Flow Simulation Report Square Nozzle 3-1 Inch

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[[Ambon, Fluid Flow Simulation Project

[Marine Engineering] Maluku] [sistim.fatek.unpatti.ac.id] Report

[Aswin La Adira] ∙ [MJWP square nozzle 3”-1” inch] ∙ ∙ [aswintonu@gmail.com] ∙

SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation

Project Report

November 18, 2020

Learn more about SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation

Fluid Flow Simulation Report

Table of Contents
1 General Information...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Analysis Environment.............................................................................................................1
1.2 Model Information..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Project Comments:..................................................................................................................1
1.4 Size of Computational Domain...............................................................................................1
1.5 Simulation Parameters.............................................................................................................1
1.5.1 Mesh Settings......................................................................................................................1
1.5.2 Material Settings..................................................................................................................2
1.5.3 Initial Conditions.................................................................................................................2
1.5.4 Boundary Conditions...........................................................................................................2
1.5.5 Volumetric Heat Sources.....................................................................................................2
1.5.6 Engineering Goals...............................................................................................................2
1.6 Analysis Time.........................................................................................................................2
2 Results.............................................................................................................................................2
2.1 Analysis Goals.........................................................................................................................2
2.2 Global Min-Max-Table..............................................................................................................2
2.3 Results.....................................................................................................................................2
2.4 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................2
3 Appendix..........................................................................................................................................2
3.1 Material Data...........................................................................................................................2

Fluid Flow Simulation Report

1 General Information
Objective of the simulation: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a pulvinar lacus. Vivamus
adipiscing adipiscing eleifend. Pellentesque eget ante in ante suscipit gravida in non lorem. Suspendisse hendrerit
sagittis lacus non aliquam. Proin pellentesque, lorem quis consequat porta, lectus nunc vestibulum lectus, nec rhoncus
libero dui ut felis. Vestibulum eu aliquet tellus. Curabitur suscipit ornare sem. Suspendisse pulvinar pharetra ultrices.
Suspendisse a quam massa

1.1 Analysis Environment

Software Product: Flow Simulation 2018 SP0.0. Build: 3996
CPU Type: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 430 @ 2.27GHz
CPU Speed: 2267 MHz
RAM: 6134 MB / 134217727 MB
Operating System: Windows 10 (or higher) (Version 10.0.14393)

1.2 Model Information

Model Name: mjwp SQR nozzle 3x1 inch.SLDASM
Project Name: MJWP type Square Nozzle 3x1inch sea water boundary condition

1.3 Project Comments:

Unit System: Custom Units
Analysis Type: Internal

1.4 Size of Computational Domain

X min -0.573 m
X max 1.208 m
Y min -0.873 m
Y max 0.299 m
Z min -0.107 m
Z max 0.454 m

1.5 Simulation Parameters

1.5.1 Mesh Settings Basic Mesh

Basic Mesh Dimensions

Number of cells in X 50
Number of cells in Y 32
Number of cells in Z 16 Analysis Mesh

Total Cell count: 51722
Fluid Cells: 51722
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Solid Cells: 51805
Partial Cells: 26121
Trimmed Cells: 0 Additional Physical Calculation Options

Heat Transfer Analysis: Heat conduction in solids: Off
Flow Type: Laminar and turbulent
Time-Dependent Analysis: Off
Gravity: On
Default Wall Roughness: 0 micrometer

1.5.2 Material Settings

Material Settings
Sea Water

1.5.3 Initial Conditions

Initial Conditions
Thermodynamic parameters Static Pressure: 3009.99 Pa
Temperature: 27.00 °C
Velocity parameters Velocity vector
Velocity in X direction: 0 m/s
Velocity in Y direction: 0 m/s
Velocity in Z direction: 0 m/s
Turbulence parameters

1.5.4 Boundary Conditions

Boundary Conditions
Inlet Mass Flow from water pump
Type Inlet Mass Flow
Faces LID5-1/Imported1//Face
Coordinate system Face Coordinate System
Reference axis X
Flow parameters Flow vectors direction: Normal to face
Mass flow rate: 16.6667 kg/s
Fully developed flow: No
Inlet profile: 0
Thermodynamic parameters Temperature type: Temperature of initial
Temperature: 27.00 °C
Turbulence parameters Boundary layer parameters
Boundary layer type: Turbulent
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Environment Pressure 1
Type Environment Pressure
Faces LID9-1/Imported1//Face LID6-
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Reference axis X
Thermodynamic parameters Environment pressure: 101325.00 Pa
Temperature type: Temperature of initial
Temperature: 27.00 °C
Turbulence parameters Boundary layer parameters
Boundary layer type: Turbulent

