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Origin Insertion Innervation Blood supply Main Actions

Gluteal Region Inferior gluteal nerve, Superior and inferior
Superior gluteal and gluteal aa & vv
various others (branches/tributaries
(L4, L5, S1 and S2) of internal iliac aa & vv)
Gluteus Maximus Dorsal surface of sacrum, Iliotibial tract and gluteal Inferior gluteal nerve  Superior and inferior  Lateral rotate thigh
sacrotuberous ligament tuberosity (L5, S1 and S2) gluteal arteries, first  Extends thigh at hip
and posterior ilium and perforating branch of
deep femoral artery
Gluteus Medius Posterior surface of body Greater trochanter – Superior gluteal nerve  Medial rotate thigh
of ilium lateral surface (L5, S1)  Superior gluteal –  Abducts thigh
Gluteus Minimus Posterior surface of body Greater trochanter – Superior gluteal nerve deep branch  Medial rotates thigh
of ilium anterior surface (L5, S1)  Abducts thigh at hip
Piriformis Anterior surface of Superior border of the Nerve to Piriformis  Superior and inferior
sacrum and greater trochanter (S1 and S2) gluteal arteries,
sacrotuberous ligament internal pudendal
Superior Gemellus Ischial spine Same nerve supply as
obturator internus:
Greater trochanter – Nerve to obturator  Inferior gluteal artery
 Laterally rotates
medial surface internus
extended thigh at hip
(trochanteric fossa) (L5, S1)
 Abduct flexed thigh at
Inferior Gemellus Ischial tuberosity Same nerve supply as
The gemelli muscles quadratus femorus:
blend with the tendon of nerve to quadratus  Inferior gluteal artery
the obturator internus as femoris
it attaches to the greater (L5, S1)
Obturator Internus Pelvic surface of trochanter Nerve to obturator  Internal pudendal
obturator membrane and internus and superior gluteal
surrounding bones (L5, S1) arteries
Quadratus femoris Lateral border of ischial Quadrate tubercle of the Nerve to quadratus  Medial circumflex  Laterally rotates
tuberosity greater trochanter and femoris femoral artery thigh at hip
area inferior to it (L5, S1)
Inferior gluteal nerve (L5, S1, S2) Gluteus maximus
Superior gluteus nerve (L5, S1) Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus
Nerve to Piriformis (S1, S2) Piriformis
Nerve to obturator internus (L5, S1) Superior gemellus, Obturator internus
Origin Insertion Innervation Blood supply Main Actions
Nerve to Quadratus femoris (L5, S1) Inferior gemmellus, Quadratus femoris

Anterior Compartment of the Thigh L2 & L3 (hip flex) Deep femoral a & v
L3 & L4 (knee ext) Femoral a & v
Tensor Fasciae Latae Anterior iliac crest Lateral condyle of tibia Superior gluteal  Superior gluteal  Flexes thigh at hip
Muscle via iliotibial tract (L4 and L5) arteries, lateral  Abducts thigh at hip
circumflex femoral  Helps keep knee
artery extended
Sartorius Anterior Superior Iliac Medial surface of body of Femoral nerve  Femoral artery  Flexes knee
Spine (ASIS) tibia (L2 and L3)  Flexes thigh at hip
 Abducts thigh at hip
 Laterally rotates hip
Quadriceps Femoris
Rectus Femoris Anterior Inferior Iliac  Lateral circumflex
spine (AIIS) and ilium femoral artery, deep
above acetabulum femoral artery
Vastus lateralis Greater trochanter and  Lateral circumflex
linea aspera of femur Quadriceps tendon to femoral artery, deep
 Extends the knee
base of patella and by Femoral nerve femoral artery
 Rectus femoris flexes
Vastus medialis Intertrochanteric line patellar ligament to tibial (L2, L3 and L4)  Femoral artery, deep
the thigh at the hip
and medial and linea tuberosity femoral artery
aspera of femur
Vastus intermedius Anterior and lateral  Lateral circumflex
surfaces of body of femur femoral artery, deep
femoral artery
Iliopsoas  Lumbar branches of
iliolumbar artery
Psoas major Sides of vertebrae T12- Lesser trochanter of Ventral rami of lumbar  Lumbar branches of
L5 femur nerves iliolumbar artery
(L1, L2 and L3)  Together flex thigh at
Iliacus Iliac crest Tendon of psoas major Femoral nerve  Iliac branches of hip
into lesser trochanter of (L2 and L3) iliolumbar artery
Pectineus Superior pubic ramus Pectineal line of femur Femoral nerve  Medial circumflex  Adduct and flex thigh
(L2 and L3) femoral artery, at hip
obturator artery
Ventral rami of lumbar nerves Major (L1, L2, L3) Psoas major
Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5) Tensor Fascia Latae
Origin Insertion Innervation Blood supply Main Actions
Femoral nerve (L2, L3, L4) Quadratus Femoris (rectus femoris, vastis lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis)
Femoral nerve (L2, L3) Iliacus, Sartorius, Pectineus

