r�od UT 253), derived from older Lind6rinand (S. "Vale of the land of
the Singers"), the Golden Wood, (rtad LodU 439. LotRII 42; I.AllUI/
L1oda1 - (S, "Mere's End"). The waterfalls at the southern end of the
312,327), and Dwimordene (R. "Haunted Valley". "Phantom-vale"). The
Long Late. Linda! marks the exit of the lakewaters, as they spill over I
Golden Wood was fonnally established by Galadriel in T.A. 1375,
eig.!lly-foot catarlld and resume their course as the River Running (S.
, although a number of Nandor Elves preceded her there.
"Celduln ,),
Losgar - The place of the burning of the ships of the Teleri by A!anor,
at the mouth ohlle Firth of Orengisl. R�ad 5il90, 97, 106, 109, 119, 127,
Lossarnach -(S. "Flowery Amach'), The region near theheadwaters of
the river Erui. Lossamach is tucked belween the Ered Nimrais (to the
north) and the provinces of An6rien (to the north and east) and Lebennin
(to the south). R�ad LoIRl1l22; UT286.
Glossary o/Terms 47

L6tesse (Q.) Quenya name of the fifth month according to the

_ Mallorn -(5,) Name ofthe great trees with goldenflowersbrought from
Nllmen6rean calendar, corresponding to May. Lothron is the Sindarin Tol Eressea to Eldalondi! in Numenor, and afterwards grown n i
name. Rtod UT65. 302. Lothl6rien. ReadLotRI443; LotRJ/ 117; LotR1II375: UT56, 171, 253.
Lothlriel-Oaughterof Imrahil of001 Amroth; wife of King Eomerof Quenya malinCll1lC!, plural malinomi, read UT /67-8.
Rohan and mother of Elfwine the Fair. Read UT 286. Mallos - A golden flower of Lebennin. Read UT 316.
Lothlann -("The wide and empty"). The great plain north ofthe March Mandos -(Q.)The place ofthe dwelling in Aman ofthe Vala properly
of Maedhros. Read Sil 123. 153,208. called N!imo, the Judge. though this name was seldom used, and he
Luinil -Name of a star (one shining with a blue light). Read Sil48. himself was usually referred to as Mandos. Named as Vala: readsa 25,
28-9, 48, 52, 65, 67, 70-2, 78-9, 87, 98, 102, 104, 11 /, 129. 186-7, 249,
Lumbar -Name ofa star. Read Sil48.
255. Named as the place ofhis dwelling (including Halls of Mandos; also
Lune _
Alternate spelling ofLhun. ReadLotRl1I383; UT 228. 233,252, Halls ofAwaiting, Houses ofthe Dead): read Si128. 42, 44, 52, 59. 64-5,
398. 67, 88. /04, 107, 186-7,234; UT 30,82, 156,393,397. With rderence lO
Luthien ThedaughterofKingThingol andMeHan the Maia, who after
the Doom of the Noldor (or the Doom of Mandos) and the Curse of
the fulfillment of the Quest of the Silmaril and the death of Beren chose Mandos:readSilI25-6.129, 139. 141, 167. 170, 176,240;UT29-30,230.
10 become mortal and share his fate. Read LorRI 258-60; LoIRlI 422; For Second Prophecy of Mandos. read UT 402. See F eanturi, Nlimo.
LoIR1lI186. 312: Sil 91. 95. 123. 148. 162. 165-8, 172-89. 198. 234-6, Manwe -(Q.) The chiefofthe Valar, called also Sl1limo (rendered in the
246. 249, 254, 261; UT 57-8, 79,84. 157. Beren gave Luthien the name Valaquenta as 'Lord of the Breath of Arda'; literally '!he Breather"), the
Tinuviel ("Daughter ofTwilight"). a poetic word for nightingale, read UT Elder King, the Rul�of Arda. Read Silpassim, reod esp. 21, 26, 39-40,
57. 65-6.85, I/O: UT55, 67, 156. 169,200,222, 232,393, 395-6, Called the
M Elder King, read UT 67, 396. See Witnesses of Manw�.
Mablid - A Owarven tribe who settled n i the Yellow Mountains of Marach - Leader of the third host of Men 10 enter Beleriand, ancestor
southern Endor. 1bese Naugrim make their capital at Blackflame. of Hador L6rindoJ. Read Sil I42-4, 150.
Mablung - ("of the Heavy Hand"). Elf of Doriath, chief captain of March orMaedhros -The open lands to the north ofthe headwaters of
Thingol, friendofTurin; slain in Meoegrothby theOwarves.ReadSilI 13, the river Gel ion, held by Maedhros and his brothers against attack on East
184-6. 189,200. 217-19, 225,230. 234; UTBO-2, 84. 94. 114-21, 143-5, Beleriand; also called the eastern March. Read Sil l /2-13, 123.
149. Also called the Hunter. read UT 80. Mardil - Called the Faithful; the first ruling Steward ofGondor. Reod
Maedhros _ (Q.) The eldest son of Ftanor. called the Tall; rescued by Sil297; UT 309, 317,319-20. Called Voronw� 'the Steadfast' ,(reod UT
Fingon from Thangorodrim; held the Hill ofHimring and the lands about; 317), and the Good Steward, (read UT 320),
fonnedtheUnion ofMaedhros thatended in theNimaethAmoediad; bore Marhari -Leader of the Northmen in the Battle of the Plains, where he
one ofthe Silmarils with him tohis death at theend ofthe First Age. Reod was slain; father of Marhwini. Read UT 289, 31/.
Sil60, 83. 90, 108-13. //5·16. /19, 12/-4, /33, /40. 145, /52-3,157, 176,
Marhwlni - ("Horse-friend"). Leader of the Nonhmen (Eot�) who
188_93, 195, 237,246_7.250,252-4; UT 58, 75. /47.
settled in the Vales of Anduin after the Battle of the Plains, and ally of
Maeglln -(5. "Sharp Glance"). Son ofEl:ll and Aredhel Turgon's sister, Gondor against the Wainriders, Read UT 289-91, 31 I,
born in Nan Elmoth; became mighty in Gondolin, and betnlyed it to
Mark, The - Name among Rohirrim for their own country. Rtad UT
Morgoth; slain in the sack of the city by Tuor. L6mion (Q. "Son of
306, 311, 314-15.364-5,371, Also called Riddermark, (reod LbtRl 344,
Twilight") is Aredhel gave to Maeglin. ReadSil92. 133-9, 159, /94. 202,
493; LorR1l42, 141 ; LotRIII 77: UT 367,37l), Mark ofthe Riders, (read
240-2: UT49, 54, 56.
UT3(6); andforMarshals ofthe Mark, read UT364,366-9. See also East­
Maggot, Farmer - Hobbit ofthe Shire. farming n
i the Marish near the mark, West-mark. and Rohan.
Buckiebury Ferry. Read UT 352.
Mearas - The horses of Rohan. Reod UT 311, 314.
Melian-A Maia, who left Va1inor andcame to Middle-earth; afterwards
the lands called Maglor's Gap; at the end of the First Age seized with
the Queen of King Thingol in Dorialh, about which she set a girdle of
Maedhros the two Silmarils that remained in Middle-earth, and cast the
enchanunent, the Girdle ofMelian; mother ofLllthien, and fore-mother of
one thathe took into the Sea. ReadSil60, 83. 87, /13. 115, 117, 124, 140,
Elrondand Elros. ReodSil30-1 ,55-6,58, 91-3,95,97. 104, I I I . 115, /21-
153, 157. 183, /93, 247, 250, 252-4.
2, /26-9. 132, 144, 146-7, 15/, Ch.XIXpassim, 188-9, Ch.XXI andXXII
Maglor's Gap -The region betweenthe northern arms ofGeliOl1 where passim. 254,261 .. UT73-6, 78-9,83.85, /09, //3, 115, /21, 148,152-3,
there were no hills of defense against the North. Read Sil 115, /24, 153. 158, 234, For Girdle of Melian. rtad UT41, 63, 78, /09, 1/3-14.
Magor _ Son of Maisch Aradan; leader ofthe Men of the following of Menegroth - (5. 'The Thousand Caves"). The hidden hallsofThingoI
Marach who entered West Beleriand, Rtad Sil143, 147. and MeHan on the River EsgaJduin in Doriath. Rtod Si156, 93-4, 96-7,
Mahanaxar TheRing ofDoom outside the gates ofValmar, in which
108, I JI. 114, /22, 129, /66, /68, 172. 179, 183-6, 188, /99-202, 205,
were set the thrones of the Valarwhere they sat n
i counci
l . ReadSil38, 50, 217,219, 231-6; UT 74, 76-9, 81-5, 94,144, 148, 231.259.
52,70. 78-9, 82,85.98, Menel - ("Heaven"). Literally the Region ofthe Stars, it includes all of
Mahtan _
A great smith of the Noldor. father of Nerdaoel the wife of the heavens and lies above Arda. Read UT67. 184.
Feanor. Rtad Sil 64, 69. Meneldll - (5.) Son of Anaflon. third King ofGondor. ReodLotRl321,
Maiar _
(Q sing, "Maia"). The lesser Ainur who entered El as servants
. 331; Sil295-6; UT 271, 279,304, 308, 3/9.
ofthe Valar, They are also known as the People ofthe Valar, the Servants Menelmacar - (5. "Swordsman of the Sky" . The constellation Orion.
of Valinor. and the Servants of the Guardians. The ignorant (notably Read Si148.
among Men) call them ·Lesser Gods.· Read Sil21,29-32,36.55,58, 75,
MeneJtarma - (5. "Pillar of Heaven"). The mountain in the midst of
82, 92, 95, 97, 99, 188, 234, 236, 261. 285; UT 214. 254, 393-4, 401.
NUmenor, upon whose summit was the Hallow of Eru ll11vaw. Reod sa
Maier - (Q. sing. "Maie"). The female Maiar, 261-2, 266, 269-70, 272, 277. 279, 281; UT 3/ (unnamed, in Tuor's
Malach -Son ofMarach; given the Sindarin name Aradan. ReadSilJ43. dream), 165-6, 168-9, 175, 183-4, 188, 192, 215, 223. Translated Pi
l larof
147. the Heavens, (read ur 166), and thePillar. (read UT 188), Calledalso the
Malantur _ Nllmen6rean. descendant ofTar-Elendil. Reod UT 208. Holy Mountain, (read UT 166), and the Hallowed Mountain of the
Malduin -(5. " Yellow River") A tributary ofthe Teiglin. Read Si1205; Nllmen6reans, (read UT 183).
UT 38, 54. Men-i-Naugrlm -(5, "Way oftheDwarves" , A name of the Old Forest
Road. Read UT 2BO-/. Translated Dwarf Road, read UT 280-1,
48 Glossary a/Terms

Minas Tirlth (21 - (S.) Later name of Minas Anor (S. "Tower of the
Sun" , the city of Antrion. at the feet of Mount Mindolluin. Read5i1297.
CaUed the Cil)' of Gondor, read 5i1 304. and the Guarded Cil)', read
LoIIUII24.ReodLodU321:LoIIUl /8; LodUI120; UT255,2934,296-
7,301-2, 314,316,319,321, 327.9,353,364, 369-73, 382.4024, 406,
412·/3, For Minas Anor, read5iI29/-2, 294-7, 304; UT314,415, forthe
Hallows of Minas Tirith, read liT3 10, 313; for the White Tower ofMinas
Tirith, read UT 406; Also called Mwxlburg.(MGuardian FOftressj n i
Rohan, read LotRlI 143; LodU1I 93; UT297, 304. See also Anor-stone.
Mlnckb - A tributary of Sinon, between Oimbar and the Forest of
Neldoreth. Read 5i1 121, 201.
MlndoUuln - (S, "Towering Blue·head,,). The veat mountain behind
Minas Tirith. Read lMR1I 262, 371; lMRlIl24; 5a 291, 304.
Mlndon Eldaliha - (Q. "Lofty Tower of the Eldalitj, The lOwer of
Ingwi! in the city ofTirion; allO simpl.y the Mindon. Read Sil59, 70, 82,
Mlnhlrlath -(So "Between the Rivers"). The region ofEriador located
between the riven Gwathl6 and Baranduin, Minhiriath forms the south­
western half of Cardolan. Read UT 261·2, 264-5, 341.
Mlnohtar - Ncphew of King Ondoher, slain in Ithilien in T,A. 1944 in
battle with the Wainriders. Read UT 2924.
Mln-Rlmmon -("Peak of the Rimmon'l The Rimmon was a group of
crags. Min-Rimmon was the fifth of the beacons of Gondor in Ere(]
Nimrais. Read LotRl1l 20; UT 30/ , 314.
Mfr5e1 (II -(Q.) The first wife of Finw!!, maeher of F&nor; died after
Ranor's birth. Called Serindi! (Q. "the Broidcress"). Read 5iJ 60, 634,
Mfr5e1 (21 - Daughter of Tar-PaJanlir, forced into marriage by As·
PharIzOn, and IU his queen named in AdOnaic Ar·ZimrapheI; also called
in Quenya Tar·M!riel. Read SiJ 269, 279; UT 190,224, 227.
Mtrdh Aderthad - (5. '"The Feast of Reuniting"). Held by Fangolfin Mlrltwood - The great streich of forest called by the Elves Taur-e­
near the Pools of Imn. Read Sil J J3. Ndaedl05(S. "ForeslofGreatFear'1. Like the 'Old Forest' and 'Fangom',
Mtriadoc Brandybudt - Hobbit o(the Shire, one oflhe Fellowship of it is a remnant ofthe great forest which once covered mostofnorthwestern
the Ring. Read IAdl passim; In' 32J. 336, 365, 368. 383,386-7. Endor. Located east of the Misty Mountains, it was earlier called Green­
wood the Oreat. After the War of the Ring, its name was changed 10 Eryn
Mrrin&: Strum - ("Boundary Stream"). It nows down from Ered
Lasgalen (S. "Wood of Grecnleayes}, R�ad LotRl 22, 72; LotRl1 41;
Nimrais tojoin the Entwash.1nd forms the boundary between Rohan and
LodU1I 43; UT 2434, 246, 256.7, 260, 281, 288-90. 295..8, 303, 307.
Gondor. in Sindarin called Glanhlr. Read lIT 300·2, 305-6, 3/8.
310-/3, 337, 343.
Methtd-en-Gt.d - (S. "End of the Wood"), A slIOnghold in Dar
Miruyor - The cordial of the Eldar, Read UT 276, 284.
Ct1arthoI. at the edge of the forest south ofTcigiin. RMil UT J53.
Mlsty Mountains - (S. "Hithaeglir", "Line of Misty Peaks", "Moun·
Mttraith -(S. "SlTeetsend"). ORen considered the capital. Metraith is
astrategically loealed lown in cenual Cardolan. It stands al the crossroads tains of MisI" . Snow· and mist-capped mountains which ron southward
for900 miles from the upper Anduin Vlies 10 thelsen Gap (Gap ofRohan).
of the Greenway and the Redway, by the royal hold al ThaJion. Thus,
The daunting Misty Mountains fonn the western boundary of both the
Metraith is also known as Thalion.
.. Anduin Valley (S. "Nan Anduin") and (according tosome) Rhovanion. ln
Mlddk-earth - ("End6ft ; "Endor"; "the Middle Land"). One of the
many of the following references the mountains are nOl named. Read SiJ
continenta1 1and masses found in the world. II was 1101 the entirety of the
54, 91, 94, 290, 293, 295; UT 200, 228, 235-6, 2434, 256, 258. 261-2,
world, although the action and events found in Tlu HDbbU and Tluuml 272-3, 280-2, 295,299, 306.7, 3/3,339,342, 346, 353,370.
oj tJu RiIIlS focus on the Third Age of Middlc-earth and the very
Mlthelthtl - (S. "Pale-grey Spring", "Grey Spring"; W. "Hoarwell'').
beginning oCme Fourth Age (read LotR1 21; lAtRII IJ1; lAtRlIl13) .
A1socallcd the Hither Lands (rcad SilSS, 57.8, 89, 239, 246, 251, 254, The relatively narrow. swift-moving SIIelm that rises in the MislY Moun­
tains near the juoclioo between the Ellenmoors and the CoIdfells of
262, 299), the Outer Lands (nod Sil39, 41, 47. 90, 100, 249). the Dark
Eriador. Culling through Rhudaur, the Mitheithel slows and widens after
I...,.ands (read UT 178), the Great 1.....and5 (read lMR11362; Sil 263; UT
its connuence with the Bruinen (Loudwater). It joins the Glanduin in the
17f). and Endor.
r.aarshes of Swanf1cet. giving binh 10 the Gwathl6, a wide, slow-lTIOYing
Mlm - The Peny-dwarf, in whose houx (Bar-c:n-Danwedh) on Amon river thai cuts through southeastern Eriadar. The Mithcithel formspart of
ROdh TUrin dwelt with the outlaw band, and by whom their lair was
the northeastern border ofCardolan. ReadLodU268, 280; UT261, 263-
belJ'lyed10the Ora; slainby HUrin in Nargolhrond. ReadSil202-6, 230; 4. Translated Hoarwell, read lMR1 22: UT 26/, called GreyfJood, read
UT96-/()4, 147-8, 151·2, 154.
LotIU 268; lMR1II 337
MiaardU - Twenly.fifth KiIlJ ofGondot. Read UT 309. Mithtond - (S. "The Grey Havensj. The harbors of the Elyes on the
MiDas (thU - (S. '"Tower of the Moon"). Afterwards caUed Minas GulfofLhOn, ruled by C(rdan; also referred toasthe Hayens. ReadUHR//
Morgul; thecil)' oflsildur, buill on a shoulder of the Epbel DUath. Read 258; LotRJII 38J; 5i1286,289,298-9.304; UT/ll, 1 74-5, /88, 199,205,
LoIRJ 321; LotRl1259; LotRIII /96, 305;5i1 291·3. 296-7; liT 280, 310, 232. Translated 'the Grey Hayens', readl..o1R1 26, 79, 315; LotRlJl I85;
314, 403, .f06, 412. See also Ithil·stone. UT 239. 247, 252, 278, 389, 392, 400.
MiDas Moraul -(S. "TowerofSorccryj. The name ofMinas Iwl after - Elf of L6rien, companioo to Nimrodel; liken to wife by
Ufebythe Ringwn.iths. ReadLDdU321 ,LoIIU1259,396; lMRlIl
ib CMJI ImrazOr the NIlmen6rean; mother of Galador first Lord of Dol Amroth.
41; il297. 303; UT 295, 319-20,338. 352. Sec also Witch.king. Read UT248, 316.
MiDas Ttrlth (I) - (S. "Tower of Watch). Built by Finrod Felagund on MlthrU - The metal known as "Moria-silver" or "Troe-silyer", found
Tol Sirion; see Tol·in-Gaurhoth. Read Sil 120, 155-7, 205; UT 54. For also in Nlimenor. Read UT 221,227, 284.
'Minas of King Finrod', read liT 38.
Glossary ofT�rms

Mlthrim (5.) The name ofthe great lake in the eastorHithlwn. and also
_ Morwm [I J - Daughter of Baragund (nephew ofBarahir, the ruher of
ofthe region about it andofthe mountains to the wesl, separating Mithrim Deren); wife or Hurin and mother or Turin and Nienor, called Eledhwetl
from Oor·I6min. The name was originally that oflhe Sindarin Elves who (translated in the leJ.t as 'Elfsheen) and the Lady ofDor-I6min. ReadSU
dwelt there. R�adSil 106·10. 112, 119, 198,238: UT /7, 20·1,25,56, 68, 148, /55, 160, 197-9.2/0-1I, 214·15, 217·19, 225, 227.229,231; UT57.
Mlttalmar -The central region ofN6menor, translated Inlands. R�ad 59. 61 --6, 68-71, 73.fll, 104-9, H2-18, 121, 138, /44, 146-7, 155, 161.
UT 165--6, /68.217. 189. 2/5·16. For Eledhwen, read UT 57. 62, 68. 161, 189.