1.5.5 Volumetric Heat Sources

1.5.6 Engineering Goals

Global Goals
GG Min Static Pressure 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Static Pressure
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Static Pressure 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Static Pressure
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Static Pressure 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Static Pressure
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Total Pressure 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Total Pressure
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Total Pressure 1
Type Global Goal
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Goal type Total Pressure
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Total Pressure 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Total Pressure
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Dynamic Pressure 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Dynamic Pressure
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Dynamic Pressure 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Dynamic Pressure
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Dynamic Pressure 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Dynamic Pressure
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Temperature (Fluid) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Temperature (Fluid)
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Temperature (Fluid) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Temperature (Fluid)
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Temperature (Fluid) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Temperature (Fluid)
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Use in convergence On

GG Min Density (Fluid) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Density (Fluid)
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Density (Fluid) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Density (Fluid)
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Density (Fluid) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Density (Fluid)
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Mass (Fluid) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Mass (Fluid)
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Mass Flow Rate 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Mass Flow Rate
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Velocity 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Velocity 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Velocity 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Velocity (X) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (X)
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Velocity (X) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (X)
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Velocity (X) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (X)
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Velocity (Y) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (Y)
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Velocity (Y) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (Y)
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Velocity (Y) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (Y)
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Velocity (Z) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (Z)
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On
Fluid Flow Simulation Report

GG Av Velocity (Z) 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (Z)
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Velocity (Z) 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Velocity (Z)
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Turbulent Viscosity 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulent Viscosity
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Turbulent Viscosity 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulent Viscosity
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Turbulent Viscosity 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulent Viscosity
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Turbulent Time 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulent Time
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Turbulent Time 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulent Time
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Turbulent Time 1

Type Global Goal
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Goal type Turbulent Time
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Turbulence Length 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulence Length
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Turbulence Length 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulence Length
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Turbulence Length 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulence Length
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Min Turbulence Intensity 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulence Intensity
Calculate Minimum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Av Turbulence Intensity 1
Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulence Intensity
Calculate Average value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

GG Max Turbulence Intensity 1

Type Global Goal
Goal type Turbulence Intensity
Calculate Maximum value
Coordinate system Global coordinate system
Use in convergence On

1.6 Analysis Time

Calculation Time: 2338 s
Number of Iterations: 340
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Warnings: A vortex crosses the pressure opening Boundary Condition : Environment Pressure 1 ; Inlet
flow/outlet flow=0.479848
Fluid Flow Simulation Report

2 Results
2.1 Analysis Goals

Name Unit Value Progress Criteria Delta Use in
GG Min Pa -72639.33 100 29471.7147 1515.34239 On
Pressure 1
GG Av Pa 110399.89 100 47.8378968 5.95773725 On
Pressure 1
GG Max Pa 584485.94 100 5848.53916 844.227658 On
Pressure 1
GG Min Pa -72639.33 100 29471.6591 1515.34239 On
Pressure 1
GG Av Pa 110768.26 100 59.0336914 6.44691411 On
Pressure 1
GG Max Pa 608850.63 100 11035.9166 915.473848 On
Pressure 1
GG Min Pa 0 100 0 0 On
Pressure 1
GG Av Pa 368.38 100 13.3448677 0.564954228 On
Pressure 1
GG Max Pa 452129.25 100 6575.51967 4556.32696 On
Pressure 1
GG Min °C 26.90 67 0.0007095768 0.00106698158 On
Temperatur 96
e (Fluid) 1
GG Av °C 27.00 100 5.92067977e- 1.0223755e-07 On
Temperatur 06
e (Fluid) 1
GG Max °C 27.00 100 0.0009774269 5.50311495e- On
Temperatur 34 06
e (Fluid) 1
GG Min kg/m^3 1027.54 100 2.93141254e- 1.65045094e- On
Density 05 07
(Fluid) 1
GG Av kg/m^3 1027.54 100 1.02754035e- 3.06590664e- On
Density 05 09
(Fluid) 1
GG Max kg/m^3 1027.54 67 2.12811602e- 3.20001934e- On
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Density 05 05
(Fluid) 1
GG Mass kg 580.602 100 5.8060182 1.73258741e- On
(Fluid) 1 09
GG Mass kg/s -0.0006 100 1.18950076 0.00012490753 On
Flow Rate 2
GG Min m/s 0 100 0 0 On
Velocity 1
GG Av m/s 0.251 100 0.0102699326 0.0008704701 On
Velocity 1
GG Max m/s 29.665 100 0.199058313 0.150763952 On
Velocity 1
GG Min m/s -6.120 100 0.236547581 0.132771044 On
(X) 1
GG Av m/s 0.157 100 0.0054051018 0.00125386082 On
Velocity 8
(X) 1
GG Max m/s 29.208 91 0.144175004 0.158551464 On
(X) 1
GG Min m/s -6.282 81 0.132864204 0.164061154 On
(Y) 1
GG Av m/s 0.020 100 0.0018822489 0.00018084326 On
Velocity 3 5
(Y) 1
GG Max m/s 7.507 100 0.0515669855 0.0479938932 On
(Y) 1
GG Min m/s -7.128 67 0.294823028 0.438472612 On
(Z) 1
GG Av m/s 0.002 100 0.0005679245 0.00012391728 On
Velocity 92 6
(Z) 1
GG Max m/s 8.423 100 0.149689862 0.0211567083 On
(Z) 1
GG Min Pa*s 2.1393e-07 100 2.33307559e- 6.90315384e- On
Turbulent 07 08
Viscosity 1
GG Av Pa*s 0.2578 100 0.0056699527 0.00306089559 On
Turbulent 7
Viscosity 1
GG Max Pa*s 13.5708 100 0.379856037 0.0755758186 On
Viscosity 1
GG Min s 6.420e-04 100 6.28527806e- 2.63408744e- On
Turbulent 05 05
Time 1
GG Av s 7.890 100 0.132573481 0.0921711948 On
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Time 1
GG Max s 48.383 100 352.116406 9.76009285 On
Time 1
GG Min m 1.490e-05 100 1.84997093e- 1.43969363e- On
Turbulence 06 06
Length 1
GG Av m 0.006 100 5.72521899e- 1.15372419e- On
Turbulence 05 05
Length 1
GG Max m 0.016 100 0.0002819264 0.00011398877 On
Turbulence 14
Length 1
GG Min % 0.42 45 0.0268716558 0.0594682701 On
Intensity 1
GG Av % 12.95 100 6.32410673 0.0318601403 On
Intensity 1
GG Max % 1000.00 100 1e-05 0 On
Intensity 1

