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• Psychology : The

Study of Behavior

Name: Score:

Subject code/section. Date:

Activity No. 1
Psychology. the Study of Behavior

TEST l. HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY: Fill in with the following statements with the
appropriate concepts, terms or persons:

1. Psychok›gy has been defined as the scientific study of and

The science of psychology has been rooted to its history as a
branch of
2. Modern psychology was born in (country) in (year); fathered by
He established the school of Which analyzes human
behavior into its component elements by using as the method of

3 introduced the concept of reflex action; while, Charles Darwin had

been known for his theory of
4. was a Greek philosopher who believed that the mind is considered
to be a blank slate or
5. The functions. goals and purposes of the mind or the “man’s adjustment to his
changing environment" were emphasized in the school of , vvhuse important
advocate was
6. An American psychologist who was called the father of behaviorism was
who further believed that are the building blocks of behavior.
7. Gestalt means , which was propagated by known gestaltists like
8. The work of Ebbinghaus focused mainly on the principles of and
9. The great exponent in the field of psychology through his psychoanalytic
approach in understanding human behavior was ; with great emphasis on
10. The great experimentalists of the time were and

Test II. FIELDS OF PSYCHOLOGY Complete each sentence by providing the group
‹›f psychologists you learned who fit into the following description
Explain on the topic abou: stalking

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Tell iii DU.1FAi4t”.H k‹h T ilLinÜ dat h t! !'*!!' i* *'! ° «"'" ’N'!*1 !h app,qp, yt

Jasqei wants to know the life and activities of his homosexua! friend
A grc›up of research students were assigned to conduct 6 stucly arr n‹g fre
¿ ,q behavioral
reactions during their first day in school while they ’ver* in5ide
‘^t school canteen.
Finding the effect of physical attractiveness among college men/women as rJ p\’,<q
Using the baby album as the source of daily accounts of life events and Oreçr sz
during the baby’s childhood.
A University alumni filing up a questionna ire to comment on his exper!ences
during his entire stay in college.
A. Case history C. Experimental E. Observation
B. Survey D. Interview F. Correlational

Test IV Answer the following questions

1. What are the goals of psychology. What values do we derive from our knowleoy°e
about Human behavior?

Draw a line of distinction in the scope of work of a guidance counselor , a psyc hoi t
”! and a psyChÏ ttfist. Discuss their differences.
• Psycholog y: The Study
of Behavior

Name: Score:

Subject code/section Date.

Activity Nu. 2
the human Bingo

Instructions: This is a self-disclosure activity/ fun game conducted during the first day of
classes in which the student/s would make a description of himself to someone whom he/
she has not known for a time. This activity wuuld enable the participant to learn more
about each other and connect on a personal level. Each student will mill around and
introduce himself/herself, after which would ask anyone who would fit into the description
indicated inside each box. Anyone who completes the boxes will say B-i-n-g-o.

Has an MP3 Who wears An avid fan of Plays a musical Wearing a Swiss
eyeglasses Eraserhead instrument/sings army watch

Has a cell phone Has 28" Has birthday A Band member Has a 7” sh oe
numer ending ‘5 on December 8 size
” waisline

An officer of Has $1 bill Collects self-help Has an ATM

any school books card
organization FREE

HaS a false A Globe Has a member- Smokes Collects

teeth subscriber ship card in any cigarette perfume bottles

Can show a An only boy/girl Is married Has brought

A Smart co n ce rt / s h in the family any youth
ow ticker -oriented
Processing Questions

1 Wa S it cf iff ic u I I/ens y t a sh ar e in fur m at io n a b out yo urs e If n i Al t q tt

2. What were sotce of your considerations in disclosing or becoming

another person whom you have met the first time around?

3. What is the importanc e of knowing each other on a personal basis?

• Physiological Basis of

Name: Score:

Subject code/section Date:

Aclivi(y Nu 3
Developmenl and Genetic Abnormalities

TEST I. GENETIC ABNORMALITIES: Match the disorders on the left with their
appropri- ate description on the right. Write the LETTER only.

Turner’s syndrome A. A recessive gene that appears in the X chr‹xr›osorne
(of the mother) more likely inherited by a male (son)
Hermaphrodite B. Extra X chromosome on the male 23rd pair of
Klinefelter’s syndrome C. Absence of melanin enzyme
Albinism D. Abnormality caused by dominant allele in the 4”
pair of chromosome
Colorblindness E. Lack of X chromosome, in females
Huntington s chorea F. A defective gene for blood clotting
Tay-sachs disease G. An abnormality in Trisomy 21
Phenylketonuria(PKU) H. Presence of both male and female gonads
Down syndrome I. Degenerated nervous system in later life caused
by abnormal chromosom e 15
Hemophilia J. Mutant chromosome 12, caused by
missing enzyme in high protein food

TEST II. CONCEPT RECALL : Write the correct term/concept on the spaces provided

1 is defined as a permanent change in the individual’s functioning

derived from learning. Changes in the size of the chest, circumference of the
head, length of the arms and feet. etc are marked by changes; while those
occurring in the person’s nature of functioning like achieving efficiency and
accuracy ml performing certain tasks are considered changes

2 Nature is to as nurture is to
3. There are pairs of cf›romocs‹›mes that we acquire from our parents: in at3 q t
the chromosc ‹nes rent.em hasin r arriers nf the hereditary traits called

h e eit h/3'r C a US'f 'd by g f2 netiC/ [


Ill A‹1swer the f‹^Il‹›wintj ‹ iestiotls

illustrate these r h‹eracteristics.

2. Why do individuals or couples seek genetic counseling? Discuss its importance

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• Psychological

Name: So.ore:

TEST I.CONCEPT" RECALL: Write tire approt›riate term/concept that 'z/iIi complete the
follo ving statenlcists.

1. The developmen t of an individual begins at ’z/hich normally takes

approximately days to become a fetus ready to be born.

2. The three phases of the prenatal period and their appropriate duration are:

3. The three layers of tissues in the developing embryo and the organs develDped from
them are

4. Considered the shortest of all the developmental phases is the period

5. When an infant is born, most of his behavior is reflexive in nature, examples of

reflexes are and

ö. Smell, taste, hearing and touch are senses which are functional among ne›’/born
infants, while, the sense of is not fully differentiated during the first
weeks of life after birth.

7. Pre-speech forms of communication that include pronouncing monosyllables or

simple syllabication indicates the child’s undergoing the stage.

8. The troublesome age called by parents is the period of

9. is the onset of sexual maturation characteriZRd by abrupt changes

in their while the favorable and unfavorable changes they experiences
With their physical bodies are referred as

10. Adolescent’s heightened emotionality is attributed to the secretions of their

systems: the most important of which is the secretion of or
the female sex hormone, and Called to sex hormone in males.

11. In girls. the period of puberty begins with while _ in boys.

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•t FlCOF\ Si dere g Ct UC:


TEST II . Ans wer the following questions:

1 Give some factors that influence prenatal development. How will you ensure
mother wo Uld have a safe and healthy pregnancy? Offer some sug s. " S t
On s

2. How do you consider those significant others help develop possible social behavior
Incl onsit/ve self-esteem amnng adolescents

3. Why is adolescence considered the period of slorm and strewed

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• Psycholog iCal


Subje ct code/Section:
Activity No.
My F’uiiii/y ”free

l f l sti fiction: Below is a s 3ace where you rnnke yuur own family tree '//:th appropriate
representation of each of you r family membei s. Collect and paste the pictures of your
family members on the boxes where you designate them and show their rr’Iationships with
one a nother.