Morannon - (5.) The main (northemtenrry to Mordor. R�ad LoIRlI Morwen (2) -OfLossamach., • lady ofQondor, akin 10 Prince Imnhil;
309; lAtIllJJ 198; ur292·5, 312. Translated the Black. Gale, rt'adLotRI wifeof King Thengel of Rohan. Read UT 286.
332; lAI/UI 297,309, 317; LoIIUlI 109, 112. 200; UT 369; called also Mountains-ofAmanorofOefense, see Pelori; ofDor·Lomin, see Dor.
the Gates ofMordor. read UT 280, 292. For Watchtowers (Towers ofthe l6min; of the Ease, see Orocami; of Iron, see Ered Engrin; of Mist, see
Teeth) of the Morannon. read LotlU1308, 324; lAtRJ// 200; ur 293, Hithaeglir; of Mirkwood, read UT 281.; of Mithrim, see
3/2. Mithrim; of Shadow, see Ered Wethrin and Ephel DUath; ofTem)J, see
Mordor - (S. "Black·land", "Land of Shadow" . The high land east of Ered Gorgoroth; or Turgon, see Echoriath.
the Anduin which is guarded on the north by the Ered Lithui (S. "Ash Mountains of the Wind -(S. �Ered GWllen"; Q. ''OrosUli',. Mountain
Mountains" and on the westand south by the Ephel DUm (S. "Shadow range in southeastern Middle-earth. In the early days of AId&, before the
Fence'"). 1nese two mountain fVIges converge around the vale of UdOn. changes, these peW comprised the middle fVIge of the three mountain
First settled by Sauron around S.A. 1000, Mordor has always been chains in the East.
associated with the Dark Lord Between S.A. 3441 and T.A. 1636,
Mount Gundabad - The greaIesl massif in the northeastern Misty
Gondor's armies guarded the land, butthe wllch was removed following Mountains, Mount Gundabad commands the narrow gap between the
the GreatPlague. R�ad lAIR passim. ReadSi1267, 28Q, 288, 290·7,302· Misty and Grey Mountain ranges. Thus, it is the most strategic height
3; UT 236. 239, 2434, 255, 258·9, 280,282-3, 291 . 296, 322. 330, 337. OVerlooking the northern Anduin Vales. A huge Ore·hold ia .ituated
341 -2. 346. 367, 383, 398. 406, 408. Ore·kingdom thaIpays uibule 10 the Witch-kina
M6rtnorf - (Q. "Dark Land"; aka "M6ryan" nene , "Hyannenori!''). of Angmar. Orcs issued forth from this stTOnghold to assail Erebor in the
M6renort is the Queny. E1vish label for the small continent south of Battle of Five Annies. Azog and, later, his son Bolg are the two moa
Middle-earth, the remote land separated from Endor by the Haragaer. famous Lords orGundabad.
Morpl - ("Black Fence"). The inner ridge much lower than the Epbel
o.lath and separated from it by adeep uough; the inner ring ofthe Fences
ofMordor. Read LodU1I 214; UT 282. N.har - (Q.) The horse of the Val. OromI!, said by the Eldar 10 be so
named on account or his voice. Read SU 29. 4/, 49·50, 53, 76, 95.
Moraotb-(Q. "'The Black Enemy" . The name ofMelkor, fint given to
him by A!anorafter therapc ofthe Silmarils. The great rebellious Vala was Nalth olL()rko:n -(5. ''Triangle''; W. "Gore' ofL6rien). Thecentral part
of L6rien: the land between the angle of the Celebrant and the Andllin.
the beginning of evil and, in his origin, the mightiest of the Ainur. The
meaning ofMelkor was 'He who arises in Might'; the Sindarin fonn was Read LotRJ 450, 454, 482; ur 261, 282.
8elegfir, but it was never used, save in a deliberately altered fonn Njmo-(Q.) A Vala, one oftheAntar; usually named Mandos, the place
Iklegurth 'Great Death'. Read SII 16.18,31-2,50,65-6, 79,81-2.101, ofhill dwelling. Nama means 'On1ainer, Judge'. NlUUfantur is the earlier
205, 260; UT 17-19, 26, 29, 34, 36-7,40-1, 43, 52, 55, Pan I IIpanim. 'Irue' name ofN6mo (Mandos). Read 51128. See Ranturi.
199, 201.214, 228,230.232. 235--6. 247, 251,253, 288,378, 383.385,
398. Called the Black King, (reat{ ur60), the Dark Lord, (read UT 79),
Bauglir, (read UT66), the Enemy, (rt'ad ur28·9.37.fl. 41, 43,54,59,63,
78, 95, 153. 160. 398), and by the Dpiedain 'the Grcat Dark Qnc', (read
UT 383).
Moria - (S. 1'he Black Owm", "Hadhodtond"; W. "Dwanowdelr,
"Delving ofthe Dwarves"; Kh. "Khazad-dQm�, "Dwarf-mansion'"). In the
Khuzdul Khazad-dum, the suffiJ. dlbn s i probably . plural or collective.
meaning 'eJ.cavations. halls, mansions'. Moria stands as. citadel, man­
sion, and city-hold ofOurin's Folk, the noblest ofthe Seven Tribes ofthe
Dwuves. Founded in the early Fmt Age in caves beneath the Misty
Mountains, it overlooks and incorporates the holy vale called Azanulbi­
ZM, Khazad-dQm has since been eJ.panded 10 n i clude seven principle
kv& which stretch the width of the mountain fVIge and eJ.tend under the
� mountains Fanuidhol, Caradhtas, and Celebdil. Early in theSerond
Age, the Dwarves discovered mithril here, and many from the Blue
Mountains migrated 10 Durin', home. Khazad-dQm was abandoned n i
T.A. 1982, two years after the release ofthe Balmg. A.n realm, it n
i cludes
the Azanulbizararld all the passages and chambers within the mountains.
RtodLDdU316,370,386,395.411; LodUI21 .46, 134, 194; LolRIII34;
SU44. 91,286,288, 294; UT2J5.fJ, 240-1 ,243_5,,261.
2n,276, 281, 284.321 ,324,327. 343.345,353,401. Ease·galeofMoria,
reod LotRI387, 4/0; UT 321, 327; West_pte, read UT235, 345, 353.
MortItond-(S. "Black-rooc"). River incentral Gondor which forms the
border between the regions of Lamedon and Anfalas, and Anfalas and
Dor-.en·EmiI. The Morthondrises intheWhite Mountains, by the Paths of
the Dead, n
i a vaiecaJled Moman;thusitsname. F10wing south pastErech.,
it windswestofTarlang anddown 10 the Bay of8elfalas. ltsmouth isjust
north of 001 Amroth.. The Elf·havens and port of Edhellond lie n
i the
Monhond deltlL ReadLodU1/49. 73; ur 247, 255.
50 Glossary o/Turns

Nandor - Said 10 mean 'Those who (urn back': the Nandor were those NazgfU - (B.S. "Ring Servants", "Ringwraithsj. Also called simply
Elves from the hostofthc Teleri who refused 10 cross the Misty Mountains 'The Nine,' these were nine great lords of Men enslaved by Sauron :n the
on the weslward journey from Cuivienen, bul of whom a part, led by Second Age. Each had apparently coveted great power and accepted one
Dcncthor, came long afic:rwards over the Blue Mountains and dwell in ofthe Nine Rings or Men wrought by Sauron. Since the rings were ruled
Ossiriand (the Green-elves); for !hose who remained east of the Misty by lhe One Ring and keyed to the Dark Lord, the NazgOI became slaves.
Mountains. see Silvan Elves. R�adSil54.94, 122. 199; urn, 175,214, As time passed they became immortaJ in a sense, undead, and no longer
256. Adjective Nandorin, read UT 228, 234, 236, 240. 252·1, 257. possessed bodies associated with the living. Essentially, they became
Nan Dunprtheb -(5. "Valley of Oreadful Death"). Also Dungorthcb. 'shadows' ofgreat power, and acted as Sauron's most uusted lieutenants.
The valley between the prccipica of Ered Gorgoroth and the Girdle of The WilCh.king ofAngmar, also called the lord ofMOfgul. was theirchief;
Mclian. Read il 81, 121, 132. 164, 176. he was the Lord or the NazgOI and possessed the greatest power of
independent action. The NazgOI were afraid ofwater, some fires, and the
Nan Elmoth - (5.) The forest east of the river Celon where Elwe
(Thingol) was enchanted by Melian and lost; afterwards the dwelling­ name 'E1bereth.' They wcre vinually blind by usual standards, but
possessed amazing senses ofsmell. elC. which helped offset this weakness
place: ofEO!. Read sa 55, 58, 92, 132.6, 142, 202, 234.
and gave them tremendous advantages in darkness. Their power was
Nan-talhHn -(5. "Willow-vale", "the Land of Willows"). The valley
lessened during the day. and KhamOI, the second to the Olief, had
where the river Narog flowed inlO Sirion. In Treebeard's song (inLotRll
considerable fear of the light. Some of the others may have shared all or
90). Queny. forms of the name are used: Tasarinan, Nan·taSarion. Read
pan of this naw. Nonetheless, these wraiths generally overcame their
sa 120, /95, 243-4; UT 32, 34·5.
weaknesses, and were rarely stayed for more than brief intervals. Also
N.rdoI -(S. "Fiery head"). The third of the beaconsof Gondor in Ere<! called 'Black Riders', and the (llairi. Read LotR1328, 336; LoIR11 61:
Nimrais. Read ur 314, 319. LotJUII4J; UT295,310.338·9,341, 344�, 352-1. As Ringwraiths, r�ad
NUJOlhrond - 'The great underground fortress on the river Narog, Lo1R1 82; LoIRII /29; 396; LoIRJJJ 199, 275; UT267, 283, 289,296-7.
founded by Finrod Felagund and destroyed by Glaurung; also the� Im of 300, 302·3,338·9,342,344,347, 352; as Black Riders, r�ad LotRI 112:
Nargothrond extending east and west of the Narog. Called Nulukkizdin by LotRII 94: LotRJJJ 41; ur340·2, 344-8, 352.354: as the Nine, read ur
theDwarves. ReadL«R1412, 462; SU 114-/5, 120·2, 126, 130, 140, 142, 339, 346; as fell Riders, read lAtR1I1 41, 43; readLotR passim.
147,151-2, /56·7, 160, 168·71, 173, 176, 184, 188, 190-2, 195, Ch.XXI Nekiordh - (S.) The great beech-forest fonning the northern pan of
passim, 230·1, 233. 238, 240, 286; UT 25. 34. 38, 40-2. 51-2. 54. 87. 92. Doriath; called Taur-na·Ncldor in Treebeard's song in LotJUI. Rtad
100, 108·9. J11-14, 116·17, 119-20. 124·9, 135, 144, 146, 148-50. /53- LotJU 260: LotR1I 9O: Si155, 91. 91, 95·6, 121. 165. 172, /98. 234.
5, /58�2, 189. 228. 235, 255. See Narog.
Nellas - Elf of Donath, friend of TUrin in his boyhood; bore witness
Nirie- Quenya name forthe sixth month, according to the NumeOOrean against Saeros in the trial ofTurin before Thingol. Read UT 76, 83-4, 95.
calendar, corresponding to June. N6tui is the Sindarin name. 6.
NanuclI l- Seventeenth Kina of Gondor. Read UT 292. NinaI' - (Q.) Name ofa Star. Read Sil48.
NanuclI lI - Twenty.ninth King ofGondor. slain in the Battle of the Nen Clrllh -(So "Shuddering Water}. Name given to Dimrost (S. "the
Plains. Read ur 289. 291,311·12. Rainy Stairj, the faUs orCelebros in the forest ofBrethil. Read sa220·
Nan I Hln "'ria -("The Taleofthe Children ofHUrinj. The long lay 2, 224; UT 123, 127, 129, 132, J35�, 139, 141, /43. 145, 149.
from which the story of TUrin Turambar as told in rlw SibtuuiUio" was Nfniml - (Q.) Queny. name of the second month according to the
derived.; ascribed to the poet Drrhavel, a Man who lived at the Havens of N6men6rean calendar, corresponding to February. Called Nfnui in
SiriOtl n
i the days of Elitendil and perished ni the attack of the sons of Sindarin. Read UT 279.
Ranor. 'Nam' signifies a tale made in vene, but to be spoken and not
Nm Lalallh - (S.) Stream rising under Amon Darthir in Ered Wethrin
sung. Read SO /98.
and flowing past Hurin', house in Oor-I6min. Read UT 58-9, 68. See
Naroa - The chief river of West Beleriand, rising at Ivrin under Ered Lalaith.
Wethrin and flowing into Sirion in Nan-18thren. Read 5096, 113-/4, 120,
Nennln. - River in West Beleriand, reaching the sea at the Haven of
122, 168·70, 203, 209, 2/ 1·/5,2/7·18, 230; UT 35, 52-3, JJ6·20, 127, Eglaresl. Read Sil120. 196, 21 1; UT 53.
149, 161. For Sources ofNarog, read UT 37, 78; forValeofNarog, read
Nenulal-(S. "Lake ofTwilight"). Locatedbetween the arms ofthe Hills
ur 99. 104, 148; for People of Narog, read UT 116; for Lord ofNarog,
read ur 153. of Evendim (Emyn Uial) north of the Shire, in Eriador. where the river
Baranduin rose, and beside which the city of Annuminas was built. Read
Narqutlii - (Q. "Sun-fading"). Quenya name of the tenth month
Si/ 291; UT 234·5. Translated Evendim, read LotRI 320; LotRlll 337:
acoording to the Numen6rean calendar, corresponding to October. Nar­
UT2/4. 234.
bek:th is the Sindarin name. Read UT 37. 271, 279.
Neny. - One ofthe Three Rings of the Elves, the Ring ofWater, borne
Narrows or the Forat - The 'waist' of Mirkwood caused by the
by Galadriel; also called the White Ring, (rtad ur 217, 339) and the Ring
indentation of the East Bight. Read ur 291, 312.
of Adamant, (read LotRI 472, 503; LotRIII 381; 5;/288. 298; UT 237,
NarsH - The sword or Elendil, made by Telchar of Nogrod. that was 251, 254).
broken when Ek:ndil died in combat with Sauron; from the shards it was
Nerdanel-(Q.) Called the Wise; daughter of Mahtan the smith, wife of
reforged for Angom and named Anduril. Read LotRl 319·20, Lot/WI
Ranor. Read 5064, 66, 69.
150: Sil294-5; ur 272, 275. for Anduril read LodU 363: lAdU1 43;
Lotrlll 194. �essa -(Q.) One ofthe V.Iier, the sisterofOromi! andspouse ofTulkas.
Read Sil25, 29. 36.
NarslIloo - The 500g of the Sun and Moon. Read Sil99.
Neuamekla - fragrant evergreen tree with scaric:t fruit brought 10
Narvi - (Kh.) Dwarf of Khazad-dQm, maker of the West-gate. close
Numenor by the Eldar of Eressea. The name pemaps means 'beloved of
friend ofCek:brimbor of Etegion. Read UT 235.
Nessa', one of the Valier, also called vardarianna and yavannamfrf
NarviDyl- Queny. name for the first month according to the Nume­ ("Jewel o(Yavannaj. Read UT 167.
ncnan calendar, corresponding toJanuary. Narwain istheSindarin name
Nevrast- (S.) The region west ofOor·I6nrin, beyond Ered Lornin, where

Narya - One ofthe Three Rings of the Elves, the Ring offire or the Red Turgon dwelt before his departure to Gondolin. The name. meaning
Ring; borne by Cfrdan and afterwards by Milhrandir. Read Lodl1ll 383; 'Hither Shore' • was originally that ofall the northwestern coast ofMiddle­
sa288, 298, 304; UT237.254, 389-90. Called the Ring ofFtre,(r�ad UT eanh (the opposite being Haerast 'the Far Shore', the coast of Aman).
237, 400), the Red Ring Read, (UT 237. 239,254, 392), and the Third ReadSil l/4-15, 119, 125-6, 131, 196, 238,244; UT24·5, 30, 32-4,46.
Ring. (read UT 389). 48·9, 51·3,69, 148, 401.
N..... m. (r - (S. "The Necklace of the Dwarves"). Made for Finrod Nltn... -(Q.) One of the Valier. numbered among the Aratar; Lady of
Felagund by the Dwarves, brought by Hurin out or Nargothrond to pity and mourning, the sister ofMandos and L6rien. Rtad Sil25, 28.9,31.
Thingol, and the cause or his death. Read SU 114, 231-3, 235-6. 38,65, 79, 98: UT 393.
Glossary o/Terms 51

