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(Practice 1/2)

I. Put the verb into the correct form (use present simple tenses and present continuous tense).

1. Frank (collect) stamps in his spare time. It’s his hobby.

2. We (usually/get up) at about 7.30. Couldn’t you come an hour later?

3. The number of cars imported from the West last year (be) 2500.

4. Measles (be) a dangerous disease for pregnant women.

5. This shirt is too large. It (not fit) you at all.

6. My parents (read) newspaper whenever they are not too busy.

7. Jim hardly ever (go) to the cinema.

8. He (play) football every Sunday.

9. We (have) a holiday in December every year.

10. The moon (circle) around the earth.

11. The flight (start) at 6 a.m every Thursday.

12. Peter (not/ study) very hard. He never gets high scores.

13. My mother seldom (teach) me English on Saturday evenings.

14. I like Math and she (like) Literature.

15. My sister rarely (wash) dishes.

16. They (not/ have) breakfast every morning.

17. Jack (like) eating hamburgers? - Yes

18. You get up early on Sundays? - No

19. The students always (work) hard for the exam? - No

20. The train leave at noon every day? - No

21. They take a taxi to school every morning? - Yes

22. Anna and Daisy (visit) their old teachers on winter holidays? - No

23. Water boil at 100 degrees Celsius? - Yes

24. “How are you getting on with the book?” – At the moment I (read) chapter four.

25. What’s that terrible noise? – The neighbors (have) a party.

26. These children (cry) loudly in the party now? - Yes

27. Look! Those people (climb) the mountain so fast.

28. Tonight we (not/ go) to our teacher’s wedding party.

29. Where is your mother? – She (have) dinner in the kitchen.

30. He (compose) a piece of music at present? - No


31. Today Mr. and Mrs. Parsons (drive) to work separately because Mr. Parsons has to go to a meeting at another branch.

32. She continually (interrupt) me.

33. Sit down! A strange dog (run) to you.

34. She (see) her mother in London most weekends?

35. How often the bus (run)? – Every hour.

36. These students always (wear) warm clothes in summer.

37. The 203 bus (set off) every fifteen minutes.

38. Tonight we (not/ go) to our teacher’s wedding party.

39. This story is about a boy who (make) friends with a snake which he (find) in his garden. Then he (go) away but he (not
forget) the snake.

40. The number of covid-19 cases (rise) dramatically in the world, which (lead) many countries to invest much money in
mass vaccine production.

II. Put the verb into the correct form (use the past tenses).

1. Last night she (eat) four servings of food at the “all-you-can-eat” special dinner at the Village Restaurant.

2. Glenda (work) extremely hard when she was a student.

3. In 1788, he (write) his last great work in Vienna.

4. She (throw) away most of her old books when she moved house.

5. Scientists (make) some fundamental discoveries in the 18th century? - No

6. The World War (begin) in 1939 and (end) in 1945.

7. Laura (cook) a meal yesterday afternoon?

8. Mozart (compose) more than 600 pieces of music.

9. I (be) tired when I came home.

10. Yesterday we (cross) street when a truck (turn) the corner very fast and almost hit us.

11. She (wait) at the checkout when she (notice) a strange-looking man.

12. The last time I (go) swimming was when we (be) in Spain.

13. She (study) Math at 5 p.m. yesterday? - Yes

14. Where you go last Sunday?

15. What she (do) while her mother (make) lunch 2 days ago?

16. After she (finish) breakfast she left the house.

17. Before he came to Warsaw he (live) in Prague.

18. He told me he (never be) to Australia before.

19. I felt really stupid because I (make) a lot of mistakes.

20. Karen didn’t want to come to the cinema with us because she (already see) the film.

21. I told him I didn't know who (steal) his pen.


22. By the time he arrived at the party, all his classmates (leave).

23. When I first (travel) abroad to study, I (never live) in a dormitory before.

24. I (think) my train (leave) at 7.00 but I (arrive) at 6.50 and I (learn) that it (leave). I (find) that I (use) an out-of-date

25. She ran out as soon as she (finish) her work.

26*.The news came as no surprise to me. I (know) for some time that the factory was likely to close.

27*. How many pints of beer he (drink) when he passed out?

28*. We (live) in New York for 10 years and then we (move) here in 1987.

29*. Vietnam’s football team (never win ) Asia Cup until last season.

