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 A (adenine)

 A-
 A-T
 a.c.
 AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians)
 AAMC (Ass Am Medical Colleges)
 AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons)
 Aarskog syndrome
 Aarskog-Scott syndrome
 Aase-Smith syndrome I
 Aase-Smith syndrome II
 Ab ovo
 Ab-
 Abate
 Abatement
 Abdomen
 Abdomen, acute
 Abdominal
 Abdominal aneurysm
 Abdominal aorta
 Abdominal aortic aneurysm
 Abdominal cavity
 Abdominal guarding
 Abdominal hysterectomy
 Abdominal muscle deficiency syndrome
 Abdominal muscles
 Abdominal pain
 Abducent nerve
 Abduction
 Abductor muscle
 Aberration
 Aberrometry and Wavefront Imaging
 ABG (arterial blood gas)
 Abiological
 Abiotic
 Abiotrophy
 Ablate
 Ablation
 Ablation, endometrial
 Ablepharon macrostomia
 Abnormal
 ABO blood group
 Abortifacient
 Abortion
 Abortion, artificial
 Abortion, habitual
 Abortion, induced
 Abortion, multiple
 Abortion, recurrent
 Abortion, spontaneous
 Abortion, therapeutic
 Abortive
 Abortive polio
 ABR test
 Abrade
 Abraham-man
 Abrasion
 Abrin
 Abruptio (abruptio placentae)
 Abruption
 Abs
 Abscess
 Abscess, breast
 Abscess, perianal
 Abscess, peritonsillar
 Abscess, skin
 Abscission
 Abse
 Abse, Dannie
 Absence of the breast
 Absence of the nipple
 Absence seizure
 Absent eye
 Absenteeism
 Absinthe
 Absinthism
 Absolute CD4 count
 Absolute neutrophil count
 Absorb
 Absorbed dose
 Absorption
 Abstemious
 Abstinence
 Abstinence, periodic
 Abuse, child
 Abuse, elder
 Abuse, emotional child
 Abuse, physical child
 Abuse, pregnancy
 Abuse, psychological child
 Abuse, sexual child
 Abuse, steroid
 Abuse, substance
 Abuse, verbal child
 Abused inhalant

 AC joint
 Acanthamoeba
 Acanthamoeba keratitis
 Acanthosis nigricans
 Acapnia
 Acaricide
 Acathisia
 Accelerated phase of leukemia
 Acceptable daily intake
 Access
 Accessibility of services
 Accessory
 Accessory digestive organ
 Accessory dwelling unit
 Accessory nerve
 Accessory neuropathy
 Accessory placenta
 Acclimatization to altitude
 Accommodation
 Accoucheur
 Accoucheuse
 ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2)
 Acellular
 Acellular vaccine
 Acentric chromosome
 Aceruloplasminemia
 Acetabular
 Acetabular labrum
 Acetabulum
 Acetaminophen
 Acetate
 Acetic acid
 Acetoacetate
 Acetone
 Acetyl CoA
 Acetyl coenzyme A
 Acetyl phosphate
 Acetylcholine
 Acetylcholinesterase
 Acetylcysteine
 ACG2
 ACh (acetylcholine)
 Achalasia
 AChE (acetylcholinesterase)
 Achilles tendon
 Achilles tendonitis
 Achillobursitis
 Achillodynia
 Achlorhydria
 Achondrogenesis
 Achondrogenesis type II
 Achondrogenesis, Langer-Saldino type
 Achondrogenesis-hypochondrogenesis, type II
 Achondroplasia
 Achoo syndrome
 Achromatopsia
 Achromycin
 Acid deposition
 Acid indigestion
 Acid phosphatase
 Acid rain
 Acid reflux
 Acid, amino
 Acid, bile
 Acid, fatty
 Acid, folic
 Acid, nucleic
 Acid, pantothenic
 Acid, trans fatty
 Acid-base balance
 Acidophilus
 Acidosis
 Acinetobacter
 Acinus, pulmonary
 ACL injury
 Acne
 Acne rosacea
 Acne vulgaris
 ACOG (Amer College of Ob & Gyn)
 Acou-
 Acoustic
 Acoustic aphasia
 Acoustic nerve
 Acoustic neurinoma
 Acoustic neurofibromatosis
 Acoustic neuroma
 ACP (American College of Physicians)
 Acquired
 Acquired deafness
 Acquired epileptiform aphasia
 Acquired immunity
 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
 Acquired mutation
 Acral-lentiginous melanoma
 Acrocentric chromosome
 Acrocephalosyndactyly
 Acrochordon
 Acrocyanosis
 Acrodermatitis enteropathica
 Acrodynia
 Acromegaly
 Acromioclavicular joint
 Acromion
 Acrophobia
 Acrylamide
 ACS (American Cancer Society)
 ACS (American College of Surgeons)
 Actinic
 Actinic keratosis
 Actinic Purpura
 Actinomycetes
 Activated charcoal
 Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule
 Active euthanasia
 Active immunity
 Active tuberculosis
 Activities of daily living (ADLs)
 Activity, drug
 Acu-
 Acuity test, visual
 Acuity, auditory
 Acuity, visual
 Acupressure
 Acupuncture
 Acupuncturist
 Acustimulation
 Acute
 Acute abdomen
 Acute angle-closure glaucoma
 Acute bacterial prostatitis
 Acute brain syndrome
 Acute bronchitis
 Acute confusional state
 Acute coronary syndromes
 Acute epiglottitis
 Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
 Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM)
 Acute glomerulonephritis
 Acute HIV infection
 Acute idiopathic polyneuritis
 Acute illness
 Acute kidney failure
 Acute leukemia
 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
 Acute lymphocytic leukemia
 Acute membranous gingivitis
 Acute mountain sickness (AMS)
 Acute myelogenous leukemia
 Acute myeloid leukemia
 Acute myocardial infarction
 Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG)
 Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia
 Acute otitis media
 Acute pain
 Acute pancreatitis
 Acute phase protein
 Acute phase reactant
 Acute promyelocytic leukemia
 Acute radiation syndrome
 Acute renal failure
 Acute respiratory disease
 Acute respiratory distress syndrome
 Acute stress disorder
 Acute thrombocytopenic purpura
 Acute tubular necrosis
 Acute-phase protein
 Acute-phase proteins
 Acute-phase reactant
 Acyclovir

 Ad lib
 Ad-
 ADA (American Dental Association)
 ADA (American Diabetes Association)
 ADA deficiency
 Adam's apple
 Adamantine
 Adams-Stokes disease
 Adapter protein
 ADCC (antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotox.)
 ADD (attention deficit disorder)
 Addiction
 Addiction, computer
 Addison anemia
 Addison disease
 Addisonian anemia
 Additive genetic effects
 Adducted thumbs with mental retardation
 Adduction
 Adductor muscle
 Aden-
 Adenine (A)
 Adenitis
 Adeno-
 Adenocarcinoma
 Adenoid cystic carcinoma
 Adenoidectomy
 Adenoiditis
 Adenoids
 Adenoids and Tonsils
 Adenoma
 Adenoma colon family history
 Adenomatous polyposis coli
 Adenomatous polyposis coli, autosomal recessive
 Adenomyoma
 Adenomyomata
 Adenomyosis
 Adenomyosis uteri
 Adenopathy
 Adenosine
 Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
 Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency
 Adenosine thallium scan
 Adenosine triphosphate
 Adenovirus
 ADH (antidiuretic hormone)
 ADH secretion, inappropriate
 ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
 Adhesion
 Adhesive capsulitis
 Adipocyte
 Adiponectin
 Adipose
 Adipose most abundant gene transcript 1
 Adiposity
 Adjacent
 Adjuvant
 Adjuvant chemotherapy
 Adjuvant therapy
 ADLs (activities of daily living)
 Admission
 Admitting physician
 Adnexa
 Adoption medicine
 Adrenal cortex
 Adrenal failure
 Adrenal gland
 Adrenal medulla
 Adrenaline
 Adrenoleukodystrophy
 Adult ADHD
 Adult primary liver cancer
 Adult T-cell leukemia
 Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
 Adult T-cell lymphoma
 Adult-onset diabetes
 Adult-onset Still disease
 Advance directives
 Advance grief
 Advance medical directives
 Advanced maternal age
 Advanced paternal age
 Adventitia
 Adventitious
 Adverse drug event
 Adverse drug reaction
 Adverse effect
 Adverse event
 Adverse reaction

 AED (automated external defibrillator)
 Aer-, aero-
 Aerobic
 Aerobic exercise
 Aeromonas hydrophila
 Aerophagia
 Aerophobia
 Aerosinusitis
 Aerosol
 Aerosolization
 Aerospace medicine
 Aerotitis
 Aerotitis media
 Aesculapius
 Aetiology
 Affect
 Affective disorder, seasonal (SAD)
 Afferent
 Afferent nerve
 Afferent vessel
 Affinity
 Affordable Care Act (ACA)
 Aflatoxin
 AFO (ankle-foot orthosis)
 AFP (alpha-fetoprotein)
 African American
 African sleeping sickness
 African swine fever
 African tapeworm
 African tick typhus
 African trypanosomiasis
 African-American
 Afterbirth
 Agammaglobulinemia
 Age by decade
 Age of mother
 Age of father
 Age-related deafness
 Age-Related Macular Degeneration
 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
 Agenesis
 Agenesis of the corpus callosum
 Agenesis of the gallbladder
 Agenesis, sacral
 Agent Orange
 Agent, anti-infective
 Agent, antibiotic
 Agent, antifungal
 Agent, antihypertensive
 Agent, antimicrobial
 Agent, antiprotozoal
 Agent, antiviral
 Agent, tocolytic
 Ageusia
 Aggressive
 Aggressive angiomyxoma
 Aggressive lymphoma
 Aging
 Aging, National Institute on
 Agita
 Agitated depression
 Agnate
 Agnosia
 Agonist
 Agonist maintenance treatment
 Agonist, LHRH
 Agoraphobia
 Agranulocytosis
 Agranulocytosis, infantile genetic
 Agreement, arbitration
 Ague
 Agyrophobia

 Aicardi syndrome
 AID (artificial insemination by donor)
 Aid, vibrotactile
 AIDS dementia complex
 AIDS wasting syndrome
 AIDS-related complex
 AIH (artificial insemination by husband)
 Ailurophobia
 Air bag
 Air-conditioner lung
 Airway
 Airway obstruction
 AK
 AKA (above the knee amputation)
 Akathisia
 Akinesia
 Akinetic
 Akinetic mutism
 Alagille syndrome
 Alanine
 Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
 Alarm clock headache
 Alb-
 Albert Sabin
 Albinism
 Albinism and hemorrhagic diathesis
 Albinism, oculocutaneous
 Albino
 Albright syndrome
 Albuginea
 Albumen
 Albumin
 Albuminuria
 Alcohol
 Alcohol abuse
 Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institute
 Alcohol poisoning
 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
 Alcoholics Anonymous
 Alcoholism
 Aldose reductase inhibitor
 Aldosterone
 Aldosteronism
 Aldrin
 Alembic
 Aleut health
 Alexander disease
 Alexander technique
 Alexia
 algia
 Algophobia
 Alice in Wonderland syndrome
 Alice Stewart
 Alien hand syndrome
 Alienist
 Alimentary
 Alimentary canal
 Alkaline phosphatase
 Alkaline water
 Alkaloid
 Alkaloid, vinca
 Alkalosis
 Alkaptonuria
 Alkyl group
 Allele
 Allelic
 Allergen
 Allergic conjunctivitis
 Allergic contact dermatitis
 Allergic contact eczema
 Allergic granulomatosis
 Allergic granulomatous angiitis
 Allergic purpura
 Allergic reaction
 Allergic rhinitis
 Allergic rhinitis, perennial
 Allergic rhinitis, seasonal
 Allergic salute
 Allergic vasculitis
 Allergy
 Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Inst.
 Allergy desensitization
 Allergy immunotherapy
 Allergy scratch test
 Allergy shots
 Allergy skin test
 Allergy to cockroaches
 Allergy, cow milk
 Allergy, honey bee
 Allergy, peanut
 Allergy, soy milk
 Allodynia
 Alloerotic
 Allogeneic
 Allogeneic graft
 Allograft
 Allopath
 Allopathic
 Allopathic medicine
 Allopathist
 Allopathy
 Alogia
 Alongshan Virus (ALSV)
 Alopecia
 Alopecia areata
 Alopecia capitis totalis
 Alopecia universalis
 Alopecia, traumatic
 Alpers disease
 Alpha blocker
 Alpha cell, pancreatic
 Alpha error
 Alpha helix
 Alpha interferon
 Alpha linolenic acid
 Alpha Omega Alpha
 Alpha particle
 Alpha synuclein
 Alpha thalassemia
 Alpha-1
 Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
 Alpha-defensin
 Alpha-ET
 Alpha-ethltryptamine
 Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
 Alpha-gal
 Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor
 Alpha-linolenic acid
 Alpha-synuclein
 Alport syndrome
 Alprazolam
 ALS1
 ALS2
 ALS3
 ALS4
 ALS5
 ALS6
 ALS7
 ALS8
 Alstrom syndrome
 Alstrom-Hallgren syndrome
 ALT (alanine aminotransferase)
 Alternate hemiplegia
 Alternating hemiplegia of childhood
 Alternating hemiplegia syndrome
 Alternative medical system
 Alternative medicine
 Alternative Medicine, National Center for Compleme
 Alternative splicing
 Altitude illness
 Altitude sickness
 Altitude, acclimatization to
 Altitude, high
 Aluminum
 Aluminum poisoning
 Aluminum toxicity
 Alveolar
 Alveolar hydatid disease
 Alveolar proteinosis
 Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma
 Alveoli
 Alveolitis
 Alveolus
 Alzheimer disease
 Alzheimer disease, early-onset familial
 Alzheimer's disease

 Am
 Amalgam
 Amastia
 Amathophobia
 Amaurosis fugax
 Amaurotic familial idiocy
 Amazia
 Ambidextrous
 Ambient
 Ambiguous genitalia
 Amblyopia
 Amblyopia, nocturnal
 Ambros syndrome
 Ambulance
 Ambulant
 Ambulatory
 Ambulatory care
 Ambulatory EEG electroencephalograph
 AMC (arthrogryposis multiplex congenita)
 Ameba
 Amebiasis
 Amebic colitis
 Amebic dysentery
 Amelanotic
 Amelanotic melanoma
 Amelioration
 Amenia
 Amenorrhea
 Amer College of Ob and Gyn (ACOG)
 American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
 American Academy of Pediatrics
 American Association for Advancement of Science
 American Association of Dermatology
 American Cancer Society (ACS)
 American College of Nurse-Midwives
 American College of Physicians
 American College of Surgeons (ACS)
 American Dental Association (ADA)
 American Diabetes Association (ADA)
 American dog tick
 American Journal of Public Health
 American Medical Association
 American medical school, first
 American Psychiatric Association
 American Sign Language
 American trypanosomiasis
 American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)
 Americium
 Ames test
 Ames, Bruce N.
 Amine
 Amini
 Amini, Fariborz
 Amino acid
 Amino acid symbols
 Amino acid, branched-chain
 Amino acid, essential
 Amino acid, nonessential
 Amino acids
 Aminotransferase
 Amitriptyline
 AML1
 Ammonia
 Ammonium perchlorate
 Amnesia
 Amnesia, antegrade
 Amnesia, anterograde
 Amnesia, retrograde
 Amnesia, transient global
 Amnesic aphasia
 Amnestic aphasia
 Amniocentesis
 Amnion
 Amnioreduction
 Amniotic band syndrome
 Amniotic fluid
 Amniotic sac
 Amoeba
 Amok
 Amphetamine
 Amplification
 Amplification, DNA
 Ampulla
 Ampulla of Vater
 Ampullary carcinoma
 Amputation
 AMS (acute mountain sickness)
 AMS (atypical measles syndrome)
 Amsler grid
 Amuck
 Amusia
 Amygdala
 Amygdaloid
 Amygdaloid body
 Amygdaloid complex
 Amygdaloid nucleus
 Amyl-
 Amylase
 Amylo-
 Amyloid
 Amyloidosis
 Amyloidosis, hereditary
 Amyloidosis, primary
 Amyloidosis, secondary
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 3
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 4
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 5
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 6
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 7
 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 8

 An-
 Anaerobic
 Anaesthesia
 Anal atresia
 Anal fissure
 Anal fistula
 Anal incontinence
 Anal itching
 Anal papilla
 Anal papillae
 Analbuminemia
 Analgesia
 Analgesic
 Analgesic drug
 Analog
 Analogous
 Analysis
 Analysis, linkage
 Analytic sensitivity
 Analytic specificity
 Anaphia
 Anaphylactic shock
 Anaphylactoid purpura
 Anaphylaxis
 Anaplasmosis
 Anaplastology
 Anaptic
 Anasarca
 Anastomosis
 Anastrozole
 Anat.
 Anatomic orientation terms
 Anatomical position
 Anatomical snuffbox
 Anatomy
 Anatomy in the Bible
 Anatomy, Gray's
 Anatomy, gross
 Anatomy, microscopic
 Anatripsis
 Ancylostoma infection
 Anderson-Fabry disease
 Androgen
 Androgen ablation
 Androgen insensitivity syndrome, complete
 Androgen suppression
 Androgen suppression therapy
 Androgenic
 Android pelvis
 Andrology
 Androphobia
 Androstenedione
 Anemia
 Anemia and triphalangeal thumbs
 Anemia, Addison
 Anemia, addisonian
 Anemia, aplastic
 Anemia, Biermer's
 Anemia, congenital
 Anemia, Cooley's
 Anemia, Fanconi
 Anemia, iron deficiency
 Anemia, Mediterranean
 Anemia, pernicious
 Anemia, refractory
 Anemia, sickle cell
 Anemic
 Anencephaly
 Anergy
 Anesthesia
 Anesthesia awareness
 Anesthesia, caudal epidural
 Anesthesiologist
 Anesthesiology
 Anesthetic
 Anesthetic, epidural
 Anesthetic, general
 Anesthetic, local
 Anesthetist
 Anetoderma
 Aneuploidy
 Aneurysm
 Aneurysm, abdominal
 Aneurysm, aortic
 Aneurysm, arterial
 Aneurysm, arteriosclerotic
 Aneurysm, atherosclerotic
 Aneurysm, berry
 Aneurysm, brain
 Aneurysm, cardiac
 Aneurysm, dissecting
 Aneurysm, fusiform
 Aneurysm, miliary
 Aneurysm, racemose
 Aneurysm, renal
 Aneurysm, saccular
 Aneurysm, thoracic
 Aneurysm, venous
 Aneurysmal bruit
 Anfinsen
 Angelman syndrome
 Anger
 Angiitis
 Angiitis, allergic granulomatous
 Angina
 Angina pectoris
 Angina trachealis
 Angina, exudative
 Angina, Prinzmetal
 Angina, variant
 Angina, Vincent
 Angioedema
 Angioedema, hereditary
 Angiogenesis
 Angiogram
 Angiography
 Angiography, coronary
 Angiography, fluorescein
 Angiohemophilia
 Angioid streaks
 Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum universale
 Angiomatosis, bacillary
 Angiomyolipoma
 Angiomyxoma, aggressive
 Angioneurotic edema, hereditary
 Angiopathy
 Angioplasty
 Angiosarcoma
 Angiostatin
 Angiostrongyliasis
 Angiostrongylus infection
 Angiotensin
 Angiotensin converting enzyme
 Angiotensin converting enzyme 2
 Angiotensin receptor blocker
 Angle-closure glaucoma
 Angle-closure glaucoma, acute
 Angry
 Anhedonia
 Anhidrosis
 Anhidrotic
 Aniline
 Animal-to-human transplant
 Anion
 Anion gap
 Anisakiasis
 Aniso
 Aniso-
 Anisocoria
 Anisocytosis
 Anisometropia
 Ankle
 Ankle Block
 Ankle bone
 Ankle joint
 Ankle pain
 Ankle sprain
 Ankle syndesmosis
 Ankle twist
 Ankle-foot orthosis
 Ankyloglossia
 Ankylose
 Ankylosing
 Ankylosing spondylitis
 Ankylosis
 Ankyrin deficiency
 Anlage
 Anlagen
 Annals of Internal Medicine
 Annexin A1
 Annexin V
 Annexins
 Annotate
 Annotation
 Annotation, genome
 Annular pancreas
 Annulus
 Anogenital tract
 Anomalad, Klippel-Feil
 Anomaly
 Anomaly, congenital
 Anomaly, Klippel-Feil
 Anomia
 Anomic aphasia
 Anonymize
 Anonymous reporting
 Anonymous testing
 Anophthalmia
 Anorectic
 Anorexia
 Anorexia nervosa
 Anorexia, cancer
 Anorexic
 Anorexigenic
 Anorgasmia
 Anorgasmy
 Anoscope
 Anoscopy
 Anosmia
 Anotia
 Anovular
 Anovular menstruation
 Anovulatory
 Anoxia
 Anoxic
 Ant, fire
 Antagonist
 Antean
 Antegrade
 Antegrade amnesia
 Antenatal surgery
 Anterior
 Anterior chamber
 Anterior cruciate injury
 Anterior cruciate ligament
 Anterior pituitary
 Anterior Segment and Fundus Photography
 Anterior tongue
 Antero-
 Anterograde
 Anterograde amnesia
 Anterograde memory
 Anterolisthesis
 Anteroposterior
 Anteroposterior (AP)
 Anthophobia
 Anthracycline
 Anthrax
 Anthrax immunization
 Anthrax toxin
 Anthropology, forensic
 Anti CCP
 Anti-
 Anti-angiogenesis drugs
 Anti-CCP
 Anti-citrulline antibody
 Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
 Anti-emetic
 Anti-infective
 Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
 Anti-platelet agents
 Anti-reflux surgery (fundoplication)
 Antiandrogen
 Antiatherogenic mutation
 Antibacterial
 Antibiotic
 Antibiotic resistance
 Antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis
 Antibody
 Antibody cross reactivity
 Antibody, antinuclear
 Antibody, antithyroglobulin
 Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
 Anticholinergic
 Anticipation
 Anticipatory grief
 Anticoagulant
 Anticoagulant agent
 Anticonvulsant
 Antidepressant
 Antidepressant, MAOI
 Antidepressant, SSRI
 Antidepressant, tricyclic
 Antidepressants
 Antidiabetic agent
 Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
 Antidote
 Antielastase
 Antiemetics
 Antiestrogen
 Antifreeze poisoning
 Antifungal
 Antifungal agent
 Antifungal drug
 Antifungal medication
 Antigen
 Antigen, prostate specific
 Antigen-antibody complex
 Antigen-presenting cell
 Antigenic drift
 Antigenic shift
 Antihistamines
 Antihypertensive
 Antiinfective
 Antimalarial
 Antimetabolite
 Antimicrobial
 Antimicrobial agent
 Antimicrobial drug
 Antimicrobial medication
 Antimicrobial resistance
 Antimony
 Antineoplastic
 Antinuclear antibody
 Antinuclear antibody test
 Antioxidant
 Antiparallel
 Antiparasitic
 Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
 Antiprotozoal
 Antiprotozoal drug
 Antipsoriatic
 Antipsychotic
 Antipyretic
 Antiretroviral
 Antiretroviral therapy (ART)
 Antisense
 Antisense DNA
 Antisense drug
 Antisense mRNA
 Antisense-strand RNA virus
 Antisepsis
 Antiseptic
 Antisocial personality
 Antisocial personality disorder
 Antispasmodic
 Antithymocyte globulin
 Antithyroglobulin
 Antithyroid antibody
 Antithyroid drug
 Antitoxin
 Antivenin
 Antiviral
 Antiviral agent
 Anton Chekhov
 Antonio Maria Valsalva
 Antonomasia
 Antonomastic
 Antonomasy
 Antro-duodenal motility study
 Antrum
 Ants, fire
 Ants, velvet
 ANUG (acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis)
 Anus
 Anus, imperforate
 Anvil
 Anxiety
 Anxiety disorder
 Anxiety disorder, social

 Aorta
 Aorta, abdominal
 Aorta, ascending
 Aorta, coarctation of the
 Aorta, descending
 Aorta, thoracic
 Aortal
 Aortic
 Aortic aneurysm
 Aortic arch
 Aortic arch syndrome
 Aortic atresia
 Aortic dissection
 Aortic insufficiency
 Aortic regurgitation
 Aortic stenosis
 Aortic valve
 Aortic valve, bicuspid
 Aortitis
 AP
 AP (anteroposterior)
 AP, X-ray
 APC (gene)
 APC (immunology)
 APC (medication)
 APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy)
 Aperient
 Apert syndrome
 Apert syndrome acrocephalosyndactyly
 Apex
 Apgar
 Apgar score
 Aphagia
 Aphakia
 Aphasia
 Aphasia, acquired epileptiform
 Aphasia, amnesic
 Aphasia, amnestic
 Aphasia, anomic
 Aphasia, nominal
 Aphasia, primary progressive
 Apheresis
 Aphonia
 Aphrasia
 Aphthous ulcer
 Apical
 Apiphobia
 Aplasia
 Aplasia of the breast
 Aplastic anemia
 APLS (antiphospholipid antibody syndrome)
 APM1
 Apnea
 Apnea, central sleep
 Apnea, obstructive sleep
 Apneic
 APO-1
 ApoA-I Milano
 Apolipoprotein A-I
 Apolipoprotein E
 Apollo
 Apopain
 Apophenia
 Apophysitis calcaneus
 Apoplexy
 Apoptosis
 Appendectomy
 Appendiceal
 Appendiceal cancer
 Appendiceal perforation
 Appendiceal rupture
 Appendicitis
 Appendix
 Appendix cancer
 Appendix epididymis
 Appendix epiploica
 Appendix perforation
 Appendix rupture
 Appendix testis
 Apposition
 Approved drug
 Apraxia
 Apraxia of speech
 APS (autoimmune polyglandular syndrome)
 APT1

 Aquagenic keratoderma
 Aquagenic urticaria
 Aquaphobia
 Aquaporin
 Aqueduct
 Aqueduct of Sylvius
 Aqueduct of the midbrain
 Aqueous humor
 Arabidopsis thaliana
 Arabidopsis thaliana genome
 Arachnodactyly
 Arachnoiditis
 Arachnophobia
 Arbitration agreement
 Arboviral encephalitis
 Arbovirus
 Arch, aortic
 Arch, vertebral
 Arch, zygomatic
 Archaea
 Archaeogenetics
 Archaeology
 Arctic health
 Arcuate neuron
 Arcuate nucleus
 Arcus senilis
 Areflexia
 Arenaviridae
 Arenavirus
 Areola
 Argentaffinoma
 Arginine
 Argon laser
 Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty
 Argyria
 Arhythmia
 Arimidex
 Aristolochia fangchi
 Aristolochic acid
 Aristotle
 Arm
 Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
 Armed tapeworm
 Arms
 Aromasin
 Aromatase
 Aromatase inhibitor
 Aromatherapy
 Arrayed library
 Arrector pili
 Arrectores pilorum
 Arrhythmia
 Arrhythmia, sinus
 Arrhythmias, atrial
 Arrhythmias, rapid
 Arrhythmias, slow
 Arrhythmias, ventricular
 Arsenic
 Arsine
 ART (antiretroviral therapy)
 Artemidorus
 Artemisinin
 Artemsisia annua
 Arteria femoralis
 Arterial aneurysm
 Arterial blood gas (ABG)
 Arterial tension
 Arteries, coronary
 Arteriogram
 Arteriohepatic dysplasia
 Arteriole
 Arteriosclerosis
 Arteriosclerotic aneurysm
 Arteriosclerotic retinopathy
 Arteriovenous malformation
 Arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
 Arteritis, cranial
 Arteritis, giant cell
 Arteritis, Takayasu
 Arteritis, temporal
 Artery
 Artery disease, coronary
 Artery spasm, coronary
 Artery, brachial
 Artery, carotid
 Artery, central retinal
 Artery, femoral
 Artery, hepatic
 Artery, mesenteric
 Artery, ophthalmic
 Artery, pulmonary
 Artery, splenic
 Artery, vertebral
 Arth. and Musculoskeletal and Skin Dis, Nat'l Inst
 Arthr-
 Arthralgia
 Arthritis
 Arthritis in children
 Arthritis mutilans
 Arthritis, degenerative
 Arthritis, gout
 Arthritis, Lyme
 Arthritis, psoriatic
 Arthritis, reactive
 Arthritis, Reiter
 Arthritis, rheumatoid
 Arthritis, spondylitis
 Arthritis, systemic-onset chronic rheumatoid
 Arthritis, systemic-onset juvenile rheumatoid
 Arthro-
 Arthrocentesis
 Arthrogram
 Arthrogryposis
 Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC)
 Arthropathy
 Arthroscope
 Arthroscopic
 Arthroscopy
 Arthrosis
 Articulation
 Articulation disorder
 Articulations of the body, principal
 Artificial abortion
 Artificial heart
 Artificial insemination
 Artificial insemination by donor (AID)
 Artificial insemination by husband (AIH)
 Artificial knee
 Artificial nose
 Artificial pacemaker
 Artificial pancreas
 Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase

 ASA (drug caution code)
 Asbestos
 Asbestosis
 Ascariasis
 Ascaris
 Ascending aorta
 Ascending pathway
 Ascites
 Asclepius
 Ascorbic acid
 Ascus
 Aseptic
 Aseptic bursitis
 Aseptic necrosis
 Asexual
 Asian cholera
 Asian flu
 Asian influenza
 Asn
 Asp
 Asparagine
 Aspartame
 Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
 Aspartic acid
 Asperger syndrome
 Asperger's syndrome
 Aspergillosis
 Aspergillus
 Asphyxia
 Aspie
 Aspirate
 Aspiration
 Aspiration pneumonia
 Aspiration, fine needle
 Aspiration, joint
 Aspirin
 Aspirin resistance
 Asplenia
 Asplenic
 Assay
 Assay, CEA
 Assay, NSE
 Assembly and budding
 Assembly, DNA
 Assignment of benefits
 Assistant in dying
 Assistant, physician (PA)
 Assisted living
 Assisted suicide
 Assistive device
 Assistive technology
 Association
 Association of American Medical Colleges
 Association, VATER
 Astatic seizure
 Asthenia
 Asthenic
 Asthma
 Asthma susceptibility gene
 Asthma, exercise-induced
 Asthma, miner's
 Asthma, thermally induced
 Asthmatic
 Astigmatic
 Astigmatic Keratotomy
 Astigmatism
 Astraphobia
 Astrocytoma
 Asymptomatic
 Asymptomatic infection
 Asystole

 AT (in DNA)
 Ataxia
 Ataxia telangiectasia mutated
 Ataxia, cerebellar
 Ataxia-telangiectasia
 ATCC (American Type Culture Collection)
 Atelectasis
 Atelectasis, primary
 Atelectasis, secondary
 Athelia
 Atherectomy
 Atherogenesis
 Atheroma
 Atherosclerosis
 Atherosclerotic
 Atherosclerotic aneurysm
 Athetosis
 Athleats feet
 Athlete foot
 Athlete's feet
 Athlete's foot
 Athymic
 Athymic mouse
 Atkins diet
 Atlantoaxial
 Atlas
 Atlas and axis joint
 Atloaxoid joint
 Atom
 Atonia, REM sleep
 Atonic
 Atonic seizure
 Atopic
 Atopic dermatitis
 Atopy
 Atresia
 Atresia, anal
 Atresia, aortic
 Atresia, biliary
 Atria
 Atrial
 Atrial arrhythmias
 Atrial fib
 Atrial fibrillation
 Atrial flutter
 Atrial septal defect (ASD)
 Atrial septum
 Atriodigital dysplasia
 Atrioventricular (AV)
 Atrioventricular node
 Atrium
 Atrophic vaginitis
 Atrophy
 Atrophy, peroneal muscular
 Atropine
 Atropine psychosis
 Attack, vasovagal
 Attention
 Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
 Attention getting
 Attentional
 Attenuate
 Attenuated
 Attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis
 Attenuated FAP
 Attenuated virus
 Atypical
 Atypical measles syndrome (AMS)

 Audiogram
 Audiologist
 Audiology
 Audiometry
 Auditory acuity
 Auditory aphasia
 Auditory brainstem response test
 Auditory cortex
 Auditory disease, central
 Auditory integration training
 Auditory perception
 Auditory prosthesis
 Auditory tube
 Aura
 Aural vertigo, recurrent
 Auricle
 Auricular
 Auricular hematoma
 Auscultate
 Austin Flint murmur
 Autism
 Autistic savant
 Autoantibody
 Autochthonous
 Autoclave
 Autogenous
 Autograft
 Autoimmune
 Autoimmune disease
 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
 Autoimmune hepatitis
 Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS)
 Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy
 Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome
 Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS)
 Autoimmune process
 Autoimmune thyroid disease
 Autoimmune thyroiditis
 Autoimmunity
 Autoinnoculation
 Autologous
 Autologous blood donation
 Autolysis
 Automated external defibrillator
 Automated white cell differential
 Automatic behavior
 Automatic seizure
 Automatism
 Autonomic failure
 Autonomic nervous system
 Autonomic neuropathy
 Autonomy, patient
 Autophobia
 Autopsy
 Autoradiography
 Autosomal
 Autosomal chromosome
 Autosomal dominant
 Autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia
 Autosomal dominant radial drusen
 Autosomal recessive
 Autosome
 Autotransplant
 Autotransplantation
 Aux-

 AV (atrioventricular)
 AV fistula (arteriovenous fistula)
 AV node
 Avascular necrosis
 Avascular necrosis of the femoral head
 Avery
 Avian flu
 Avian influenza
 Avian tuberculosis
 AVM (arteriovenous malformation)
 Avulse
 Avulsion
 Avuncular
 Axelrod
 Axelrod, Julius
 Axial tomography, computerized
 Axilla
 Axillary
 Axillary dissection
 Axillary hyperhidrosis
 Axis
 Axon
 Ayurveda
 Azoospermia
 Azoospermic Medical Definition
 Azotemia

 B cell
 B variant GM2-gangliosidosis
 B virus
 B(a)P
 B-type natriuretic peptide
 B. burgdorferi
 B. cepacia
 B. coli
 B. quintana
 b.i.d. (on prescription)
 Ba
 Babesiosis
 Babinski reflex
 Babinski response
 Babinski sign
 Baby blues
 Baby teeth
 Baby walker
 Baby, fetal alcohol syndrome
 Babysitter's elbow
 Bacillary angiomatosis
 Bacille Calmette Guerin
 Bacillophobia
 Bacillus
 Bacillus anthracis
 Back pain
 Back pain, low
 Backbone
 Background radiation
 Bacteremia
 Bacteria
 Bacterial
 Bacterial artificial chromosome
 Bacterial peritonitis
 Bacterial prostatitis, acute
 Bacterial prostatitis, chronic
 Bacterial vaginosis
 Bacteriaphobia
 Bacteriocidal
 Bacteriology
 Bacteriophage
 Bacteriostatic
 Bacterium
 BAEP (brainstem auditory evoked potentials)
 Bag, air
 Baker cyst
 Baker's yeast
 Balamuthia mandrillaris
 Balance
 Balance, acid-base
 Balance, sense of
 Balanitis
 Balanitis, circinate
 Balanoposthitis
 Balantidiasis
 Balantidium
 Baldness
 Baldness, patchy
 Ball-and-socket joint
 Balloon angioplasty
 Balloon tamponade
 Bambino
 Ban zhi lian
 Band, chromosome
 Band, Q
 Banding of chromosomes
 Bannayan syndrome
 Bar chart
 Bar graph
 Barbara McClintock
 Barbat skullcap
 Barber itch
 Bariatric
 Bariatric physician
 Bariatric surgery
 Bariatrician
 Bariatrics
 Barium
 Barium enema
 Barium enema x-ray
 Barium solution
 Barium swallow
 Barker, Horace Albert
 Barlow syndrome
 Baroparesis
 Barosinusitis
 Barotitis
 Barotrauma
 Barotrauma, otic
 Barotrauma, sinus
 Barr body
 Barrett esophagus
 Barrett's esophagus
 Bartholin's glands
 Bartonella quintana
 Bartsocas-Papas Syndrome
 Bartter syndrome
 Basal cell carcinoma
 Basal cell nevus syndrome
 Basal cells
 Basal ganglia
 Basal metabolic rate
 Basal nuclei
 Basal temperature
 Basal thermometer
 BASE breast cancer gene
 Base excision repair
 Base in DNA
 Base of tongue
 Base pair
 Base sequence
 Base sequence analysis
 Base, pressor
 Base-excision repair
 Baseline
 Basement membrane
 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
 Basilar
 Basilar fracture
 Baskerville effect
 Basophil
 Basophilic leukocyte
 Bather's eruption
 Bathophobia
 Batten disease
 Battered child syndrome
 Battle fatigue
 Bayes theorem
 Baylisascaris

 Beaded vitreous type Stickler syndrome
 Beals
 Beals, Rodney K.
 Beard
 Beard ringworm
 Beat, premature
 Beau lines
 Beau's lines
 Beau-Reil cross furrows
 Beaufort wind scale
 Becker muscular dystrophy
 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
 Bed blocker
 Bed bug
 Bed bugs
 Bed sore
 Bednet
 Bedsore
 Bedwetting
 Bee genome
 Bee sting
 Bee sting, Africanized
 Beef tapeworm
 Beers criteria
 Beers list
 Beetle, blister
 Behavior center, moral
 Behavior therapy
 Behavior, automatic
 Behavioral medicine
 Behcet's disease
 Behcet's syndrome
 Beijerinck
 Beijerinck, Martinus W.
 Bekam
 Belching
 Bell
 Bell's palsy
 Bell, Charles
 Bell, Sir Charles
 Belladonna
 Bellini duct carcinoma
 Belly
 Belly button
 Belly pain
 Belt, seat
 Benign
 Benign intracranial hypertension
 Benign lymphoreticulosis
 Benign melanoma
 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
 Benign prostatic hyperplasia
 Benign prostatic hypertrophy
 Benign recurrent aseptic meningitis
 Benign sleep myoclonus
 Benjamin Spock
 Benzene
 Benzidine
 Benzo(a)pyrene
 Benzodiazepines
 Berardinelli-Seip syndrome
 Bereavement
 Bergamot oil
 Bergstrom
 Bergstrom, Sune K
 Beriberi
 Beriberi, infantile
 Berlin Heart
 Bernard syndrome
 Bernard, Christiaan
 Bernard-Horner syndrome
 Bernard-Soulier syndrome
 Bernstein test
 Berry aneurysm
 Berserk
 Berylliosis
 Beryllium
 Berzelius
 Berzelius, Jons Jacob
 Beta adrenergic blocking agents
 Beta agonist
 Beta blocker
 Beta carotene
 Beta cell
 Beta cell, pancreatic
 Beta error
 Beta particle
 Beta protein 1
 Beta-2 agonist
 Beta-agonist
 Beta-defensin
 Beta-secretase
 Betel nut
 Beverly Hills diet
 Bezoar

 BF
 Bi-
 Biallelic
 Bias
 Bicarbonate
 Biceps
 Bicornuate
 Bicuspid
 Bicuspid aortic valve
 Bicuspid valve
 Bicycle helmet
 Biermer's anemia
 Bietti crystalline dystrophy
 Bifid
 Bifid uvula
 Big bone disease
 Big toe sign
 Bilateral
 Bilateral pneumonia
 Bile
 Bile acid
 Bile acid resin
 Bile duct cancer
 Bile sludge
 Bilharzia
 Bilharziasis
 Biliary
 Biliary atresia
 Biliary compression
 Biliary decompression
 Biliary sand
 Biliary sludge
 Bilious
 Biliousness
 Bilirubin
 Biloma
 Binaural
 Binge drinking
 Binge eating disorder
 Binocular
 Binocular diplopia
 Binocular vision
 Binocularity
 Binswanger disease
 Binucleate
 Bio-
 Bioactive
 Bioarchaeology
 Biochemical
 Biochemical aspirin resistance
 Biochemistry
 Bioelectric impedance analysis
 Biofeedback
 Biofilm
 Biofluid
 Bioidentical hormone therapy
 Bioinformatics
 Biologic evolution
 Biological chemistry
 Biological response modifiers
 Biological safety level 1
 Biological safety level 2
 Biological safety level 3
 Biological safety level 4
 Biological therapy
 Biology, molecular
 Biomagnetic therapy
 Biomarker
 Biopsy
 Biopsy, bone marrow
 Biopsy, brain
 Biopsy, breast
 Biopsy, endometrial
 Biopsy, excisional
 Biopsy, incisional
 Biopsy, liver
 Biopsy, muscle
 Biopsy, punch
 Biopsy, sentinel-lymph-node
 Biopsy, skin
 Biopsy, stereotactic needle
 Biosafety
 Biosafety level
 Biotechnology
 Bioterrorism
 Biotherapy
 Biotin
 Bipolar disease
 Bipolar disorder
 Bipolar I disorder
 Bipolar II disorder
 Bird flu
 Birt Hogg Dube syndrome
 Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome
 Birth assistant
 Birth cohort
 Birth companion
 Birth control
 Birth control, emergency
 Birth defect
 Birth defects, study of
 Birth rate
 Birthmark
 bis in die (on prescription)
 Bisexual
 Bisphosphonate
 Biventricular assist device

 Black American
 Black Death
 Black eye
 Black henna
 Black lung disease
 Black plague
 Blackhead
 Blackwell, Elizabeth
 Bladder
 Bladder cancer
 Bladder cancer risks
 Bladder catheter, indwelling
 Bladder infection
 Bladder inflammation
 Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO)
 Bladder pain
 Bladder, overactive
 Blade bone
 Blalock-Taussig operation
 Blast phase
 Blastocyst
 Blastocystis hominis
 Blastocystis infection
 Blastocystosis
 Blastokinin
 Blastoma
 Blastomyces dermatitidis
 Blastomycosis
 Blasts
 Bleb
 Blender experiment
 Blepharitis
 Blepharophimosis
 Blepharoplasty
 Blepharoptosis
 Blepharospasm
 Blighted ovum
 Blind
 Blind spot
 Blinded study
 Blindness
 Blindness, legal
 Blindness, night
 Blister
 Blister agent
 Blister beetle
 Blister, blood
 Blister, fever
 Blister, water
 Blistering agent
 Block, caudal
 Blocker, beta adrenergic
 Blockers, beta
 Blood
 Blood bank
 Blood blister
 Blood cleaner
 Blood clot
 Blood clots
 Blood clots, estrogen-associated
 Blood count
 Blood culture
 Blood draw
 Blood dyscrasia
 Blood glucose
 Blood group
 Blood group, ABO
 Blood in semen
 Blood in the eye
 Blood in the urine
 Blood Institute, National Heart, Lung, and
 Blood pH
 Blood poisoning
 Blood pressure
 Blood pressure, high
 Blood pressure, low
 Blood sugar
 Blood sugar, high
 Blood sugar, low
 Blood transfusion
 Blood urea nitrogen
 Blood, urinary
 Blood-brain barrier
 Blood-thinner
 Bloody nose
 Bloody show
 Bloody sputum
 Blot, Northern
 Blot, Southern
 Blot, Western
 Blue baby
 Blue baby operation
 Blue cohosh
 Blue sclera
 Blueberry root
 Blunted affect
 Blurred vision
 Blush

 BM
 BMI calculation
 BMP2
 BMRs (biological response modifiers)
 Board certified
 Board eligible
 Body cell mass
 Body dysmorphic disorder
 Body fat monitor
 Body fat scales
 Body habitus
 Body hearing aid
 Body image obsession
 Body integrity identity disorder
 Body mass index
 Body odor
 Body packer
 Body packing
 Body stuffing
 Body surface area
 Body type
 Body, amygdaloid
 Body, ciliary
 Bodywork
 Boerhaave's syndrome
 Bogorad's syndrome
 Boil
 Bone
 Bone cancer
 Bone cyst, aneurysmal
 Bone cyst, simple
 Bone density
 Bone marrow
 Bone marrow aspiration
 Bone marrow biopsy
 Bone marrow transplant
 Bone marrow transplantation
 Bone mass density (BMD)
 Bone mineral density
 Bone morphogenetic protein
 Bone morphogenic protein 2
 Bone scan
 Bone type
 Bone, ankle
 Bone, blade
 Bone, breast
 Bone, calf
 Bone, carpal
 Bone, coccygeal
 Bone, collar
 Bone, cranial
 Bone, cuboid
 Bone, endochondral
 Bone, ethmoid
 Bone, frontal
 Bone, giant cell tumor of
 Bone, heel
 Bone, occipital
 Bone, parietal
 Bone, sesamoid
 Bone, shin
 Bone, sphenoid
 Bone, temporal
 Bone, thigh
 Bone, wing
 Bone, zygomatic
 Bones of the arm, wrist and hand
 Bones of the head
 Bones of the leg, ankle and foot
 Bones of the skeleton
 Bones of the trunk
 Bones, axial
 Bony syndactyly
 Bony tarsus
 Boomeritis
 Booster shot
 Borage
 Borborygmi
 Borborygmus
 Borderline personality disorder
 Bornholm disease
 Borrelia
 Borrelia burgdorferi
 Borrelia myamotoi
 Bos taurus genome
 Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome
 Botox
 Bottlefeeding
 Botulinum toxin
 Botulism
 Bougie
 Bougienage
 Boutonneuse
 Bovine
 Bovine genome
 Bovine tuberculosis
 Bow-legs
 Bowel
 Bowel Cancer
 Bowel disease, inflammatory
 Bowel disorders and fiber
 Bowel sounds
 Bowen disease