Nienor _ ("Mourning"). The daughter of Hurin and Morwen and sister N6m, N6min - ("Wisdom" and"the Wise"). The names that the Menof
ofTurin; spell-bound by Glaurung al Nargothrond and in ignorance ofher B�'sfollowinggave to Finrod and his people in their own tongue. Read
past wedded Turin in Brethil ni her name Nfniel; cast herself into the Si1 /41.
Teiglin. ReadSill99. 211, 214-15, 217-26; UT73. 75. n-8. I06-7, 109, North Cape: - The end of the Forostar, the northern promontory of
112.15. 117.27. 129, 131-2, /36-46. 149. Read UT 73, 115, /38. Numenor. Read UT 166.
Nimbrethil -(5.) Birch-woods n i Arvernien in the south of Beleriand. . Nortb Downs- Hills ofEriador north oftheShire, where was built the
Cr. Biloo's song at Rivendell: 'He built a boat of timber felled in Numen6rean city ofFomost. Read LoIR1319; LotR/1I337; Sil291; UT
Nimbrethil to journey in... ' (LolRl 308). Read Sil246. 214.
Nimloth 111 _ (5.) The White Tree of Numenor, of which a fruit taken Nortbmen -Also called the Northrons. A group oftall, strong, fair, and
by Isildur before it was felled grew into the White Tree of Minas IIhil. hairy mannish folk. They are the "Middle·men", a group culturally and
Nimloth 'White Blossom' is theSindarin formofQuenyaNinquel6te,one physically closer 10 the Elves than those labeled "common", but nonethe­
ofthenames orTelperion.ReadLotRIII308; Sil38, 59, 263, 268-9. 272-
less distinct from the "High Men" or Edain. Branches of the Northmen
1,276,291; UT223, 266. include: the Wood-men, the Plains-men or Gramuz, the Lake-men, the
Nlmloth 121 - (5.) Elf of Doriath who wedded Oior ThingoJ's Heir; Eotheod, the Beornings, the Nenedain, and the Estaravi in Angmar. Read
mother ofElwing; slain in Menegroth in the attack by the sons ofFCanor. UT 288-90, 295-7, 310-13. With reference to the Rohinim, read UT172.
Read Sil234.fJ; UT 233, 266. For Free Men of the North, read UT 258.
Nlmphelos - (5.) The great pearl given by Thingol to the lord of the Nuatb. Woods of- Woods extending westwards from the upper waters
Owarves of Belegost. Read Si
192. of the river Narog. Read UT 36, 53.
Nimrodel - ("Lady of the White Grotto"). A beautiful Silvan Elf of
L6rien, beloved of Amrolh, who dwelt beside the falls of Nimrodel until
she went south and was lost n
i Ered Nimrais. Read UT 240-3, 246. 248.
255. 257. 261,316. Also a mountain stream falling into the Celebrant,
named after Nimrodel the Elf who dwelt beside it. Read LotRI 439-42;
LoIRl1l 119. 181; UT 241, 246,343. Numendil - Seventeenth Lord of Andunie. Read UT 223.
Nlndalf_ (W. "Wetwang"). Thegreatmarsh southofthe Emyn Muil and Numenor - (5. "West-land". "Westernesse"; Q. "Numen6Ii!"). The
eastoftheAnduin. lt is fedby local runoffandand the flows from theriver large, fenile island continent located in the middle of the Great Sea (5.
0n0d16 (W. "Entwash"). Read LotR1 483. "Belegaer") from ilS creation at the beginning ofthe Second Age unt il its
Nindamos _ Chief settlement of the fishennen on the southern coast of destruction in S.A. 3319. The westernmosthomeofmonal Men, Niimenor
Numenor, at the mouths of Siril. Read UT 168. was often called Andor (5. "Land of the Gift"), for it was a reward for the
Nine Walkers_ Pitted againstthe Nine Black Riders: the Fellowship of Edain's aid in the struggle against Morgoth during the FlTSt Age. From
the Ring. Read LotR1359; LotR1I355; UT 256, 345, 395. SA 32 unlil ilS Downfall (A. "Akallabeth"), Numeoor was occupied by
the High Men (Edain) ofthe W�t, who became known as the DUnedain _ ("Waterlands ofthe Swans}. The great fens ofthe lower
(Numen6reans). These proud Men were the ancestors ofthe OUnadan race
reaches of the river called in ilS upper course Glanduin. Read UT 265.
that later dominated western Endor. Called also AnadO� and YGzJyan in
Translated Swanfleet Read UT 262, 265.
AdOna ic,Elenna(inQuenya"SlMWards",anamefromtheguidance ofthe
Nlphredll - A white flower that bloomed in Doriath in starlight when Edain by Elirendil on their voyage to Numenor after its creation, read sa
Liithien was born. Itgrew alsoon Cerin Amroth in Lothl6rien.ReadLotRI 261, 279, 281; Elenna·n6re, in Quenya''The Land Named StarWards", is
454-5; Sil 91. a fuller form ofElenna), the Great Isle (read UT386), Isle of Kings (read
Nirnaetb Arnoedlad -(5. "Tear5 Unnumbered").1't\e name given 10 the UT 199),lsle ofWesternesse(read UT 183),theLand ofthe Star(readSil
ruinous fifth bailIe in the wars W BeJeriand. Read Sil 138, 192, 195, 198, 274. 276: as a translation ofElenna-n6r"e in the Oath of Cirion, read UT
207,209, 238, 240·1; UT 17-18. 20-2, 49.51, 53-4,56, 58, 65-6, 85. 128, 305). After its downfall known as Akallabeth, Atalane, t and Mar-nu­
145-7, 156.160,247. Falmar. Read LotR121, 29. 83; LotR1I 20. 258; LotR1/J 35; Sil59. 148,
Nislma1dar _ ("Fragrant Trees"). Land about the Haven ofEldalonde in 260-72. 276�/. 286, 289-93, 296, 302; UT 52. 56, Pan 2 1·111 passim,
western Numenor. Read UT 167. 236, 239, 247, 262-1, 265.272, 276,279-80, 284, 287�, 316-17, 385-6.
Nfsinen Lakeinthe riverNunduine in western Numenor.ReadUT168.
398, 400, 403,414. References to the Downfall ofNumenor are g iven in
a separate entry.
Nlvrlm _ (S.) That pari of Doriath that lay on the west bank of Sirion.
ReadSil I2.2. Numen6reans - The Men of Numenor, called also (the
following references include Numen6rean used as an adjective). Read
Nag rod
' _ (S."HoUow Owelling'') One of the two cit ies of the Owarves
LotR129, 83, 201,320.318,518; LotRll202 ,338,355,362;LotRJ1I215:
i !be Blue Mountains; translation into Sindarin of Owarvish Tu­
Sil30, 261-71.273-4, 276-80. 286, 289-94. 296�, 300. 101-4; UT Part
mu�Zabar. Westron Translation: Hollowbold (Early English "bold", noun
2 1·111passim (read especiolly 206-7. 224-5), 236. 239, 247-8, 253, 255.
l'elatedtotheverb"to build").ReadSil91-2,94, 1 13. J13-4,177, 189.204,
258.261 -5, 273, 278-9.283, 285-8, 314.369,383-4,386,198-9,401,404,
231-3, 235; UT 75, 235. 252.
409. For KingsofMen,readLotRI 182; LotR1I258; LodUII101; UT27,
Noirinan _ Val l?'at the so thern feel of the Me
a at the head of 200,2�9,303; for Menofthe Sea.readLotRII 100, 1 13; UT 170.261; and

which were the tombsofthe Ki ngs and QueensofNu me
nor. Read UT 166, see Ounedain. For Nllmen6rean Tongue/Speech, see AdOnaic.
168. Translated Valley of the Tombs, read UT 166, 169,
Numerramar -("West-wings}. The ship ofVeanturin whichAldarion
Noidolantt _ (Q. ''The Fall of the Noldor"). A lament made by Maglor made his first voyage to Middle-earth. Read ur 175.
son of F!!anor. Read Sit 87.
Nundulnl: - River in the west of Nlimenor, flowing into the sea at
Noidor - (Q.) The Deep Elves, the 5e(;ond host of the Eldar on the Eldalonde. Read UT 168.
westward journey from Cuivi�nen. led by Finwe. The name (Quenya
NaMtb - Mother of Erendis, Read UT 183, 186, 190-1, 193, 198.
Noldo, Sindarin Golodh) meant "the Wise" (but wise n i the sense of
possesis ng knowledge, not in the sense of possesing s sagacity, sound Nomen - ("Sad Water"). The inland sea in the south of Mordor. Read
judgement). For thelanguageofthe Noldor, seeQuenya.Readesp.LotRlI LotRll 308; Lo,R1I1 246, 305; UT 398.
259; Si
119, 53, 60, 62-3, 117, 287; read also UT 18. 21 -2, 25-6, 28-9.31- Nurtaii Valln6reva - (Q. ''The Hiding of Valinor"). Witnessing Mo.-­
2,33_5,42.5, 47,51_1,55,57-8,92, 101, 156, 170, 190. 229-36,243, 247- goth's allack on Tilion, the Maia who guided the moon along its course,
9, 254. 256�, 266, 286. Called the Loremasters, read UT254. For Higb the Valar raised thePel6ri to fortify Valinor against assault and filled the
King of the Noldor, read UT 18; Gale of the Noldor, see Annon-in­ seas with shadowy enchantments to prevent mariners from reaching the
Gelydh; High Speech ofthe Noldor, see Quenya; Lady ofthe Nol<?" � West. Read Sil 102.
Galadriel; Lampsofthe Noldor, read UT22.51,and see reanor. AdJCCIlve
Noldorin, read UT 51, 235. 244, 257. 259.
52 Glossary o/rums

o Orfakh EdJor-(S.) The great ravine through the Encircling Moontains

OIItar - ("Warrior;. The esquire of Isildur, who brought the shards of by which Gondolin was approached; also simple the Orfalch. R�od Sil
ElendiI'I sword Narsil to Imladris. (On the name Ohlel', rtad UT 282). 239; 1fT46·9.316.
ReadLotRJ 320; SU 295,- UT 2n·5, 282. Orltg - A man of TUrin's outlaw·band, slain by Orcs on the road 10
QioIa1rf -("Ever-summcr'"). An evergreen tree brought 10 NI1menor by Nargothrond. Read UT 91-2:
!be E1dar ofEressl!a, from which was cut the Bough ofRetum set upon the Ormal -(Q.) Oneoflhe Jamps oflhe Valarmade by Auli!. 0rmaI stood
Ni1men6rean ships (Corollailf, the Green Mound ofthe Trees in Valinor. in the south of Mkldle-earth. R�ad Sil 35�.
wu also called Coron Oiolairi!. Read UT 167, 179, 187-8, 192, 205, 21S. Orocarni -(Q. "Red Mountains"; S. "Erect Caran,,). Moontain range in
ForBough of Rerum, uod lIT /79-80, /92. northeaslc:m Endor. The Elven birthplace of Cuivienen was set in the
0i0I0sef -(Q. NEver-snow-whilej The most common name among the roothilsl ofthese peaks. In theearlydaysofArda, beforethechanges, these
Eldar for Taniquetil (the Mountain of Manw! in Aman), rendered into peaks comprised the northern range of the three mountain chains in the
Sindarin as Amon Uilos; but ac<:oniing to the Valaquenla it was 'the East. Read Si149.
uttermost towerofTaniquetil'. Read SU26, 37,. UT 55. Orodreth - (Q.) The second son of finarfin; warden of the tower of
Oiomllrf - (Q.) A region of mists near 10 the Helcaraxf. Read Sil BO. Minas Tirith on To1 Sinon: KingofNargolhrond after the death offinrod
Ok! Company-Name given to thc original members ofTUrin's band in his brother; father of finduilas; slain in the Battle ofTurnhaiad. Read SU
Dor-CUatthoI. Read UT l5J. 61 ,83, 120.155�, 170, 173, 176, 188,209·12.216; 1fT54, I10, 149, 153,
155. 157-60, 162, 255. As Lord ofNarog, ,.�ad UT 153.
0kI Ford -Ford overAnduinonthe Old Forest Road. Read UT281 . See
Ford of Carrock. Orodruin - ("Moontain of Blazing Ftre"). The volcano in Mordor in
which Sauron forged the Ruling Ring. It was given the name Amon
Old Fortst - (S. ''Taur laur"). The Old Foresl lies in the northwestern
Amarth (S. "MOOn! OoomH) when ila fires awoke again after Sauron's
comerofCardolan, between the Barrow-downs (S. "Tym Gorthad'') and
return from Numenor. R�ad LotRI 94·5. 318; LodlJI 210, 319, 368;
the river 8aranduin. The homc ofTom Bombadil, it is a remnant of the
LodlJII 98, 214, 266; Sil288. 292·5; ur 280. 283, 409. for Amon
ancient wood that once covered much ofnorthwestern Endor. R�adLotRI
Amarth, ,.�ad lAdfl 322, 367; lAlR1I 292: lAIR/II 214, 268; S;1 293,
45, 156: lAdUl 89. 94: LotRIII #40,342; UT 348.
0kI Took -Gerontius Took. Hobbit of the Shire. grandfather of Bilbo
Oromi - (Q. "Hom·blowing", "Sound of Homs") A Vala, one of the
B",ins and great-great-grandfather ofPeregrinTook. RNd UT 332.
Aratar; the great hunter, leader or the Elves from Cuiv�nen, spouse of
CMv., - (Q. '"Growing Things With Roots in !he Eanh"; sing. "Olva"). V6na. Called Araw, Aldaron (Q. "Lord or Trees,,). and Tauron (S. "Ihe
Living things that do noc move or, as noted by Yavanna. that "cannot flee". forester". "Lord offoreslS"). R�ad LotR1I/ 138; SU25,29,36.41 ,47,49.
�(Araw) is the Vala closest tothe Olvar. Trees are the greatest ofthe 50, 52-4,57,60, 62, 72-4. 76. 83,93,95, 99. 153, 172, 185: UT 183. 187,
Olvar. R�ad Sil45�. 3934.
OIwi -(Q.) Leader tosether with his brother Elwl; (Thingol) ofthe hosla Of"i)fMt - A hill near the haven ofAndunii! in the west of Numenor, on
of the Tderi on the westWard journey from Cuivi�nen; lord of the Teleri
which was built the lower ofTar-Minastir. R�ad Sil269; UT 220.
of Alqualondl in Aman.R�adSil53-5, 58, 60-2,86-8, 94, 1 11, 127; UT
OropMr - King ofthe Silvan Elves in Greenwood the Great; slain in the
229. 2324.
War of the Last Alliance: rather ofThranduiJ. R�ad UT 258·9, 280.1.
0Dd0btr-Thirty-first IGngofGondor, slain n
i banle with the Wainrid­ ,,
Orrostar - ("Eastlands ). The eastern promontory ofNumenor. Read
ers in T.A. 1944. R�ad UT 291·5.
UT 165,169.
Ondosto - A place in the foroslar (Northlands) ofNumenor. probably
Orthanc - ("forked Height"). The Numen6rean lOwer in the Circle of
particularly associated with thestone-quarries ofthe region (Quenya olldo
lsengard, afterwards the abode of Saruman. R�ad LotRJ337; Lodl1l 46,
'scone"). R�ad UT 169.
204; LotRJII 116; Sil291.2, 300; ur 276, 306, 314, 339, 346.352, 354,
OrdWdor - NlimeOOrean, husband of AilineJ the sister ofTar-Aldar­
371·3.400.404,406. forOrthanc·stone/Stone orOrthancIlhe palantfr of
;on; father of Soronto. RNd 1fT /13. Orthanc, ,.�ad UT 276. 403·5, 407-/0, 413·14.
Ora - Originally bred by Morsoth in the first Age, these creatures OsaDlath - (S. "� (or "CiladeIH) of the Stars"). Originally
quickly became servants of Darkness; it is kely il �t they were noc founded as the capillil ofGondor, Osgiliath is situated on both sides of the
inherently evil, but were culturally and mentally prediSposed toward the Anduin,jusl north of the confluence of Ihe Great River and the Ithilduin
'foul life. • Legend has it that their ancestors were Elves who were twisted and a short distance northeast or Minas Tirith. Read LoIRl 321; LotRlI
in mind and body by the Black Enemy. 22; Lodl1ll23; Sil291·3, 297; UT 271,278·9, 285, 301,338,344.353,
Orcs are oftwo types; the lesseror common Orcs which average about 369, 401·2. for Slone ofOsgiliath (the palantfr), read 1fT 408-9.4/1.
fow 10 five feelin height and sport grotesque, fanged faces; and thegreater
Ossf: -(Q.) Maia ofthe Sea, vassal ofUlmo, with whom he enlered the
Orcs or Uruk-hai, who reach heights of six feel and have more 'human'
waters or Atda; lover and instructor of the Teleri. R�ad Sil30, 40. 57.9,
features. All are heavy ofbuild and have long, thin arms and thick hides.
61, 87. 119, 196.260; UT 30, 32, 53, 156, /78-9, 181, 2/4.
Bred as laborers and warriors, Orcsrespect linle butbrute force. and are
most pacent when serving under a 'focused will.' They are without Osslrlaod -(So "Land of Seven Rivers"). The land or the Green-elves.
exception cannibalistic, bloodthirsty, and cruel, and care little for social The seven rivers referTcd 10 in ila name being Gelion and ila tributaries
organization. Generally. smallertriN1/clanal unilaare the norm, based on flowing down from the Blue Moontains. Cf. Treebeard's song n i IAIIlII
a strong leader; each employs ila own dialect. Most are stellar smiths.
90. "I wandered in Summer n i the elm-woods ofOssiriand. Ah! the light
Their ability to work with metal s i hardly paralleled. Although the and the music in !he Summer by the Seven Rivers of Ossir!" See also
appeannce oftheir items is often poor,the performance is excellent. They Lincb\.RtadSil94,96, 113, 121-4, 140, 142.3, 151, 153, 188. 195, 234.
rarely make anything unassocialed with fighting, however. 6, 28.5-6; 1fT n, 234. 256, 383.
Lesser Orcs are born, ive,
l fight, and die in dartness: they abhor hght Ostdor -Located near Miredor. at the mouth of the Sir Celiant, it s
i the
and are blinded by the unshielded sun. Cheater Orcs are most carefully principal city n
i Orel. Oslelor's two portS open 0010 the 8ay of Orel.
bred and can operate in the daylight. Their abilities 10 speak, organize, Ost·ln·Edhll - (S. "fortress of the Eldar' ,). Capitol city and citadel of
reason, and fight arehigher than their brethren. Some claim the UNk-hai theElves ni Eregion. 1t was n
i habited unlil S.A. 1697, when it was overrun
are products ofSaruman 's WhiteHand, and were firstspawned from Orcs and sacked by Sauron's annies. Oropher and Thranduil brieny resided
and Men. Itappean, howevu, that they firstarose n i Mordor, and dUll their there during the Second Age. R�ad Sil286·7; UT 236.
l have nothing to do with the Secondbom. While the lesser Orcs
Ostober- Seventh King ofGondor. Read 1fT319.
favor C\lJYed scimitan and wicked axes, the Urvks bear straight swords
and a wider variety ofsuperior anTIS. R�ad lAdU 26, 83, 505;LotRJI 17,
33,48, 59, 69; lAdfIll87. 115; Sil50, 94; UT 357-8, 385.
Glossary o/Tums 53