30*. Over past hundred years, human (witness) a wide range of epidemics from Ebola to Coronavirus.

III. Put the verb into the correct form (use the simple past tense and the perfect present tense).

1. I’d like to borrow this book. You (read) it yet?

2. Fish are among the earliest forms of life. Fish (exist) on Earth for ages and ages.

3. I (not see) Long since he (move) to Hanoi.

4. It’s two years since I (meet) Joe in Thailand.

5. My brother (enjoy) swimming since he (be) young.

6. He (write) to his parents recently.

7. It is the most beautiful voice I (ever hear).

8. This program must be new. I (never see) it before.

9. Since Christmas, the weather (be ) quite good.

10. Where’s your key? – I don’t know. I (lose) it.

11. How long it is since you last (see) Joe?

12. What time is Mark leaving? – Oh, He (already go).

13. I’ve written the letter but I (not post) yet.

14. I (meet) him twice today.

15. Up to now, we (know) each other for at least 6 years.

16. Thousands of people (flock) to sign up with the military in the last few days.

17. She (be) late four times this week.

18. Everything is going well. We (not have) any problems so far.

19. The sales team (double) its turnover this week.

20. We (never consider) investing in Mexico.

21. We (mention) it to them on several occasions over the last six months.

22. You (speak) to him yet?


IV. Put the verbs into the correct forms.

1. Water (consist) of hydrogen and oxygen.

2. Some kinds of ocean creatures (contain) high levels of dangerous metals.

3. Everyday Peter often (get) up at 7 o’clock, (have) breakfast and then (go) to work at 7.30.

4. The sun (be) the ball of fire in the sly that the Earth (go) round.

5. Look! Mr. Jones (play) the piano. You had better not make noise.

6. Right now I (sit) with my friends. We (discuss) the difference between British English and American English.

7. Listen! I think someone (shout) at John side.

8. John usually (have) rice and vegetables for lunch, but today he (have) chicken soup and roast beef.

9. Because it (rain) heavily, we had better not go out for a dinner.

10. My best friend and I (know) each other for over thirteen years. We still (get) together once week.

11. It (be) long before Doctor Smith is here.

12. Women (vote) in presidential elections since 1921.

13. It is the first time I (read) this book.

14. This is the most beautiful dress I ever (wear).

15. She (have) the same car for more than 10 years and she (think) about buying new one.

16. In the 19thc century, it (take) two or three months to cross the North America by covered wagon. The trip (be) very rough
and often dangerous.

17. My grandfather (have) a very exciting life. When he (be) young, he (live) on the farm in the country, where there (be) a
lot of cattle and meadows.

18. While I (walk) on the street yesterday, I (come) across Obama Presidents, which (make) me extremely surprise.

19. He (go) over his test carefully before he (hand) in it.

20. When I went into the bathroom, I found that the bath (overflow).

21. Peter (offer) me another drink but I decided I (drink) enough.

22. I (not realize) that I (leave) my umbrella on the bus until it (start) to rain.

23. After the boy (find) the wallet, he immediately (go) to the police and (turn) it in.

24. By 2010, this company (imported) a thousand of cars in order to provide for domestic market.

25. When we get to New York, we (hire) an apartment.

26. Oh my god! I have sunburn. It (hurt) tomorrow.

27. I (meet) James this morning. Do you want to send him a message?

28. We (have) a meeting on Friday. Would you like to come with us?

29. Hurry up! The train (depart) at 7 o’clock.

30. At this time tomorrow, Mary (sit) for the graduation examination, so now he (feel) very nervous although he (learn) for
more than 3 years.

31. By the times he retires, he (work) for our company for ten years.

32. We (accomplish) the English grammar by the end of next week.

33. By the time we receive the letter, Jane (leave) for Paris.

34. I expect to eat a delicious dish but this sauce (taste) extremely bad.

35. What you (give) Anna for her birthday? You (decide) yet?

36. Hey you! What you (think) about him?

37. You just (start) the job. How you (get) on?

38. Where she (go) on your vacation last summer?

39. John (hit) the book right now? – No, he (hang) out with his friends.

40. What you (do) since 8a.m up to now?

V. Choose the best answer.

41. Please turn of the stove. The water is boiling/ was boiling/ has been boiling/ will be boiling for more than 3 minutes.

42. I am sorry I cannot hear what you are saying/ were saying/ have just said/ said because everybody will talk/ has talk/ is
talking/ talked so loudly.

