Barrion, Reahwin Castillo, Jehiel Concepcion, Angelica

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Barrion, Reahwin

Have you ever fall in love?

Castillo, Jehiel
Concepcion, Angelica
How do you express your love?

I express my love by spending time or having some quality time with him.  Showing affection and by
giving simple gifts that he loves. I always care for him and make him happy in any simple ways. I am
always willing to understand and accept his imperfections. Appreciating him in his small ways of showing
his love to me and often saying the word I love you so he will be reminded that he is loved and I’m
always here to support him.

What are the signs of love that you see manifested in people every day?

Signs of love that I see manifested on people everyday are the smiles and the energy coming from them
that shows how happy and inspired they are.

How would you describe a great love?

For me a great love is the most selfless form of love because it is pure and unconditional. A great love
never fails just like the love of a mother to its children. People who have their great love experience the
most wonderful and painful feeling because all they wish is that person's happiness and they will risk
and give anything for them.  It is the love that consumes but leaves happiness in all cost.

What descriptions can you give to the feelings of the boatman?

The boatman is feeling in love to someone and the way he describes her in the song, he is mesmerized
by its beauty and I can say he really loves her.

What does the chorus mean? Does it support the poet's view on love? Why or why not?

It means about the admiration of the boatman to a woman about her physical appearance that seemed
to be perfect from head to toe. 

Yes, it support the poet's view on love because it shows the feeling of a boatman to woman and how he
wishes his praises to be strong as the tide that flows.

What figures of speech are used in the song? In what part of the song it is evident?

The figures of speech used by the poet in the song are simile and hyperbole.

-Thy eyebrow black, I’m sure that each

Is a shiny as any healthy leech;

-Thy feet and toes (the more good luck)

As pretty and broad as the web-footed duck.

-Thy frame is as light as the forest stag

And as strong and firm as a rocky crag;

-My praises shall be strong as the tide that flows.

-And the ebony’s bark in its core beneath’

Was never so black as thy shiny teeth

Which part of the song appealed you the most? Justify your answer?

It is the chorus because it shows how he praises and admires the woman she is describing.
What is the mood of the song? Does it affect on your mood also?

The mood of the song is romantic and it affects my mood by getting a happy feeling. I do not know but it
also confuses me the way he describes the woman in the poet because it is not the way Filipino men
describes her love for a woman. But I’m happy because behind those imperfections the woman is being
admired and love. It is also sweet and romantic because at this time few men can write a song to
express their admiration to a woman.

Compare the feelings of the boatman to the feelings of Filipinos How will you express romantic love in
deeper and enduring ways?

They are similar in a way that when Filipinos are in love, their feelings for someone get deeper and they
never look to the imperfections of a person and they appreciate it more.



Highly emotional
Faithfully consistent
-Intense feelings Realistic
Based on a feeling
involved Based on a commitment
Weakened by separation
-Can both Strengthened by separation
Seeking to find happiness
happen randomly Seeking to give happiness
Focusing on external looks
Focusing on internal character
Seeking to get -Cannot be
forced or faked Seeking to give
In love with "emotion"
In love with devotion
Teacher, I wrote this song for you

To thank you for every smile 

I know you had a lot to do.

I’m glad that you paused a while

You took time to listen and to hear, to laugh,

And just be there.

I heard that lesson loud and clear.

I mattered to you, you cared.


Cause when you reach out and you touch me with your heart,

Then you hold what I’m becoming in your hands.

And though you’re with me just a while, today

You hold tomorrow’s smile in your hands

Teacher I wrote this song for you,

melody, words, and rhyme

Lessons you taught me yesterday

Have disappeared into time

But teacher I never will forget a look

You gave to me.

I saw reflected in your eyes that somebody I could be


Cause when you reach out and you touch me with your heart,

Then you hold what I’m becoming in your hands.

And though you’re with me just a while, today

You hold tomorrow’s smile in your hands


The Thai romantic comedy movie “Friend Zone” is almost a little too relatable if you
have ever experience having a best friend and it turns out to be one of you or both have fall in
love. It is a frustrating feeling to be stuck in a friend zone when you deeply wish for that person
to love you the way you love them.

The first thing that I realized after watching the movie is love always takes its time. It
always takes time for the reason we cannot force someone to instantly love us back. Palm being
the guy best friend do not want to be caught off the guard because of the feeling that he might
got reject again. The fear is always there and he can possibly lose Gink if he pushes his feelings
and the relationship into next level. What he did is he patiently waits for the love to grow and
to be seen by Gink and as that day happens; he never slipped it away and grabbed the chance
for it is the right time. There would be nothing to lose if we wait rather than walking away and
have regrets.

Second thing is love is about taking risks at the right time. You won’t able to tell if a
decision is worth if you do not step out and take risk. I was once a risk taker in love and it takes
me to my present boyfriend which is also my best friend. I was hesitant back then but who
knows that it will be worth it. By my decision it makes me one of the luckiest people in the
world for having two guys in one person. Though taking risk does not always comes in our
favor, we should be thankful and be grateful because there is always a reason for something
why it is have to be in that way. Just like if Gink didn’t choose to take their relationship into
next level there will be no chances for her and Palm to be happy together. Gink knows that it
was the right time to take risk because she saw how Palm patiently waits her and in that, love
grows and it is worth waiting and taking risk.

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