p Pelarglr - (5. "Ganh of Royal Ships"). Great port city on the Anduin.
Founded by the Faithful of Numenor n i S.A. 2350, il s i the oldest city in
Palantir _ (Q. "Far Seer"; pI. "Palantfri"). Seven spheres of 'seeing'
located ni strategic sites in Amor and Gondor, the two kingdoms of the Gondor. Pelargir is the capital ofLebennin and serves as the home for the
DUoedain, dLiring the late Second Age. Originally made by the Noldo Royal Aeet. II is also the center of the urban district that bears ilS name.
Read LotRl1l 74; 5il267; UT 264-5, 291, 402.
Feanor in Aman and placed n i Numenor, they were later broLight lO
Middle-earth by Elendil and the ·Faithful. ' The main palantfr was placed Pelendur - Steward of Oondor. Read UT 413.
i theDome ofthe Stars in Gondor'5 capital: Osgiliath. Amongtheothers,
n Pellenor (FleIds) - (5. "Fenced Land", "Enclosed Landsj. The
at least one possessed 'a greater power' than the norm; it was located n i 'townlands' of Minas TIrith, guarded by the wall of Ranunas Echor, on
Amor within the great Tower of Amon SOl (on Weathenop). This laller which was fought the greatest battle of the War of the Ring. The 96,000
sphere, together with anotherfrom AnnOminas (the old capital ofAmor), acre area was about fifteen mi
l es in diameter. PelennorconsislS mostly of
was lost in the shipwreck ofArvedui in the middle of the Third Age. The rolling pastures and farmland. Read LotIU1I22: UT 290, 326, 366, 369.
other 'Nonhem SlOne' was located n i the Tower Hills; the 'Southern Pe16r1 - (Q. ''The fencing or defensive heighlSj. Called also the
Stones' were placed at Osgiliath, Orthanc, Minas Anor (renamed Minas Mounl8ins of Aman and the Mountains of Defense, raised by the Valu
Tirith), and Minas Ithil (renamed Minas Morgul). The spheres varied in after the destruction of their dwelling on AIlllI;II"en ranging in a crescent
size and colOl1ltion. Each enabled the user, to varying degrees, to view far from north to south, close 10 the eastern shores of Aman. Read 5il37, 39,
away places and communicate with other willing users ofthe Stones. Also 47.57,59, 73-4, SO. 100-2, 17.4; UT 36.
called 'Stones' or the 'Seeing Stones'. Read LotRII 254, 258-9, 383;
Peregrln Took -Hobbit ofthe Shire, one ofthe Fellowship ofthe Ring.
l.odUlI /89, 321; Sil276, 291-2; UT276,301, 306,354, 401, 403-15; in
Read LotR passim; UT 287, 310, 321, 329, 331, 368, 405-6, 410, 413.
Part 4 /II, frequently referred to as the Stone(s).
Called Pippin, read UT 287, 314.
Palarran ("Far-Wandererj. A great ship built by Tar-Aldarion. Read
Petty-dwarves - ("Noegyth Nibin''). A Jesser branch of the Khaz.IId

UT /78-9, 187-8, 212, 401.

banished from the great Dwarven cities ofthe East in the Elder Days. Also
Parth Galen -(5. "Green Sward"). Agrassy placeon thenonhemslopes called Nibin-noeg, pI. Nibin-oogrim. Read Sil 204, 230; UT 100, 148,
of Amon Hen by the shore ofNen Hithoel. ReadLotRl 511 ,524; LotRlI 150. For Bar-en-Nibin-noeg, read UT 100; forMoors ofthe Nibin-noeg,
18; LotRI/I53, 288; UT 405. read UT 148.
Paths of the Dead - The underground tunnel-road (and surrounding Poros-Riverflowing down from theEphel DUath tojoin Anduin above
complex) running beneath the White Mountains and connecting Dunhar­ ilS delta. Read UT 295. See Fords of the Poros.
row (in CalenardhonJRonan) to the upper Monhond valley in Lamedon.
Prophecy of the North -The Doom of the Noldor, uaered by Mandos
It is haunted by the Dead, warriors of a cursed army cast n
i the shadow­
on the coast of Araman. Read Sil87.
world after they broketheirOathtoserveGondorin thewaragainst Sauron
during the Second Age. Read LotRJlI 56.
PUkel-men - Name in Rohan for the imageson the road 10 Dunhatrow,
but also used as a general equivalenl to DrUedain, q.v. read lAIIUlI80;
Pel - Reaches situated south ofthe Yellow Mounlains and east ofOrel, UT 263, 383-5, 387. See DrUwaith Iaur.
i southwestern Middle-earth. Like Orel, Pel is located near the cape
called Metham (Hyamumente). A warm, humid land, it contains the Q
forests of Tatham and Taur Galen. The region is named for the four Quendl-(Q. ''Those that speak. with voices''). Original Elvish name for
Apysan tribes that occupy the area Elves (of every kind, n
i cluding the Avari). Read5il41, 49-52, 55, 59, 68,
70, 99, /OS, 141; UT 225.
Quenla Sllmarillion -(Q. "The History of the Silmarilsj. The story of
the creation ofthe Silmarils by Ranor, the rebellion of the Noldo Elf and
his people against the V aJar, the Elves' banishment from Valinor and their
return to Middle-earth, and their struggle against the Oreat Enemy. Read
Queny.-(Q.) The ancient tongue, common to all Elves, n i the form that
it lOOk in Valinor; broughl to Middle-earth by the Noldorin exiles, but
abandoned by them as a daily speech (save in Gondoin, l read UT 55),
especially afterthe edict ofKing Thingol against ilS use; readesp. Sil113.
129. Not named as such in TM SibruuiIJitm, but referred lO as Eldarin,
read Sil28, 262,281; High Eldarin, read SU261-2; High-elven, read Sil
217,267; the tongue of Valinor, read Sil 113; the speech of the Elves of
V alinor, readSil125; the tongue oftheNoldor,readSil129, 133; the High
Speech ofthe Wesl/the Noldor, readSill29; UT44,55. Read UT55,216,
2J8,221-2,253,255,265-7.282.305,317-18,385,388,396,399-401. As,
High-elven, read UT J12, 216, 218, 266. 396-7.
Radapst - One of the Istari (Wizards). His Quenya name, Aiwendil,
means "Lover of Birds". ReadlAllU 336-8; Sil3oo,302; UT352,389-
90, 392-4, 401.
Radhnaln - One ofthe twelve companions of Barahir on Donhonion.
Read Sil 155.
Ragnlr - A blind SCfVant of Hurin's house in Read UT 71.
Raj -(AI'. 'Paradise''). The ferule and relatively forgiving hill COUDIIy
surrounding the Rijesha river valley. Raj is the cultural and economic
center of Far Harad.
54 Glossary o/Terms

Rammas Echor - (5. "Great Wall of the Ouler Circle"}. Originally RhovRnion -(5. "Wilderland"; lit. "Wi l d Place"). Traditionally, aVlISt
called the Noeg Echor (5. "Encircling Dike"), the Rammas Echor is a region encompassing all the land south of the Grey Mountains (5. "Ered
massive wall system thaI surrounds the Pelennor Fields. It ftrSl consisted Mithrinj, north of Mordor, east ofthe Misty Moontains, and west ofthe
of. high earthen embankment encircled by a broad. deep ditch. Later. river Redwater (S. "Camen'1. This area includes MirkwOlXl and the
following T.A. 295 1 • • formidable wall sunnounts the embankment.R�ad northern Anduin river Valley. Some scribes count the whole of the area
LoIRl1l 23. between Mirkwood and the Sea of RhOn, save Docwinion, as pan of
lUna-(-rbc Wanderer"). A nameofthe Moon among the Noldor.Read Rhovanion. R�ad sa 291; UT 244. 288-92. 299, 311-12. For King of
Sil 99;lff242. Rhovanion, Vidugavia. r�ad UT 31 I.
Ranp -Numen6reanmeasure, a full pace. slighl1y longer than a yard. Rhudaur-(S. "East Wood": D. "Place ofRoaringRed-goW). Eastern­
Read ur 285�. most ofthe three sections ofAmor Rhudaur was the wildest, mostrugged,

and least populated region in the North Kingdom. The territory lay
Rangers - The DIlncdain of the North after the end of the North
Kingdom, secret guardiansofEriador.ReadlAIR/205: lAtRl1l59, J50.. between the Misty Mountains, the Ettenmoors, and the Weather Hills.
When Amor was sundered in T.A. 861, Rhudaur became an independent
ur341 ,347. 398. Also refm 10 the rangers of Ithilien, �odlAdU1338.
realm. lis sparse DUnadan aristocracy lost conuol ofthe kingdom in T.A.
blh Dintn - '1be Silent Street" in Minas TIrith. Read Iff 255.
1349, and during the following year Rhudaur went to war with Cardolan
Rauros-(S. �RoaringSpray;. The greal falls in the river Anduin.Read and Arthedain. Although a distincl state until T.A. 1409, it was a sUbjcct­
LotR1476; lAIR1I 20: LoIR1II 34; Sil297. state of the Witch-king ofAngmar forthe last sixty years of its existence.
Red Arrow - The "war-arrow" sent from Gondor 10 Rohan as a token R�ad Sil291 ; UT 354.
of the need of Minas Tirilh. Read UT 364, 411. RhOn - ("East"). Used generally of the lands of the further East of
Red Eyt - The emblem of Sauron. Read en 282. Middle-earth, esp. the territories east of the Sea of RhOn and the eastern·
Rtd",.y - (5. "Men Carsn"). The Redway is named for the reddish most peak ofthe Ered Lithui. R�ad LodU 325; LoIRlIl29, 280; ur398.
paving stones that COVet its surface. Beginning at the Sam Ford on the For Sea of RhOn, rtad ur 272, 290, 292. 296.
Baranduin, it runs southeastward across western Cardolan and joins the RUin - Daughter of Belegund (nephew ofBarahir, the fatherofBeren):
Old North Road (Greenway) al MetTaith (ThaIion). wife of Huor and mother of Tuor: after HuOf's death died of grief on the
Reeton -The: dense forest fonning the southern part of Doriath. R�adSil Haudh-en-Ndengin. Rtad SII 148, 155. 161, 198, 238; UT 17, 57-8. 68,
55,93, 96-7, 121, 132,233-4; UT 114. 215.
Rtrir _Mountain to the north of Lake Helevom, w� rose the greater Rkltrs - See &,u,eoo. As Riders of Rohan, see Rohirrim. As Black
of the tWO tributary branches ofGelion. R�ad Sit 112, 123-4, 153. Riders. see NIZJQI.
Rbosgobel-The: dwelling ofRadagllS1 al theedgeofMirkwood near the RIje$ha -(Ap. "River'1. Chiefriver in southwestern HIlnId. Most ofthe
Camlck. (The name is stated to mean 'russet 'town' (i.e. enclosure)'.) waters ofthe Raj drain into the Rijesha, which in tum spills into the great
Rfilli LDlR1 336, 354; UT401. Bay ofTulwang (It BoUsha-Oar).
Rlngarf - Quenyl name for the twelfth month according to the
Numen6rean calendar, corresponding 10 December. Gr
i ithron is the
Sindarin name.
RingU - The sword of Fingolfin. R�ad sa 153-4.
Rlngl6 - River in Gondor, joining the Morthond nonh-east of Dol
Amroch. (It is stated that the Ringl6 "drew its first waters from • high
snowfield that fed an icy lam ni the mountains. If this at seasons ofsnow­
melting spread intOI shallow-lake it would account for the name, lI1Oltler
of the many that refer to a river's source." (For the accon o t of Gwathl6,
read ur 263.) R�ad UT 247. 316.
Rings otPo""er -The enchanted rings forged in the Second Age by the
Noldo Elves of Ost·in-Edhil with Annatar's help. Su Sil 287-8, 300·2;
UT237, 349, 351 ·2, 354, 405, 4/3. The One Ring, GreatRing, or Ruling
Ring: r�ad SU 267. 280, 287-9. 292, 294-5, 298-9, 30/-4; UT 229, 231.
237, 251. 253-4, 273-7, 283, 329-30, 337-40,342-8, 352-4, 387, 405-6,
413. AsGoIlum's Ring, rtad UT349: and as the Ringofisildur,readUT
406. Three Rings of the Elves: r�ad SU288, 298-9. 304; ur 237-8, 251,
254. 274, 392 (see also Nary., the Ring of Fire, Nenya, the Ring of
Adamant. and Vilya. the Ring of Sapphire). Seven Rings of the Owarves:
rNdSU288·9, 299, 302; UT238 . For the lastofthe Seven, r�adUT321.
324.328. 336. Nine RingsofMen: r�adSU267,288-9.299,302; UT238,
338,343. Fellowship ofthe Ring: r�ad UT246,345,405. Warof the Ring:
read UT245. 248, 257, 260, 262, 276. 281, 283-4, 315·16, 329,338.354,
366, 371,383,400, 403, 405, 41 J ·12. The Ringebearer. r�ad UT329·30.
Rinpil -The stream thai flowed into the river Narog at Nargodttond.
R�adSa 122.
Rlvll - Stream falling northwards from Oonhonion and flowing into
Sirion in the Fen of Serech. R�ad sa /91. /94; UT 66. See also Rivil's
Well, r�ad Sill63.
Roads-In Beleriand in the Elder Days: (i)Thehighway fromTol Sirion
to Nargothrond by the Crossings ofTeiglin, uad UT38-9.54, 91-2, 130,
'" 149: ea1led the Old South Road, r�ad UT 96. (ii) The: East Road, from
Mount Taru in the West, crossing Sirion at the Brithiach and Aros at the
RAUROS Arossiach, perhaps leading to Himring. r�ad ur 41.54. (iii) See Dwarf­
Glossary o/Terms 55