 BP
 BP1
 BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)
 Brace, foot-drop
 Brace, Milwaukee
 Brachial artery
 Brachial neuritis
 Brachial palsy
 Brachial paralysis
 Brachial plexus
 Brachial plexus palsy
 Brachial plexus paralysis
 Brachial vein
 Brachmann-de Lange syndrome
 Brachy-
 Brachycephaly
 Brachydactyly
 Brachytherapy
 Brachytherapy, coronary artery
 Bradycardia
 Bradykinesia
 Bradykinetic
 Bradyphrenia
 Bradypnea
 Braille system
 Brain
 Brain aneurysm
 Brain anthrax
 Brain biopsy
 Brain cancer
 Brain edema
 Brain freeze
 Brain Hemorrhage
 Brain lesions
 Brain malleability
 Brain plasticity
 Brain stem
 Brain swelling
 Brain tumor
 Brain ventricle
 Brain, fornix of the
 Brain, water on the
 Brainerd diarrhea
 Brainstem
 Brainstem auditory evoked potentials
 Brainstem implant
 Branched-chain ketoaciduria
 Branchial cleft cyst
 Branchial cyst
 Braxton Hicks contractions
 Brazelton newborn test
 BRCA breast cancer gene
 BRCA1 breast cancer susceptibility gene
 Breadbasket
 Breakbone fever
 Breast
 Breast abscess
 Breast absence
 Breast aplasia
 Breast augmentation
 Breast biopsy
 Breast bone
 Breast cancer
 Breast cancer gene
 Breast cancer gene BRCA1
 Breast cancer gene BRCA2
 Breast cancer metastasis suppressor 1 (BRMS1)
 Breast cancer susceptibility genes
 Breast cancer, familial
 Breast cancer, male
 Breast development, early
 Breast discharge
 Breast feeding
 Breast fibroadenoma
 Breast implants
 Breast infection
 Breast lump
 Breast milk
 Breast pain
 Breast reduction
 Breast surgeon
 Breast trauma
 Breast, amastia
 Breast, infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the
 Breast, infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the
 Breast, Paget disease of
 Breastfeeding
 Breastfeeding practices
 Breathing
 Breech
 Breech birth
 Breslow thickness
 Bridge
 Bright's disease
 Brill-Zinsser disease
 Brissaud's infantilism
 British National Formulary
 Brittle bone disease
 Brittle diabetes
 Broca's area
 Broken foot
 Broken hip
 Bromine
 Bromism
 Bromobenzylcyanide
 Bromoderma
 Bronchi
 Bronchiectasis
 Bronchiole
 Bronchiolitis
 Bronchitis
 Bronchitis, chronic
 Bronchopulmonary
 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
 Bronchopulmonary segments
 Bronchoscope
 Bronchoscopy
 Bronchospasm, exercise-induced
 Bronchus
 Brontophobia
 Brooke-Spiegler Syndrome
 Bross
 Bross, Irwin DJ
 Brown fat
 Brown syndrome
 Brown, Louise
 Brown, Michael Stuart
 Bruce N. Ames
 Bruce protocol
 Brucellosis
 Brugada syndrome
 Bruise
 Bruit
 Brunhilde virus
 Brushfield's spots
 Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase
 Bruxism

 BSL-1
 BSL-2
 BSL-3
 BSL-4
 Bubble boy disease
 Bubo
 Buboes
 Bubonic plague
 Buccal mucosa
 Buerger's disease
 Buffalo chest
 Buffalo hump
 Bug, kissing
 Bug, reduviid
 Bulbar
 Bulbar conjunctiva
 Bulbourethral gland
 Bulimia
 Bulimia nervosa
 Bulimia susceptibility gene
 Bulla
 Bullae
 Bullous
 Bullous pemphigoid
 Bullying
 Bumps
 Bundling
 Bunion
 Buprenorphine
 Burkholderia cepacia
 Burkitt lymphoma
 Burkitt's lymphoma
 Burn
 Burn treatment
 Burn, first degree
 Burn, second degree
 Burn, third degree
 Burning mouth syndrome
 Burning urination
 Burp
 Bursa
 Bursae
 Bursal
 Bursitis
 Bursitis, aseptic
 Bursitis, calcific
 Bursitis, elbow
 Bursitis, hip
 Bursitis, knee
 Bursitis, septic
 Bursitis, shoulder
 Bursopathy
 Buruli ulcer
 Burundanga (Hyoscine Hydrobromide)
 Buschke disease
 Buschke scleredema
 Buschke's disease
 Buschke's scleredema
 Butterbur
 Butterfly rash
 Butyric acid

 Bx
 Bypass
 Bypass, cardiopulmonary
 Bypass, coronary

 C (cytosine)
 C peptide
 C-peptide
 C-reactive protein
 C-Reactive Protein Test (CRP)
 C-section
 C. botulinum
 C. difficile
 C. elegans
 C. elegans genome
 C. perfringens
 C. welchii
 C1 (cervical vertebra)
 C1-C7 (cervical vertebrae)
 C2 (cervical vertebra)
 C3 (cervical vertebra)
 C4 (cervical vertebra)
 C5 (cervical vertebra)
 C6 (cervical vertebra)
 C7 (cervical vertebra)
 CA
 CA 125
 CA 15-3
 CA 19-9
 CA 27-29
 Cabbage Soup Diet
 CABG, off-pump
 Cachectic
 Cachetic
 Cachexia
 Cadaver
 Cadaver wart
 Cadmium
 Caduceus
 Caecal
 Caecum
 Caenorhabditis elegans genome
 Cafe au lait spot
 Caffeine
 Cage, rib
 Cage, thoracic
 Cain, mark of
 Cal
 Cal (Calorie)
 Calabresi, Paul
 Calamine
 Calcaneal spur
 Calcaneocuboid joint
 Calcaneus
 Calcific bursitis
 Calcification
 Calcification, nonarteriosclerotic cerebral
 Calcified granuloma
 Calcinosis
 Calcinosis cutis
 Calcipotriene
 Calcitonin
 Calcitriol
 Calcium
 Calcium channel blocker
 Calcium deficiency
 Calcium excess
 Calculi
 Calculi, renal
 Calculus
 Calculus, renal
 Calefacient
 Calf
 Calf bone
 Caliciviridae
 Calicivirus
 Calipers
 Calipers, skin
 Callosity
 Callus
 Calor
 Calor, dolor, rubor, and tumor
 Calorie
 Camelpox
 Camisole
 cAMP-dependent protein kinase
 Camphechlor
 Campion, Thomas
 Campomelic dysplasia
 Campylobacter jejuni
 Campylobacteriosis
 Canavan disease
 Cancer
 Cancer anorexia
 Cancer antigen 125
 Cancer care
 Cancer causes
 Cancer cluster
 Cancer Institute, National
 Cancer of the appendix
 Cancer of the cervix
 Cancer of the clitoris
 Cancer of the labia
 Cancer of the pancreas
 Cancer of the rectum
 Cancer of the tongue
 Cancer of the vulva
 Cancer registry
 Cancer survivor
 Cancer symptoms
 Cancer, adult primary liver
 Cancer, basal cell
 Cancer, bladder
 Cancer, bone
 Cancer, brain
 Cancer, breast
 Cancer, breast, familial
 Cancer, breast, susceptibility genes
 Cancer, cervical
 Cancer, cervix
 Cancer, colon
 Cancer, endometrial
 Cancer, esophageal
 Cancer, esophagus
 Cancer, gastric
 Cancer, Hodgkin disease (adult)
 Cancer, islet cell
 Cancer, kidney
 Cancer, larynx
 Cancer, leukemia
 Cancer, lung
 Cancer, lymphoma, Hodgkin (adult)
 Cancer, lymphoma, non-Hodgkin
 Cancer, male breast
 Cancer, malignant melanoma
 Cancer, melanoma
 Cancer, multiple myeloma
 Cancer, myeloma
 Cancer, non-small cell lung
 Cancer, oat cell
 Cancer, oral
 Cancer, ovarian
 Cancer, ovary
 Cancer, pancreas
 Cancer, pancreatic
 Cancer, papillary
 Cancer, penis
 Cancer, prostate
 Cancer, prostatic
 Cancer, rectal
 Cancer, skin
 Cancer, small cell lung
 Cancer, stomach
 Cancer, testicles
 Cancer, testicular
 Cancer, thyroid
 Cancer, uterine
 Cancer, uterus
 Cancer, womb
 Candida albicans
 Candida auris
 Candidate gene
 Candidiasis
 Candidiasis, invasive
 Candidiasis, oral
 Canine flu dog flu
 Canine genome
 Canine heartworm
 Canker sore
 Cannabinoid
 Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS)
 Cannabinoid receptor 1
 Cannabinoid receptor 2
 Cannabis
 Cannonball pulse
 Cannula
 Capillaries
 Capillary
 Capillary morphogenesis gene 2
 Capitation
 Capnocytophaga canimorsus
 caps
 Capsaicin
 Capsid
 Capsule
 Capsule of Glisson
 Capsulitis
 Captioning
 Car booster seat
 Carb
 Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE)
 Carbo-loading
 Carbohydrate
 Carbohydrate intake, infant
 Carbohydrates
 Carbolic acid
 Carbon dioxide
 Carbon dioxide content
 Carbon monoxide hemoglobin
 Carbon monoxide on houseboats
 Carbon monoxide poisoning
 Carbonmonoxyhemoglobin
 Carboxyhemoglobin
 Carboxyhemoglobinemia
 Carbuncles
 Carcinoembryonic antigen
 Carcinogen
 Carcinogenic
 Carcinoid syndrome
 Carcinoid tumor
 Carcinoma
 Carcinoma in situ
 Carcinoma in situ, squamous cell
 Carcinoma of the breast, infiltrating ductal
 Carcinoma of the breast, infiltrating lobular
 Carcinoma of the tongue
 Carcinoma, ampullary
 Carcinoma, basal cell
 Carcinoma, hepatocellular
 Carcinoma, islet cell
 Carcinoma, Merkel cell
 Carcinoma, pancreatic
 CARDIA Study
 Cardiac
 Cardiac aneurysm
 Cardiac conduction system
 Cardiac defibrillator, implantable
 Cardiac index
 Cardiac insufficiency
 Cardiac muscle
 Cardiac myocyte
 Cardiac myxoma
 Cardiac output
 Cardiac rehabilitation
 Cardiac septum
 Cardiac stress testing, exercise
 Cardiac tamponade
 Cardiac transplant
 Cardiac ventricle
 Cardiac-limb syndrome
 Cardio-cutaneous syndrome
 Cardiologist
 Cardiology
 Cardiomegaly
 Cardiomyopathy
 Cardiomyopathy, dilated
 Cardiomyopathy, doxorubicin
 Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic
 Cardiopathy
 Cardioplegia
 Cardiopulmonary
 Cardiopulmonary bypass
 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
 Cardiovascular
 Cardiovascular disease
 Cardiovascular syncope
 Cardiovascular system
 Cardioversion
 Cardioverter
 Carditis
 Care proxy, health
 Care, ambulatory
 Care, critical
 Care, hospice
 Care, managed
 Care, nail
 Care, postoperative
 Care, preoperative
 Caries
 Carminative
 Carney complex
 Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 2 (CPT2) Deficiency
 Carotene, beta
 Carotenemia
 Carotenoid
 Carotid
 Carotid artery
 Carotid body
 Carotid endarterectomy
 Carotid stenosis
 Carotid-artery stenosis
 Carpal bone
 Carpal tunnel release
 Carpal tunnel syndrome
 Carrier test
 Carrier, hemophilia
 Cartilage
 Cartilage hair hypoplasia syndrome
 Casals-Ariet
 Casals-Ariet, Jordi
 Cascade
 Case-fatality percentage
 Case-fatality proportion
 Case-to-infection proportion
 Case-to-infection ratio
 Casein
 Caseous
 Cashew allergy
 Caspase 3
 Caspase-3
 Cassette
 Cast
 Casting, serial
 Castleman disease
 Castration
 Cat cry syndrome
 Cat eye syndrome
 CAT scan
 CAT scan, helical
 CAT scan, spiral
 Cat scratch disease
 Cat scratch fever
 Catabolism
 Catalepsy
 Catalysis
 Catalyst
 Catamenia
 Cataplasm
 Cataplexy
 Cataract
 Cataract surgery
 Cataract with poikiloderma atrophicans
 Cataract, nuclear
 Cataract, primary
 Cataract, secondary
 Cataract, supranuclear
 Catatonic
 Catechol-O-methyltransferase
 Catecholamine
 Category 1 storm
 Category 2 storm
 Category 3 storm
 Category 4 storm
 Category 5 storm
 Category five hurricane
 Category four hurricane
 Category one hurricane
 Category three hurricane
 Category two hurricane
 Cathartic
 Catheter
 Catheter, central
 Catheter, central venous
 Catheter, Foley
 Catheter, hemodialysis
 Catheter, indwelling bladder
 Catheter, pulmonary artery
 Catheter, Swan-Ganz
 Catheterization, venous
 Cathexis
 Cation
 Cauda equina
 Cauda equina syndrome
 Caudad
 Caudal
 Caudal anesthesia
 Caudal block
 Caudal epidural anesthesia
 Caudate nucleus
 Caul
 Cauliflower ear
 Cauliflower-ear deformity
 Caulophyllum thalictroides
 Causalgia
 Causes of cancer
 Cauterization
 Caveola
 Cavernoma
 Cavernous hemangioma
 Cavernous sinus
 Cavernous sinus syndrome
 Cavernous sinus thrombosis
 Cavities
 Cavity, abdominal
 Cavy

 CB1
 CB1 receptor
 CB2
 CB2 receptor
 CC chemokine receptor 5
 CCD (Central core disease of muscle)
 CCD (cleidocranial dysostosis)
 CCL5
 CCR5
 CD10
 CD4
 CD4 count, absolute
 CD40
 CD8+ T cell
 CD95
 cDNA
 CEA assay
 Cecal
 Cecal volvulus
 Cecum
 Cedar fever Mountain
 Celebrity diets
 Celiac disease
 Celiac disease, adult
 Celiac sprue
 Cell
 Cell cloning
 Cell cycle
 Cell fusion
 Cell lineage
 Cell sorter, fluorescence-activated
 Cell suicide
 Cell therapy
 Cell, alpha (pancreatic)
 Cell, antigen-presenting
 Cell, B
 Cell, beta (pancreatic)
 Cell, cone
 Cell, delta (pancreatic)
 Cell, fat
 Cell, helper
 Cell, plasma
 Cell, rod
 Cell, somatic
 Cell, stem
 Cell, T
 Cell, T-4
 Cell, T-helper
 Cell, totipotent
 Cellophane maculopathy
 Cells, germ
 Cells, reproductive
 Cellulite
 Cellulitis
 Cellulitus
 Celsus
 Cemento-ossifying fibroma
 Centenarian
 Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research
 Center for Devices & Radiological Health
 Center, trauma
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
 Centigrade
 Centimeter (cm)
 Centimorgan (cM)
 Central
 Central auditory processing disorder
 Central catheter
 Central core disease
 Central core disease of muscle
 Central fovea
 Central line
 Central nervous system (CNS)
 Central nervous system, spongy degeneration of the
 Central retinal artery
 Central retinal vein
 Central serous retinopathy (CSR)
 Central venous catheter
 Central venous line
 Central vision
 Centrencephalic seizure
 Centric-fusion translocation
 Centromere
 Cephal-
 Cephalgia
 Cephalgia, histamine
 Cephalic
 Cephalic disorder
 Cephalic disorders
 Cephalothoracic lipodystrophy
 Cerclage
 Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1
 Cerebellar
 Cerebellar ataxia with progressive dementia
 Cerebellum
 Cerebral
 Cerebral amyloidosis and spongiform encephalopathy
 Cerebral aneurysm
 Cerebral arterial gas embolism (CAGE)
 Cerebral calcification, nonarteriosclerotic
 Cerebral cortex
 Cerebral edema
 Cerebral fornix
 Cerebral hemispheres
 Cerebral herniation
 Cerebral hypoxia
 Cerebral palsy
 Cerebral vascular
 Cerebral vascular disease
 Cerebral ventricle
 Cerebritis
 Cerebrohepatorenal syndrome
 Cerebrospinal fluid
 Cerebrovascular
 Cerebrovascular accident
 Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) prevention
 Cerebrovascular disease
 Cerebrovascular ferrocalcinosis
 Cerebrum
 Certified midwife
 Certified nurse-midwife
 Certified professional midwife
 Ceruloplasmin deficiency
 Cervical
 Cervical cancer
 Cervical cap
 Cervical cerclage
 Cervical disc
 Cervical dysplasia
 Cervical dystocia
 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
 Cervical kyphosis, postmenopausal
 Cervical laminectomy
 Cervical rib
 Cervical spondylosis
 Cervical vertebra, first
 Cervical vertebra, second
 Cervical vertebrae
 Cervicectomy
 Cervicitis
 Cervix
 Cervix, incompetent
 Cesarean section
 Cesarean section, lower segment
 Cesarean section, vaginal birth after
 Cesarian section
 Cesarian section, lower segment (LSCS)
 Cesarian section, vaginal birth after
 Ceteris paribus

 CF
 Chagas disease
 Chain-termination codon
 Chalazion
 Chamber, anterior
 Chamber, posterior
 Chamomile
 Chancre
 Chancroid
 Chandipura virus
 Change of life
 Change, single base
 Channel, ion
 Channelopathy
 Chaperone
 Chapped lips
 Char syndrome
 Charbon
 Charcoal, activated
 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
 Charcot-Wilbrand syndrome
 Chargaff ratios
 Chargaff rule
 Chargaff's rule
 CHARGE association
 CHARGE syndrome
 Charles Bell
 Charles D. Kelman
 Charles Darwin
 Charley horse
 Chart, Snellen's
 Chasing the dragon
 Checkpoint
 Cheek
 Cheilitis
 Cheiroarthropathy
 Chekhov
 Chekhov, Anton
 Chemical menopause
 Chemical reaction
 Chemical terrorism
 Chemo
 Chemo-brain
 Chemo-fog
 Chemobrain
 Chemoembolization
 Chemofog
 Chemokine
 Chemokine receptor
 Chemokinesis
 Chemoprevention
 Chemoprophylaxis
 Chemoradiotherapy
 Chemosense
 Chemosensory
 Chemosis
 Chemotherapy
 Chemotherapy, adjuvant
 Chemotherapy, topical
 Chemotherapy-related cognitive dysfunction
 Chen, Zhong Wei
 Cherubism
 Chest
 Chest cold
 Chest film
 Chest pain
 Chest X-ray
 Chewing tobacco
 Chicken genome
 Chicken pox
 Chickenpox
 Chickenpox immunization
 Chickenpox rash
 Chickenpox vaccination
 Chiggers
 Chikungunya virus
 Chilblain
 Child abuse
 Child abuse, emotional
 Child abuse, physical
 Child abuse, psychological
 Child abuse, sexual
 Child abuse, verbal
 Child development test
 Child health
 Child Health and . . . (NICHD)
 Child injury, mental
 Child neglect
 Child urine infection
 Childbed fever
 Childbirth assistant
 Childbirth fever
 Childhood
 Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
 Childhood ataxia with CNS hypomyelinization
 Childhood liver cancer
 Childhood translocation 11 leukemia
 Children of the dark
 Children of the night
 Children's immunizations
 Chills
 Chimera
 Chimeraplasty
 Chimeric antigen receptor CAR T cell treatment
 Chin
 Chinese medicine
 Chinese restaurant syndrome
 Chiron
 Chiropractic
 Chiropractor
 Chlamydia
 Chlamydia trachomatis
 Chloral hydrate
 Chloride
 Chlorinated camphene
 Chloroacetophenone
 Chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile
 Chloroform
 Chloropicrin
 Chloroprene
 Chlorpyrifos
 Choana
 Choanae
 Choanal
 Choanal atresia
 Choanal stenosis
 Chocolate
 Choking (object in airway)
 Choking in children
 Cholangi-
 Cholangiogram
 Cholangiogram, intravenous
 Cholangiogram, IV
 Cholangiography
 Cholangiography, percutaneous transhepatic
 cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde
 Cholangitis
 Cholangitis, primary sclerosing
 Cholangitis, sclerosing
 Cholecalciferol
 Cholecyst
 Cholecystectomy
 Cholecystitis
 Cholecystogram, oral
 Cholecystokinin
 Cholelithiasis
 Cholera
 Cholera genome
 Cholescintigraphy
 Cholestasis
 Cholestasis with peripheral pulmonary stenosis
 Cholesteatoma
 Cholesterol
 Cholesterol ester transfer protein
 Cholesterol guidelines
 Cholesterol lowering with fibrate
 Cholesterol, "Bad"
 Cholesterol, "good"
 Cholesterol, HDL
 Cholesterol, LDL
 Cholesteryl ester transfer protein
 Cholestin
 Chondrocalcinosis
 Chondrodysplasia, metaphyseal (McKusick type)
 Chondrodystrophic myotonia
 Chondrogenesis imperfecta
 Chondroitin sulfate
 Chondromalacia
 Chondromalacia patellae
 Chondroplasia
 Chondrosarcoma
 Chorda tympani
 Chordae tendineae
 Chordoma
 Chorea
 Chorea, senile
 Chorea, Sydenham's
 Chorioamnionitis
 Chorioangioma, placental
 Choriocarcinoma
 Chorion
 Chorionic gonadotropin, human
 Chorionic villus sampling
 Choroid
 Choroidal melanoma
 Choroiditis
 Chrematophobia
 Christian Boehmer Anfinsen, Jr.
 Chromaesthesia
 Chromatids
 Chromatin
 Chromatin modeling
 Chromatin modelling
 Chromatin remodeling
 Chromatin remodelling
 Chromatography, gas (GC)
 Chromatophobia
 Chromesthesia
 Chromosome
 Chromosome 1
 Chromosome 11 childhood leukemia
 Chromosome 2
 Chromosome 3
 Chromosome 4p- syndrome
 Chromosome 5q- syndrome
 Chromosome band
 Chromosome banding
 Chromosome complement
 Chromosome disorder
 Chromosome duplication
 Chromosome inversion
 Chromosome inversion, paracentric
 Chromosome inversion, pericentric
 Chromosome map
 Chromosome, acentric
 Chromosome, acrocentric
 Chromosome, dicentric
 Chromosome, marker
 Chromosome, metaphase
 Chromosome, X
 Chromosome, Y
 Chromosomes
 Chromosomes in multiple miscarriages
 Chronic
 Chronic arthritis, systemic-onset juvenile
 Chronic bacterial prostatitis
 Chronic bronchitis
 Chronic daily headache
 Chronic disease
 Chronic fatigue syndrome
 Chronic glomerulonephritis
 Chronic granulocytic leukemia
 Chronic illness
 Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
 Chronic insomnia
 Chronic kidney failure
 Chronic leukemia
 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
 Chronic myelocytic leukemia
 Chronic myelogenous leukemia
 Chronic myelogenous leukemia, juvenile
 Chronic myeloid leukemia
 Chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD)
 Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, Global Initiativ
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
 Chronic otitis externa
 Chronic pain
 Chronic pancreatitis
 Chronic phase
 Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
 Chronic recurrent multi-focal osteomyelitis
 Chronic renal failure
 Chronic tamponade
 Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)
 Chronic wasting disease
 Chronicity
 Churg-Strauss syndrome
 Chyle
 Chylomicron
 Chyme

 Ci (Curie)
 cidal
 cide
 Cider vinegar diet
 Cigar
 Cigarette
 Ciguatera
 Ciguatoxin
 Cilia
 Ciliary body
 Ciliary body melanoma
 Ciliary muscle
 Ciliary neuralgia
 Cilium
 Cinacalcet
 Circadian
 Circadian rhythm disorder
 Circinate balanitis
 Circle of Willis
 Circular breathing
 Circulation
 Circulation, fetal
 Circulatory
 Circulatory system
 Circum-
 Circumcision
 Circumflex
 Circumjacent
 Cirrhosis
 Cirrhosis and gray matter degeneration
 Cisplatin
 Citrovorum factor
 Citrulline
 Citrulline antibody
 Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniform
 Cl (chloride)
 Clade
 Clamydia
 Clap
 Clark level of invasion
 Clasped thumbs and mental retardation
 Classic typhus
 Classification of diseases
 Claudication
 Claudication, intermittent
 Claudication, venous
 Claustrophobia
 Clavicle
 Clavus
 Clay-shoveler's fracture
 Cleft lip
 Cleft palate
 Cleft palate prosthesis
 Cleft uvula
 Cleidocranial dysostosis
 Cleidocranial dysplasia
 Click-murmur syndrome
 Climacteric
 Clinical
 Clinical aspirin resistance
 Clinical cytogenetics
 Clinical depression
 Clinical disease
 Clinical investigator
 Clinical psychology
 Clinical Research Center
 Clinical research trials
 Clinical social worker, licensed
 Clinical trial
 Clinical trials
 Clinodactyly
 Clinophobia
 Clitoral
 Clitoral amputation
 Clitoral cancer
 Clitorectomy
 Clitoridectomy
 Clitoris
 Cloaca
 Cloacal exstrophy
 Clone
 Clone bank
 Clones, recombinant
 Clonic seizure
 Cloning
 Cloning vector
 Cloning, cell
 Cloning, DNA
 Cloning, therapeutic
 Clonote
 Clostridium
 Clostridium botulinum
 Clostridium difficile
 Clostridium perfringens
 Clostridium welchii
 Clot, blood
 Clot-dissolving medication
 Clotbuster
 CLOVES syndrome
 Club drug
 Clubfoot
 Cluster
 Cluster headache

 cM
 cm (centimeter)
 CM (coccidioidomycosis)
 CMG2
 CML, juvenile
 CMV (cytomegalovirus)
 CNPs
 CNR1
 CNR2
 CNS (central nervous system)
 CNS prophylaxis
 Co-morbid
 Co-payment
 Co-stimulation
 Coagulation
 Coagulation, laser
 Coal miner's pneumoconiosis
 Coarctation
 Coarctation of the aorta
 Coated stent
 Cobalamin
 Cocaine
 Cocci
 Coccidioidomycosis (CM)
 Coccus
 Coccydynia
 Coccygeal
 Coccygeal vertebrae
 Coccyx
 Coccyx bone
 Cochlea
 Cochleae
 Cochlear
 Cochlear implant
 Cockayne syndrome
 Cockroach allergy
 Cod liver oil
 Code
 Code black
 Code blue
 Code, emergency
 Code, hospital
 Coding DNA
 Codon
 Coefficient of inbreeding
 Coenzyme
 Coenzyme Q10
 Coeval
 Coffin-Lowry syndrome
 Cogan corneal dystrophy
 Cogan syndrome
 Cognition
 Cognitive
 Cognitive behavior therapy
 Cognitive dysfunction, chemotherapy-related
 Cognitive science
 Cognitive therapy
 Cognitive-behavioral therapy
 Cohort
 Cohort study
 Coinsurance
 Coitophobia
 Coitus
 Coitus interruptus
 Coke
 COL2A1
 COL4A5
 Colchicine
 COLD (chronic obstructive lung disease)
 Cold agglutinin disease
 Cold injury
 Cold sore
 Cold, common
 Cold, June
 Cold, summer
 Colectomy
 Colic
 Coliform
 Colinear
 Colinearity
 Colitis
 Colitis, amebic
 Colitis, Crohn's
 Colitis, granulomatous
 Colitis, mucus
 Colitis, pseudomembranous
 Colitis, spastic
 Colitis, ulcerative
 Colitis, universal
 Collagen
 Collagen disease
 Collagen injection
 Collagen IV alpha 5
 Collagen, type IV, alpha 5
 Collagenopathy
 Collapsed lung
 Collapsing pulse
 Collarbone
 Collateral
 Collateral knee ligament, lateral
 Collateral knee ligament, medial
 Coloboma
 Colography, computed tomography
 Colon
 Colon Cancer
 Colon cancer and polyps
 Colon cancer family history
 Colon cancer risk
 Colon cancer that has metastasized to the liver
 Colon polyp
 Colon polyp family history
 Colon syndrome, nervous
 Colonic
 Colonic (adjective)
 Colonic (noun)
 Colonic adenoma family history
 Colonoscope
 Colonoscopy
 Colonoscopy, virtual
 Colony-stimulating factor
 Color hearing
 Color, eye
 Color, skin
 Colorblindness
 Colorblindness, red-green
 Colorectal
 Colorectal adenoma and carcinoma 1
 Colorectal adenoma family history
 Colorectal adenomatous polyposis, recessive
 Colorectal cancer
 Colorectal cancer family history
 Colorectal cancer risk
 Colorectal polyp
 Colorectal surgeon
 Coloscopy
 Colostomy
 Colostomy bag
 Colostomy, iliac
 Colostomy, transverse
 Colostrum
 Colpo-
 Colpocephaly
 Colpopexy
 Colpoptosis
 Colporrhaphy
 Colposcope
 Colposcopy
 Colpotomy
 Coma
 Coma, diabetic
 Combined oral contraceptive
 Comedo
 Comedones
 Commensal
 Comminuted fracture
 Common acute lymphocytic leukemia antigen
 Common bile duct
 Common cold
 Common hepatic duct
 Common variable immunodeficiency
 Commotio cordis
 Community-acquired infection
 Comorbidity
 Compartment syndrome
 Compassionate use
 Complement system
 Complementary DNA
 Complementary medicine
 Complementary sequence
 Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome
 Complete blood count
 Complete hysterectomy
 Complete syndactyly
 Complex partial seizure
 Complicated grief
 Complication
 Complications, postoperative
 Compound fracture
 Compound heterozygote
 Compound microscope
 Compress
 Compression
 Compression fracture
 Compression, biliary
 Compression, nerve
 Compulsive shopping
 Computed tomography
 Computed tomography colography
 Computer addiction
 Computerized axial tomography (CAT)
 Computerized axial tomography scan
 Computerized tomography
 Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
 Concatemer
 Concatenate
 Conception
 Concordance
 Concordant
 Concordant couple
 Concussion
 Concussion of the brain
 Condition
 Condition, Sever
 Conditioning
 Conditioning, Pavlovian
 Condom
 Condom, female
 Condom, male
 Conduction system, cardiac
 Conductive hearing loss
 Condyloma
 Condyloma acuminatum
 Condyloma latum
 Condyloma subcutaneum
 Cone
 Cone dystrophy
 Cone snail
 Conformal radiation therapy
 Conformational radiation therapy
 Congenital
 Congenital achromatopsia,
 Congenital anemia
 Congenital anemia and triphalangeal thumbs
 Congenital anemia with spinocerebellar ataxia
 Congenital anomaly
 Congenital arthrogryposis
 Congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens
 Congenital brevicollis
 Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
 Congenital cervicothoracic vertebrae synostosis
 Congenital clasped thumb with mental retardation
 Congenital deafness
 Congenital deafness and retinitis pigmentosa
 Congenital defect
 Congenital heart disease
 Congenital hemolytic jaundice
 Congenital hip dislocation
 Congenital hypothyroidism
 Congenital lymphedema
 Congenital malformation
 Congenital mirror movement disorder
 Congenital neutropenia, severe (SCN)
 Congenital osseus-torticollis syndrome
 Congenital ptosis of the eyelids
 Congenital retraction syndrome
 Congenital rubella syndrome
 Congenital stationary night blindness
 Congenital synostosis of cervicothoracic vertebrae
 Congenital torticollis
 Congenital vaccinia
 Congenital webbed neck syndrome
 Congestion
 Congestive heart failure
 Conization
 Conjoined twin
 Conjoined twins
 Conjugated linoleic acid
 Conjunctiva
 Conjunctival
 Conjunctival fornix
 Conjunctival melanoma
 Conjunctivitis
 Conjunctivitis, allergic
 Conn syndrome
 Connectionism
 Connective tissue
 Connective tissue disease
 Connective tissue disease, heritable
 Connexin
 Connexin 26
 Connexon
 Conor and Bruch disease
 Conotoxin
 Consanguinity
 Conservative mutation
 Conserved sequence
 Consolidation therapy
 Constipation
 Constitutional thrombopathy
 Constraint-induced movement therapy
 Constrictive pericarditis
 Consultant
 Consumption
 Contact dermatitis
 Contact dermatitis, allergic
 Contact eczema
 Contact eczema, allergic
 Contact healing
 Contagious
 Contig
 Contig map
 Contiguous gene syndrome
 Continuous passive motion machine
 Continuous positive airway pressure
 Contraception, emergency
 Contraceptive device, intrauterine (IUD)
 Contraceptive sponge, vaginal
 Contraceptive, combined oral
 Contraceptive, diaphragm
 Contraceptive, implantable progestin
 Contraceptive, injectable progestin
 Contraceptive, minipill
 Contraceptive, pill
 Contraction
 Contraction, premature
 Contraction, uterine
 Contractions, Braxton Hicks
 Contraindicate
 Contraindication
 Contralateral
 Contrast
 Contrast media
 Contrast nephropathy
 Contrast sensitivity, visual
 Control (genetic)
 Control (research)
 Contusion
 Conventional medicine
 Convulsion
 Coprolalia
 Coprolith
 Coprophobia
 Copy number polymorphism
 CoQ10
 Cor
 Cor biloculare
 Cor pulmonale
 Coracoacromial Ligament
 Cord
 Cord, spinal
 Cord, umbilical
 Cord, vocal
 Cordectomy
 Corn
 Cornea
 Corneal
 Corneal abrasion
 Corneal dystrophy
 Corneal dystrophy, Cogan
 Corneal dystrophy, epithelial basement
 Corneal dystrophy, Fuchs endothelial
 Corneal dystrophy, lattice
 Corneal dystrophy, map-dot-fingerprint type
 Corneal dystrophy, microcystic
 Corneal ring, intrastromal
 Corneal topography
 Corneal transplant
 Cornelia de Lange syndrome
 Corns
 Coronal
 Coronary angiography
 Coronary arteries
 Coronary artery brachytherapy
 Coronary artery bypass graft
 Coronary artery disease
 Coronary artery spasm
 Coronary bypass
 Coronary insufficiency
 Coronavirus
 Corpora cavernosa
 Corporeal
 Corpse
 Corpus
 Corpus amygdaloideum
 Corpus callosotomy
 Corpus callosum, agenesis of the
 Corpus luteum cyst
 Corrigan pulse
 Cortex
 Cortex, adrenal
 Cortical
 Cortical blindness
 Corticosteroid
 Corticosteroid allergy
 Corticotropin-releasing hormone
 Cortisol
 Cortisone
 Coryza
 Cosmeceutical
 Cosmid
 Costal margin
 Costochondritis
 Cotard's Syndrome
 Cotinine
 Cotton rat
 Cough
 Cough suppressant
 Coughing syncope
 Coughing up blood
 Coumadin, teratogenicity of
 Counseling, genetic
 Counselor, genetic
 Count, absolute CD4
 Count, platelet
 Counter, Geiger
 Counterpulsation
 Courier
 Cousin marriage
 Cow genome
 Cow milk allergy
 Cowper's gland
 Cowpox
 Cox-1
 Cox-1 inhibitor
 Cox-2
 Cox-2 inhibitor
 Coxa valga
 Coxa vara
 Coxsackie virus
 Coxsackievirus

 CPEO with myopathy
 CPEO with ragged-red fibers
 CpG
 CpG island
 CPM machine
 CPP32
 Crabs
 Crack (drug)
 Cracked tooth syndrome
 Cradle cam
 Cradle cap
 Cradle-cam
 Cradlecam
 Cramp, writer's
 Cramping leg pain
 Cramps, heat
 Cramps, menstrual
 Cranial
 Cranial arteritis
 Cranial bone
 Cranial dystonia
 Cranial nerve I
 Cranial nerve II
 Cranial nerve III
 Cranial nerve IV
 Cranial nerve IX
 Cranial nerve V
 Cranial nerve VI
 Cranial nerve VII
 Cranial nerve VIII
 Cranial nerve X
 Cranial nerve XI
 Cranial nerve XII
 Cranial nerve, eighth
 Cranial nerve, eleventh
 Cranial nerve, fifth
 Cranial nerve, first
 Cranial nerve, fourth
 Cranial nerve, ninth
 Cranial nerve, second
 Cranial nerve, seventh
 Cranial nerve, sixth
 Cranial nerve, tenth
 Cranial nerve, third
 Cranial nerve, twelfth
 Cranial nerves
 Cranio-
 Craniocleidodysostosis
 Craniology
 Craniometaphyseal dysplasia
 Craniopagus parasiticus
 Craniopharyngioma
 Craniosynostosis
 Craniotomy
 Cranium
 Crapulence
 Crapulent
 Cream
 Crease, single transverse palmar
 Creatine
 Creatinine
 Creatinine blood test
 Creatinine clearance test
 Crepitus
 CREST syndrome
 Cretinism
 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
 Crib death
 Crick
 Crick, Francis
 Crick-Brenner experiment
 Crime scene investigation
 Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever
 Cripple
 Crippled
 Crisis, midlife
 Critical care
 Critical incident stress management
 Crocodile tears syndrome
 Crohn colitis
 Crohn enteris
 Crohn enterocolitis
 Crohn ileitis
 Crohn ileocolitis
 Crohn's disease
 Cross training
 Cross-section
 Cross-sectional study
 Cross-species transplantation
 Crossed embolism
 Crossing over
 Crossover study
 Crotch
 Croup
 Crouzon syndrome
 Crown
 Cruciate
 Cruciate ligament, anterior
 Cruciate ligament, posterior
 Crush injury
 Crutch
 Cry for help
 Cryo-electron microscopy
 Cryo-EM
 Cryocardioplegia
 Cryoelectron microscopy
 Cryoglobulin
 Cryoglobulinemia
 Cryophobia
 Cryopreservation
 Cryoprobe
 Cryoprotectant
 Cryostat
 Cryosurgery
 Cryotherapy
 Crypt
 Cryptic
 Cryptitis
 Crypto
 Cryptococcosis
 Cryptococcus gattii
 Cryptococcus neoformans
 Cryptography
 Cryptorchidism
 Cryptosporidiosis
 Cryptosporidium
 Cryptosporidium enteritis
 Cryptosporidium parvum

 CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)
 CSF (colony-stimulating factor)
 CST3
 CT
 CT cell
 CT colography
 CT colonography
 CT scan
 CT, electron beam
 CT, Ultrafast
 Cubital
 Cubital tunnel
 Cubital tunnel syndrome
 Cubitus
 Cubitus valgus
 Cubitus varus
 Cuboid bone
 Cul-de-sac
 Culdocentesis
 Culdoscope
 Culdoscopy
 Culture
 Cup, optic
 Cupping
 Curable
 Curare
 Curcumin
 Cure
 Curettage
 Curette
 Curettement
 Curie (Ci)
 Currarino syndrome
 Curse, Ondine's
 Cushing syndrome
 Cushing's ulcer
 Cushing, Harvey
 Cushingoid
 Cusp
 Cut
 Cutaneous
 Cutaneous allodynia
 Cutaneous papilloma
 Cutaneous syndactyly
 Cutis
 Cutis anserina
 Cutis laxa
 Cutis verticis gyrata
 Cuts
 Cutting for the stone

 Cyanide
 Cyanogen chloride
 Cyanosis
 Cyanotic
 Cycle, cell
 Cycle, menstrual
 Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase
 Cyclic citrullinated peptide
 Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
 Cyclic vomiting syndrome
 Cyclin
 Cyclin D
 Cyclin E
 Cyclobutanone
 Cyclooxygenase
 Cyclooxygenase inhibitor
 Cyclooxygenase-1
 Cyclooxygenase-1 inhibitor
 Cyclooxygenase-2
 Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor
 Cyclopia
 Cyclops
 Cyclospora infection
 Cyclosporiasis
 Cyclothymia
 Cylindroma
 Cylindromatosis, familial
 Cymbalta
 Cynophobia
 Cys-Cys
 Cyst
 Cyst of the ovary, follicular
 Cyst, Baker
 Cyst, Meibomian
 Cyst, ovarian
 Cyst, pilonidal
 Cyst, sebaceous
 Cyst, synovial, of the popliteal space
 Cyst, tarsal
 Cyst, thyroglossal
 Cyst, thyrolingual
 Cystadenoma
 Cystatin 3
 Cystatin C
 Cystectomy
 Cysteine
 Cystic acne
 Cystic fibrosis
 Cystic hernia
 Cystic periventricular leukomalacia
 Cysticerci
 Cysticercosis
 Cysticercus
 Cystine
 Cystine kidney stones
 Cystine transport disease
 Cystinosis
 Cystinuria
 Cystitis
 Cystitis, interstitial (IC)
 Cystocele
 Cystoscope
 Cystoscopy
 Cysts
 cyte
 cyto (combining form)
 Cyto-
 Cytogenetic map
 Cytogenetics
 Cytogenetics, clinical
 Cytokine
 Cytokinesis
 Cytology
 Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
 Cytometry, flow
 Cytoplasm
 Cytosine (C)
 cytosis
 Cytoskeleton
 Cytotoxic
 Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte

 D&C
 D (domain)
 D and C
 d-
 D-dimer
 D.O.
 Da Vinci, Leonardo
 Dacry-
 Dacryo-
 Dacryoadenitis
 Dacryocyst
 Dacryocystorhinostomy
 Dactyl-, -dactyl
 Dactyledema
 Dactylitis
 Daily Prayer of a Physician
 Daily Value
 Daltonism
 Dancing mania of Maracaibo
 Dander
 Danders
 Dandruff
 Dandy fever
 Dandy-Walker syndrome
 Danlos syndrome
 Dannie Abse
 Danon disease
 Darier disease
 Dark adaptometry
 Darwin, Charles
 DASH diet
 Data
 Date rape
 Date, expiration
 Daughter
 David-Stickler syndrome
 daw
 Day sight
 DDH (developmental dislocation of the hip)
 de Lange syndrome
 de Musset sign
 De Quervain's tenosynovitis
 Deafness
 Deafness and Communication Disorders, Institute
 Deafness and keratopachydermia
 Deafness with goiter
 Deafness, acquired
 Deafness, age-related
 Deafness, congenital
 Deafness, nonsyndromic
 Deafness-ichthyosis-keratitis syndrome
 Death
 Death rate
 Death rate, infant
 Death, black
 DEB (dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa)
 Debilitate
 Debride
 Debridement
 Debris flow injury
 Debulk
 Decease
 Decompress
 Decompression
 Decompression, biliary
 Decongestant
 Decortication
 Decubitus
 Decubitus ulcer
 Deep
 Deep vein thrombosis
 Deer mouse
 Deerfly fever
 Defecation syncope
 Defect, atrial septal (ASD)
 Defect, enzyme
 Defect, neural tube
 Defect, ventricular septal (VSD)
 Defensin
 Defensive medicine
 Defibrillation
 Defibrillator
 Defibrillator storm
 Defibrillator, automated external
 Defibrillator, implantable cardiac
 Deficiency, adenosine deaminase (ADA)
 Deficiency, alpha-1 antitrypsin
 Deficiency, alpha-galactosidase A
 Deficiency, ankyrin
 Deficiency, calcium
 Deficiency, ceruloplasmin
 Deficiency, FALDH
 Deficiency, FAO
 Deficiency, fatty alcohol: NAD+ oxidoreductase
 Deficiency, fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase
 Deficiency, GALT
 Deficiency, glucocerebrosidase
 Deficiency, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
 Deficiency, hex-A
 Deficiency, hexosaminidase A
 Deficiency, iron
 Deficiency, lactase
 Deficiency, LCHAD
 Deficiency, magnesium
 Deficiency, niacin
 Deficiency, phenylalanine hydroxylase
 Deficiency, protein C
 Deficiency, selenium
 Deficiency, sphingomyelinase
 Deficiency, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase
 Deficiency, UROD
 Deficiency, uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
 Deficiency, vitamin K
 Deficiency, zinc
 Deformation
 Deformity, cauliflower-ear
 Deformity, Klippel-Feil
 Degeneration, macular
 Degenerative arthritis
 Degenerative joint disease
 Deglutition
 Dehisce
 Dehydration
 Dehydroepiandrosterone
 Deinococcus radiodurans
 Deja vu
 Dejerine-Klumpke palsy
 Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis
 Delay, developmental
 Deletion
 Delirium
 Delirium tremens
 Delivery, breech
 Delivery, footling
 Delivery, vertex
 della Robbia
 Delta cell, pancreatic
 Delta-storage pool disease
 Deltoid
 Delusion
 Delusional jealousy
 Delusional parasitosis
 Demarcation
 Dementia
 Dementia complex, AIDS
 Dementia, hereditary multi-infarct
 Dementia, MELAS
 Dementia, multi-infarct
 Dementia, vascular
 Demonophobia
 Demulcent
 Demyelination
 Dendrite
 Dendritic
 Dendritic cell
 Denervate
 Denervation
 Dengue
 Dengue fever
 Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)
 Dengue shock syndrome
 Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Inst.
 Dental Association, American (ADA)
 Dental braces (orthodontics)
 Dental drill
 Dental impaction
 Dental pain (toothache)
 Dentin
 Denture
 Denver Developmental Screening Test
 Deoxyhemoglobin
 Deoxyribonucleic acid
 Department of Energy (DOE).
 Department of Health and Human Services
 Depigmentation
 Depo-Provera contraceptive
 Depression
 Depression, agitated
 Depression, bipolar
 Depression, dysthymia
 Depression, major
 Depression, winter
 Dercum disease
 Dermabrasion
 Dermal
 Dermatan sulfate
 Dermatitis
 Dermatitis and diarrhea, zinc deficiency
 Dermatitis herpetiformis
 Dermatitis, atopic
 Dermatitis, stasis
 Dermatofibroma
 Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
 Dermatoglyphic
 Dermatoglyphics
 Dermatographism
 Dermatologic
 Dermatologist
 Dermatology
 Dermatome
 Dermatomyositis
 Dermatopathy
 Dermatophytic onychomycosis
 Dermatoscopy
 Dermatosis
 Dermicidin
 Dermis
 Dermoid
 Dermoid cyst of the ovary
 Dermopathy
 Dermopathy, diabetic
 Descending aorta
 Descending pathway
 Desensitization, allergy
 Desert fever
 Desiccate
 Designer estrogen
 Designer steroid
 Desmoid tumor
 Desmoplasia
 Desmoplastic
 Desmoplastic reaction
 Desquamate
 Desquamation
 Detox
 Detoxify
 Deuteranomaly
 Deuteranopia
 Deuterium
 Development
 Development, Human, . . . (NICHD)
 Developmental delay
 Developmental dislocation of the hip (DDH)
 Developmental disorder
 Developmental disorder, specific
 Developmental dyspraxia
 Deviated septum
 Deviation of the nasal septum
 Device, assistive
 Device, medical
 Dextro-
 Dextrocardia
 Dextromethorphan
 Dextroposition
 Dextroposition of the heart
 Dextrose