Family Tree


1. What realization have you drawn from knowing your own family origin?
**yrho|oqi(:n| •

A. Afit‹ tlomy C *rust

B SI1ai»e D. Initiative
2. Freud's developmental theory is knoWn as
A. Psychosocial c. PsyChodevelopmental
B. Psychosexual D. Cognitive
Every time Jason sees his wears his jacket, Jason assumes
fnther is going to his office, or wnen his mother brings a basket
assumes her to be going to the market. This concept developed by
Jason ;: called . which is
observed durinp his stape
A. Animism preope”rational C Symbolic thinking: preoperati ona!
B. Egocentrism: sensorimoto D. Abstract thinking: concrete operaticna
1 /1a«g I• ›its ^.• ? foFc ” ;-tC— . 1rug ! S 3 • E ** ’- . .,
The eagerness of Mang .Jrianito to fr lfill his persr›na! eed cesoite ts ra
connotation falls under orientation.
A. Preconventional C. Universal/ethical
B. Postconventional D. ConsGience
5 When the child starts to become curious about his body and tends to
manlpUIa'e nis genitals. he is undergoing the stage in the
psychosexual theory
A. Oral C. Genital
B. Anai D. Phallic
6. The stage in moral development is normally displayed by a good
bay.’ good girl behavior.
A. Preconventional C. Conventional
B Postconventional D. Social contract
7. Oedipus and electra complexes are best examples of . behavi0f
A. Regressive C: Frustrated
B. Fixated D. Excessive
8. The concept of object permanence in the cognitive developm e ^! t
^*0’* ’ developed during the _ stage.
A. Concrete operational C. Formal operational
B Senñol L‹ otci L* reuperationa
9. Seeking apt›rovaI from peers is a characteristic that an adolescent mani-
fests which equates the stage in the psychosocial Iheory.
A. Intimacy vs Isulalion C. Generativity vs Stagnation
B. Identity vs. Rnle confusion D Bnsic must vs Mistrust
10. ll1f0r1(S WIIO flnd tllerisurc fr‹›rri sur:ki• s an ‹J swallowing any object and put
tI1tJni to l1lS rnOLJt(1 iI1clir:‹ les / t›ct avior rclated to stage.
A. Anal C Genital
B. Or•cl D. Phaliic
11. A developmental task which cslnl›lisl ‹•s intimate and hcter^osexuaI relationships
among young a‹JoIesce‹1ts very much applies to the stage of
A. Genital C. Phallic
B. Latency D. Anal
12. Demanding ai d hostile behavior displayed by parents cluring their
children s rearing stages is a form of parenting style; while will be the
consequent behavior developed among them.
A. Effective C. Authoritative
a. Lax on obedience c. Troubled and dependent
B. Authoritarian D. Permissive
b. Adequate adjustment d. Affectionate and supportive
13. When a child is called a “little experimented’, he is undergoing the stage.
A. Preoperational C. Sensorimotor
B. Concrete Operational D. Abstract Reasoning
“ 14.
Seeing more quantity of water in a tall thin plass than in a short fat
glass often displayed by children is a limitation of the stape which also
refers to the concept of
A. Preoperational C. Concrete Operational
a. Symbolism c. Conservation
B. Sensorimotor D. Operational
b. Animism d. Schema
- 15.
The central tasks of the elders belong lo the psychosocial stage.
A. Generativity vs Stagnation C. Ego integrity vs. Despair
B. Basic trust vs Mistrust D. Identity vs Role confusion
16. When Joshua was a grader, he was responsible and independent enough
to offer some menial tasks for his teacher which is consiclered a sign of
during his early psychosDcial stage; while later in life, he aspired to achieve
to become biologically reproductive and hoped to get married and have
children which is being described to be in the
stage in the psychosexual
A. Initiative vs Guilt C. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
a. Anal c. Oral
B. Industry vs Inferiority D. Identity vs Confusion
b. Genital d. Phallic
TEST II. Match the fo!Iowing CONCEPTS with their appropriate PROPONEhJT/S AN D
THEOK Y/IES. Wrile the curtect LE1“ TER(proponen t) and PJUMBER(theory ) on the blank
spaces provicled.

Egocet trism

Universa l/otl ical


ldcntily Corifusiori/D Cf st

Id, Ego, Superego

Authoritative style



tENT TEST III Answer the following questions:

ms parent and hoW Will this later affect hum/her during his/her parent s separa îl00
divorce? Give some courses of action in order to cope with the situation.

2. How docs the child’s questioning help develop his cognitive capabilities?
• PhysiDlogical Basis
of Behavior


bject cede/Section: Date

Activity flu. /
the Nervous Eysle«

TEST I. CONCEPT RECALL: Supply with the torrect words/terms to the spaces provided.
1. The basic structural unit of the nervous syslem is called the

2. The transmits neural impulses away from the soma; while, the
carries outgoing signals from the brain to the reacting organs/muscles/ glands. The
releases chemical substances called which affect the activity of
the cell with which they communicate.

3. Deficiency in causes disruption in memory; while too much of

results to hyperactivity or uncoordinated muscle movement; iS a “WOr
chemical which lack of it causes insomnia; serves as analgesic in the
body to sustain pain; and the building blocks of protein are called

4 A damag= in the language center located between the frontal lobe and temporal which
concerns a spoken lanquaqe causes while a disability in hearinq a language
is caled as

5. A difficulty in identifying objects unless they are touched by the human hand and is
located in the occipital lobe area is a disorder known as ; and a failure in
space orientation such as associating/recognizing direction in writing or reading
letters results to word blindness known as

6. To confirm the location of brain lesions/disorders, you go to a brain specialist called

TEST II. Give the appropriate words which represent the following ACRONYMS:
CAT Scan

T EST III. LABELING : The following is 1he diagram of the Human Brain. Label with the
correct LETTER of your cI›o ic .. written below that corresponds to your answer.
Structures nf lhe Brai» A Corpses IIcs‹›i» C. Hypothalamus E. Thalamus
B f7utict›l/ir Fon»n(new D. Medtilla Oblongata F. Cerebellum
w. Cerebral cortex (cerebrum)


1. Regulates eating, drinking, sexual behaviors, etc. A› Reticular Forma tion

2 Involves in sleep and wakefulness. B. Thalamus

Regulates breathing, heartbeat. sneezing, etc. C. Amygdala
Joins the cerebral hemispheres. D. Medulla Oblongata
Seat for motor coordination and balance. E. Limbic System
Results to tipsy feeling when influenced by alcohol. F. Cerebral Cort eX
7. Seat of reasoning, comprehension, thlok !*9• e› C G. HÏg OCäIT!gUS

Can detect a perfume when dïffused in the room. H. Corpus CaIlOSUFD

Concerns with language, math, logic, etc. I. Right Hemisphere

Seat of emotions and vioTent behavior. J. HypothalamUS
11. Refers to the animal brain. K. Cerebellum
12. A damage in If is area causes amnesia L. Left Hemisphere
13. Adjusts to heal or cold temperature M. Skull
14. Stores long term memories N. Nervous System
1S. Control center of voluntary/involuntary behavior. 0 Spinal cord

TEST V. Answer the following questions. .

