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Sampling for


A major consideration in the reli- The analysis of bulk materials is for the remaining analytical opera-
ability of any analytical measurement one of the major areas of analytical ac- tions, sa, by the expression: s% = s% +
is that of sample quality. Too little at- tivity. Included are such problems as Sg. Whenever possible, measurements
tention is directed to this matter. The the analysis of minerals, foodstuffs, should be conducted in such a way
analyst often can only report results environmentally important sub- that the components of variance aris-
obtained on the particular test speci- stances, and many industrial products. ing from sample variability and mea-
men at the moment of analysis, which We shall discuss the major consider- surement variability can be separately
may not provide the information de- ations in designing sampling programs evaluated. If the measurement process
sired or needed. This may be because for such materials. While our discus- is demonstrated to be in a state of sta-
of uncertainties in the sampling pro- sion is specifically directed toward tistical control so that sa is already
cess, or in sample storage, preserva- solid materials, extension to other known, s.s can be evaluated from sOJ
tion, or pretreatment prior to analysis. materials will often be obvious. found by analysis of the samples. Oth-
The sampling plan itself is often so A brief list of definitions commonly erwise, an appropriate series of repli-
poorly considered as to make relation used in bulk sampling is provided in cate measurements or replicate sam-
of the analytical results to the popula- the glossary. ples can be devised to permit evalua-
tion from which the sample was drawn tion of both standard deviations.
uncertain, or even impossible to inter- Preliminary Considerations in Youden has pointed out that once
pret. Sampling the analytical uncertainty is reduced
All of the above aspects of sampling to a third or less of the sampling un-
merit full consideration and should be Poor analytical results may be certainty, further reduction in the an-
addressed in every analytical determi- caused in many ways—contaminated alytical uncertainty is of little impor-
nation. Because the scope is so broad, reagents, biased methods, operator er- tance (1). Therefore, if the sampling
We will limit the present discussion to rors in procedure or data handling, uncertainty is large and cannot be re-
a small segment of the total problem, and so on. Most of these sources of duced, a rapid, approximate analytical
that of sampling bulk materials. For error can be controlled by proper use method may be sufficient, and further
such materials the major steps in sam- of blanks, standards, and reference refinements in the measurement step
pling are: samples. The problem of an invalid may be of negligible aid in improving
• identification of the population sample, however, is special; neither the overall results. In fact, in such
from which the sample is to be ob- control nor blank will avail. Accord- cases a rapid method of low precision
tained, ingly, sampling uncertainty is often that permits more samples to be ex-
• selection and withdrawal of valid treated separately from other uncer- amined may be the best route to re-
gross samples of this population, and tainties in an analysis. For random er- ducing the uncertainty in the average
• reduction of each gross sample to a rors the overall standard deviation, s0, value of the bulk material under test.
laboratory sample suitable for the an- is related to the standard deviation for An excellent example of the impor-
alytical techniques to be used. the sampling operation, s s , and to that tance of sampling is given in the deter-

924 A • ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 53, NO. 8, JULY 1981 This article not subject to U.S. Copyright
Published 1981 American Chemical Society
Byron Kratochvil
Department of Chemistry
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G2

J o h n K. T a y l o r
National Bureau of Standards
Washington, D.C. 20234

Relative Standard Deviation (%)

\ Sampling
Χ(21.8-kg Sample)

^ ^ ^ , ,

Ν ^ ^ (1.1 kg Subsample)
^ — - • - • • • —

Figure 1. Relative standard deviation i ! I I I I I
associated with the sampling and ) 40 80
analysis operations in testing peanuts oncentration of Aflatoxin (ppb)
for aflatoxins (after T. B. Whittaker,
PureandAppl. Chem., 49, 1709 (1977))