 DHF (dengue hemorrhagic fever)
 Di Bella cancer therapy
 Di-
 Dia-
 Diabesity
 Diabetes
 Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
 Diabetes Association, American (ADA)
 Diabetes insipidus
 Diabetes mellitus
 Diabetes skin condition
 Diabetes, adult-onset
 Diabetes, brittle
 Diabetes, gestational
 Diabetes, insulin-dependent
 Diabetes, insulin-resistant
 Diabetes, juvenile
 Diabetes, juvenile-onset
 Diabetes, ketosis-prone
 Diabetes, labile
 Diabetes, non-insulin-dependent
 Diabetes, type 1
 Diabetes, type 2
 Diabetes, unstable
 Diabetic coma
 Diabetic dermatology
 Diabetic dermopathy
 Diabetic eye disease
 Diabetic ketoacidosis
 Diabetic macular edema
 Diabetic musculoskeletal disorder
 Diabetic nephropathy
 Diabetic neuropathy
 Diabetic retinopathy
 Diabetic shock
 Diabetic spinal cord disease
 Diabetic xanthoma
 Diabulimia
 Diacetyl
 Diachronic
 Diachronic study
 Diagnosis
 Diagnosis, differential
 Diagnosis, retrospective
 Diagnostic mammogram
 Dialectical behavioral therapy
 Dialysis
 Dialysis machine
 Dialysis, peritoneal
 Diamond-Blackfan Anemia
 Diaper rash
 Diaper rash, yeast
 Diaphragm (contraceptive)
 Diaphragm (muscle)
 Diaphragm pacing
 Diaphragmatic hernia
 Diaphragmatic pacing
 Diarrhea
 Diarrhea and dermatitis, zinc deficiency
 Diarrhea, antibiotic-induced
 Diarrhea, Brainerd
 Diarrhea, E. coli hemorrhagic
 Diarrhea, rotavirus
 Diarrhea, traveler's
 Diastole
 Diastolic
 Diastrophic dysplasia
 Diathermy
 Diathesis
 Dibenzoxazepine
 Dicentric chromosome
 Dicysteine
 Did not attend (DNA)
 Diesel exhaust
 Diesel exhaust particle
 Diet, Atkins
 Diet, DASH
 Diet, Mediterranean
 Diethylstilbestrol
 Diff dx
 Differential diagnosis
 Differential white cell count
 Differentiated cancer
 Differentiation
 Differentiation therapy
 Difficult urination
 Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis
 Diffuse degeneration of gray matter with cirrhosis
 Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
 Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG)
 Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
 Diffuse mastocytosis
 Diffuse toxic goiter
 DiGeorge syndrome
 Digestive a Kidney Dis, Nat'l Inst Diabetes and
 Digestive system
 Digit
 Digit, supernumerary
 Digital rectal exam
 Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
 Dihydrotestosterone
 Dihydroxyacetone
 Dilatate
 Dilatation
 Dilate
 Dilated cardiomyopathy
 Dilating
 Dilation
 Dilation and curettage
 Dilation, pupil
 Dilation, pupil (test)
 Dilator
 Dinucleotide
 Diogenes syndrome
 Dioscorides
 Dioxin
 Dip, paraffin
 Dip, wax
 Dipeptide
 Diphallia
 Diphtheria
 Diploe
 Diploid
 Diplopia
 Diplopia, binocular
 Diplopia, monocular
 Dipper
 Diprosopus
 Dipsophobia
 Dipsosis
 Direct-entry midwife
 Directed DNA sequencing
 Directives, advance
 Directives, advance medical
 Dirofilaria immitis
 Disaster supplies kit
 Disc
 Disc, cervical
 Disc, optic
 Disc, slipped
 Discharge
 Discharge, breast
 Discharge, nipple
 Discography discogram
 Discoid lupus
 Discordance
 Discordant
 Discordant couple
 Disease
 Disease names
 Disease nomenclature
 Disease surveillance
 Disease, acute respiratory
 Disease, Addison
 Disease, adult celiac
 Disease, Alexander
 Disease, Alpers
 Disease, alveolar hydatid
 Disease, Alzheimer
 Disease, Anderson-Fabry
 Disease, autoimmune
 Disease, Behcet's
 Disease, Bernard-Soulier
 Disease, Binswanger
 Disease, bipolar
 Disease, black lung
 Disease, Bornholm
 Disease, Bowen's
 Disease, Bright's
 Disease, Brill-Zinsser
 Disease, Canavan
 Disease, cardiovascular
 Disease, Castleman
 Disease, cat scratch
 Disease, Chagas
 Disease, Charcot-Marie-Tooth
 Disease, chronic obstructive lung (COLD)
 Disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary (COPD)
 Disease, chronic wasting
 Disease, clinical
 Disease, congenital heart
 Disease, Conor and Bruch
 Disease, coronary artery
 Disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD)
 Disease, Crohn
 Disease, Cushing
 Disease, cystine transport
 Disease, degenerative joint
 Disease, delta-storage pool
 Disease, exaggerated startle
 Disease, Fabry
 Disease, Fahr
 Disease, fifth
 Disease, Fong
 Disease, foot-and-mouth
 Disease, Forestier
 Disease, Gaucher type 1
 Disease, Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker
 Disease, Gilbert
 Disease, graft-versus-host
 Disease, Graves
 Disease, guinea worm
 Disease, gum
 Disease, hand-foot-and-mouth
 Disease, Hansen
 Disease, Heberden
 Disease, hemolytic, of the newborn
 Disease, Hirschsprung
 Disease, His
 Disease, His-Werner
 Disease, Hodgkin (adult)
 Disease, Hodgkin (Hodgkin lymphoma)
 Disease, Huntington
 Disease, hyaline membrane
 Disease, hydroxyapatite crystal
 Disease, inflammatory bowel
 Disease, Jakob's
 Disease, Jakob-Creutzfeldt
 Disease, Kawasaki
 Disease, Keshan
 Disease, Kikuchi
 Disease, Kimmelstiel-Wilson
 Disease, kissing
 Disease, Kok
 Disease, Kostmann
 Disease, Legg
 Disease, Legg-Calve-Perthes
 Disease, Legg-Perthes
 Disease, Legionnaire
 Disease, lipid storage
 Disease, Lobstein's
 Disease, Lou Gehrig
 Disease, mad deer
 Disease, manic-depressive
 Disease, maple syrup urine
 Disease, Marburg
 Disease, Menetrier's
 Disease, Meniere
 Disease, Minamata
 Disease, mitochondrial
 Disease, mixed connective tissue
 Disease, new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
 Disease, Niemann-Pick
 Disease, Norwalk
 Disease, occupational
 Disease, Osgood-Schlatter
 Disease, Osler-Rendu-Weber
 Disease, Paget
 Disease, Parkinson
 Disease, Parry's
 Disease, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher
 Disease, pelvic inflammatory (PID)
 Disease, phytanic acid storage
 Disease, Pick
 Disease, Plummer's
 Disease, polycystic kidney
 Disease, polycystic ovarian
 Disease, polycystic ovary
 Disease, polygenic
 Disease, pulseless
 Disease, Quincke's
 Disease, Ramsay Hunt
 Disease, Raynaud
 Disease, Refsum
 Disease, Rendu-Osler-Weber
 Disease, rheumatic heart
 Disease, Ritter
 Disease, rotator cuff
 Disease, rotavirus
 Disease, sickle cell
 Disease, single gene
 Disease, sixth
 Disease, sleeping
 Disease, startle
 Disease, Stein-Leventhal
 Disease, Still
 Disease, subclinical
 Disease, Takayasu
 Disease, Tay-Sachs
 Disease, Tsutsugamushi
 Disease, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
 Disease, von Recklinghausen
 Disease, Vrolik's
 Disease, Werner-His
 Disease, Whipple
 Disease, Whitmore's
 Disease, Wilson
 Disease-free survival
 Diseases related to obesity
 Diseases, Infectious, Nat'l Inst of Allergy &
 Diseases, inherited metabolic
 Diseases, Musculoskeletal, Nat'l Inst
 Diseases, rickettsial
 Disinsection
 Disk, intervertebral
 Dislocated shoulder
 Dislocation of the radial head
 Dislocation, congenital hip
 Disorder, anxiety
 Disorder, articulation
 Disorder, attention deficit (ADD)
 Disorder, autoimmune
 Disorder, bipolar
 Disorder, borderline personality
 Disorder, central auditory processing
 Disorder, cephalic
 Disorder, mathematics
 Disorder, orgasmic
 Disorder, seasonal affective (SAD)
 Disorder, social anxiety
 Disorder, specific developmental
 Disordered thinking
 Disorders, lymphoproliferative
 Disorders, myeloproliferative
 Disruption sequence
 Dissect
 Dissecting aneurysm
 Dissection
 Dissection, aortic
 Dissection, axillary
 Dissection, neck
 Dissection, radical neck
 Disseminated sclerosis
 Disseminated vaccinia
 Dissociation
 Distal
 Distance healing
 Distention
 Distichiasis
 Disto-
 Disulfaram-like reaction
 Diuresis
 Diuretic
 Diurnal
 Diverticula
 Diverticulitis
 Diverticulitis, bleeding from
 Diverticulitis, treatment of acute
 Diverticulosis
 Diverticulosis/diverticulitis and fiber
 Diverticulum
 Diverticulum, hypopharyngeal
 Diverticulum, Meckel's
 Diverticulum, pharyngoesophageal
 Diverticulum, Zenker
 Diving injury
 Dizygotic twin
 Dizziness
 Dizziness, anxiety as a cause of
 Dizziness, pre-syncopal

 DKK1
 DM
 DM1
 DM2
 DMD (dystonia musculorum deformans)
 DNA (did not attend)
 DNA (figurative)
 DNA amplification
 DNA assembly
 DNA cloning
 DNA forensics
 DNA molecules, recombinant
 DNA polymerase
 DNA repair
 DNA repair gene
 DNA repair gene, Med1
 DNA repair pathway
 DNA replication
 DNA sequence
 DNA sequence, draft
 DNA sequence, finished
 DNA splicing, alternative
 DNA technology, recombinant
 DNA virus
 DNA, coding
 DNA, junk
 DNA, mitochondrial
 DNA, nongenetic
 DNA, repetitive
 DNA, satellite
 Do not resuscitate order
 Dobelle
 Dobelle, William H.
 Doc
 Docosahexaenoic acid
 Doctor
 Doctor discontent
 Doctor-assisted suicide
 Doctors Without Borders
 Doctors' symbol
 Dog Bite
 Dog genome
 Dog heartworm
 Dol
 Dolor
 Domagk, Gerhard
 Domain
 Dominant
 Dominant, autosomal
 Donald Fredrickson
 Donor
 Donor insemination
 Donor lymphocyte infusion
 Donor, universal
 Dopa
 Dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD)
 Dopamine
 Doppler ultrasound
 Doraphobia
 Dorian Gray effect
 Dormant tuberculosis
 Dorothy Hodgkin
 Dorsal
 Dorsum
 Dose, absorbed
 Double contrast barium enema
 Double helix
 Double pneumonia
 Double-blind
 Double-blinded study
 Double-jointed
 Double-masked
 Douche
 Douching
 Douglas, pouch of
 Doula
 Dowager's hump
 Down syndrome
 Down syndrome critical region
 Down syndrome features
 Down-regulation
 Downregulation
 Doxorubicin cardiomyopathy
 Doxycycline
 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
 Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy

 DPC4
 DPT immunization
 DR syndrome
 Dr. Andrew Weil
 Dr. Joseph Moscati
 Dracunculiasis
 Draft DNA sequence
 Drain
 Drain, Jackson Pratt
 Drain, Jackson-Pratt
 Drain, JP
 Drain, Penrose
 Dravet syndrome severe myoclonic epilepsy infants
 DRE (digital rectal exam)
 Dream, pre-sleep
 Dreams
 Dressler syndrome
 Drill, dental
 Drip
 Drop attack
 Drop seizure
 Dropsy
 Drosophila
 Drosophila genome
 Drug activity
 Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
 Drug resistance
 Drug test
 Drug, ACE-inhibitor
 Drug, anti-infective
 Drug, antibiotic
 Drug, antifungal
 Drug, antihypertensive
 Drug, antimicrobial
 Drug, antiprotozoal
 Drug, antithyroid
 Drug, antiviral
 Drug, generic
 Drug, over-the-counter (OTC)
 Drug, prescription
 Drug, sulfa
 Drug, tocolytic
 Drug-induced liver disease
 Drug-resistant tuberculosis
 Drug-transporter gene
 Drugs during pregnancy, dangerous
 Drugs, anti-angiogenesis
 Drugs, statin
 Drugs, teratogenic
 Drunkorexia
 Drusen
 DRVs (Daily Reference Values)
 Dry eye
 Dry mouth
 Dry skin

 DSS1
 DT
 DT immunization
 DTaP
 DTaP immunization
 Dual energy X-ray absorptometry
 Dual X-ray absorptometry
 Duane and radial ray anomaly with deafness
 Duane retraction syndrome
 Duane syndrome
 Duane-radial ray syndrome
 Dubowitz syndrome
 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
 Duchenne-Erb palsy
 Duchenne-Erb paralysis
 Duct
 Duct of Bellini
 Duct, ejaculatory
 Duct, hepatic
 Ductal carcinoma in situ
 Ductal carcinoma of the breast, infiltrating
 Ductular hypoplasia, syndromatic hepatic
 Ductus
 Ductus arteriosus
 Ductus, patent
 Due date
 Duloxetine
 Dumdum fever
 Dummy
 Dumping syndrome
 Duodenal
 Duodenal biliary drainage
 Duodenal ulcer
 Duodenitis
 Duodenum
 Duplication
 Dupuytren contracture
 Dupuytren, Guillaume
 Dura
 Dura mater
 Durable power of attorney
 Dural
 Dural sac
 Dursban
 Dust mite
 Dutch-Kentucky syndrome

 DV
 DVT (deep vein thrombosis)
 Dwarf
 Dwarfism
 Dwarfism, achondroplastic
 Dwarfism, pituitary
 Dwarfism, thanatophoric
 Dx
 DXA bone scan
 Dyad
 Dynacin
 Dynein
 Dys-
 Dysarthria
 Dyscalculia
 Dyscrasia
 Dysentery
 Dysentery, amebic
 Dysfunction
 Dysfunction, erectile
 Dysfunction, orgasmic
 Dysgeusia
 Dysgraphia
 Dyshidrotic eczema
 Dyskeratosis congenita
 Dyskinesia
 Dyslexia
 Dyslipidemia
 Dysmetabolic syndrome X
 Dysmorphic feature
 Dysmorphology
 Dysmorphophobia
 Dysmotility syndrome
 Dysostosis, cleidocranial
 Dyspareunia
 Dyspepsia
 Dyspeptic
 Dysphagia
 Dysphasia
 Dysphonia
 Dysphonia, spasmodic
 Dysphonia, spastic
 Dysphoria
 Dysphoric mania
 Dysplasia
 Dysplasia, arteriohepatic
 Dysplasia, bronchopulmonary
 Dysplasia, cleidocranial
 Dysplasia, congenital hip
 Dysplasia, faciodigitogenital
 Dysplasia, faciogenital
 Dysplasia, thanatophoric
 Dysplastic nevi
 Dysplastic nevus
 Dyspnea
 Dyspnoea
 Dyspraxia
 Dyspraxia of speech
 Dyspraxia, developmental
 Dysthymia
 Dystocia
 Dystocia, cervical
 Dystocia, fetal
 Dystocia, placental
 Dystocia, shoulder
 Dystonia
 Dystonia musculorum deformans (DMD)
 Dystonia, cranial
 Dystonia, dopa-responsive (DRD)
 Dystonia, focal, due to blepharospasm
 Dystonia, focal, due to torticollis
 Dystonia, idiopathic torsion
 Dystonia, laryngeal
 Dystonia, oromandibular
 Dystonia, Segawa
 Dystonia, torsion
 Dystrophia brevicollis congenita
 Dystrophic calcification
 Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
 Dystrophica myotonia
 Dystrophica myotonia 2
 Dystrophy, autoimmune polyendocrinopathy
 Dystrophy, cone
 Dystrophy, corneal
 Dystrophy, lattice
 Dystrophy, muscular
 Dystrophy, myotonic
 Dysuria

 E cigarettes
 E. coli
 E. coli hemorrhagic diarrhea
 E. coli O157:H7
 E2F transcription factor 3
 E2F3
 Eagle syndrome
 Ear
 Ear bones
 Ear canal, self-cleaning
 Ear cleaning (by a doctor)
 Ear cleaning (yourself)
 Ear drum
 Ear hematoma
 Ear infection, middle (acute)
 Ear piercing
 Ear pit
 Ear puncture
 Ear ringing
 Ear tag
 Ear thermometer
 Ear tubes
 Ear wax
 Ear, cauliflower
 Ear, external
 Ear, foreign object in
 Ear, inner
 Ear, internal
 Ear, low-set
 Ear, malrotated
 Ear, middle
 Ear, outer
 Ear, slanted
 Earache
 Eardrum
 Early-onset familial Alzheimer disease
 Earthquake supplies kit
 Eastern equine encephalitis
 Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet
 EB (epidermolysis bullosa)
 EBA (epidermolysis bullosa acquisita)
 EBCT (electron beam computerized tomography)
 Ebola virus
 EBS (epidermolysis bullosa simplex)
 EC
 Ecchymosis
 Ecchymotic
 Echinacea
 Echinococcosis
 Echinococcus
 Echocardiography
 Echocardiography, stress
 Echocardiography, transesophageal
 Echolalia
 Echopraxia
 Echovirus
 Eclampsia
 Eclosion
 ECochG
 ECoG
 Ecogenetics
 Economy class syndrome
 Ecstasy
 Ecstatic
 Ectoderm
 Ectodermal
 Ectodermal dysplasia
 Ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis
 ectomy
 Ectoparasite
 Ectoparasitosis
 Ectopia cordis
 Ectopic
 Ectopic pregnancy
 Ectrodactyly
 Ectromelia virus
 Ectropion
 Eczema
 Eczema vaccinatum
 Eczema, allergic contact
 Eczema, contact
 Eczema, dyshidrotic
 Eczema, nummular
 Eczema, seborrheic

 Ed Lewis
 Edema
 Edema, hereditary angioneurotic
 Edema, lymphatic
 Edentulism
 Edentulous
 EDS (excessive daytime sleepiness)
 Edward B. Lewis
 Edwards syndrome
 Effacement
 Effect, founder
 Effective dose
 Effects, fetal rubella
 Efferent
 Efferent nerve
 Efferent vessel
 Effusion
 Effusion, pericardial
 Effusion, pleural
 Egg
 Egg donor
 Egg sac
 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VIIC
 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, dermatosparaxis type
 Ehrlich, Paul
 Ehrlichiosis
 Eicosanoid
 Eicosapentaenoic acid
 Eidetic
 Eight-day measles
 Eighth cranial nerve
 Eileithyia
 Eisoptrophobia
 Ejaculate
 Ejaculation
 Ejaculatory duct
 Ejection fraction
 ELA2
 Elastase
 Elastase 1
 Elastase 2
 Elastase inhibitor
 Elastic fiber
 Elasticin
 Elastin
 Elastin degrading enzyme
 Elavil
 Elbow
 Elbow bursitis
 Elbow bursitis, treatment of
 Elbow dislocation
 Elbow joint
 Elbow pain
 Elbow subluxation
 Elbow, arthritis of the
 Elbow, cellulitis of the
 Elbow, golfer's
 Elbow, tennis
 Elbow, tip of the
 Elder abuse
 Elective
 Elective mutism
 Elective surgery
 Electro-oculography
 Electrocardiogram
 Electrocoagulation
 Electrocochleography
 Electroconvulsive therapy
 Electrodesiccation
 Electroencephalogram
 Electrogastrogram
 Electrolarynx
 Electrolysis
 Electrolyte
 Electromagnetic field therapy
 Electromyogram
 Electromyogram, surface
 Electron beam computerized tomography (EBCT)
 Electron microscope
 Electron microscopy
 Electronystagmogram
 Electrophoresis
 Electrophoretic
 Electrophrenic respiration
 Electrophysiologic
 Electrophysiologic retinal testing
 Electrophysiologic study of the heart
 Electrophysiologic testing of the retina
 Electrophysiology
 Electroretinogram
 Electroretinography
 Electroshock therapy
 Electrosurgery
 Elephantiasis
 Elevated hemidiaphragm
 Eleventh cranial nerve
 Elizabeth Blackwell
 Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
 Elizabethkingia
 Elliptocytosis
 Ellis-van Creveld syndrome

 EM (electron microscope)
 Emboli
 Embolism
 Embolism, crossed
 Embolism, Fat
 Embolism, paradoxical
 Embolism, pulmonary
 Embolization
 Embolus
 Embryo
 Embryonal carcinoma
 Embryonic hemoglobin
 Emergency birth control
 Emergency code
 Emergency contraception
 Emergency department
 Emergency medical technician
 Emergency physician
 Emergency postcoital contraception
 Emergency supplies kit
 Emerging infectious disease
 Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
 Emesis
 Emetic
 Emetophobia
 EMG syndrome
 EMG, surface
 emia
 Emotional child abuse
 Emotional eating
 Emphysema
 Empiric risk
 Empirical
 Empirical midwife
 Employment Retirement Income Security Act
 Empty nose syndrome
 Empyema
 Enanthem
 Enate
 Encapsulated
 Encephalitis
 Encephalitis, arboviral
 Encephalitis, eastern equine
 Encephalitis, flavivirus
 Encephalitis, LAC
 Encephalitis, LaCrosse
 Encephalitis, Nipah virus
 Encephalitis, Rasmussen
 Encephalitis, St. Louis
 Encephalitis, viral
 Encephalitis, West Nile
 Encephalomyelitis
 Encephalopathic syndrome
 Encephalopathy
 Encephalopathy, mitochondrial (MELAS)
 Enchondromatosis
 Encopresis
 End stage
 End-of-life assistant
 End-of-life companion
 End-of-the-road disease
 End-stage renal disease
 Endarterectomy
 Endemic
 Endemic typhus
 Endep
 Endocannabinoid
 Endocardial
 Endocarditis
 Endocardium
 Endocervical curettage
 Endochondral bone
 Endocrine
 Endocrine gland
 Endocrinology
 Endocrinopathy
 Endoderm
 Endodermal
 Endogenous
 Endometrial ablation
 Endometrial biopsy
 Endometrial cancer
 Endometrial hyperplasia
 Endometrioid cyst
 Endometrioma
 Endometriosis
 Endometriosis interna
 Endometriosis uterina
 Endometritis
 Endometrium
 Endonuclease
 Endopeptidase
 Endoplasmic reticulum
 Endorectal MRI
 Endorphin
 Endoscope
 Endoscopic gastrostomy, percutaneous (PEG)
 Endoscopic papillotomy
 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
 Endoscopic sphincterotomy
 Endoscopic ultrasound
 Endoscopy
 Endoscopy, upper
 Endostatin
 Endothelial
 Endothelial progenitor cell
 Endothelium
 Endotherm
 Endotracheal tube
 Endourologist
 Endovaginal ultrasound
 Endovascular aneurysm repair
 Enediyne
 Enema
 Enema, barium
 Enervate
 Enervation
 Enfeeble
 Engagement
 Engram
 Enhanced external counterpulsation
 Enkephalinase
 Enlarged heart
 Enlarged liver
 Enlarged spleen
 Enlarged thyroid
 Enophthalmos
 Enoxaparin
 ENT physician
 Entamoeba histolytica
 Enteral
 Enteral nutrition
 Enteric
 Enteric-coated
 Enteritis, Crohn
 Enteritis, regional
 Entero-
 Enterobiasis
 Enterocele
 Enterococcus
 Enterocolitis, Crohn
 Enteropathy
 Enteropathy, gluten
 Enteropathy, protein-losing
 Enteroplasty
 Enteroscopy
 Enterospasm
 Enterostomal therapist
 Enterostomy
 Enterovirus
 Entomology
 Entomology, medical
 Entomophobia
 Enucleation
 Enuresis
 Environment
 Environmental medicine
 Environmental Protection Agency
 Environmental tobacco smoke
 Environmental toxicology
 Enzootic
 Enzyme
 Enzyme defect
 Enzyme replacement
 Enzyme, lysosomal
 Enzyme, restriction
 Enzyme, Warburg's yellow
 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
 Enzymes
 Enzymes, yellow

 Eosinophil
 Eosinophilia
 Eosinophilia, familial
 Eosinophilic fasciitis
 Eosinophilic leukocyte
 Eosinophilic meningitis
 Ependymoma
 Ephedra
 Ephelides
 Ephelis
 Epi-
 Epicanthal fold
 Epicardium
 Epicondylitis
 Epicondylitis, lateral
 Epidemic
 Epidemic hemorrhagic fever
 Epidemic myalgia
 Epidemic scorecard
 Epidemic typhus
 Epidemiologist
 Epidemiology, classical
 Epidemiology, clinical
 Epidermal
 Epidermal growth factor
 Epidermal growth factor receptor
 Epidermis
 Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV)
 Epidermoid carcinoma
 Epidermolysis bullosa
 Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
 Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
 Epididymis
 Epididymitis
 Epidural
 Epidural anesthetic
 Epidural hematoma
 Epigastrium
 Epigenetic
 Epigenetics
 Epiglottis
 Epiglottitis, acute
 Epilation
 Epilepsy
 Epilepsy, grand mal
 Epilepsy, Jacksonian
 Epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic
 Epilepsy, partial
 Epilepsy, petit mal
 Epilepsy, temporal lobe
 Epilepsy, temporal-lobe
 Epinephrine
 EpiPen
 Epiphenomenon
 Epiphysis
 Epiretinal membrane
 Episclera
 Episcleritis
 Episiotomy
 Epispadias
 Epistaxis
 Epistaxis, treatment of
 Epistemic
 Epithelial
 Epithelial basement corneal dystrophy
 Epithelial carcinoma
 Epithelioid sarcoma
 Epithelium
 Epitope
 Epizootic
 EPO (erythropoietin)
 EPO test
 Eponym
 Epsom salt
 Epstein-Barr virus

 Equinophobia
 Equol
 ER
 Erb palsy
 Erb paralysis
 Erb's palsy
 ErbB
 ErbB1
 Erectile dysfunction
 Erection, penile
 Ergonomics
 Ergophobia
 Ergot
 Ergotism
 Erosion
 Erosive osteoarthritis
 Erotic jealousy syndrome
 Erotomania
 Error of the first kind
 Error of the second kind
 Error, alpha
 Error, beta
 Error, type I
 Error, type II
 Errors of metabolism, inborn
 ERT (estrogen replacement therapy)
 Eructation
 Eruption, bather's
 Eruptive xanthoma
 Erythema
 Erythema chronicum migrans
 Erythema dose
 Erythema infectiosum
 Erythema multiforme
 Erythema nodosum
 Erythrasma
 Erythrocyanosis
 Erythrocyte
 Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 (EPB41)
 Erythrodermic psoriasis
 Erythroleukemia
 Erythromycin
 Erythrophobia
 Erythroplakia
 Erythropoietin (EPO)
 Erythropoietin test
 Erythroprosopalgia
 Eschar
 Escherichia coli
 Eskalith
 Esophageal
 Esophageal acid infusion test
 Esophageal cancer
 Esophageal cancer with tylosis
 Esophageal reflux
 Esophageal speech
 Esophageal stricture, acute
 Esophageal stricture, chronic
 Esophageal ulcer
 Esophagectomy
 Esophagitis
 Esophagogastric tamponade
 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
 Esophagoscopy
 Esophagram
 Esophagus
 Esophagus cancer
 Esotropia
 Essential
 Essential fatty acid
 Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
 Essential oil
 Essential tremor
 Essential vulvodynia
 EST (expressed sequence tag)
 Estimated date of confinement (EDC)
 Estrogen
 Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT)
 Estrogen, designer
 Estrogen-associated blood clots
 Estrogen-associated hypercoagulability
 Estrogen/progestin therapy
 Estrogens

 ET
 Ethmoid
 Ethmoid bone
 Ethmoid sinus
 Ethnography
 Ethyl acrylate
 Ethylene glycol poisoning
 Ethylene oxide
 Etiology
 ETM1
 ETM2
 Etymology, medical
 Eugenics
 Eukaryote
 Eukaryotic
 Euphenics
 Euphoria
 Euploid
 European typhus
 Eustachian tube
 Euthanasia
 Euthanasia, active
 Euthyroid
 Evacuation supplies kit
 Evening primrose oil
 Event
 Event, adverse
 Evert
 Evertor
 Evidence based medicine
 Evidence-based medicine
 Evolution
 Evolution, biologic
 Evolutionarily conserved gene
 Evolutionarily conserved sequence
 Ewing sarcoma
 Exacerbate
 Exacerbation
 Exaggerated startle disease
 Examination, digital rectal (DRE)
 Examination, postmortem
 Exanthem
 Exanthem subitum
 Excess iron
 Excess selenium
 Excess, calcium
 Excessive daytime sleepiness
 Exchange, gas
 Excimer laser
 Excise
 Excision
 Excisional
 Excisional biopsy
 Exclamation point hair
 Excoriate
 Excrescence
 Exemestane
 Exercise cardiac stress testing
 Exercise cardiac treadmill
 Exercise test
 Exercise treadmill test
 Exercise, aerobic
 Exercise, isometric
 Exercise, isotonic
 Exercise, passive
 Exercise-induced asthma
 Exercise-induced bronchospasm
 Exfoliate
 Exfoliation syndrome
 Exhaustion, heat
 Exhibitionism
 Exocrine
 Exocrine gland
 Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)
 Exogenous
 Exogenous DNA
 Exomphalos-macroglossia-gigantism syndrome
 Exon
 Exonuclease
 Exopeptidase
 Exophthalmos
 Exotropia
 Expectorant
 Expectoration
 Expiration date
 Explant
 Explicit memory
 Exploding head syndrome
 Expressed sequence tag (EST)
 Expression, gene
 Expressivity
 Expulsion, stage of
 Exstrophy
 Extended family
 Extended spectrum beta lactamases ESBLs
 Extension
 External ear
 External fixation
 External genitalia, female
 External genitalia, male
 External jugular vein
 External radiation therapy
 Extra systole
 Extracellular
 Extracolonic
 Extracorporeal
 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
 Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
 Extracranial
 Extracranial hematoma
 Extradural hematoma
 Extrafallopian
 Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
 Extrapyramidal side effects
 Extrapyramidal system
 Extrasystole
 Extrauterine
 Extrauterine pregnancy
 Extravasate
 Extremely low birth weight (ELBW) baby
 Extremity
 Extremophile
 Extrinsic
 Extubate
 Extubation
 Exudate
 Exudative angina

 Eye
 Eye bank
 Eye bleed
 Eye cataract
 Eye chart test
 Eye chart, Snellen's
 Eye color
 Eye Institute, National
 Eye Institute, National (NEI)
 Eye melanoma
 Eye pressure test
 Eye retraction syndrome
 Eye, absent
 Eye, dry
 Eye, lazy
 Eye, no
 Eye, small
 Eyedrop test
 Eyelash
 Eyelid
 Eyelid granulation
 Eyelid myokymia
 Eyelids, adult ptosis of the
 Eyelids, congenital ptosis of the
 Eyes, flashing lights in the
 Eyes, glaucoma
 Eyes, spots in front of the
 Eyetooth

 F (coefficient of inbreeding)
 F (symbol)
 Fabricated illness by proxy
 Fabry disease
 Face, masklike
 Facelift
 Facelift surgery risks
 Facial canal introitus
 Facial muscle
 Facial nerve
 Facial nerve paralysis
 Facies
 Facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum
 Facioauriculovertebral sequence
 Faciodigitogenital dysplasia
 Faciogenital dysplasia
 Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
 Factitious disease by proxy
 Factitious disorder by proxy
 Factor V
 Factor V Leiden
 Factor VIII
 Factor X
 Factor, colony-stimulating
 Factor, rheumatoid
 Facultative
 Facultative heterochromatin
 FAE (fetal alcohol effects)
 Fahr syndrome
 Fahrenheit
 Failure to thrive (FTT)
 Failure, adrenal
 Failure, autonomic
 Failure, heart
 Failure, respiratory
 Fainting (syncope)
 Falciparum malaria
 FALDH deficiency
 Fallopian tube
 False labor
 False negative
 False positive
 False rib
 False vocal cord
 False vocal fold
 Familial
 Familial adenomatous coli, autosomal recessive
 Familial adenomatous polyposis
 Familial adenomatous polyps, autosomal recessive
 Familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome (FASPS)
 Familial ALS
 Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
 Familial breast cancer
 Familial cancer
 Familial colorectal cancer
 Familial cylindromatosis
 Familial dysautonomia
 Familial eosinophilia
 Familial hypercholesterolemia
 Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
 Familial juvenile nephronophthisis (FJN)
 Familial lung cancer
 Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF)
 Familial mental retardation 1
 Familial mental retardation protein
 Familial Parkinson disease type 1
 Familial Parkinson disease type 10
 Familial Parkinson disease type 11
 Familial Parkinson disease type 2
 Familial Parkinson disease type 3
 Familial Parkinson disease type 4
 Familial Parkinson disease type 5
 Familial Parkinson disease type 6
 Familial Parkinson disease type 7
 Familial Parkinson disease type 8
 Familial Parkinson disease type 9
 Familial polyposis
 Familial polyposis of colon, autosomal recessive
 Familial polyposis of entire GI tract
 Familial primary pulmonary hypertension
 Familial tremor
 Family
 Family history
 Family history of colon cancer
 Family history of colon polyps
 Family history of colorectal cancer
 Family medicine
 Family physician
 Family planning, natural
 Family practice
 Family therapy
 Family, extended
 Family, gene
 Family, nuclear
 Fanconi anemia
 Fanconi pancytopenia
 Fantod
 FAO deficiency
 Fari Amini
 Fariborz Amini
 Farsightedness
 Fart
 FAS diagnosis
 FAS gene
 Fascia
 Fasciculation
 Fasciitis
 Fasciitis, eosinophilic
 Fasciitis, plantar
 Fascinoma
 Fasciola hepatica
 Fascioliasis
 Fasciolopsiasis
 Fasciolopsis
 Fasciolopsis buski
 Fasting
 Fasting blood glucose
 Fat
 Fat cell
 Fat embolism
 Fat requirements, infant
 Fat scales
 Fat, brown
 Fat, saturated
 Fat, trans
 Fat, unsaturated
 Fatal familial insomnia
 FATCO syndrome
 Father
 Fatigue
 Fats
 Fatty acid
 Fatty acid, trans
 Fatty acids
 Fatty acids,omega-3
 Fatty alcohol: NAD+ oxidoreductase deficiency
 Fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency
 Fatty liver of pregnancy, acute
 Fauces
 Fava bean
 Favism

 FBN1
 FDA recalls
 Fear of age
 Fear of animals
 Fear of bacteria
 Fear of bees
 Fear of being buried alive
 Fear of birds
 Fear of blood
 Fear of blushing
 Fear of bridges
 Fear of cats
 Fear of children
 Fear of closed spaces
 Fear of cold
 Fear of crossing bridges
 Fear of crossing streets
 Fear of demons
 Fear of depths
 Fear of dogs
 Fear of drinking alcohol
 Fear of dust
 Fear of feces
 Fear of flowers
 Fear of flying
 Fear of fur
 Fear of ghosts
 Fear of going to bed
 Fear of having a malformed child
 Fear of heat
 Fear of heights
 Fear of horses
 Fear of insects
 Fear of intercourse
 Fear of joy
 Fear of loneliness
 Fear of marriage
 Fear of men
 Fear of mirrors
 Fear of money
 Fear of new things
 Fear of nudity
 Fear of oneself
 Fear of pain
 Fear of pleasure
 Fear of public places
 Fear of self
 Fear of sexual intercourse
 Fear of sharks
 Fear of socializing
 Fear of solitude
 Fear of spiders
 Fear of the dark
 Fear of the number 13
 Fear of thunder
 Fear of thunderstorms
 Fear of travel
 Fear of vomiting
 Fear of water
 Fear of women
 Fear of work
 Fear of worms (parasitic)
 Febrile
 Febrile herpes
 Febrile seizure
 Fecal
 Fecal incontinence
 Fecal occult blood test
 Fecalith
 Feces
 Fecund
 Fecundity
 Federal Emergency Management Agency
 Fee for service
 Feed contaminant
 Feedback
 Feeding tube
 Feeding, breast
 Feet
 Felty syndrome
 Felty's syndrome
 Female
 Female condom
 Female external genitalia
 Female genitalia
 Female gonad
 Female internal genitalia
 Female organs of reproduction
 Female orgasmic dysfunction
 Female pelvis
 Female urethral meatus
 Female urethral opening
 Femara
 Femicide
 Femoral
 Femoral artery
 Femoral head, avascular necrosis of the
 Femoral vein
 Femur
 Fenestration
 Ferritin
 Ferrocalcinosis, cerebrovascular
 Ferroniere
 Fertile
 Fertility
 Fertility awareness
 Fertilization
 Fertilization, in vitro
 FET1
 Fetal alcohol effects (FAE)
 Fetal alcohol syndrome
 Fetal circulation
 Fetal distress
 Fetal dystocia
 Fetal fibronectin
 Fetal infant
 Fetal mortality rate
 Fetal pleural effusion
 Fetal rubella effects
 Fetal surgery
 Fetal vaccinia
 Fetishism
 Fetoprotein, alpha- (AFP)
 Fetoscope
 Fetoscopy
 Fetus
 FEV1
 Fever
 Fever blister
 Fever of Unknown Origin
 Fever therapy
 Fever with renal syndrome, hemorrhagic
 Fever, breakbone
 Fever, cat scratch
 Fever, chikungunya
 Fever, dandy
 Fever, dengue
 Fever, dengue hemorrhagic (DHF)
 Fever, desert
 Fever, dumdum
 Fever, Ebola virus
 Fever, epidemic hemorrhagic
 Fever, familial Mediterranean (FMF)
 Fever, five-day
 Fever, hemorrhagic
 Fever, jail
 Fever, Lassa
 Fever, Mediterranean
 Fever, Meuse
 Fever, Philippine hemorrhagic
 Fever, Pontiac
 Fever, puerperal
 Fever, Q
 Fever, quintan
 Fever, relapsing
 Fever, remittent
 Fever, rheumatic
 Fever, Rift Valley
 Fever, Rocky Mountain spotted (RMSF)
 Fever, scarlet
 Fever, shin bone
 Fever, Southeast Asian hemorrhagic
 Fever, splenic
 Fever, spotted
 Fever, Thai hemorrhagic
 Fever, tick
 Fever, trench
 Fever, typhoid
 Fever, typhus
 Fever, undulant
 Fever, valley
 Fever, West Nile
 Fever, Wolhynia
 Fever, yellow
 Feverfew

 fFN
 FGD1
 Fiber
 Fiber and bowel disorders
 Fiber and cholesterol
 Fiber and constipation
 Fiber and diabetes
 Fiber FISH
 Fiber, elastic
 Fiber, soluble and insoluble
 Fibrates for lowering cholesterol
 Fibril
 Fibrillation
 Fibrillation, atrial
 Fibrillation, auricular
 Fibrillation, ventricular
 Fibrillin 1
 Fibrin
 Fibrinogen
 Fibro fog
 Fibroadenoma
 Fibroblast
 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
 Fibrocystic breast condition
 Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP)
 Fibrofolliculomas, trichodiscomas and acrochordons
 Fibroid
 Fibroids
 Fibroma
 Fibroma, cemento-ossifying
 Fibroma, desmoplastic
 Fibroma, nonossifying
 Fibromyalgia
 Fibronectin, fetal
 Fibrosarcoma
 Fibrosis, cystic
 Fibrosis, premacular
 Fibrosis, pulmonary
 Fibrosis, radiation
 Fibrositis
 Fibrous dysplasia, monostotic
 Fibrous dysplasia, polyostotic
 Fibula
 Fibulin 3
 Fibulin 5
 Field, visual
 Fields disease
 Fievre boutonneuse
 Fifth cranial nerve
 Fifth disease
 Filariasis
 Filariasis, lymphatic
 Filgrastim
 Filial
 Filler
 Film
 Film, AP
 Film, lateral
 Film, PA
 Film, tear
 Filoviridae
 Filovirus
 Fine needle aspiration
 Finger prick
 Finger stick
 Fingernail
 Fingerprint
 Fingers, six
 Finished DNA sequence
 Fire ant sting
 Fire ants
 Fire gilding
 Fire supplies kit
 Fire, St. Anthony's
 Fireworks injury
 First American medical journal
 First American medical school
 First and second branchial arch syndrome
 First cranial nerve
 First degree burn
 First do no harm
 First stage of labor
 Fish bowl granuloma
 Fish odor syndrome
 Fish oil, omega-3
 Fisher's exact test
 Fissure
 Fissure, palpebral
 Fistula
 Fistula, anal
 Fistulize
 Five-day fever
 Five-lipoxygenase activating protein
 Five-lipoxygenase-activating protein
 Fixation, external
 Fixation, internal
 Fixative

 Flail chest
 Flank
 Flare
 Flashing
 Flat affect
 Flat condyloma
 Flat feet
 Flatfeet
 Flatfoot
 Flatulence
 Flatulent
 Flatus
 Flavin-containing monooxygenase-3 (FMO3)
 Flaviviridae
 Flavivirus
 Flavivirus encephalitis
 Flavoproteins
 Flax seed
 Flesh-eating bacteria
 Flexion
 Flexner Report
 Flexural psoriasis
 Floater
 Floating elbow
 Floating rib
 Floating-Harbor syndrome
 Flood
 Flood supplies kit
 Floppy baby syndrome
 Floppy valve syndrome
 Flora
 Florence R. Sabin
 Flores man
 Flow cytometry
 Flow karyotyping
 FLT-3 inhibitor
 Flu
 Flu shot
 Flu vaccine
 Flu, Asian
 Flu, avian
 Flu, bird
 Flu, Hong Kong
 Flu, Spanish
 Flu, stomach
 Fluctuating rib
 Fluid, cerebrospinal (CSF)
 Fluorescein angiography
 Fluorescent in situ hybridization
 Fluorescent microscope
 Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed test
 Fluoridation
 Fluoridation, water
 Fluoride
 Fluorobody
 Fluoroscopy
 Fluorosis
 Flush
 Flutter
 Flutter, atrial
 Flying, fear of

 FMF (familial Mediterranean fever)
 FMO3
 FMR1
 fMRI
 Focal
 Focal dystonia due to blepharospasm
 Focal dystonia due to torticollis
 Focal gigantism
 Focal motor seizure
 Focal sclerosis
 Focal seizure
 Focused H and P
 Folate
 Folding motif
 Foley catheter
 Folic acid
 Folinic acid
 Follicle stimulating hormone test FSH Definition
 Follicle, hair
 Follicular cyst of the ovary
 Folliculitis
 Fomentation
 Fondation Jean Dausset-CEPH
 Fong disease
 Fontanel (fontanelle)
 Food
 Food and Drug Administration
 Food insecure
 Food irradiation
 Food poisoning
 Food poisoning, Campylobacter
 Food security
 Food, functional
 Food, super
 Food-insecure
 Food-secure
 Foodborne disease
 Foot
 Foot drop
 Foot fungus
 Foot pain
 Foot type
 Foot, athlete
 Foot-and-mouth disease
 Foot-drop
 Foot-drop brace
 Footdrop
 Footling presentation
 Foramen
 Foramen magnum
 Foramen of Magendie
 Foramen ovale
 Foramen, interventricular
 Foramen, intervertebral
 Foramen, neural
 Foramina
 Foramina of Luschka
 Forced expiratory volume
 Forceps
 Forceps, obstetrical
 Forearm
 Foreign body airway obstruction
 Forensic
 Forensic anthropology
 Forensic genetics
 Forensic medicine
 Forensics, DNA
 Foreskin
 Foreskin and glans, inflammation of the
 Foreskin, inflammation of the
 Foreskin, tight
 Forestier disease
 Forget me
 Forgotten disease
 Formaldehyde
 Formalin
 Formication
 Formula feeding
 Formula, infant
 Formulary
 Fornication
 Fornices
 Fornix
 Fornix cerebri
 Fornix conjunctivae
 Fornix uteri
 Fornix vaginae
 Founder effect
 Four-finger crease
 Four-finger line
 Fournier's gangrene
 Fourth cranial nerve
 Fourth disease
 Fourth stage of labor
 Fourth ventricle
 Fovea
 Fovea centralis
 Fowl plague

 Fraction, ejection
 Fracture
 Fracture, basilar
 Fracture, clay-shoveler's
 Fracture, comminuted
 Fracture, compound
 Fracture, compression
 Fracture, greenstick
 Fracture, hangman's
 Fracture, open
 Fracture, Salter-Harris
 Fracture, spiral
 Fracture, stress
 Fracture, toddler's
 Fracture, torsion
 Fracture, torus
 Fracture, transverse
 Fractured hip
 Fragile site
 Fragile X chromosome
 Fragile X syndrome
 Fragile X tremor/ataxia syndrome
 Frailty syndrome
 Frambesia
 Frame, open reading
 Frame, reading
 Framingham Study
 Francis Crick
 Frankenfood
 Frasier syndrome
 Fraternal twin
 Freckle
 Freckles
 Fred L. Soper
 Fredrickson
 Fredrickson, Donald
 French disease
 French paradox
 Frenulum
 Frenum
 Frequency, urinary
 Freudian
 Frey syndrome
 Friedreich's ataxia
 Friend in dying
 Frigidity
 Frontal
 Frontal bone
 Frontal lobe
 Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD)
 Frostbite
 Frotteurism
 Frozen shoulder
 Fructose
 Fruit fly
 Fruitfly genome

 ft.
 FTA-ABS test
 Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy
 Fugue state
 Full gene sequence
 Fumarase deficiency
 Functional food
 Functional gene test
 Functional genomics
 Functional hemispherectomy
 Functional magnetic resonance imaging
 Functional scoliosis
 Fundoplication
 Fundus
 Fundus, retinal
 Fungal
 Fungal nail infection
 Fungi
 Fungicidal
 Fungicide
 Fungiform
 Fungiform papilla
 Fungistat
 Fungistatic
 Fungus
 Fungus, foot
 Funnel chest (pectus excavatum)
 Funny bone
 FUO (Fever of Unknown Origin)
 Furuncle
 Fusiform
 Fusiform aneurysm
 Fusion inhibitor
 Fusion, spinal
 Fusospirillary gingivitis
 Fusospirillosis
 Fusospirochetal gingivitis