43. Those drivers had been driving/ was driving/ had driven/ drove for 5 hours when a heavy storm suddenly breaks/
broken/ were breaking/ broke.

44. I come/ have come/ came/ had come to visit you yesterday but you are not/ did not/ were not/ was not at home.

45. What have you been/ are you doing/ will you be doing/ were you doing when the accident occurs/ will occur/ has
occurred/ occurred?

46. While the doctor was examining/ will be examining/ was watching/ had been watching Mr. Jones, his sons was waiting/
are waiting/ is waiting/ were waiting outside this morning.

47. We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we got/ had got/ had been getting/ were getting to the
station, Susan had been waiting/ waited/ waits for more than 2 hours.

48. The motorcycle belonged/ was belonging/ had belonged/ were belonging to George for years before Tina has bought/
bought/ had bought/ was bought it last week.

49. No matter what happened/ happens/ will happen/ is happening next, I support/ supports/ will support/ have supported

50. Wait a minute. I am carrying/ will carry/ is going to carry/ am going to carry this box for you.

51. I do not think/ am not think/ have not thought/ will not think he will come/ comes/ is coming.

52. By this time next summer, you will be completing/ had completed/ will have completed/ completed your studies and find/
finds/ found/ founded a job.

53. Look! There are a lot of clouds. It will rain/ rains/ are raining/ is going to rain.

54. For the last hundreds of years, traveling becomes/ had become/ will have become/ has become much easier and very
comfortable. Now you can fly/ fly/ flew/ had fly from NY to LA in a matter of hours.

55. This time tomorrow, we will lie/ have been lying/ is lying/ will be lying on the beach of Hawaii, where we are never/ have
never been/ were never/ is never before.

56. How much is this book? – 10$ - Ok. I will take/ are taking/ am taking/ take it.

57. John always travels/ has always traveled/ is always traveling/ always traveled a lot. In fact, when he was/ were/ am/ is
only 2 years old, he first flew/ had fly/ fly/ flies to the USA.

58. The train left/ leaves/ leave/ are leaving at 8.00 so we will be/ have been/ are/ is in Scotland by lunchtime.

59. I am hungry. I have not had/ do not have/ will not have/ has not have lunch yet.

- Don’t worry. I take/ is taking/ will take/ am taking you a sandwich.

60. By the time the boss will arrive/ arrives/ arrived/ arrive at 9 o’clock, his employees are working/ will have been working/
has worked/ were working for 3 hours.

61. I am under the weather. Hopefully, when I wake/ wakes/ is waking/ has waked up tomorrow morning, the sun will shine/
shines/ is shining/ will be shining.

62. When the president get/ gets/ got/ are getting off the plane, the crowd has waited/ had been waiting/ waited/ waits for
him for half an hour.

63. Jane is/ am/ will be/ has been at my home when you arrive/ arrives/ will arrive/ is arriving.

63. These students had studied/ studies/ study/ have been studying hard since the beginning of the semester.

64. By the time John come/ comes/ came/ will come to help, we finished/ will have finished/ have finished/ will finish the

65. The students will study/ have studied/ will be studying/ are studying chapter 5 next week, so they will read/ is reading/
are reading/ read to prepare for it now.

66. Please be quiet! You are continually talking/ am talking continually/ continually are talking/ continually am talking in the

67. They made/ make/ had made/ has made good preparations before they take/ is taking/ took/ has taken their final
examination yesterday.

68. Ever since human beings inhabited/ have inhabited/ had inhabited/ inhabit the Earth, they have made/ are making/
make/ had made use of various form of communication.

69. On the 20th of this month, I will have been working/ will work/ will be working/ will have worked here for exactly 2 years.

70. This is the last time I have seen/ see/ has seen/ will see this movie on TV channel.

VI. Complete the following sentences, using the words given.

1. World Cup/ which/ international football tournament/ hold/ every four years.


2. Over past 5 years/ she/ work/ for/ about 10 different businesses.


3. Regarding/ environment/ tourism/improve/ people/ awareness/endangered species.


4. amount/ leisure time/ available/ people/ increase/ since early twentieth century/ when/ machines/ start/ to be invented/ to
do/ many/ labor intensive tasks/ both/ work/ and/ in/ home.


5. By 2030/ population/ world/ hit/ more than/ 70/ billion/ people.


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