mination of aflatoxins in peanuts (2). Statisticians carefully define several table of random numbers is recom­
The aflatoxins are highly toxic com­ terms that are applied to statistical in­ mended as an aid to sample selection.
pounds produced by molds that grow ference. The target population de­ The bulk material is divided into a
best under warm, moist conditions. notes the population to which we number of real or imaginary segments.
Such conditions may be localized in a would like our conclusions to be appli­ For example, a body of water can be
warehouse, resulting in a patchy dis­ cable, while the parent population conceptually subdivided into cells,
tribution of highly contaminated ker­ designates that from which samples both horizontally and vertically, and
nels. One badly infected peanut can were actually drawn. In practice these the cells to be sampled selected ran­
contaminate a relatively large lot with two populations are rarely identical, domly. To do this each segment is as­
unacceptable levels (above about 25 although the difference may be small. signed a number, and selection of seg­
ppb for human consumption) of afla­ This difference may be minimized ments from which sample increments
toxins after grinding and mixing. The when the selection of portions for ex­ are to be taken is made by starting in
standard deviations of the three oper­ amination is done by a random pro­ an arbitrary place in a random num­
ations of sampling, subsampling, and cess. In such a process each part of the ber table and choosing numbers ac­
analysis are shown in Figure 1. The population has an equal chance of cording to a predecided pattern. For
analytical procedure consists of sol­ being selected. Thus, random samples example, one could choose adjacent,
vent extraction followed by thin-layer are those obtained by a random sam­ alternate, or nth entries and sample
chromatography and measurement of pling process and form a foundation those segments whose numbers occur
the fluorescence of the aflatoxin spots. from which generalizations based on until all of the samples decided upon
Clearly, sampling is the major source mathematical probability can be have been obtained.
of the analytical uncertainty. made. The results obtained for these and
Random sampling is difficult. A other random samples can be analyzed
Types of Samples sample selected haphazardly is not a by some model or plan to identify
Random Samples. In common with random sample. On the other hand, whether systematic relations exist.
the statistician, the analytical chemist samples selected by a defined protocol This is important because of the possi­
ordinarily wishes to generalize from a are likely to reflect the biases of the ble introduction of apparent correla­
small body of data to a larger body of protocol. Even under the most favor­ tions due to systematic trends or bias­
data. While the specimen/sample ac­ able circumstances, unconscious selec­ es in the measurement process. Ac­
tually examined is sometimes the only tion and biases can occur. Also, it can cordingly, measurement plans should
matter of interest, the characteristics be difficult to convince untrained in­ always be designed to identify and
of the population of specimens are fre­ dividuals assigned the task of ob­ minimize such problems.
quently desired. Obviously, the sam­ taining samples that an apparently Despite the disadvantages, sam­
ples under examination must not be unsystematic collection pattern must pling at evenly spaced intervals over
biased, or any inferences made from be followed closely for it to be valid. the bulk is still often used in place of
them will likewise be biased. Whenever possible, the use of a random sampling owing to its simplic-


tocols for sampling wastes—ranging
from viscous liquids, solids, or con-
tainerized liquids to reservoirs—to
provide samples that "will be consid-
ered by the Agency (EPA) to be repre-
Define goals. sentative of the waste" (3). The sec-
ond case involves the sampling of
truly homogeneous materials.
While the measurement of samples
defined as representative may reduce
analytical costs, the information so
Select analytical procedures, number of obtained ordinarily does not enjoy the
analyses, and sampling sites on basis of status of that obtained from valid ran-
goals, time and cost constraints, and dom samples of the population. An ex-
personnel and apparatus available.
ception is when effort has been vigor-
ously exerted to homogenize the popu-
lation prior to sampling. Such pro-
cesses are difficult and are ordinarily
only justified when the objective is to
produce a number of subsamples of
Collect samples; reduce to suitable test essentially similar properties.
Because of the difficulties of se-
lecting or producing a "representative
sample" it is recommended that this
concept be discouraged for general
purposes and reserved only for cases
where the effort required to prepare
Carry out preliminary operations (dissolve, such a sample is justified. An appre-
adjust conditions, separate interferences); ciation of the compositional informa-
acquire data on test portions. tion that is lost as a result is a further
reason to discourage the practice.
With a properly designed and execut-
ed random sampling plan, the valu-
able characteristics of sample mean
and variation between members can
Select best value from data, estimate
be ascertained, neither of which can
reliability of value, assess validity of model, be obtained by measurement of one
revise model and repeat if necessary. "representative sample."
Composite Samples. A composite
sample (see glossary) may be consid-
ered as a special way of attempting to
produce a representative sample.
Figure 2. The p l a c e of s a m p l i n g in the o v e r a l l a n a l y t i c a l p r o c e s s Many sampling procedures are based
on the assumption that average com-
position is the only information de-
ity. Because this procedure is more element. Needless to say, the less sired. Such averages may be bulk av-
subject to bias than random sampling, known about a given process, the more erages, time-weighted averages, and
it is not recommended. If it is used, randomness is merited. Conversely, as flow-proportional averages, for exam-
the results must be closely monitored a process is more fully understood, ple, and may be obtained by measure-
to ensure that errors from periodicity systematic approaches can provide ment of a composite, suitably pre-
in the material are not introduced. maximum efficiency of data acquisi- pared or collected. Elaborate proce-
Systematic Samples. Frequently, tion. dures involving crushing, grinding,
samples are obtained and analyzed to Representative Samples. The mixing, and blending have been devel-
reflect or test some systematic hy- term "representative sample" is fre- oped and even standardized for the
pothesis, such as changes in composi- quently used in analytical discussions preparation of solid composites, while
tion with time, temperature, or spatial to connote a single sample of a uni- sampling systems for liquids (especial-
location. Such samples, if collected in verse or population (e.g., waste pile, ly water) have been developed to ob-
a systematic manner, may each be lagoon, ground water) that can be ex- tain various composite samples.
considered to represent a separate dis- pected to exhibit average properties of Analysis of a number of individual
crete population under the existing the population (see glossary). Ob- samples permits determination of the
conditions. However, the results may viously, such a sample cannot be se- average (at the expense of extra ana-
still be statistically tested for the sig- lected by a random process. And even lytical effort) and the distribution of
nificance of any apparent differences. if it could, to ascertain the validity of samples within the population (be-
In a carefully designed sampling its representativeness would require tween-sample variability). In some
plan, consideration should be given to considerable effort. cases, it may be of interest to isolate
the possible concurrence of unantici- The concept of a truly representa- the within-sample variability as well.
pated events or phenomena that could tive sample would appear to be valid All this information is necessary for
prejudice the information on the sam- in only two cases. The first case in- collaborative test samples and in ref-
ple measured. For example, measure- volves samples defined a priori as rep- erence material usage, especially when
ments to be taken at time intervals are resentative for a specific purpose. For apparent differences in analytical re-
sometimes made with a random start example, the Hazardous Waste Man- sults within and between laboratories
or other superimposed random time agement System prescribes seven pro- need to be evaluated.