Medial Compartment of the Thigh Obturator nerve Femoral aa & vv

(L2, L3, L4) Deep femoral aa & vv
Adductor longus Body of pubis inferior to Middle third of linea Obturator nerve  Medial circumflex  Adducts thigh at hip
pubic crest aspera of femur (L2, L3 and L4) femoral artery,
obturator artery
Adductor brevis Body and inferior pubic Pectineal line and Obturator nerve  Medial circumflex  Adducts and flexes
ramus proximal part of linea (L2, L3 and L4) femoral artery, thigh at hip
aspera of femur obturator artery
Adductor magnus Adductor part: Inferior Adductor part: Gluteal Adductor part:  Deep femoral artery,  Adductor part:
pubic ramus, ramus of tuberosity, linea aspera, Obturator nerve popliteal artery, adducts and flexes
ischium medial supracondylar (L2, L3, L4) obturator thigh at hip
Hamstring part: ischial line Hamstring part:  Hamstring part:
tuberosity Hamstring part: Tibial part of sciatic extends thigh at hip
Adductor tubercle of nerve (L4)
Gracilis Body and inferior pubic Superior medial surface Obturator nerve  Deep femoral artery,  Adducts thigh at hip
ramus of tibia (L2 and L3) medial circumflex  Flexes and helps
femoral artery rotate knee medially

Obturator externus Margins of obturator Trochanteric fossa of Obturator nerve  Medial circumflex  Laterally rotates
foramen and obturator femur (L3 and L4) femoral artery, thigh
membrane obturator artery

Obturator nerve (L2, L3 L4) Adductor longus, Adductor, brevis, Adductor magnus
Sciatic nerve (L4) Adductor magnus (hamstring part)
Obturator nerve (L2, L3) Gracilis
Obturator nerve (L3, L4) Obturator externus
Origin Insertion Innervation Blood supply Main Actions
Posterior Compartment of the Thigh Sciatic nerve (mostly Penetrating branches
tibial portion) of deep femoral a & v
(L5, S1 and S2)
Semitendinosus Pes anserinus  Inferior gluteal –  Extends thigh at hip
Semimembranosus Posterior of the lateral Tibial nerve (division of superior parts of  Flex knee
Ischial tuberosity tibial condyle sciatic nerve) hamstrings  Medially rotates knee
Biceps Femoris (long (L5, S1 and S2)  Perforating branch of
head) deep femoral artery
Biceps Femoris (short Linea aspera and lateral Head of Fibula Common fibular nerve (supplies majority –
 Extends thigh at hip
head) supracondyle line of (division of sciatic nerve) central portions – of
hamstring muscles)  Flexes knee
femur Tendon is split by fibular (L5, S1 and S2)
 Superior muscular  Laterally rotates knee
collateral ligament
branches of popliteal

Tibial division of the sciatic nerve (L5, S1, S2) Semimembranosis, Semitendinosis, Biceps femoris (long head)
Common fibular nerve – division of sciatic nerve (L5, S1, S2) Biceps femoris (short head)
Origin Insertion Innervation Blood supply Main Actions