1. If you were to have a stroke (hopefully not), in which region of your brain would
you prefer the brain damage would be? Why?
Phy S iOlogical Basis

Name. i Gore

Subjecl cude/scctioi›: Date:

• DI Behavior
the correct wORDs ,
as indicate‹1 in the Box helow. ....


Activates during Adrenaline/ cortisol

stress, emotions and / Androgen

Controls excretion of water in
the kidney.

Regulates heat production and

body metabOliS Thyroxine/T3

Regulates blood sugar

content in tissues insulin/Glucagon

Develop secondary
characteristics in both men
and women
*'° ** l0win;; is jl,e ‹/ »gram of the Endocrine System. Label with
Ihe correC LETTER of your cf›oice wrilfgrt below
a fl at corresponds to yo«r answer.








TEST III. Answer the following questions:

1. Regardless whether biological and environmental factors play active roles in the
person’s sexual orientation, it is believed that sexual orientation is not a mañer of
choice. Explain why is it considered a moral issue by many people.
f° h ysioloq‘ic ol l3asis •
of l3ohavior



TEST l. MUt.l”lPl.E CHOICE: Write the Correct LETTER of your choice on the Split

1. Which is called the transparent, protective, outer layer of the hum a n /2ye tq
Which light passes through it?
A. Retina C. Cornea
B. Lens D. Aqueous humor
2. Rods and cones are
A. Mechanoreceptors C. Nociceptors
B. Photoreceptors D. Thermoreceptors
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. There are more rods than cones.C. Cones are more sensitive to lignt.
B. Rods are pore sensitive to color. D. The retina contains more cones than rods.
4. Visual impulses are carried to the brain via the
A Optic nerve I ens
B. Fovea D Photoreceptor cells
5. What is the thin membrane in the middle ear which vibrates when sound
waves are transmitted and amplified?
A. Pinna C. Basilar membrane
B. Cochlea D. Eardrum
6. Tim could not see well in the dark movie house first, but after 30 minutes.
he could see the seats clearly because his have adapted.
. A. Photoreceptor cells C. Rods
B. Cones D. Retina
7. Upon passing a well-known restaurant, you smell of its freshJy baked piz/d
Interpreting the odors of the pizza is the process called
A. Sensation C. Transduction
B. Pe“rception D. Conduction
8. Odors that are released by an animal that elicit specific behavio r patterns
common to humans are called
A. Hormones C. Pheromones
B Arcma D Flavor

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_ 9. In what area of your tongue will place an unpleasant pill so as not to taste it?
A. Tip C. Bottom
B. Near the tip G. Side
10. What is this kind of prtit fell from like site uf a i amputated part of the body?
A. Prickling pain C. Shr‹rp pain
B. Pllantom limb paiti D. Referred pain

TEST II. FILLING THE BOX. Fill ill the Uox with the correct wurds as many as you know.

SensatiOil El viroi mental Stzecific Defects Location of the

Stimuli l4eceplor/s Sense Organs

VISUAL Light waves EYES






TEST Ill. Answer the following questions:

1. If your were asked to let go of any of your senses, which would you prefer it would be?

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P erception •


Suhjcct cède.'section Dute:

Activiiy No. ’10


TEST l. h1UL1 lPLù CHOICE: Choose the correct LETTER that corre sponds to ;„,
answer Fill out the spaces provided before each number.
1. Closure and proximity are examples of :
A. Perceptual grouping C. Perceptual constancy
B. Visual illusion D. Localization

2. What perceptual system is applied when two sides of the road seem to
as the distance increases?
A. Aerial perspective C. Linear perspective
B. Relative size D. lnterposition
3. All of these are examples of optical illusion, EXCEPT.
A. Muller-Lyer C. Zollner
B. Poggendorf D. Annes Room
. A tree that partially covers a house will look closer and bigger This is
er example of what perceptual depthness?
A. Renat/ve size Heiali e heigii
B. Aerial perspective D. Interposition
5. The pictures of the elephant variant or the devil’s tuning fork is an ex +P!*
of what three-dimensiona l incompatibility?
A. Geometrical illusion C. Impossible ObJeCt
B. Muller-Lyer illusion D. Figure and Ground
6. The popular Rubin vase is an example of :
A. OptiCül iIlUSÏOO C. Figure and Groùnd
B. Ambiguous Fi gure D. lmpossible Object
7. When we travel in a bus, we
observe that the side of the road seeo !’
move opposite our direction and the mountains appear sta tio nary
monocular cue applies?
A. Relative Height C. Interposition
B. tmospheric p€?Fspectiv@• D. Relative Movement
8. Familiarity with the object plays an
‹mportant role in producing WhO( ta**t’
CO * *
A. Brightness C. Size
B. Shape C. Loca tion
9 Co‹npuler vidoo games If›at at›t›oar tn have figures running acfoss lh+•>e * *”
is can ex‹‘3rt1(›lo ‹›f
A. Itidur.c‹I n1‹›lior› ¿ Rinort lar rJispnrit’y
B. Strol›‹›scspic nictir›ri D f?eaI MrJtion

_ 10.
Wli•at t›rmcy›le ap\›lies wIir*r› a figure ’//hich Fias qaps is perceive4 in its o•zerall
A. Closure C Fig‹vre arid GrOUfî d
B. Proximity D. Cor›linuity

TEST il . Answer the following


1. How is your perception influenced by your environmental and cultural experiences†

2. Make your own version of some optical illusions illustrated in the text. Present your
drawing/s or cut outs from magazines
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T EST III. Answer the following

1. Give yow
reasons why we need lo sleep. Mention any fheory that will support ygqt

2. Do you know of a friend who has been under the influenc e of drug. Note some of
your be havioral observations. Offer some suggestions on how to stay away from
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¿onsCiousness •


Subj•Ct C o de/Seotion:

At:livlty No ] I

TEST i. I\NUL TIPLE CHOICË Cl oose the corrcrt LET rñy that corresponds to /OUF
q {l- S m e r. FiII ouf the spoces provided before eacti number.
1. The following all best describe someone under REM sleep, EXCEPT.
A. His breathing and heart rate are fast and irregular.
B. His brain is more activated than when he is awake.
G. His muscles are relaxed and unresponsive.
D. He eKperiences alternating sate during the night.
2. Which best describes a person who is under alcohol use?
A. His brain is excited as the effect of excitatory neurotransmi tters.
B. His blood pressure decreases.
C. He manifests aggressive behavior.
D. His eyes are dilated.
3. The adverse effects of regular use of marijuana are the following, EXCEPT:
A. Low plasma testosterone levels
B. Increased immune system
C. difficulty in speech

4. Individuals who resort to stimulants manifest the following, EXCEPT:

A. Mild euphoria C. Enhanced mood
B. Increased heart rate D. Reduced desire to sleep
s Which of the following is NOT the characteristic effect of depressants*
A. Relaxed feeling C. Mood elation
B. Mild euphoria D. Reduction in stress

TEST II. C(assify each drug listed below as to : Stimulant (S); Hallucinogen (H);
Depressant (D): Narcotic (N)

1. Nicotine 6. Ampethamine
2. Caffeine • 7. Heroine
Alcohol 8. Barbiturates
4. Morphine
9. LSD
Ü. MaFijuana
10. Ecstasy

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Learning and •

Scor e:

Subject cc›de/SecIi x

Aclivity No. 12
1eaminp and Condilioni’np
TEST I. hJatch the correct answer from the words in A with Column
«. us.