Because of the limited information
provided by a composite sample, full Table I. Confidence Intervals and Statistical Tolerance Limits'
consideration should be given to the
consequences before deciding between
this approach and the analysis of indi­ η fb —ρ Kc Ks
vidual samples. Vη
Subsampling. Usually, the sample 2 12.70 ±18 37.67 ±75
received by the analytical laboratory
4 3.18 ±3.2 6.37 ±12.9
will be larger than that required for a
single measurement, so some sub- 8 2.36 ±1.7 3.73 ±7.4
sampling (see glossary) will be re­ 16 2.1» ±1.1 2.90 ±5.8
quired. Often, test portions (see glos­ 32 2.04 ±0.7 2.50 ±5.0
sary) must be taken for replicate mea­ 100 1.98 ±0.4 2.23 ±4.4
surements or for measurement of dif­ 00 1.96 0 1.96 ±4.0
ferent constituents by several tech­
niques. Obviously, such test portions b
Calculated for s = 2, based on measurement of π samples
must be sufficiently alike that the re­ 95% confidence limits for the mean of η samples
sults are compatible. Frequently it is Based on a 95% confidence that the interval will contain 95% of the samples
necessary to reduce particle size, mix,
or otherwise process the laboratory
sample (see glossary) before with­
drawing portions (subsamples) for detailed protocol before work is the sampling operation if the results
analysis. The effort necessary at this begun. The protocol should include are to be meaningful.
stage depends on the degree of homo­ procedures for all steps, from sam­ Whenever possible, the analyst
geneity of the original sample. In gen­ pling through sample treatment, mea­ should perform or directly supervise
eral, the subsampling standard devia­ surement, and data evaluation; it the sampling operation. If this is not
tion should not exceed one-third of should be revised as necessary during feasible, a written protocol should be
the sampling standard deviation. Al­ execution as new information is ob­ provided and the analyst should en­
though this may sound appreciable, it tained. The guidelines for data acqui­ sure that those collecting the samples
is wasteful of time and effort to de­ sition and quality evaluation in envi­ are well-trained in the procedures and
crease it below this level. But this does ronmental chemistry set out by the in use of the sampling equipment, so
not mean care is unnecessary in sub- ACS Subcommittee on Environmental that bias and contamination are mini­
sampling. If a sample is already homo­ Analytical Chemistry are sufficiently mized. No less important is careful la­
geneous, care may be needed to avoid general to be recommended reading beling and recording of samples. A
introducing segregation during sub- for workers in all fields (4). chain of custody should be established
sampling. Even though analysts may such that the integrity of the samples
not be involved with sample collec­ The sampling protocol should in­
clude details of when, where, and how from source to measurement is en­
tion, they should have sufficient sured. Often auxiliary data must be
knowledge of sampling theory to sub- the sample increments are to be taken.
On-site criteria for collection of a valid recorded at the time the sample is
sample properly. They should also be taken: temperature, position of the
provided with any available informa­ sample should be established before­
hand. Frequently, decisions must be collecting probe in the sample stream,
tion on the homogeneity of the sam­ flow velocity of the stream, and so on.
ples received so that they can subsam- made at the tinge of sampling as to
components likely to appear in the Omission or loss of such information
ple adequately and efficiently. may greatly decrease the value of a
sample that may be considered for­
eign, that is, not part of the popula­ sample, or even render it worthless.
Model of the Sampling Operation tion. For example, a portion of Sampling Bulk Materials. Once
dredged sediment in which the mercu­ the substances to be determined, to­
Before sampling is begun, a model ry content is to be determined might gether with the precision desired, have
of the overall operation should be es­ contain cans, discarded shoes, rocks or been specified, the sampling plan can
tablished (Figure 2). The model other extraneous material. For the in­ be designed. In designing the plan, one
should consider the population to be formation sought these items might be must consider:
studied, the substance(s) to be mea­ considered foreign and therefore legit­
sured, the extent to which speciation • How many samples should be
imately rejected. Decisions as to rejec­ taken?
is to be determined, the precision re­ tion become less clear with smaller
quired, and the extent to which the • How large should each be?
items. Should smaller stones be reject­ • From where in the bulk material
distribution of the substance within ed? How small? And what about bits
the population is to be obtained. (population) should they be taken?
of metal, glass, leather, and so on? Cri­ • Should individual samples be ana­
The model should identify all as­ teria for such decisions should be lyzed, or should a composite be pre­
sumptions made about the population made logically and systematically, if pared?
under study. Once the model is com­ possible before sampling is initiated.
These questions cannot be an­
plete, a sampling plan can be estab­
The type of container, cleaning pro­ swered accurately without some
cedure, and protection from contami­ knowledge of the relative homogeneity
nation before and after sampling must of the system. Gross samples should
The Sampling Plan be specified. The question of sample be unbiased with respect to the differ­
The plan should include the size, preservation, including possible addi­ ent sizes and types of particles present
number, and location of the sample in­ tion of preservatives and refrigeration, in the bulk material. The size of the
crements and, if applicable, the extent should be addressed. Some sampling gross sample is often a compromise
of compositing to be done. Procedures plans call for field blanks and/or field- based on the heterogeneity of the bulk
for reduction of the gross sample (see spiked samples. The critical nature of material on the one hand, and the cost
glossary) to a laboratory sample, and the latter and the difficulties possible of the sampling operation on the
to the test portions, should be speci­ under field conditions require the ut­ other.
fied. All of this should be written as a most care in planning and execution of When the properties of a material