Anterior Compartment of the Leg Deep fibular nerve Anterior tibial artery
(L4, L5 and S1)
Tibialis Anterior Lateral condyle and Medial and inferior Deep fibular (peroneal)  Inverts foot
superior ½ of lateral surface of medial nerve  Dorsiflexes ankle
surface of tibia cuneiform and base of 1st (L4 and L5)
Extensor Hallucis Middle part of the medial Dorsal aspect of the base  Extend hallux
Longus surface of the fibula and of the distal phylanx of  Dorsiflex ankle
interosseous membrane hallux (great toe)
 Anterior tibial artery
Extensor Digitorum Lateral condyle of tibia, Dorsum of the distal and  Extends 4 lateral
Deep fibular (peroneal)
Longus superior ¾ of anterior medial phalynx of the 4 digits
surface of interosseous digits  Doriflexes ankle
(L5 and S1)
membrane and tibia
Fibularis (peroneus) Inferior 1/3 of anterior Dorsum of base of 5th  Dorsiflexes ankle
Tertius surface of fibula metatarsal  Aids in eversion of

Deep fibular nerve (L4, L5) Tibialis anterior

Deep fibular nerve (L5, S1) Extensor hallucis longus, Extensor digitorum longus, Fibularis tertius

Lateral Compartment of the Leg Superficial fibular Branches from fibula 

(L5, S1 and S2) and anterior tibia aa
Fibularis (peroneus) Head and superior 2/3 of Base of 1st metatarsal and  Anterior tibial artery,
Longus lateral surface of fibula medial cuneiform Superficial fibular fibular artery  Everts foot
Fibularis (peroneus) Inferior 2/3 of lateral Dorsal surface of (peroneal) nerve  Fibular artery  Weak plantarflex of
brevis surface of fibula tuberosity on lateral side (L5, S1 and S2) ankle
of base of 5th metatarsal

Superficial fibular nerve (L5, S1, S2) Fibularis long, Fibularis brevis
Origin Insertion Innervation Blood supply Main Actions
Posterior (Superficial) Compartment of the Leg Tibial Nerve Posterior tibial vessels
(S1, S2)
Gastrocnemius Medial head: popliteal Popliteal artery  Plantarflexes ankle
surface above medial  Flexes leg at knee
condyle of the femur joint
Lateral head: lateral  Raises heel during
condyle of the femur walking
Soleus Posterior aspect of Posterior surface of
Tibial nerve
Posterior tibial artery,  Plantarflexes ankle
proximal 1/4 of fibular, calcaneous via calcaneal
(S1 and S2)
common fibular artery,  Steadies leg on foot
soleal line and medial (archilles) tendon popliteal artery
border of tibia
Plantaris Lateral aspect of the Popliteal artery  Weakly assists
supracondylar line of gastrocnemius in
femur and oblique plantarflexing ankle
popliteal ligament and flexing knee
Posterior (Deep) compartment of Leg Tibial Nerve Posterior tibial vessels
(L4, L5, S1, S2, S3)
Popliteus Lateral epicondyle femur Posterior surface of tibia, Tibial Nerve Popliteal artery  Weakly flexes knee
and lateral meniscus superior to soleal line (L4, L5 and S1) and unlocks it
Flexor hallucis longus Inferior 2/3 posterior Base of distal phalynx of Fibular artery  Flexes great toe
surface of fibular and hallux  Plantarflexes ankle
inferior part of  Supports medial
interosseus membrane longitudinal arch of
Tibial Nerve foot
Flexor digitorum Medial part of posterior Bases of distal phylanges (S2 and S3) Posterior tibial artery  Flexes lateral 4 digits
Longus surface of tibia inferior to of lateral 4 digits  Plantarflexes ankle
soleal line, and fascia  Support longitudinal
covering tibialis arches of foot
Tibial posterior Interosseus membrane, Various bones of the foot Tibial Nerve Fibular artery  Plantarflexes ankle
posterior surface of the – metatarsals and tarsals (L4 and L5)  Inverts foot
tibia inferior to soleal
line, and posterior
surface of fibula
Tibial Nerve (S1, S2) Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris
Tibial Nerve (S2, S3) Flexor hallucis longus, Flexor digitorum longus
Tibial Nerve (L4, L5) Tibial posterior
Origin Insertion Innervation Blood supply Main Actions
Muscles of Sole of Foot Medial and lateral  st nd
B/n 1 & 2 layers: 
plantar nerves Medial and lateral
Motor (S2 and S3) plantar aa (from
Cutaneous (L5, S1) posterior tibial a)
 B/n 3rd & 4th layers:
Deep plantar arch
 Plantar metatarsal aa,
common & proper
plantar digital aa
First Layer 
Abductor hallucis Medial tubercle of Medial side of proximal  Abducts hallucis
tuberosity of calcaneous, phalanx of hallux with  Flexes hallucis
flexor retinaculum and the tendon of the flexor
plantar aponeurosis hallucis brevis tendon Medial plantar nerve
Flexor digitorum brevis Medial tubercle of Both sides of middle (S2 and S3)  Flexes lateral four
tuberosity of calcaneous, phalanges of four lateral digits
plantar aponeurosis and digits
intermuscular septus
Abductor digiti minimi Medial and lateral Lateral side of base of Lateral plantar nerve  Abducts fifth digit
tubercles of tuberosity of proximal phalanx (S2 and S3)  Flex fifth digit
calcaneous, plantar
aponeurosis and
intermuscular septa.
Second Layer 
Quadratus plantae Medial surface and Posterolateral margin of Lateral plantar nerve  Assisting flexor
lateral margin of plantar tendon of flexor (S2 and S3) digitorum brevis in
surface of calcaneous digitorum longus flexing lateral four
Lumbricals Tendons of flexor Medial aspect of Medial one: medial  Flex proximal
digitorum longus expansion of proximal plantar nerve phalanges
phalanges of digits 2-5. Lateral three: lateral  Extend middle and
plantar nerve distal phalanges of
(S2 and S3) lateral four digits