East of the Blue Mountains: (i) The great Numen6rean road linking the Sarch nla Hin Hurln - (S. "Grave of the Children of Hurin"). Brethi!.
Two Kingdoms, by Tharbad and the Fords of!sen; called the North-South ReadUr 140.
Road, (read ur 264, 314), and (east of the Fords of lsen) the West Road, Satn Alhrad - (S. "Ford of Stones'1. Located where the Dwarf-road
(read UT3(0); alsotheGreat Road (read ur306), the Royal Road, (read from Nogrod and Belegost crossed the riverGelion.ReadSil92, 140,232,
UT 369.70), the horseroad (read ur 358), the Greenway (q.v. read ur 235; ur 235.
348); other references, read UT271, 278, 300, 302, 314, 340, 363, 366.
. Sarn Ford - Partial lnUlslation of Sam Athrad 'Ford of Stones', ford
(ii) The branch road from the Great Road going to the Homburg, read ur over the Banmduin at theexlremesouthem point oftbe Shire.ReadLotRl
358,363 (see Deeping-road). (iii) The road from lsengard to theFords of 234; lAtRIII345, 356; UT 239, 241.
lsen, read ur 361,365, 3n. (iv) The Numen6rean road from the Grey
Sarn Geblr - (S. "Stone-spikes"). Name of rapids n i Anduin above the
Havens of Rivendell, traversing the Shire; called the East-West Road,
Argonath, so called because of upright stake-like spikes of rock al their
(read ur 252, 278), the East Road, (read lAtR1 153; Loilllli 339; ur
beginning. Read UT 292, 338, 343.
341); other references, read ur 271. 332. 335. (v) The road descending
fromthe Pass oflmladris, crossing Anduin at the Old Ford, and traversing Saruman -("Man ofSkill"). One of theIstari (Wizards) and the head of
Mirkwood; called the Old Forest Road, (read UT 281, 344. 401), the their order. Also called Curunfr (S. "TIle One of Cunning Devices"),
Forest Road, (read UT 281·2), and Men.i-Naugrim, the Dwarf·road. (vi) Curumo in Quenya, Curunfr 'Un, Saruman the White, and the White
Numen6rean roads east of Anduin including the road through Ithilien, Messenger. AfterTA. 2758, dwelt in the tower Orthanc. ReadlAtRl78,
read UT 294, 312; called the North Road, read UT 293-4; roads east and 336-44; lAtRl1 21-232 passim, 233-42, 297-300, 322·25, 340, 367; SiJ
north from the Morannon, read UT 312. 300-3; UT276·7, 315,321, 323,337-42, 346-52,354·7, 360·7, 373, 387,
389-94, 399-401. 404-8. 412·13; as Sharkey, readUJtRlIl35/·74 pas.
Rochallor - The horse of Fingolfin. Read sa 153.
Rochon Metbeslel - ("Rider of the Last Hope"). The name of a song
made conceming Boroodir Udalraph. Read UT 313.
Rohan-(S. "Horse-land" , "Rochand"). Calenardhon beforeT.A. 2510.
CalledThe MarkorRiddennark.. it is a fertile, grassy regiongtanted tothe
Rohirrim (a semi·nomadic Northman race) in retum for their aid against Sauron-("The Abhorred"). The DarkLord, the Shadow,theEnemy, the
the Balchoth and their oath of loyalty to the Kings and Stewards of Lord of the Rings. A Maiaof Aul! who served Morgoth in the First Age,
Gondor. Rohan's chief town is Edoras. Read LoIlU 323; lAIR1I23, 30, Sauron survived and went south from theelder lands of darkness. During
38, 141;lAIRIII20, 94; Sil297, 303.. UT55.237, 255, 260, 286, 288.306, the Second Age, he convinced the NoldorofEregion to create the rings for
31I,3/3·/5, 318·19. 331, 339-41,346·7,355, 360,362, 364,368-9, 371- the Free Peoples; later, in secret, he forged the One Ring. This ring
3, 384.387, 400, 411·12. See also The Mark, Gap ofRohan, Rohirrim. embodied much of his power and was capable of uniting and controlling
Rohirrim - ("The Horse-lords'1. The semi·nomadic people inhabiting the other Rings ofPower-the Three Rings of the Elves, the Seven ofthe
RohanafterT.A. 2510.ReadlAtRI343.493;lAIRII27,35,40. 141.212; Dwarven lords, and the Nine Rings of mankind. Both the Dwarves and
LotR1II22; SiJ 297; UT55, 278, 286, 288, 290, 294, 301, 306-7, 3()9·/1, Elves resisted his trap; the formertook offtheir rings, while the latterrace
315.19,355, 358-9, 362, 366.369·73,382, 384, 387, 400. For Riders of entrusted theirs to three of the Wise. Men, however, were not so quick to
Rohan, readlAIRIII25, 60·/73 passim; ur314·15, 356·7, 359-64, 366- realize the danger, and the Nine rings remained in the hands of nine proud
9,371, 373, 411. AlsocalledtheEorlings ("Thepeople ofEorl"), read ur lords who sought power and found undying darkness - they became the
358. See also Eoth&xl, Earl. NazgO!. Sauron removed himself to the fortress land of Mordor in the
Second Age and there built Barad-dOr. Mount Doom (Orodruin) was
R6mendacil l - Tarostar, eighth King ofGondor, who took the title of
already used as his personal forge, andwithin the new realm he began 10
R6mendacil "East-victor" after l\is repulse of the first attacks on Gondor
cast a new Shadow upon the continent.
by Easterlings. Read ur 308, 319.
R6mendadl II - Minalcar.. for -many � �
Regent and flerw � Sauron was overthrown twice in the Second Age, first by the
Numen6reans under Ar-Pharazon, and later by the Last Alliance of Men
nineteenth King of Gondor, who took the !Jlle of R6mendacll after hiS and Elves. Each time, however, he retumed to power. His "body",
great de(eat of the Easterlings in TA 124g. Read UT 3JJ. however, was destroYed in the Downfall of Numenor (from which he
Romenear- (Q. "East Sea"; S. "RMnugaer'1. The ocean eastofMiddle­ escaped), and he was never again able to assume fair form. The lidless eye
earth. Part ofIhe Ekkaia, or 'Encircling Sea', the Romenear once (before (nonnally reduponblack) was his symbol. He was responsible forcreating
SA 3319) separated Endor from lhe Walls of Night n i the Utter East. two superior variants of creatures spawned by Morgoth - the Uruk-hai,
R6menna - ("Eastwards"). Great haven on the east coast of Numenor. or great Orcs, and the Olog-hai, or Black Trolls. Both were formidable
Read sa 268. 2n·3, 275, 279; UT 165, 169, 174·5, 179-82, 186, 191-2. fighting forces. Read lAIRl n, 291," L{ttRll loo; Lot1UII23, /17, 189;
195, 201, 212. For Firth of Romenna, read ur 165, 174; for Bay of and lAIR passim; Si l32, 47, 51, 141, 155-6, 162-4, 170·2, 174-6, /78,
Rc.nenna, read UT 176. 267, 270·5,277, 279-81, 285·304; UT 166, 188, 199,206,2/9-20,222,
Ro-moU6 -An island city located ofthe coast of northern Ore!. 226, Part2tvpassim, 271-3,280-4, 290·1 ,312·/3,32/·2,326,330,337-
40,342-6,348,352,354, 373, 383,386·91, 393,395-9, 401, 403-8,412.
Rumi! _ (Q.) A Noldorin sage of Tirion, the first deviser of written

Called the Dark Lord, (read lAIRl81;LodU143;lAIR1II31; Ur231),

characters; to him is attributed the Ainulindali!. Read SiJ 63-4.
the Dark Power, (read LoIlU 79; LoIlUII 157; UT 336), the Black One,
S (reaqLotRI1318). Alsosee Annatar,Artano, Aulendil. For Sauron's Isle,
Sac:kville·Baggins _ Name of a family of Hobbits n
i the Shire. Read UT see Tol·in-Gaurhoth.
347. Otho Sackville-Baggins, read ur 354; Lotho, read ur 354. Second Aae -The Second recorded Age of Middle-eanh. 1tbegan after
Sador _ of Hurin in Dot-I6min and friend of TUrin in his the fall ofMorgoth withthefounding oftheGrey Havens andLindon. The
childhood, by whomhe was called Labadal ("HopafOOl"). Read ur 60·2, Age ended in SA 344 1 , when Elendil and Gil-galad overthrew Sauron,
64-5, 69, 71.3. /05-6, 108, 386; called Onefoot, read ur 105. Isildur look the One Ring, and the Dark Lord and his NazgOl passed inlO
Saeros -Nandarin Elf, oneoflhe chiefcounselors ofThingoI in Doriath; the shadows. Read lAtRI318.
i sulted TUrin n
i Menegroth, and by him pursued to his death. Read Si
l Sederi - A Kiran people who reside in Mag. Turnag, Hyarn, Pel, and
199; ur 77;79-84, 94, 147,387. Miredor in southwestern Endor.
Salmar - (Q.) A Maia who entered Arda with Ulmo; maker ofUlmo's Ser«b - 1be great fen north of the Pass of Sinon, where tne river Rivil
great horns, the UJumuri. Read Si140. flowed in from Dorthonion.ReculSil /07, 152, 163, 191, 193-4, 228;UT
Sam(wlse) Gamgee - Hobbit ofthe Shire, one ofthe Fellowship ofthe 69, 148.
Ring, and companion of Frodo in Mordor. Read lAIR passim; UT 148,
216, 284, 327. As Master Samwise, read ur 284·5.
56 Glossary o/Terms

Sereaoo -(5. "Blood ofStone'l. A plant with deep red flowen thai grew Sindar - (S. "Grey Elves"; all. "Elves of Twilight,. The name was
on Amon ROdh. Read sa 203, 206: UT99, /48. �pplied !O all the Elves ofTelerin origin whom the relUming Noldor found
- One of the rivers of L.ebennin n
i Gondor. (The name s
i In Belen�, save for the Green-elves ofOssiriand. The No1dor may have
Serni •
derivative of Sindarin urn 'small stone. pebble'. equivalent of Quen)'. de:vlsed th� name because the fu-st Elves of dtis origin whom they met
sandi 'shingle. pebble-bank', 'Though Semi wu the shorter river its With were m the north. under the grey skies and mists aboul Lake Mithrim
name wascontinued to the sea after its confluence with Gilrain. Its mouth (see Mithrim): or perhaps because the GTey-elves were not ofthe Light (of
wasblocked with dlingles, and at any rale in laler times ships approaching Valinor) nor yd ofihe Dark (Avari). but were Elves ofthe Twilight, read
Anduin and making for Pelargirwent by the easlem sideofToI Falas and SI 56. BUI i 1 was held 10 refer to Elw(!'s name Thingol (Quenya
. ,,
took the sea-way passage made by the Numen6reans in the midst of the S �ndacoIlo, Smgollo. rey-cloak ), since he was acknowledged high
� ,,?
[)cha ar Anduin.j Rtad UT 243. king of all the land and Its peoples. The Sindat called themselves Edhil
Sbadowfu-The great horse of Rohan ridden by Gandalf in the WatOr plwal Edhel. Read SU 29, 37, 56, 91, 94-5, 104, 108, 113, 117.20, 124:
theRing.ReadLotRJ344,346;L«Rl146: LotRlllZO; UT3J". 34J 364. 126, 128·9. 137. 143. 151, 156-7. /98,204.5,225,234,236.238,285; UT
48, 228. 236. 247,252, 256-9. As 'GTey-elves' uad UT 17-19. 21.34,


68, 93, 100. 103. 234,248.

Sbdftands - The coaslal lands between the Mountains oftheWind and
the EnciR:ling Sea in southeaslCm Middle-earth. lncludes Lochas Drus,
SlndI!rin - The Elvish tongue of Beleriand. derived from the common
Ka'ish, ArJ..5fmorig, and Ruuriik. Elvish speech but greatly changed
through long ages from Quenya of
Sblre - (H. "SQu"). Located in
Valinor; acquired by the Noldorin
soulheaslem Arthedain,aJongtheold
SEREGON exiles in Beleriand (suSUJ 13, 129).
border with Catdolan, the Shirewasa
Called also the Grey-elven tongue.
l e, county-sized area covering
the longue ofthe Elves of Beleriand,
over 18,000 square miles. In T.A.
de. Read SU4O, 59-60, 113, 118·19,
1601, King Aregeieb II granted the
125. 129, 147, 155, 165, 204. 259.
region to the Hobbits (H. 'Kudukj
261; UT 54-5, 76. 148,215-16, 231,
led by the brothers Blanco and
243, 247, 253, 255. 257, 261. 263,
MarchooftheFallohideuibe. Within
265-7, 279. 281.2. 287. 301, 306.
the neltt lhiny yem, the majority of
313, 317-19. 377, 385, 388, 392.
all the three lribes of the Hobbits
399-400. In thesense 'ofthe Sindar',
migrated into the Shire, where they
read UT 233, 240. 243-4, 252, 256.
sci up !heir own semi-autonomous 258-60. As Tongue of Beleriand.
sociely. The Shire survived the
read UT 44. 215; as Grey-elven
downfall of Arthedain in T.A. 1974.
longue, rf'ad UT 146.
NOle wt the adjacent Hobbit settle.
ment of 'Buckland' was actually in Sirannon - (S. ""Gatestream").
northwestern Cardolan and was not Sueamrunning westOUIofthe Misty
officially integrated into the Shire Mountainsjusl above Moria's Wesl_
until early in the Fourth Age. Read
gate. 1tjoins the RiverGlanduin near
LotR/20, 43;LDtIUI 94; lAdUII20, the ancienl Elven sile of Ost-in·
342; UT234,252,287,312-5,327.9. Edhil. A pool in the Sirannon guards
the entry 10 Khazad-dOm, for it lies
331.5. 339-42.344-50, 352, 354_ For
Shire Calendar/Reckoning, uad UT close to the door and is inhabiled by
279, 284. For Shire-folk, read UT the evil freshwaler Kraken called the
323,331, 333. "Walcher in the Water". II has been
said lhat the Watcher dammed the
SUmarien - Daughter of Tar­ river. Read LodU 293, 392·3.
Elendil, the fourth KingofNumenor:
mother of the first lord of Andunit!
Slrll -The chiefriver ofNumenor
(Valandil) and ancestress of Elendil . flowing southwards from Ih�
and his sons Isildur and Ananon. Meneltanna. Read UT 168.
ReadSU268; UT 171, 173, 208, 215, Slrlon - The great river flowing
219, 225, 277, 284. from north to south and dividing
SOmarib: - (Q.) The three jewels Wesl from Easl Beleriand. Read SU
Pcusim; read up. 51. 120, 122; UT
made by Ft!anor before the destruc·
lionof the Two Trees of Valinor, and 34·5.38, 40-2, 54. 56. 78, 109, 1/4
filled with their light: read esp. SU 67. Read LodU 260, 309-10; LotIUI 116, 120, 147. Falls of Sirion, readSU 168, 231. Fens ofSirion. rf'ad sa
408,418; SU39, 67·9, 71-2, 75, 78-83, 101, 104-5, 108, 1 II, 116, 127, 168; UT 147. GatesofSirion.nadSU 122. HavensofSirion,readSU238,
167_9, 173, 18/_2, 184-6, 189, 199,232_7,244,246-8,250,252-4; UT52, 246·7.253: see also Havens. MouLhsorSirion.readSU57, 120, 157, 1S9,
230, 233, 252. See War of the Jewels. 196,237,244,246,-UT20.34,51 ,53, 121.159-60,378. Pass(es}ofSirion
rtad SU 1I5. 120. 1S2, 16(), 178, 192. 194.212,216; UT 18. JlO, 160:
SOYail Elves- Abo called Woodland Elves. They appear to have been
SpringsofSirion. nadUT 160. Vale(Valley)ofSirion.rf'adSU545. 106,
in origin those Nandorin Elves who never passed west of the Misly 1 IS, 119, 125, 202, 21S, 243: UT 28,39, 43. 73, 96. 99, 109, 147-8.
Mountains. but remained in the vale of Anduin and in Greenwood the
GteaI: see Nandor. Also called Tawarwailh (-rhe Forest People'): and Smaul - The greal Dragon of Erebo.-. In many references called the
Avari (Q. "Refu.sers"), for the Silvan Elves include all ofthe Quendi who Dragon. Read Hob 23-4, 212-3/, 245.9; LodU 303; LotIUII 327; U1'
arenot E1dar.ReadSU286, 298; UT214, 240·1. 243, 245. 247-8.256-60, 258, 321-4,326, 328-30,332-4.
267, 2n, 280. For SUvan Tongue. read UT241, 257, 259- Snow-bourne - River riSing under the Starkhom and flowing OUI down
60. See also . Harrowda1e and past Edoras. Read LodUII 76; UT367.
SonsoIFianor-See Maedhros. Maglor.Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin.
Amrod, Amras. Often referred 10 as a group. especially after the death of
theirfather.ReadSU64,69, 71,83,108·9,112-13.121.123-4 127-9 131
133-5, 150. 152·3, 169, 176, 184, 189-90' 192·3, 195, 236-7, 244," 47·,
Glossary ofT�rms 57

SoronID - ("Eagle-hom"). A great height on the coast of the northern Tar-Ancallmon -(Q.) Fourteenth King ofNumenor, in whose time the
promontory of Numenor. R�ad UT 167. Numen6reans became divided into opposing panies. Read sa 266; UT
Soronto -NumeOOrean, son ofTar-Aldarion'5 sisler Ailineland cousin 169,221, 224, 226.
ofTar-Ancalimi!. R�ad UT 173, 208·9, 211, 213. 220. 225-6. Tar-Anducal- (Q.) Name laken asRulerofbyHerucalmo, who usurped
Soron6me - (Q.) Name of a constellation. R�od S1I48. the throneon thedeath ofTa!-Vanimelde,hiswife andthirdRuling Queen
South Downs - Hills in Eriador south of Bree. R�ad UT 348. of Numenor. Rtad UT 222.
Soutbtarthlna - One of the divisions of the Shire. Rmd LotRl 28, 65; Tarannon -Twelfth King ofGoodor. Also called Falastur("Lordofthe
LotRlI208, 229; Lo/RII/324; UT141. 354. Coasts"). Rtad UT40/-2.
Southrons - Term used in Goodor, especially Lebennin, for Men from Taras-Mountain on apromontoryofNevrast; beneath it was Vinyamar,
Harad or Umbar. R�od lAIRlI 338; 1AtR11I 113. thedwellingofTurgon before he wenttoGondolin.RtodSa 119.238; UT
26-7,33,36. 41 . 54.
St�wards 01 Goodor - The chief counccllors 10 the royal Line of
AnUion in Gondor. Mardil was the first of the Ruling Stewards, since he Taras-ness -The headland from which Mount Taras rose. Rtad UT28.
held office when King Elmur rode away to war and never returned. Tar-Atanamlr - (Q.) Thirteenth King of Numenor, called 'the Great'
Arandut, meaning 'King's Servant", �Minister', is the Quenya teMn for and 'the Unwilling', to whom the Messengersofthe Valarcame. RtodSU
the Stewards. R�adlAIR1II25.. UT297, 302-6, 308·9, 315,317,319,371- 265-6; UT 169. 2/6, 218, 22/, 226-7.
2, 403-4,406-9, 413. For Book of the Stewards, r�ad UT110. Tar-Clryatan -(Q.) Twelfth King ofNumenor, ' the Sh.ipbuilder'. R�ad
Sid - A village n i the Shire, at the north end of the Marish. R�ad UT /265;UT221.
352. Tar·Ekndi
I -(Q.) f<:Jurth King ofNt1menor, father of Silmarien (from
Slone of 1M Hapless - Memorial stone of TUrin and Nienor by Cabed whom Elendil was descended) and Meneldllt. Also called Pannaitl!
Naeramarth in the river Teiglin. Rtad SU230. ("Book-handed"). Rtad Sil268; UT 171-3, 175, 208, 214-/5, 219, 225,
Stooewain VaUey - Valley in the DrUadan Forset l! the eastern end of
i a lranSlation of lmrath Gondriach; imrath
Em:! NilTlf1lis. (1be name s Tartan.'s Ned&: - A wide, low pass through the long mountain ridge
means Ma long narrow valley with a road or watercourse running throogh called Tarlang. This rugged ridge si a southern spur of the White Moun­
it lengthwise".) Rtad UT 319. 382. tains and cuts through.central Lamedon. The road throughTarlang's Neck
Sioors -One of the three peoples into which the Hobbits were divided; connects Erech with Calembel. RtadLotRJ1I 75.
the other tWO wereHwOOIS and Fallohides. RmdIAdU 22; UT287,339, Tarmasundar -("Roots of the Pillar;. The five ridges extending from
345,348,353. the base of the Meneltanna. Rtad UT 166.
Stnight Road, Straight Way - The path over the Sea n i to the Ancient Tar·M�nddur - (Q.) Fifth Ruler of Numenor, astronomer, father of
or True West, on which the ships of the Elves might still sail afler the Tar-Aldarion. Tar-Meneldur's given name is frimon; he is also called
Downfall of Numenor and the Changing of the World. Rtad Sil28/-2. E1entinno ("Star-watcher"). Rtad UT 167, 171, 173-IJI, 183-4, 186-1J,
192-3, 195.206, 208:212·15,219, 225. 236,386. See Elentirmo, frimon.
Strawbeacb - Contemptuous name among the Eu!erlings in Hithlum
forthe People ofHador. Rtad LotRII I80; UT69. Tar-MlnastIr _ (Q.) Eleventh King ofNt1menor, who sent a neetto aid
Sud6ri -(S. "Lond GwathI6"; Q. MMistalondt"). Porttownonthe lower Gil·galad against Sauron. Rtad Sil267, 269; UT206, 220. 223, 226, 239,
Gwathl6, upstream fromtheruil1llofLondDaet. Afterthe fall ofCardolan,
SOOun becomes the principai lOwn in the Kingdom of (the) Santlainn. Tam Aduln - (5.) The lake on Dorthonion where Barahir and his
companions made their lair, and where they were slain. Rtad Sil I62-3.
SUlI_ - (Q.) Quenya name of the third month according to the
Nt1meOOrean calendar, corresponding to March. Called Gwaeron in T�-Palanlir - (Q. "He Who Looks Afar; Twenty-third King of
Sindarin. Rtod UT21, 297. Numenor, who repented of the ways of the Kings, and took his name in
T Quenya . Also called InziladQn or Ar·lnUladQn. Rtad Sil269. 272; UT
Talath Dlrnen - (S. "The Guarded Plain"). Located north of Nar­
gothrond. Rtad SiJ 147, 168, 172, 205. 2/0, 212; UT92. Tar-SUrioa -(Q.) Ninth Ruler or Nl1menor. Rtad UT212, 220, 226.
Taniqu�lassl - (Q.)Fragranl evergreen tree brought to Nllmenor by the Tar-Tdtmmallt - (Q. "Silver-handed") Fifteenth Ruler of Nt1menor,
Eldar of Eressea. Read UT 167. so named for his love of silver. R�ad UT 221, 284.
TllDiqU�IIl - (Q. "High White Peak"). The highest of the mountains of Tar-Tdptl'ita - (Q.) Tenth Ruler of Nt1menor and the second Ruling
the PeI6ri and the highest mountain of An:Ia. upon whose swnmit � Queen. Rtod UT 220, 226.
llmarin, the mans.ions of Manw! and Vard&; also called E1enina Tar-Vanlmtldl-(Q.) SixteenthRulerof NIlmenorand the third RuJing
("Crowned with Slars"), Ihe White Mountain, the Holy Mountain, and the Queen. Rtad UT 222.
Mountain ofManwe, Oiolossl!. R�adSil26. 37,40.48,50, 61-2, 74-6, 79, Taur-en-FllrOIh - (S.) The wooded high.lands 10 the west of the river
83,85, 110, 248, 278,281; UT 30,395. Narog above Nargothrond; a1socalledFarothor the High Faroch. RtadSil
Tar-Ak:arin - (Q.) Seventeenth Ruler of N6menor. Rtad UT 222. 114, 122, 168; UT 116, 119, 149.
Tar-Aldarion - (Q.) Sixth Ruler ofNumenor, the Mariner King; by the Taur-Im-Duinalh-(S. '1'heForest between Rivers"). nameofthe wild
Guild of Venturers called the (Great) Captain. Rtad UT 168, 171, 173- counlr)' south of the Andram between Sirion and Gelion. Rtad Sil I23,
206, 208-9,212-17, 219-20, 224·5, 227, 236,239, 253, 262-5, 284, 386, 153.
401. See Anardil. Teigli.a -A tributary orSirion, risingin End Wethrin and bounding the
Tar-Amandil - (Q.) Third Ruler of Numenor, grandson of E1ros Tar­ Forese ofBreth.i.1 on the south; see also Crossings ofTeigJin. RtadSil120,
Minyatur. Rmd UT 217, 219, 225. 122, 147, 157,200,205,2/2.215.16,220-1,224, 226.230; UT38.52,54,
Tar-Anlorion - (Q.) Eighth RulerofNumenor, son ofTar-Ancaliml and 78, 85, 87,96. 110-1/. 120-1, 123, 126_7, /30·1, /33, /36-40,/42, 146-
HallacarofHyarastomi. ReadUT211-12,2/7,220. ForDaughtlCfS ofTar­ 7, 149, 152.
AnUion, rtod UT 212, 220. Ttkb8r - (5.) The most renowned of the smiths or Nogrod, the maker
Tar-Ancalime - (Q.) Seventh Ruler of N6menor and the flfSl Ruling of Angrist and (according to Aragom in lAdU1 147) or Nann. Rtad Sil
Quecn,daughterofTar-Aldarion and Erendis. ln her youth she was called 94. 177; UT 75-6.
Emerwen Aranel ("Princess Shepherdess''). Read UT 190·5, 197-1J, 202- Telemnar - (S.) Twenty-sixth King of Gondor. Read Sil296.
4, 206-9, 2//-12,217, 219·20, 225. See Emerwen.
58 Glossary o/Terms