2.9 •
Why there's no •

better acid than b
""· 2.5
• •

a Corco acid. '«
Ό, • •
: Î.V I


0.1 1 10

Sample Weight, g

Figure 3. Sampling diagram of sodium-24 in human liver homogenate (from Refer­

ence 7)

to be sampled are unknown, a good pling uncertainty. One approach is

approach is to collect a small number through use of Ingamells's sampling
of samples, using experience and intu­ constant (6). Based on the knowledge
ition as a guide to making them as that the between-sample standard de­
representative of the population as viation s s (Equation 1), decreases as
possible, and analyze for the compo­ the sample size is increased, Ingamells
All Corco acids are certified reagent nent of interest. From these prelimi­ has shown that the relation
grade acids. We've been specialists nary analyses, the standard deviation
in reagent grade acids since 1953. s s of the individual samples can be WR2 = Ks (2)

And we've built our reputation on calculated, and confidence limits for is valid in many situations. In Equa­
meeting the requirements and the average composition can be estab­ tion 2, W represents the weight of
lished using the relation sample analyzed, R is the relative
specifications of our customers,
standard deviation (in percent) of
ACS and ASTM. μ = χ ± tss/\/~n (1) sample composition, and Ks is the
where μ is the true mean value of the sampling constant, corresponding to
Corco can provide reagent population, χ is the average of the an­ the weight of sample required to limit
grade hydrochloric, nitric, sulfuric alytical measurements, and t is ob­ the sampling uncertainty to 1% with
tained from statistical tables for η 68% confidence. The magnitude of Ks
acids and sodium hydroxide—plus may be determined by estimating s s
measurements (often given as η — 1
acetic, fuming nitric, fuming sulfuric, degrees of freedom) at the desired from a series of measurements of sam­
hydrofluoric, perchloric and level of confidence, usually 95%. Table ples of weight W.
phosphoric acids. Also bases, I lists some t values; more extensive Once Ks is evaluated for a given
solvents and specialty chemicals. tables are provided in books on quan­ sample, the minimum weight W re­
titative analysis and statistics (5). quired for a maximum relative stan­
On the basis of this preliminary in­ dard deviation of R percent can be
When you require the highest formation, a more refined sampling readily calculated.
purity, you can rely on Corco to plan can be devised, as described in An example of an Ingamells sam­
deliver. From pints to tank trucks. the following sections. After one or pling constant diagram is shown in
Write, call or circle the number for two cycles the parameters should be Figure 3 for a human liver sample
more information. known with sufficient confidence that under study in the National Environ­
the optimum size and number of the mental Specimen Bank Pilot Program
samples can be estimated with a high at the National Bureau of Standards
level of confidence. The savings in (NBS) in conjunction with the Envi­

