Importance of Discipline Among Military Members and

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Importance of Discipline among

Military Members and Civilians

May 29, 2018barbradozier
Military discipline is the training that enhances self-control, behavior, and
competence and as the outcome of such nature of training means adherence to the
regulations formulated for the advantage of the team. The military discipline is the
code of conduct that governs the operations of the military soldiers in the times of
operations and at work. The military discipline is unique for every nation and are
established for the benefits of the military members and the civilians. The
discipline is also important among the civilians as it promotes the efficiency of
their activities. The civilians discipline is also efficient for the operation of the
military members as this defines the boundaries between them and the military
members. In as much as the discipline is significant for the military members, it
also generates a lot of significance to the Civilians as explicitly discussed in the
successive paragraphs.
Importance of discipline among military members and civilians
The importance of the discipline among the military members and the civilians
1. Discipline Enhances Competency
Discipline among the military members, promotes their competency and efficiency
of any planned or unplanned military operations. For instance, the military
members are required to wear the uniform all the time when in military operations,
to distinguish the members of a given group of the enemies or the opponents. In
addition, the uniformity of the troop during the period of war promotes the
efficiency of the troop as it avoids the cases of mistaken identity. It is a general
regulation among the military members to stay in the uniform in the process of the
war to foster teamwork among the members with the aim of defeating the enemies.
Therefore, being in uniform is self-discipline among the military members to help
them identify each other easily. Moreover, the discipline among the military
soldiers enables them to adhere to the rules that govern the operations of the
military processes hence promoting their efficiency during the times of war. The
discipline among the troops compels them to participate in war without resisting
the commands or orders from the seniors.
In addition, the discipline among the military members and the civilian promote
competency in the management of the county’s security and also in the protection
of the civilians. For instance, by the virtue of the mandate of the military members,
the civilians are required to provide maximum discipline to the soldiers in the
process of any form of military actions to improve the efficiency of the process.
For example, the civilians are not allowed to put on the military uniform to avoid
any form of confusions among the civilians and the soldiers. On the other hand,
soldiers are also not allowed to be without uniform in the process of military
operations as the civilians and the fellow soldiers can confuse him or her with the

Similarly, discipline among the military members and the civilians also allow for
the efficient protection of the Civilians’ businesses. It is the soul mandate of the
disciplined soldier to defend the country and the property within it, therefore, the
civilians benefit from the nature of protection provided by the military members.
Moreover, the discipline that exists between the military members and the civilians
makes the civilians to provide information on any form of insecurity that hinders
the smooth running of the daily business, especially, in the country’s borders, or
any form of terrorist attacks.

2. Discipline among military members and civilians promotes National

integration and peace
The discipline that exists among the military members and the civilians promotes
the national integration and peace within the borders of the country. The discipline
enables both the military members and the civilians to work in harmony within any
form of settings. For instance, in the United States, the Army Regulations provide
for the appointment of the secretary of the Army, who by the statute must be a
civilian, selected by the President and approved by the United States Senate, to
head the department of the Army within the United States of Defense. The
discipline that is required for the military members enhances the peaceful
coexistence between them and the head of the department of the Army, who is
always selected among the civilians.
Additionally, the military members are always instructed by their commanders to
embrace discipline in their dealings with the civilians. For instance, according to
the United States War Department (2016), in the United States, when there is an
accusation among the senior officials of the Army, the investigation involving such
senior official is processed in accordance to the Army Regulation (AR) 20-1.
Therefore, this kind of provision promotes peaceful coexistence among the military
members and the civilians to avoid such allegations of misconduct of the Army
Moreover, the military members are provided with the limits of operation, of
which they must ensure they adhere to, in order to ensure that they do not interfere
with the innocent civilians. However, the civilians also are expected to reciprocate
the discipline provided to them by the military members to ensure that there exists
harmony among them and the military members. The discipline instills into the
civilians and the members of the military the mandate to act responsibly towards
one another. The military members are not allowed to act in a way that is
provocative to the civilians, and on the other hand, the civilians’ are not to act in
way that can provoke members of the military. This will avoid the existence of
animosity among the two groups, that is, the civilians and the military members.
3. Military Discipline Enhances protection of the civilians within or
outside the borders