 G
 g (gram)
 G protein
 G6PD deficiency
 Gage, Phineas
 Gain-of-function mutation
 Gait
 Gait, steppage
 Galactorrhea
 Galactose
 Galactosemia
 Galen
 Galenic arteriovenous malformation
 Galeophobia
 Gallbladder
 Gallbladder absence
 Gallbladder agenesis
 Gallium
 Gallop rhythm
 Gallstone pancreatitis
 Gallstones
 Gallstones and ERCP
 Gallstones, microscopic
 Gallus gallus
 Gallus gallus genome
 GALT deficiency
 Galton, Sir Francis
 Gamete
 Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)
 Gametic
 Gametic selection
 Gametogenesis
 Gametophobia
 Gamma globulin
 Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
 Gamma knife
 Gamma linolenic acid
 Gamma ray
 Gamma-linolenic acid
 Gamma-OH
 Ganglia, basal
 Ganglion
 Gangrene
 Gap junction
 Gap junction beta 2
 Gareis-Mason syndrome
 Gargoylism
 Garlic
 Gas chromatography (GC)
 Gas exchange
 Gas, intestinal
 Gas, laughing
 Gastrectomy
 Gastric
 Gastric atrophy
 Gastric banding
 Gastric cancer
 Gastric emptying study
 Gastric MALT lymphoma
 Gastric outlet
 Gastric outlet obstruction
 Gastric sleeve
 Gastric stapling
 Gastric ulcer
 Gastric volvulus
 Gastritis
 Gastroentenologist
 Gastroenteritis
 Gastroenterologic disease
 Gastroenterologist
 Gastroenterology
 Gastroesophageal
 Gastroesophageal junction
 Gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma
 Gastroesophageal reflux
 Gastrointestinal
 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
 Gastrointestinal tract
 Gastroparesis
 Gastropathy
 Gastropathy, hypertrophic hypoproteinemic
 Gastropathy, hypoproteinemic hypertrophic
 Gastroschisis
 Gastroscope
 Gastrostomy
 Gastrostomy, percutaneous endoscopic (PEG)
 Gaucher disease
 Gaucher disease, type 1
 Gaucher disease, types 2-5
 Gay
 Gay gene

 GB virus C
 GD
 GDF-8
 Geiger counter
 Gel electrophoresis
 Gelineau syndrome
 Gene
 Gene amplification
 Gene array analysis
 Gene deletion
 Gene duplication
 Gene expression
 Gene family
 Gene mapping
 Gene markers
 Gene pool
 Gene product
 Gene silencing
 Gene testing
 Gene transfer
 Gene, candidate
 Gene, evolutionarily conserved
 Gene, housekeeping
 Gene, marker
 Gene, Med1 DNA repair
 Gene, regulatory
 Gene, suicide
 Gene, transporter
 Gene, Y-linked
 Gene, zygotic lethal
 Gene-expression profiling
 General anesthesia
 General Clinical Research Center
 General paresis
 Generalized anxiety disorder
 Generalized tonic-clonic seizure
 Generic
 Generic drug
 Generic name, drug
 Genes
 Genes, breast cancer susceptibility
 genesis
 Genetic
 Genetic anticipation
 Genetic code
 Genetic counseling
 Genetic counselor
 Genetic discrimination
 Genetic disease
 Genetic immunodeficiency disease
 Genetic imprinting
 Genetic infantile agranulocytosis
 Genetic meltdown
 Genetic screening
 Genetic testing
 Genetic transformation
 Genetic transport defect
 Genetic transposition
 Genetics
 Genetics of Parkinson disease
 Genetics, forensic
 Genetics, transplantation
 Genital
 Genital herpes
 Genital wart
 Genitalia
 Genitalia, ambiguous
 Genitalia, female
 Genitalia, female external
 Genitalia, female internal
 Genitalia, intersexual
 Genitalia, male
 Genitalia, male external
 Genitalia, male internal
 Genitourinary (GU)
 Genome
 Genome annotation
 Genome Database
 Genome Research Institute, National Human
 Genome, Arabidopsis thaliana
 Genome, bee
 Genome, Bos taurus
 Genome, bovine
 Genome, C. elegans
 Genome, Caenorhabditis elegans
 Genome, canine
 Genome, chicken
 Genome, cholera
 Genome, chromosomal
 Genome, cow
 Genome, dog
 Genome, Drosophila
 Genome, fruitfly
 Genome, Haemophilus influenzae
 Genome, Hereford
 Genome, honey bee
 Genome, human
 Genome, mitochondrial
 Genome, mouse
 Genome, Mus musculus
 Genome, mustard Arabidopsis thaliana
 Genome, plague
 Genome, rice
 Genome, roundworm
 Genome, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
 Genome, Vibrio cholerae
 Genome, yeast
 Genome, Yersinia pestis
 Genomic
 Genomic imprinting
 Genomic library
 Genomic segment
 Genomics
 Genomics, structural
 Genoplasty
 Genotoxin
 Genotype
 Genu
 Geography, medical
 George W. Thorn
 Gephyrophobia
 Gerascophobia
 GERD surgery (fundoplication)
 Geriatric medicine
 Geriatrics
 Germ
 Germ cell
 Germ cell tumor
 Germ line
 German disease
 German measles immunization
 German measles vaccine
 Germanium
 Germinoma
 Germline mutation
 Germophobe (germaphobe)
 Gerontology
 Gerstmann-Straussler disease
 Gerstmann-Straussler syndrome
 Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease
 Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker syndrome
 Gertie F. Marx
 Gesell Developmental Schedules
 Gestalt therapy
 Gestation
 Gestation period
 Gestational carrier
 Gestational diabetes
 Gestational hypertension
 Gesundheit

 GI
 GI tract
 Giant cell arteritis
 Giant cell pneumonia
 Giant cell tumor of bone
 Giant cell tumor, malignant
 Giant hypertrophic gastritis
 Giant hypertrophy of gastric mucosa
 Giant intestinal fluke
 Giant platelet syndrome
 Giardia
 Giardia lamblia
 Giardiasis
 Gibbon
 Gibbon heart-lung machine
 Gibbon, John H., Jr.
 Gigantism
 Gigantism, eunuchoid
 Gigantism, focal
 Gigantism, pituitary
 Gilbert syndrome
 Ginger
 Gingiva
 Gingivitis
 Gingivitis, acute membranous
 Gingivitis, acute necrotizing ulcerative (ANUG)
 Gingivitis, fusospirillary
 Gingivitis, fusospirochetal
 Gingivitis, necrotizing
 Gingivitis, phagedenic
 Gingivitis, ulcerative
 Gingivitis, Vincent
 Gingko biloba
 Ginseng
 GJB2
 Glabella
 Gland
 Gland of external secretion
 Gland of internal secretion
 Gland, adrenal
 Gland, bulbourethral
 Gland, Cowper's
 Gland, endocrine
 Gland, exocrine
 Gland, lacrimal
 Gland, mammary
 Gland, Meibomian
 Gland, palpebral
 Gland, pituitary
 Gland, prostate
 Gland, salivary
 Gland, sublingual
 Gland, sudoriferous
 Gland, sweat
 Gland, tarsal
 Gland, thymus
 Gland, thyroid
 Glanders
 Glandular fever
 Glans
 Glans and foreskin, inflammation of the
 Glans penis, inflammation of the
 Glass eye
 Glaucoma
 Glaucoma detection
 Glaucoma treatment (laser)
 Glaucoma treatment (medical)
 Glaucoma treatment (surgery)
 Glaucoma, acute angle-closure
 Glaucoma, angle-closure
 Glaucoma, low tension
 Glaucoma, normal pressure
 Glaucoma, normal tension
 Glaucoma, risk factors
 Glaucoma, symptoms of
 Gleason score
 Glenn shunt
 Glenohumeral dislocation
 Glenoid labrum
 Gliadin
 Glial cell
 Glial fibrillary acidic protein
 Glioblastoma multiforme
 Glioma
 Glioma, optic
 Glioma, visual pathway
 Gliosis
 Glisson's capsule
 Gln
 Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Dis
 Global warming
 Globe, pale
 Globus
 Globus hystericus
 Globus major
 Globus minor
 Globus pallidus
 Glomerular
 Glomeruli
 Glomerulus
 Glossal
 Glossitis
 Glossolalia
 Glossopharyngeal nerve
 Glottis
 Glu
 Glucocentric
 Glucocerebrosidase deficiency
 Glucocorticoid
 Glucosamine
 Glucose
 Glucose tolerance test
 Glucose tolerance, impaired
 Glucose, fasting blood
 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
 Glucuronosyltransferase, UDP-
 Glutamate
 Glutamic acid
 Glutamine
 Glutathione S-transferase
 Glutathione S-transferase omega-1
 Gluteal
 Gluten
 Gluten enteropathy
 Gluteus maximus
 Gly
 Glycemic index
 Glycine
 Glycobiology
 Glycogen storage disease
 Glycogen storage disease type V
 Glycohemoglobin
 Glycopeptide
 Glycoprotein
 Glycosylated hemoglobin

 gm (gram)
 GM1 gangliosidosis
 GM2-gangliosidosis, B variant
 GM2-gangliosidosis, type 1
 Gnashing
 Gnathostomiasis
 God bless you
 Godfrey Hounsfield
 Goiter
 Goiter, diffuse toxic
 Goiter, iodide
 Goiter, toxic multinodular
 Goiter-deafness syndrome
 Goitrogenic foods
 GOLD-0
 GOLD-1
 GOLD-2
 GOLD-3
 Goldberger, Joseph
 Goldenhar syndrome
 Goldring
 Goldring, Sidney
 Golfer's cramp
 Gonad
 Gonad, female
 Gonad, indifferent
 Gonad, male
 Gonadotropin
 Gonadotropin, human chorionic
 Gonarthritis
 Gonorrhea
 Good Samaritan
 Good Samaritan law
 Good-for-you bacteria
 Goodman syndrome
 Goodpasture syndrome
 Goose bump
 Gooseflesh
 Gorham disease
 Gorlin syndrome
 Gorlin syndrome II
 Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
 Gottron sign
 Gout
 Gout, tophaceous
 Gouty arthritis
 Gower syndrome (situational syncope)
 Graft
 Graft-versus-host disease
 Gram (measure)
 Gram calorie
 Gram calorie (Calorie)
 Gram stain
 Gram-negative
 Gram-positive
 Granary weevil
 Grand mal
 Grand mal epilepsy
 Grand multipara
 Grand rounds
 Granny cam
 Granny-cam
 Grannycam
 Granular leukocyte
 Granulation
 Granulocyte
 Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
 Granulocytopenia
 Granuloma
 Granuloma annulare
 Granuloma inguinale donovanosis
 Granuloma, calcified
 Granuloma, fish bowl
 Granuloma, swimming pool
 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
 Granulomatosis, allergic
 Granulomatous colitis
 Grapefruit diet
 Graves' disease
 Gravid
 Gray
 Gray baby syndrome
 Gray matter
 Gray syndrome
 Gray's Anatomy
 Great Plague
 Great pox
 Great saphenous vein
 Green fluorescent protein
 Greenstick fracture
 Gregarious
 Gregarious parasite
 Grid, Amsler
 Grief
 Grief therapy
 Grief, anticipatory
 Grief, complicated
 Grief, public
 Grief, unresolved
 Groin
 Gross anatomy
 Gross hematuria
 Group A strep
 Group B streptococcus infection
 Group therapy
 Growing pains
 Growth and differentiation factor 8
 Growth differentiation factor 8
 Growth hormone
 Growth in height
 Growth, normal

 gtt.
 Gua sha
 Gua-sha
 Guanarito virus
 Guanine
 Guarding, abdominal
 Guasha
 Guevedoces
 Guided imagery
 Guillain-Barre syndrome
 Guillotine
 Guinea pig
 Guinea worm disease
 Gulf War syndrome
 Gullet
 Gum disease
 Gun stock deformity
 Gunnar B. Stickler
 Gustatolacrimal reflex
 Gustatory sweating
 Gustavson syndrome
 Guthrie test
 Guttate psoriasis
 Gy
 Gymnophobia
 Gyn-
 Gyne-
 Gyneco-
 Gynecoid
 Gynecoid obesity
 Gynecoid pelvis
 Gynecologic oncologist
 Gynecologist
 Gynecology
 Gynecomastia
 Gynephobia
 Gyno-
 Gyri
 Gyrus
 Gyrus lingualis
 Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis
 Gyrus, lingual

 H
 H and H
 H and P
 H. erectus
 H. floresiensis
 H. flu
 H. flu genome
 H. flu immunization
 H. heilmannii
 H. sapiens
 H5N1 influenza
 Habitual abortion
 Habitus
 Haemophilus influenzae genome
 Haemophilus influenzae type B
 Haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB) immunization
 Hahnemann, Samuel
 Hailey-Hailey Disease
 Hair follicle
 Hair loss
 Hair of the dog
 Hair, exclamation point
 Hair, lanugal
 Hair-on-end skull
 Hairball
 Hairy cell leukemia
 Hairy-cell leukemia
 Halitosis
 Hallermann-Streiff syndrome
 Hallervorden-Spatz disease
 Hallucination
 Hallucination, hypnagogic
 Hallucination, musical
 Hallucinogen
 Hallucinogenic
 Hallucinosis, musical
 Hallux
 Hallux valgus
 Hallux varus
 Hamartoma
 Hamartoma, hypothalamic
 Hammer
 Hammer toe
 Hamstring
 Hand, foot, and mouth disease
 Hand-arm vibration syndrome
 Hand-foot-and-mouth disease
 Hand-foot-and-mouth syndrome
 Handedness
 Hangman injury (Hangman's fracture)
 Hangman's fracture
 Hangover
 Hansen bacillus
 Hansen disease
 Hansen's bacillus
 Hansen's disease
 Hantavirus
 Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
 Haploid
 Haploinsufficiency
 Hapten
 Hard measles
 Hard palate
 Hardy, James D.
 Hardy-Weinberg law
 Harlequin Ichthyosis
 Hashimoto disease
 Hashimoto thyroiditis
 Hatred of sound
 Hay fever
 Hayfever

 Hb (hemoglobin)
 hCG
 Hct (hematocrit)
 HCV PCR genotype test
 HCV PCR viral detection test
 HCV PCR viral load test
 HDL cholesterol
 HDR syndrome
 Head and neck cancer
 Head bones
 Head injury
 Head lice
 Head, optic nerve
 Headache
 Headache, alarm clock
 Headache, chronic daily
 Headache, cluster
 Headache, febrile
 Headache, Hogwarts
 Headache, hypnic
 Headache, migraine
 Headache, rebound
 Headache, sinus
 Headache, stress
 Headache, tension
 Headache, thunderclap
 Headache, vascular
 Health
 Health and Human Services
 Health Care Finance Administration
 Health care proxy
 Health for All
 Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act
 Health outcomes research
 Health physics
 Health risk
 Health Saving Account
 Health, Aleut
 Health, arctic
 Health, child
 Health, industrial
 Health, Inuit
 Health, public
 Health, Saami
 Healthy
 Healthy food label
 Hearing aid
 Hearing instrument
 Hearing loss, age-related
 Hearing screening test, newborn
 Heart
 Heart and hand syndrome
 Heart attack
 Heart block
 Heart conduction system
 Heart disease
 Heart disease, rheumatic
 Heart failure
 Heart murmur
 Heart muscle
 Heart rate
 Heart rehab
 Heart rhythm disorders
 Heart septum
 Heart test, EPS
 Heart transplant
 Heart valves
 Heart ventricle
 Heart, artificial
 Heart, left
 Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National
 Heart, right
 Heart-hand syndrome
 Heart-lung machine
 Heartburn
 Heartland virus
 Heartworm
 Heat cramps
 Heat exhaustion
 Heat index
 Heat prostration
 Heat rash (Pictures)
 Heat stroke
 Heat syncope
 Heat-related illness
 Heatliness
 Heberden disease
 Heberden node
 Hecht syndrome
 Hecht's pneumonia
 Hecht-Beals syndrome
 Hedonophobia
 Heebie-jeebies
 Heel bone
 Heel prick
 Heel spur
 Heel stick
 Height growth
 Heights, fear of
 Heimlich maneuver
 Hejama
 HeLa cell
 Helical CAT scan
 Helicase
 Helicobacter heilmannii
 Helicobacter pylori
 Helix, alpha
 Helix, double
 HELLP syndrome
 Helmet, bicycle
 Helminth
 Helminthology, medical
 Helminthphobia
 Helper cell
 Hem-onc
 Hemangioma
 Hemangioma, capillary
 Hemangioma, cavernous
 Hemangioma, hepatic
 Hemarthrosis
 Hematemesis
 Hematochezia
 Hematocrit
 Hematohidrosis
 Hematologist
 Hematology
 Hematology-oncology
 Hematoma
 Hematoma, epidural
 Hematoma, extradural
 Hematoma, intracerebral
 Hematoma, intracranial
 Hematoma, nasal septum
 Hematoma, subcutaneous
 Hematoma, subdural
 Hematophobia
 Hematopoiesis
 Hematopoietic
 Hematuria
 Hematuria, gross
 Hematuria, microscopic
 Hemi-
 Hemidesmosome
 Hemidiaphragm
 Hemidiaphragm, elevated
 Hemidiaphragm, raised
 Hemifacial microsomia
 Hemihyperhidrosis
 Hemihypertrophy
 Hemiparesis
 Hemiplegia
 Hemiplegia, alternating
 Hemiplegic
 Hemithorax
 Hemizygous
 Hemochromatosis
 Hemodialysis
 Hemodialysis catheter
 Hemoglobin
 Hemoglobin A
 Hemoglobin A1C
 Hemoglobin E
 Hemoglobin F
 Hemoglobin normal values
 Hemoglobin S
 Hemoglobin, carbon monoxide
 Hemoglobin, glycosylated
 Hemoglobinuria
 Hemolysis
 Hemolytic
 Hemolytic anemia
 Hemolytic disease of the newborn
 Hemolytic jaundice, congenital
 Hemolytic uremic syndrome
 Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
 Hemophilia
 Hemophilia A
 Hemophilia B
 Hemophilia carrier
 Hemophilia heterozygote
 Hemophobia
 Hemopoietic
 Hemoptysis
 Hemorrhage
 Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
 Hemorrhagic
 Hemorrhagic cyst
 Hemorrhagic diarrhea, E. coli
 Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
 Hemorrhagic fever, epidemic
 Hemorrhoid
 Hemorrhoidectomy
 Hemorrhoids
 Hemostasis
 Hemostasis, genetics of
 Hendra virus
 Henna
 Henoch-Schonlein purpura
 Hepar
 Heparin
 Heparin, low-weight
 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
 Hepat-
 Hepatic
 Hepatic artery
 Hepatic biopsy
 Hepatic duct
 Hepatic duct, common
 Hepatic duct, left
 Hepatic duct, right
 Hepatic ductular hypoplasia, syndromatic
 Hepatic encephalopathy
 Hepatic hemangioma
 Hepatic steatosis
 Hepatic transplant
 Hepatic vein
 Hepatic-
 Hepatico-
 Hepatitis
 Hepatitis A
 Hepatitis A immunization
 Hepatitis B
 Hepatitis B immunization
 Hepatitis C
 Hepatitis C PCR
 Hepatitis C virus
 Hepatitis D
 Hepatitis D, E, F, and G
 Hepatitis E
 Hepatitis E virus
 Hepatitis F
 Hepatitis G
 Hepatitis, infectious
 Hepatitis, non-A, non-B
 Hepatitis, toxic
 Hepatitis, viral
 Hepato-
 Hepatobiliary
 Hepatoblastoma
 Hepatocarcinoma
 Hepatocellular carcinoma
 Hepatology
 Hepatoma
 Hepatomegaly
 Hepatosplenomegaly
 Hepatotoxic
 Heptad repeat
 HER1
 HER2
 Hera
 Herbal
 Herbal remedy
 Herbalism
 Herbalist
 Herbicidal
 Herbicide
 Herbicide chemical 2,4-DCP
 Hereditary ALS
 Hereditary amyloidosis
 Hereditary amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
 Hereditary angioedema
 Hereditary angioneurotic edema
 Hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy
 Hereditary arthroophthalmopathy
 Hereditary atransferrinemia
 Hereditary essential tremor
 Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
 Hereditary kidney cancer
 Hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome
 Hereditary multi-infarct dementia
 Hereditary mutation
 Hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer
 Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
 Hereditary progressive arthro-ophthalmopathy
 Hereditary prostate cancer
 Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy III
 Hereditary spastic paraplegia, autosomal dominant
 Hereditary spherocytosis
 Heredity
 Heredofamilial tremor
 Hereford genome
 Heritability
 Heritable
 Heritable connective tissue disease
 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome
 Hernia
 Hernia repair
 Hernia, diaphragmatic
 Hernia, hiatus
 Hernia, Velpeau
 Herniated disc
 Herniation
 Herniorrhaphy
 Heroin
 Heroin addiction
 Herpangina
 Herpes
 Herpes simplex type 1
 Herpes simplex type 2
 Herpes zoster
 Herpes, febrile
 Herpes, genital
 Herpes, labial
 Herpesvirus
 Herpetiform virus
 Hershey-Chase experiment
 Hetero-
 Heterochromatin
 Heterochromatin, constitutive
 Heterochromatin, facultative
 Heterochromia
 Heterochromia iridis
 Heteroclite
 Heteroerotic
 Heterokaryon
 Heteromorphism
 Heterophyes
 Heteroplasia
 Heteroploid
 Heterosexual
 Heterosexuality
 Heterotaxy
 Heterotaxy Syndrome
 Heterotopic
 Heterotrisomy
 Heterozygote
 Heterozygous
 Hex-A deficiency
 Hexadactyly
 Hexenmilch
 Hexosaminidase A
 Hexosaminidase A deficiency

 Hg
 HHV-1
 HHV-2
 HHV-3
 HHV-4
 HHV-5
 HHV-6
 HHV-7
 HHV-8
 Hiatal
 Hiatal hernia
 Hiatus
 Hiatus hernia
 HIB immunization
 Hibernation reaction
 Hiccough
 Hiccups
 Hidradenitis suppurativa
 Hidrosis
 Hidrotic
 High altitude
 High altitude pulmonary edema
 High blood pressure
 High blood sugar
 High protein diet
 High-grade lymphoma
 Hip bursitis
 Hip dislocation, congenital
 Hip fracture
 Hip pain
 Hip pointer
 Hip replacement, total
 Hip, developmental dislocation of the (DDH)
 Hippocampus
 Hippocrates
 Hippocratic Oath
 Hippophobia
 Hirschsprung disease
 Hirsutism
 Hirudin
 Hirudotherapy
 His
 His disease
 His-Werner disease
 Histamine
 Histamine cephalalgia
 Histidine
 Histiocyte
 Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis
 Histiocytosis
 Histiocytosis X
 Histiocytosis, Hand-Schuller-Christian
 Histiocytosis, Langerhans cell
 Histiocytosis, Letterer Siwe
 Histiocytosis, lipid
 Histiocytosis, malignant
 Histiocytosis, sinus
 Histo
 Histo spot
 Histo-
 Histocompatibility
 Histocompatible
 Histology
 Histone
 Histoplasma
 Histoplasma capsulatum
 Histoplasmosis
 History, developmental
 History, family
 History, medical
 History, social
 Histrionic personality disorder
 HIV infection, acute
 HIV infection, primary
 HIV test
 Hives
 Hives from pressure

 HLA-B57
 hMPV
 HMS1
 Hoarding, pathological
 Hoarseness
 Hobbit
 Hodgkin disease
 Hodgkin, Dorothy
 Hogwarts headache
 Hogweed
 Holandric inheritance
 Hole, macular
 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr.
 Holoprosencephaly
 Holt-Oram syndrome
 Holter monitor
 Homeobox gene
 Homeopath
 Homeopathic
 Homeopathic medicine
 Homeopathy
 Homeostasis
 Homeotherm
 Homicide
 Homo erectus
 Homo floresiensis
 Homo sapiens
 Homo-
 Homocysteine
 Homocystinuria
 Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase
 Homogentisate oxidase
 Homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency
 Homograft
 Homolog (homologue)
 Homologies
 Homologous
 Homologous chromosomes
 Homosexual
 Homosexuality
 Homosexuality 1
 Homotrisomy
 Homozygosity
 Homozygote
 Homozygous
 Honey bee allergy
 Honey bee genome
 Hong Kong flu
 Hong Kong influenza
 Hookworm
 Horace Albert Barker
 Horace Barker
 Horizontal
 Hormone
 Hormone therapy
 Hormone therapy (HT)
 Hormone, aldosterone
 Hormone, androgenic
 Hormone, antidiuretic (ADH)
 Hormone, cortisol
 Hormone, erythropoietin
 Hormone, estrogenic
 Hormone, follicle-stimulating (FSH)
 Hormone, glucocorticoid
 Hormone, growth
 Hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin
 Hormone, mineralocorticoid
 Hormone, parathormone
 Hormone, parathyrin
 Hormone, parathyroid
 Hormone, progesterone
 Hormone, secretin
 Hormone, T3
 Hormone, thyroid
 Hormone, thyroid stimulating (TSH)
 Hormone, thyrotropin
 Hormone, thyroxine
 Hormone, triiodothyronine
 Hormone, TSH
 Hormone,T4
 Horner syndrome
 Hornet sting
 Horripilation
 Horror autotoxicus
 Hospice
 Hospice care
 Hospital
 Hospital code
 Hospital gown
 Hospital-acquired infection
 Hospitalist
 Host
 Hot flashes
 Hotel-Dieu
 Hounsfield
 Hounsfield, Godfrey
 House
 House officer
 House staff
 House surgeon
 Housekeeping gene
 Housemaid's knee
 Howard Hughes Medical Institute
 Hox gene

 HRT (hormone replacement therapy)
 HS
 Ht
 HT1A
 Hughes Investigator
 Hughlings Jackson
 Hughlings Jackson, John
 Human chorionic gonadotropin
 Human chromosome count
 Human cloning
 Human Development, . . . (NICHD)
 Human embryonic stem cell
 Human gene map
 Human gene therapy
 Human genome
 Human Genome Organisation
 Human Genome Project
 Human Genome Research Institute, National
 Human growth
 Human herpesvirus 1 (HHV-1)
 Human herpesvirus 2 (HHV-2)
 Human herpesvirus 3
 Human herpesvirus 4
 Human herpesvirus 5
 Human herpesvirus 6
 Human herpesvirus 7
 Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8)
 Human immunodeficiency virus
 Human kinome
 Human lymphotropic virus III
 Human metapneumovirus
 Human neutrophil peptide
 Human papilloma virus
 Human papillomavirus
 Human parainfluenza virus
 Human pluripotent stem cell
 Human reproductive cloning
 Human T-lymphotropic virus
 Human T-lymphotropic virus type I
 Human T-lymphotropic virus type III
 Humerus
 Humidifier
 Humidifier fever
 Humor
 Humor, aqueous
 Humoral
 Humoralism
 Humorism
 Hump, dowager
 Hunter syndrome
 huntingtin
 Huntington disease
 Hurler syndrome
 Hurricane
 Hurricane supplies kit

 Hyaline membrane disease
 Hyaluronic acid
 Hybrid
 Hybridization, fluorescent in situ
 Hybridization, in situ
 Hybridization, nucleic acid
 Hybridoma
 Hydatid disease, alveolar
 Hydatidiform mole
 Hydranencephaly
 Hydrazine
 Hydrocarbon
 Hydrocele
 Hydrocephalus
 Hydrocephalus ex-vacuo
 Hydrocephalus, acquired
 Hydrocephalus, communicating
 Hydrocephalus, congenital
 Hydrocephalus, Macewen sign of
 Hydrocephalus, normal pressure
 Hydrocephaly
 Hydrogen
 Hydrogen cyanide
 Hydronephrosis
 Hydrophobia
 Hydrops fetalis
 Hydrostatic weighing
 Hydroxyapatite
 Hydroxyapatite crystal disease
 Hydroxytryptamine
 Hydroxyurea
 Hygieia
 Hygiene
 Hygiene hypothesis
 Hygiene theory
 Hymen
 Hyoglossus
 Hyper-
 Hyper-IgD syndrome
 Hyperactivity
 Hyperadrenocorticism
 Hyperaldosteronism
 Hyperbaric
 Hyperbaric chamber
 Hyperbilirubinemia
 Hyperbilirubinemia type I
 Hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal
 Hypercalcemia
 Hypercalciuria
 Hypercapnia
 Hypercarbia
 Hyperchloremia
 Hypercholesterolemia
 Hypercoagulability, estrogen-associated
 Hypercoagulable state
 Hyperconscious
 Hyperdontia
 Hyperekplexia
 Hyperemesis gravidarum
 Hyperexplexia
 Hyperextensible
 Hyperglycemia
 Hyperglycemic response
 Hypergraphia
 Hypergraphic
 Hyperhidrosis
 Hyperhidrosis, axillary
 Hyperhidrosis, palmoplantar
 Hyperhidrotic
 Hyperkalemia
 Hyperlexia
 Hyperlipidemia
 Hypermagnesemia
 Hypermnesia
 Hypermobility syndrome
 Hypernatremia
 Hyperopia
 Hyperosmolar
 Hyperosmolarity
 Hyperostosis
 Hyperoxaluria
 Hyperparathyroidism
 Hyperphosphatemia
 Hyperpigmentation
 Hyperplasia
 Hyperplasia of the prostate, nodular
 Hyperplasia, benign prostatic
 Hyperplasia, endometrial
 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
 Hypertension
 Hypertension, gestational
 Hypertension, pulmonary
 Hypertension, white coat
 Hypertensive
 Hypertensive crisis
 Hyperthermia
 Hyperthermia, malignant
 Hyperthyroid
 Hypertonia
 Hypertonic solution
 Hypertrichosis
 Hypertrophic
 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
 Hypertrophic gastritis
 Hypertrophic hypoproteinemic gastropathy
 Hypertrophy
 Hypertrophy, benign prostatic
 Hyperuricemia
 Hyperventilation
 Hypervolemia
 Hypervolemic
 Hypnagogic
 Hypnagogic hallucination
 Hypnic
 Hypnic headache
 Hypnic jerk
 Hypnolepsy
 Hypnopompic hallucination
 Hypnos
 Hypnosis
 Hypo-
 Hypoalbuminemia
 Hypocalcemia
 Hypocapnia
 Hypocarbia
 Hypochloremia
 Hypochondria
 Hypochondriac
 Hypochondriacal neurosis
 Hypochondriasis
 Hypochondriasm
 Hypochondroplasia
 Hypocitraturia
 Hypocol
 Hypodontia and nail dysgenesis
 Hypogeusia
 Hypoglossal nerve
 Hypoglossal neuropathy
 Hypoglycemia
 Hypoglycemia unawareness
 Hypoglycemic
 Hypogonadism
 Hypohidrosis
 Hypohidrotic
 Hypokalemia
 Hypomagnesemia
 Hypomania
 Hypomanic
 Hypomnesia
 Hypomyelination
 Hyponatremia
 Hypoosmolar
 Hypoosmolarity
 Hypoparathyroidism
 Hypopharyngeal diverticulum
 Hypophosphatasia
 Hypophosphatemia
 Hypopigmented
 Hypoplasia
 Hypoplasia of the thymus and parathyroids
 Hypoplasia, syndromatic hepatic ductular
 Hypoplastic anemia-triphalangeal thumbs
 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
 Hypopnea
 Hypoproteinemic hypertrophic gastropathy
 Hyposmia
 Hypospadias
 Hypotension
 Hypotension, orthostatic
 Hypotension, postural
 Hypotensive
 Hypothalamic hamartoma
 Hypothalamus
 Hypothermia
 Hypothyroidism
 Hypothyroidism, congenital
 Hypothyroidism, infantile
 Hypotonia
 Hypotonic solution
 Hypoventilation
 Hypovolemia
 Hypovolemic
 Hypovolemic shock
 Hypoxemia
 Hypoxia
 Hypoxia-ischemia
 Hypoxic
 Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
 Hysterectomy
 Hysterectomy, abdominal
 Hysterectomy, complete
 Hysterectomy, laparoscopically assisted vaginal
 Hysterectomy, partial
 Hysterectomy, subtotal
 Hysterectomy, total
 Hysterectomy, vaginal
 Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
 Hysteroscopy

 i(17q)
 Iatr-
 Iatrapistic
 Iatric
 iatrics
 Iatrogenic
 Iatromelia
 Iatromisia
 iatry
 IBD (inflammatory bowel disease)
 IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
 Ibuprofen
 Ice cream headache
 Ichthyosis
 Ichthyosis simplex
 Ichthyosis vulgaris
 Ichthyosis, spasticity, oligophrenia syndrome
 Ichthyosis-keratitis-deafness syndrome
 Icterus
 ICU psychosis
 ID
 IDEC-Y2B8 monoclonal antibody
 Idiocy, amaurotic familial
 Idiopathic
 Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome of childhood
 Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
 Idiopathic sclerosing cholangitis
 Idiopathic scoliosis
 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
 Idiopathy
 Idiot savant
 Ig
 IgA
 IgD
 IgE
 IgG
 IgM
 IL-1
 IL-10
 IL-2
 IL-4
 Ile
 Ileal pouch
 Ileitis, Crohn
 Ileitis, terminal
 Ileocolitis, Crohn
 Ileoscopy
 Ileostomy
 Ileum
 Ileus
 Ileus, meconium
 Ileus, paralytic
 Iliac
 Iliac horns
 Iliopsoas muscle
 Ilium
 Illness, acute
 Illness, altitude
 Illness, chronic
 Illness, heat-related
 Illusion

 IM (intramuscular)
 Imagery
 Imbibe
 Imbricate
 Imitrex
 Immune
 Immune complex
 Immune response
 Immune system
 Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
 Immune tolerance
 Immunity
 Immunity, acquired
 Immunity, active
 Immunity, innate
 Immunity, natural
 Immunity, passive
 Immunization
 Immunization, anthrax
 Immunization, chickenpox
 Immunization, children's
 Immunization, DPT
 Immunization, DT
 Immunization, DTaP
 Immunization, flu
 Immunization, German measles
 Immunization, H. flu
 Immunization, Haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB)
 Immunization, hepatitis A
 Immunization, hepatitis B
 Immunization, HIB
 Immunization, infectious hepatitis
 Immunization, influenza
 Immunization, measles
 Immunization, meningococcal
 Immunization, MMR
 Immunization, mumps
 Immunization, pneumococcal
 Immunization, polio
 Immunization, rubella
 Immunization, serum hepatitis
 Immunization, Td
 Immunization, varicella
 Immunization, yellow fever
 Immunocompetence
 Immunocompetent
 Immunocompromised
 Immunocow
 Immunodeficiency
 Immunodeficient
 Immunodepressant
 Immunodepression
 Immunogenetics
 Immunoglobulin
 Immunoglobulin A
 Immunoglobulin D
 Immunoglobulin E
 Immunoglobulin G
 Immunoglobulin M
 Immunologist
 Immunology
 Immunopig
 Immunosuppressant
 Immunosuppression
 Immunosuppressive
 Immunosuppressive agent
 Immunotherapy
 Immunotherapy, allergy
 Immunotoxin
 Impact
 Impaction, dental
 Impaired glucose tolerance
 Imperforate anus
 Impetigo
 Implant
 Implant, brainstem
 Implant, cochlear
 Implantable cardiac defibrillator
 Implantable pacemaker
 Implantation
 Implantation, seed
 Implicit memory
 Impotence
 Imprinting, genomic
 Imprinting, psychological
 Impulsivity

 in
 In situ
 In situ hybridization
 In situ hybridization, fluorescent
 In situ, carcinoma
 In vitro
 In vitro fertilization
 In vivo
 In-law
 In-the-canal hearing aid
 In-the-ear hearing aid
 Inactivation, X chromosome
 Inappropriate ADH secretion
 Inborn error of metabolism
 Inbreeding
 Inbreeding, coefficient of
 Incase
 Incest
 Inch
 Incidence
 Incision
 Incisional biopsy
 Incompatibility, Rh
 Incompetent cervix
 Inconclusive clinical trial
 Incontinence
 Incontinence of urine
 Incontinence, fecal
 Incontinence, rectal
 Incontinence, urge
 Incontinence, urinary
 Incontinent
 Incontinentia pigmenti
 Incubation period
 Incubator
 Incurable
 Incus
 Index case
 Index, body mass (BMI)
 Indian Health Service (IHS)
 Indian meal moth
 Indicate
 Indication
 Indifferent gonad
 Indirect immunofluorescence assay
 Indolent lymphoma
 Induced abortion
 Induced disease by proxy
 Induced menopause
 Induction therapy
 Induration
 Industrial health
 Indwelling bladder catheter
 Infant
 Infant carbohydrate intake
 Infant fat requirements
 Infant formula
 Infant in swaddling
 Infant iron supplementation
 Infant mineral requirements
 Infant mortality rate
 Infant protein requirements
 Infant vitamin requirements
 Infant water requirements
 Infant, post-term
 Infant, postmature
 Infant, small for gestational age
 Infantile beriberi
 Infantile genetic agranulocytosis
 Infantile hypothyroidism
 Infantile myxedema
 Infantile paralysis (polio)
 Infantile spasms
 Infantile systemic hyalinosis
 Infantile thiamine deficiency
 Infantile vitamin B1 deficiency
 Infantilism, Brissaud's
 Infarct
 Infarction
 Infarction, acute myocardial
 Infection
 Infection, acute HIV
 Infection, adenovirus
 Infection, breast
 Infection, ear (acute middle)
 Infection, group B strep
 Infection, hospital-acquired
 Infection, Leishmania
 Infection, meningococcal
 Infection, middle ear
 Infection, Neisseria
 Infection, nosocomial
 Infection, opportunistic
 Infection, pinworm
 Infection, pork tapeworm
 Infection, primary HIV
 Infection, rotavirus
 Infection, roundworm
 Infection, urinary tract (UTI)
 Infection, Vincent
 Infection, yeast
 Infectious Diseases, Nat'l Institute of Allergy &
 Infectious hepatitis
 Infectious hepatitis immunization
 Infectious mono
 Infectious mononucleosis
 Infectivity
 Inferior
 Inferior vena cava
 Inferolateral
 Infertile
 Infertility
 Infertility, Y chromosome
 Infiltrate
 Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast
 Infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast
 Inflammation
 Inflammation, bladder
 Inflammatory bowel disease
 Inflammatory response
 Influenza
 Influenza vaccination priorities
 Influenza, Asian
 Influenza, avian
 Influenza, Hong Kong
 Influenza, Spanish
 Informatics
 Informed consent
 Infraspinatus muscle
 Infuse
 Ingelfinger rule
 Ingrown hair
 Ingrown toenail
 Inguinal
 Inguinal canal
 Inguinal orchiectomy
 Inhalant
 Inhaler, metered-dose
 Inheritance
 Inheritance, holandric
 Inheritance, mendelian
 Inheritance, mitochondrial
 Inheritance, multifactorial
 Inheritance, Y-linked
 Inherited immunodeficiency disease
 Inherited metabolic diseases
 Inhibin
 Inhibition, orgasmic
 Inhibitor, ACE
 Inhibitor, protease
 Inhibitory RNA
 Iniencephaly
 Injection snoreplasty
 Injure
 Injury
 Injury, cold
 Injury, hangman (Hangman's fracture)
 Injury, knee meniscus
 Injury, mental child
 Injury, mower
 Injury, needlestick
 Injury, scooter
 Inkblot test
 Innate immunity
 Inner ear
 Inner ear infection
 Innervate
 Innervation
 Inotropic
 Inpatient
 Insect sting
 Insecticidal
 Insecticide
 Insecticide-treated bednet
 Insemination
 Insemination, artificial
 Insemination, heterologous
 Insemination, homologous
 Insemination, intrauterine
 Insertable loop recorder
 Insertion
 Insinuate
 Insomnia
 Insomnia, chronic
 Insomnia, fatal familial
 Insomnia, intermittent
 Insomnia, transient
 Inspissate
 Institute of Medicine
 Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders
 Institute, National Eye (NEI)
 Institutional Review Board
 Insufficiency, aortic
 Insufficiency, coronary
 Insufficiency, mitral
 Insufficiency, pancreatic
 Insufficiency, pulmonary
 Insufficiency, respiratory
 Insufficiency, small intestine
 Insular sclerosis
 Insulin
 Insulin pump
 Insulin resistance
 Insulin resistance syndrome
 Insulin-dependent diabetes
 Insulinoma
 Integrin
 Integron
 Intelligence quotient
 Intelligence test
 Intelligence, non-verbal
 Intelligence, verbal
 Intensity modulated radiation therapy
 Intensive care
 Intensive care unit psychosis
 Intensivist
 Interatrial septum
 Intercellular
 Intercellular junction
 Intercostal muscle
 Intercurrent disease
 Interferon
 Interleukin-1
 Interleukin-10
 Interleukin-2
 Interleukin-3
 Interleukin-4
 Interleukins
 Intermediate-grade lymphoma
 Intermittent claudication
 Intermittent insomnia
 Intern
 Internal bleeding
 Internal cardiac defibrillator
 Internal carrier
 Internal ear
 Internal fixation
 Internal genitalia, female
 Internal genitalia, male
 Internal jugular vein
 Internal medicine
 Internal pacemaker
 Internal radiation therapy
 International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
 International normalized ratio
 International unit (IU)
 Interneuron
 Internist
 Interpersonal therapy
 Interphase
 Intersex
 Intersexual genitalia
 Interstice
 Interstitial
 Interstitial cystitis (IC)
 Interstitial radiation
 Interstitial radiation therapy
 Intertrigo
 Interval malignancy
 Intervening sequence
 Intervention
 Interventional
 Interventional radiologist
 Interventional radiology (IR)
 Interventricular foramen
 Interventricular septum
 Intervertebral disk
 Intervertebral foramen
 Intestinal gas
 Intestinal obstruction
 Intestinal parasite
 Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
 Intestinal villus
 Intestine
 Intestine, large
 Intestine, small
 Intolerance, food
 Intolerance, lactose
 Intra-arterial pressure
 Intracellular
 Intracerebral hematoma
 Intracorporeal
 Intracranial
 Intracranial hematoma
 Intractable
 Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
 Intradermal
 Intradiskal electrothermal therapy
 Intraductal carcinoma
 Intraductal papilloma
 Intraepithelial
 Intrafallopian
 Intrahepatic
 Intramuscular (IM)
 Intraocular
 Intraocular lens
 Intraocular melanoma
 Intraocular pressure
 Intraocular tension
 Intraoperative
 Intraoperative blood salvage
 Intraoperative radiation therapy
 Intraoral
 Intraperitoneal
 Intraperitoneal chemotherapy
 Intrastromal corneal ring
 Intrathecal chemotherapy
 Intrauterine
 Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD)
 Intrauterine growth restriction
 Intrauterine growth retardation
 Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
 Intravenous (IV)
 Intravenous cholangiogram
 Intravenous feeding
 Intravenous immunoglobulin
 Intravenous pyelogram
 Intravenous tension
 Intraventricular
 Intravitreous
 Intrinsic
 Introitus
 Introitus, facial canal
 Introitus, vaginal
 Intron
 Intubate
 Intubation
 Intussusception
 Inuit health
 Invasive candidiasis
 Invasive cervical cancer
 Inverse psoriasis
 Inversion, chromosome
 Inversion, paracentric chromosome
 Inversion, pericentric chromosome
 Invert
 Inverted repeat
 Invest
 Involuntary
 Involuntary smoking
 Involute
 Involution

 Iodide
 Iodide goiter
 Iodine
 Iodine deficiency
 Iodine excess
 Iodine, radioactive
 Ion channel
 Iontophoresis
 IOP (intraocular pressure)
 Ipecac
 Ipsilateral
 IQ
 Iridectomy
 Iridectomy, peripheral
 Iridology
 Iris
 Iris melanoma
 Iris, speckled
 Iritis
 Iron
 Iron deficiency anemia
 Iron excess
 Iron overload
 Iron poisoning
 Iron supplementation, infant
 Irradiation
 Irradiation, food
 Irrigate
 Irrigation of the colon
 Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
 Irritant contact dermatitis
 Irwin DJ Bross
 Ischemia
 Ischial bursitis
 Ischium
 Islet cell cancer
 Islet cell carcinoma
 Islet cell tumor
 Islets of Langerhans
 Iso-
 Isocellular
 Isochromosome
 Isochromosome 17q
 Isodisomy
 Isoflavone
 Isoform
 Isolate
 Isoleucine
 Isometric exercise
 Isometropia
 Isoprene
 Isotonic exercise
 Isotonic solution
 Isotope
 Isotopic

 Italian disease
 Itch, jellyfish
 Itch, ocean
 Itch, seabather's
 Itching
 Itching, anal
 Itchy ear
 itis
 IU (international unit)
 IUD (intrauterine contraceptive device)
 IV (intravenous)
 IV cholangiogram
 Jackknife seizure
 Jackson
 Jackson Laboratory
 Jackson Pratt drain
 Jackson, John Hughlings
 Jackson-Pratt drain
 Jacksonian epilepsy
 Jacksonian seizure
 Jadassohn-Lewandowski Syndrome
 Jail fever
 JAK3
 JAK3 inhibitor
 Jakob's disease
 Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
 Jamais vu
 James Ramsay Hunt
 James Watson
 Jamestown Canyon virus
 Jammed finger
 Janus kinase 3
 Japanese encephalitis
 Jaundice
 Jaundice, congenital hemolytic
 Jaundice, hemolytic
 Jaundice, neonatal
 Jaundice, obstructive
 Jaw
 Jawbone
 JC virus
 Jealousy, delusional
 JEB (junctional epidermolysis bullosa)
 Jejunal
 Jejunostomy
 Jejunum
 Jellyfish itch
 Jellyfish sting
 Jenner's method
 Jennerian method
 Jennerization
 Jenny Craig
 Jequirity pea
 Jerk, hypnic
 Jerk, sleep
 Jet lag
 Jewett staging system
 Jimmy Fund

 Jock itch
 Jogger's nails
 John H. Gibbon, Jr.
 John Hughlings Jackson
 John La Montagne
 John W. Kirkland
 Johnnies
 Johnny
 Johnson-Stevens syndrome
 Joint
 Joint aspiration
 Joint hypermobility syndrome
 Joint, AC
 Joint, acetabular
 Joint, acromioclavicular
 Joint, ankle
 Joint, atlas and axis
 Joint, atloaxoid
 Joint, ball-and-socket
 Joint, calcaneocuboid
 Joint, elbow
 Joint, knee
 Joint, patellofemoral
 Joint, shoulder
 Joint, temporomandibular
 Joint, TM
 Joints of the body, principal
 Jordi Casals-Ariet
 Joseph Warshaw
 Joshua Lederberg
 Journal of Clinical Investigation
 Journal of the American Medical Association
 Journal of the National Cancer Institute
 Journal, medical, first American
 Journals, medical
 JP drain
 Jugular
 Jugular vein
 Jugular vein, external
 Jugular vein, internal
 Julius Axelrod
 Jumper's knee
 Junctional epidermolysis bullosa
 Juncture
 June cold
 Junk DNA
 Jurisprudence, medical
 Juvenile
 Juvenile chronic arthritis, systemic-onset
 Juvenile chronic myelogenous leukemia
 Juvenile CML
 Juvenile diabetes
 Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis
 Juvenile intestinal polyposis
 Juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis
 Juvenile melanoma
 Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
 Juvenile polyposis
 Juvenile polyposis coli
 Juvenile polyposis of stomach
 Juvenile polyposis syndrome
 Juvenile retinoschisis
 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
 Juvenile-onset diabetes
 Juxta-
 Juxtaarticular
 Juxtaglomerular apparatus
 Juxtaposition
 Juxtapyloric
 Juxtaspinal
 Juxtavesicular