©©©©© sampling and analytical time and

costs by optimizing the sampling pro­
gram can be considerable.
ronmental Protection Agency (7). A
major goal of the program is to evalu­
ate specimen storage under different
Minimum Size of Individual In­ conditions. This requires analysis of
CORCO CHEMICAL CORPORATION crements. Several methods have been small test portions of individual liver
Manufacturers of
developed for estimation of the specimens. The material must be suf­
Reagent & Electronic Chemicals
amount of sample that should be ficiently homogeneous that variability
Tyburn Road & Cedar Lane · Fairless Hills, Pa. 19030 between test portions does not mask
(215) 295-5006
taken in a given increment so as not to
exceed a predetermined level of sam- small variations in composition owing


to changes during storage. The homo­
geneity of a liver sample for sodium
was assessed by a radiotracer study in
which a portion was irradiated, added
to the remainder of the specimen, and
the material homogenized. Several
test portions were then taken and the
activity of 24 Na measured as an indi­
cator of the distribution of sodium in
the samples. From Figure 3 it can be
seen that the weight of sample re­
quired to yield an inhomogeneity of
1% (±2.4 counts g _ 1 s _ 1 ) is about 35 g.
For a subsample of one gram, a sam­
pling uncertainty of about 5% can be
Minimum Number of Individual
Increments. Unless the population is
known to be homogeneous, or unless a
representative sample is mandated by
some analytical problem, sufficient
replicate samples (increments) must
be analyzed. To determine the mini­ How sample
mum number of sample increments, a
sampling variance is first obtained, ei­
ther from previous information on the
bulk material or from measurements
made on the samples. The number of affect
samples necessary to achieve a given
level of confidence can be estimated
from the relation
LC accuracy.
t2s! Free report tells how to
(3) improve precision by choice
of injection technique.
where ί is the student's t -table value
for the level of confidence desired, s, This 8 page Rheodyne technical
and χ are estimated from preliminary note reports the results of experi­
measurements on or from previous ments using different sample loading
GC Column knowledge of the bulk material, and R
is the percent relative standard devia­
techniques - and discusses the
distinctive characteristics of eight
Insurance tion acceptable in the average. Initial­
ly t can be set at 1.96 for 95% confi­
popular injectors. A m o n g the
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pression is applicable if the sought-for • What role is played by varia­
Refillable or rechargeable, in line
or free standing, sealed or indicat­ component is distributed in a positive
tions in flow rate, solvent composition
ing, they're an important part of binomial, or a Gaussian, distribution.
and temperature?
the more than 6030 quality prod­ Such distributions are characterized
ucts for chromatography stocked by having an average, μ, that is larger • How can volumetric errors of
by Alltech at a location near you. than the variance, σ2. Remember that injectors be avoided?
Call 312-948-8600 or write 2051 values of σ., (and ss) may depend The report covers sample injectors
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Well rush you our 216 page Chro­ samples. contains practical advice on the use of
matography Catalog. injectors for the novice as well as
Two other distributions that may be
for the experienced chromatographer
encountered, particularly in biological
ALLTECH materials, should be mentioned. One
is the Poisson distribution, in which Send for Tech Note # 1
ASSOCIATES the sought-for substance is distributed
randomly in the bulk material such
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that σ2 is approximately equal to μ. In contact Rheodyne. Inc.. P O Box 996.
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' R2x
The other is the negative binominal
distribution, in which the sought-for
substance occurs in clumps or patches,
and σ2 is larger than μ. This pattern
often occurs in the spread of contami­
nation or contagion from single
sources, and is characterized by two
factors, the average, x, and a term, k, (b)
called the index of clumping. For this (a)
