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Department of Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Tutorial 6
Heats of Reaction
Due Date: 12th August 2019 @ 09h00

Determine the Enthalpies for each given scenario. NB: Use tables to access the
missing data. Indicate clearly where the data was obtained and the source reference

1. Heats of reaction at standard conditions

Calculate the heat of reaction for the following reaction at 298K:
C6H5Cl + O2 → 6 CO2(g) + 2 H2O (g) + HCl(g)

The heat of formation, Hf (HCl) = - 92312 kJ/kmol (5)

2. Heats of combustion
The heat of combustion

(Hc) of C6H5NH2 is –3397776 kJ/kmol.

Determine the heat of formation of the compound. (5)

3. Heats of reaction at different temp than standard conditions and with phase change
Calculate the heat of reaction for the following reaction at 400K:
C6H5Cl + O2 → 6 CO2(g) + 2 H2O (g) + HCl(g)

The heat of formation, Hf (HCl) = - 92 312 kJ/kmol (12)

4. Hess’s Law

The standard enthalpy of formation of pentane relates to the equation:

5C(s) + 6H2(g) C5H12(l)

The standard enthalpy changes of combustion for the three substances in the equation are:

C(s) -394 kJ mol-1

H2(g) -286 kJ mol-1

C5H12(l) -3509 kJ mol-1

Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of pentane using Hess’s Law (5)

Tut 5: 7th August 2019

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