Nahdiatul Ummah - 171810301061 - TOEFL Exercise (Skill 1-5) Dan Exercise 7

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Nama : Nahdiatul Ummah

NIM : 171810301061

EXERCISE (Skill 1-5). Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the
following sentences. The indicate if the sentence are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. For three weeks at the beginning of the semester students with fewer than the C
maximum number of units can add additional courses
2. On her lunch hour went to a nearby department store to purchase a wedding gift I
Note : tidak ada subject seharusnya dapat menggunakan She whent
3 The fir trees were grown for the holiday season wer harvested in November I
Note : terdapat double verb
4. In the grove the overripe oranges were falling on the ground C
5. The papers being delivered at 4.00 will contain the annoncement of the C
president’s regisnation
6. A specialty shop with various blends from arround the world in the shopping I
Note : tidak ada verb seharusnya dapat menggunakan is in the shopping
7. The portraits exhibited in the Houston Museum last month are now on display in C
8. With a sudden jerk of his hand threw the ball across the field to one of the ther I
Note : tidak ada subject seharusnya dapat menggunakan he threw
9. Construction of the housing development it will be underway by the firstof the I
Note : terdapt double subject
10. Those applicants returning their completed forms at the earliest date have the C
highest priority

EXERCISE 7. Each of the following sentences contains one or more past participles. Underline
the subject once and the verbs twice. Circle the past participles and label them as adjective or
verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) oc incorrect (I)
1. Since the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need to be tallied C
2. Their background are thoroughly investigated before are admitted to the I
Note : tidak ada subject seharusnya dapat menggunakan before they are
3 The citizens are becoming more and more incensed about traffic accidents C
whenever the accidents occur at that intersection
4. The ground had been prepared, the seedlings were carefully planted I
Note : tidak ada connector seharusnya dapat menggunakan could be After the
ground had been prepared
5. We can start the conference now that all the participants have arrived C
6. The building quite vulnerabe to damage until the storm windows are installed I
Note : tidak ada verb seharusnya dapat menggunakan The building is
7. Once the address label for the package is typed, can be sent to the mail room I
Note : tidak ada subject seharusnya dapat menggunakan it can be sent
8. Because the recent change in work shifts was not posted, several workers missed C
their shifts
9. The mother is going to be quite uspet with her son as he misbehaves so much C
10. Inasmuch as all the votes have not yet been counted the outcome of the election I
cannot be announced
Note : seharusnya ada tanda koma (counted,the outcome)

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