system 10
R2 χ k
Here k must be estimated, along with
x, from preliminary measurements on
the system.
Sometimes, what is wanted is not an 1.0
estimate of the mean but instead the
two outer values or limits that contain
nearly all of the population values. If
we know the mean and standard de­
viation, then the intervals μ ± 2σ and
μ ± 3σ contain 95% and 99.7%, respec­ si
tively, of all samples in the popula­
tion. Ordinarily, the standard devia­ 0.1
tion σ is not known but only its esti­ Φ
mate s, based on η observations. In ο.
this case we may calculate statistical Ε
tolerance limits of the form χ + Ks α
and χ — Ks, with the factor Κ chosen (Λ
so that we may expect the limits to in­
clude at least a fraction Ρ of the sam­
ples with a stated degree of confi­ 0.01
dence. Values for the factor Κ (8) de­
pend upon the probability y of includ­
ing the proportion Ρ of the popula­
tion, and the sample size, n. Some val­
ues of Κ are given in Table I. For ex­
ample, when 7 = 0.95 and Ρ = 0.95,
then Κ = 3.38 when η = 10, and Κ = 0.001
37.67 for duplicates (n ·* 2). 0.5 0 0.5
Sampling a Segregated (Strati­
fied) Material. Special care must be Fraction of Richer Particles
taken when assessing the average
amount of a substance distributed
throughout a bulk material in a non-
random way. Such materials are said
to be segregated. Segregation may be
found, for example, in ore bodies, in Figure 4. Relation between minimum sample size and fraction of the richer parti­
different production batches in a cles in a mixture of two types of spherical particles (diameter 0.1 mm and density
plant, or in samples where settling is 1) for a sampling standard deviation (R) of (a) 0.1 % and (b) 1 % . Richer particles
caused by differences in particle size contain 1 0 % of substance of interest, and leaner ones contain 0, 1,5, or 9 %
or density. (after Reference 12, ρ 554)
The procedure for obtaining a valid
sample of a stratified material is as
follows (9): tions within the parent population can mogeneity constant, and can be calcu­
• Based on the known or suspected be detected and assessed without in­ lated from Ingamells's sampling con­
pattern of segregation, divide the ma­ creasing the standard deviation of the stant and the average composition by
terial to be sampled into real or imagi­ sampling step. A = 104x2Ks (7)
nary segments (strata). Minimum Number of Individual
Increments. When a bulk material is Sampling Materials in Discrete
• Further divide the major strata into Units. If the lot of material under
real or imaginary subsections and se­ highly segregated, a large number of
samples must be taken from different study occurs in discrete units, such as
lect the required number of samples truckloads, drums, bottles, tank cars,
by chance (preferably with the aid of a segments. A useful guide to estimating
the number of samples to be collected or the like, the variance of the analyti­
table of random numbers).
is given by Visman {10), who proposed cal result is the sum of three contribu­
• If the major strata are not equal in tions: (1) that from the variance be­
size, the number of samples taken that the variance in sample composi­
tion depends on the degree of homoge­ tween units in the lot, (2) that from
from each stratum should be propor­ the average variance of sets of samples
tional to the size of the stratum. neity within a given sample increment
and the degree of segregation between taken from within one unit, and (3)
In general, it is better to use strati­ that from the variance of the analyti­
fied random sampling rather than un­ sample increments according to the
relation cal operations. The contribution from
restricted random sampling, provided each depends upon the number of
the number of strata selected is not so
large that only one or two samples can s2s = A/W + B/n (6) units in the lot and the number of
samples taken according to the fol­
be analyzed from each stratum. By where s2 is the variance of the average lowing relation (9):
keeping the number of strata suffi­ of η samples using a total weight W of
ciently small that several samples can sample, and A and Β are constants for „ ab2(N -nb) aw 2 gt2
rr i = 1 1 (8)
be taken from each, possible varia- a given bulk material. A is called a ho­ rib Ν nbnu n,