Column A Column B

1. Verbal praise as a reward system. A. Conditioned respOFlSe (CP,)

2. Salivation caused by the taste of food. B. Positive reinforcement
3. Mastery of steps in a dance lesson. C. Social learning
4. A child's screaming upon seeing
a dental chair. D. Trial and error learning
5. Watching a cooking demo over the TV E. Unconditioned response (UCRj
G. Complimenting a younp son for every 5’“ F.
Acquisition display of good tabJe manner. G Shaping
/ Setting used to a noisy neighbors
after 6 months n. Law ot exercise
8. Learning to ride a bicycle or drive a car I. Punishment
9. A form of ignoring a misbehavior of
a truant child. J Operant conditioning
10. Salivation caused by (he sound of a bell. K. Classical conditioning
11. Winning in a lotto or slot machine
as a reinforcer. L. Fixed-fatio schedule
12. Grounding a child for violating house rules.M. Habituation
13. A new learning from one’s own
discovery N. Escape/avoidanc e learning
14. Getting an electric shock upon pressing O. Extinction
the switch on by the rat
15. Refrigerating a food so as not to get spoiled P. Variable interval SChe *
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TEST II. Identify the following If? 3rning SITUATIONS with their PROPO NENT/S a ’l d
THEORY /ies. Fill up the spaces with
the correct answers.

Little Alberl’s fear of lhe vat ite

Food paired with the bell







ck situation that will evaluate your success in employing the
unplea 2. Have you ever experienced being punished for an offense
sant done at home? Which, in your own point of view, is
are required in order for punishment to be effective? When do
avoide you consider it a learning experience?

TEST III. Answer

the following

1. How
would Scanned with CamScanner
e a i-
into a
e and
. Give
L GRrning nn4 •
Ccnditln I fJ


possihln. \hinqs that i ‹1l›r‹‘sei›l yc ‹ir handing ‹•nhary:‹:rS ar›‹J ler› rning harriers aS d S(ud ent.
Exriai‹ Ynt r wnrk. 1’‹›‹i may ‹is» exi‹a shee \ ,›f I›‹›n‹i y›aprr iu iiiustraie Yo'‹r r»pr°.s°-ntatir,n
more clearly



Explanation Explanation:

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a Learning and

y,me. Score:
bimCt code/secticn:

Actlvily Nu. 14
StUdj/ Hahi”l Program

Wye ther they involve physii:al {P); social (sj:
Of i‹me consLl e d fC!t e IC h of them on a daily basis. You can make yOvr own moJe! C! ^
ąnother sheet of paper according to your preference.

Day Time Consumed Activities

Processing Questions:

1. In what way does your study habit program affect your school performance?

C. Do they give beneficial effects on you as a student? Are you satisfied with the
result of your efforts? If not, do you have any plan of changing your study
habit? Suggest some ways.
Thinking an‹J Lai gr›agc •

” Activily N‹›. 1o
Thi"nkiii,q, Language and ”fesls

I ENT I- A. Choose the col icct answer from the cgroup wurds represented by ha tters
1. Sam can produce some practical uses of plastic cups. This ability is called

A. Analytic thinking C. Autistic thinking

B. Creative thinking D. Ambivalent thinking
2. When a psychologist talks about the influence of emotional factor in
decision making, including the way in which a problem or question is
presented, she is referring to
A. Problem solving C. Heuristic thinking
B. Cathartic thinking D. Framing
3. Thinking typically involves the manipulation of
A. Mental representations C. People and objects
B. Physical representation D. Facts and figures
4. Cars, trucks, boats and motorcycles are all vehicles.Vehicle is an
example of a
A. Category C. Object
B. Grouping D Concept
5 When people are asked to name a sport. they frequently mention
basketba!! Basketball is an example of of the "sport" concept.
A. Incubation CI Categorization
B. Prototype D. Heuristics
6. When looking for nails in the hardware store, Jenny walked up and
down each aisle until she found them. She used to find the nails.
A. A heuristic C. The scientific method
B. An algorithm D. Insight
When looking for pickle relish at the grocery store, Jack, guessing that
‹! would be located with other condiments, went directly to the condiment
section. Jack used to find the relish
A. A heuristic C. The scientific method
B. An algorithm D. Insight
8. Which speech disorder accounts for the inabi(ity to comprehend words.
A. Dyslexia C. Acalculia
B. Aphasia D. Agraphia

Which particular area in the brain is involved in the production of speeCh aha
9. language.
A. Right hemisphere C. Cerebral cortex
B. Let. hen°. sphere D. Lobes
10. Which is required when learning a foreign
language? A Readiness c.
B. ExeFCiSf? D. Au‹JiIion


B. Sixteen Pc›rsoi›ality Faclr›r ( fi PF)

C. WeCl1sI r At1«lt li IcIIigeii«• SraIc (y\//\|S)
D. Wechsler li1tulIi‹)r'IJtJñ Scale for Cl›il‹lr •ri (WISC)
Andiew’s son, Jetf, got nl IQ of 140. Ar cor‹/ ing to the Sta nford-Binet’s
classification of intelligeiice, Je(f helung Io lhe grr›up ha‹/ing
A. Superior IQ Ü. Moron
B. Very Superior o. Average
Celine is a 7-year old girl who shows exceptional talent in literary arts. Her
parents want her to know her condition so they had her tested and she was
given a/an
A. Standardized test: mentally gifted C. Standardized test: very intelligent
B. IQ test: very intelligent D. IQ test . mentally gifted
_ 4. Who developed the first intelligence test in France in 1905.
A. Terman C. Cattell
B. Binet D. Wech‘sler
5. Who was the father of multiple intelligence?
A. Calton C. Gardner
B. Sternberg D. Spearman
Tne concept that applies ‹o” an individual s own oenavior of adapting to nos
environment is called
A. Personality C. Development
B. Learning D. Intelligence
7. The first groups of people who introduced the use of tests for selection of
applicants were the
A. English C. Chinese
B. French D. Greeks
8. The test that assesses the extent of past learning is called ; while that
which attempts to predict the individual’s future success in his performance is
A. Achievement : Personality C. Aptitude: Intelligence
B. Intelligence. Aptitude D. Achievement : Aptitude
9. Two groups of students were given a test where Group A got lower scores.
The teacher was surprised what happened to the group. She administered
the same test within the week and obtained the same result. Which charac-
teristics of test is being applied here?
A. Reliability C. Standardization
B. Validity D. Objectivity
Intellige nce •

Name Score:

Subject co‹lc/Sc•ctiui1: Date.

