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My Inspiring Entrepreneur

By:Adiel Garcia
Getting to know my inspiring entrepreneur
My Inspiring Entrepreneur is Elon Musk.

● Elon Musk founded which later on became to be known as paypal.

● He also founded the company tesla and spacex.
● Elon Musk is a father to 7 children.
● Elon Musk attended the university of Pennsylvania where he got a degree in
economics and then later on got a bachelor's degree in physics.
● After attending the University of Pennsylvania Elon Musk headed to Stanford
to get his PhD in energy physics.
What did Elon Musk do to solve a problem? (SpaceX)
● Elon Musk created SpaceX, it was created to
change the aerospace industry.
● In 2019 Elon Musk also sent the first car to
● Soon Elon Musk plans on sending the first
people to Mars in 2024
What did Elon Musk do to solve a problem? (Tesla)
● Elon Musk changed the game both in the automobile industry
and the space industry.
● Elon Musk created a car company which he named Tesla.
● Elon Musk made the company because he wanted people to use
clean energy in vehicles.
● Elon Musk helped do this by creating a car that wouldn’t run on
gas but on electricity.
Extra things about Tesla
● Elon Musk also added many features to make the car look more fun such as
adding computers inside the car and many other features.
● As we can now see Elon Musk became successful in the auto industry and
the company has been able to add more features for safety in the cars.
Things that make Elon Musk successful
● He brings focus to everything that he does.
● He does the things that most interest him and goes for it.
● Elon Musk has also introduced many different technology
that interest lots of people.
How does Elon Musk inspire me?
● One way Elon Musk inspires me is by showing me that I can succeed with
doing something that interests me the most.
● Another thing I learned from Elon Musk is that you have to put your mind and
focus if you want to be successful.
● Lastly is always keep learning about other things to become more successful.
Elon Musk’s Challenges
● One big challenge that Elon Musk had was during the great recession and the
Tesla company was having a really bad financial crisis. Elon Musk was not the
only one who has having problems with their company as the whole country
was going through a great financial crisis.
● Elon Musk believed in his company and used the stimulus check that was
given by the government to help his company and it helped the company out
during the great recession.

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