 K (potassium)
 K kingae
 Kabuki syndrome
 Kala-azar
 Kalemia
 Kallmann syndrome
 Kaposi sarcoma
 Kartagener syndrome
 Karyocyte
 Karyokinesis
 Karyotype
 Karyotype, spectral (SKY)
 Karyotyping
 Karyotyping, flow
 Kashin-Beck disease
 Kashin-Bek disease
 Kawasaki disease
 KB
 Kearns-Sayre syndrome
 Kegel exercises
 Kelman, Charles D.
 Keloid
 Keratectomy
 Keratectomy, photorefractive (PRK)
 Keratin
 Keratitis
 Keratitis, acanthamoeba
 Keratitis, rosacea
 Keratitis, vaccinia
 Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome
 Kerato-
 Keratoconjunctivitis
 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
 Keratoconus
 Keratoderma hereditarium mutilans
 Keratodermia blennorrhagicum
 Keratolytic
 Keratoma
 Keratoplasty
 Keratosis
 Keratosis follicularis
 Keratosis pilaris
 Keratosis, actinic
 Keratosis, seborrheic
 Keratosis, senile
 Keratosis, solar
 Keratotic scabies
 Keratotomy
 Keratotomy, radial
 Kernicterus
 Kernig sign
 Keshan disease
 Ketoacidosis
 Ketogenic diet
 Ketone
 Ketone bodies
 Ketone body
 Ketonuria
 Ketosis-prone diabetes
 Keystone virus

 Khat
 KID syndrome
 Kiddie cam
 Kiddie-cam
 Kiddiecam
 Kidney
 Kidney cancer
 Kidney Dis, Nat'l Inst of Diabetes and Digestive
 Kidney disease screening
 Kidney dysplasia
 Kidney infection in children
 Kidney scoping
 Kidney stone
 Kidney stones, cystine
 Kidney transplant
 Kikuchi disease
 Kilobase
 Kilocalorie
 Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease
 Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome
 Kinder-cam
 Kindercam
 Kindred
 Kinesin
 Kinetic
 Kinetics
 King's evil
 Kingella kingae
 Kinky hair syndrome
 Kinome
 Kinsey Report
 Kinship
 Kirklin
 Kirklin, John W.
 Kiss
 Kissing bug
 Kissing disease
 Kit, disaster supplies
 Kit, emergency supplies
 Klebsiella
 Kleine-Levin syndrome
 Klinefelter syndrome
 Klippel-Feil anomalad
 Klippel-Feil anomaly
 Klippel-Feil deformity
 Klippel-Feil phenotype
 Klippel-Feil sequence
 Klippel-Feil syndrome
 Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber (KTW) syndrome
 Klumpke palsy
 Klumpke paralysis
 Klumpke's palsy

 Knee
 Knee bursitis
 Knee jerk
 Knee joint
 Knee ligaments
 Knee phenomenon
 Knee replacement, total
 Knee, artificial
 Knee, housemaid's
 Knee, jumper's
 Knee, secretary's
 Knee-jerk
 Kneecap
 Knock-knees
 Knockout
 Knockout mouse
 Knuckle
 Koch's postulates
 Kok disease
 Koolen-de Vries syndrome
 Koplik's spots
 Kostmann disease
 Krabbe disease
 Kratom
 Krokodil
 Krukenberg tumor
 KUB film
 Kubler-Ross
 Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
 Kuru
 Kussmaul breathing
 Kveim test
 Kwashiorkor
 Kyphoplasty
 Kyphoscoliosis
 Kyphosis
 Kyphosis, postmenopausal cervical

 L
 l-
 L1-L5 (lumbar vertebrae)
 La Leche League
 La Montagne
 La Montagne, John
 Lab
 Lab result
 Lab test
 Labia
 Labia majora
 Labia minora
 Labia, oral
 Labia, vaginal
 Labial
 Labial herpes
 Labial sounds
 Labile
 Labile diabetes
 Lability
 Labiodental sound
 Labium
 Labor
 Labor support professional
 Labor, false
 Laboratory
 Laboratory, Jackson
 Labra
 Labrocyte
 Labrose
 Labrum
 Labyrinth
 Labyrinthitis
 LAC encephalitis
 Laceration
 Lacrimal
 Lacrimal gland
 Lacrimation
 LaCrosse encephalitis
 Lactase
 Lactase deficiency
 Lactate dehydrogenase
 Lactation
 Lactic acidosis
 Lactobacillus
 Lactobacillus acidophilus
 Lactose
 Lactose intolerance
 Lacuna
 Lamarckism
 LAMB syndrome
 Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
 Lamella
 Lamin A
 Lamin A/C
 Lamina
 Laminaria
 Laminectomy
 Laminopathy
 LaMontagne
 Lancet
 Lancet device
 Lancet, The
 Lancing device
 Landau-Kleffner syndrome
 Landry ascending paralysis
 Landry's ascending paralysis
 Landslide injury
 Langer-Saldino type achondrogenesis
 Langerhans, islets of
 Lansing virus
 Lanugo
 Laparoscope
 Laparoscopic
 Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
 Laparoscopic staging
 Laparoscopy
 Laparotomy
 Large bowel
 Large cell carcinoma
 Large intestine
 Large saphenous vein
 Large-cell lymphoma
 Laribacter hongkongensis
 Laryngeal
 Laryngeal dystonia
 Laryngeal framework surgery
 Laryngeal nerve palsy
 Laryngeal nerve, recurrent
 Laryngeal palsy
 Laryngeal papilloma
 Laryngeal papillomatosis
 Laryngeal papillomatosis, juvenile
 Laryngeal stenosis
 Laryngectomee
 Laryngectomy
 Laryngectomy, partial
 Laryngectomy, total
 Laryngitis
 Laryngitis, reflux
 Laryngomalacia
 Laryngoscope
 Laryngoscopist
 Laryngoscopy
 Laryngostasis
 Laryngotomy
 Larynx
 Larynx transplant
 Laser
 Laser coagulation
 Laser hair removal
 Laser surgery
 Laser surgery, YAG
 Laser, argon
 Laser, excimer
 Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
 Lassa fever
 Lassa virus
 Lassitude
 Last menstrual period
 Late infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy
 Latent
 Lateral
 Lateral collateral ligament (LCL) of the knee
 Lateral epicondylitis
 Lateral femoral cutaneous mononeuropathy
 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
 Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve syndrome
 Lateral meniscus of the knee
 Lateral ventricle
 Lateral X-ray
 Latham bowl
 Lattice dystrophy
 Laughing gas
 Launois-Bensaude syndrome
 Lauterbur
 Lauterbur, Paul C.
 Lavage
 Law, Hardy-Weinberg
 Lawson Wilkins
 Laxative
 Lay midwife
 Laying on of hands
 Laynx, pneumatic
 Lazy eye

 lb.
 LCHAD deficiency
 LCL (lateral collateral ligament) of the knee
 LDL (low-density lipoprotein)
 LDL cholesterol
 Lead poisoning
 Lead-based paint
 Leaded
 Leaded gasoline
 Leaded petrol
 Leaky gut or leaky gut syndrome
 Lean body mass
 Learning disability
 Learning problem
 Lecithinase
 Lectin
 Lederberg
 Leech
 Leech therapy
 Left atrium
 Left heart
 Left heart hypoplasia syndrome
 Left hepatic duct
 Left ventricle
 Left ventricular assist device
 Left-handed
 Leg
 Leg pain with cramping
 Leg, ankle and foot bones
 Leg, lower
 Leg, upper
 Legal blindness
 Legal medicine
 Legg disease
 Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
 Legg-Perthes disease
 Legionella
 Legionnaire disease
 Leigh's disease
 Leiomyoma
 Leiomyosarcoma
 Leishmania
 Leishmania infection
 Leishmaniasis
 Leishmaniasis, visceral
 Lemierre syndrome
 Lenin
 Lennox syndrome
 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
 Lens
 Lens, intraocular
 Lens, objective
 Lens, ocular
 Lentigines
 Lentiginosis profusa syndrome
 Lentigo
 Lentigo maligna melanoma
 Lentigo, senile
 Lenz microphthalmia syndrome
 Leon virus
 Leonardo da Vinci
 LEOPARD syndrome
 Leper
 Lepra
 Leprosy
 Leptin
 Leptomeningeal
 Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis
 Leptomeninges
 Leptospirosis
 Lesbian
 Lesbianism
 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
 Lesion
 Let down reflex
 Lethal
 Lethal gene, zygotic
 Lethargy
 Letrozole
 Leu
 Leucemia
 Leucine
 Leucovorin
 Leuk-
 Leukemia
 Leukemia, accelerated phase of
 Leukemia, acute
 Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic
 Leukemia, acute lymphocytic
 Leukemia, acute myelogenous
 Leukemia, acute myeloid
 Leukemia, acute nonlymphocytic
 Leukemia, blastic phase of
 Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic
 Leukemia, chronic phase of
 Leukemia, hairy cell
 Leukemia, hairy-cell
 Leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
 Leukemia, lymphocytic
 Leukemia, myelogenous
 Leukemia, refractory
 Leukemia, smoldering
 Leukemia, t(8;21)
 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis
 Leukemoid reaction
 Leuko-
 Leukocoria
 Leukocyte count
 Leukocyte, granular
 Leukocyte,eosinophilic
 Leukocytes
 Leukocytosis
 Leukodystrophy
 Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter
 Leukomalacia, cystic periventricular
 Leukopenia
 Leukoplakia
 Leukoreduction
 Leukotriene
 Level 1 biosafety
 Level 2 biosafety
 Level 3 biosafety
 Level 4 biosafety
 Levite
 Levo-
 Levocardia
 Levonorgestrel
 Levothyroxine
 Lewis Thomas
 Lewis, Edward B

 Lhermitte sign
 LHRH agonist
 Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS)
 Libido
 Library
 Library of Medicine, National (NLM)
 Library, arrayed
 Library, cDNA
 Library, genomic
 Lice, head
 Lice, pubic
 Licensed clinical social worker
 Lichen planus
 Lichenification
 Lichtenberg figures
 Liddle syndrome
 Life support
 Life-support
 Lifestyle disease
 Lifetime risk
 Ligament
 Ligament, anterior cruciate
 Ligament, lateral collateral knee
 Ligament, medial collateral knee
 Ligament, patellar
 Ligament, posterior cruciate
 Ligaments, knee
 Ligand
 Ligate
 Ligature
 Lightening
 Lightheadedness
 Lightning injuries
 Lights, flashing
 Lilliputian hallucination
 Limb
 Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
 Liminal
 Lindane
 Lindau-von Hippel syndrome
 Line, central
 Line, central venous
 Line, germ
 Line, single transverse palmar
 Lineage, cell
 Lingual
 Lingual gyrus
 Lining, uterine
 Linkage
 Linkage analysis
 Linkage map
 Linus Pauling
 Lip
 Lip, cleft
 Lipectomy, suction-assisted
 Lipid
 Lipid profile
 Lipid storage diseases
 Lipids
 Lipitor
 Lipodystrophy
 Lipodystrophy syndrome
 Lipodystrophy, cephalothoracic
 Lipoid nephrosis
 Lipoidosis, sphingomyelin
 Lipoma
 Lipomatosis, multiple symmetric
 Lipophilin
 Lipoprotein
 Lipoproteins
 Liposarcoma
 Liposuction
 Liposuction, tumescent
 Liposuction, ultrasonic-assisted
 Lips
 Liquid diet
 Liquid nitrogen
 Liquor cerebrospinalis
 Lisfranc Fracture
 Lissencephaly
 Lissencephaly syndrome
 Listeria
 Listeriosis
 Liter
 Lithium
 Lithium carbonate
 Litho-
 Lithobid
 Lithotomy
 Lithotomy position
 Lithotripsy
 Lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave
 Lithotripsy, percutaneous nephro- (PNL)
 Lithotriptor
 Litmus
 Litmus test
 Little lady of Flores
 Little People of America
 Live animal market
 Livedo reticularis
 Liver
 Liver biopsy
 Liver cancer, adult primary
 Liver cancer, childhood
 Liver disease
 Liver Failure
 Liver fluke
 Liver of pregnancy, acute fatty
 Liver pain
 Liver shunt
 Liver spot
 Liver transplant
 Liver transplantation, living donor
 Livid
 Living donor liver transplantation
 Living will
 Lizard bite

 LL
 LN2
 Loa loa
 Lobar
 Lobe
 Lobectomy
 Lobotomy
 Lobstein's disease
 Lobular carcinoma of the breast, infiltrating
 Lobule
 Local seizure
 Local therapy
 Local treatment
 Lochia
 Locked-in syndrome
 Lockjaw
 Locomotion
 Locomotive system
 Locoregional
 Locoregional anesthesia
 Locoregional metastasis
 Locus
 Locus minoris resistentiae
 LOD score
 Loeys-Dietz syndrome
 Loiasis
 Loin
 Loneliness, fear of
 Long arm of a chromosome
 Long QT syndrome
 Long-chain-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase def
 Long-term care facility
 Long-term memory
 Longevity
 Longitudinal
 Longitudinal section
 Longitudinal study
 Lordosis
 Loss-of-function mutation
 Lou Gehrig disease
 Louise Brown
 Louse-borne typhus
 Love pearls
 Low back pain
 Low blood pressure
 Low blood sugar
 Low carb diet
 Low placenta
 Low platelets
 Low tension glaucoma
 Low testosterone
 Low vision
 Low vision device
 Low-grade lymphoma
 Low-set ear
 Lower GI series
 Lower leg
 Lower motor neuron
 Lower segment Cesarian section (LSCS)

 LP (lumbar puncture)
 Lubricant
 Lucid dreaming
 Lues
 Luetic
 Lumbar
 Lumbar discography
 Lumbar lordosis
 Lumbar puncture
 Lumbar radiculopathy
 Lumbar spinal stenosis
 Lumbar strain
 Lumbar vertebrae
 Lumen
 Lumpectomy
 Lung cancer
 Lung cancer, familial
 Lung cancer, non-small cell
 Lung cancer, oat cell
 Lung cancer, small cell
 Lung reduction surgery
 Lung transplant
 Lung volume reduction surgery
 Lung, and Blood Institute, National Heart,
 Lung, collapsed
 Lung, popcorn
 Lungs
 Lunula
 Lunule
 Lupus
 Lupus in pregnancy
 Luschka, foramina of
 Luteinizing hormone
 Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
 Luxation
 Lycanthropy
 Lycopene
 Lyme disease
 Lymph
 Lymph gland
 Lymph node
 Lymph node, sentinel
 Lymphadenitis, regional
 Lymphadenopathy
 Lymphadenopathy virus
 Lymphadenopathy-associated virus
 Lymphangiogram
 Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
 Lymphangioma
 Lymphangitis
 Lymphatic
 Lymphatic edema
 Lymphatic filariasis
 Lymphatic system
 Lymphatic tissue
 Lymphatics
 Lymphedema
 Lymphedema, congenital
 Lymphoblastic leukemia, acute (ALL)
 Lymphocyte
 Lymphocytic
 Lymphocytic colitis
 Lymphocytic leukemia, acute (ALL)
 Lymphocytosis
 Lymphogranuloma venereum
 Lymphoid
 Lymphoid tissue
 Lymphoma
 Lymphoma, aggressive
 Lymphoma, AIDS-related
 Lymphoma, Burkitt
 Lymphoma, high-grade
 Lymphoma, indolent
 Lymphoma, intermediate-grade
 Lymphoma, low-grade
 Lymphoma, lymphoblastic
 Lymphoma, MALT
 Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin
 Lymphoproliferative
 Lymphoproliferative disorders
 Lymphoreticulosis, benign
 Lynch syndrome
 Lyon hypothesis
 Lyonization
 Lyophilization
 Lyophilize
 Lys
 Lysenkoism
 Lysergic acid diethylamide
 Lysine
 Lysis
 Lysosomal enzyme
 Lysosome
 Lytic

 M protein
 M. avium
 M. intercellulare
 M. leprae
 M. marinum
 M.D.
 Macerate
 Macewen operation
 Macewen sign
 Machine, continuous passive motion machine
 Machine, CPM
 Machine, heart-lung
 Machupo virus
 Macro- (prefix)
 Macroangiopathy
 Macrobiota
 Macrobiotic
 Macrobiotic diet
 Macrocephaly
 Macrocephaly, multiple lipomas, and hemangiomas
 Macrocytic
 Macrogenitosomia
 Macroglobulinemia
 Macroglobulinemia, Waldenstrom
 Macroglossia
 Macrognathia
 Macrolide
 Macroorchidism
 Macrophage
 Macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1
 Macrophagic myofasciitis
 Macroscopic
 Macrosomia
 Macrovascular
 Macrovascular disease
 Macula
 Macular
 Macular (skin)
 Macular cyst
 Macular Degeneration
 Macular hole
 Macular pucker
 Macular retinopathy
 Macular vision
 Macule
 Macules
 Maculopathy
 Maculopathy, cellophane
 Mad deer disease
 Madelung disease
 Mag sulfate
 Magendie, foramen of
 Maggot
 Magic bullet
 Magnesia
 Magnesium
 Magnesium deficiency
 Magnesium excess
 Magnesium sulfate
 Magnet therapy
 Magnetic resonance elastography
 Magnetic resonance imaging
 Magnetic resonance perfusion imaging
 Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging
 Magnetic-targeted carrier
 Mainstream medicine
 Maintenance therapy
 Major
 Major anomaly
 Major anxiety disorder
 Major depression
 Major gene
 Major histocompatibility complex
 Makeup, permanent
 Malabsorption
 Malacia
 Malady
 Malaise
 Malar
 Malaria
 Malaria, falciparum
 Malaria, pregnancy-associated
 Malariologist
 Malariology
 Malattia leventinese
 Male
 Male breast cancer
 Male chromosome
 Male chromosome complement
 Male condom
 Male external genitalia
 Male genitalia
 Male gonad
 Male internal genitalia
 Male menopause
 Male organs of reproduction
 Male pelvis
 Male sexual orientation gene
 Malformation
 Malformation, arteriovenous
 Malformation, arteriovenous (AVM)
 Malformation, congenital
 Malignancy
 Malignant
 Malignant ascites
 Malignant giant cell tumor
 Malignant hyperthermia
 Malignant melanoma
 Malleability, brain
 Malleolus
 Mallet
 Malleus
 Malnutrition
 Malnutrition-related diabetes
 Malrotated ear
 Malrotation of the intestine
 MALT lymphoma
 Mammaplasty, reduction
 Mammary gland
 Mammogram
 Mammogram, screening
 Managed care
 Mandible
 Maneuver, Heimlich
 Maneuver, Valsalva
 Mania
 Mania, mixed
 Manic
 Manic-depression
 Manic-depressive disease
 Manicheel tree
 Manny
 Manometry
 Manorexia
 Mansfield
 Mansfield, Peter
 Mantoux test
 MAO inhibitor
 Map, contig
 Map, cytogenetic
 Map, linkage
 Map, physical
 Map-dot-fingerprint type corneal dystrophy
 Maple syrup urine disease
 Mapping
 Mapping, gene
 Marasmus
 Marburg disease
 Marburg virus
 Marcus Gunn syndrome
 Marfan syndrome
 Margaret Mead
 Marie-Strumpell disease
 Marijuana
 Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome
 Mark of Cain
 Marker
 Marker chromosome
 Marker gene
 Marker, blood
 Marker, tumor
 Marmoreal
 Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome
 Marriage, cousin
 Marrow
 Marsh fever
 Marshall W. Nirenberg
 Marshall-Smith syndrome
 Martin Rodbell
 Martinus W. Beijerinck
 Martorell syndrome
 Marx
 Marx, Gertie F.
 MASA syndrome
 Mask of pregnancy
 Mask, oxygen
 Masklike face
 Masochism
 Mass spectrometry
 MASS syndrome
 Massage
 Massage therapist
 Masseter
 Mast cell
 Mast cell tumor
 Mast syndrome
 Mastalgia
 Mastectomy
 Mastectomy, double
 Mastectomy, modified radical
 Mastectomy, preventative
 Mastectomy, prophylactic
 Mastectomy, radical
 Mastectomy, simple
 Mastectomy, subcutaneous
 Masticate
 Mastitis
 Mastocyte
 Mastocytoma
 Mastocytosis
 Mastoid
 Mastoiditis
 Materfamilias
 Materia medica
 Maternal
 Maternal age
 Maternal mortality rate
 Maternal myasthenia gravis
 Maternal phenylketonuria
 Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP)
 Materteral
 Materterine
 Mathematics disorder
 Matricectomy
 Matter, gray
 Matter, white
 Maturity onset diabetes of the young
 Maxilla
 Mayaro virus MAYV
 Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome

 Mb
 MB ChB
 MCAD deficiency
 McArdle disease
 McArdle's disease
 McBurney's point
 McClintock
 McClintock, Barbara
 McCune-Albright syndrome
 McKusick-Kaufman syndrome
 MCL (medial collateral ligament) of the knee
 MCP1
 Me-too drug
 Mead
 Mead, Margaret
 Meadow syndrome
 Meal moth
 Mean cell hemoglobin
 Mean cell hemoglobin concentration
 Mean cell volume
 Measles
 Measles encephalitis
 Measles immunization
 Measles syndrome, atypical (AMS)
 Measly
 Measly tapeworm
 Meatus
 Meatus, female urethral
 Mechanical ventilation
 Meckel's diverticulum
 Meconium
 Meconium ileus
 MECP2 (methyl-CpG-binding protein-2)
 Med school
 Med-school syndrome
 Med1 DNA repair gene
 Media, contrast
 Medial
 Medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee
 Medial meniscus of the knee
 Medial occipitotemporal gyrus
 Median
 Mediastinoscopy
 Mediastinotomy
 Mediastinum
 Medic Alert
 Medicaid
 Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)
 medical definition of botfly
 Medical device
 Medical directives, advance
 Medical entomology
 Medical etymology
 Medical geography
 Medical helminthology
 Medical history
 Medical journal, first American
 Medical journals
 Medical jurisprudence
 Medical physics
 Medical prefix
 Medical profession
 Medical Repository
 Medical Research Council
 Medical research resource, ATCC as
 Medical school
 Medical school syndrome
 Medical school, first American
 Medical scientist
 Medical symbol
 Medical word origin
 Medical-school syndrome
 MedicAlert
 Medicalize
 Medicare
 Medicare Part A
 Medicare Part B
 Medicated stent
 Medication
 Medication, ACE-inhibitor
 Medication, anti-infective
 Medication, anti-platelet
 Medication, antibiotic
 Medication, anticoagulant
 Medication, antifungal
 Medication, antimicrobial
 Medication, antiprotozoal
 Medication, antiviral
 Medication, beta-blocker
 Medication, clot-dissolving
 Medication, generic
 Medication, vasodilator
 Medicine, adoption
 Medicine, Chinese
 Medicine, family
 Medicine, forensic
 Medicine, geriatric
 Medicine, homeopathic
 Medicine, legal
 Medicine, naturopathic
 Medicine, nuclear
 Medicine, occupational
 Medicine, transfusion
 Medicine, travel
 Medicins Sans Frontieres
 Medifast diet
 Medigap
 Medigap policy
 Meditation
 Mediterranean anemia
 Mediterranean diet
 Mediterranean Fever
 Mediterranean-style diet
 Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase
 Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
 Medulla
 Medulla oblongata
 Medulla, adrenal
 Medullary cystic kidney disease, recessive
 Medullary thyroid cancer
 Medulloblastoma
 Mega- (prefix)
 Megabase
 Megacolon
 Megakaryocyte
 Megalencephaly
 Megrim
 Meibomian cyst
 Meibomian gland
 Meibomianitis
 Meibomitis
 Meiosis
 Meiotic
 Meiotic drive
 Meiotic nondisjunction
 Melan- (prefix)
 Melancholia
 Melanin
 Melanocyte
 Melanoderma
 Melanoma
 Melanoma of the eye
 Melanoma thickness
 Melanoma vaccine
 Melanoma, juvenile
 Melanoma, acral-lentiginous
 Melanoma, amelanotic
 Melanoma, benign
 Melanoma, choroidal
 Melanoma, ciliary body
 Melanoma, conjunctival
 Melanoma, eye
 Melanoma, intraocular
 Melanoma, iris
 Melanoma, lentigo maligna
 Melanoma, malignant
 Melanoma, nodular
 Melanoma, ocular
 Melanoma, superficial spreading
 Melanoma, uveal
 Melanosis coli
 MELAS syndrome
 Melasma
 Melatonin
 Melena
 Melioidosis
 Melissophobia
 Melittin
 Melomania
 Melorheostosis
 Meltdown, genetic
 Membrane
 Membrane attack complex
 Membrane cofactor protein
 Membrane metalloendopeptidase
 Membrane, epiretinal
 Membrane, vaginal
 Membrane-associated neutral endopeptidase
 Membranous
 Membranous gingivitis, acute
 Membranous glomerulonephritis
 Membranous nephropathy
 Membranous vitreous type Stickler syndrome
 Memory
 Memory B cells
 Memory span
 Memory, anterograde
 Memory, explicit
 Memory, implicit
 Memory, long-term
 Memory, recent
 Memory, short-term
 Memory, working
 Menangle virus
 Menarche
 Mendel, Gregor
 Mendelian
 Mendelian inheritance
 Mendelism
 Menetrier disease
 Menetrier's disease
 Meniere disease
 Meninges
 Meningioma
 Meningitis
 Meningitis vaccine
 Meningitis, aseptic
 Meningitis, bacterial
 Meningitis, benign recurrent aseptic
 Meningitis, cryptococcal
 Meningitis, infectious
 Meningitis, Kernig sign of
 Meningitis, meningococcal
 Meningitis, Mollaret
 Meningitis, neoplastic
 Meningitis, tuberculous
 Meningitis, viral
 Meningocele (MM)
 Meningococcal infection
 Meningococcal meningitis
 Meningococcal vaccine
 Meningococcus
 Meningoencephalitis
 Meningomyelocele
 Meniscus
 Meniscus injury
 Meniscus, lateral knee
 Meniscus, medial knee
 Menkes syndrome
 Menometrorrhagia
 Menopause
 Menopause transition
 Menopause, chemical
 Menopause, induced
 Menopause, natural
 Menopause, radiation
 Menopause, surgical
 Menorrhagia
 Menstrual
 Menstrual cramps
 Menstrual cycle
 Menstrual irregularity
 Menstrual migraine
 Menstrual spotting
 Menstrual synchronization
 Menstrually associated migraine
 Menstruation
 Menstruation, anovular
 Menstruation, cessation of
 Menstruation, retrograde
 Mental child injury
 Mental retardation
 Mental retardation and clasped thumbs
 Mental retardation, blindness, deafness, seizures
 Mentum
 Meralgia paresthetica
 Mercaptopurine
 Mercury gilding
 Mercury poisoning
 Merkel cell carcinoma
 Merkle cell carcinoma
 Mesenteric adenitis
 Mesenteric artery
 Mesenteric vein
 Mesentery
 Mesial
 Mesmerism
 Mesoderm
 Mesodermal
 Mesothelin
 Mesothelioma
 Messenger RNA
 Met
 Metabolic
 Metabolic diseases, inherited
 Metabolic rate, basal
 Metabolic syndrome
 Metabolism
 Metabolism, inborn error of
 Metacarpals
 Metacentric chromosome
 Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD)
 Metagene
 Metallic taste in mouth
 Metanalysis
 Metaphase (cell cycle)
 Metaphase chromosome
 Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (McKusick type)
 Metapneumovirus
 Metapneumovirus, human
 Metastasis
 Metastasize
 Metatarsal
 Metatarsals
 Metatarsophalangeal
 Metatarsophalangeal joint sprain
 Metatarsus
 Meter, peak-flow
 Meter, pH
 Metered dose inhaler
 Metered-dose inhaler
 Methadone
 Methadone treatment program
 Methanococcus jannaschii
 Methemoglobin
 Methemoglobinemia
 Methicillin
 Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
 Methionine
 Method, rhythm
 Methyl bromide
 Methyl-CpG-binding protein-2 (MECP2)
 Methylation
 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
 Methylmalonicaciduria
 Methylmercury
 Metrorrhagia
 Meuse fever

 mg
 MG (myasthenia gravis)
 mGy
 MI
 Miasma
 Miasmic
 MIC-1
 Michael Stuart Brown
 Micro-
 Micro-RNA
 Microabscess
 Microalbuminuria
 Microangiopathy
 Microarray
 Microbe
 Microbicide
 Microcephalin
 Microcephalin 1
 Microcephaly
 Microchimerism
 Microcystic corneal dystrophy
 Microcytic
 Microdeletion
 Microdiscectomy
 Microdosimetry
 Microduplication
 Microduplication 22q11.2 syndrome
 Microembolus
 Microhematuria
 Microorchidism
 Micropenis
 Microphallus
 Microphthalmia
 Microphthalmia syndrome, Lenz
 Micropigmentation
 Microscope
 Microscope, compound
 Microscope, electron
 Microscope, fluorescent
 Microscope, simple
 Microscopic
 Microscopic anatomy
 Microscopic gallstones
 Microscopy
 Microscopy, cryo-electron
 Microscopy, electron
 Microsomia
 Microsporidiosis
 Microsurgery
 Microtia
 Microtubule motor
 Microtubule motor protein
 Microvascular
 Microvascular disease
 Microvascular surgery
 Micturate
 Micturition
 Micturition syncope
 Midbrain aqueduct
 Middle ear
 Middle ear infection, acute
 Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
 Midget
 Midgut volvulus
 Midlife crisis
 Midnight children
 Midnight disease
 Midwife
 Midwife assistant
 Midwife, certified
 Midwife, certified nurse
 Midwife, certified professional
 Midwife, direct-entry
 Midwife, empirical
 Midwife, lay
 Midwife, traditional
 Mifepristone
 Migraine
 Migraine aura
 Migraine headache
 Migraine without aura
 Migraine, abdominal
 Migraine, classic
 Migraine, common
 Migraine, menstrual
 Migraine, menstrually associated
 Migraine, ocular
 Migraine, ophthalmic
 Migraineur
 Migrainous neuralgia
 Mild cognitive impairment
 Miliary aneurysm
 Miliary tuberculosis
 Milk allergy, cow
 Milk, witch's
 Miller's lung
 Miller-Dieker syndrome
 Milligram
 Milligray
 Milwaukee brace
 Milzbrand
 Mimesis
 Mimetic
 Minamata disease
 Mind
 Miner's asthma
 Mineral requirements, infant
 Mineralocorticoids
 Minimal change disease
 Minimal change nephrotic syndrome
 Minimal residual disease
 Minimally invasive lung volume reduction
 Minipill
 Minor
 Minor anomaly
 Minor salivary gland
 Minot-Von Willebrand disease
 Miosis
 miRNA
 Mirror, mouth
 Miscarriage
 Miscarriage, multiple
 Mismatch repair
 Misophonia
 Missense mutation
 Mite
 Mite, dust
 Mite-borne typhus
 Miticide
 Mitochondria
 Mitochondrial
 Mitochondrial cytopathy, Kearns-Sayre type
 Mitochondrial disease
 Mitochondrial DNA
 Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome MDS MDDS
 Mitochondrial encephalopathy, MELAS
 Mitochondrial genome
 Mitochondrial inheritance
 Mitochondrial myopathy
 Mitochondrion
 Mitosis
 Mitotic
 Mitotic nondisjunction
 Mitragyna speciosa
 Mitral insufficiency
 Mitral prolapse
 Mitral regurgitation
 Mitral valve
 Mitral valve prolapse
 Mittelschmerz
 Mixed bipolar state
 Mixed connective tissue disease
 Mixed mania
 Mixed-lineage leukemia

 MM
 Modafinil
 Model end stage liver disease
 Modeling, chromatin
 Modelling, chromatin
 Modifiers, biological response (BRMs)
 Moebius Syndrome
 Mohs surgery
 Moisturize
 Molar
 Molars
 Mold
 Mole
 Molecular biology
 Molecular phylogenetics
 Molecule
 Molecules, recombinant DNA
 Mollaret meningitis
 Molluscacide
 Molluscicide
 Molluscum contagiosum
 Momism
 Monaural
 Mongolism
 Monilia
 Moniliasis, oral
 Monitor, Holter
 Monkeypox
 Mono
 Monoamine oxidase inhibitor
 Monoarthritis
 Monoarticular
 Monochromat
 Monochromatism
 Monoclonal
 Monoclonal antibody
 Monocular
 Monocular diplopia
 Monocyte
 Monocyte chemotactic and activating factor
 Monocyte chemotactic protein-1
 Monogenic
 Mononeuritis
 Mononeuritis multiplex
 Mononeuropathy
 Mononucleosis
 Mononucleotide
 Monosodium glutamate
 Monosomy
 Monozygous twins
 Monte Carlo simulation
 Montgomery, William W.
 Moonflower
 Moral behavior center
 Moraxella kingae
 Morbid jealousy
 Morbidity
 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
 Morbilli
 Morbus gallicus
 Mordant
 Morgagni's tubercle
 Morgellons disease
 Morgue
 Morning glory syndrome
 Morning sickness
 Morning-after pill
 Morphea
 Morpheus
 Morphia
 Morphine
 Morphology
 Morquio syndrome
 Mortality
 Mortality rate
 Mortality rate, fetal
 Mortality rate, infant
 Mortality rate, maternal
 Mortality rate, neonatal
 Mortality, infant
 Morton disease
 Morton foot
 Morton metatarsalgia
 Morton nerve entrapment
 Morton neuroma
 Morton syndrome
 Morton toe
 Morton's disease
 Morton's foot
 Morton's metatarsalgia
 Morton's nerve entrapment
 Morton's neuroma
 Morton's syndrome
 Morton's toe
 Mosaic
 Moscati
 Moscati, St. Joseph
 Mother
 Motherese
 Motility study, antro-duodenal
 Motion sickness
 Motion, range of
 Motoneuron
 Motor
 Motor neuron
 Motor neuron disease
 Motor neurone disease
 Motulsky dye test
 Mountain sickness
 Mountain sickness, acute (AMS)
 Mourning
 Mourning, public
 Mouse genome
 Mouse, deer
 Mouse, white-footed
 Mousepox
 Mouth
 Mouth mirror
 Mouth, dry
 Mouth, trench
 Movement, fetal
 Movement, saccadic
 Mowat-Wilson syndrome
 Mower injury
 Moyamoya

 MP
 MPO deficiency
 MRI, endorectal
 MRKH syndrome
 mRNA
 MRSA infection
 MS
 MSAFP (maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein)
 mtDNA
 MTHFR mutation
 Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
 Mucolipidosis
 Mucolipidosis I
 Mucolipidosis III
 Mucolipidosis IV
 Mucopolysaccharidosis
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type I
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type II
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIC
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type IIID
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type IVB
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII
 Mucopolysaccharidosis type VIII
 Mucormycosis
 Mucosa
 Mucositis
 Mucous
 Mucoviscidosis
 Mucus
 Mucus colitis
 Mucus plug
 Mucus, nasal
 Mudslide injury
 Muir-Torre syndrome
 Mule
 Multi-infarct dementia
 Multicellular
 Multicentric
 Multidetector computed tomography
 Multidetector CT
 Multidetector-row computed tomography
 Multidetector-row CT
 Multifactorial
 Multifactorial inheritance
 Multifocal
 Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN)
 Multipara
 Multipara, grand
 Multiparous
 Multiple abortions
 Multiple daily injections
 Multiple lentigines syndrome
 Multiple miscarriage
 Multiple myeloma
 Multiple organ failure
 Multiple personality disorder
 Multiple sclerosis
 Multiple subpial transection
 Multiple symmetric lipomatosis
 Multiple system atrophy
 Multiple system failure
 Multisection computed tomography
 Multisection CT
 Multislice computed tomography
 Multislice CT
 Mumps
 Mumps immunization
 Mumps in pregnancy
 Munchausen syndrome
 Munchausen syndrome by proxy
 Munchhausen by proxy
 Munchhausen syndrome
 Murine typhus
 Murmur
 Muromonab-CD3
 Murray Valley encephalitis
 Mus musculus
 Mus musculus genome
 Muscle
 Muscle biopsy
 Muscle cramp
 Muscle relaxant
 Muscle, abductor
 Muscle, adductor
 Muscle, cardiac
 Muscle, central core disease of
 Muscle, ciliary
 Muscle, heart
 Muscle, infraspinatus
 Muscle, papillary
 Muscle, piriformis
 Muscle, psoas
 Muscle, subscapularis
 Muscle, supraspinatus
 Muscle, teres minor
 Muscles, abdominal
 Muscular
 Muscular atrophy, post-polio (PPMA)
 Muscular dystrophy
 Muscular dystrophy, Becker
 Muscular dystrophy, congenital
 Muscular dystrophy, distal
 Muscular dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss
 Muscular dystrophy, facioscapulohumeral
 Muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle
 Muscular dystrophy, myotonic
 Muscular dystrophy, oculopharyngeal
 Muscular dystrophy, tibial
 Muscular dystrophy, Ullrich congenital
 Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, Nat'l Institute
 Musculus
 Music therapy
 Musical hallucination
 Musical hallucinosis
 Musicomania
 Musicotherapy
 Musset sign
 Mustard (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome
 Mustard plaster
 Mutagen
 Mutagenesis
 Mutant
 Mutation
 Mutation, acquired
 Mutation, germline
 Mutation, hereditary
 Mutation, missense
 Mutation, nonsense
 Mutation, null
 Mutation, point
 Mutation, private
 Mutation, somatic
 Mute
 Mutilating keratoderma
 Mutism
 Mutism, akinetic
 Mutism, elective

 Myalgia
 Myalgia, epidemic
 Myasthenia gravis
 Myc-
 Mycelia
 Mycelium
 Mycet-
 Myco-
 Mycobacteria
 Mycobacterium
 Mycobacterium abscessus
 Mycobacterium avium
 Mycobacterium avium complex
 Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis
 Mycobacterium chelonae
 Mycobacterium intercellulare
 Mycobacterium leprae
 Mycobacterium marinum
 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
 Mycobacterium ulcerans
 Mycoplasma
 Mycoplasma genitalium
 Mycosis fungoides
 Mycotoxin
 Mydriasis
 Myelin
 Myelination
 Myelinization
 Myelitis
 Myelitis, transverse
 Myelodysplastic syndrome
 Myeloencephalitis
 Myelofibrosis
 Myelogenous
 Myelogenous leukemia, acute
 Myelogram
 Myeloid
 Myeloid leukemia, acute
 Myeloma
 Myeloperoxidase
 Myeloperoxidase deficiency
 Myeloproliferative
 Myeloproliferative disorders
 MYH syndrome
 Myo- (prefix)
 Myocardial bridge
 Myocardial infarction
 Myocardial infarction, acute
 Myocarditis
 Myocarditis, viral
 Myocardium
 Myoclonic seizure
 Myoclonic twitch
 Myoclonus
 Myocyte
 Myocyte, cardiac
 Myofascial pain syndrome
 Myoglobin
 Myokymia
 Myoma
 Myomectomy
 Myometrium
 Myonecrosis
 Myopathy
 Myopathy, mitochondrial
 Myopia
 Myositis
 Myostatin
 Myotonic dystrophy
 Myotonic dystrophy 2
 Myotonic dystrophy type 2
 Myotonic myopathy, proximal
 Myriad
 Myringotomy
 Myxedema coma
 Myxedema, infantile
 Myxoma
 Myxomata

 n-Hexane
 Na (sodium)
 Nadir
 Naegleria fowleri
 Naegleria infection
 Nail
 Nail care
 Nail cross furrows
 Nail dysgenesis and hypodontia
 Nail furrows
 Nail grooves
 Nail infection, fungal
 Nail lines
 Nail-patella syndrome
 Nails, jogger's
 Nails, ringworm of the
 Nails, white spots on the
 Naloxone
 Naltrexone treatment program
 NAME syndrome
 Named reporting
 Naming diseases
 Nanism
 Nanny
 Nanny cam
 Nanny-cam
 Nannycam
 Napiform
 Naprelan
 Narcan
 Narcolepsy
 Narcotic
 Narcotic antagonist treatment
 Nares
 Naris
 Nasal
 Nasal decongestant
 Nasal flu vaccine
 Nasal mucus
 Nasal passage
 Nasal polyp
 Nasal polyps
 Nasal prosthesis
 Nasal septum
 Nasal septum deviation
 Nasal septum hematoma
 Nasal septum perforation
 Nasal-spray flu vaccine
 Naso-
 Nasoenteral tube
 Nasogastric
 Nasogastric tube
 Nasopharynx
 Nat'l Center for Complementary & Alternative Med.
 Nat'l Inst. of Child Health and Human Dev.(NICHD)
 Nat'l Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease
 Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney
 National Academies
 National Academy of Sciences
 National board exams
 National Cancer Institute (NCI)
 National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)
 National Cholesterol Education Program
 National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
 National Eye Institute (NEI)
 National Formulary
 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
 National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
 National Institute Arthritis, Musculoskeletal
 National Institute for Occupational Safety
 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Res.
 National Institute of Environmental Health Science
 National Institute of General Medical Sciences
 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
 National Institute of Neurological Disorders
 National Institute of Nursing Research
 National Institute on Aging (NIA)
 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
 National Institute on Deafness and Other Commun.
 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
 National Institutes of Health (NIH)
 National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
 National Library of Medicine (NLM)
 National Program of Cancer Registries
 National Research Council
 Natriuresis
 Natriuretic
 Natriuretic peptide
 Natural family planning
 Natural immunity
 Natural killer cell
 Natural menopause
 Natural pacemaker
 Naturalistic study
 Nature (journal)
 Naturopath
 Naturopathic
 Naturopathic medicine
 Naturopathy
 Nausea
 Navel
 NCI (National Cancer Institute)
 ND
 Neanderthal
 Nearsightedness
 Nebulization, heated
 Nebulizer
 Neck
 Neck dissection
 Neck pain
 Neck, chronic stiff
 Neck, wry
 Necrobiosis
 Necrobiosis lipoidica
 Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
 Necropsy
 Necrosis
 Necrosis, coagulation
 Necrotic
 Necrotizing fasciitis
 Necrotizing gingivitis
 Necrotizing Pneumonia
 Needle biopsy, stereotactic
 Needle stick
 Needlestick injury
 Nef gene
 Negative calorie diet
 Negative clinical trial
 Negative, false
 Negative-strand RNA virus
 Neglect, child
 Neisseria
 Neisseria infection
 Nematodes
 Neo- (prefix)
 Neocortex
 Neonatal
 Neonatal chloramphenicol toxicity
 Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
 Neonatal intensive care unit
 Neonatal jaundice
 Neonatal lupus
 Neonatal mortality rate
 Neonatal sepsis
 Neonate
 Neonatologist
 Neonatology
 Neophobia
 Neoplasia
 Neoplasm
 Neoplastic
 Nephrectomy
 Nephritis
 Nephritis, acute
 Nephritis, infective tubulointerstitial
 Nephritis, interstitial
 Nephritis, lipomatous
 Nephro-
 Nephroblastoma
 Nephroblastomatosis
 Nephrocalcinosis
 Nephrogenic rest
 Nephrolith
 Nephrolithiasis
 Nephrolithotripsy, percutaneous (PNL)
 Nephrologist
 Nephrology
 Nephron
 Nephronophthisis 1 (NPH1)
 Nephropathy
 Nephropathy, diabetic
 Nephropathy, membranous
 Nephroptosis
 Nephrosclerosis
 Nephrosis
 Nephrosis, lipoid
 Nephrotic syndrome, minimal change
 Nephrotomogram
 Nephrotoxic
 Neprilysin
 Nerve
 Nerve block
 Nerve cell
 Nerve compression
 Nerve conduction study
 Nerve conduction velocity test
 Nerve growth factor
 Nerve palsy, laryngeal
 Nerve pathways, visual
 Nerve, abducent
 Nerve, accessory
 Nerve, afferent
 Nerve, efferent
 Nerve, eighth cranial
 Nerve, eleventh cranial
 Nerve, facial
 Nerve, fifth cranial
 Nerve, first cranial
 Nerve, fourth cranial
 Nerve, glossopharyngeal
 Nerve, hypoglossal
 Nerve, ninth cranial
 Nerve, oculomotor
 Nerve, olfactory
 Nerve, optic
 Nerve, pinched
 Nerve, pressor
 Nerve, recurrent laryngeal
 Nerve, sciatic
 Nerve, second cranial
 Nerve, seventh cranial
 Nerve, sixth cranial
 Nerve, spinal
 Nerve, tenth cranial
 Nerve, third cranial
 Nerve, trigeminal
 Nerve, trochlear
 Nerve, twelfth cranial
 Nerve, vagus
 Nerve, vestibulocochlear
 Nerves, cranial
 Nervine
 Nervous colon syndrome
 Nervous system, autonomic
 Nervous system, central (CNS)
 Nervous system, human
 Nervous system, parasympathetic
 Nervous system, peripheral (PNS)
 Nervous system, sympathetic
 Nervus ulnaris
 Neti pot
 Neural
 Neural foramen
 Neural tube defect
 Neuralgia
 Neuralgia, ciliary
 Neuralgia, facial
 Neuralgia, migrainous
 Neuralgia, postherpetic
 Neuralgia, sphenopalatine
 Neuralgia, vidian
 Neuraminidase inhibitor
 Neurectomy
 Neurinoma, acoustic
 Neuritis
 Neurobiological disorder
 Neuroblastoma
 Neurocysticercosis
 Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation
 Neurodermatitis
 Neuroendocrine
 Neuroendocrine cancer of the skin
 Neuroendocrinology
 Neuroepithelial
 Neurofibromatosis
 Neurofibromatosis type 1
 Neurofibromatosis type 2
 Neurofibromatosis, bilateral acoustic
 Neurofibromatosis, central
 Neurogenesis
 Neurogenic
 Neurogenic shock
 Neuroleptic
 Neurological
 Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Nat'l Institut
 Neurologist
 Neurology
 Neuroma
 Neuroma, acoustic
 Neuroma, optic
 Neuromuscular
 Neuron
 Neuron, arcuate
 Neuron, sensory
 Neuron, spindle
 Neuron-specific enolase (NSE)
 Neurone
 Neuronitis, vestibular
 Neurooncologist
 Neuropathic pain
 Neuropathologist
 Neuropathy
 Neuropathy, accessory
 Neuropathy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth
 Neuropathy, diabetic
 Neuropathy, hypoglossal
 Neuroplasticity
 Neuropsychologist
 Neuroradiologist
 Neuroradiology
 Neuroscience
 Neuroscientist
 Neurosis
 Neurosis, hypochondriacal
 Neurosteroid
 Neurosurgeon
 Neurosyphilis
 Neurosyphilis, tabes
 Neurotheology
 Neurotoxic
 Neurotoxin
 Neurotransmitter
 Neutral foot type
 Neutral posture
 Neutropenia
 Neutropenia, severe congenital (SCN)
 Neutrophil
 Neutrophilia
 Nevi
 Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
 Nevus
 New Engl J Med
 New England Journal of Medicine
 New variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
 New, fear of the
 Newborn hearing screen
 Newborn intensive care unit
 Newborn screening
 Newborn test, Brazelton
 Nexus