/\ctivily No. 1G
h1uitipie iMeillseiice Ass•’ •+• !
Insti uctions. Give a numerical score for the following statements as they appli/ to
You 4 — Always; 3 frequently; 2 -- Sometimes; 1 — Seldom; and 0 — LJe
1. I get more out of listening to a word or the radio cassette than from films t
2. Math was one of my favorite subjects.
3 I am sensitive to appropriate or inappropriate color combination, in cloihes,
accessories, furnishings or decorations.
4. I like working with my hands in activities like embroidery, carving, carpentry,
and other hobbies.
5. I can carry a tune/play a musical instrument.
6. I am the sort of a person who people come to for advice at work or in my
7. I have opinions that set me apart from the rest of the crowd.
8. I choose to go on nature trips during holidays or while on vacation.
9. I enjoy entertaining myself and/or others with tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes.
jokes of other forms of wordplay.
I like to set up little ”what if" experiments (e g . what if I double the amount of
1G water in this recipe?")
! generally find my way arnund unfamiliar territory
I use hand gestures and/or other fofms Ut uucy Lai iguage cr ei i Ullvef
1 2 SIIIq with someone.
I listen to music on the radio, or on tapes and CDs and know the tunes of many
13 different musical pieces.
I prefer group sports, such as volleyball or basketball, to solo sports like
14. running or swimming.
I have a special hobby or set of interest that I pretty mLiCh keep to myself.
15. I enjoy growing plants or caring for pets
16 in school, English, Social Studies, and History were much easier for me than
17. Math and Science.
My mind searches for patterns, regularities, or logical sequences in
18. things. I like to draw or doodle.
19. I need to touch things to learn more about them.
20. I often catch myself with a tune of jingle running through the head.
21. I enjoy the challenge of teaching another person or group what I
22. knoW. I think and reflect on my goals in life.
23. I am concerned about environmental issues such as pollution, global warmiFl9
and forest conservation.
25. On the road, I often pay more attention to the words on billboards than the
26. I think in clear abstract. wordless. in ageless concepts
27 I‹

33. I prefer
3u. I could desci ihe
37. I listen IO BlUSic when I’m working, studying, or learning something 0ñ‘
,_ 38. I like ie get involved ir› soci‹cI aclivities connected with work, church Or CO fT\l TiUDIt‘/.
39. I i»ediate/reflect on inner life.
40. I enjoy inventing or assembling
survival kits.


Trans your numerical rating for each of the questions to the grid and add up your results
in the last box.

2 3 4 6 8

g 10 12 13 4 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 2S 30 31 32

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

V erbal Logical/ Visual/ Bodily Musical/ Inter- Intra- N‹atural

I tical Spatial Kinesthetic Rhythmic personal personal

Scanned with CamScanner

Multiple Intelligence Profil8
Color in the hlccks up \u your score In each intelligence. Try to use different col f t








! 13

) 11


,‹'’ 2

Verbal Logical/ Visuall Bodily Musical/ Inter- Intra- Natut6!

I Spatial Kinesthetic Rhythmic personal personal
y S5
; g Questions:
) g { jt¡tying your multiple intelligence, are you satisfied
with the results. Wha t doe»
wxe f3' indicate? What are those that highlight your as:iitie s? these thet «*
r f ptyfile

Relate the significancellearning you derived from t/ activity


Name: Score:

Subject «ode/:ie«tio› Date:

/\c.tiviIy No. 17

. Thou.‹s has cxpericnce‹1 head injuries which causerJ difficulty in

OVGi1TS af1ci- an accident. lie is most likely from
A. Atiterograde amnesia C. Displaceme nt
B. F‘etrogiadc amnesia D. Mental
2. When you almost find difficult to what you have read, learned att
stored during your review for your mid term exam, you must be
undergoing g failure in what process of your memory?
A. Encoding C. Storage
B. Short term D. Retrieval
3. A father teaches his son to play even though e has not played tennis in
years. The father is able to play tennis
perfectly. 20 The type of memory
'•hiCh is
responsible for the storage of this kind of information is called
A. Declarative C. Semantic
B. Episodic D. Procedural
4 A fast food chain cashier recalls vividly the last few prices of an order just
rung up than those first few. What effect on her memory does this
example best i||t strate*
A. Primacy effect fi. Motivation
B. Recency effect D. Decay effect
5 In order to enhance your capacity to memorize, what is the best means of
grouping th”em into meaningful unit?
A. Semantic clustering C. Chunking
B. Mnemonics D. Repetition
6. Bernice studies for her exam by relating the course material to what she
has learned in her other courses and to her life experiences. Bernice is using

A. Chunking C. Rehearsal
B. Decay D. Elaboration
7. You are given a phone number by the telephone operator, hang up th e
phone, and then search for a note pad on which to write on. How many
number could you possibly retain in your working memory?
A. Seven items C. Five items for children
B. Unlimited D. Ten items for most adult
8. What term is called to age-related memory disorder?
A. Engram C. Senile dementia
B. Memory Trace D. Amnesia
BC l tlnkilit;


Wltcil there vie

A. Ftetrieval
B. Consolidation
D. Reorg‹anir‹cticn
_12. VVhal brain skucture is centrally involved in the ccn olidaticn of mr’-mor‘y”
A Cerebe|um C. Hippocampus
B. Reticular FOrmation D. Amygdal‹a
Mother Mary told Annie to go to the store and buy her ten things. ANe Annie ñad
memorized the list, Mother Mary changed her mind and gave Annie a different
list. Annie’s difficulty in remembering these new items is an example of
A. Retroactive interference C. Proactive interference
B. Semantic memory D. Consolidation
14. Our short term memory can only hold limited information for a span of
time and for us to improve this type of memory is by means of these methods,
A. Payinp attention C. Chunking
B. Rehearsal D. Encoding
15 Which of the following study technique would NOT help a student improve his
recall for the coming test?
A. Spend time in studying C. Use mental imagery
B. Highlight oold-faceo her s U. Outline the naptet

TEST II. Identify what TYPE of memory does each of the following situations illustrate?
Recalling nursery rhymes you learned as a child.
Looking up a telephone number in the directory and remembering it long
enough to write on her notepad.
Thinking that you just saW a shooting star, but you are not really sure.
Remembering the rules of the game after playing sometime for years.
Playing a musical note frcm hearing by ear (oido).

TEST Ill. Answer the following questions:

. Which iS much easier to remember, the happy or the sad moments in youf life?
Rationaliz e.

Scanned with CamScanner

Scanned with CamScanner
Memory •

Nam«: Score:


Activity Nu 10
Tito. Unforpei(‹shle Evenl in My Life

Instruction. Relate cQ stcry or a narration o( an event/experience that once had an

impact in your life. \\!rite down all you can remember about this happening. You may
symbolize it bv placing some pictures to enhance more of your thoughts. You may use
extra bond paper tv illustrate more vividly of your thoughts.