Tdtrl - The third and greatest of the three hosts of the Eldar on the
westward journey from Cuiv�nen, led by Elwe (Thingol), and Olwf; of
whom were the Elves of A1qualondl in Aman. Their own name for
themselves was Lindar. the Singers: the name Teleri. the Lasl-comers, the
Hindm06I, was given 10 them by those before them on the maTCh. Many
ofthe Telcri did not leave Middle-earth; the Sindar and the Nandor were
Telerin Elves inorigin. Read Sil40,5J·5, 57.fJI. 66, n-3, 75, 86·7. 90,
94,97. 102, 133-4. 137,248-9.25/ 254,286.- UT24 ,35.228-32.25],256,

266, 286: as the Third aan, wJd UT 256. Lindar ("'The Singer.;") is the
name of the Tderi for themselves, read UT 253, 286; Falmari (or Sea­
elves) is the namc ofthe Teleri who departed from Middle-carth and went
i to the West, read sa 53.
Telerin - Of the Teleri, read UT 229, 232-4, 256. Of the tongue of the
Teleri, read UT 265.fJ.
Tdptrlon - (Q.) The elder of the Two Trees of Valinor. ReadLotRIJI
308; Sil 38·9. 48. 59, 74, 99·100, �02, 263, 29/; UT 49, 230, 266. AI�
called the White Tree, uod SiJ 59, and Siipion, read Sil 38. In Tc:lenn
Tyelperion ,tad UT 266.
Tdumehtar - Twenty-eighth King of Condor; called Umbardacil
'Conqueror of Umbar' after his victory over the Corsairs in T.A. 1810.
Rtad UT291,312.
Tdumendll - (Q.) Name of a constellation. Rtad Sil48.
Thain's Book - A copy of the Red Book of Westmareh made at the
request of King Elessar and brought to him by the Tha
i� Pe�gri
n T�k
when he retired 10 Gondor; much annotaled a fterwards m Mmas Tinth.
Rtad UT 399.
Thalos -The second of the tributaries of Gelion n
i Ossiriand. Rtad Si
123, 140.
ThanpU - ("Shield.fence"). A ballle-·formation of the DUnedain. Rtad
UT2n, 281.
Thanaorodrlm - (S. "Mountains of Tyrannyj. Reared by Mcqoth
above Angband; broken down in the Great Battle at the end of the First
Age.RtodLodU 319; LoIRJJ 408; SI 181 , 96, 107-110, 116, 118-/9, 150-
2,178, 182, 190, 192, 197,207,252,259,285,293; UT 18,43.55,67, 247.
Third Ale-The third recordedAge ofMiddle-earth. Itbeganfollowing
Tharbad - (S. "Crossing,wIY'"'). The fortified river-port that suaddles
the defeat ofSauron as a result of the Last Alliance of Men and Elves and
the river Gwath16 at the point where the Old North Road meelll the Old ended in T.A. 3021 , when the Keepers ofthe Ring passed overthe sea from
South Road. Founded by the Nllmen6reans in the Second Age. it was the the Grey Havens. Rtad lAtRl 21 .. LtHR11J 304.
principal city in Cardolan, but ruined and deserted at the time of the War
Thorln Oakenshield -(lOt.) Dwarfofthe House ofOurin, King in elI:ile,
ofthe Ring. RtadLotRl22, 359, 484.. In' 206, 239, 261·5, 278, 314, 340-
leaderofthe ell:pe<iitioo to Erebor. slainin the Battle ofFive Armies. Ruuf
1, 346-8,354,370. For Bridge ofTharbad, ,tad UT 264, 344, 370.
Hob paslim; LotRf 32, 300; UT 278, 321·6.
Thargellon - ("The Land beyond GeliOllj. Located between Mount
Thorondor -("King ofEaglcs"). LordoflheEagles ofthe Crissaegrim.
Rent andtheriver Ascar,whereCaranthirdwelt; called also DorCaranthir
Cf. LtHRI1I287, 'Old Thorondor, who built his eyries in the inaccessible
(S. "Land of Caranthir") and by an early name Talath Rhflnen (S. "The
peaks of the Encircling Mountains when Middle-eanh was young'. See
East Vale"). Rtad Sil 124, 132, 142, 153.
Crissaegrim. Rtad LotRIff 278; Sil 110, 125, 154, 158-9, 182,228,240,
Tbenad - Sill:teenth KingofRohan, father ofThCoden. RtadLoIRJJ43;
243, 251.. UT43, 48, 55.
UJdllJJ 92; UT286.
Thr!ln I - (lOt.) Dwarf of the House of Durin. first King under the
TWoden - Seventeenth King of Rohan, slain in the Battle of the MounULin. Rtad Ul' 327.
Pelennor Fields.RtadLoIRlI43-50passim, 128-46panim, 147-72, 179-
ThrAln 1I -(IOt.) Dwarfofthe House of Durin. King in ell:ile. father of
209,229·38; LoIR111 26, 29,55,59.(jl. 65, 76·94, 109, 127-45; UT2n,
Thorin Oalcenshield; died in the dungeons ofDol Guldur.RtadLoIRI351 ,
290,315, 340, 346.7, 355, 359-60, 363·9. As Lord of the Mart, rtad
387; UT 321, 324, 327-8,336.
LodUI 43; UJdllJJ 176.
l van Elves in the nonh of
Thrandull - (5.) Sindarin Elf, King of the Si
TWodred - Son ofTModen King of Rohan; slain in the FllSt Battle of
Greenwood the Greal (Miricwood): father of Legolas, who was of the
the Fords of lsen. Rtad UT 355-61, 364·5, 367-9.
Fellowship of the Ring. Rtad LoIRI315; Sil299.. UT 243-4, 252, 256-60,
TWodwyo -DaughterofThengel King ofRohan, lI"IOd!erof� and 272, 276, 279-83, 338,342-4, 353.
&twyn. Rtad UT 364.
Thr6r - (lOt.) Dwarf of the House of Durin, King under the Mountain
Thlngol - (5. "Grey-cloak", "Grey-mantle"; Q. "Sindacollo", "Sin· at the coming of Smaug, father ofThrain II; killed in Moria by the Ore
goI.loj. The name by which Elwf: (Si � � Elu), 1eader with his � Azog.. Rtad LodU 316; UT 32/,324, 327-8.
lvlmen and afterwards King of
Olwf: of the host of the Teleri from Cu ,
Thuringwelhll - (5. " Woman of Secret Shadow, ). The messenger of
Doriath, wasknown n i Beleriand; alsocalled theHidden King. See Elwl;.
Sauron from Tol-in-Gauffioth who look the fonn of a greal bal, and in
Rtad UJdll 260; Sil56, 91·7, lOB, I I 1 -/2, 1J4-1S, 121 -2, 126·9, 131·2,
whose shape Lllthien entered Angband. Rtad Sil 1 78·9.
143, 147-8, 151, 1S7, 165-9, 172·3, 179, 183-6, 188-9, 198-202,211,217,
219, 227, 231-6,240,254; UT 55-7, 63, 70-2, 74-85, 90, 93·5. 112-14, Tllk/n - A Maia, SIOCrsman of the Moon. Rtad Sil99-102.
119.21, 143, 147.9, 153, 171, 228·9,231-4,259. Tlrlon -("Great Watch·lower"). The cilY ofthe Elvesonthe hill ofTUna
in Aman. Rtad LoIRI309, 482; LoIRlI260; Sil59,61-3, 69. 71. 75, 82,
84-6, 102, 114·15, /25-7, 169,240,248, 291.
Glossary o/Terms 59

Tol Eressea -(S. "The Lonely Isle"). The isle on which the Vanyarand Tuor - Son of Huor and Rfan, fostered by the Grey-elves of Mithrim;
the Noldor and afterwards the Teleri were drawn across the ocean by with Voronw� entered Gondolin bearing the message of Ulmo; wedded
Ulmo. and which was atlaslrooted ni the Bay ofEldamar nearlO the coasts Idril Turgon'sdaughter, and with her and their son Earendil escaped from
of Aman. On Eressea the Teleri long remained before they went 10 thedestruction ofthe city; in his ship Eam1mi! set sail into theWest. Rtad
Alqualonde; and there dwell many ofthe Noldor and the Sindar after the Sil 148, 1!J8,23846,249; ur 17-57,68, 159, 161-2, /92. 2/5,3/6-17. For
ending of the First Age. Read LotRI 321; LotR1II 289; SiJ50, 57·9. 6/, the Axe ofTuor, see Oramborleg.
102, 248, 250,254,260.262-3,268. 278·9,282,286-7,292; UT 167, 170, Turgon - Called the Wise; the second son of Fingolfin; dwelt at
215-6,222-3, 229,242,250.414.
Vinyamar in Nevrast before he departed in secret to Gondolin, which he
T<Ii Falas -(S.) Island in IheBayofBelfalas close 10 Ethir Anduin. Read ruled until his death in the sack of the city; father of ldril the ITlOIher of
UT 316. Earendil. Read sa 60, 83, 89·90, 113, 115, 119, 125-6, 130-2, 134, 136-
Tol Galen - (S. "The Green Isle"). Localed in the river Adurant n i 8, 154, 158-60. 182, 189-90, 192-4, 196,201, 227-8,238-42, 244, 249.
Qssiriand, where Beren and Luthien dwelt after theirreturn. Read Si
l123, 254; UT 18,22 ,24, 26-30,32,33-40,42-3,45.47,49-56. 63,66, 146, 160·
188,234-5. 1, 235, 249,400. Called the Hidden King, read UT 32.
Tol MOf"wen - (S.) Island in the sea after the drowning of Beleriand on Turin - Son ofHurin and Morwen; chief subject ofthe lay named Nam
which stood the memorial stone ofTurin, Nienor, and Morwen. Read Sil i Hin Hurin from which a portion of Quenla Silmarillion was derived. He
230. was named many things by many people, including himself. The Elves in
Tol Sirion -(S.) Island in the river in the Pass ofSirion on which Finrod Nargothrond called him Adanedhel 'Elf·Man'. Finduilas named him
built the tower ofMinas Tirith; after ilS capture by Sauron named Tol-in­ Thurin "the Secret", ballads created Oagnir Glaurunga "Glaurung's
Gaurhoth(S. "lsle ofWerewolves").ReadSill 14, 120, 156, 172.174; UT Bane", and the Men in Brethil called him Mormegil "Black Sword" on
54. As SaurQn's Isle, read UT 160. account of his weaiXln when he led the host of Nargothrond, and then
Turambar "Masler of Doom" or"Master of Dart Shadow". Turin named
Tol Ulnen - (S.) Island in the Bay of R6menna on the east coast of
Numenor. Read UT 176, 182. himself Agarwaen "Blood·stained" when he came to Nargothrond,
Gorthol "Dread Helm" as one of the two captains in Dor-CUarthol,
Took _Name of a family of Hobbits in the Weslfarthing of the Shire. Neithan "the Wronged" or "One Who is Deprived" among the outlaws,
Read LotRI 22, 30; LoIRlI80, 252; LotRJII 357, 363; UT 331.
and "Wildman of the Woods" when he first came among the Men of
Trolls (S. ''Tereg"; sing. "Torog"). Morgoth bred the first Trolls during
Brethil. ReadLotR1355; LotR1/428; Sit J48, 170, 198-227,230,239; UT
the Great Darkness of the Elder Days n i mockery of Ems. giving his 37-8,51-2, 54, Part I JJpassim, 57-9, 86, 88-90, 924, /10-12, 124, 131,
repulsive creations a substance of stone, with compantble strength. 134, 138; /40, /47, 155, 157, 161,215, 387.
hardness, and intellect. The original Slone Trolls have over the ages Two Trees of Vallnor - Created by Yavanna's song of iXlwer, into
diversifled into several other species. including Hill, Cave, and Snow which she put all her reverance for the things with roolS ni the earth.
Trolls. Stone Trolls are still the mosl numerous sort, ranging throughout Teiperion, the Elder, shed silver light from his blossoms. Laurelin, the
the broken landsofRhudaur. Hill Trolls stalk the lower slopesofthe Misty Younger, spilled golden rays from her flowers. ReadSiI38,46-7, 52·3,56,
Mountains, while Snow Trolls lurk amidst the upper peaks and glaciers. 58-9, 61, 66-7, 71·2, 75-6, 78, 95, 97-101, /03. 126, 233, 240, 244, 2n;
Cave Trolls haunt the caverns beneath the mountains. never venturing UT230, 232.
onto the surface of the world.
Trolls are a collossal race, 9-1 1 feet high, with thick bodies and limbs,
and tough hides of overlapping scales. Most are 'greenish or grey, but the
rare Snow Trolls are white. Trolt blood is black and steaming.
Immensely strong, their ferocity is terrifying, and in battle Trolls are
utterly fearless, attacking with cru<!e battering weapons or naked claws
and fangs until victorious or sflijn. Like common Orcs, Trolls can see at
night as though it were brightest day, and possess limited vision even n i
absolute subterranean darlmess. eave Trolls being the most perceptive.
Principal Trollish handicaps are direct sunlight, which transfonns them
back to lifeless stone, and phenomenal stupidity. Read LotRl 72; LotRlI
83; LotRIII 123. 207.
Trollshaws-(S. "Pinnath Tereg"). The hilly regionofRhudaurthat lies
south of the rugged Coldfells, east of the river Hoarwell, west of the river
l...c:JIdwater. and north of the gentle fells of the Angle.
Tulle -The first season ("spring") in the loa. Read UT 327.
Tulkas _ A Vala, the 'greatest in strength and deeds of prowess'. who
came last to Atda; also called Astaldo ("The Valiant"). Read Sil25, 28-
9,35-7. 48,51, 66, 70.3, 77-8, 83.
Tul P6ac - Major trade city located in southern Far Hacad. A well­
fortified hill settlement, Till P6ac is on the highway called the camel
Road, midway between Raj and Kinnlesra.
Tumhalad - (S.) Valley n i the land between the rivers Gingith
l and
Narog, where the host ofNargothrond wasdefeated. ReadSil212-13; UT
155, 159.
Tumladen -(S. "The Wide Valley" . The hidden vale in the Encircling
Mountains in the midst of which stood the City of Gondolin. (TumJaden
was afterwards the nameofa valley in Gondor: LotRI1/4/). R�adSill/5,
125. /34, 158, 182, 23940, 243.
Tuna The green hill in the CaJacirya on which Tirion, the city of the

Elves, wasbuilt.ReadSil59,61-3, 69, n , 82,85, 88, 102, 1/5, 125,248,

263, 278.
60 Glossary of Terms

U Umanyar - (Q.) Name given to those Elves who went on the westward
Uln�n - A Mail, the Lady of the Seas. spouse of <>sse. Read SilJO, 40, journey from Cuivie.ltn but did no! reach Aman: 'l1!ose not of Aman',
58, 87; UT 176, 178-9, 182·3,214. beside Amanyar 'Those of Aman'. Riad Sil53, 56.