Third Layer 
Flexor hallucis brevis Plantar surfaces of Both sides of base of the Medial plantar nerve  Flexes proximal
cuboid and lateral proximal phalanx of first (S2 and S3) phalanx of hallux
cuneiforms digit
Adductor hallucis Oblique head: bases of Tendons of both heads Deep branch of lateral  Adducts first digit
Origin Insertion Innervation Blood supply Main Actions
metatarsals 2-4 attach to lateral side of plantar nerve  Assists in
Transverse head: plantar base of proximal phalanx (S2 and S3) maintaining
ligaments of of hallux transverse arch of
metatarsophalangeal foot
Flexor digiti minimi Base of 5th metatarsal Base of proximal phalanx Superficial branch of  Flexes proximal
brevis of 5th digit lateral plantar nerve phalanx of 5th digit
(S2 and S3) (therefore assisting
in flexion of 5th digit)
Fourth Layer 
Plantar interosseous Base and medial sides of Medial sides of bases of  Adducts digits 2-4
(interossei) (three metatarsals 3-5 proximal phalanges of  Flexes
muscles) digits 3-5 metatarsophalangeal
Lateral plantar neve
Dorsal interosseous Adjacent sides of 1st : medial side of (S2 and S3)  Abducts digits 2-4
(interossei) (four metatarsals 1-5 proximal phalanx of 2nd  Flex
muscles) digit metatarsophylangeal
2nd to 4th: lateral sides of joints
2nd to 4th digits
Dorsal Layer 
Extensor hallucis brevis Calcaneous proximal phalanx of the  Helps extend hallucis
digit 1 (the big toe)
Extensor digitorum Superior surface of Four tendons into prox Deep fibular (peroneal)  Extends toes when
brevis anterior calcaneus phalanx of big toe and nerve (L5, S1) foot fully dorsiflexed
long extensor tendons to
toes 2, 3 and 4
Medial plantar nerve (S2, S3)
Layer one: Adductor hallucis, Flexor digitorum brevis
Layer two: Lumbrical (medial one)
Layer three: Flexor hallucis brevis
Lateral plantar nerve (S2, S3)
Layer one: Abductor digiti minimi
Layer two: Quadratus plantae, Lumbricals (lateral three)
Layer three: Adductor hallucis (Deep branch of nerve), Flexor digiti minimi (Superficial branch of nerve)

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