Processing Questions:

A. What type of memory is responsible for remembering them?

B. Were they factual or reconstructed?

C. What feelings/emotions are involved? Specify.

• Drives and MO tivation

name: Score:
vbiect code/sec tion:

Activity Nu. \ 0

! CO NCEPT RECALL: Sup(fly with the at›prcpriatr. Concept that ‘z ilI make the
tateni eil tS COFI1|Dlete.

t. The internal bodily equilibrium and balance is termed as

2. is the term for overeating ; while, is for unclereating.

3. is called to the food group that produces energy that regulates hunger.

4. When one is ”full" when eating, he is in the state of

5. _ is an eating disorder which is caused by binge eating and purging; while a
self-imposed weight loss refers to

6. if is the center for sleep and wakefulness in the human brain, then.
is to temperature. blood pressure. body fluid, etc.

7 The !nwe * e rl hasin f g|l hi j a eeds iS NO he the iigF›est e d ai

• individual to achieve in Maslow’s hierarchy is the need for

8. The number of hours required for us to sleep is hours; while, we need

glasses of water to sustain the water balance in the body.

9. is the motive which calls for hunger, thirst, temperature, etc.; while slip of
the tongue, dreams, and mannerisms are examples of motive.

10. A person who aspires to get a grade of 1.0 in her course is characterized by the

TEST ll . Answer the following questions:

1. DlSCUss how the media inf!uence body image. Give examples to illustrate.

Scanned with
Drives and Motivation •

Name: Score:

Subject codelsection: Date:

Activity No 20
tsool belting Exercise

Instruction: Make your own hierarchy of goals you want to achieve in five {5) years.
Make these goals specific, challenging and measurable. You may include here
whether you aspire these goals in sports, school, career, a college course, or your
personal life. Opposite your goals are your plans/strategies to achieve them.
Rate/rank your plans and decisions whether you aim too high or settle too little. You may
provide add"ition sheet of paper to work on your goals and plans. A collage to support

Goals Strategies

your work will be an additional point.


What strategies or plans of actions have you settled on and how are you going to work
of them for your personal success?
• Emotion


j f? ¢| Code/Se ctio n: Date:

Activity No. 21

IDENTIFY the correct TERMS/CON CEPTS and write on the spaces provided
»efore each number.
1. The seat of emotional, motivational and instinctive reactions in the brain.

2. An instrument that measures a person whether he is lying or not.

3. A negative emotion brought by verbal attack, disappointmen t or frUStratiOrl.

4. A highly pleasant emotion related with satisfaction and gratification.

5. A damage in this area may elicit violent and aggressive reactions

.6. A reaction indicated by pilomotor responses.

7. The ability to know. manage, enhance and synergize emotions

8 The complex reactions that are involved in emotions are‘

, and

TEST II. MATCH lhe following examples of situations which predict emotions; their
pro ponent/s and theory/ies.

Proponent Emotional Situation Theory

“I am afraid, because I run"

Events in the environment stimulate

the thalansus, then result to emotion
— Oeinterpret the emotional situation.
intensity of emotion subsides

”‘I feel sad because I am crying'

Smelling the scent of a flower. while
feeling the love for the person ‘who geve it.

Scanned with CamScanner


Stanley Sct›acter- Jerome Singer 3. James-Lange

TEST III. Answer the following questions:

1. If you were falsely accused of a crime, would you submit to a lie detector te st
tq f,t, your innocence? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

2. Which of the suggestio i?s offered by experts will you subscribe when in a cenair
situation you experience an emotional problem. What skills for coping will you
Scanned with CamScanner
• Emotion


bJ f2Ct code/se ction: Date.

Activity No. 22
Basic wmo/¿ons

Below is a box divided into four (4) sections. Use each part to DRAW the
¿¿}SiC emOtlOFl S (e.g. happiness, anger, hatred/fear, and sadness) you are experiencing at
the moment. Answer the processing questions in the lower portion of each box to explain
ybdut your drawing. You may transfer your work in another sheet of bond paper for more
SpaCe to write on.

Happy Afraid Angry Sad

Answers to the Answers to the Answers to the Answers to tf›e

Pj" Cf2SS i g Proce ss ing Pf Q C e SSi ng Processing
Questions Questions Questions QUcStiCin S

a. ’” +Ct›be the event you have drawn.

* a ! Etde you feel that way* Do you want what you are feeling at the moment* Hnw
9 *‘*U S th¿{1 feeling ex perienc d*

Scanned with
c. Who was.responsible for that feeling*

d. How did they influence yoU?

Generalization: If you were at the shoe of the other person who has CaUsed tha\ ftg;,y
would you also do the same? If yes, why? If not, why not?
• Personality'



/,Sir«ction: Titis self-cssessn›ei›t it1vcri lcry attemt›ts to ‹ossess ho’// •z/eII you make ad-
nt tO several circur»stances in your life. lead ez›cf› statement carefully and answer
possible. There is two curre‹:t er wrong ‹cnswers. L•abel earh statement b/
your choice which applies lo you, with corresponding scofes as follo•‹/s: 5

Almost Often true of me; 3 - Sometimes true of me; 2 — SetdGm true
of me.

1’. feel well and strong 26. had family who treated me right
2. sleep well 27. had school teachers who treated me
3. frightened in the middle of the
4. have nightmares 28. feel somebody is trying to harm mf2
5. have ideas running through my head 29. people find more fault al h me than I
de- So I cannot sleep serve
6. feel rested in the morning 30. mind wanders so I cannot keep track of
7. my eyes pain me what I ann doing
8. things get misty before my eyes 31. useless thoughts keep coming into mind
9. am bothered by blushing 32. feel I must do a thing several times to
10. am bothered by fluttering out make sure it is right
11. feel tired most of the day 33. have a desire to steal things
12. have fits of dizziness 34. bite my fingernails
13. have unpleasant feelings in my body 35. have been bothered by stuttering
14. feel an awful pressure in my head 36. have had the habit of twitching my face
15. have bad pains for no apparent (or neck or shoulders)
reason 37. am troubled with
16. have bad headaGhes 38. am troubled with shyness
17. have fainting spells 39. have a good appetite
18. feel arms or legs paralyzed 40. make friends easily
19. lose my memory for a time 41. get used to new places quickly
20, Wü S h¿ippy in childhood 42. hol' \/I hLlrt myS e If W it h mülS tLlrb jt tiCl FÏ
21. WaS calledp bad boy/girl 43. have had great mental shocks
— 22. | Ï k f •d to play alone as a chil 44. have felt xs though some were
_23. Wals shy with other children hypnotizing me against my will
24. ran away from home as a child from home
25. had strong desires to run away
45. have been
bothered by
feelings that
people are reading
my thoughts
46. worry too much when
have queer feelings that I alTl I\Ol ITI 60.
a job
old self
47. find it easy _ 61. cannot stand disgusting Sme S
to laugh
48. feel people are watching we on (lie
62. have trouble making up my İFI
• d
street cannot work well while e . a‹e „t
49. easily 63. íng P
get angry
50. have a hard time sitting still w;tq
have fear of being crushed in crowd .64.
tt fdgełing
51. feel uneasy crossing a bńdge over a am afraid of responsbilig
ùver feel like jumping off a high
52. am œoss place am afraid of fires
and grouchy 66.
have a desire to set fire to some thiFlg
53. feel uneasy going into a tunnel or sub- get tired of amusement quìč‹ly
get tired of work quickly
67. feelings change from happy to sad
way without apparent reason
54. get tired of
people quickly 69.
55. feel uneasy crossing a wide street
or open square
56. feel uneasy in a small room with the
door dosed 72. feel low spirited
57. œnnot stand the sight of 73. have had a desire to commit suicide
blood 74. have been afraid of going insane
58. usually know what to do next 75.can stand pain quietly
59. worry too much about little
• Personality