 NF
 NF1 (neurofibromatosis type 1)
 NF2 (neurofibromatosis type 2)
 NG
 NG tube
 NIA (National Institute on Aging)
 NIAAA (Nat'l Inst. on Alcoh. Abuse and Alcoholism)
 Niacin
 Niacin deficiency
 NIAID (Nat'l Inst of Allergy and Infectious Dis.)
 Nickel
 Nicotiana tabacum
 Nicotine
 Nicotinic acid
 Nictitate
 Nictitating spasm
 NIDCR (National Institute of Dental Research)
 NIDDK (Nat'l Institute of Diabetes and Kidney)
 Nidus
 Niemann-Pick disease
 Niemann-Pick disease type A
 Niemann-Pick disease type C
 Night blindness
 Night sweats
 Nijmegen breakage syndrome
 Nil disease
 Nine-day measles
 Ninth cranial nerve
 Nipah virus
 Nipple
 Nipple absence
 Nipple confusion
 Nipple discharge
 Nipple shield
 Nipple, supernumerary
 Nirenberg
 Nirenberg , Marshall W.
 Nit
 Nitric oxide
 Nitrogen
 Nitrogen narcosis
 Nitrogen, liquid
 Nitrogenous base
 Nitrosoureas
 Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

 NK cell
 NLM (National Library of Medicine)
 No show
 Nocardia infection
 Nocardiosis
 Nocebo
 Nocturia
 Nocturnal amblyopia
 Nocturnal enuresis
 Nodding syndrome
 Node
 Node, atrioventricular
 Node, AV
 Node, Heberden
 Node, SA
 Node, sentinel lymph
 Node, sinoatrial
 Node, sinus
 Nodes, Osler's
 Nodular
 Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate
 Nodular melanoma
 Nodule
 Nodule, Heberden
 Noisome
 Nolvadex (tamoxifen)
 Nomenclature
 Nomenclature of diseases
 Nominal aphasia
 Non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis
 Non-inferior clinical trial
 Non-inferiority clinical trial
 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes
 Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis nr-axSpA
 Non-rapid eye movement sleep
 Non-small cell lung cancer
 Non-suicidal self injury (NSSI)
 Nonagenarian
 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
 Nonbacterial prostatitis
 Nonblinded study
 Noncoding DNA
 Noncompliance
 Nondipper
 Nondisjunction
 Nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma
 Nonlymphocytic leukemia, acute
 Nonmelanoma skin cancer
 Nonocular type Stickler syndrome
 Nonoxynol
 Nonpathogenic
 Nonpenetrant trait
 Nonrandom
 Nonseminoma
 Nonsense codon
 Nonsense mutation
 Nonstructural scoliosis
 Nonsyndromic
 Nonsyndromic deafness
 Nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease
 Nook Barker
 Noonan syndrome (NS)
 Normal growth rate
 Normal pressure hydrocephalus
 Normal range
 Normal tension glaucoma
 Normotensive
 Normoxia
 Norovirus
 Norplant contraceptive
 North Asian tick-borne rickettsiosis
 Northern blot
 Norwalk virus
 Norwalk-like virus
 Norwegian scabies
 Nose
 Nose job
 Nose picking
 Nose, runny
 Nosebleed
 Nosebleed, causes of
 Nosebleed, treatment of
 Nosocomial
 Nosology
 Nostradamus
 Nostril
 Nostrum
 Notifiable disease
 Novel H1N1 influenza
 Novercal

 NP
 NREM sleep
 NS
 NSE (neuron-specific enolase)
 Nuchal
 Nuchal translucency test
 Nuclear family
 Nuclear medicine
 Nuclei
 Nuclei, basal
 Nucleic acid
 Nucleic acid hybridization
 Nucleic acids
 Nucleocapsid
 Nucleocaspid
 Nucleoside bypass therapy
 Nucleosome
 Nucleotide
 Nucleus
 Nucleus amygdalae
 Nucleus, arcuate
 Nucleus, caudate
 Nude mice
 Nude mouse
 Null mutation
 Nullipara
 Nulliparous
 Numb
 Numbness (Numb)
 Nummular eczema
 Nurse
 Nurse assistant
 Nurse practitioner
 Nurse, licensed practical
 Nurse, licensed vocational
 Nurse, registered
 Nurse-midwife
 Nurse-midwifery
 Nursemaid's elbow
 Nurses Health Study
 Nursing
 Nursing home
 Nutraceutical
 Nutrigenomics
 Nutrition
 Nutritional neuroscience
 Nutritionist

 nvCJD
 Nyctalopia
 Nyctanopia
 Nyctophobia
 Nymph
 Nystagmus

 Oat cell cancer
 Oath of Maimonides
 OB
 Obese
 Obesity
 Obesity, endogenous
 Obesity, exogenous
 Obesity, gynecoid
 Obesity-related disease
 Objective
 Observer variation
 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
 Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
 Obstetrical forceps
 Obstetrician
 Obstetrician/gynecologist
 Obstetrics
 Obstruction
 Obstruction, airway
 Obstruction, intestinal
 Obstructive sleep apnea
 Obtund
 Obtunded
 Obverse
 Occam's razor
 Occipital
 Occipital bone
 Occipital hematoma
 Occiput
 Occlude
 Occlusion
 Occult
 Occult stool blood test
 Occupational disease
 Occupational medicine
 Occupational Safety and Health Administration
 Occupational Safety and Health, Nat'l Institut for
 Occupational therapist
 Ocean itch
 Ochronosis
 Octogenarian
 Ocular
 Ocular conjunctiva
 Ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
 Ocular melanoma
 Ocular migraine
 Ocular prosthesis
 Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum
 Oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia
 Oculocraniosomatic syndrome
 Oculocutaneous albinism
 Oculodentodigital dysplasia
 Oculomotor nerve
 Oculoplastics

 OD (lens prescription)
 ODD syndrome
 Odynophagia
 Oesophagus
 Off-label use
 Off-pump
 Off-pump CABG
 Off-pump surgery
 Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP)
 Offspring
 OGG1
 Oil, tropical
 Ointment
 Okihiro syndrome
 OKT3
 Olecranon
 Olefaction
 Olefactory
 Olfaction
 Olfactory
 Olfactory apparatus
 Olfactory bulb
 Olfactory disorder
 Olfactory nerve
 Olfactory system
 Oligo- (prefix)
 Oligoarthritis
 Oligoastrocytoma
 Oligodactyly
 Oligodendrocyte
 Oligodendroglioma
 Oligohydramnios
 Oligomenorrhea
 Oligonucleotide
 Oligonucleotide probe
 Oligopeptide
 Oligospermia
 Oliguria
 Oliva
 Olivae
 Olivary
 Olive
 Olive oil diet
 Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
 Olivo-
 Olivopontocerebellar
 Olivopontocerebellar atrophy
 Ollier disease
 oma
 Omega-3 fatty acids
 Omentectomy
 Omentum
 Ommaya reservoir
 Omniscience
 Omphalo-
 Omphalocele
 Omphalos
 OMS (World Health Organization)

 On call
 Onchocerciasis
 Oncogene
 Oncogene ErbB
 Oncologist
 Oncology
 Ondine's curse
 Oneiric
 Oneirophrenia
 Oneself, fear of
 Onset
 Onycho- (prefix)
 Onychocryptosis
 Onychodystrophy
 Onychogryphosis
 Onychogryposis
 Onycholysis
 Onychomycosis
 Onychomycosis, proximal white subungual
 Onychoosteodysplasia
 Oocyte
 Oogenesis
 Oogonium
 Oophorectomy
 Oophoritis
 Open charting
 Open cholecystectomy
 Open fracture
 Open heart surgery
 Open reading frame
 Open wound
 Open-angle glaucoma
 Open-label
 Open-label trial
 Opening, vaginal
 Operating room
 Operation
 Operation, Blalock-Taussig
 Operation, Glenn
 Operation, Macewen
 Operon
 Ophthalmia
 Ophthalmic
 Ophthalmic artery
 Ophthalmic migraine
 Ophthalmic veins
 Ophthalmitis
 Ophthalmologist
 Ophthalmology
 Ophthalmopathy
 Ophthalmoplegia with myopathy
 Ophthalmoplegia with ragged-red fibers
 Ophthalmoplegia-plus syndrome
 Ophthalmoscope
 Ophthalmoscopy
 Opiate
 Opiate agonist maintenance
 Opioid
 Opisthotonos
 Opium
 Opportunistic condition
 Opportunistic infection
 Opportunistic microorganism
 Optic
 Optic cup
 Optic disc
 Optic glioma
 Optic nerve
 Optic nerve head
 Optic nerve pathways
 Optic neuroma
 Optician
 Optometrist

 OR (abbreviation)
 Oral
 Oral allergy syndrome
 Oral aversion
 Oral cancer
 Oral candidiasis
 Oral cholecystogram
 Oral contraceptive
 Oral contraceptive, combined
 Oral glucose tolerance test
 Oral moniliasis
 Oral rehydration salts
 Oral rehydration therapy
 Oral surgeon
 Oral-motor
 Orbit
 Orbital
 Orbital fracture
 Orbital ridge
 Orchiectomy
 Orchiopexy
 Orchitis
 Ordre des Medecins
 Organ
 Organ failure
 Organ of hearing
 Organic
 Organic brain syndrome
 Organic dust toxic syndrome
 Organic toxic dust syndrome OTDS
 Organisation Mondiale de la Sante
 Organotherapy
 Organs of reproduction, female
 Organs of reproduction, male
 Orgasm
 Orgasmic disorder
 Orgasmic dysfunction
 Orgasmic inhibition
 Oriental lung fluke
 Oriental medicine (traditional)
 Orientation, anatomic terms of
 Orifice
 Ornithine
 Ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency
 Ornithophobia
 Oromandibular dystonia
 Oropharynx
 Orphan disease
 Orphan drug
 Ortho- (prefix)
 Orthodontic treatment (dental braces)
 Orthodontics
 Ortholog
 Orthologous gene
 Orthomolecular medicine
 Orthopaedics
 Orthopaedist
 Orthopedics
 Orthopedist
 Orthopnea
 Orthopod
 Orthopox
 Orthorexia nervosa
 Orthoscopic
 Orthosis, thoracolumbosacral (TLSO)
 Orthostatic hypotension
 Orthotic
 Oryzomys palustris

 Os
 OS (lens prescription)
 Os calcis
 Os sacrum
 OSA (obstructive sleep apnea)
 Oscillating vision
 Oscillopsia
 Oscitation
 Osgood-Schlatter disease
 Osler's nodes
 Osler, Sir William
 Osler-Rendu-Weber syndrome
 Osmolar
 Osmolarity
 Osmolarity, plasma
 Osmole
 Osseous
 Ossicle
 Ossification
 Ossify
 Osteitis
 Osteitis deformans
 Osteitis fibrosa cystica
 Osteo- (prefix)
 Osteoarthritis
 Osteoarthropathy
 Osteoblast
 Osteoblastoma
 Osteochondritis dissecans
 Osteochondroma
 Osteochondromatosis
 Osteochondromatosis, synovial
 Osteochondrosis
 Osteoclasia
 Osteoclasis
 Osteoclast
 Osteoclastoma
 Osteocyte
 Osteodystrophy
 Osteodystrophy, renal
 Osteogenesis
 Osteogenesis imperfecta
 Osteogenesis imperfecta congenita
 Osteogenesis imperfecta tarda
 Osteogenesis imperfecta type 1
 Osteogenesis imperfecta type 2
 Osteogenesis imperfecta with blue sclerae
 Osteogenesis, electrically stimulated
 Osteoid osteoma
 Osteology
 Osteolytic
 Osteolytic lesion
 Osteomalacia
 Osteomyelitis
 Osteonecrosis
 Osteopath
 Osteopathy
 Osteopenia
 Osteopetrosis
 Osteoporosis
 Osteosarcoma
 Osteosynthesis
 Osteotomy
 Osteotomy, block
 Osteotomy, cuneiform
 Osteotomy, displacement
 Ostomy
 Oswald Theodore Avery

 Ot-
 Otalgia
 OTC (over-the-counter)
 Othello psychosis
 Othello syndrome
 Otic barotrauma
 Otitis
 Otitis externa
 Otitis interna
 Otitis media
 Otitis media, acute
 Oto-
 Otoacoustic emission test
 Otolaryngologist
 Otolaryngology
 Otology
 Otopharyngeal tube
 Otoplasty
 Otosclerosis
 Otoscope
 Ototoxicity
 Ounce
 Outer ear
 Outlet
 Outlet, gastric
 Outpatient
 Output, cardiac
 Ova
 Ovarian
 Ovarian cancer
 Ovarian cancer gene BRCA2
 Ovarian cancer test CA 125
 Ovarian cyst
 Ovarian pregnancy
 Ovarian remnant syndrome
 Ovarian teratoma
 Ovariectomy
 Ovary
 Ovary cyst, follicular
 Ovary, dermoid cyst of the
 Ovary, polycystic
 Over-the-counter (OTC) drug
 Overactive bladder
 Overbreathing
 Overgrowth
 Overgrowth syndrome
 Overload, iron
 Overweight
 Ovulation
 Ovulatory
 Ovum

 Oxter
 Oxy
 Oxycodone
 OxyContin
 Oxygen
 Oxygen mask
 Oxygen tent
 Oxygenate
 Oxygenating
 Oxygenation
 Oxyhemoglobin
 Oxymetholone
 Oxytocin
 Oxyuris
 oz.
 Ozone

 p arm of a chromosome
 p in biochemistry
 p in population genetics
 P. acnes
 P. cepacia
 p.c.
 p.o.
 p.r.n.
 p53
 PA (physician assistant)
 PA (posteroanterior)
 PA X-ray
 PA-C
 Pacemaker
 Pacemaker, artificial
 Pacemaker, implantable
 Pacemaker, internal
 Pacemaker, natural
 Pachy- (prefix)
 Pachydactyly
 Pachyderma
 Pachydermatous
 Pachymeninges
 Pachymeninx
 Pachyonychia
 Pachyonychia congenita of the Jadassohn-Lewandowsk
 Pachyonychia congenita with natal teeth
 Pachyonychia congenita, type 1
 Pacifier
 Pacing, diaphragm
 Paediatrics
 Page kidney
 Paget disease
 Paget disease of the breast
 Pagetic
 Pagon syndrome
 Pain
 Pain management
 Pain unit
 Pain, abdominal
 Pain, ankle
 Pain, back
 Pain, belly
 Pain, breast
 Pain, chest
 Pain, elbow
 Pain, false labor
 Pain, knee
 Pain, shingles
 Pain, shoulder
 Painful urination
 Painful vulva
 Pains, growing
 Palate
 Palate, cleft
 Palate, hard
 Palate, soft
 Palatine
 Palatine bone
 Pale globe
 Paleolithic diet
 Paleostriatum
 Palindrome
 Palindromic
 Palindromic rheumatism
 Palliate
 Palliation
 Palliative care
 Palliative treatment
 Pallidotomy
 Pallidum
 Pallister-Killian syndrome
 Palm
 Palmar
 Palmar surface
 Palmitate
 Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis
 Palpable
 Palpate
 Palpebra
 Palpebral conjunctiva
 Palpebral fissure
 Palpebral gland
 Palpitations
 Palsy
 Palsy, Bell's
 Palsy, laryngeal
 Palsy, laryngeal nerve
 Palytoxin
 Panacea
 Pancolitis
 Pancreas
 Pancreas divisum
 Pancreas, annular
 Pancreas, artificial
 Pancreatectomy
 Pancreatic
 Pancreatic alpha cell
 Pancreatic beta cell
 Pancreatic cancer
 Pancreatic carcinoma
 Pancreatic delta cell
 Pancreatic insufficiency
 Pancreatic islet cell carcinoma
 Pancreatic juices
 Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pancreatic NETs)
 Pancreatitis
 Pancreatitis, acute
 Pancreozymin
 Pancytopenia
 Pancytopenia, Fanconi
 Pandemic
 Pandiculation
 Panencephalitis, subacute sclerosing (SSPE)
 Panhypopituitarism
 Panic
 Panic disorder
 Panmixus
 Panniculus
 Pantothenic acid
 Panuveitis
 Pap Smear
 Pap test
 Pap test, ThinPrep
 Papilla of Vater
 Papilla, anal
 Papilla, cancer of
 Papilla, fungiform
 Papillary muscle
 Papillary renal cell carcinoma
 Papillary tumor
 Papilledema
 Papilliferous
 Papilloma
 Papilloma, cutaneous
 Papilloma, intraductal
 Papillomatosis
 Papillomatosis, juvenile laryngeal
 Papillomatosis, laryngeal
 Papillomatosis, recurrent respiratory
 Papillomavirus, human
 Pappataci fever
 Pappoose root
 Paprika
 Papular
 Papule
 Papules
 Papuliferous
 Para
 Para- (prefix)
 Para-esophageal hiatal hernia
 Parabiosis
 Paracentesis
 Paracentric chromosome inversion
 Paradoxical embolism
 Paraesthesia
 Paraffin dip
 Paragonimiasis
 Paragonimus infection
 Parainfectious
 Parainfluenza
 Paralysis
 Paralysis, facial nerve
 Paralysis, infantile (polio)
 Paralysis, laryngeal nerve
 Paralysis, sleep
 Paralysis, stomach
 Paralysis, vocal cord
 Paralytic ileus
 Paramyxovirus
 Paraneoplastic pemphigus PNP
 Paraneoplastic syndrome
 Paranychia
 Paraoxonase
 Paraparesis
 Paraphilia
 Paraphimosis
 Paraplegia
 Paraplegic
 Paraquat
 Paraquat lung
 Parasite
 Parasitemia
 Parasitic
 Parasitic worm
 Parasitosis
 Paraskevidekatriaphobia
 Parasomnia
 Parasplenic
 Parasuicide
 Parasympathetic nervous system
 Parathormone
 Parathyrin
 Parathyroid adenoma
 Parathyroid gland
 Parathyroid hormone
 Parathyroid insufficiency
 Parathyroidectomy
 Parathyroids, hypoplasia of the thymus and
 Parenchyma
 Parenchymal
 Parentalism
 Parentectomy
 Parenteral
 Parenteral nutrition
 Paresis
 Paresis, general
 Paresthesia
 Paricalcitol
 Parietal
 Parietal bone
 Parietal lobe
 Parietal pericardium
 PARK10
 PARK11
 Parkinson disease
 Parkinson disease gene
 Parkinson disease genetics
 Parkinson's disease
 Parkinson, James
 Parkinsonism
 Paronychia
 Parotid gland
 Parotids
 Parotitis
 Paroxysm
 Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
 Paroxysmal lacrimation
 Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)
 Paroxysmal sleep
 Parrot fever (psittacosis)
 Parry's disease
 Parthenogenesis
 Partial hysterectomy
 Partial laryngectomy
 Partial seizure
 Partial syndactyly
 Partial thromboplastin time test PTT_aPTT
 Participant
 Particle, alpha
 Parturition
 Parumbilical
 Parvovirus B19
 Parvovirus infection
 Passage, nasal
 Passive exercise
 Passive immunity
 Passive smoking
 Passive-aggressive
 Passive-aggressive personality disorder
 Pasteur Institute
 Pasteur, Louis
 Pasteurization
 Patau syndrome (trisomy 13 syndrome)
 Patella
 Patellar
 Patellar ligament
 Patellar reflex
 Patellar tendon
 Patellar tendon reflex
 Patellar tendonitis
 Patellar tendonopathy
 Patellectomy
 Patellofemoral joint
 Patellofemoral syndrome (PFS)
 Patent (adjective)
 Patent (noun)
 Patent ductus
 Patent ductus arteriosus
 Patent urachus
 Paterfamilias
 Paternal
 Paternal age
 Paterson-Kelly syndrome
 Patho-
 Pathobiology
 Pathogen
 Pathogen inactivation
 Pathogen, special
 Pathogenesis
 Pathogenetic
 Pathogenic
 Pathogenicity island
 Pathognomonic
 Pathologic
 Pathologic fracture
 Pathological hoarding
 Pathologist
 Pathologist, speech-language
 Pathology
 Pathophysiology
 pathy
 Patient
 Patient autonomy
 Patient controlled analgesia
 Patient-activated cardiac event recorder
 Patient-activated event recorder
 Patient-controlled analgesia
 Paul C. Lauterbur
 Paul Ehrlich
 Paul M. Zoll
 Pauling
 Pauling, Linus
 Pauling-Corey helix
 Pavlov conditioning
 Pavlov pouch
 Pavlov stomach
 Pavlovian conditioning
 Pax3

 PCBs
 PCL (posterior cruciate ligament)
 PCO disease
 PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
 Pea, jequirity
 Peak expiratory flow
 Peak-flow meter
 Peanut allergy
 Peccant
 Pecs
 Pectoral muscles
 Pectoralis muscle absence with syndactyly
 Pectus carinatum
 Pectus excavatum
 Pediatric
 Pediatric arthritis
 Pediatric bladder infection
 Pediatric cystitis
 Pediatric end stage liver disease
 Pediatric kidney infection
 Pediatric multiple sclerosis
 Pediatric pyelonephritis
 Pediatric renal infection
 Pediatric rheumatologist
 Pediatric urinary tract infection
 Pediatric urine infection
 Pediatric UTI
 Pediatrics
 Pediculicide
 Pediculosis
 Pedigree
 Pedodontics
 Pedophilia
 Pedophobia
 Pee
 Peeling agent
 Peeping tom
 Peer review
 Peliosis hepatis
 Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease
 Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease
 Pellagra
 Pelvic
 Pelvic congestion syndrome
 Pelvic exam
 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
 Pelvic pain
 Pelvis
 Pelvis, android
 Pelvis, female
 Pelvis, gynecoid
 Pelvis, male
 Pemphigus
 Pendred syndrome
 Penetrance
 Penetrant trait
 Penicillin
 Penicillin history
 Penicillin-resistant bacteria
 Penicillium notatus
 Penile
 Penis
 Penis, cancer of the
 Penis, erection of the
 Penis, hypospadias of the
 Penis, inflammation of the foreskin and glans
 Penis, inflammation of the head of the
 Penis, small
 Penrose drain
 Pentapeptide
 Peptic ulcer
 Peptidase
 Peptide
 Peptidomimetic
 Peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase
 Percentile
 Perception, auditory
 Perchlorate
 Perchloric acid
 Percutaneous
 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)
 Percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy
 Percutaneous liver biopsy
 Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PNL)
 Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
 Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS)
 Perfect pitch
 Perfluorinated acid
 Perfluorooctanoic acid
 Perforated Bowel
 Perforated eardrum
 Perforation of appendix
 Perforation, nasal septum
 Perfusion
 Peri-
 Peri-appendiceal
 Perianal
 Perianal abscess
 Periaortic
 Periappendiceal
 Pericardial
 Pericardial effusion
 Pericardial sac
 Pericardial tamponade
 Pericarditis
 Pericardium
 Pericardium, parietal
 Pericardium, visceral
 Pericentric chromosome inversion
 Perichondrial
 Perichondritis
 Perichondrium
 Perichondroma
 Perilingual
 Perimenopause
 Perinatal
 Perinatal transmission
 Perinatologist
 Perinatology
 Perineal
 Perineal prostatectomy
 Perineum
 Period, gestation
 Period, incubation
 Periodic abstinence
 Periodic breathing
 Periodic fever
 Periodic paralyses
 Periodontal
 Periodontal disease
 Periodontics
 Periodontitis
 Perionychia
 Perionychium
 Perioperative
 Periosteal
 Periosteoma
 Periosteum
 Periostitis
 Periostoma
 Peripheral
 Peripheral artery disease
 Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
 Peripheral insulin resistance
 Peripheral iridectomy
 Peripheral nervous system
 Peripheral neuropathy
 Peripheral pulmonary stenosis with cholestasis
 Peripheral vascular disease
 Peripheral vision
 Periphery
 Peristalsis
 Peritoneal
 Peritoneal cancer
 Peritoneal dialysis
 Peritoneum
 Peritonitis
 Peritonitis, acute
 Peritonitis, chronic
 Peritonsillar abscess
 Periventricular leukomalacia, cystic
 Permanent makeup
 Pernicious anemia
 Pernicious vomiting of pregnancy
 Peromyscus leucopus
 Peromyscus maniculatus
 Peroneal muscular atrophy
 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
 Peroxisome proliferator_activated receptor (PPAR)
 Perrault syndrome
 Perry syndrome
 Persantine thallium scan
 Personality disorder
 Personality disorder, borderline
 Perspiration
 Pertussis
 Pes
 Pes cavus
 Pes planum
 Pest (plague)
 Pesthouse
 Pesticide
 Pestilence
 Pestis
 PET scan
 Petasites hybridus
 Petasites vulgaris
 Petechiae
 Peter Mansfield
 Peter Pan syndrome
 Petit mal
 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
 Peyronie disease

 Pfeiffer syndrome
 PGA (polyglandular autoimmune syndrome)
 PGE-2
 pH
 pH meter
 pH, blood
 pH, urine
 Ph.D.
 Phacoemulsification
 Phage
 Phagedenic gingivitis
 Phago-
 Phagocyte
 Phagocytosis
 Phalangeal
 Phalanges
 Phalanx
 Phantom limb syndrome
 Phantom tooth
 Phantom vision
 Pharma food
 Pharmacist
 Pharmaco-epidemiology
 Pharmacogenetics
 Pharmacogenomics
 Pharmacologic stress test
 Pharmacologist
 Pharmacology
 Pharmacopeia
 Pharmacopoeia
 Pharmacy
 Pharmacy benefit manager
 Pharmacy, compounding
 Pharyngeal
 Pharyngitis
 Pharyngoesophageal diverticulum
 Pharynx
 Phase, resting
 Phe
 Phenocopy
 Phenol
 Phenolphthalein
 Phenomenon, Babinski
 Phenomenon, knee
 Phenomenon, phantom limb
 Phenomenon, Raynaud's
 Phenothiazine
 Phenotype
 Phenotype, Klippel-Feil
 Phenylalanine
 Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency
 Phenylketonuria
 Phenylketonuria, maternal
 Pheresis
 Pheromone
 Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)
 Philippine hemorrhagic fever
 Philtrum
 Phimosis
 Phlebitis
 Phlebo- (prefix)
 Phlebotomist
 Phlebotomus fever
 Phlebotomy
 Phobia
 Phobia, social
 Phocomelia
 Phonosurgery
 Phosphatase, acid
 Phosphatase, alkaline
 Phosphate
 Phospholipase
 Phosphorus
 Phosphorylation
 Photic sneeze reflex
 Photochemotherapy, psoralen
 Photocoagulation
 Photodynamic therapy
 Photokeratitis
 Photophobia
 Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
 Photosensitivity
 Phototherapy
 Phrenic pacing
 Phrenology
 Phthisis
 Phylogenetics
 Physiatrist
 Physical child abuse
 Physical growth
 Physical map
 Physical therapist
 Physical therapy
 Physician
 Physician assistant (PA)
 Physician assisted suicide
 Physician discontent
 Physician, emergency
 Physician, family
 Physician-assisted suicide
 Physicians Health Study
 Physicians' Desk Reference
 Physics, health
 Physics, medical
 Physiologic
 Physiologic amenorrhea
 Physiologic jaundice of the newborn
 Physiologic stress test
 Physiology
 Phytanic acid storage disease
 Phytochemical
 Phytodermatitis
 Phytonutrient
 Phytotoxin

 PI
 Pia mater
 Pianist's cramp
 Pica
 Pick disease
 Pickwickian syndrome
 PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
 Piercing
 Pigeon breast
 Pigment
 Pigment dispersion syndrome
 Pigmentation
 Pigmented villonodular synovitis
 Piles
 Pill
 Pill splitter
 Pill splitting
 Pill, the
 Piloerection
 Pilonidal
 Pilonidal cyst
 Pilonidal sinus
 Pimple
 Pimples
 Pimply
 Pin1
 Pinched nerve
 Pineal gland
 Pineal region tumor
 Pinealoma
 Pinel system
 Pineoblastoma
 Pineocytoma
 Pinguecula
 Pinguicula
 Pinkeye
 Pinna
 Pinnate
 Pinocytosis
 Pinosome
 Pinworm infection
 Piperine
 Piriformis muscle
 Piriformis syndrome
 Pisa syndrome
 Piss
 Pistol-shot pulse
 Pit, ear
 Pitting edema
 Pituitary
 Pituitary adenoma
 Pituitary dwarfism
 Pituitary gigantism
 Pituitary gland
 Pituitary, anterior
 Pituitary, posterior
 Pityriasis alba
 Pityriasis rosea

 PKU, maternal
 Placebo
 Placebo effect
 Placebo response
 Placebo-controlled
 Placenta
 Placenta accreta
 Placenta percreta
 Placenta praevia
 Placenta previa
 Placenta, accessory
 Placenta, low
 Placenta, succenturiate
 Placenta, supernumerary
 Placental
 Placental BMP
 Placental bone morphogenetic protein
 Placental chorioangioma
 Placental dystocia
 Placental growth factor
 Placental stage of labor
 Plague
 Plague bacterium genome
 Plague genome
 Plague, black
 Plague, bubonic
 Plague, fowl
 Plague, Great
 Plague, sylvatic
 Plan B
 Plano
 Plano-
 Plant thorn arthritis
 Plantar
 Plantar fasciitis
 Plantar response
 Plantar warts
 Plaque
 Plaque psoriasis
 Plaque, skin
 Plasma
 Plasma cell
 Plasma donation
 Plasma osmolarity
 Plasmacytoma
 Plasmapheresis
 Plasmid
 Plasmodium
 Plastibell Circumcision
 Plastic surgeon
 Plastic surgery
 Plasticity, brain
 Platelet
 Platelet aggregation
 Platelet count
 plegia
 Pleiotropic
 Pleiotropic cytokine
 Pleomorphic
 Pleonasm
 Plethoric
 Pleura
 Pleurae
 Pleural
 Pleural effusion
 Pleural effusion, fetal
 Pleural space
 Pleurisy
 Pleuritis
 Pleurodesis
 Pleurodynia
 Plexus
 Plexus, brachial
 Plodia interpunctella
 PLP1
 Plumbism
 Plummer's disease
 Plummer-Vinson syndrome
 Plyometrics

 PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica)
 PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
 Pneuma
 Pneumatic larynx
 Pneumatism
 Pneumo-
 Pneumococcal immunization
 Pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae)
 Pneumoconiosis
 Pneumoconiosis, coal miner's
 Pneumocystis
 Pneumocystis carinii
 Pneumocystis jiroveci
 Pneumocystis pneumonia
 Pneumocyte
 Pneumomediastinum
 Pneumonectomy
 Pneumonia
 Pneumonia, aspiration
 Pneumonia, bilateral
 Pneumonia, giant cell
 Pneumonia, Hecht's
 Pneumonic plague
 Pneumonitis, radiation
 Pneumopericardium
 Pneumosilicosis
 Pneumothorax
 PNL (percutaneous nephrolithotripsy)
 PNS (peripheral nervous system)
 Podiatrist
 Podocyte
 Poikiloderma
 Poikiloderma atrophicans with cataract
 Poikiloderma congenita
 Point mutation
 Point, McBurney's
 Poison
 Poison Control Center
 Poison ivy
 Poison oak
 Poisoning
 Poisoning, alcohol
 Poisoning, antifreeze
 Poisoning, carbon monoxide
 Poisoning, cyanide
 Poisoning, ethylene glycol
 Poisoning, lead
 Poisoning, mercury
 Poisoning, sea
 Poisoning, silver
 Poland anomaly
 Poland sequence
 Poland syndactyly
 Poland syndrome
 Policosanol
 Policy, Medigap
 Polio
 Polio immunization
 Polio vaccine, inactivated
 Polio vaccine, killed
 Polio vaccine, live
 Polio vaccine, oral
 Polio vaccine, Sabin
 Polio vaccine, Salk
 Polio, abortive
 Poliomyelitis
 Poliovirus
 Polish disease
 Polle syndrome
 Pollen
 Pollen count
 Pollenosis
 Pollex
 Pollices
 Pollinosis
 Polonies
 Polony
 Poly-
 Poly1 isomerase
 Polyangiitis, granulomatosis
 Polyarteritis nodosa
 Polyarticular
 Polycentric
 Polychlorinated biphenyls
 Polychlorocamphene
 Polyclonal
 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
 Polycystic kidney disease
 Polycystic kidney disease, adult
 Polycystic kidney disease, autosomal dominant
 Polycystic kidney disease, autosomal recessive
 Polycystic kidney disease, infantile
 Polycystic ovarian syndrome
 Polycystic ovary syndrome
 Polycythemia
 Polycythemia vera (PV)
 Polydactyly
 Polydactyly (hexadactyly)
 Polydipsia
 Polyendocrinopathy syndrome, autoimmune
 Polygenic
 Polygenic disease
 Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome (PGA)
 Polyhydramnios
 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
 Polymerase, DNA
 Polymerase, RNA
 Polymorphic
 Polymorphic light eruption
 Polymorphism
 Polymorphonuclear leukocyte
 Polymox
 Polymyalgia
 Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)
 Polymyositis
 Polyneuritis, acute idiopathic
 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
 Polyp
 Polyp colon family history
 Polypectomy
 Polypeptide
 Polyphenol
 Polyploid
 Polypsis of the colon
 Polysomnography
 Polyubiquitination
 Polyuria
 Pompe disease
 Pons
 Pontiac fever
 Ponto-
 Pool, gene
 Poor circulation
 Popcorn lung
 Popliteal
 Popliteal fossa
 Popliteal pterygium syndrome
 Population, study
 Porcelain gallbladder
 Porcine
 Porencephaly
 Pork tapeworm
 Pork tapeworm infection
 Porphyria
 Porphyria cutanea tarda
 Port wine stain
 Portable generator safety
 Portal vein
 Position, anatomical
 Positional cloning
 Positive clinical trial
 Positive end-expiratory pressure
 Positive pressure ventilation
 Positive, false
 Positive-strand RNA virus
 Positron emission tomography
 Post
 Post-exposure prophylaxis
 Post-menopausal
 Post-nasal drip
 Post-polio muscular atrophy (PPMA)
 Post-polypectomy
 Post-term
 Post-term infant
 Post-thrombotic syndrome
 Post-traumatic stress
 Post-traumatic stress disorder
 Postcoital contraception
 Posterior
 Posterior chamber
 Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
 Posterior pituitary
 Posterior urethral valves
 Posteroanterior
 Posteroanterior (PA)
 Postherpetic neuralgia
 Posthitis
 Postlingual
 Postmature infant
 Postmaturity
 Postmenopausal
 Postmenopausal cervical kyphosis
 Postmenopause
 Postmortem examination
 Postop
 Postoperative
 Postoperative care
 Postoperative hemorrhage
 Postpartum
 Postpartum depression
 Postpartum psychosis
 Postphlebitic syndrome
 Postpolio syndrome (PPS)
 Postprandial
 Postremission therapy
 Postulates, Koch's
 Postural
 Postural hypotension
 Posture
 Posture, neutral
 Posture, static
 Potassium
 Potassium deficiency
 Potassium excess
 Potassium perchlorate
 Potomania
 POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)
 Pott's disease
 Pouch of Douglas
 Pouch, Pavlov
 Pouch, rectovaginal
 Poultice
 Pound
 Powassan Virus
 Power of attorney, durable
 Power outage and the heat
 Power outage drinking water safety
 Power outage food safety
 Power outage preparations
 Power outage work safety
 Power-of-attorney for health-care decision-making
 Pox virus

 PPMA (post-polio muscular atrophy)
 PPS (post-polio syndrome)
 Practice, family
 Prader-Willi syndrome
 Prandial
 Prayer of Maimonides
 Pre-eclampsia
 Pre-sleep dream
 Prealbumin
 Preauricular tag
 Precancerous
 Preclinical study
 Precocious
 Precocious puberty
 Preconceptual counselling
 Precordial catch syndrome
 Precordial catch syndrome (PCS)
 Precursor
 Prediabetes
 Predispose
 Preeclampsia
 Preemie
 Preexcitation
 Prefix, medical
 Prefixes, medical
 Pregnancy
 Pregnancy abuse
 Pregnancy calendar
 Pregnancy danger from fifth disease
 Pregnancy danger from urinary tract infection
 Pregnancy planning
 Pregnancy radiation exposure
 Pregnancy symptoms
 Pregnancy ultrasound
 Pregnancy, acute fatty liver
 Pregnancy, alcohol in
 Pregnancy, dangerous drugs during
 Pregnancy, ectopic
 Pregnancy, extrauterine
 Pregnancy, hyperemesis of
 Pregnancy, mask of
 Pregnancy, pernicious vomiting of
 Pregnancy, tubal
 Pregnancy-associated malaria
 Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A
 Pregnant
 Prehypertension
 Preleukemia
 Prelingual
 Premacular fibrosis
 Premalignant
 Premature baby
 Premature beat
 Premature birth
 Premature contraction
 Premature contraction of the heart
 Premature ejaculation
 Premature menopause
 Premature systole
 Premature ventricular beat
 Premature ventricular contraction
 Prematurity
 Premenstrual
 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
 Premenstrual syndrome
 Premie
 Prenatal
 Prenatal care
 Prenatal development
 Prenatal diagnosis
 Prenatal radiation exposure
 Prenatal surgery
 Preop
 Preoperative
 Preoperative care
 Prepatellar bursitis
 Prepubertal
 Prepuce
 Prepuce, inflammation of the
 Presbyacousia
 Presbyacusia
 Presbyacusis
 Presbycusis
 Presbyopia
 Prescription
 Prescription drug
 Presentation, breech
 Presentation, footling
 Presentation, vertex
 Presenteeism
 Pressor
 Pressor substance
 Pressure hives
 Pressure neuropathy
 Pressure sore
 Pressure urticaria
 Pressure wound
 Pressure, intraocular
 Pressure, low blood
 Prevalence
 Preventive medicine
 Priapism
 Primary
 Primary amebic meningoencephalitis
 Primary amenorrhea
 Primary amyloidosis
 Primary atelectasis
 Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)
 Primary care
 Primary care provider
 Primary cataract
 Primary ciliary dyskinesia
 Primary dentition
 Primary HIV infection
 Primary immunodeficiency disease
 Primary liver cancer, adult
 Primary progressive aphasia
 Primary sclerosing cholangitis
 Primary teeth
 Primary tumor
 Primitive neuroectodermal tumor
 Primordia
 Primordium
 Primum non nocere
 Principal investigator
 Principal joints of the body
 Prinzmetal angina
 Prion
 Prion dementia
 Prion disease
 Prior approval
 Prior authorization
 Private mutation
 PRK (photorefractive keratectomy)
 Pro
 Pro time
 Pro-
 Probability
 Proband
 Probe
 Probiotic
 Probiotics
 Procedure, Whipple
 Process
 Proclivity
 Procollagen
 Proctalgia Fugax
 Proctitis
 Proctitis, ulcerative
 Proctocele
 Proctology
 Proctosigmoidoscopy
 Prodrug
 Product, gene
 Progeny
 Progeria
 Progestational hormone
 Progesterone
 Progesterone receptor test
 Progestin
 Prognathism
 Prognosis
 Prognostic
 Programmed cell death
 Progressive
 Progressive cardiomyopathic lentiginosis
 Progressive dementia with cerebellar ataxia
 Progressive infantile poliodystrophy
 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
 Progressive supranuclear palsy
 Progressive vaccinia
 Proinflammatory
 Prokaryote
 Prokaryotic
 Prolactin
 Proliferative
 Proline
 Prominent vertebra
 Prominentia laryngea
 Promoter
 Pronation
 Pronator foot type
 Prone
 Prontosil
 Pronucleus
 Prophase chromosome
 Prophylactic
 Prophylactic cranial irradiation
 Prophylaxis
 Propionibacterium acnes
 Propofol
 Proportional counter
 Proposita
 Propositus
 Proprioception
 Propylthiouracil (PTU)
 Prosopagnosia (face blindness)
 Prospective
 Prospective study
 Prostaglandin
 Prostaglandin E2
 Prostaglandin F2-alpha
 Prostate
 Prostate acid phosphatase
 Prostate cancer
 Prostate cancer gene
 Prostate cancer gene BRCA2
 Prostate enlargement
 Prostate gland
 Prostate specific antigen
 Prostate, nodular hyperplasia
 Prostatectomy
 Prostatectomy, perineal
 Prostatectomy, radical
 Prostatectomy, retropubic
 Prostatic acid phosphatase
 Prostatic hyperplasia, benign
 Prostatic hypertrophy, benign
 Prostatitis
 Prostatitis, acute bacterial
 Prostatitis, chronic bacterial
 Prostatitis, nonbacterial
 Prostatodynia
 Prostheses
 Prosthesis
 Prosthesis, auditory
 Prosthesis, cleft palate
 Prosthesis, nasal
 Prosthesis, ocular
 Prosthetic
 Prosthetics
 Prosthodontist
 Protean
 Protease
 Protease inhibitor
 Proteasome
 Protein
 Protein C
 Protein C deficiency
 Protein kinase A
 Protein kinase A regulatory subunit 1-alpha
 Protein malnutrition
 Protein requirements, infant
 Protein ZIP code
 Protein, acute phase
 Protein, C-reactive
 Protein, proteolipid
 Protein-calorie malnutrition
 Protein-losing enteropathy
 Proteins
 Proteins, acute-phase
 Proteins, G
 Proteinuria
 Proteolipid protein
 Proteome
 Proteomics
 Proteus syndrome
 Prothrombin
 Prothrombin 20210A mutation
 Prothrombin G20210A mutation
 Prothrombin mutation 20210A
 Prothrombin mutation G20210A
 Prothrombin time
 Proto-oncogene
 Protocol, Bruce
 Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging
 Protozoa
 Prox-
 Proxi-
 Proximal
 Proximal myotonic myopathy
 Proximal white subungual onychomycosis
 Proximo-
 Proxy, health care
 Prune belly syndrome
 Pruritic
 Pruritus
 Pruritus ani
 Prusiner
 Prusiner, Stanley B.