tures if the particles differ appreciably
in composition and the test portion
contains too few of them. The problem
Glossary is particularly important in trace anal­
ysis, where sampling standard devia­
tions may quickly become unaccepta-
Bulk sampling—sampling of a material that does not consist of discrete, identifiable, bly large. The sampling constant di­
constant units, but rather of arbitrary, irregular units. agram of Ingamells and the Visman
Composite—a sample composed of two or more increments. expression are useful aids for estimat­
ing sample size when preliminary in­
Gross sample (also called bulk sample, lot sample)—one or more increments of material formation is available. Another ap­
taken from a larger quantity (lot) of material for assay or record purposes. proach that can often provide insight
Homogeneity—the degree to which a property or substance is randomly distributed is to consider the bulk material as a
throughout a material. Homogeneity depends on the size of the units under consider­ two-component particulate mixture,
ation. Thus a mixture of two minerals may be inhomogeneous at the molecular or
with each component containing a dif­
atomic level, but homogeneous at the particulate level.
ferent percentage of the analyte of in­
terest (11). To determine the weight
Increment—an individual portion of material collected by a single operation of a sampling of sample required to hold the sam­
device, from parts of a lot separated in time or space. Increments may be either tested pling standard deviation to a prese­
individually or combined (composited) and tested as a unit. lected level, the first step is to deter­
mine the number of particles n. The
Individuals—conceivable constituent parts of the population.
value of η may be calculated from the
Laboratory sample—a sample, intended for testing or analysis, prepared from a gross relation
sample or otherwise obtained. The laboratory sample must retain the composition
of the gross sample. Often reduction in particle size is necessary in the course of re- did; 100(Pi - P 2 )
ducing'the quantity. d2 RP
Lot—a quantity of bulk material of similar composition whose properties are under (9)
study. where di and 0(2 are the densities of
Population—a generic term denoting any finite or infinite collection of individual things, the two kinds of particles, d is the
objects, or events in the broadest concept; an aggregate determined by some property density of the sample, P i and P 2 are
that distinguishes things that do and do not belong. the percentage compositions of the
component of interest in the two kinds
Reduction—the process of preparing one or more subsamples from a sample. of particles, Ρ is the overall average
Sample—a portion of a population or lot. It may consist of an individual or groups of in­ composition in percent of the
dividuals. component of interest in the sample,
R is the percent relative standard
Segment—a specifically demarked portion of a lot, either actual or hypothetical. deviation (sampling error) of the
Strata—segments of a lot that may vary with respect to the property under study. sampling operation, and ρ and 1 — ρ
are the fractions of the two kinds of
Subsample—a portion taken from a sample. A laboratory sample may be a subsample particles in the bulk material. With
of a gross sample; similarly, a test portion may be a subsample of a laboratory knowledge of the density, particle
sample. diameter, and n, the weight of sample
Test portion (also called specimen, test specimen, test unit, aliquot)—That quantity of required for a given level of sampling
a material of proper size for measurement of the property of interest. Test portions uncertainty can be obtained through
may be taken from the gross sample directly, but often preliminary operations, such the expression, weight = (4/3)irr 3 dn
as mixing or further reduction in particle size, are necessary. (assuming spherical particles).
Figure 4 shows the relation between
the minimum weight of sample that
should be taken and the composition
of mixtures containing two kinds of
particles, one containing 10% of the
where and effort can be saved by combining sought-for substance and the other 9,
= variance of the mean, all the samples and mixing thoroughly 5,1, or 0%. A density of 1, applicable
= variance of the units in the to produce a composite sample for in the case of many biological materi­
lot, analysis. Equation 8 is applicable to als, is used, along with a particle diam­
= average variance of the this situation also. If the units vary eter of 0.1 mm. If half the particles in
samples taken from a significantly in weight or volume, the a mixture contain 10% and the other
segment, results for those units should be half 9% of the substance of interest,
'• = variance of the analytical weighted accordingly. then a sample of 0.0015 g is required if
operations, For homogeneous materials aw 2 is the sampling standard deviation is to
Ν = number of units in the lot, zero, and the second term on the be held to a part per thousand. If the
rib = number of randomly
right-hand side of Equation 8 drops second half contains 5%, a sample of
selected units sampled, out. This is the case with many liquids 0.06 g is necessary; if 1%, 0.35 g would
= number of randomly drawn or gases. Also, if all units are sampled, be needed. In such mixtures it is the
samples from each unit then nt, = Ν and the first term on the relative difference in composition that
selected for sampling, and right-hand side of Equation 8 also is important. The same sample
drops out. weights would be required if the com­
nt = total number of analyses,
including replicates, run on positions were 100% and 90, 50, or
Particle Size in Sampling
all samples. 10%, or if they were 0.1% and 0.09,
Particulate Mixtures 0.05, or 0.01%. The same curves can be
If stratification is known to be ab­ Random sampling error may occur used for any relative composition by
sent, then much measurement time even in well-mixed particulate mix­ substitution of χ for 10%, and 0.1 χ,