Activity No. y1
Perscma lily

. Ghoose the correct answer from the group r›f words represented by letters.
T s‹ i
Which approach to personality emphasizes the Urinate goodness of people and
their desire to grow?
A. Humanistic C. Learning
g. Psychodynamic D. Biological
2 A person who enjoys activities such as parties and ice skating is described by
Eysenck as high on what trait?
A. NeuroticiSm C. Extraversion
B. Introversion D. Psychoticism
3. A person who would make a statement “I know I can't do it" would be rated by
Bandura as low on
A. Self-image c. Self-esteem
B. Learned helplessness D. Self-efficacy
Carl’s determinationto succeed is the dominant force in all his activities and
4. relationships. According to Allport’s theory, this is an example of trait. In
contrast to Carl’s, Rhia’s fondness for classical music is an example of a trait.
A Cardinal Common C Secondary Cardinal
B. Central : Common D. Cardinal : Secondary
In the resolution of the complex, Freud believed that boys learn to
5. repress their desire for their mothers and identify with their fathers.
A. Electra C. Superiority
B. Oedipal D. Inferiority
TEST II. Match the following CONCEPTS with appropriate THEORIST:
1. Inferiority complex A. Karen Horney
_2. Self-concept B. Alfred Adler
3. Collective Unconscious C. Carl Rogers
4. Personal disposition D. Carl Jung
5. Basic Anxiety E. Gordon Allport
TEST III Answer the following questions:
1. Which example.
views on personality development make more sense to you? Rationalis e by
glVi ng

h do pl2ople differ in personality? Cite a certain theory that will support your answer.
Stress and Coping •

Name: Score:

Subject code/section: Date:

TEST l. MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the correct letter of your choice.

A. Daily Hassles D. Frustration
B. Chronic Stressors E. Major Life Changes
c. conflict F. Catastrophe
1. Water supply in your subdivision comes only between 5 am to 10 am; this iS on
a regular basis.
2. A high school graduate wanting to get a job in a fast food chain but cannot do so
because the employer requires applicants to be at least a college undergradua
3. A teenager who is confused between taking BS Psychology or BS Nursing.
4. Being a tsunami survivor.
6. A person suffering from an incurable cancer.
A. Cognitive D. Emotional
B. Behavio”ral E Distress
C. Physiological F. Eustress

7. Anger, depression, pain, guilt.

8. Failure to concentrate, easily distracted, repetitive thoughts
9. Over fatigue, compulsive eating, hypertensiori
10. Confronting, withdrawing, compromising.
A. Life Orientation H. Type A Personality
B. Hardiness Type B Personality
C. Internal Locus of Control J. External Locus of Control
D. Perfectionism K. Sense of Humor
E. Resiliency L. Purpose in Life
F. Hostility M. Emotional Control
G. Self-concept/esteem
11. Lives by the belief " Laughter is the best medicine°.
12. Believing in oneself.
_13. Amidst all difficulties and sufferings, one finds meaning to his existence.
14. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, what matters is you ge t up El
you fall.
"”" 17.
t |.]q |jurT y SickI1fiSS"
tg L ok at IIie l›rigIlI sible of life

20 sotter deci‹Je when yor‹ "crust II c hri‹Jge when yuu get tF›ere".
Answer the following question:
L ST »
College freshmen students who stay in dormitories/boarding houses ‘‹who encounter
5traFlger s most often experience persona/ily cfashes v/ith new dorm mates. ‘/\/hat
the occurrences of these clashes and how do you handle this situation. Explain ’z/hy,
on the other hand, some dorm mates become lifelong friends.

Activity No. 26
Life-styfe ñfodel

Instruction: Make a list or chart of your activities for the whole week. Identify whether thl2
y inV Ol V f3 phy SiOlO giC?i I (P), D.mot ioFlEI l ( E), cogFl it i V f? O, I n d b R ha Vi Or a l (B) - I £?
S ponse S . Do they give healthy/unhealthy effect on you as a student* If not suggest
some ways to promote and resolve your stresses.


Stress and Coping •

Narrie: ÛCore:

Subje ct corle/section: Date:

Aelivily No. Z7
DeLoitse Me.clienisrits

TEST l. MODlñlED MULTIPLECHUICE : Cf›cose lhc cofrecl ansvzer from

words reprcse‹it cd by lctter. Optlcsite your choice in lhe first colUmn of
the corresponding type of reactions: Withdrawal reaction (WR); Aggressive r
eactimn îÂP,)
and Compromi se reaction (CR).

1. Annie feels threatened by the coming of her new baby bro ther
Knowing this, she begins behaving ike a baby by sup g and
excessive thumbsucking.
A. Repression G. Fantasy
B. Fixation D. Reaction formation

2. A teacher who hates children may be so loving and sweet towards

her students to the point of pampering them is displaying:
A. Regression C. Sublimation
B. Reaction Formation D. Compensation

3. A man who was turned down by a girl may say that the girl was n0t
really his type.
A. Direct compensation C. "Sour grapes” rationalization
B. Fantasy D. °Sweet lemon" rationalization

4. Four-year old Lissa colored all over her bedroom wall. When her
matte saw this. she got angry and asked who had done it. Lissa
said thai her little 2 year old sister did it.
A. Rationallzation C. Sublimation
B. Displacement D. Free-floating anger

5. A student received a grade of 5.0 in her. chemistry class and feels

devastated about the result of her studies. She felt so hostile Wilh
h/?! teacher and she annoyed her
A. Projection C. Displacement
B. Isolation D. Acting out

Scanned with CamScann

ö. Mitos is not so at trar.tiV'e in f›çî f
Cj fGt J[ › ance feels insecure about.
wants to be roe:ogr1i Zutî gy tt Gr
She t›ecrs and exce(led in her
endeavoi. She is a cchsistu t›t UfllV£*FSÏÎÿ’ scholar. Which defense
reaction iS Milus usitig v
A. Compensation *• Suf›Iirnatic›ri
B. Regressioii D. Uationahza tion

7. Rod has been cas tiga ted and hurniliateJ by his bess for some
mistakes in his report in the office. Later, he takes out his retaliation on
f is wife when he arrives home. His way of coping is by
A. Projection C. Fantasy
B. Repression o. Displacement

8. Ness engages in repetitive, ritualistic behavior shown by her frequent

handwashing , counting or putting things in order. Ness is likely
manifesting an anxiety state called
A. Obsession-compulsion C. Rumination
B. Phobia D. Schizophrenia

9. Ryan has inhibited sexual desires toward his teacher and finds outlet
through writing poems and painting nude pictures. He is resorting to:
A. Sublimation C. Compensation
B. Repression D. Identification

10. A wife, who every time has a quarrel with her husband would end up
calling her mother as she had been used running to her whenever
she had a problem when still a child. She resorts to:
A. Fixation C. Regression
B. Identification D. Rationalization
Abnomal Behavior and •

Nnnle. Score:

Subject code/sect ion: Date.