 PSC (primary sclerosing cholangitis)
 Pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy
 Pseudodementia
 Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
 Pseudogout
 Pseudohemophilia
 Pseudomelanosis coli
 Pseudomembranous colitis
 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
 Pseudomonas cepacia
 Pseudomonas infection
 Pseudomonas pseudomallei
 Pseudoobstruction, intestinal
 Pseudoobstruction, myopathic
 Pseudoobstruction, neuropathic
 Pseudoparalysis, spastic
 Pseudorubella
 Pseudotumor cerebri
 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
 Psittacosis (parrot fever)
 Psoas
 Psoralen
 Psoralen photochemotherapy
 Psoriasis
 Psoriasis vulgaris
 Psoriasis, erythrodermic
 Psoriasis, flexural
 Psoriasis, guttate
 Psoriasis, inverse
 Psoriasis, plaque
 Psoriasis, pustular
 Psoriatic arthritis
 Psyche
 Psychedelic
 Psychiatric
 Psychiatric trauma
 Psychiatrist
 Psychiatry
 Psycho-oncology
 Psychodynamic drug
 Psychodynamic medication
 Psychodynamic therapy
 Psychogenic
 Psychoimmunology
 Psychological child abuse
 Psychological imprinting
 Psychologist, clinical
 Psychology
 Psychology, clinical
 Psychology, social
 Psychoneuroimmunology
 Psychooncology
 Psychopathic personality
 Psychopathic personality disorder
 Psychosis
 Psychosis, ICU
 Psychosis, intensive care unit
 Psychosis, Othello
 Psychosis, schizophrenia
 Psychosomatic
 Psychosomatic illness
 Psychotherapy
 Psychotropic drug
 Psychotropic medication

 PTC (percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography)
 Pterygium
 PTHC (percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography)
 Ptosis
 Ptosis of the eyelids, adult
 Ptosis of the eyelids, congenital
 Pubarche
 Puberty
 Puberty, precocious
 Pubic lice
 Pubic symphysis
 Pubis
 Public grief
 Public health
 Public health school
 Public Health Service, United States (USPHS)
 Public mourning
 PUBS (percutaneous umbilical blood sampling)
 Pucker, macular
 Pudendum
 Puerperal fever
 Puerperium
 Pulled elbow
 Pulmonary
 Pulmonary acinus
 Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
 Pulmonary arterial hypertension
 Pulmonary artery
 Pulmonary artery catheter
 Pulmonary barotrauma
 Pulmonary edema
 Pulmonary edema, high altitude
 Pulmonary embolism
 Pulmonary embolus
 Pulmonary fibrosis
 Pulmonary function test
 Pulmonary hypertension
 Pulmonary insufficiency
 Pulmonary medicine
 Pulmonary stenosis
 Pulmonary stenosis, peripheral, with cholestasis
 Pulmonary syndrome, Hantavirus
 Pulmonary therapy
 Pulmonary trunk
 Pulmonary tuberculosis
 Pulmonary valve
 Pulmonary vein
 Pulmonology
 Pulse
 Pulse, cannonball
 Pulse, collapsing
 Pulse, Corrigan
 Pulse, pistol-shot
 Pulse, trip-hammer
 Pulse, water hammer
 Pulseless disease
 Pump-oxygenator
 Punch biopsy
 Puncture wound
 Puncture, lumbar
 Pupil
 Pupil dilation test
 Purging disorder
 Purine
 Purpura
 Purpura, acute thrombocytopenic
 Purpura, allergic
 Purpura, anaphylactoid
 Purpura, Henoch-Schonlein
 Purpura, Schonlein-Henoch
 Purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic (TTP)
 Purulent
 Pus
 Pustular psoriasis
 Pustule
 Pustulosis
 Putamen
 Putrid throat

 PV
 PX
 Pyarthrosis
 Pycnodysostosis
 Pyelo
 Pyelogram
 Pyelonephritis
 Pyelonephritis in children
 Pyloric stenosis
 Pylorus
 Pyoderma gangrenosum
 Pyogenic granuloma
 Pyridoxine
 Pyrimidine
 Pyrophosphate arthropathy
 Pyrosis
 Pythagoras
 Pyuria
 q arm of a chromosome
 Q bands
 Q fever
 Q fever vaccine
 q in population genetics
 q.2h
 q.3h.
 q.h. (on prescription)
 q.i.d. (on prescription)
 q.s.
 q_h (on prescription)
 qd (on prescription)
 Qi gong
 Qinghaosu
 QRS complex
 QT syndrome, long
 Quack
 Quackery
 Quadrant
 Quadriceps
 Quadriceps reflex
 Quadriceps stretch
 Quadriparesis
 Quadriplegia
 Quadriplegic
 Qualified health claim
 Qualify
 Qualitative
 Quality adjusted life year (QALY)
 Quality of life
 Qualm
 Quantitative
 Quaque (on prescription)
 Quaque die (on prescription)
 Quarantine
 Quasi-
 Quasidiploid
 Quasidominant
 Quater in die (on prescription)
 Queasy
 Queensland tick typhus
 Quickening
 Quiescence
 Quiescent
 Quinacrine
 Quincke's disease
 Quinine
 Quinquagenarian
 Quinsy
 Quintan fever
 Quotidian
 Quotient

 R (symbol)
 R-2
 r-tPA
 R/O
 RA
 Rabbit fever
 Rabies
 Raccoon roundworm infection
 Race
 Race-based drug
 Race-based medication
 Race-based therapy
 Racemose
 Racemose aneurysm
 Rad
 RAD51
 Radial
 Radial drusen
 Radial head dislocation
 Radial head subluxation
 Radial keratotomy
 Radiate
 Radiation
 Radiation during pregnancy
 Radiation fibrosis
 Radiation menopause
 Radiation oncologist
 Radiation oncology
 Radiation pneumonitis
 Radiation sickness
 Radiation therapy
 Radiation therapy, 3-D
 Radiation therapy, conformal
 Radiation therapy, conformational
 Radiation therapy, external
 Radiation therapy, internal
 Radiation therapy, stereotactic
 Radiation therapy, targeted
 Radiation toxicity
 Radiation, background
 Radiation, food
 Radiation, ultraviolet
 Radical dissection
 Radical neck
 Radical neck dissection
 Radical prostatectomy
 Radicular pain
 Radiculopathy
 Radiculopathy, lumbar
 Radio frequency identification
 Radioactive
 Radioactive iodine
 Radioactive tracer
 Radioallergosorbent test
 Radiofrequency ablation
 Radiograph
 Radiography
 Radioimmunoassay
 Radioinsensitive
 Radioiodine
 Radioisotope
 Radiologic
 Radiologist
 Radiology
 Radiology, interventional
 Radiolucent
 Radiomimetic
 Radionuclide
 Radionuclide scan
 Radionuclide stress test
 Radiopaque
 Radiosensitive
 Radiotherapy
 Radiotherapy, stereotactic
 Radium
 Radius
 Radon
 Raeder's syndrome
 Ragged red fibers with CPEO
 Ragweed
 Raised hemidiaphragm
 Rale
 Ramsay Hunt syndrome
 Ramus
 Ramus of the mandible
 Random
 Random mating
 Random number table
 Random numbers
 Random sample
 Randomization
 Randomize
 Randomized
 Randomized clinical trial
 Randomized controlled trial
 Randomly
 Range
 Range of motion
 Range, normal
 Rape
 Rape, date
 Rapid eye movement sleep
 Rapid plasma reagin test
 Rapid strep test
 Rapunzel syndrome
 Rash
 Rash, butterfly
 Rash, chickenpox
 Rash, varicella
 Rash, vesicular
 Rash, yeast diaper
 Rasmussen encephalitis
 Rasmussen syndrome
 Rat, cotton
 Rat, rice
 Rat-flea typhus
 Rate, basal metabolic
 Rate, birth
 Rate, death
 Rate, erythrocyte sedimentation
 Rate, fetal mortality
 Rate, heart
 Rate, infant mortality
 Rate, maternal mortality
 Rate, mortality
 Rate, neonatal mortality
 Rate, pulse
 Rate, respiratory
 Rate, sed
 Rate, sedimentation
 Rattlesnake bite
 Raw egg
 Ray, Roentgen
 Raynaud's disease
 Raynaud's phenomenon
 RDIs (Reference Daily Intakes)
 RDS (respiratory distress syndrome)
 Re-uptake
 Reabsorption
 Reactant, acute phase
 Reactant, acute-phase
 Reaction kinetics
 Reaction, allergic
 Reaction, chemical
 Reaction, desmoplastic
 Reaction, hibernation
 Reaction, polymerase chain
 Reaction, vasovagal
 Reactive arthritis
 Reactive oxygen species
 Reading frame
 Reading frame, open
 Reading retardation
 Reagent
 Reaven syndrome
 Rebound
 Rebound effect
 Recalcitrant
 Recalls, FDA
 Recent memory
 Receptor
 Receptor, chemokine
 Receptor, T-cell
 Receptor, visual
 Recessive
 Recessive, autosomal
 Recessive, X-linked
 Recipient
 Reciprocal translocation
 Recombinant
 Recombinant clones
 Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC)
 Recombinant DNA molecules
 Recombinant DNA technology
 Recombinant tPA
 Recombination
 Recommended Daily Allowance
 Recommended Dietary Allowance
 Recreational water illness
 Recrudescence
 Rectal (adjective)
 Rectal (noun)
 Rectal bleeding
 Rectal cancer
 Rectal exam, digital (DRE)
 Rectal incontinence
 Rectal itching
 Rectocele
 Rectouterine pouch
 Rectum
 Rectus
 Rectus abdominis
 Recuperate
 Recur
 Recurrence
 Recurrence risk
 Recurrent
 Recurrent abortion
 Recurrent aural vertigo
 Recurrent laryngeal nerve
 Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
 Recurrent trisomy
 Red blood cell
 Red blood cells
 Red cell count
 Red cell distribution width
 Red cells
 Red corpuscles
 Red Devils
 Red ear syndrome
 Red eye
 Red jungle fowl
 Red jungle fowl genome
 Red Raspberry (Raspberry ketone)
 Red yeast rice
 Red-green colorblindness
 Reduction division
 Reduction mammaplasty
 Reduction, breast
 Reduviid bug
 Reed-Sternberg cell
 Referral
 Referred pain
 Reflex
 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDS)
 Reflex, Babinski
 Reflex, let down
 Reflex, patellar
 Reflex, patellar tendon
 Reflex, photic sneeze
 Reflex, pressor
 Reflex, quadriceps
 Reflux
 Reflux disease, gastroesophageal (GERD)
 Reflux laryngitis
 Reflux surgery (fundoplication)
 Reflux, esophageal
 Refract
 Refraction
 Refraction test
 Refractory
 Refractory anemia
 Refractory epilepsy
 Refsum disease
 Regenerate
 Regimen
 Region, regulatory
 Regional enteritis
 Regional lymphadenitis
 Registry
 Registry, tumor
 Regress
 Regulatory gene
 Regulatory region
 Regulatory sequence
 Regulatory T cell
 Regurgitation
 Regurgitation, aortic
 Regurgitation, mitral
 Rehab
 Rehabilitation
 Rehydrate
 Rehydration
 Reiki
 Reimplantation
 Reinnervate
 Reinnervation
 Reinstein syndrome
 Reiter syndrome
 Rejection
 Relapse
 Relapsing fever
 Relaxant
 Relaxin
 Release, carpal tunnel
 Rem
 REM sleep
 Remedy
 Remission
 Remission induction chemotherapy
 Remodeling, chromatin
 Remodelling, chromatin
 Remote telesurgery
 Renal
 Renal aneurysm
 Renal artery stenosis
 Renal calculi
 Renal cancer
 Renal capsule
 Renal cell cancer
 Renal cell carcinoma
 Renal Fanconi syndrome
 Renal infection in children
 Renal osteodystrophy
 Renal pelvis
 Renal stone
 Renal syndrome with hemorrhagic fever
 Renal transplant
 Renal tubules
 Renal vein thrombosis
 Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome
 rep
 Repair, DNA
 Repair, hernia
 Repair, mismatch
 Repeat
 Reperfusion
 Repetitive DNA
 Repetitive stress injury
 Replacement therapy, estrogen (ERT)
 Replacement therapy, hormone (HRT, HT)
 Replacement therapy, testosterone
 Replacement, total hip
 Replantation
 Replication
 Replication, DNA
 Reportable disease
 Reporting, anonymous
 Reporting, named
 Reporting, unique identifier
 Representational oligonucleotide microarray
 Reproduction
 Reproductive cells
 Reproductive organs, female
 Reproductive system
 Research, clinical
 Research, controlled
 Resect
 Resectable
 Resection
 Resection, video-assisted
 Reservoir
 Reservoir of infection
 Reservoir, Ommaya
 Resident
 Residual
 Resignation syndrome
 Resin, bile acid
 Resistance
 Resistance, antibiotic
 Resistance, aspirin
 Resistance, insulin
 Resistance, pulmonary
 Resistance, vascular
 Resolution
 Resorb
 Resorption
 Respiration
 Respiratory
 Respiratory depression
 Respiratory disease, acute
 Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
 Respiratory distress syndrome, acute
 Respiratory failure
 Respiratory insufficiency
 Respiratory papillomatosis, recurrent
 Respiratory rate
 Respiratory syncytial virus
 Respiratory system
 Respiratory therapist
 Respiratory therapy
 Response, Babinski
 Response, hyperglycemic
 Response, plantar
 Rest
 Restenosis
 Resting phase
 Restitution
 Restless leg syndrome
 Restless legs
 Restriction endonuclease
 Restriction enzyme
 Restriction fragment length polymorphism
 Restriction map
 Restriction site
 Resuscitate
 Resuscitation
 Resveratrol
 Retardation, reading
 Retic
 Retic count
 Reticulocyte
 Reticulocyte count
 Reticulocytosis
 Reticuloendotheliosis, leukemic
 Retina
 Retina, detached
 Retinal
 Retinal artery, central
 Retinal detachment
 Retinal disease
 Retinal electrophysiologic testing
 Retinal fundus
 Retinal pigment epithelium
 Retinal vasculitis
 Retinal vein, central
 Retinal wrinkling
 Retinitis pigmentosa
 Retinitis pigmentosa and congenital deafness
 Retinoblastoma
 Retinoic acid syndrome
 Retinoid
 Retinol
 Retinopathy
 Retinopathy, arteriosclerotic
 Retinopathy, diabetic
 Retinoschisis
 Retinoschisis, juvenile
 Retinoschisis, X-linked
 Retinoschisis, X-linked juvenile
 Retraction syndrome
 Retrodiagnosis
 Retrograde amnesia
 Retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS)
 Retromingent
 Retroposition
 Retropubic prostatectomy
 Retrospective
 Retrospective diagnosis
 Retrospective study
 Retrosternal
 Retrovirus
 Rett syndrome
 Reuptake
 Reversal of organs, total
 Reverse genetics
 Reverse transcriptase
 Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
 Reye syndrome

 RF
 Rh factor
 Rh incompatibility
 Rhabdomyolysis
 Rhabdomyosarcoma
 Rheumatic fever
 Rheumatic heart disease
 Rheumatism
 Rheumatism, generalized
 Rheumatism, localized
 Rheumatism, psychogenic
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic-onset juvenile
 Rheumatoid factor
 Rheumatoid nodules
 Rheumatoid spondylitis
 Rheumatologist
 Rheumatologist, pediatric
 Rheumatology
 Rhinitis
 Rhinitis Acute
 Rhinitis Chronic
 Rhinitis, allergic
 Rhinitis, allergic, perennial
 Rhinitis, allergic, seasonal
 Rhinitis, vasomotor
 Rhinophyma
 Rhinoplasty
 Rhinorrhea
 Rhinotillexomania
 Rhinovirus
 Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata
 Rhogam
 Rhythm method
 Rhythm, sinus
 Rib
 Rib cage
 Rib, cervical
 Rib, false
 Rib, floating
 Rib, fluctuating
 Rib, sternal
 Rib, true
 Rib, vertebral
 Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
 Ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
 Ribosomal RNA
 Ribosome
 Ribozyme
 Rice genome
 Rice rat
 Richard L. Varco
 Ricin
 Ricker syndrome
 Rickets
 Rickets, celiac
 Rickets, hypophosphatemic
 Rickets, renal
 Rickets, vitamin D resistant
 Ricketts, Howard T.
 Rickettsia
 Rickettsial diseases
 Rickettsialpox
 Rickettsioses
 Rickettsioses of the eastern hemisphere, tick-born
 Rickettsiosis, North Asian tick-borne
 Rickettsiosis, vesicular
 Rift Valley fever
 Right atrium
 Right heart
 Right hepatic duct
 Right ventricle
 Right-handed
 Rigor
 Rigor mortis
 Rigour (Rigor)
 Riley-Day syndrome
 Ring avulsion injury
 Ring chromosome
 Ring vaccination
 Ring, intrastromal corneal
 Ringing in the ears
 Ringworm (tinea)
 Ringworm of the nails
 Riot control agent poisoning
 RIRS (retrograde intrarenal surgery)
 Risk factor
 Risk of recurrence
 Ritter disease
 River blindness
 RNA editing
 RNA interference
 RNA polymerase
 RNA silencing
 RNA virus
 RNA virus, negative-strand
 RNA virus, positive-strand
 RNA, messenger
 RNA, ribosomal
 RNA, transfer
 RNAi
 Roach-2
 Roapies
 Robertsonian translocation
 Robo
 Robotripping
 Robust
 Rochalimaea quintana
 Rock (drug)
 Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF)
 Rocky Mountain wood tick
 Rod
 Rod Beals
 Rodbell
 Rodbell, Martin
 Rodenticidal
 Rodenticide
 Rodney K. Beals
 Roentgen
 Roentgen ray
 Roentgen, Wilhelm
 Roentgenology
 Rohypnol
 Romano-Ward syndrome
 Roofer's knee
 Roofies
 Rooting reflex
 Rorschach test
 Rosacea
 Rosacea keratitis
 Rosary pea
 Roseola
 Roseola infantilis
 Roseola infantum
 Rossi counter
 Rotator cuff
 Rotator cuff disease
 Rotavirus
 Roth's spot
 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
 Round
 Round window
 Rounds
 Roundworm
 Roundworm C. elegans genome
 Roundworm genome
 Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
 Royal Society, the

 RP
 RPR test
 rRNA
 RS1
 RT
 RTT (Rett syndrome)
 RU-486
 Rubella immunization
 Rubella syndrome
 Rubella vaccine
 Rubeola (measles)
 Rubor
 Rule out
 Rumination
 Runny nose
 Runt-related transcription factor 1
 Runx-1
 Rupture
 Rupture of appendix
 Rupture, uterine
 Ruptured spleen
 RV (rotavirus)
 Rx

 S1-S5 (sacral vertebrae)

 SA node
 Saami health
 Sabin
 Sabin vaccine
 Sabin, Albert
 Sabin, Florence R.
 Sabulous
 Sac, amniotic
 Sac, dural
 Sac, egg
 Sac, pericardial
 Sac, yolk
 Saccade
 Saccadic movement
 Saccharin
 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
 Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome
 Saccular
 Saccular aneurysm
 Sacral
 Sacral agenesis
 Sacral vertebrae
 Sacrococcygeal
 Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SI Joint Pain)
 Sacroiliac joint pain
 Sacrum
 Saddle gall
 Saddle sore
 Safe sex
 Safer sex
 Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale
 Saffron
 Sagittal
 Sagittal sinus
 Salaam
 Salaam seizure
 Salabrasion
 Salicylic acid
 Salient
 Saline
 Saliva
 Salivary gland
 Salk Institute
 Salk vaccine
 Salmon safety
 Salmonella
 Salmonella genome
 Salmonellosis
 Salpingo-oophorectomy
 Salt
 Salter-Harris fracture
 Salubrious
 Salutary
 Salvage chemotherapy
 Salvage radiotherapy
 Salvage therapy
 Samaritan
 Sample, random
 San Joaquin Valley disease
 Sand, biliary
 Sand-blind
 Sandfly fever
 Sandhoff disease
 Sanfilippo syndrome
 Sanger Centre
 Sanguine
 Saphenous vein
 Saphenous vein, great
 Saphenous vein, large
 Saphenous vein, small
 SAPHO syndrome
 Sapovirus
 Sapphism
 Sapporo-like virus
 Sarcoidosis
 Sarcoma
 Sarcoma botryoides
 Sarcoma, Ewing
 Sarcoma, Kaposi
 Sarcoma, metastatic
 Sarcoma, soft tissue
 Sarcoma, synovial
 SARS vaccine
 Sartorius muscle
 SATB2-associated syndrome
 Satellite DNA
 Saturated fat
 Sawbones
 Sawyer's extractor

 sBCC
 Scabicide
 Scabies
 Scabies, crusted
 Scaffold
 Scalded skin syndrome
 Scale, Centigrade
 Scale, Fahrenheit
 Scale, skin
 Scales, body fat
 Scaling
 Scalp ringworm
 Scan
 Scan, bone
 Scan, CAT
 Scan, computerized axial tomography
 Scan, computerized tomography
 Scan, CT
 Scan, DXA
 Scan, helical CAT
 Scan, radionuclide
 Scan, SPECT
 Scan, spiral CAT
 Scan, thyroid
 Scanning electron microscope
 Scapula
 Scarification
 Scarlatina
 Scarlet fever
 Schadenfreude
 Schedules, Gesell Developmental
 Scheuermann's disease
 Schistosoma haematobium
 Schistosoma japonicum
 Schistosoma mansoni
 Schistosome
 Schistosomiasis
 Schizencephaly
 Schizoaffective disorder
 Schizoid
 Schizophrenia
 Schizophrenia, childhood
 Schizotypal personality disorder
 Schmorl's node
 Schonlein-Henoch purpura
 School, first American medical
 School, medical
 Schwannoma
 Schwartz-Jampel syndrome
 Sciatic nerve
 Sciatica
 Science (journal)
 Science, cognitive
 Scientist, medical
 Scintigraphy
 Scintimammography
 Scler-
 Sclera
 Scleredema
 Scleredema adultorum
 Sclerencephaly
 Scleritis
 Sclero-
 Scleroconjunctival
 Sclerodactyly
 Scleroderma
 Sclerokeratitis
 Scleromalacia
 Sclerose en plaques
 Sclerosing cholangitis
 Sclerosing panencephalitis, subacute (SSPE)
 Sclerosis
 Sclerosis, multiple
 Sclerotherapy
 SCN (severe congenital neutropenia)
 Scoliosis
 Scoliosis, acquired
 Scoliosis, congenital
 Scoliosis, functional
 Scoliosis, idiopathic
 Scoliosis, nonstructural
 Scoliosis, structural
 Scooter injury
 Scopolamine
 Scorbutic
 Scorbutus
 Score, Apgar
 Score, Gleason
 Scorpion venom
 Scrape
 Scratch test for allergy
 Screening mammogram
 Screening, kidney disease
 Screening, newborn hearing
 Script
 Scrofula
 Scrofulous
 Scrotum
 Scrub
 Scrub in
 Scrub typhus
 Scrub up
 Scrubs
 Scuba health
 Scullcap
 Scurvy
 Scutellaria
 Scutellaria barbata

 SDF-1
 Sea poisoning
 Seabather's itch
 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
 Seat belt
 Sebaceous cyst
 Sebaceous gland
 Seborrhea
 Seborrheic dermatitis
 Seborrheic eczema
 Seborrheic keratosis
 Sebum
 Seckel syndrome
 Second cranial nerve
 Second degree burn
 Second stage of labor
 Second wave
 Second-hand smoke
 Secondary amenorrhea
 Secondary amyloidosis
 Secondary atelectasis
 Secondary cataract
 Secondary pulmonary arterial hypertension
 Secondhand smoke
 Secretary's knee
 Secretase, beta-
 Secretin
 Section
 Section, Cesarean
 Section, Cesarian
 Section, cross
 Section, longitudinal
 Section, lower segment Cesarian (LSCS)
 Sedative
 Sedimentation rate
 Seed implantation
 SEER program
 Segawa dystonia
 Segment, genomic
 Segmental arterial Doppler pressures
 Seizure
 Seizure disorders
 Seizure, absence
 Seizure, astatic
 Seizure, atonic
 Seizure, automatic
 Seizure, centrencephalic
 Seizure, clonic
 Seizure, complex partial
 Seizure, febrile
 Seizure, focal
 Seizure, focal motor
 Seizure, grand mal
 Seizure, jackknife
 Seizure, Jacksonian
 Seizure, local
 Seizure, myoclonic
 Seizure, partial
 Seizure, petit mal
 Seizure, salaam
 Seizure, tonic-clonic
 Selective Estrogen-Receptor Modulator (SERM)
 selective mutism
 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
 Selective tubal occlusion procedure
 Selenium
 Selenium deficiency
 Selenium excess
 Selenium poisoning
 Selenocysteine
 Selenoprotein
 Selenosis
 Self, fear of
 Self-harm
 Selfish operon
 Sella turcica
 Semen
 Semen DNA analysis
 Semiallogeneic
 Seminal vesicle
 Senescence
 Senile
 Senile chorea
 Senile keratosis
 Senile lentigo
 Senility
 Sensation
 Sense
 Sense of smell
 Sense, balance
 Sense-strand RNA virus
 Sensitivity
 Sensitivity, analytic
 Sensorineural deafness with XX gonadal dysgenesis
 Sensorium
 Sensory
 Sensory integration
 Sensory neuron
 Sentinel lymph node
 Sentinel lymph node biopsy
 Sentinel node biopsy
 Sentinel-lymph-node biopsy
 Seoul virus
 Separation anxiety
 Separation anxiety disorder
 Sepsis
 Sepsis, neonatal
 Septal defect, atrial (ASD)
 Septal defect, ventricular (VSD)
 Septate
 Septate vagina
 Septic
 Septic arthritis
 Septic bursitis
 Septicemia
 Septorhinoplasty
 Septuagenarian
 Septum
 Septum, atrial
 Septum, cardiac
 Septum, heart
 Septum, interatrial
 Septum, interventricular
 Septum, nasal
 Septum, ventricular
 Sequela
 Sequelae
 Sequence tagged site (STS)
 Sequence, complementary
 Sequence, conserved
 Sequence, draft DNA
 Sequence, finished DNA
 Sequence, intervening
 Sequence, Klippel-Feil
 Sequence, regulatory
 Sequencing
 Sequester
 Ser
 Serendipity
 Serial amnioreduction
 Serial transverse enteroplasty
 Serine
 Seroconversion
 Serositis
 Serotonin
 Serotonin reuptake inhibitor, selective
 Serotype
 Serrated
 Serration
 Serratus
 Serratus anterior
 Serratus magnus
 Serratus posterior inferior
 Serratus posterior superior
 Serum
 Serum amyloid A
 Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT)
 Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT)
 Serum hepatitis
 Serving size
 Sesamoid bone
 Sesamoiditis
 Sesquipedalian
 Seven day diet
 Seven-day measles
 Seventh cranial nerve
 Seventh cranial nerve paralysis
 Sever condition
 Severe acute respiratory syndrome
 Severe combined immunodeficiency disease
 Severe congenital neutropenia
 Severe cyclonic storm
 Severe tropical cyclone
 Sex before sports
 Sex chromosome
 Sex region Y
 Sex-determining region, Y
 Sexagenarian
 Sexploitation
 Sexual child abuse
 Sexual jealousy
 Sexual masochism
 Sexual sadism
 Sexually transmitted disease
 Sexually transmitted disease in men
 Sexually transmitted diseases in women
 Sexually transmitted infection

 Shaken baby syndrome
 Shank
 Shark attack
 Sharp
 Shell egg
 Shell shock
 Sherlock, Sheila
 Shettles method
 Shield, nipple
 Shigella
 Shigellosis
 Shin
 Shin bone fever
 Shin splint
 Shin spot
 Shinbone
 Shingle
 Shingles
 Shingles pain
 Ship fever
 Shock
 Shock lung
 Shock syndrome, dengue
 Shock, anaphylactic
 Shock, cardiogenic
 Shock, hypovolemic
 Shock, primary
 Shock, psychologic
 Shock, secondary
 Shock, septic
 Shock, shell
 Shock, spinal
 Shock, toxic
 Shock, vasogenic
 Shopaholic
 Short arm of a chromosome
 Short bowel syndrome
 Short hairpin RNA
 Short-term memory
 Shortness of breath
 Shot, flu
 Shotgun sequencing
 Shots, allergy
 Shotty
 Shoulder
 Shoulder blade
 Shoulder bursitis
 Shoulder dislocation
 Shoulder dystocia
 Shoulder joint
 Shoulder pain
 Shoulder, frozen
 Show
 Shprintzen syndrome
 shRNA
 Shulman's syndrome
 Shunt
 Shunt, Blalock-Taussig
 Shunt, Glenn
 Shunt, Spitz-Holter
 Shunt, transjugular, intrahepatic, portosystemic
 Shunt, triculoperitoneal
 Shunt, ventriculoatrial
 Shunt, ventriculopleural
 Shy-Drager syndrome

 SI joint pain
 Sialidosis
 Siamese twin
 Sib
 Sibling
 Sibship
 Sicca syndrome
 Sick building syndrome
 Sick sinus syndrome
 Sickle cell anemia
 Sickle cell disease
 Sickle cell trait
 Sickle hemoglobin
 Sickness, acute mountain (AMS)
 Sickness, altitude
 Sickness, morning
 Sickness, motion
 Sickness, mountain
 Siddha medicine
 Side effects
 Sideropenic dysphagia
 Sidney Goldring
 SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
 SIDS with dysgenesis of testes
 Sight, day
 Sigma Theta Tau
 Sigmodon hispidus
 Sigmoid
 Sigmoid volvulus
 Sigmoidoscope
 Sigmoidoscopy
 Sigmoidoscopy, flexible
 Sign
 Sign language
 Sign of pregnancy
 Sign, Babinski
 Sign, Gottron
 Sign, Kernig
 Sign, Lhermitte
 Sign, Macewen
 Sign, Tinel's
 Sign, toe
 Signal transduction
 Signal transduction pathway
 Signature
 Sikimitoxin
 Silencing, gene
 Silent stroke
 Silica
 Silicatosis
 Silicosis
 Silk Road disease
 Silver
 Silver bullet
 Silver poisoning
 Simian crease
 Simian virus 40
 Single base change
 Single gene disease
 Single nucleotide polymorphism
 Single palmar flexion crease
 Single palmar flexion line
 Single transverse palmar crease
 Single transverse palmar line
 Single upper palm crease
 Single upper palm line
 Single-blind
 Single-masked
 Single-payer health care
 Singultus
 Sinoatrial node
 Sinuous
 Sinus
 Sinus arrhythmia
 Sinus barotrauma
 Sinus bradycardia
 Sinus headache
 Sinus node
 Sinus rhythm
 Sinus tachycardia
 Sinus, cavernous
 Sinus, ethmoid
 Sinusitis
 Sinusitus headache
 Sir Charles Bell
 Sirenomelia
 siRNA
 Sirolimus
 Sitophilus granarius
 Sitosterolemia
 Situational syncope
 Situs inversus totalis
 Six fingers or toes
 Sixth cranial nerve
 Sixth disease
 Sjogren of Sjogren syndrome
 Sjogren syndrome
 Sjogren-Larsson syndrome
 Skeletal
 Skeletal dysplasia
 Skeletal muscle
 Skeleton
 Skeleton, bones of the
 Skin
 Skin abscess
 Skin biopsy
 Skin calipers
 Skin color
 Skin Diseases, National Institute of...
 Skin erosion
 Skin graft
 Skin graft, allogeneic
 Skin graft, autogenic
 Skin graft, composite
 Skin graft, full-thickness
 Skin graft, mesh
 Skin graft, pedicle
 Skin graft, pinch
 Skin graft, porcine
 Skin graft, split-thickness
 Skin plaque
 Skin tag
 Skin test for allergy
 Skin test for immunity
 Skin, scalded, syndrome
 Skin, tattooing of the
 Skittles
 Skittling
 Skull
 Skull, hair-on-end
 Skullcap
 Skute barbata
 SKY (spectral karyotype)
 Slake
 Slanted ear
 Slap cheek
 Slapped cheek
 SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus)
 Sleep
 Sleep apnea
 Sleep apnea, central
 Sleep apnea, obstructive
 Sleep disorders
 Sleep drug
 Sleep hygiene
 Sleep jerk
 Sleep paralysis
 Sleep restriction therapy
 Sleep start
 Sleep talking
 Sleep, non-rapid eye movement
 Sleep, NREM
 Sleep, paroxysmal
 Sleep, rapid eye movement
 Sleep, REM
 Sleep, twilight
 Sleep-disordered breathing
 Sleepiness, excessive daytime (EDS)
 Sleeping disease
 Sleeping sickness, African
 Sleeplessness
 Sleepwalking
 Sleeve, gastric
 Sliding hiatal hernia
 Slipped disc
 Slipped elbow
 Slipped spine
 Slipped vertebra
 Slow virus
 Slow-wave sleep
 SLS (Sjogren-Larsson syndrome)
 Sludge, biliary
 Sly syndrome

 Smad3
 Small bowel
 Small calorie
 Small calorie (Calorie)
 Small cell lung cancer
 Small eye
 Small for gestational age (SGA)
 Small inducible cytokine A2
 Small inhibitory RNA
 Small intestine
 Small intestine insufficiency
 Small round blue cell tumor
 Small saphenous vein
 Smallpox
 Smallpox bioterrorism
 Smallpox vaccination adverse reaction
 Smallpox vaccination antidote
 Smallpox vaccination in eczema
 Smallpox vaccination of eye
 Smallpox vaccination of fetus
 Smallpox vaccine
 Smell
 Smell disorder
 Smell, inability to
 Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
 Smith-Magenis syndrome
 Smoke, environmental tobacco
 Smoke, second-hand
 Smokeless tobacco
 Smoking, involuntary
 Smoking, passive
 Smoldering leukemia
 Smooth muscle
 Snake
 Snake antivenin
 Snake antivenom
 Snake bite
 Snake stick
 Sneeze
 Snellen's chart
 Snip
 Snoreplasty, injection
 Snoring
 Snort
 Snot
 Snowblindness
 Snowmobile safety
 Snuff
 Snuffbox, anatomical

 Social anxiety disorder
 Social phobia
 Social psychology
 Social worker, clinical
 Socialized medicine
 Sociogenomics
 Sociopath
 Sociopathic personality
 Sociopathic personality disorder
 Sociophobia
 Sodium
 Sodium perchlorate
 Soft chancre
 Soft palate
 Soft sore
 Soft tissue sarcoma
 Soft ulcer
 Solar keratosis
 Solipsism
 Solitary tapeworm
 Solitude, fear of
 Somatic
 Somatic cell
 Somatic cell nuclear transfer
 Somatic mutation
 Somatization
 Somatoform disorder
 Somatostatin
 Somatotropin
 Somatropin
 Somnambulism
 Somnambulist
 Somniloquy
 Somnolence
 Somnolent
 Somnoplasty
 Son
 Soothing
 Sopor
 Soporific
 Sore
 Sore throat
 Sore, canker
 Sore, cold
 Sotos syndrome
 South Sudan disease
 Southeast Asian hemorrhagic fever
 Southern blot
 Southern tick-associated rash illness
 Soy milk allergy
 Span, memory
 Spanish disease
 Spanish flu
 Spanish influenza
 Spasm
 Spasm, coronary artery
 Spasm, nictitating
 Spasmodic dysphonia
 Spasms, infantile
 Spastic colitis
 Spastic colon
 Spastic dysphonia
 Spastic paraplegia, autosomal dominant
 Spastic pseudoparalysis
 Spasticity
 SPD calcinosis
 Special pathogen
 Specific developmental disorder
 Specific-pathogen free
 Specificity
 Specificity, analytic
 Speckled iris
 SPECT scan
 Spectral karyotype (SKY)
 Spectrophobia
 Spectrophotometer
 Speculum
 Speculum, ear
 Speculum, nasal
 Speculum, vaginal
 Speech disorder
 Speech therapist
 Speech therapy
 Speech, esophageal
 Speech-language pathologist
 Speed
 Sperm
 Sperm function
 Sperm motility
 Sperm stem cell
 Spermatic cord
 Spermatocide
 Spermatogenesis
 Spermatogonial stem cell
 Spermicide, vaginal
 Sphenoid
 Sphenoid bone
 Sphenopalatine neuralgia
 Spherocytosis, hereditary (HS)
 Sphincteroplasty
 Sphingomyelin lipoidosis
 Sphingomyelinase deficiency
 Sphygmomanometer
 Spider bites
 Spider fear
 Spider phobia
 Spider telangiectasia
 Spider veins
 Spin doctor
 Spina bifida
 Spina bifida cystica
 Spina bifida occulta
 Spinal compression
 Spinal cord
 Spinal cord compression
 Spinal cord disease in diabetes
 Spinal cord injury
 Spinal fusion
 Spinal muscular atrophy
 Spinal nerve
 Spinal stenosis
 Spinal Tap
 Spindle cell
 Spindle neuron
 Spine
 Spine, slipped
 Spinocerebellar
 Spinocerebellar ataxia
 Spinous process
 Spiral CAT scan
 Spiral fracture
 Spirochete
 Spirometry
 Spit
 Spitz-Holter valve
 Spleen
 Spleen, ruptured
 Splenectomy
 Splenic artery
 Splenic fever
 Splenic vein
 Splenomegaly
 Splicing, alternative
 Split personality
 Split-hand/split-foot malformation
 Spock, Benjamin
 Spondylitis
 Spondylolisthesis
 Spondylolysis
 Spondylosis
 Spongiform
 Spongiform encephalopathy and cerebral amyloidosis
 Spongy degeneration of the central nervous system
 Spontaneous abortion
 Sporadic
 Sporadic primary pulmonary hypertension
 Sporotrichosis
 Spot, blind
 Spot, histo
 Spots in front of the eyes
 Spots, Brushfield's
 Spots, Koplik's
 Spotted fever
 Sprain
 Sprain, ankle
 Sprain, metatarsophalangeal joint
 Sprained ankle
 Sprue, nontropical
 Spur, heel
 Sputum

 Squamous cell carcinoma
 Squamous cell carcinoma in situ
 Squamous cells
 Squamous intraepithelial lesion
 Squamous-cell carcinoma
 Squawroot
 St John's wort
 St. Anthony's fire
 St. Joseph Moscati
 St. Louis encephalitis
 St. Vitus dance
 Stachybotrys
 Staff of Aesculapius
 Stage
 Stage 4 lung cancer with ALK rearrangement
 Stage of dilatation
 Stage of expulsion
 Staging
 Staging, laparoscopic
 Stain, Gram
 Standard of care
 Stanley B. Prusiner
 Stanolone
 Stapes
 Staph
 Staph infection
 Staphylococcal infection
 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
 Staphylococcus
 Staphylococcus, antibiotic-resistant
 Stargardt disease
 Start, sleep
 Startle disease
 Startle reflex
 Stasis
 Stasis dermatitis
 Stasis ulcer
 State cancer registry
 State, acute confusional
 State, hypercoagulable
 Static posture
 Statins
 Status epilepticus
 Statutory rape
 STDs in men
 STDs in women
 Steal, subclavian
 Steatohepatitis
 Steele-Richardson-Olszewksi syndrome
 Stein-Leventhal syndrome
 Stem cell
 Stem cell harvest
 Stem cell harvest, peripheral blood
 Stem cell transplantation
 Stem cell, sperm
 Stem cell, spermatogonial
 Stem cells
 Stenosis
 Stenosis, aortic
 Stenosis, carotid
 Stenosis, carotid-artery
 Stenosis, pulmonary
 Stenosis, spinal
 Stenosis, subaortic
 Stenotic
 Stent
 Stent, coated
 Stent, medicated
 STEP procedure
 Step protocol
 Step therapy
 Stepfather
 Stepmother
 Steppage gait
 Stercolith
 Stereotactic
 Stereotactic needle biopsy
 Stereotactic radiotherapy
 Stereotactic surgery
 Stereotaxis
 Sterilization, female surgical
 Sterilization, male surgical
 Sterilization, surgical
 Sternal rib
 Sternum
 Sternutation
 Sternutator
 Steroid
 Steroid abuse
 Steroid, designer
 Stethoscope
 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
 Stewart
 Stewart, Alice
 Stick, heel
 Stickler
 Stickler syndrome
 Stickler syndrome, type I
 Stickler syndrome, type II
 Stickler syndrome, type III
 Stickler's syndrome
 Stickler, Gunnar B.
 Stiff baby syndrome
 Stiff lung
 Stiff-Person syndrome
 Still's Disease
 Stillbirth
 Stilling-Turk-Duane syndrome
 Sting, Africanized bee
 Sting, insect
 Sting, jellyfish
 Sting, yellow jacket
 Stirrup
 STL1
 STL2
 STL3
 Stockholm syndrome
 Stokes Adams attack
 Stoma
 Stomach
 Stomach cancer
 Stomach cramps
 Stomach emptying study
 Stomach fat (belly fat, abdominal fat)
 Stomach flu
 Stomach paralysis
 Stomach, Pavlov
 Stomatitis, Vincent
 Stone, kidney
 Stone, renal
 Stone, tonsil
 Stone-mason's disease
 Stones, cystine kidney
 Stool
 Stool occult blood test
 STOP (selective tubal occlusion procedure)
 Stop codon
 Storm supplies kit
 Storm surge
 Strabismus
 Strabismus surgery
 Straight jacket
 Straight-jacket
 Straightjacket
 Strain
 Strain, lumbar
 Strait
 Strait jacket
 Strait-jacket
 Straitjacket
 Stratum corneum
 Strep
 Strep test, rapid
 Strep throat
 Strep, group A
 Streptococcus
 Streptococcus faecalis
 Streptococcus haemolyticus
 Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus)
 Streptococcus pyogenes
 Streptococcus, group A
 Streptococcus, group B
 Stress
 Stress echocardiography
 Stress exercise thallium scan
 Stress fracture
 Stress test, pharmacologic
 Stress test, physiologic
 Stress test, radionucleide
 Stress testing, exercise cardiac
 Stretch, quadriceps
 Striatum
 Stricture
 Stricture of the esophagus, chronic
 Stricture, esophagus, acute
 Striopallidodentate calcinosis
 Stripping
 Stroke
 Stroke index
 Stroke volume
 Stroke, heat
 Stroke, National Institute Neurological Disorders
 Stroke, silent
 Strollerobics
 Stroma
 Stromal
 Stromme syndrome
 Strontium
 Strontium ranelate
 Structural genomics
 Structural scoliosis
 Study population
 Study, antro-duodenal motility
 Study, cross-sectional
 Study, crossover
 Study, diachronic
 Study, electrophysiologic
 Study, Framingham
 Study, gastric emptying
 Study, linkage
 Study, longitudinal
 Study, preclinical
 Study, stomach emptying
 Study, synchronic
 Stuffy nose
 Sturge-Weber syndrome
 Stye

 Sub-
 Subacute
 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)
 Subacute spongiform encephalopathy
 Subaortic stenosis
 Subarachnoid
 Subarachnoid hemorrhage
 Subclavian
 Subclavian steal
 Subclinical disease
 Subconjunctival hemorrhage
 Subcu
 Subcutaneous
 Subcutaneous hematoma
 Subdeltoid
 Subdural
 Subdural hematoma
 Subglottis
 Subjacent
 Subject
 Sublingual
 Sublingual gland
 Subluxation
 Subluxation of the radial head
 Submandibular gland
 Submaxillary gland
 Suboxone
 Subq
 Subscapular
 Subscapularis muscle
 Substance
 Substance abuse
 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
 Substance, pressor
 Subtelomeric
 Subtotal hysterectomy
 Subungual onychomycosis, proximal white
 Subutex
 Subway diet
 Succenturiate
 Succenturiate placenta
 Succumb
 Suction-assisted lipectomy
 Sudden cardiac arrest
 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
 Sudden infant death with dysgenesis of testes
 Sudoriferous gland
 Sugar Busters diet
 Suicidal
 Suicide
 Suicide gene
 Suicide prevention
 Suicide, assisted
 Suicide, physician-assisted
 Sulci
 Sulcus
 Sulfa drug
 Sulfite sensitivity
 Sulfonamides
 Sulfonylurea
 Sulfonylurea sensitivity
 Sulphonylurea
 Sumatriptan
 Summer cold
 Sumycin
 Sun poisoning
 Sun protection factor (SPF)
 Sunburn
 Sundowning
 Sune K. Bergstrom
 Sunflower Syndrome
 Sunscreen
 Super spreader
 Super-
 Superaspirin
 Superbug
 Supercentenarian
 Supercilious
 Superfetation
 Superficial
 Superficial spreading melanoma
 Superfluous
 Superfoods
 Superior
 Superior vena cava
 Superior vena cava syndrome
 Superjacent
 Supernumerary
 Supernumerary digit
 Supernumerary nipple
 Supernumerary placenta
 Supertaster
 Supination
 Supinator foot type
 Supine
 Supplies kit, disaster
 Supplies kit, emergency
 Supportive care
 Suppressant, cough
 Suppurate
 Suppurative arthritis
 Supraglottis
 Suprarenal gland
 Supraspinatus muscle
 Suprasternal notch
 Supraventricular tachycardia
 Surface EMG
 Surfactant
 Surgeon
 Surgeon General
 Surgery
 Surgery, anti-reflux (fundoplication)
 Surgery, cataract
 Surgery, elective
 Surgery, fetal
 Surgery, GERD (fundoplication)
 Surgery, off-pump
 Surgery, plastic
 Surgery, reflux (fundoplication)
 Surgery, retrograde intrarenal (RIRS)
 Surgery, stereotactic
 Surgery, video-assisted
 Surgery, YAG laser
 Surgical menopause
 Surgicenter
 Surrogacy
 Surrogate mother
 Surveillance and containment
 Surveillance of disease
 Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Ends Results
 Susceptibility genes, breast cancer
 Sutton law
 Sutton's law
 Suture

