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Quantities of major ingredients are as follows:

INGREDIENTS 100gms 250gms 500gms

1. Ragi 70gms 175gms 375gms
2. Barley 15gms 37.5gms 75gms
3. Taste-makers 15gms 37.5gms 75gms

Taste-makers are in 3 different varieties

I Variety II variety III Variety

With yogurt salt With vegetables With Lime , pepper &
 Carrot salt

 Chilly
 Onion
 salt

Expected sales
Quantity in Gms Values in Rs

100 4,50,000
250 10,00,000
500 7,20,000

Land and building Amount
Built up area including manufacturing 1, 20,000
(SEZ rented)

1. Machinery and equipment:

Grinding machine (hire purchase) 60,000
Packaging machine (hire purchase) 50,000
Electrification & installment 40,000
Other furniture & equipment 25,000
2. Pre-operative expenses 5,000


1. Personnel:
Manager (4 members) (Rs. 5000) 2, 40,000
Semi-skilled worker (4 members) (Rs.25000) 1, 20,000
Unskilled workers (18 members) (Rs.1500) 3, 24,000
TOTAL 6, 84,000

2. Material including packing:

Ragi 1, 12,550
Barley 3, 24,000
Yogurt 48,750
Vegetables 48,750
Pepper and lime 48,750
Chemical 1, 92,000
Packaging 2, 20,000
TOTAL 10, 03,800

3. Utilities:
Power 60,000
Fuel/LPG 60,000
Water 12,000
TOTAL 1, 32,000

4. Other contingency expenses:

Stationary & postage& telephone 18,000

Repair & maintenance 6,000
Advertisement & publicity 60,000
Commission for agents 217,000
Other sales expenses 12,000
Miscellaneous expenses 6,000
TOTAL 3, 19,000

PROFIT (Selling price- B) 31,200

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