/\ctivity No. 28
Mental Disordars

TEST l. CASE ANALYSIS. Read and analyze the following case situations. ld
which psycholog ical disorder appropriately matches your answer. Write the LET-
correct TER CODE of your choice.






1. Julie mistakenly believes she has lots of money and is making plans to take all
her friend off a trip around the world. She hasn’t slept for days. Last month, she
couldn’t get out of bed and talked of suicide.
2. Leo carefully checks and rechecks all stove burners before leaving the
hou5e. He counts stairs as he climbs them and he follows an exact
schedule everyday.
3. JB is overly conGerned with physical attractiveness, displays exaggerated
emotions, and is uncomfortable when he is not the center of attention. H£
tends to display shallow expressions of emotions anAbnord displays how
4. Reuben, an electrician, complains of dizziness, sweating palms, heart pa |pitati00 .
and ringing of the ears for more than 18 months duration. He also has ITI**Ï
worfies: health of his parents (his father just had a heart attack but is
recover- ing), being a good father to his OWn children, whether his wife
wou(d leave hip (though there are no signs which pCl i Fl ts to this) and
bÿ hls
whether rte was liked
Sam lives alone, and häs Virtually no.conversational
contacts 5. with Other hum**
mself. finds
being beyond a "hello” or “how are you". He prefers to be by hi gtioD“
a waste of time, and feels awkward when other people try to initiate
¿I fel
felt Sd*•
ship with him. Recently, his dog got run over and died. Since then,

I nd has had trouble concentrating and sleeping.

Scanned with CamScanner

6. Ton-ion, a college stt›(Jei1l,was
him. mother gave up on
he has constantly displayed
tT)akr. ñ 6e r›sele s s movements while ignoring his
surrof nrlings, ai (J ‹'ft«i› k 'fJ[›s his lr'gs in ir› .›vzkv/arrl position, often for
hours at a lime.

IJnile‹J Shirts an‹J hears voices saying

s ThOn12S, a 20 yCñl Olft unt[›Iny :‹•, in a kr•‹J lo rcsi‹gn from his job in a
public hospital rl n. to iris su ›criur s humorous corriplaints, amorig them
are: being coisst‹cntly IaIe for work ‹end meclin‹js, missiri‹g appointments,

A case history of the subject reveals a lung-staridiritj pattern of cliffi ulties with
9. Dianne, a housewife, experiences "dizziness" attacks at home, during the
night- time and this occurs 4 or 5 nights a week. When underwent
neurological ENT and internal med tests, nothing wrong was found with
her. She did report however, that her husband was a tyrant and very had to
please. He •z/ouId often criticize her cooking and the way she handled
household chores. She also dreads the time in the evening when he comes
home; that’s when the headaches often occur.
10. "Tony" drifted into town a few weeks ago and ended up working in the net
market. After a fight, he was arrested; asked about his past, Bert couldn’t
remember anything about it, he does however know where he is as well as
the current date, he just can’t remember anything about his past and didn’t
find it strange or problematic.

TEST II. Choose which intervention best applies to the following situations:
1. Cheryl is painfully shy. What is the best way to deal with her abnormal behavior.
A. Determine her underlying behavior.
B. Modify her behavior.
C. Give her a caring attitude.
D. Must undergo hypnosis.
2. Which is best to help deal with phobias by gradual exposure to the object
that produces the fear?
A. Systematic desensitization
B. Partial reinforcement
C. Behavioral self management
D. Aversion
3. One highly effective biomedical treatment for a psychological disorder
used mainly to arrest and prevent manic-depressive episodes is
A. Chlorpromazine C. Librium
B. Lithium D. Valium
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4 \fŸhgrj doe.s an ek•ctroconvulsive therapÿ (ECT) prove
effective? A L/ eü lo treat anxiely ffrsorrler. includinf} panic

disorder and
Ü‹›r» cr.h›rcçhr»r.ia btit n‹›t recommen‹Ierl when medicatiOn does n Ç}t W
tuel(›s in trr•ating ceflnin rntxxf ‹îisorders specifically psycholic depres // q
nm opisn‹J»r t›f h› !ar synrlrcmee.
E freqi/etltîy odmintste rerl to affluent patients.
ñ When cm we rIetec1 than an individual ha9 developed schizophrenia?
A. Experiences mere li(e stressors that those who do not.
B. Have hlgher baseline levels of r:urfiscI.
C. Have lower baseline levels of cortisol.
D. Increase in cortisol level as a result Of antipsychotic medications.

TEST III. PSYCHOTHERAPY: Match the following therapists in the left column with their
pnmary emphases written in the right column. Write your answer in CAPITAL letter.

1. Psychoanalyst A. FaUltg thinking and belief patterns

2. Behavior therapist B. Unconscious thoughts and emotions
3. Humanist C. Biochemical disorders
4. Neurologist D. Negative emotions
$, Cognitive psychologist E. Maladaptive behavior

TEST IV. Answer the following qucs!ÎcnS:

1 Why do some people shy away from seeking therapy* If they do what suggestions
can you offer for them to seek medical treatment?

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° Abnormal Behavior
and Treatment


s b) E' /t code/S0 CtIO>: Date:

Ever Need A Professiona l help?

ti /o›ving are a list of self-rated quesIint›s thal will assess Ihe exlent within • hich
1aIcyoccurs in our behavior. The statements include indicate rs that ‘‹would signal
e t ye g e on e w o u ld in need of help or a professional mental health provider. Read
caref !!Y and core the items that you feel best describe you in those situations. Each
score has3 been correspondingly described as: 5 — Almost Always; 4- Most frequently of
- Sometimes/ Occasionally; 2 — Rarely ; and 1 — Never at all.

1. When I am asked to do something which I don’t want to do, such as baby sit for
friends, or work late, I can you say “no" when I really want to.
2. When I am with friends, I can get them to listen if I have a suggestion, e.g, picking
a restaurant or a movie.
3. I am hesitant to become involved in group activities; for example, find myself
standing alone at parties.
4. I can express my displeasure when people take advantage of me; i.e., push
some- one ahead of me in line, for example.
5. I take a drink or tranquilizer to give rr›e confidence before taking an exam or
attending a party.
6. I have fears; as flying or of small places, that I am unable to control or that keep
me from doing what I want.
7 Dating is unsatisfa .tory for me or my partner
8. I have lost weight recently without a medical reason or a diet?


a weekend?
14. seek proval or encouragement for things I do all the time, such as daily home-
15. ap or preparing a meal for my family?
16. I feelSatisfied with my closest relationships?
1/. bothered by habits, such as smoking or overeating that I am unable to control.
\/\/hen leave the house, I have to gD back to make sure the door is locked. stove
18. ! take more than an hour to go to sleep, or I wake up more than an hour earlier
19. than 1 want to.
i am very concerned with cleanlines s or contamination of myself for objec ts
r ght touch.
Sh e.
hear or feel things ttzat nobody else is aware of.

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