Uinendlli -{"LoveTS ofUinenJ. Name given 10 the Numen6rean Guild Umarth-("I1I.fate" . A fictitious namefor his fathergiven out by Turin
of VenlUrers. Rtad UT 176. in Nargothrond. Read Sil 210.

Ulbar - Numen6rean, a shepherd in the service of Hallatan of Hyaras­ Umbar - (5. "Hollow Dwelling"). POri city and surrounding coastal
tomi who became a marinerofTar-Aldarion. Read UT 195-8. For Ulbar's region located in Near Harad, across the Bay of Belfalas from Gondor.
wife, r(ad UT 198. Umbar's great finh and numerous smaller bays provided havens for the
Corsairs that raided Gondor's southern flank. Founded in the SC(;ond Age
Uldor - Called [he Accursed: son of Ulrang the Black: slain by Maglor
by the Men ofNumenor, Umbar was been held by various groups at odds
in the Nimaeth Amocdiad. Read Sil l57, 190. 193-4, 25/: UT 89-90.
with the South Kingdom: Black Ntlmen6reans. Corsairs, and Haradrim,
UUang - Called the Black: a chieftain of the Easlcrlings. who with his
Riad LotR11338; Lo1R11142, 149: SU270: UT 242.296. 312. 198. 402.
three sons followed Caranlhir. and proved faithless in the Nimaelh
Undead - Beings whose bodies have died but whose spirits have no! yet
Amoediad. Read Sil IS7. 189. 193,
depaned from Arda. orcreatures of Shadows who remain tied to the mortal
world as a result of some heinous enchantment.
Undeeps - The two great westward bends of Anduin. called the NOI1h
and South Undeeps, between the Brown Lands and the Wold of Rohan.
Riad ur 2M. 289-90. 292. 296-7, 299·300. 314.
Underking (in Rohan) -Read ur 369.
Vner - (··Noman"). Ternl used by Ancalimc when she first refused to
marry HaHacar son of Hal1man of Hyarastomi. Read ur 211.
Ungolianl - The great spider, destroyer wilh Melkor of the Trees of
Valinor. Shelob in Th�Lord oJth� Rings was 'the lasl child of Ungoliant
to trouble the unhappy world'. Rtad LotR11423: SiI 73-4. 76. 79-81.89.
95, 10/, 121, 132. /64,248: ur52. 232.
Union or Maedhros - The league formed by Maedhros to defeat
MorgOlh that ended in the Nimaeth Amoediad. Ht(ld SiI IBR-9.
Urimi - (Q.) Quenya name of the eighth mQfIth according to the
Ntlmen6rean calendar. corresponding to August. Urui is the Sindarin
Name. Head ur 302.
Urthel - One of the twelve companions ofBarahir on Dorthonion. Head
Uruks-Anglicized fonn ofUruk·hai ofthe Black Speech, a race ofOrcs
of great size and strength. Riad /.0IRI 42I: '�oIRJl 61. 441: I"OIRIJI I 18.
256: UT 357-9. 361.
Utumno- The first great stronghold of Melkor. in the north of Middle­
eanh. destroyed by the Valar. Riad Sit36-7. 41, 47. 50-1. 73. 8/. 99. 1 18.
Vairc-("The Weaver"). Oneofthe Valier. the spouseofNlimo Mandos.
Rrod Sil25. 28.
Valacar - Twentieth King of Gondor, whose marriage to Vidumavi of
the NOrlhmen led to the civil war of the Kin·strife. ReU(1 ur 311.
Valadrca - (Q. " The Sickle ofthe Vlllar'·). Name of the constellation of
the Great Bear. Read Sif 48. 174.
Valandil [I [ - Son of Silmarien: fi�t Lord of All(\unie. H('ad UT /71.
182. 189.208. 215.2/7. 219. For the wife of Valandi1. 'tad UT UJ2.
Valandil (21- Youngest son of lsildur; third King of Amor. R('ad l"otRI
320; /.olHII 3/0: Sil 295-6: ur 271. 277-8, 28-1-5.
Ulrasl -Son orUtfang the Black, slain by the sons of B6r in the Nimaeth Valaquenta - (Q. "Account of the Valar"), A shorl work treated a.� a
Arnoediad. Read 5i1 157. 189. 193. separate entity from QllilllO Sllmartfliun.
Ulmo-A Vala. oneoftheAratar.called Lord of Waters and King oflhe Valar - (Q. "Those With Power " , "The Powers" ; sing. " Vala": S.
Sea. The name was interpreted by the Eldar to mean 'The Pourer" or the " Uelain" , sing. ··Balan"). TIle greater of the Ainur who entered Ea as
'The Rainer'. Riad esp. Sil26-7. 40. Riad Sit 19-20, 25-30. 40. 45, 5052. guardians and executors of Eru's vision. There ....ere originally fifteen
57_9, 61.66.86. /01. /03, I 14-15. 119. 122-1. 125-7. /55, 158. 196.209. Valar: however Melkor(Morgoth) ferl from grace, leaving seven lIlalc and
2/2.238·41, 241-4, 147. 249: ur 20. 21, 28-34, 36-7. 39.41. 43. 45.51- seven female Valar. The eight clllled the Aratar are the mightiest. Mor.
4. 56. /60-2. Called Dweller in (of) the Deep, (mill UT22. 18) and Lord goth'� name was never again spoken by the Exalted. and he was counted
of the Waters, read ur 22. 28. 30, 12. 35. 19. 41. 45, 50. 1M. as the greatest of the Great Enemics. The Valar arc also known as the
Ulrad _ A member of the outlaw-band (Gaurwaith) that Tunn joined. Mighty. the Exalted. the Great Ones. the Lordsof Arda. the Guardians. the
Riad UT 86-7. 89, 92-1. 97. /03. Lords of Valinor, the Lords of the West. and (by the ignorant) the Gods.
Ulumuri -111c: great horns ofUlmo made by the Maia Salmar, Read Sit Rtad LOIRII 340; IAJIRIII 1J7: UT 29. 34. 62, 156, 161. /78. 195.221.
27,40.57. 3. 389.396; the LordsofValinor.(riaclSilp(l.fsim); 'l'adesp. 10·1.41. 74:
Ulwarlh - Son of Ulrang the Black, slain by the sons of B6r in the ur30.35, 38. 45-6. 53. 67. 155-6. 169. 174. lBO-I. 18-1. 187-8. 191. 195.
Nimaeth Arnoediad. Riad Sit /57, 191. 199.201. 205.2/4.221-2.229· .253-4. 259.104 ,3OB·
9. 389. 391-6. Sec also Ainur. Aruta!". As the Powers. '('lId UT 62.
Glossary ofTmns 81

Valarllma - (Q.) The horns ofthe Vala Oromt!. Read 51129, 41. 77, 95. Warg - Huge. enchanted Wolves first spawned by Morgoth. An evil
Valdlcli - The seven oligarchs who dominale the Dominions or Seven race, they are unnaturally powerful but cursed. Their bodies disappear
Lands. Their union s
i called the Council of Seven. Among other sites, the soon after they are slain and their spirits pass n
i to the Void. Read lAtRJ
Valdacli employ the exalted circle at Cor Minyadhras as their meeting 388,390.
place. War otthe Jewels -The wars of Beleriand foughtby the Noldor for the
Valif:r-(Q. "The Queens ofthe Valar"; sing. "Valilf'). Theseven femaie recovery of the Silmarils. Read UT 386.
Valar, I term used only in the Valaquenta. Read Sil25, 27. 29. Watchrul Peace -The period lasting from T.A. 2063. when Sauron lefl
Valinor -(Q. "Landofthe Valar").The land ineastern Aman beyond the Dol Guldur. until 2460. when he returned. Read UT 296, 313,370,406.
mountains ofthe PeI6ri which is the home ofthe Valar, most of the Mlliar. Weather Hills - Hills n i Eriador, ofwhich Amon SQl (Weathertop) was
and the Vanyar Elves. Also called the Guarded Realm. it lies west of the southernmost. Read UT 214.
Eldamar and its capital is Valimar. Read LoIRl 309: LotRlII 311; sa West. The - Northweslern Middle-eanh, specifically the area within
passim; readesp.37-8. 102; UT22, 29, 53. 76, 156, 168,215, 230-3, 235, which the evenu of TM Habbil and rite Lord 0/the Ritlll took place.
253-4.256,266.286,395·7. For'Valin6rean,' readlAJIRIII 172; UT394. Loosely, the area from Umbar northward and west ofthe eastern shores of
For the Dlutening ofValinor, read UT 29, 232. the Sea of RMn.
Valmar-(Q.) The cily of the Valarin Valinor; the narne also occurs in
the form Valimar. ln Galadriel's lament in L6rien (LoIIUI489) Valimar
is made equivalent to Valinor. Read SII28·9. 38, 50. 55, 61. 65, 70-2, 74-
6.84, 102, 187. 148·9; UT 232.
V'na - (Q.) One of the Valier, the sister of Vavanna and spouse of
()r'ome; called the Ever.young. Read Sil25, 29·30, 99.
VanYlr-(Q. "Fair Elves"). The first host of the Eldar on the westward
journey from Cuivienen, led by Ingwi!. All of them lefl Middle-earth and
remained in Aman. The name (sing. VanYI) means "the Fair", referring 10
the golden hair of the Vanyar; see Finarfin. Read Sil40. 53-4, 57, 59-61,
64, 66, 75-6. 82, 98·9, 102, 130, 136, 251, 254; UT 229·30.
Vardamlr-Called N61imon forhis loveofancient 1eaming; son ofElros
Tar-Minyator; aooounled the Second Ruler of Nl1menor although he did
1'1()( ascend the throne. Read UT 217-20, 224-5.
Vasa - (Q. "The Consumer"). A namt for the Sun among the Noldol'.
Read Sil 99.
Vtantur - Captain of the King's Ships under Tar-Elendil; grandflther
of Tar-Aldarion; commander of the first N6men6rean ship to return to Read UT 171, 173-5. 213, 219.
Venturers, Guild or - The brotherhood of mariners fonned by Tar­
Aldarion. Read UT 171, 176-8, 18(). 182, 185-8. 190. 195,206,212. 214.
Vidugavla - ("Wood-dweller, ). Nonhman, called King ofRhovanion.
Read UT 3/1.
Vidumavi - ("Wood·maiden"). Daughter of Vidugavia; wedded Vala­
car King of Oondor. Rtad UT 311.
Vllya - One of the Three Rings ofthe Elves, the Ring ofAir, (mul UT
137). borne by Gil-galad and afterwards by Elrond; a150 called the Ring
ofSapphire and the Blue Ring. read UT239, 256. R�ad lAfR1II381.- Sil
288. 298: UT 239, 256.
Vlngilot - (Q. "VingiI6ti!", "Foam·flower"). The name of Eli.rendil's
ship; called Rothinril n
i AdQnaic. Read Si
1246-7, 250, 252, 259-60.
Vlnyamar - The house ofTurgon n i Nevrast under Mount Taras. 'The
meaning is probably 'New Dwelling'. Read Sil 1 15, 119. 125, 130,238-
40; UT26-8, 31. 46. 51·2. 54, 317.
Vlresse - (Q.) Quenya name of the founh month according to the
NUmeOOrean calendar, corresponding to April. Read UT 187, 298-9. westrold - Region of Rohan, the slopes and fields between TIvihyme
(the peaks above the Hombura) and Edoru. Read UT 356. 359-60. 362.
i outside Existence (Ell).
VokI - Thai which s
366.368, 371 ·3. For Muster of Westfold. readlAfRJI 168; lAdUlI 59,
Voronw!! - ("The Steadfast"). Elf of Gondolin. the only mariner to
199; UT 367.
survive from the seven ships sent into the West afler the Nirnaeth
West·...te - The western entry into Khazad-dQm; also called Durin's
Amoediad; met with Tuor at Vinyamar and guided him toGondolin.Reod
Gale, the Doors of Durin. the West Door, and the EJven-Door. Composed
Sil 196, 239; UT 30-SO. 553·5. 317. Also the name ofMardil Steward of
of the mithril-based Ithildin (S. "Moon_star"'). it is only visible in starlight
Goodor. Read UT 317.
or moonlight and, even then. must be touched by one who utters the proper
W phrase. In order to gain passage, the Opening.word mellan (S. "Friend")
Walnriders - An Easterling people who n i vaded Gondor in the nine­ must be spoken. The West·gale loolu out upon I small pool ill the River
teenth and twentieth cenluries oftheThird Age. Read UT289·96,311-13, Sirannon and faces &egion.
316. Although bui l t by the DwarfNarvi, the Elf·smith Celebrimbor. Kingof
Walls or Nisht - 'The utterly black mountain bounds which encircled Etcgion. drew the words of Its Gate.inscription. They read; Ennyn Durin
AIdaprior10 its reformation in Second Age 3319. These walls marked the Aran Moria: pedo mellon a minno. Below there i. the faint message: 1m
edge of the world. and the only exit was the Doors of Night in the farthest Narvi hain echanl: Celebrimboro Eregion Teithanl i thiw hin.
West. The Gates of Morning n i the fanhest east served as the only The Sindarin lrInSlales as: The Doorl ofDurin, Lord ofMono. (Say)
mlnn«. Speak.friend. aM �nler, and: I, Norvi, mode them. Cekbn'mborofHollin
drew these sigM.
62 Glossary o/Terms

Wist, The - The Istari and the greatest Eldar of Middle-earth. Read
LotRJ 20, 78; LotR1lI 112,380; lIT338-9,344, 349. See White Council.
Witch-king -The Numen6rean Prince who was the firstamong Men to
accqMa Ring ofPowerfrom Sauron. Ofall nine Ringwraiths, he possessed
the g.e&lest powcr of indcpcndc:nt action. Read LoIRJ 25; LotRl1J 112;
UT313, 343-4,346.348,153-4. Called also Oiicftain ofthe Ringwraiths
(read fIT 338), the (Black) Captain (read LotRl 346; LoIRJJJ 1/0; UT
141, 148, 152, 154). Lord of Morgul (read LotRl 291; LoIIU1401; fIT
138-41, 351), and the Lord of the NazgOl (read UT 295, 140).
Wold - A region of Rohan, the oorthcm pan of the East cmnct (Anglo­
Saxon emnel 'plain"). Read LotRl118. 94; UT299·101 , 138-9. 368.
Wolr-folk -Name givcn to the EasterlingsofDor-I6min. Read lIT 109.
Wolfrlders-Orcs or Ore-like beings mounted on wolves. Read UT357-
Woodhall- A village in the Shire, at the fOOl ofthe Woody End slopes.
Read LotRI /07; UT 352.
Woodland Realm - 1bc Elvcn kingdom n i Greenwood the Great.
Founded by King Oropher, the father of Thranduil, it is ruled by Sinda
Lords who lcft Eregion or L6rien and settled amongst the Silvan (Avar)
Elves in the forest cast of the Anduin. The majority of the realm's peoplc.
however, an: Avari or Silvan Elves, and it is their culture that predomi­
The Forest-folk ofthe Woodland Realmretreatednorthward soon after
the founding of their domain. Evcn though Sauron was overtruOWl! at the
cnd of the Second Age and they enjoyed over a millenium of peacc, the
Wood-clves failed to reclaim the southern pan of the forest. Aftcr T.A.
1050 and thearrival ofthe Necromancer inDolGuldur, their realm shrank
Wndancb - Of Nl1menor, see Andusw. Referring to Middle-earth. a further. By T.A. 2900, the Woodland Rcalm was confinedto northwestern
very genmJ expression. referring broadly 10 the lands west of Anduin. Mirtwood. Read LodU1 42.
Read UT 200. 239, JJI, 390, 392.
Woodmen-A distinctgroupofNorthmanclanswhoreside in the depths
West-mlirk - 1be western halfof Rohan n i the miliwy organization of
of Mirtwood. They an: a loose tribe of hunter/gatherers woo livc in or
the Rohirrim (See East·mark). Read UT 359, 367-9. For Muster of the
below the trees as ICJltended fami l ies. Their chief settlement is at
West.mari:, read ur 369: for Marshal oflhe West-mark, read lIT 369. Woodmen-town n i southwestern Mirtwood.Read UT276.AlsoDwclJm
WeslrOn - The common tongue of the North-west of Middle-eanh, in the woods south o(Teiglin, harried by theGaurwaith. Read UT87,90.
dc:scribed in Appendix F 10 The Lord of the Rings, and represented by 1, 147; or the Mcn of Brethil, read LotRl 91; ur 110-12, 122-6. 128.
modc:m English. Read UT 313, 342. 370, 3994()(), As Common Speech. Worm - A term roughly corresponding 10 Drake or Dragon, but often
readLodU 23. 80; lAtR1I41 .. LodU1I46; UT301, 304·5, 316, 319, 384, used more generally to describe any powerful, serpentine creature.
White: Coundl - The deliberations of the Wise. meeting III inleJVals
from T.A. 2463 10 29,53; usually referred 10 as the Council, formed to Y.vanna -(Q. "Giver of Fruits''). One of the Valier. numbered among
the Aratar; the spouse of Aul�; called also Kemcnlliri. Reod esp. Sil27.JJ.
oppose Sauron. ReadlAIR1 72. 78;lAIRl/96. 24J,-LotRlII328;saJOO·
2; UT 254, 322·3, 326. 330, 349·52, 354, 373. 404�, 4/2. For a much ReodSa25, 27-9,35, 18-40, 45-7.55,59, 74, 78-9, 8/, 91, 98·100, 104,
earlier Council of the Wise also called the While Council, read UT 239-
260, 263, 291; lIT 14, 187.235,250, 193.
40,254. Yavannli - (Q.) Qucnya name of thc ninth monlh according to the
Nurncn6rean calendar, corresponding 10 Septcmber. Ivanncth is the
White: Mountains - (S. "Bred Nimrais"). Snow-capped mountains
sindarin name. Reod UT 271-2.279.
which run eastward from the Cape of Andras! and end above Minas Anor
(Minas Tirith),jusl west ofthe Anduin. 1bc Paths ofthe Dead cross under Year ot Lamentation - 1bc year of the Nimaeth Amocdiad. Reod sa
the Whitc Mounlains between Harrowdalc (on the oorth) and Erech (to the 126, 198; lIT 17, 70. 75.
south). Alpine in chlTlClcr, the White Mountains rise 10 heights of wcll Ycllow Mountalns-(Q. "Orolanari"; S. "Ercd Laranor"; K. "Mablad";
over 1 1 ,000 foct. Read
LodU 118; LotRII 363, 371; LotRlIl24; sa 94; DR. "Manjano Malimavi") Also called the Mountainsofthe South. these
UT 243, 300, 306. Translated as White Mountains, read LotRI 321; peaks extend across the southern pan ofMiddle-carth. In the early days of
LotRlI29; LotRlll 24, 78·9; UT 242-3, 260, 309. 370-1, 383-4. Arda, before the changes, these peaks comprised the southern rangc ofthe
WbJlt'frtt_SccTelperion (WhiteTreeofValinor),Galathilion(White three mountain chains in the East.
TreeofT'uion). NimJoth II] (White Tree ofNI1menor). The White Trees Known for their ycllowish, loam-producing rock and their myriad
ofMinas hhil and Minas Anor. Readsa 273, 276. 291. 293·7. 304. For the ecosystlCffiS, the OroIanari nlft eastward from the cape of San: and bend
White Tree ofToI Eres.sea. see Celebom (I], across south-central and southwestern Middlc-cart1'l. Minyadhras, the
Wlgbl-An undead spirit that inhabitJ and animates the fallen bodies of ,
Mctham (S. "South's End'; Q. "Hyamumcntc", "Menlelanari, ) at the
others. taking their prey's form and using their victim's physical power
southwestern tip of the middle continent.
(whil e retaining their OWl! magical attributes).
The Yellow Mountains sepantc the hilly, humid rca1ms along Enctor's
Wid FJYes - Mim's tenn for Dart Elves (Avari). Read UT /03.
southcm coastJ from the drier reaches of Far Harad and the neighboring
Wild LaDds-Tenn used in Rohan forthe lands WC5t of the Gap. Read lands of Isra. OlICnnacall, Ciryatandor. Hyam, Eloma. Mir!dor, and Orel.
UT 370. Alpine incharactlCf, they rise loheightJ well over IO,OOO fcel. Theirhigher
Wild Men - The Dnleda in. Or a general tenn for Easterling Men from peaks arc snow-cappcd year round.
beyond Anduin, read LoIRII364; LoIRIIl 128-33; lIT 259. Yestari - The first day of the Elvish solar year (loa). Read UT 327.
WU"arin -(Q.) Nameofa constellation. The word meant "butterfly" in Z
Qucnya, and the constellation was perhaps Cassiopeia. Read sa 48.
Zamtn - Old woman in thc 5erIicc ofErendis.
Refuenu Guide 63