0.5 x, and 0.9 χ for the curves corre­ (5) See, for example, W. J. Dixon and F. J.
sponding to 1, 5, and 9% in Figure 4. If Massey, Jr., "Introduction to Statistical
a standard deviation of 1% is accept­ Analysis," 3rd éd., McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1969; M. G. Natrella, "Experimen-
^^ only ^^s able, the samples can be 100 times
smaller than for 0.1%.
tal Statistics," National Bureau of Stan-
dards Handbook 91, August 1963, U.S.
I'd known about An important point illustrated by Government Printing Office.
(6) C. O. Ingamells and P. Switzer, Talan-
Scott!" ν
the figure is that if the fraction of
richer particles is small, and the leaner
ta, 20, 547 (1973); C. O. Ingamells, Ta-
lanta, 21,141 (1974); 23, 263 (1976).
ones contain little or none of the sub­ (7) S. H. Harrison and R. Zeisler, NBS In-
stance of interest, large test portions ternal Report 80-2164, C. W. Reimann,
R. A. Velapoldi, L. B. Hagan, and J. K.
are required. If a sample of gold ore Taylor, Eds., U.S. National Bureau of
containing 0.01% gold when ground to Standards, Washington, D.C., 1980, ρ 66.
140 mesh (0.1 mm in diameter) con­ (8) M. G. Natrella, "Experimental Statis­
sists, say, of only particles of gangue tics," National Bureau of Standards
and of pure gold, test portions of 30 g Handbook 91, August 1963, U.S. Govern­
ment Printing Office, pp 2-13 and Table
would be required to bold the sam­ A6.
pling standard deviation to 1%. (An (9) ASTM E-300 Standard Recommended
ore density of 3 is assumed.) Practice for Sampling Industrial Chemi­
cals, American Society for Testing and
Concluding Comments Materials, Philadelphia, 1973 (reap-
proved 1979).
tudent Sampling is not simple. It is most (10) J. Visman, Materials Research and
of Bunsen, co-Nobelist with important in the worst situations. If Standards, November, ρ 8 (1969).
Rayleigh, friend of Ostwald and (11) A. Benedetti-Pichler, in "Physical
the quantities x,s,Ks,A, and Β are Methods of Chemical Analysis," W. M.
Remsen and father of the noble
known exactly, then calculation of the Berl, Ed., Academic Press, New York,
gases, c o u l d Sir William Ramsay 1956, Vol. 3, ρ 183; W. E. Harris and B.
statistical sampling uncertainty is
have wanted a n y t h i n g more? Kratochvil, Anal. Chem., 46,313 (1974).
Why, only a c o p y of the Scott
easy, and the number and size of the (12) W. E. Harris and B. Kratochvil, "In­
Specialty Gases Catalog!
samples that should be collected to troduction to Chemical Analysis," Saun­
provide a given precision can be readi­ ders, Philadelphia, 1981, Chapter 21.
This d o c u m e n t is indispens-
able for workers in atmospheric
ly determined. But if, as is more usual,
chemistry. A m o n g its 160 pages
these quantities are known only ap­
you will find data not only on proximately, or perhaps not at all,
pure gases, but on CRM's — then preliminary samples and mea­
Certified Reference Materials — surements must be taken and on the
w h i c h are recognized by EPA basis of the results more precise sam­
and NBS as equivalent, to the pling procedures developed. These
letter's SRM's — Standard procedures will ultimately yield a
Reference Materials. Now sampling plan that optimizes the qual­
available only in C O , they will ity of the results while holding down
soon include N O , S 0 2 and C 0 2 . time and costs.
Sampling theory cannot replace ex­
CRM 1678 perience and common sense. Used in
concert with these qualities, however,
50 ppm Nominal it can yield the most information
about the population being sampled
Also interesting reading is with the least cost and effort. All ana­
information about Scott Protocol lytical chemists should know enough
Gases, used to establish NBS Kratochvil Taylor
sampling theory to be able to ask in­
traceability for EPA at telligent questions about the samples
concentrations lying inter- Byron Kratochvil, professor of chem­
provided, to take subsamples without istry at the University of Alberta, re­
mediate between C R M values.
introducing additional uncertainty in ceived his BS, MS, and PhD degrees
A n d tucked away on pages 94-96
the results and, if necessary, to plan from Iowa State University. His re­
is a description of the Scott
collaborative gas analysis cross
and perform uncomplicated sampling search interests include solvent ef­
reference service, a sine quâ non
operations. It is the capability of un­ fects on solute properties and reac­
for proving your standard of derstanding and executing all phases tions, applications of nonaqueous
excellence in gas analysis. of analysis that ultimately character­ systems to chemical analysis, and
izes the true analytical chemist, even methods for determining ionic so­
For a r g o n , for x e n o n , or for
though he or she may possess special lutes.
anything in between, look in y o u r
expertise in a particular separation or
copy of the Scott Specialty
measurement technique.
Gases Catalog. If y o u lack a
copy, request one today.
John K. Taylor, coordinator for qual­
ity assurance and voluntary stan­
References dardization activities at the National
(1) W. J. Youden, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Bureau of Standards Center for Ana­
Chem., 50,1007(1967). lytical Chemistry, received his BS
(2) T. B. Whitaker, J. W. Dickens, and R. from George Washington University,
Scott Specialty Gases J. Monroe, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc, 51, and his MS and PhD degrees from the
a division of Scott Environmental 214 (1974); Τ. Β. Whitaker, Pure Appl.
Technology Inc. Chem., 49,1709(1977). University of Maryland. His research
Plumsteadville, PA 18949 · 215: 766-8861 (3) Hazardous Waste Monitoring System, interests include electrochemical
San Bernardino, CA 92411 · 714:887-2571 General, Fed. Regist., Vol. 45, No. 98, pp analysis, refractometry, isotope sepa­
Troy, Ml 48084 · 313: 589-2950 33075-33127 (May 19,1980). rations, standard reference materials,
(4) Staff, ACS Subcommittee on Environ­
mental Analytical Chemistry, Anal. and the application of physical meth­
Chem., 52, 2242 (1980). ods to chemical analysis.


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