The discipline within the military members also enables them to respond to the
matters of insecurity that is affecting the civilians within or outside the borders.
However, the civilians within or outside the borders are also expected to cooperate
to the operations of the military to ensure efficiency of the security operations. For
instance, the United States, Army Regulation (AR) 12-7, allows for the policies
and assigns duties for the United States Army Security Assistance Teams (SAT) to
the overseas nations and the worldwide bodies in the requirements of the Foreign
Aid Act as repealed, and the Arms Export Control Act as repealed (United States
War Department, 2016).
The efficient operation of this nature of the security mission requires maximum
discipline of the military members to respond to the deployment instructions. On
the other hand, it also calls for the discipline of the civilians in the foreign country
to cooperate with the foreign soldiers in the peace making mission. Therefore, the
civilians should not accord discipline of the home military members, only, but to
the foreign military members also to facilitate smooth execution of the peace
mission. For example, when the United States deployed their military members for
the peace making deal in Syria, the discipline among the military members
compelled them to respond without complain as it was part of their occupation. On
the other hand, the civilians of the Syria were expected to accord discipline of the
United States Soldiers in the peace mission (Vandevoorde, 2010).
Moreover, the Civilians are required to remain indoors at times of state of
emergency to ensure that the military members do not interfere with them during
the moments of war. Furthermore, the military members should ensure that the
civilians are protected as part of their mandate, during any form of disaster. It is the
responsibility of the military members to respond to the disaster, and helps in
rescuing the civilians affected by the disaster. The discipline among the military
members enables them to rescue the properties and the civilians without any form
of mischief or misconduct. In this case, the discipline is beneficial to both the
military members and the civilians as it helps them to preserve their jobs and at the
same time rescue the property safely. Therefore, the military members act with
discipline for the benefits of the civilians. For instance, in the case of fire outbreak,
the military officers are required to act with discipline in the process of rescuing
the situation to avoid the loss of property of the civilians. Thus, the civilians are
also expected to remain disciplined in the remittance of the tax, to ensure that the
operations of the military officers are not paralyzed due to lack of funds.
4. Discipline enhances recognition among the civilians and the military
The discipline within the military settings enables the recognition of the titles
among the military members. The junior members of the military members are
prompted with the self-discipline to show respect to the senior officers, in the form
of addressing them with their titles or positions. As well as, the civilians are also
prompted by the discipline they have for the military members to address them
with their titles as a sense of honor and recognition for the occupation of the
military members. In addition, the discipline is the act which also enables the
civilians to acknowledge the military members even at the moments they are
retired from the military jobs. Furthermore, the military members are not allowed
to leak any information regarding the operations of the military when interacting
with the civilians, to ensure the persistence of the discipline among them.

Moreover, the civilians recognize the position of the military members and accept
the discipline that is associated with the military job. For instance, the military
officials’ family member acknowledges the discipline that is associated with the
job and therefore, their spouses and the children accept the situation of missing
their member who is serving in the military. It is the discipline that makes the
military members to stay away from their parents due to the nature of the job. In
addition, the family members of the military members, who are part of the civilian,
are also restricted with the sense of the discipline for the military policies to
persevere the situation of the member serving in the military (Vandevoorde, 2010).
Therefore, the sense of discipline promotes recognition and acceptance of the
different situations of the military officers and the civilians.
Furthermore, the discipline among the military members to stay in the Uniforms
enables the Civilians to recognize them as the government officials; therefore, this
avoids the confusion among the civilians and the military members. And, the
avoidance of the civilians to put on the military uniforms is a show of discipline
and recognition of their positions in the society. In addition, this is also a form of
according the discipline to the military members by the civilians as they recognize
that the uniform is only meant for those in the military occupations.

5. Discipline promotes integrity among the civilians and the military

It is the discipline which enables the soldiers to uphold integrity in the process of
any kind of military operations. Moreover, the integrity of the civilians is enhanced
through the discipline they accord to the military members. In addition, the
military members are in the possession of the dangerous weapons, and they are not
allowed to use them to injure the innocent civilians. This enables the civilians to
benefit from the discipline that demands that the military members are not to use
the weapons to interfere with the innocent civilians.
As well as, discipline also promotes the integrity of the civilians, as ensure that
they provide the accurate information to the military officers in the process of any
nature of the investigation. Therefore, the integrity among the military members
and the civilians is enhanced through the sense of discipline.
In conclusion, the discipline among the military members and the civilians is
important in the following dimensions. The importance of the discipline among the
military members and the civilians include; improvement of the competency,
promotion of the integrity, improvement of protections of the civilians, promotion
of the national integration and improvement of recognition among the civilians and
military members. Therefore, the sense of discipline is of significant among the
civilians and the military members within the nation for efficiency of the security
and other operations.

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