AcLutdlltl -Urin Dark ...... - MiddJe..arth G"""""""' -AIWoI'Id
AfttmKIIMI _Atani Dark PIque - GruI PI',1Ie G"mbotll-Orta
"'........ _ Tllrin hili.,.. Landi _ Aman G"nbll' _ Melinl Suum
ApUlunolll - G....dll6
.. 0--', Lup-Cabed-en-Aru GIonwI- L6rien 121
Aiwadft - 1lAdqMI 0BI•••1lI _ DIlr1boaioa Golden Tree (IIIVan-) _ Laordin
AWar - lthryn ....... Dt.rlII DaIt -Aanulbi_ GokM Wood -L6rim 121
AI(.�-�I Dt__ Net! Girim GoII...
lni. _ Ow...."
AIdaI1ooI - TM"....... Dor CaraIIllIir -Thlrpliorl Gortballr -Sawon

AIdaroII -0r0mI! Dor-nu·F.",,1I11 -Anf.utlith GorllIoI -T4rin

A_A...rtll-QrodnIin Drialll _ Dnkdain _ _ Tar·A!darion
Gml Captal
A_Aa•.,.-llIlirlriefl DIInaonbeb -Nan DunJUtheb. Gmt Havm - LQncI Daer
A_ VIIoI-0i0I0ue IhnII'....ddf
.. _ Moria Gml llk_ Ndmenor
A.... -Amras DwdIer ItJottlot Dftp- Ulmo Glftl r...dl -M�
A...tW-NolItlmor �_L6rim 121 GftII Middle lb... _ LQncI
AJIdw - NIkncftor � M_taI. - find l.6min Gra! MooIINI -IiIIIcI-en
I ·NdenJin

Aaf'HtIIr -c.rtumdI EiINaer - Haliflrim Greal RlYff - AncIuia

A"I'"-I_ EIIM! hrill _ Ivrin GrrY....... �-Sindirin
AqmIOIt - bcnprd l Sa
EkUla - ElIcin:inJ GrrY....III -Sindar
Anor _ Minai Tlrith [ldatll _ EIdar Grryt\ood _ O.aahl6
A."" - Halirwien EIdtr Oildrm - OIi\dml vi U�v... Grry Ib
n ... _ Milhlolld
ApM6ouI' -Atani EItcMlrt. - EdheIrim Grry__ -GIncIalf
"'*'-_ MabctI Ele6_ - Morweoo II I Grry_do -Thift&oI
ArMd... - SkwadJ �Gondor ...... - -.. Grry M--aer -o..JaJr
Ar.tI -Oior Dnldlll _ Faitbful Grr)' tot_w.. _ End Micbrin
,v.llUllMa. _ TM"·PaIanIir E!tau - NI1mcnor GTe)' I'IJtri.M - GIIIdaIf
ArlHlI _Oabdriel [ItnUirl- Elbemll Grilldl", Itt _ lickarut
Artino _ Anr\lltaf Eltlltlnno _ TM"_Mencldur GIIIrdtd PIalIl_ nlaIII Oimcn
,u.Zlollraphd _ Mlnel 121 EIetTIIII -'hniqllelil ...... -VI.Inor, DoriIlh
G.....-dH It
AsPldo _ l\IltM EItItlntf _ ERndII G.IIII vlVml1l/Wt -VauIll'a'1l
Alalull- AbJIIbtdI EIIIt_ - aess. --,""""
A-'r-TM"-Atanamir Et._Elwi! GwIridI- VIn:ul
A1MMArI - Atani EIIdIO -Dior H"bc.... Moria
Atlond A•..,.. -Fanta � beft � - """"" tt.JN.p- Hobbia
A.ia.liI -Annatu [-.-..tIl ArIMI_nr·AnI:aIimo! HandwaIdI _ Hanctim
II.wulllbar _ CaradIwu E"'YI DIIlr -Emytl....·F\lin
.. HaIMlw. N....... _ HIIICIo-en-NdeI\&in
knit PlaIn _ o.p.od EIIclI"CU�1 MOIIII"'", - Echoriath Helm fIl Hador -Draaon-hclm of Dor-l6min

....,..,. -M<JrJOCb Eoornr -AtanI Herr<! beano. _ IIIari

'-"'-II - lkij:ort- EaIw90d _ I'm..... "'-" �-""'·AnducaI
tD« CapIalIo -WIICh·� r_u.. - RoIIirrim "'""'-'_ -Ar·AdIInakhor
.... EMurtiat-KhamII trdoa
.... _ Berm HiUnI 0Iy _Gondola.
.... 6* - Morannon F.nd E..... -Iroa MouIIuIns Hlp Eh-eI-!!IdIr
lid X_I- MorJcIII End UndoIII _ End lAin H........n - QoocroJl
BIId! ....... _ Mordor Em NI.nlI- WlIite MounW... Hlp F_Il -'IlIur-cn.P...oo.
BIadI IUclcn-Naz,OI Enlnlon _ GIl-pI... HIP SPftCII -QualJ1
B� IIad<. S.......:I - MormtlJil &-a. -ToI� HWor-AIIfIl
lIMed RelI... _ AI1IM ErYII G
... - Greenwood Ihe GreaI HlIviAll""" _ tuliflrim
I'- Mouw... -End Luin Erya l..atpInI - Mirtwood H_ vi Awe _ HIIIifIrien
... .... _ vdya DIlraIcI EII&ri. - Fanta � 1_ ttiIII6.f _ HIIIIIum
It. ,* u 1-IIIKytI LuiII
... �i. _Ncnaiai tfItIIat&IIr - Mis9 MoumalIII
..... vi Retura -0i0Iaire E__IINI - Alfllin HItIIer ...... - MiddJc.eri
Bn&oIa.dI -Dqtt Braplrw;1I F..U..... _ Fmdui* HlIII.i -HfIIml
Braldprlne _ Baranduin F.... F... _ Ek!ar HoarwdI _ Mithcllhel
Brid. vlElrplduln � 11m '''"1' ur-Tarannon
F.... H.... -El't-pon

..- - ­ FallIIIri _ Telcri - --

C� -"" F�-�-en-FaroIII HoI)' MomoW. -'lMiqunil, Mendw1III
CtwdI - Ccmbl FIrinoIloH _ Firicn Wood un""-Ena
QIIW.. fIlAaIoI! - I>war¥a � - lJIdoa. _G.IdaIf
('WId1"rtl vi r..rta. _ Cllildml vi IId_ F1rtIII vi Oraotiat - DmI&iM 1-. - Eu&crI...... BroddI
C1rfdo DUllI-Cirith Unp F�n._AIIIIi 1
...... _Fonn;>d
C1rfdo Fom nAadralll -IliJII Pus Ford vi St.n - Sam AIIvId IazUldb - TM",hllnUI'
C__ S�-Wauon F.... ofAroI _ArouiIt.:h IrI_ _ Tar-Meneldur
CetaoIIalrt _ Eallohar F_ltolNl-Ro.dI l* vlKiIIp - NGmmor. .."., I FOO'SIln Eh-eI - E&IMh l*vI�_ NIhnenor,
Ctlnf\IItof -f&nor G_blIplIooI -BeIc.- hllllldll _ y.......,;e
.,.... - ...... Gate fIl dIIt NGIdor -AnIIoI!.illydI
l.Q: K_...... _Y_
C..... - SanmwI G_18 IIIMonkw - """­ KIIuW _ o..r.a
CjtUllo<o _ Bclq GII·Elrld- EIraodii K
.... vlMN - NOmendlelili
Oaplr G".nulp _ TIlrin GI.1Iz6r _ Ar-Oimibtlr .......... - Sador
GII'It..I"DII _ Rinpri! lMy vi Dor-MMln _ Monvm
64 Referena Guide

LMy tlllle OoWtoo Wood _o.bdrkl � (ofN6__) - Forww T.... _ FIct

lalli, flillle NoWcw -�I Roed - Ra.ds T..... a1l611n -ThIr&tlion
Laoty flllIeI WndaHI- Etmdls N6nll-NW T....Ard...... _ Ar-A�

� _ o-n-dva N...
tkb6I_NIrJOd'I'Ond T..-Calloa - Ar-1'baraUIn
1.-11 fllSUdoow - Monb' N.,..,....
'., - N..... Tw-CalMlldl-Ar-Belzapr
t...II flltIII Star - NIimaIOJ opor-W-� T....EIoItlnI _ EradiI
...... fII W\IknrI- NIII-1Ithrm Old Forat Ilo.d _ R<*II T...·f...... -Ar-Satallhllr
'-IfIood - MIIaia OkI I'M:d-laalt _ Ilr"htailh Ja. T....Hen.Ii-., _Ar·�
� _AnfaIM Qlataahlr _ Inno T...·�Ir-Ar·ZimnIlIoII
u..r_Tderi """" -'"""'" T....M.. yac.. EImI

UIde .... - HobtIds � - OondoIin T...·MIritI-MIriel121

1M&� _Oledden fkkk ......- ....... T....TdHIau _ Ar-GimilD3r
u... - I.wpn o..ctrI. - Enu T....... _ R6mcnd1ci1 1
lAMIy" _Tal em..e. 0nIer 01 wardl - buri Tlllr+NdMddoI - Mittwood
LeMI1 �taIoo - � O\Iw La..a. - � T'lIr_••·F... _ 0CInh0ni0a. Mirbrood
IAn!fII Dot..... -Cor-16m;" Durer Sa - Ektaia T....... - OromI!
lAnIfII MerpI- WlIcll-kin. PalIaHo _ IItwyn Luin T.....-I.-I>Miftlal. - DnIadIn Furac
IAn! fII W.un - U\mO rv.aId: -Tar_Elcndi
•..anoah.ll _ SIly., EI_
� fIIAM"'" -ADdOnie "rd. �...I -Field oICc� TNpono- Cclebom [2[
....... ottM w_ - 'I" .... oIlmladrll _ Hilh Pall nauo. - Hoiriol
1ArWt6oI- HIdor hople lit Haldll _ Hal.odm . _ QandaIf
Lodo66rin -1Arien III ...tb _ Hobbits
PftiIon noronlll - AnoIOfll
....... - ...... I'Ioaru.6oo _ Ar_1'tIaruOn n-.d C•• a - MctICJfIlIh
�_Bnlillen PIllar, TM -Mcnelwma n...I.. _T6rin
- - "'" PIppbo _ �pine Toot n"lalIf -Elbemll
..--..... n".... _l.ddIien
M..-wa -Laonlin RaI Monllll - AndrMI ToI·..-<;•....,.. -Tol Sirion
�_MIlIom ...... - "- T_ HIIII _Em)'ft Bcnid
� _ HaI�. aeea- .. EdIt - KirI&domt 0I1hB Dolnodaia T-.s 01 * Tft'IlI _ Monnnoa
I'Ibr-M_Faa- _NIImenof aeAon GaM - CiridI CIndJns - - """"
1II...- fII o..- - ,..... aMa ..... no:-NIf)'II TrMfII Toi ErtIIh - Cdebon [II
ItlddfnMrtI - MIrt. The TIl........ - r-Io&rod
- --
fIIa - .... ... 01 o.c. _ M"-u.Ir T
...... _TlIrin
MIMWu -T.·Menddoar ....wnIdoI:-NaqOl
a Ttr HarttIuI- IUadh-at-Alwai
Ma fII.... Sa-NdDlUl6le.1I am.ddI _ lmladril T.".....IO - Hirilond!
Mer-. fIITw\Ii&III - AdilHlial aodwo - Roham TwIIlpI MtnI; _ Adin......
a6t - DnkOain -rw. K� - Ctrildra oIl1d..--
MkkWMuI - 8ck
MlMk::W -�1 n aotaluD - Ym&ilol ,... K I
..... - Kinpbns 01 the DIIDedain
MlJM "- - Iotillllf Tlrilll [2J aeyal a.... _ Ro.dI Ty... Gonluld - Banow-dmms
M'MIdr_T.·Minutir a.. a..... - DI*:dain UobIrIpII -1Ion:Irdir
M\NIIII -Owaith.j·MfnIIin a_me. RMr _ Cdduin u..t -AltIrin
- - """"" s.ea.dbon, no: _ AID l1w.1tI _ EmodiJ
� _ Mm. M..,..I SedaI S- - hlanIfri (naJn - RinprUIhs
Mwp� !..oN 111- WilCh�1II sm.df _ Minel [I[ U..boordldl -Tclumehw
�1- on: Elvel Sn-.. St_ - PalantIri O....I-Oriml
M.-d oIll1e Elf·....... - Hludh-en·1:!l1e!h SIIMowr bIeI-Enc:hanled WeI W*I - Dngon
Moul »00. - Amon AmanII �Mou'''''' _ &al Wcthrin UrwftI _ I.alaith
MewalIII- !'limo!" SIw'b! _ Amon R(Idh V....II.. ..... -8.11'OI
,........ _ MinalThith SickiulUie V..... _ ValIciml Vall__ v.1mar
FIt_ fII tilt AIaoor - Ainloliftdall! so.... _ Telperion Valley 01* T_IM- Noirinan
�""_Aanulbl_ �_Celolnnl V"'-E1bcm11
NM '-- 1.Arim [2] Si
....fIIf - Alflrift V....... .. _NaNmclda
NwWtdo _l'Qrqucl!il SIaioUo -Silldar. "JbinaOI v.,..., - Load 0-
�-� SIr Aaarn - AIIp'm W... olIN .u.,- Rirlp 01Poww
� _ �ICIII SIr Nioapor - Ollodclea River WeatIItnop _ Amon SOl
NectAM:e" 1M o..n. - Naqllmlr s-... -OoIh.m W___ N*'-
NoIIUa -T*in s-Mn .... - Oondor � Wood-f'iricn Wood
--- s,)'WI - Amon Emir WIIIIIt Lady_ Oala<ftl. Erendis
JIrkrwa _ GaIDid SIar (01 EirndII) - EJrcndi
I WIllIe M-.r - SaNm.!
Star 01 Ekad8 - Elendilmir WIoIeo MwMMI - TllliqucliI
NIM, 1lIrt -NaqOl Star 01 * Nwdo - EIondilmir WIId_ fII * Weoob _ nriI!
- - ..... sa-ol Eirnd- aeu. IIJ W�oI MIawt - Eqks
� _TqxrioII s-.*-� WlArdI_ taw;
N6M1 - Nftoim! ....... - ­�
NMt Edoor -RImmaI Ec:1Ior su-pow _ Belo, WoII·_-Gawwaith
� 1'1..... -Pmy-4wwvel �
S6lIoao _ Man.. Woodlud Ehr.. _ SilYI/I ElyCil
� _ o....m. S6rioa _ Tw-sGrion Wood 01 A....._ Firicn Wood
�_VlnSamir S6dolHq - HomburJ WonMGIIpe -Orfma
NertII � - Amat s-.tIeet - Ntn-in-Ellph W_ _ Dr1Irdain
NwtIoen Ii"w.- Field oI�1ebnnt S
... ... - AIqualoncII! V••--W_ NaNmclda
NortIIen w__ f'on:Id....UII " Mn - Easleflinp
s"""y Y6Uy.. NGmcnor

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