 SV 40
 SV40
 Swallower
 Swallowing syncope
 Swallowing tube
 Swan-Ganz catheter
 Sweat
 Sweat chloride test
 Sweat gland
 Sweat gland tumor
 Sweat test
 Sweating
 Sweating, gustatory
 Sweats, night
 Sweet Syndrome
 Sweet wormwood
 Swelling of the brain
 Swimmer's ear
 Swimming pool granuloma
 Swine flu
 Swollen tongue
 Swyer syndrome
 Sydenham chorea
 Sydenham's chorea
 Sydenham, Thomas
 Sylvatic plague
 Sylvius, aqueduct of
 Symbol of medicine
 Symbol of pediatrics
 Symmetric lipomatosis, multiple
 Sympathetic nervous system
 Sympathetic ophthalmia
 Sympathicoblastoma
 Symphysiotomy
 Symphysis pubis
 Symptom
 Symptom of pregnancy
 Symptomatic
 Symptomatic treatment
 Symptoms, withdrawal
 Synaesthesia
 Synapse
 Synapsis
 Synaptic cleft
 Synaptonemal complex
 Syncephaly
 Synchronic study
 Syncope
 Syncope, coughing
 Syncope, defecation
 Syncope, heat
 Syncope, micturition
 Syncope, situational
 Syncope, swallowing
 Syncope, vasodepressor
 Syncope, vasovagal
 Syndactyly
 Syndactyly, bony
 Syndactyly, complete
 Syndactyly, cutaneous
 Syndactyly, partial
 Syndactyly, Poland
 Syndecan
 Syndemic
 Syndromatic hepatic ductular hypoplasia
 Syndrome
 Syndrome of ichthyosis, spasticity, oligophrenia
 Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone
 Syndrome X
 Syndrome, Aarskog
 Syndrome, Aarskog-Scott
 Syndrome, Aase-Smith I
 Syndrome, Aase-Smith II
 Syndrome, abdominal muscle deficiency
 Syndrome, Achoo
 Syndrome, acquired immunodeficiency
 Syndrome, acute brain
 Syndrome, acute respiratory distress
 Syndrome, adult respiratory distress
 Syndrome, Alagille
 Syndrome, Alexander
 Syndrome, Alpers
 Syndrome, Alport
 Syndrome, Alstrom
 Syndrome, androgen insensitivity
 Syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody
 Syndrome, aortic arch
 Syndrome, Apert (acrocephalosyndactyly)
 Syndrome, Asperger
 Syndrome, atypical measles (AMS)
 Syndrome, autoimmune polyendocrinopathy
 Syndrome, autoimmune polyglandular (APS)
 Syndrome, Barlow
 Syndrome, battered child
 Syndrome, Behcet's
 Syndrome, Bernard
 Syndrome, Bernard-Soulier
 Syndrome, Bloch-Sulzberger
 Syndrome, Boerhaave's
 Syndrome, Brachmann-de Lange
 Syndrome, Brown
 Syndrome, burning mouth
 Syndrome, carcinoid
 Syndrome, carpal tunnel
 Syndrome, cartilage hair hypoplasia
 Syndrome, cauda equina
 Syndrome, cavernous sinus
 Syndrome, cerebrohepatorenal
 Syndrome, chromosome 4 short-arm deletion
 Syndrome, chromosome 4p-
 Syndrome, Churg-Strauss
 Syndrome, Cockayne
 Syndrome, Coffin-Lowry
 Syndrome, Cogan
 Syndrome, complete androgen insensitivity
 Syndrome, congenital central hypoventilation
 Syndrome, congenital rubella
 Syndrome, Conn
 Syndrome, contiguous gene
 Syndrome, Cornelia de Lange
 Syndrome, cracked tooth
 Syndrome, Creutzfeldt-Jakob
 Syndrome, Cushing
 Syndrome, cyclic vomiting
 Syndrome, Danlos
 Syndrome, de Lange
 Syndrome, deafness-ichthyosis-keratitis
 Syndrome, dengue shock
 Syndrome, DiGeorge
 Syndrome, Down
 Syndrome, Duane
 Syndrome, dumping
 Syndrome, dyskeratosis congenita
 Syndrome, Eagle
 Syndrome, economy class
 Syndrome, Edwards
 Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos
 Syndrome, Fahr
 Syndrome, fetal alcohol (FAS)
 Syndrome, fish-odor
 Syndrome, floppy baby
 Syndrome, fragile X
 Syndrome, Frey
 Syndrome, Gareis-Mason
 Syndrome, Gelineau
 Syndrome, Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker
 Syndrome, giant platelet
 Syndrome, Gilbert
 Syndrome, goiter-deafness
 Syndrome, Gower (situational syncope)
 Syndrome, Guillain-Barre
 Syndrome, Gulf War
 Syndrome, Gustavson
 Syndrome, hand-foot-and-mouth
 Syndrome, Hantavirus pulmonary
 Syndrome, HDR
 Syndrome, Hecht
 Syndrome, HELLP
 Syndrome, hemolytic uremic
 Syndrome, Hermansky-Pudlak (HPS)
 Syndrome, Horner
 Syndrome, Hurler
 Syndrome, hypoplastic left heart
 Syndrome, ichthyosis-keratitis-deafness
 Syndrome, incontinentia pigmenti
 Syndrome, irritable bowel (IBS)
 Syndrome, Jadassohn-Lewandowski
 Syndrome, Johnson-Stevens
 Syndrome, joint hypermobility
 Syndrome, Kartagener's
 Syndrome, Kawasaki
 Syndrome, keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness
 Syndrome, KID
 Syndrome, Kimmelstiel-Wilson
 Syndrome, kinky hair
 Syndrome, Klinefelter
 Syndrome, Klippel-Feil
 Syndrome, Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber (KTW)
 Syndrome, Kostmann
 Syndrome, Landau-Kleffner
 Syndrome, Launois-Bensaude
 Syndrome, Lennox
 Syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut
 Syndrome, Lenz microphthalmia
 Syndrome, Li-Fraumeni (LFS)
 Syndrome, lipodystrophy
 Syndrome, locked-in
 Syndrome, long QT
 Syndrome, Marfan
 Syndrome, Martin-Bell
 Syndrome, Martorell
 Syndrome, MASA
 Syndrome, MASS
 Syndrome, McKusick-Kaufman
 Syndrome, MELAS
 Syndrome, Meniere
 Syndrome, Menkes
 Syndrome, mucocutaneous lymph node
 Syndrome, Munchhausen
 Syndrome, myelodysplastic
 Syndrome, nail-patella
 Syndrome, nervous colon
 Syndrome, Noonan (NS)
 Syndrome, Osler-Rendu-Weber
 Syndrome, Pagon
 Syndrome, Pallister-Killian
 Syndrome, paraneoplastic
 Syndrome, Patau
 Syndrome, patellofemoral (PFS)
 Syndrome, Paterson-Kelly
 Syndrome, Pendred
 Syndrome, Perrault
 Syndrome, Peter Pan
 Syndrome, phantom limb
 Syndrome, Pickwickian
 Syndrome, piriformis
 Syndrome, Pisa
 Syndrome, Poland
 Syndrome, polycystic ovary
 Syndrome, polyglandular autoimmune (PGA)
 Syndrome, popliteal pterygium
 Syndrome, post-polio (PPS)
 Syndrome, Prader-Willi
 Syndrome, premenstrual
 Syndrome, Proteus
 Syndrome, prune belly
 Syndrome, radial aplasia-thrombocytopenia
 Syndrome, Raeder's
 Syndrome, Ramsay Hunt
 Syndrome, reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSDS)
 Syndrome, Reiter
 Syndrome, renal, with hemorrhagic fever
 Syndrome, Rendu-Osler-Weber
 Syndrome, respiratory distress (RDS)
 Syndrome, Rett
 Syndrome, Reye
 Syndrome, Ricker
 Syndrome, Riley-Day
 Syndrome, Rothmund-Thomson
 Syndrome, SAPHO
 Syndrome, scalded skin
 Syndrome, Shprintzen
 Syndrome, Shulman's (Eosinophilic fasciitis)
 Syndrome, sicca
 Syndrome, sick sinus
 Syndrome, Sjogren
 Syndrome, Sjogren's
 Syndrome, Sjogren-Larsson
 Syndrome, Stein-Leventhal
 Syndrome, Stevens-Johnson
 Syndrome, stiff baby
 Syndrome, superior vena cava
 Syndrome, TAR
 Syndrome, tarsal tunnel
 Syndrome, temporomandibular joint
 Syndrome, testicular feminization
 Syndrome, tetraphocomelia-thrombocytopenia
 Syndrome, third and fourth pharyngeal pouch
 Syndrome, thoracic outlet
 Syndrome, thrombocytopenia-absent radius
 Syndrome, Timothy
 Syndrome, TMJ
 Syndrome, tooth and nail
 Syndrome, Tourette
 Syndrome, toxic shock
 Syndrome, trisomy 13
 Syndrome, trisomy 18
 Syndrome, trisomy 21
 Syndrome, Turner-Kieser
 Syndrome, Usher
 Syndrome, von Hippel-Lindau
 Syndrome, Waardenburg
 Syndrome, Werner
 Syndrome, Witkop
 Syndrome, Wolf-Hirschhorn
 Syndrome, Wolff-Parkinson-White
 Syndrome, Wolfram
 Syndrome, WPW
 Syndrome, yeast
 Syndrome, Zellweger
 Syndrome, Zollinger-Ellison
 Syndromic
 Synesthesia
 Synesthete
 Synovectomy
 Synovia
 Synovial chondromatosis
 Synovial cyst, popliteal
 Synovial fluid
 Synovial lining
 Synovial membrane
 Synovial osteochondromatosis
 Synovial sarcoma
 Synovitis
 Synthesis
 Synuclein
 Syphilis
 Syphilis test (FTA-ABS)
 Syphilis test, RPR
 Syphilis test, VDRL
 Syphilis, congenital
 Syphilis, tertiary
 Syphilitic
 Syringe
 Syringoma
 Syrinx
 System, autonomic nervous
 System, cardiac conduction
 System, cardiovascular
 System, central nervous (CNS)
 System, immune
 System, locomotive
 System, parasympathetic nervous
 System, peripheral nervous (PNS)
 System, sympathetic nervous
 Systemic
 Systemic lupus erythematosus
 Systemic mastocytosis
 Systemic therapy
 Systemic-onset juvenile chronic arthritis
 Systemic-onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
 Systems biology
 Systole
 Systole, extra
 Systole, premature
 Systolic
 Systolic click-murmur syndrome

 Sz

 T (thymine)
 T cell
 T cell, peripheral
 T lymphocyte, cytotoxic
 T-4 cell
 T-4 count
 T-8 cells
 T-cell depletion
 T-cell leukemia
 T-cell lymphoma
 T-cell receptor
 T-helper cell
 T-suppressor cell
 T-suppressor cells
 T-suppressor count
 t.i.d. (on prescription)
 T1-T12 (thoracic vertebrae)
 T4
 Tabes dorsalis
 Table
 Tablespoon
 Tablet
 Tablet splitter
 Tablet splitting
 Tabun
 Tache noire
 Tachycardia
 Tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial
 Tachycardia, sinus
 Tachycardia, ventricular
 Tachypnea
 Tactile
 Tactile device
 Taenia
 Taenia armata
 Taenia asiatica
 Taenia dentata
 Taenia saginata
 Taenia solium
 Taeniasis
 Tag, ear
 Tag, preauricular
 Tag, skin
 Tail
 Tailbone
 Taint
 Takayasu arteritis
 Takayasu disease
 Talc
 Talipes
 Talipes equinovarus
 Talus
 Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
 Tampon
 Tamponade, balloon
 Tamponade, cardiac
 Tamponade, chronic
 Tamponade, esophagogastric
 Tamponade, pericardial
 Tanapox
 Tandem mass spectrometry
 Tandem MS
 Tandem repeat sequences
 Tap, joint (aspiration)
 Tap, spinal
 Tapazol
 Tapeworm
 Tapeworm infection, pork
 Tapeworm, African
 Tapeworm, armed
 Tapeworm, beef
 Tapeworm, measly
 Tapeworm, pork
 Taphephobia
 TAR syndrome
 Tarantism
 Tarantismo
 Tardive dyskinesia
 Targeted radiation therapy
 Tarsal cyst
 Tarsal gland
 Tarsal tunnel syndrome
 Tarsus
 Tarsus, bony
 Tartar
 Tassinari syndrome
 Taste
 Taste bud
 Tattoo
 Tattoo removal
 Tattoos & permanent makeup
 Tay-Sachs disease

 TB
 TC-99 tetrofosmin scintimammography
 Td
 Td immunization
 Tear
 Tear film
 Tear gas poisoning
 Tear gland
 Teaspoon
 Technetium tetrofosmin scintimammography
 Technology transfer
 Technology, recombinant DNA
 Teeth, wisdom
 Teething
 Telangiectasia perstans
 Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic
 Telemedicine
 Teleological
 Teleology
 Telepathology
 Telesurgery
 Telogen effluvium
 Telomerase
 Telomere
 Temperature
 Temple
 Temporal
 Temporal arteritis
 Temporal bone
 Temporal lobe
 Temporal lobe epilepsy
 Temporal-lobe epilepsy
 Temporary loss of consciousness
 Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
 Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
 Ten-day measles
 Tendinitis
 Tendo Achilles
 Tendo calcaneus
 Tendon
 Tendon, Achilles
 Tendon, patellar
 Tendonitis, Achilles
 Tendonitis, patellar
 Tendonopathy
 Tendonopathy, patellar
 Tenesmus
 Tenia
 Tennis elbow
 Tenormin
 Tenosynovitis, De Quervain's
 Tension
 Tension pneumothorax
 Tension, arterial
 Tension, intraocular
 Tension, intravenous
 Tent, oxygen
 Tenth cranial nerve
 ter in die (on prescription)
 Teratogen
 Teratogen, coumadin as
 Teratogen, Ecstasy as
 Teratogen, warfarin as
 Teratogenic
 Teratogenic drugs
 Teratoid
 Teratoma
 Teratoma, ovarian
 Teratophobia
 Teres minor muscle
 Terminal ileitis
 Termination codon
 Test, allergy scratch
 Test, allergy skin
 Test, auditory brainstem response
 Test, Brazelton
 Test, CA 125
 Test, carcinoembryonic antigen
 Test, CEA
 Test, child development
 Test, Denver Developmental Screening
 Test, EPO
 Test, erythropoietin
 Test, exercise
 Test, exercise cardiac stress
 Test, exercise treadmill
 Test, eye chart
 Test, eyedrop
 Test, fecal occult blood
 Test, Fisher's exact
 Test, fluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed
 Test, FTA-ABS
 Test, Gesell Developmental
 Test, glucose tolerance
 Test, inkblot
 Test, nerve conduction
 Test, NSE
 Test, ovarian cancer CA 125
 Test, Pap
 Test, pharmacologic stress
 Test, physiologic stress
 Test, prostate specific antigen
 Test, PSA
 Test, pupil dilation
 Test, radionucleide stress
 Test, rapid plasma reagin
 Test, rapid strep
 Test, Rorschach
 Test, RPR
 Test, stool occult blood
 Test, stress echocardiography
 Test, sweat
 Test, sweat chloride
 Test, syphilis (FTA-ABS)
 Test, syphilis (RPR)
 Test, syphilis (VDRL)
 Test, ThinPrep Pap
 Test, tilt-table
 Test, treadmill
 Test, triglyceride
 Test, VDRL
 Test, Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
 Test, visual acuity
 Test, visual field
 Testes
 Testicles
 Testicular cancer
 Testicular feminization syndrome
 Testicular self-examination
 Testing, anonymous
 Testis
 Testosterone
 Testosterone replacement therapy
 Tetanus
 Tetany
 Tetracycline
 Tetraethyl lead
 Tetraethylplumbane
 Tetrafluoroethylene
 Tetrahydrogestrinone
 Tetralogy of Fallot
 Tetranucleotide
 Tetrapeptide
 Tetraphocomelia-thrombocytopenia syndrome

 Th1
 Th2
 Th3
 Thai hemorrhagic fever
 Thalassemia
 Thalassemia major
 Thalassemia minor
 Thalassemia, alpha
 Thalassemia, beta
 Thalassiosira pseudonana
 Thalidomide baby
 Thallium
 Thallium poisoning
 Thallium scan
 Thanatology
 Thanatophobia
 Thanatophoric dysplasia
 The Lancet
 The South Beach Diet
 Thelarche
 Thelazia gulosa
 Theorem, Bayes
 Therapeutic
 Therapeutic abortion
 Therapeutic cloning
 Therapeutic touch
 Therapeutics
 Therapy
 Therapy, adjuvant
 Therapy, antiretroviral (ART)
 Therapy, behavior
 Therapy, biological
 Therapy, cell
 Therapy, constraint-induced movement
 Therapy, electroconvulsive
 Therapy, electroshock
 Therapy, estrogen replacement (ERT)
 Therapy, external beam radiation
 Therapy, family
 Therapy, fever
 Therapy, gene
 Therapy, grief
 Therapy, hormone replacement (HRT)
 Therapy, human gene
 Therapy, interpersonal
 Therapy, maintenance
 Therapy, psychodynamic
 Therapy, pulmonary
 Therapy, PUVA
 Therapy, respiratory
 Therapy, salvage
 Therapy, testosterone replacement
 Thermally induced asthma
 Thermometer
 Thermometer, ear
 Thermophobia
 Thermostat
 Thiamine
 Thiamine deficiency, infantile
 Thiazolidinedione
 Thigh
 Thigh bone
 Thimerosal
 ThinPrep Pap test
 Thioxanthene
 Third and fourth pharyngeal pouch syndrome
 Third cranial nerve
 Third degree burn
 Third stage of labor
 Third ventricle
 Thogotovirus (Bourbon virus)
 Thomas Campion
 Thomas Sydenham
 Thomas, Lewis
 Thoracentesis
 Thoraces
 Thoracic
 Thoracic aneurysm
 Thoracic aorta
 Thoracic cage
 Thoracic duct
 Thoracic outlet syndrome
 Thoracic vertebrae
 Thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO)
 Thoracotomy
 Thorax
 Thoraxes
 Thorn, George W.
 Thr
 Three day fever
 Three-day fever
 Threonine
 Thrive, failure to (FTT)
 Throat
 Thrombectomy
 Thrombi
 Thrombin
 Thrombinogen
 Thrombocyte
 Thrombocythemia
 Thrombocytopenia
 Thrombocytopenia, heparin-induced
 Thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome
 Thrombocytopenic purpura, acute
 Thrombocytosis
 Thromboembolism
 Thrombolytic agent
 Thrombophilia
 Thrombophlebitis
 Thrombosis
 Thrombosis, cavernous sinus
 Thrombosis, deep vein (DVT)
 Thrombospondin
 Thrombotic disease due to protein C deficiency
 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
 Thromboxane
 Thromboxane A2
 Thromboxane B2
 Thrombus
 Thrush
 Thumb
 Thymine (T)
 Thymoglobulin
 Thymoma
 Thymosin
 Thymus
 Thymus and parathyroids, hypoplasia of
 Thymus gland
 Thyrocalcitonin
 Thyroglobulin
 Thyroglossal cyst
 Thyroglossal duct cyst
 Thyroid
 Thyroid binding globulin
 Thyroid cancer
 Thyroid cartilage
 Thyroid gland
 Thyroid hormone
 Thyroid hormone organification defect IIb
 Thyroid hormone receptor
 Thyroid hormones
 Thyroid insufficiency
 Thyroid peroxidase test
 Thyroid scan
 Thyroid stimulating hormone
 Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI)
 Thyroid storm
 Thyroidectomy
 Thyroiditis
 Thyroiditis, autoimmune
 Thyroiditis, Hashimoto
 Thyroiditis, postpartum
 Thyroiditis, subacute
 Thyrolingual cyst
 Thyroplasty
 Thyrotropin
 Thyroxine

 Tibia
 Tibia vara
 Tibial bowing
 Tibial muscular dystrophy
 Tic
 Tic disorder
 Tic douloureux
 Tick
 Tick bite
 Tick fever
 Tick typhus
 Tick typhus, African
 Tick typhus, Queensland
 Tick, American dog
 Tick, Rocky Mountain wood
 Tick-borne disease
 Tick-borne rickettsioses of the eastern hemisphere
 Tick-borne rickettsiosis, north Asian
 Ticks
 Tight foreskin
 Tilt-table test
 Tilted disc syndrome
 Time, prothrombin
 Timothy syndrome
 Tinea barbae
 Tinea capitis
 Tinea cruris
 Tinea incognito
 Tinea unguium
 Tinel's sign
 Tinnitus
 Tipped Uterus
 Tired
 Tiredness
 Tissue
 Tissue plasminogen activator
 Tissue, connective
 Tissue, lymphoid
 Titer
 Titin
 Titre
 TLR4
 TMJ syndrome

 Toasted skin syndrome
 Tobacco
 Tobacco smoke, environmental
 Tobacco smoking
 Toc- (prefix)
 Toco-
 Tocolysis
 Tocolytic
 Tocolytic agent
 Tocophobia
 Tocus
 Toddler
 Toddler elbow
 Toddler's fracture
 Toe sign
 Toe, turf
 Toenail
 Toenail, ingrown
 Toes, six
 Toilet
 Tok-
 Toko- (prefix)
 Tolerance
 Tolerance, immune
 Toll receptor
 Toll-like receptor 4
 Toluidine
 Tom-
 Tommy John surgery
 Tomo-
 Tomogram
 Tomograph
 Tomography
 Tomography, computerized
 Tomography, computerized axial
 Tone deafness
 Tongue
 Tongue base
 Tongue cancer
 Tongue tie
 Tongue, anterior
 Tonic-clonic seizure
 Tonometry
 Tonotopic
 Tonotopy
 Tonsil stone
 Tonsillectomy
 Tonsillitis
 Tonsillolith
 Tonsils
 Tooth
 Tooth and nail syndrome
 Tooth erosion
 Tooth numbering
 Tooth root
 Tooth root sensitivities
 Tooth, cracked, syndrome
 Tooth, wisdom
 Toothache
 Tophaceous gout
 Tophi
 Tophus
 Topical
 Topical chemotherapy
 Topoisomerase
 TORCH screen
 Tornado supplies kit
 Torpor
 Torre syndrome
 Torsion dystonia
 Torsion fracture
 Torticollis
 Torticollis, congenital
 Torticollis, spasmodic
 Torture
 Torus fracture
 Total hip replacement
 Total hysterectomy
 Total knee replacement
 Total laryngectomy
 Total parenteral nutrition
 Totipotent
 Tourette syndrome
 Toxaphene
 Toxemia
 Toxic agent syndrome
 Toxic goiter, diffuse
 Toxic hepatitis
 Toxic multinodular goiter
 Toxic shock
 Toxic shock syndrome
 Toxic syndrome
 Toxicity
 Toxicogenomics
 Toxicology
 Toxin
 Toxin, anthrax
 Toxin, botulinum
 Toxo (toxoplasmosis)
 Toxoplasma gondii
 Toxoplasmosis (toxo)

 tPA
 TPH2
 Trabecula
 Trachea
 Trachelectomy
 Tracheoesophageal puncture
 Tracheomalacia
 Tracheostomy
 Tracheostomy button
 Tracheostomy tube
 Trachoma
 Traction
 Traction, orthopedic
 Traditional Chinese medicine
 Traditional midwife
 Traditional oriental medicine
 Training, cross
 Trait
 Trait, dominant lethal
 Trait, sickle cell
 Tranquilizer
 Trans fat
 Trans fatty acid
 Trans- (prefix)
 Transaminase biochemistry
 Transaminase clinical usage
 Transaminase nomenclature
 Transaminase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic
 Transaminase, serum glutamic pyruvic (SGPT)
 Transcranial
 Transcranial magnetic stimulation
 Transcription
 Transcription factor
 Transcriptome
 Transcriptomics
 Transdifferentiation
 Transducer
 Transesophageal echocardiography
 Transfer RNA (tRNA)
 Transferrin
 Transformation, genetic
 Transforming growth factor
 Transforming principle
 Transfusion
 Transfusion medicine
 Transgenic
 Transient global amnesia
 Transient insomnia
 Transient ischemic attack (TIA, Mini-Stroke)
 Transillumination
 Transition, menopause
 Transitional cell carcinoma
 Transjugular, intrahepatic, portosystemic shunt
 Translation
 Translocation 11 childhood leukemia
 Translocation, reciprocal
 Translocation, Robertsonian
 Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
 Transmission distortion
 Transmission, perinatal
 Transmission, vertical
 Transmyocardial laser revascularization
 Transplant
 Transplant, bone marrow
 Transplant, corneal
 Transplant, hand and forearm
 Transplant, heart
 Transplant, kidney
 Transplant, liver
 Transplant, lung
 Transplant, renal
 Transplantation genetics
 Transplantation, cross-species
 Transplantation, peripheral blood stem cell
 Transport defect
 Transport disease, cystine
 Transporter gene
 Transposition, genetics
 Transposon
 Transsexual
 Transsexualism
 Transthyretin
 Transthyretin Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy
 Transudate
 Transurethral resection
 Transvaginal ultrasound
 Transverse
 Transverse fracture
 Transverse myelitis
 Transvestism
 Transvestite
 Transvestitism
 TRAP sequence
 Trauma
 Trauma center
 Traumatic alopecia
 Traumatic asphyxia
 Traumatic brain injury
 Traumatology
 Travel medicine
 Travel-related disease
 Traveler's diarrhea
 Treacher Collins syndrome
 Treacle
 Treadmill
 Treadmill test
 Treadmill, exercise
 Treatment, palliative
 Treatment, PUVA
 Treatment, symptomatic
 Tremor
 Trench fever
 Trench mouth
 Treponema pallidum
 Triage
 Trial, clinical
 Triceps
 Trich- (prefix)
 Trichina spiralis
 Trichinella spiralis
 Trichinellosis
 Trichinosis
 Trichloroethylene
 Tricho- (prefix)
 Trichobezoar
 Trichoepithelioma
 Trichomonas
 Trichomonas vaginalis
 Trichomoniasis
 Trichotillomania
 Trichuriasis
 Trichuris trichiura
 Tricuspid
 Tricuspid valve
 Tricyclic antidepressants
 Trigeminal nerve
 Trigeminal neuralgia
 Trigger
 Triglyceride test
 Triglycerides
 Triiodothyronine
 Trimester
 Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO)
 Trimethylaminuria (TMA)
 Trimox
 Trinucleotide
 Trip
 Trip-hammer pulse
 Tripeptide
 Triphalangeal
 Triple C's
 Triplet
 Triptan
 Triptans (Triptan)
 Triskaidekaphobia
 Trismus
 Trismus and pseudocamptodactyly syndrome
 Trismus-pseudocamptodactyly syndrome
 Trisomy
 Trisomy 13 syndrome
 Trisomy 18 syndrome
 Trisomy 21 syndrome
 Tritiated
 Tritium
 tRNA
 Trocar
 Trochanter
 Troche
 Trochlear nerve
 Tropical cyclone
 Tropical diabetes
 Tropical oil
 Tropical typhus
 Trp
 True cramp
 True rib
 Truncate
 Truncation
 Trunk bones
 Trunk, pulmonary
 Trypanosoma cruzi
 Trypanosomiasis, African
 Trypanosomiasis, American
 Trypophobia
 Tryptophan

 TSC1
 TSC2
 TSH receptor
 Tsutsugamushi disease
 TTP (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)
 Tubal occlusion procedure, selective (STOP)
 Tubal pregnancy
 Tube
 Tube feeding
 Tube, auditory
 Tube, ear
 Tube, endotracheal
 Tube, Eustachian
 Tube, Fallopian
 Tube, nasogastric
 Tube, NG
 Tube, otopharyngeal
 Tube, swallowing
 Tube, tympanostomy
 Tuber
 Tubercle
 Tubercular
 Tuberculin
 Tuberculosis
 Tuberculosis treatment
 Tuberculosis vaccination
 Tuberculosis, active
 Tuberculosis, antibiotic-resistant
 Tuberculosis, avian
 Tuberculosis, bovine
 Tuberculosis, dormant
 Tuberculosis, drug-resistant
 Tuberculosis, extrapulmonary
 Tuberculosis, genetic susceptibility to
 Tuberculosis, MDR
 Tuberculosis, miliary
 Tuberculosis, pulmonary
 Tuberculotic
 Tuberculous
 Tuberculous diskitis
 Tuberculous meningitis
 Tuberoeruptive xanthoma
 Tuberous sclerosis
 Tuberous sclerosis 1
 Tuberous sclerosis 2
 Tubes
 Tubular vision
 Tubule
 Tularemia
 Tumescent
 Tumescent liposuction
 Tummy
 Tumor
 Tumor debulking
 Tumor grade
 Tumor marker
 Tumor marker, CEA
 Tumor marker, NSE
 Tumor necrosis factor
 Tumor registry
 Tumor suppressor gene
 Tumor, carcinoid
 Tumor, desmoid
 Tumor, ear
 Tumor, islet cell
 Tumor, malignant giant cell
 Tumor, primary
 Tumor, sweat gland
 Tumor, Wilms
 Tuna
 Tunga penetrans
 Tunica albuginea
 Tunica albuginea of the testis
 Tunnel vision
 Turban tumor syndrome
 Turbinate
 Turbinectomy
 Turcot syndrome
 Turf toe
 Turgor
 Turmeric
 Turner syndrome
 Turner-Kieser syndrome

 Twelfth cranial nerve
 Twenty-twenty
 Twilight sleep
 Twin
 Twin, vanishing
 Twisted ankle
 Twitch
 Twitching
 Two-animal rule
 Two-faced twins
 TXA2
 TXB2
 Tylenol
 Tylosis
 Tylosis with esophageal cancer
 Tympanic
 Tympanic cavity
 Tympanic membrane
 Tympanites
 Tympano-
 Tympanometry
 Tympanoplasty
 Tympanostomy tube
 Tympanum
 Tympany
 Type 1 diabetes
 Type 1 GM2-gangliosidosis
 Type 2 diabetes
 Type 2 myotonic dystrophy
 Type 3 diabetes
 Type 3b diabetes
 Type I error
 Type II error
 Typhoid
 Typhoid fever
 Typhoid Mary
 Typhoon
 Typhoon supplies kit
 Typhus
 Typhus fever
 Typhus, African tick
 Typhus, classic
 Typhus, endemic
 Typhus, epidemic
 Typhus, European
 Typhus, louse-borne
 Typhus, mite-borne
 Typhus, murine
 Typhus, Queensland tick
 Typhus, rat-flea
 Typhus, scrub
 Typhus, tick
 Typhus, tropical
 Typhus, urban. of Malaya
 Typist's cramp
 Tyr
 Tyrosine
 Tyrosinemia
 Tyrosinemia type I
 Tyrosinemia type II

 Tzanck smear
 Tzanck test

 U (uracil)
 U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM)
 UA
 Ubidecarenone
 Ubiquinone
 Ubiquitin
 Ubiquitination
 Ubiquitous
 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase
 UL
 Ulcer
 Ulcer, aphthous
 Ulcer, Buruli
 Ulcer, duodenal
 Ulcer, esophageal
 Ulcer, gastric
 Ulcer, peptic
 Ulcer, stasis
 Ulceration
 Ulcerative colitis
 Ulcerative gingivitis
 Ulcerative proctitis
 Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy
 Ulna
 Ulnar
 Ulnar collateral ligament injury of the elbow
 Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction (UCLR)
 Ulnar nerve
 Ulocarcinoma
 Ultrafast CT
 Ultrasonic-assisted liposuction
 Ultrasound
 Ultrasound during pregnancy
 Ultrasound, Doppler
 Ultrasound, endoscopic
 Ultrasound, transvaginal
 Ultrasound/Ultrasonography
 Ultraviolet A
 Ultraviolet B
 Ultraviolet C
 Ultraviolet radiation
 Umami
 Umbilical cord
 Umbilicus

 Unassisted childbirth
 Uncertainty
 Unconscious
 Unconsciousness, temporary
 Under the weather
 Underload syndrome
 Underventilation
 Underwater weighing
 Undifferentiated cancer
 Undulant fever
 Undulatant
 Undulate
 Unguis incarnatus
 Unicellular
 Unicornuate
 Unilateral
 Uniparous
 Unique identifier reporting
 Unit, international (IU)
 United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS)
 United States Pharmacopeia
 United States Public Health Service
 Universal colitis
 Universal donor
 Unresectable
 Unresolved grief
 Unsaturated fat
 Unstable diabetes
 Unsteadiness
 Unwell
 Up-regulation
 Upper GI series
 Upper leg
 Upper motor neuron
 Upper respiratory infection
 Upregulation
 Urachus
 Uracil (U)
 Uranium
 Urate
 Urban typhus of Malaya
 Urea
 Urea breath test (UBT)
 Urea cycle disorder
 Ureaplasma
 Uremia
 Ureter
 Urethra
 Urethral meatus, female
 Urethral opening, female
 Urethral sphincter
 Urethritis
 Urethroscope
 Urge incontinence
 Urgency, urinary
 Uric acid
 Uricaciduria
 Uridine monophosphate
 Urinalysis
 Urinary
 Urinary calculus
 Urinary incontinence
 Urinary infection in children
 Urinary tract
 Urinary tract infection
 Urinary tract infection in children
 Urinary urgency
 Urination, burning
 Urination, difficulty
 Urination, painful
 Urine
 Urine blood
 Urine hemoglobin
 Urine infection in children
 Urine pH
 UROD deficiency
 Urogastrone
 Urogenital
 Urography
 Urolithiasis
 Urological surgeon
 Urologist
 Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
 Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase deficiency
 Urothelium
 Urticaria
 Urticaria pigmentosa
 US Department of Agriculture
 Usher syndrome
 USPHS (United States Public Health Service)
 ut dict.
 Uterine bleeding
 Uterine cancer
 Uterine contraction
 Uterine fibroids
 Uterine fornix
 Uterine lining
 Uterine retroversion
 Uterine rupture
 Uterine tube
 Uteroglobin
 Uterus
 Uterus cancer
 Uterus, contraction of the
 Uterus, prolapsed
 Uterus, tipped
 UTI in children
 Utility
 UV radiation
 Uvea
 Uveitis
 Uvula
 Uvulitis
 Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty

 V. cholerae genome
 Vaccination
 Vaccination, anthrax
 Vaccination, chickenpox
 Vaccination, children's
 Vaccination, DPT
 Vaccination, DT
 Vaccination, DTaP
 Vaccination, German measles
 Vaccination, H. flu
 Vaccination, Haemophilus influenzae type B (HIB)
 Vaccination, hepatitis A
 Vaccination, hepatitis B
 Vaccination, HIB
 Vaccination, infectious hepatitis
 Vaccination, measles
 Vaccination, mumps
 Vaccination, pneumococcal pneumonia
 Vaccination, polio
 Vaccination, rubella
 Vaccination, Td
 Vaccination, varicella
 Vaccination, yellow fever
 Vaccine, flu
 Vaccine, German measles
 Vaccine, inactivated polio
 Vaccine, influenza
 Vaccine, killed polio
 Vaccine, live polio
 Vaccine, meningococcal
 Vaccine, oral polio
 Vaccine, rubella
 Vaccine, Sabin
 Vaccine, Sabin polio
 Vaccine, Salk
 Vaccines
 Vaccinia
 Vaccinia adverse reaction
 Vaccinia gangrenosa
 Vaccinia immune globulin
 Vaccinia keratitis
 Vaccinia necrosum
 Vaccinia, congenital
 Vaccinia, disseminated
 Vaccinia, fetal
 Vaccinia, progressive
 VACTERL association
 Vagina
 Vagina, septate
 Vaginal birth after Cesarian section
 Vaginal contraceptive sponge
 Vaginal discharge
 Vaginal fornix
 Vaginal hysterectomy
 Vaginal infection, bacterial
 Vaginal introitus
 Vaginal membrane
 Vaginal opening
 Vaginal spermicide
 Vaginal vestibule
 Vaginal yeast infection
 Vaginismus
 Vaginitis
 Vaginitis, atrophic
 Vaginitis, yeast
 Vaginoscopy
 Vaginosis, bacterial
 Vagus nerve
 Val
 Valetudinarian
 Valga
 Valgum
 Valgus
 Valine
 Vallecula
 Valley fever
 Valsalva
 Valsalva maneuver
 Valsalva, Antonio Maria
 Value, Daily
 Valve, aortic
 Valve, bicuspid
 Valve, mitral
 Valve, pulmonary
 Valve, Spitz-Holter
 Valve, tricuspid
 Valves, heart
 Vampire children
 Van der Woude syndrome
 Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE)
 Vanishing bone syndrome
 Vanishing lung syndrome
 Vanishing twin
 Vaping
 Vara
 Varco
 Varco, Richard L.
 Variant angina
 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
 Variation, observer
 Varicella (chickenpox)
 Varicella immunization
 Varicella rash
 Varicella vaccination
 Varicocele
 Varicose vein
 Varicose veins
 Varicosity
 Variola
 Variolation
 Varix
 Varum
 Varus
 Vas deferens
 Vasa previa
 Vascular
 Vascular bed
 Vascular dementia
 Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
 Vascular headache
 Vascular hemophilia
 Vasculitis
 Vasculitis, allergic
 Vasculitis, retinal
 Vasectomy
 Vasoconstriction
 Vasodepressor syncope
 Vasodilation
 Vasodilators
 Vasomotor
 Vasomotor rhinitis
 Vasopressin
 Vasovagal attack
 Vasovagal reaction
 Vasovagal syncope
 VATER association
 Vater, ampulla of
 Vater, papilla of

 vCJD
 VDRL test
 Vector
 Vector, cloning
 Vectrin
 Vein
 Vein of Galen aneurysm
 Vein, brachial
 Vein, central retinal
 Vein, external jugular
 Vein, femoral
 Vein, great saphenous
 Vein, hepatic
 Vein, inferior vena cava
 Vein, internal jugular
 Vein, jugular
 Vein, large saphenous
 Vein, mesenteric
 Vein, portal
 Vein, pulmonary
 Vein, saphenous
 Vein, small saphenous
 Vein, splenic
 Vein, superior vena cava
 Vein, varicose
 Veins, ophthalmic
 Veisalgia
 Velamentous insertion of umbilical cord
 Velocardiofacial syndrome
 Velpeau hernia
 Velvet ant sting
 Vena cava
 Vena cava syndrome, superior
 Vena cava, inferior
 Vena cava, superior
 Venereal
 Venereal disease
 Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test
 Venereal wart
 Venin
 Venipuncture
 Venom
 Venom, scorpion
 Venomous
 Venous aneurysm
 Venous catheter, central
 Venous catheterization
 Venous claudication
 Venous line, central
 Ventilation
 Ventilation, mechanical
 Ventilation, positive pressure
 Ventilator
 Ventral
 Ventricle
 Ventricle, brain
 Ventricle, cerebral
 Ventricle, fourth
 Ventricle, heart
 Ventricle, lateral
 Ventricle, left
 Ventricle, right
 Ventricle, third
 Ventricles
 Ventricular
 Ventricular arrhythmias
 Ventricular assist device
 Ventricular beat, premature
 Ventricular fibrillation
 Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
 Ventricular septum
 Ventricular tachycardia
 Ventriculopleural shunt
 Venule
 Verbal child abuse
 Vernix
 Vernix caseosa
 Verruca
 Version
 Vertebra
 Vertebra, first cervical
 Vertebra, prominent
 Vertebra, second cervical
 Vertebra, slipped
 Vertebrae
 Vertebrae, cervical
 Vertebrae, coccygeal
 Vertebrae, lumbar
 Vertebrae, sacral
 Vertebrae, thoracic
 Vertebral arch
 Vertebral artery
 Vertebral column
 Vertebral compression fracture
 Vertebral rib
 Vertebroplasty
 Vertex
 Vertical
 Vertical transmission
 Vertigo
 Vertigo, benign paroxysmal positional (BPPV)
 Vertigo, recurrent aural
 Very low calorie diet (VLCD)
 VES (Voluntary Euthanasia Society)
 Vesical
 Vesicant
 Vesicate
 Vesicatory
 Vesicle
 Vesicle, seminal
 Vesicles
 Vesicoenteric
 Vesicointestinal
 Vesicular
 Vesicular rickettsiosis
 Vesiculitis
 Vesiculography
 Vessel
 Vessel, afferent
 Vessel, efferent
 Vestibular
 Vestibular apparatus
 Vestibular disorders
 Vestibular neuronitis
 Vestibular system
 Vestibule
 Vestibule of the ear
 Vestibule, vaginal
 Vestibulocochlear nerve
 Vestigial
 Veterinary medicine

 Viable
 Vibramycin
 Vibration white finger
 Vibrio
 Vibrio cholerae
 Vibrio cholerae genome
 Vibrio vulnificus
 Vibrotactile aid
 Video-assisted resection
 Video-assisted surgery
 Vidian neuralgia
 Villi
 Villus
 Villus, intestinal
 Vinca alkaloid
 Vincent angina
 Vincent gingivitis
 Vincent infection
 Vincent stomatitis
 Vinyl chloride
 Viral
 Viral encephalitis
 Viral hemorrhagic fever
 Viral hepatitis
 Viral infection
 Viral myocarditis
 Viral particle
 Viremia
 Virginal membrane
 Virilize
 Virion
 Virology
 Virtual colonoscopy
 Virulence
 Virulent
 Virus
 Virus, attenuated
 Virus, Coxsackie
 Virus, Ebola
 Virus, human immunodeficiency (HIV)
 Virus, human lymphotropic, type III
 Virus, human papilloma
 Virus, JC
 Virus, lymphadenopathy
 Virus, lymphadenopathy-associated
 Virus, Marburg
 Virus, negative-strand RNA
 Virus, Nipah
 Virus, positive-strand RNA
 Virus, pox
 Virus, respiratory syncytial
 Virus, xenotropic
 Viruses
 Viscera
 Visceral
 Visceral leishmaniasis
 Visceral pericardium
 Viscus
 Vision therapy
 Vision, binocular
 Vision, blurred
 Vision, central
 Vision, low
 Vision, macular
 Vision, peripheral
 Vision, tubular
 Vision, tunnel
 Visual acuity
 Visual acuity test
 Visual contrast sensitivity
 Visual evoked response
 Visual field
 Visual field test
 Visual nerve pathways
 Visual pathway glioma
 Visual receptor
 Vital
 Vital bodily function
 Vitamin A
 Vitamin A deficiency
 Vitamin B -- niacin
 Vitamin B -- nicotinic acid
 Vitamin B -- pantothenic acid
 Vitamin B1
 Vitamin B1 deficiency, infantile
 Vitamin B12
 Vitamin B12-responsive methylmalonicaciduria
 Vitamin B15
 Vitamin B2
 Vitamin B3
 Vitamin B5
 Vitamin B6
 Vitamin C
 Vitamin D
 Vitamin D requirement
 Vitamin D3
 Vitamin E
 Vitamin K
 Vitamin O
 Vitamin P
 Vitamin Q10
 Vitamin requirements, infant
 Vitamin therapy
 Vitamins
 Vitiligo
 Vitrectomy
 Vitreous
 Vitreous type 2 Stickler syndrome
 Vitreous type Stickler syndrome

 VLCAD deficiency
 Vocal cord
 Vocal cord paralysis
 Vocal cord, false
 Vocal tremor
 Vohwinkel syndrome
 Voice box
 Voice disorder
 Void
 Voiding cystourethrogram
 Voiding cystourethrography
 Volar
 Volume, stroke
 Voluntary
 Voluntary Euthanasia Society (VES)
 Volvulus
 Vomer
 Vomit
 Vomiting in pregnancy, excess
 Vomiting of pregnancy, pernicious
 Vomitus
 Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
 von Recklinghausen disease
 Von Willebrand disease
 Voyeurism
 Vrolik's disease
 Vulnerary
 Vulva
 Vulva cancer
 Vulvar
 Vulvar cancer
 Vulvar pain, chronic
 Vulvar vestibulitis
 Vulvitis
 Vulvitis, yeast
 Vulvodynia, essential

 Waardenburg syndrome
 Waardenburg, Petrus Johannes
 Wagner syndrome
 Wagner's syndrome
 Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
 Walker, baby
 Walking pneumonia
 Walleye
 Walleyed
 Wamble
 Warble
 Warburg apparatus
 Warburg's yellow enzyme
 Warfarin
 Warfarin, teratogenicity of
 Warshaw
 Warshaw, Joseph
 Wart
 Wart, genital
 Wart, venereal
 Warts, plantar
 Wasp sting
 Wasting
 Watchful waiting
 Water
 Water blister
 Water channel
 Water hammer pulse
 Water intoxication
 Water on the brain
 Water pore
 Water requirements, infant
 Water retention
 Waterborne bacterial disease
 Watermelon
 Watermelon stomach
 Watson
 Watson, James
 Wax dip
 Wax, ear
 Weasand
 Weaver syndrome
 Weaver's bottom
 Weaver-Smith syndrome.
 Wegener's Granulomatosis
 Wegener's Vasculitis
 Weighing, hydrostatic
 Weighing, underwater
 Weight loss
 Weight Watchers
 Weil syndrome
 Wellcovorin
 Wellen's syndrome
 Welt
 Werdnig-Hoffman Disease (SMA-1)
 Werewolf syndrome
 Werner syndrome
 Werner-His disease
 Wesand
 Wesil
 West Nile encephalitis
 West Nile fever
 West Nile virus
 West syndrome
 Western blot
 Western medicine
 Wet brain
 Wet lung
 Wet market
 Wezand

 WF
 WFS1
 Wharton's jelly
 Wheal
 Wheat weevil
 Wheezer
 Wheezing
 Whiplash injury
 Whipple disease
 Whipple procedure
 Whipworm
 White blood cell
 White blood cell count
 White cell differential, automated
 White coat hypertension
 White matter
 White phosphorus
 White spots on the nails
 White subungual onychomycosis, proximal
 White-coat hypertension (White coat hypertension)
 White-footed mouse
 Whitehead
 Whitmore's disease
 Whitmore-Jewett staging system
 WHO (World Health Organization)
 Whole-arm translocation
 Whooping cough
 Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome
 Wildervanck syndrome
 Wilkins, Lawson
 Will, living
 Willebrand-Juergens disease
 William Dobelle
 Williams syndrome
 Willis, circle of
 Wilms tumor
 Wilson disease
 Wimmin
 Wind chill
 Window, round
 Windpipe
 Wing bone
 Winter depression
 Wisdom teeth tooth
 Wisdom Tooth
 Witch's milk
 Withdrawal symptoms
 Withdrawal, penis
 Witkop syndrome

 WM
 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
 Wolfram syndrome
 Wolframin
 Wolhynia fever
 Womb
 Womb cancer
 Women's Health Initiative
 Women's hospital
 Womyn
 Word blindness
 Word deafness
 Wordprocessor's cramp
 Working memory
 World Health Organization
 Wormwood
 WPW syndrome
 Wrinkling, retinal
 Wrist
 Writer's cramp
 Wry neck
 Wt
 Wuhan coronavirus
 Wymin
 Wymmin

 X (in genetics)
 X chromosome
 X chromosome inactivation
 X inactivation
 X, factor
 X-linked
 X-linked juvenile retinoschisis
 X-linked retinoschisis
 X-ray
 X-ray crystallography
 X-ray, AP
 X-ray, lateral
 X-ray, PA
 X-rays during pregnancy
 Xanax
 Xanth- (prefix)
 Xanthelasma
 Xanthelasma (Xanthoma)
 Xanthine
 Xanthinuria
 Xanthoma
 Xanthoma tendinosum
 Xanthoma tuberosum
 Xanthoma, diabetic
 Xanthoma, disseminatum
 Xanthoma, eruptive
 Xanthoma, planar
 Xanthomatosis
 Xanthopsia
 Xanthosis
 Xen- (prefix)
 Xeno- (prefix)
 Xenoantigen
 Xenobiotic
 Xenograft
 Xenotransplantation
 Xenotropic virus
 Xeric
 Xero-
 Xeroderma
 Xeroderma pigmentosum
 Xerogram
 Xeromammography
 Xerophagia
 Xerophthalmia
 Xeroradiograph
 Xeroradiography
 Xerosis
 Xerostomia
 Xiphoid process

 XP
 Xuezhikang
 XX
 XX gonadal dysgenesis with sensorineural deafness
 XX male syndrome
 XXX syndrome
 XXXX syndrome
 XXXXX syndrome
 XY
 Xylitol
 XYY syndrome
 Y (in chemistry)
 Y (in genetics)
 Y chromatin
 Y chromosome
 Y chromosome infertility
 Y chromosome sex-determining region
 Y map
 Y sex-determining region
 Y-linkage
 Y-linked
 Y-linked gene
 Y-linked inheritance
 Y. pestis
 YAG laser surgery
 Yard
 Yawn
 Yawning
 Yaws
 yd.
 Yeast
 Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC)
 Yeast diaper rash
 Yeast genome
 Yeast infection
 Yeast rash
 Yeast syndrome
 Yeast vaginitis
 Yeast vulvitis
 Yellow enzyme, Warburg's
 Yellow enzymes
 Yellow fever
 Yellow fever vaccination
 Yellow jack
 Yellow jacket sting
 Yerba mate
 Yersinia
 Yersinia enterocolitica
 Yersinia pestis
 Yersinia pestis genome
 Yersiniosis
 Yoga
 Yogurt
 Yolk sac
 Yolk stalk
 Youth
 Youth violence
 Yttrium
 Yttrium Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan
  Z chromosome
  ZAP-70
  Zebra
  Zeitgeber
  Zellweger syndrome
  Zenker diverticulum
  Zenker's diverticulum
  Zhitai
  Zhong-Wei Chen
  Zidovudine
  ZIFT
  Zika virus
  Zinc
  Zinc acetate
  Zinc deficiency
  Zinc deficiency dermatitis and diarrhea
  Zinc excess
  Zinc finger
  Zinc finger protein 9
  Zinc ointment
  Zinc oxide
  Zinc sulfate
  Zinc-finger protein
  Zinsser disease
  ZIP code, protein
  ZNF9
  Zoll
  Zoll, Paul M.
  Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
  Zolmitriptan
  Zomig
  Zona
  Zona pellucida
  Zone Diet
  Zoonosis
  Zoonotic
  Zoonotic disease
  Zoonotic transfer
  Zooparasite
  Zoophilia
  Zoophobia
  Zovirax
  Zygoma
  Zygomatic arch
  Zygomatic bone
  Zygomycosis
  Zygote
  Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT)
  Zygotic lethal gene

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