2.2 Global Min-Max-Table

Min/Max Table
Name Minimum Maximum
Density (Fluid) [kg/m^3] 1027.54 1027.54
Pressure [Pa] -72647.27 584485.94
Temperature [°C] 26.90 27.00
Temperature (Fluid) [°C] 26.90 27.00
Velocity [m/s] 0 28.595
Velocity (X) [m/s] -5.660 28.531
Velocity (Y) [m/s] -5.959 5.999
Velocity (Z) [m/s] -5.859 7.605
Cell Volume [m^3] 1.196050e-17 0.000046
Domain Index [ ] 0 1
Domain Index (Fluid) [ ] 0 0
Normal [ ] 1.0000000 1.0000000
Normal (X) [ ] -1.0000000 1.0000000
Normal (Y) [ ] -1.0000000 1.0000000
Normal (Z) [ ] -1.0000000 1.0000000
Wall Distance [m] 0.002 0.263
Axial Velocity [m/s] -5.859 7.605
Circumferential Velocity [m/s] -6.169 24.284
Lambda2-Criterion [1/s^2] -1544599.18 599554.08
Normal Velocity [m/s] -28.595 28.595
Radial Velocity [m/s] -6.537 21.530
Tangential Velocity [m/s] 0 28.595
Velocity RRF [m/s] 0 28.595
Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Velocity RRF (X) [m/s] -5.660 28.531
Velocity RRF (Y) [m/s] -5.959 5.999
Velocity RRF (Z) [m/s] -5.859 7.605
Vorticity [1/s] 1.03e-05 4645.94
Vorticity (X) [1/s] -2499.06 2758.88
Vorticity (Y) [1/s] -3220.39 2597.36
Vorticity (Z) [1/s] -2819.89 4583.60
Dynamic Pressure [Pa] 0 420102.17
Relative Pressure [Pa] -75657.26 581475.95
Shear Stress [Pa] 0 2218.76
Total Pressure [Pa] -72647.27 588206.59
Bottleneck Number [ ] 3.8471806e-21 1.0000000
Heat Transfer Coefficient 0 0
ShortCut Number [ ] 6.8484814e-21 1.0000000
Surface Heat Flux [W/m^2] -0 -0
Surface Heat Flux -8.427e+09 3.417e+09
(Convective) [W/m^2]
Turbulence Intensity [%] 0.42 1000.00
Turbulence Length [m] 1.490e-05 0.016
Turbulent Time [s] 6.420e-04 48.383
Thin Channel Mode [ ] 0 1
Acoustic Power [W/m^3] 2.206e-37 1.494e-06
Acoustic Power Level [dB] 0 61.74

2.3 Results

Fig 1. Cut Plot contours velocity

Fluid Flow Simulation Report

Flow Trajectories velocity

2.4 Conclusion

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a pulvinar lacus. Vivamus adipiscing adipiscing eleifend.
Pellentesque eget ante in ante suscipit gravida in non lorem. Suspendisse hendrerit sagittis lacus non aliquam. Proin
pellentesque, lorem quis consequat porta, lectus nunc vestibulum lectus, nec rhoncus libero dui ut felis. Vestibulum eu
aliquet tellus. Curabitur suscipit ornare sem. Suspendisse pulvinar pharetra ultrices. Suspendisse a quam massa
Fluid Flow Simulation Report

3 Appendix
3.1 Material Data

Engineering Database
Sea Water
Path: Liquids User Defined\mjwp SQR nozzle 3x1 inch.SLDASM\Default


Dynamic viscosity
Dynamic viscosity[Pa*s]

Fluid Flow Simulation Report
Specific heat (Cp)
Specific heat (Cp)[J/(kg*K)]


Thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity[W/(m*K)]


Cavitation effect: No
Radiation properties: No

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